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Messages - Menion

Declined / Re: Time to arrival
March 01, 2012, 06:19:49
I was already thinking about it but this will end with state "hey this is not advanced settings, put it to basic" and opposite :). So I was more think about some lite version of Locus ... anyway, I'll later do something with this ...
So seems, no more serious issues. Perfect ...

Now I have another question and wish on you. Posting testing version here on forum is nice, anyway I usually see after few days around 100 downloads but only few of you (and always same people) react and communicate with me about problems of testing version etc. I also sometimes do not want to post new version for testing because I'm not sure if version is ready and perfectly working etc ... so: my idea is, that I'll create and share one folder on dropbox, that will server as testing directory for communication. People that will be invited will have access for testing versions (if they'll want to test), also ability to simply post some logs or wrongly handled files directly to me etc ... what you think? If you agree (and you're at least little bit known here on forum :) ), send me you name for invitation by PM ... or any better idea?

PS: I have rewrote today (damn whole day work) completely system for KML handling. Nothing changed in usability but helped me and opened space for future improvements, so I'll be glad to test some more KML files then few I have home. Yes and also I have done one nice surprise that you'll for sure like ...

PS2: if you don't have dropbox account, create one here ;) (this gives me also 250MB, just for your info)
there is also question if Locus remember your previous routings you created by "Navigate to" feature. If so, and you don't want to, then just on screen of "Navigate to" feature, uncheck "Store permanently" button on bottom of this dialog. This will prevent Locus from storing all tracks in database and also new one overwrites old one ...
perfect, good to hear. In case of troubles, you already know what to do :) ... log from CatLog (or similar program) is my best friend :)
Declined / Re: Time to arrival
February 29, 2012, 21:10:36
hmm, seems you really want this feature. Such feature need to have new settings in locus settings screens. I'm little worried about number of settings that locus offer and that basic users "need" to read , so please post this on GetSatisfaction. If there will be interest, I'll do it ...
Troubles & Questions / Re: Changing map still slow
February 29, 2012, 21:07:22
I'm pretty sure, I didn't change system in this case. Speed of change depend on speed of memory where are maps stored. So on some slow SD card, it will take some time. On my Nexus on internal memory, it's almost immediately.

And why it takes some time? It's because Locus is storing downloaded data to database and then closing this SQLite database. There is no space to speed up this process ... tiles have to be stored and database closed. On second side, I don't this it's a huge problem (if this is within let's say 5 secs, which I hope it is ...)
Troubles & Questions / Re: Alert does not work
February 29, 2012, 21:05:01
yes, I hope this is solved now. During weekend will be probably next release so tell me in case of troubles ...
1. do you mean there is enough space also for coordinates? I don't think so ...

3. understand. This is not possible now. You may create new waypoint and set coordinates by "pick from map" and select geocache waypoint as source (or opposite). This will create point with same location. At least something

5. added

6. I think that just for (usually) 1 - 5 waypoints, it's not much useful

Anyway, I personally gladly do ideas that are interesting by me. If I deny something, feel free to post ideas to GetSatisfaction. When there will be enough stars for you idea, I'll for sure do something with it
Various & Bin / Re: mass inport of tracks
February 29, 2012, 19:12:55
possible .. compress all into one zip file and import this file
may you provide me some sample files? Without it, it's hard to improve current system, thanks ...
Druki, excellent report, thank you!!

1. improvements on screenshot, possible? ;)

2. thanks. It's new issue, fixed

3. I'll think about it and mainly read it once more to fully understand :)

4. fixed, thanks

dibrial: thanks, wrong name of new point. because source can be coordinates and not just specific waypoins, I just fixed result name to be created from correct coordinates
joe, both forum will be working. Anyway you "have to" understand that for most users (and most of them are just basic users) is this forum confusing and too full of informations. I needed something clean and simple for all people. Anyway I'll still be communicating on both places in same enthusiasm, don't worry ;)
Other features / Re: Locus Shop
February 26, 2012, 16:30:20
Hello Hans,
  I'm very glad you contacted me with this.

  I was looking on "how things go" on server and in database (few hours ago) and I saw that you (in time I was looking on it, I had no idea that it's you) on checkout have already paid for this and I have no information on server. This is weird and should not happen.

  Anyway may you describe me a little how this happen? You paid yesterday for 30GB pack and ... nothing happen after that? Some problems with internet connection meanwhile? This system is quite new so I want to have all working perfectly

  And finally. I have no problem to refund you one order. I don't have system for this yet, but I'll soon do it :). That's first point. Second is that your orders are stored on my server in database under your email address. So on every devices, where you'll have (and select if you'll have there more accounts and will be asked for default) this email account, will be accessible bought items.

  And also, do you now see all 60GB in Locus Shop?
díky za report, opraveno
and why this? New version 2.0.1 is fully working now ...