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Messages - Henk van der Spek

@balloni55, @pix
Danke für die Rückmeldungen, dann brauche ich keine Fehler suchen  :)
The following users thanked this post: Henk van der Spek
Thanks for the detailed report. I'm afraid late night fat fingers struck. Bugfix version in the first post now.
The following users thanked this post: Henk van der Spek
Danke dir,
getestet und scheint wie gewünscht zu funktionieren
The following users thanked this post: Henk van der Spek
An idea: currently there are 2 types of buttons that can be added to function panels:

  • Add function button
  • Add link to app
How about 3rd type: Add link to  file? This could for this discussion be a PDF map legend file, but could be any useful file in practice.
The following users thanked this post: Henk van der Spek
@Henk van der Spek
weird problem with the closing of the app. Unfortunately, I have the only device with Android 10+ (Pixel 2) and there is no such problem > so little unsolvable for me for now.

I'm not 100% sure what changes I made in the recent version but I hope that issue with guidance beeping is really solved. Fact, that app is not perfectly closed is not a real problem, to be true, full-close of the app is weird (and generally not recommended) on Android. The problem should be in the case, such minimized app will still suck your battery (which I believe/hope does not happen).

Anyway, in the moment I notice same issue on my device (or I'll receive more similar bug-reports), I'll, of course, solve it somehow.

you wrote "there was accidental pressure on the phones volume knobs" > app set one channel as active and when this app is active, volume controls control this channel! So in case, you choose "Alarm" channel, then volume up/down will control this channel so the problem will be the same.

I also did not have any crash when changing volume when "Notification" channel is active. The log will be needed here if you want to fix it.

distance text has a white border and arrows has a light white background. So on some dark maps, both should be better visible. Fact that value is hidden behind magnifier is another story. Value is simply put into center of the line and here is a result ...
The following users thanked this post: Henk van der Spek
Quote from: Henk van der Spek on April 19, 2020, 19:33:29
For me I am also missing the names of the hiking trails like E3 and GR5.
And also please put a .nomedia  file in your directories :) otherwise my Gallery App is flooded.  :)

I've replaced the theme with an updated version that now contains .nomedia files. I had them in there originally, but got over zealous deleting unused files before posting.

The hiking trails by default do not display their name labels (CW) but rather their full textual names (Cotswold Way). This is to be as compliant with Ordnance Survey's own maps. I have noticed that most non-LoMaps do not support this full name text of hiking trails, so I have included support for displaying the hiking trail labels, these are enabled by selecting the overlay "non-OS symbols" - you'll see in the Legends that all the non-OS symbols have a little 'cross' symbol next to them and a foot-note that tells you which overlay option selects them.

Hope that helps, Karl.
The following users thanked this post: Henk van der Spek
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] OS Map
April 19, 2020, 12:56:56
Hmm... I'm now wondering if I am actually using v3 maps after all... You are correct, all the v4 maps I tried do not work with OS Map theme.... I've started to look into it, seems v4 maps are handled differently in Locus Map from v3. I looked at how Velocity works for v3 and v4 and I got OS Map to be selectable for v4 maps but it displays nothing so far, seems I need would need create a new theme for v4 maps using different scalings/sizes etc... quite a bit of work.  Note Velocity is supporting v4 with a completely different theme with the same name...

For now I would suggest that this theme is for v3 maps only (I changed the post's title to reflect this too). I will look to see if I can get a v4 version working, but I suspect this may take some time. If anyone has any tips of converting v3 theme to v4 theme I would be glad to hear. Seems the zoom levels are reduced by 2 and line thicknesses are narrower and not using "dp" values...

Update: Found this might be useful:
Update: Also found:

The following users thanked this post: Henk van der Spek
Having used UK Ordnance Survey (OS) maps all my life, when I started using Locus Map I was desperate for a map theme that looked similar. After using both Voluntary UK and OS Style themes for a while, I still hankered after something closer to the style of the original UK OS maps. So I decided to create my own theme that tries to emulate the Ordnance Survey 1:25k and 1:50k map styles as closely as is possible within the constraints of Locus Map and data provided by the vector maps. It should work with both LoMap and OAM maps. I must give credit to John Campbell for his Voluntary UK theme that I used as a starting point (v. 190101).

There are 6 maps styles provided in the theme:

  • Explorer 1:25k
  • Landranger 1:50k
  • Dynamic Scale
  • Night Mode 1:25k
  • Night Mode 1:50k
  • Night Mode Dynamic
Dynamic Scale automatically switches from 50k to 25k at zoom level 16.
Night Modes provide a darker colour scheme for night usage that preserve the OS colour, but muted a bit. I don't like the built in night mode as it inverts all the colours.

There are also several overlay options:

  • non-OS  symbols
  • non-OS road furniture
  • demanding paths
  • hiking routes, national
  • hiking routes, local
  • emphasise hiking routes
  • cycling routes, national
  • cycling routes, local
  • emphasise cycle routes
  • fill in residential areas
  • grow 50k buildings into town masses
  • emphasise land access
  • OS style road labels
  • level road labels
  • boxed road labels
I used google translate to define the translations, so let me know if there are more appropriate translations.

