Locus Map - forum

Content & Tools => Maps => Topic started by: thilorek on September 17, 2021, 12:42:04

Title: swiss topo, slope gradient
Post by: thilorek on September 17, 2021, 12:42:04
Hi there,
I am super happy with finally being able to use the swiss topo maps within Locus!
However, in the swiss topo map as well as on the swiss top website, I get nice and detailed slope gradient coulours (see screeshot). When I download swiss topo winter maps in the Locus store, I don't get these and do not manage to enable them. Is this possible?
Title: Re: swiss topo, slope gradient
Post by: voldapet on September 20, 2021, 15:23:14
you're right this layer isn't available in the swisstopo map (to speed up downloading and decrease the map size). Anyway have you tried the default Locus slope "hill shading" - please see
Thanks, Petr
Title: Re: swiss topo, slope gradient
Post by: JocelynMilcah on June 14, 2022, 04:31:33
Every time I want to search for a location in Switzerland, I usually have to use a UFO VPN Mod Apk ( tool to change to another ip to search.
Title: Re: swiss topo, slope gradient
Post by: voldapet on June 14, 2022, 09:56:08
I'm sorry but this problem isn't very likely related to swisstopo or Locus Map. What search do you use, please?
Title: Re: swiss topo, slope gradient
Post by: KehlaniAbbey on February 12, 2025, 19:49:29
Vonzó lehetőségek várják a szerencsejáték iránt érdeklődőket. A sportfogadás, a lottó és a póker mellett egyre népszerűbbek az Online kaszinók azonnali kifizetésekkel, amelyek gyors és kényelmes megoldást nyújtanak Hivatalos weboldal: ( A nyerőgépek és egyéb kaszinójátékok is remek szórakozást kínálnak a játékosok számára.