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Development => Other features => Navigation & Guidance => Topic started by: fingret on May 24, 2015, 01:06:43

Title: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: fingret on May 24, 2015, 01:06:43

Can someone tell me how to use nogo areas when using Locus together with brouter?

I have added a new point on the map, where I don't want to go. I named this point "nogo50 test". Then I start navigation, but brouter routes me straight through this nogo point anyway. Why?

Thank you
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: gynta on May 24, 2015, 01:28:36


setup (not so helpful because old and in german):
but maybe you can post a better description of your problem after viewing.
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: Christian on May 24, 2015, 19:50:20
valid syntax of nogo area is
nogo[km] i.e. nogo100

See (
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: Andrew Heard on May 25, 2015, 01:37:37
Quote from: gynta on May 24, 2015, 01:28:36
@gynta - excellent setup video - I didn't know that method of export to BRouter was possible (not in Locus manual?). Does Locus "export" all visible named points to BRouter using workflow you show in video? Where have the Locus Direction icons gone for quick points? All I have is Locus & Garmin icons.
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: gynta on May 25, 2015, 18:54:17
Quote from: Andrew Heard on May 25, 2015, 01:37:37
@gynta - excellent setup video

QuoteI didn't know that method of export to BRouter was possible (not in Locus manual?).
nope - because that's a part of -> BRouter doc ( and it's not really a essential part for manual - maybe a goodie for "customize section". Be sure, Michal doing a hard job to finishing the manual and we will see - maybe there is more time to add some goodies again into knowledge base.

QuoteDoes Locus "export" all visible named points to BRouter using workflow you show in video? Where have the Locus Direction icons gone for quick points? All I have is Locus & Garmin icons.
Belive me. I didn't make a secret about BRouter but my english skills are not good enough to create a similar help page as i made it already in german forum. -> link (

icons ->
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: Andrew Heard on May 26, 2015, 00:39:33
Quote from: gynta on May 25, 2015, 18:54:17
nope - because that's a part of -> BRouter doc ( and it's not really a essential part for manual - maybe a goodie for "customize section".

btw icons ->
But if Locus sends to/from/poi/nogo POI's to BRouter, then that "part" is code/ feature inside Locus, and could be in the manual (customize section).

icons - ah ha - so many hidden features - thank you again.
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: gynta on May 26, 2015, 00:57:04
Quote from: Andrew Heard on May 26, 2015, 00:39:33
But if Locus sends to/from/poi/nogo POI's to BRouter, then that "part" is code/ feature inside Locus.
It's more like this:
On BRouter start, the app is looking in the locus database for his keywords and if brouter found a "from" and a "to" point* there is a action and a item will be created. So Locus makes no action.

*optional viax and nogox
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: Michal on May 26, 2015, 06:38:26
Gentlemen, I wrote the needed article yesterday, please feel free to comment on it: Links to it are in Route planning, Navigation settings and of course Customization sections.
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: Andrew Heard on May 26, 2015, 09:40:10
Quote from: gynta on May 26, 2015, 00:57:04
On BRouter start, the app is looking in the locus database for his keywords and if brouter found a "from" and a "to" point* there is a action and a item will be created. So Locus makes no action.
Wow, very intimate knowledge required by BRouter. Thanks for the description. What would be nice is Locus automatically detect the new mapItems/*.gpx & automatically load & display on the map. Then it is just one tap to calculate & display the track.
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: john_percy on July 29, 2015, 11:20:59
I've got BRouter working within Locus fine using the "standard" method but I'm struggling with this via points method.
I have previously set custom folders for Locus on my external SD, including for mapitems.
I think I have correctly set "from" and "to" Quickpoints, stored in a BRouter folder.
When I run the BRouter app, it cannot find the points in what it tells me is the default folder, /storage/emulated/0/Locus.
I can neither work out where they actually are, nor how to tell BRouter where to look.
Can anyone please help?
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: gynta on July 29, 2015, 11:28:49
[OT] (because topic was nogo area)

Do you know new via function inside Locus (without quickpoints)?

means the "navigate to" function
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: john_percy on July 29, 2015, 12:14:26
Quote from: john_percy on July 29, 2015, 11:20:59
I've got BRouter working within Locus fine using the "standard" method but I'm struggling with this via points method.
I have previously set custom folders for Locus on my external SD, including for mapitems.
I think I have correctly set "from" and "to" Quickpoints, stored in a BRouter folder.
When I run the BRouter app, it cannot find the points in what it tells me is the default folder, /storage/emulated/0/Locus.
I can neither work out where they actually are, nor how to tell BRouter where to look.
Can anyone please help?
This wasn't intended to be off topic, so I'd better be clearer.
I can do the normal Locus routing with BRouter, including using via points. I now am trying the alternative method, including no go areas. However I have not yet managed to get even the from and to points working.
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: gynta on July 29, 2015, 12:18:57
to be sure
u want use Locus and brouter like  ?