I also created PDF legends for the 25k and 50k themes to show what is supported/different using a similar style to the original OS legends with screenshots from Locus Map and the theme's own symbols etc.

Last attachment is a ZIP of the theme. (now with .nomedia files, thanks Henk van der Spek for pointing that out).

Install in the usual way of unzipping in Locus Map's _theme folder, e.g.:


I've only tried this on my phone (Samsung Galaxy A3) and tablet (Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014). It is quite a big theme file now (~10,000 lines)  because it contains so many different categories and overlay options. I am interested to know if it works OK for everyone. I have considered creating a "lite" 25k only option to see it is works faster or not...

I am putting this theme out there as I feel it might be of interest to others. It is provided as is.
I am not inclined to spend a lot of time working on it, but you are welcome to modify it for your own purposes.

Let me know if there some major problems with the theme.

Here is a comparison of the same map rendered with: Internal Theme, Voluntary UK, OS Style and my new 4 OS map styles (also attached as ThemePreviews_LORES.jpg but lower resolution):


UPDATE 2020.04.27
I have fixed:
   - couple of  mistakes in the legends
   - added to the legends some additional overlay footer notes.
   - country borders to include admin_levels 2, 3 and 4 now.
   - rounded locks in rivers now square
   - some syntax errors I found during porting to v4 (which is now about 50% completed).

I've updated the attachments with new versions, hence their counters are reset.
The following users thanked this post: Henk van der Spek
Ahhhh grrrr ... damn  >:(

EDIT: 1.4.? :)
The following users thanked this post: Henk van der Spek
Still in beta, but from my playing around seems to work OK:
The following users thanked this post: Henk van der Spek
Zusätzlich zu dem was balloni und Henk geschrieben haben sei noch gssagt: Die "Dreiecke" stammen ja aus der OpenStreetMap und bezeichnen einen Gipfel. Dort kann man Gipfelpunkt auch ohne einen Höhenwert und auch ohne Namen eintragen. In diesem Fall würdest du nur ein Dreieck sehen. Höhenwerte und Gipfelnamen zu einem Gipfelpunkt sind in den Kartendaten zwar meistens vorhanden - aber nicht immer.

Die von Henk gezeigte "dynamische Höhe" in roter Schrift basiert dagegen nicht auf OpenStreetMap, sondern auf externen Höhendateien. Diese zeigen für alle Positionen eine Höhe an, also auch für jene Gipfel ohne Höhenwert in OpenStreetMap.
The following users thanked this post: Henk van der Spek
Quotekann ich alle Tracks in einem Ordner auf einmal einblenden. Bzw. noch besser alle in einer Gruppe.
mit klick auf das Icon des Ordners kannst du alle ein bzw ausblenden, für die Gruppe kenn ich keine Möglichkeit
The following users thanked this post: Henk van der Spek
The most difficult thing for Menion will be to find the simplest insight, while preserving the possibilities typical of Locus. If Locus simplifies a lot, it gets into direct competition with Google Maps, and other applications. The development of these applications is based on large teams of people and applications are provided free of charge. If Locus is to be a paid application, it must not lose existing users and these are mostly technically-based users. Therefore, you will need to keep as much user-friendly settings as possible. Also, control logic should not change. The new look is nice, but perhaps irrelevant to me, I appreciate the application because of other things. But I understand that it is time to modernize the interface.
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Many users, - relatives - including my wife, only use what they see directly.
E. g. if there is a core functionality inside a menu, submenu or wherever, they never use it or know about the existence of it.
Have already experienced it. In an ebook reader, they may never change font. Never change a wordwrap setting. My wife even never changed the ipads brightness.
If they turn wifi off, "internet is broken since a couple of days". Quote of my father-in-law.

I'm usually rather speechless. I think it is quite common that nobody looks what an app/the os is capable of.

imo the worst case user == average case user.
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QuoteAnd about new users: get 10 (outdoor interested) of them of different ages in a room, give them Locus on a phone and watch while asking questions and giving tasks. Should be interesting.

Yes, interesting indeed, and, far from being ironic, get 100 men and 100 women, you'll get a total differnt view on this discussion too. As I see, while reading the posts in this thread, I only listen to men :-) It typical, but bad too.

I'm using LM since 2 years, and all this time, I'd tried to interest my wife into using the app while cycling and hiking together. Nowadays she's using, but in a very reduced kind of. The main argument against using it, was, it's to complecated, it's not intuitiv.

So, menion's intention, to use some ideas of googlemaps, in my opinion, is a good strategy, to reach a further giant group of potential user, which like a clean and simple to use app at start. I believe, this would be good, to reach a big couple of people, which aren't digital natives. Simple and clear.

I like the possibility, un/hiding features by doubleclick,  but looking on a clean map with two buttons at startup, one like the main round button in V4, one for start/stop/beak-rec, is my main goal.
This, for me, rules for the main tasks using locusmap and solves 90% of it. May featuring a submenu by long-click.

Hope, nobody feels offended of this thoughts / ideas. And for now, good luck to the programmers and the users of locusmap4 in 2020, I'll stay curious.


P.S. because of poor english knowledge, I'd used deepl ;-) Please be patient.
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