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Messages - Menion

should be fixed now and working (import from tested). Check next version
yes I also think it have to be such issue. If in settings exist any option (don't know personally about it :) ), try it. Or try to calibrate it by flying with tablet in a room and rotating it etc :) - like here ... roid-phone you just don't need this compass app, just do some movement with your device
  good ideas, I'll look at it tomorrow

about cmt tag. It's already parsed but it's not visible. I had no idea where to display this information so I don't included it. What text it usually contain? Should I merge desc and cmt tags? Have no experience with it so suggestions are welcome
hmm interesting. Even if this will be issue in Locus, I have really no idea what to do with this. System itself take care of communication over internet, and it's not even a little bit, in my hands. Because I also don't have such problems and I don't heard about it from someone else, I think it should be some temporary problem in network around you
hmm tak bohužel tohle je chyba OutOfMemory, tzn. moc aktivních věcí najednou. To ladím průběžně jak se dá, tak ještěže jen jednou ... díky za report
Wishlist / Re: Closing Wishlist in Forum
May 22, 2012, 17:38:56
I'm sure you don't wanna know this ;) (rather)
Wishlist / Re: Closing Wishlist in Forum
May 22, 2012, 16:47:20
that's what I expect :). Because many people prefer tapatalk or just browser, I think it's not best idea to completely close it. I'm just trying to forward as much as possible ideas on GetSatisfaction.

Hmm to be true, there is so much interesting ideas, terrible. Fortunately voting give me nice idea what is most wanted and that's purpose ...
  if they have existing API, then it's of course possible, but I'll please you to post this as two separate ideas on this site , where I can see interest in every idea by stars and decide what to do and what isn't "most wanted"
  jsem rád že se zamlouvá. Ohledně navigace: zkus kliknout na bod (na mapě nebo v seznamu), ikonka dvou šipek a terčíku a tam je též tlačítko "navigovat" což bude to co hledáš
hmm this is weird. I'm sure here on forum is many people with Transformer tablet and I'm also sure they have this working. So, someone with working settings?
bongo, problem with RMAP is simple. There is no official documentation and seems that RMap format have really a lot versions. So I'm adding new maps only when I receive some sample and test it. This is your case. Calibration you use wasn't directly in Locus, so now fixed and should work in next release!

edit: you're Martin who wrote me email right? Just for sure :)
Other features / Re: forum quota exceeded ?
May 21, 2012, 18:25:38
sorry, forum was limited to 150MB size. Don't know where all space is, anyway size increased to double, so attachments should work now again
  for this you have to use "Backup manager" feature (in list of functions). Here is description . Suggest to firstly backup current track database because restoring backup will overwrite it
Hello Peter,
  please try "menu > functions > Share > Share map center" and in first part "Plain text" is probably what you want. Just include by "+" button for example Google maps URL and send it by "Share button". Not so simply as in Google maps by your description, but when you add "Share button" on right panel, it should be also quite quick
  unfortunately not. Really weird, but when importing PQ file, seems that android XML parser (used for this task) take really a lot of memory. On non of my testing device, this is not a problem, but seems your device crash on OutOfMemory error (and also no one reported problems with PQ import). I'll try to improve it in some way but cannot promise. Just suggest to reduce required memory in Locus before import (hide point, tracks, overlay maps, wms maps or something like this if you have it enabled ...)