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Messages - Menion

Troubles & Questions / Re: No NMEA data
March 11, 2012, 11:21:25
Druki, I was investigating this also when i was testing "altitude correction" feature and result is same as yours. Some devices do not have possiblity to show NMEA messages. Don't know why is this disabled, but it is ... anyway with external BT it have to work because there are GPS data extracted from these messages directly (compare to internal GPS where NMEA messages aren't needed)
[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Re: Nakreslit caru
March 11, 2012, 11:18:12
  no zkouším to a žádný problém. To že to nelze zanmená co? Že vše zadáš (dva rozdílné body!) klikneš na OK a?
no modify is not possible. Anyway as I wrote in "EDIT" ... wait till next release and then we'll continue with improving if there still be a problem
hmm and what is "/sdcard/external_sd" directory? It's just path to current internal memory?

EDIT: never mind, I changed a little bit current system so Locus will firstly search for some existing directories and even then, create some new. So if you delete all Locus dirs except one on sd card, it should work. Check next version
Implemented / Re: Send track as email
March 11, 2012, 09:26:06
Tommy, in Locus is (I hope it is already in market version) ability to export tracks to "Ride with GPS". Check it. It's probably same system you want right? Anyway whole site is in german and I'm not able to find some more info ... ah I've got it

fine, so I'll add this site to list of export options. I don't see big benefit to do some direct integration through their API when this simple possibility exist. Test please next market release and let me know

and to others, sorry for mistake in "share" option. Fixed now
it's little bit problematic with SD card location in android because it's unknown information :). Anyway when you take whole locus folder and place it on your REAL external card, it should work without problems, so try it
Troubles & Questions / Re: Wrong-named NMEA logs
March 10, 2012, 19:40:32
perfect, you're welcome
thanks Druki,
 it's similar how I see this. My comment mainly to first point. You can now see on many windows, like map manager or info screen, where are tabs but you can also change view by swiping fingers to right/left. Same was in "track info" screen but after first try, I had to disable it because of disturbing charts tab as Druki mentioned. Similar issue was in geocaching screen where swiping disturbed "listing" tab.

2. it's probably some issue. On track info screen on first tab is already included html browser for display of description. I'll look at it

3. not agree. Why make it editable? Did you saw somewhere in system that first view is also editable? Try contacts for example. And mainly also as Druki said, "Edit track window" is more for editing style of track then for some other fields (I know, name and description but that's all for now)

4. because all informations aren't web page but normal android components (which is because during track record, they all are updated on the fly!!!), so copy/paste mechanism isn't simple to do

and finally, there is no problem in our English joeloc, it's just I cannot simply display big window when you tap on track!! There is need to be able to work with one single point
by downloading you mean just viewing on map, right? not direct bulk downloading.

so when you lost data signal, you'll not be able to load more maps? Try to zoom in/out, this should for sure solve this problem. Anyway it's a problem of locus of course. Zoom in/out is just workaround. I'll try to look at it ...
Zdravím Martine,

  problém s AR se řeší už tady viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1219. Vypadá to na nějaký problém jen pro SE telefony. Chystám se si v nejbližší době zakoupit nějaký malý na testování takže to pak snad už konečně odladím

  ohledně tras, tak Locus prozatím nemá žádné kategorizování jako u bodů. Můžeš si je označit typem (ikonkou) a pak přes spodní menu filtrovat

díky za palce, komerce snad nehrozí :)
Tools / Re: SRTM files
March 10, 2012, 08:27:05
thanks tommi. If you'll want to download and use SRTM files manually, just put them into Locus/data/srtm directory
Troubles & Questions / Re: Samsung Tab 7.7
March 09, 2012, 11:23:04
I have 10.1 tablet and no problem with using. Don't know how is defined resolution and DPI on Samsung Tab but I think there should not be any problem. Anyway :) ... I wanted once test locus on specific phone so I went into O2 shop and played there with phone connected to wi-fi. Eh, I played with Locus Free on this phone, so maybe you should try it also ;)
hmm weird, you did all correct. May you check extension of map if really ends with ".map"?
I spend fourteen hours per day with Locus, every single day of my life and I have to say, that this is not so simple :). Main thing why track do not directly display same window as points is possibility to manipulate with one single point of track. How to achieve this on small phone screen with your email system? It's not simple possible ... at least I still not yet figure out it
I was thinking about it immediately after you wrote it. Anyway I waited for some feedback from users ... nevermind

so, I understand you point of view, but

  • cannot agree with list of places where you handle tracks
    • popup menu on map - simple menu. Allow to see on which point!! you tap and work exactly with this point!!
    • popup menu in track list - very similar to map. Advantage of this is that I do not need to load whole track from database. So if you want just rename or delete, you can do it immediately without wait till track is loaded. On slow phones with huge tracks - big advantage!
    • bottom menu in track list - allow to work with ALL maps, not with single one
    • track information window - contain only buttons in chart window, and these are only for work with charts!
  • locus do not use system like android email at any places. Main usage of this app is in field, not in bed. So main device will be phone, not tablet. On market are stats around 3% for Android 3.x so for me, it still not worth for this work
  • and finally, I'm planning to add this firstly to points manager screen, then will come probably adding possibility for categories also for tracks and then finally same system for tracks. Anyway I still think that here's enough time for this. Android tablet expansion seems to be very low compare to iOS, so for me, this have very little priority.