And you have set Locus like this:
(hint: start at 01:05)
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: john_percy on July 29, 2015, 15:15:40
a) yes
b) yes
When I get to 4:27 in the second video, after selecting the profile I get:
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: gynta on July 29, 2015, 15:28:49
simple from - to works? (without via and nogo point)
please attach 2 screenshots from your quick points menu: from and to (in edit mode)

like this
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: john_percy on July 29, 2015, 16:49:15
From -> to works with BRouter using Locus navigation
From/to BRouter Quick points method does not work at all.

( (
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: gynta on July 29, 2015, 17:30:22
Quote from: john_percy on July 29, 2015, 16:49:15
From -> to works with BRouter using Locus navigation
And with "Add route & measure"?
(screenshots are looking good btw)

What of Android OS version do you use? 
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: john_percy on July 29, 2015, 18:31:49
Route & measure works fine also (first time I ventured there).

Android version 5.1 on MotoG
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: gynta on July 29, 2015, 18:57:25
Route & measure
Quick point "from -> to"  with Brouter works

Route & measure - Quick point  - "from -> via -> to" also?

and only Route & measure - Quick point  - "from -> via -> nogo50 (eg) -> to" make troubles??
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: john_percy on July 29, 2015, 20:31:16
I'm getting confused now.

Quote from: gynta on July 29, 2015, 18:57:25
Route & measure
Quick point "from -> to"  with Brouter works
Using the add a point button in the bottom toolbar and using BRouter within Locus, yes. Not the "Quick point" (from/to) from the screenshots that we were discussing earlier and using BRouter app.
Quote from: gynta on July 29, 2015, 18:57:25
Route & measure - Quick point  - "from -> via -> to" also?
Using the add a point button from the bottom toolbar to produce a route and using BRouter within Locus, yes. But not the "Quick point" from the side bar. However that does mean I can define a series of any number of via points - good. BRouter produces good routes for walking or hiking.
Quote from: gynta on July 29, 2015, 18:57:25
and only Route & measure - Quick point  - "from -> via -> nogo50 (eg) -> to" make troubles??
Correct. I have no way of doing "nogo". BRouter doesn't seem to look in the right place for these
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: gynta on July 29, 2015, 21:00:34
i really hope you have patience on my pitiful attempts to help.
I'm sure it's easy - but not yet.

please try only a from - to (no "via" and "no "nogo")
with add quick point.
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: john_percy on July 29, 2015, 21:31:21
Quote from: gynta on July 29, 2015, 21:00:34
i really hope you have patience on my pitiful attempts to help.
I'm sure it's easy - but not yet.

please try only a from - to (no "via" and "no "nogo")
with add quick point.
I am very grateful for your help.
I have tried a simple from and to using Quick Add Points and the BRouter app. It doesn't work for me. No points found.
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: gynta on July 29, 2015, 21:48:04
from BRouter readme:
Quote"Try to make sure your map-tool uses the same base directory, because BRouter tries to access the maptool's waypoint-database and tracks-directory, and this works only if they use either the same base directory or if the maptool uses the standard, internal base /mnt/sdcard."

should be eg

see attachments
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: john_percy on July 29, 2015, 23:37:10
OK, this is where it was getting complicated but re-re-re-reading the two readmes has finally got me there!
For the sake of anyone else who might want to try this, these are the two extra steps I had to do.
Having set custom directories for Locus and having set Locus root to my secondary SD card, I had to
1. Edit storageconfig.txt in the brouter/segment3 folder to have the line:
(And then remember to remove the # at the start of that line). That's the value I had chosen for the Locus root directory

2. In /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/, where BRouter attempts and fails to write a track (construct that location from the result in step 1) I had to create a text file named brouter.redirect with a single line that is the location where I wanted the track to be written, such as /storage/sdcard1/brouter (or in my case, /storage/sdcard1/LocusMaps/mapItems, which was the value I had set for my my custom writeable mapItems folder)
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: gynta on July 29, 2015, 23:42:12
good old ics..

ok and finaly?
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: john_percy on July 29, 2015, 23:51:27
Lollipop, actually.
Yes, finally got it working (well, still to ensure via and nogo works - tomorrow)
Many thanks for your help.
I really like the BRouter hiking routes which seem much better than GraphHopper. Doing it this way allows me to choose between different profiles, as well as having no go areas.

Edit: Now via and nogo Quick Add points work with the BRouter app method. And nogo works in both the Quick Navigation and the Add new route and measure methods, which I hadn't expected until I read right through the readme!.
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: Andrew Heard on July 30, 2015, 00:14:33
Quote from: fingret on May 24, 2015, 01:06:43
I have added a new point on the map, where I don't want to go. I named this point "nogo50 test". Then I start navigation, but brouter routes me straight through this nogo point anyway. Why?
@fingret - BRouter expects the nogo point to be in format "nogo"<distance-metres> so your example "nogo50 test" will be ignored because " test" is invalid. Try "nogo50" to exclude 50 metres around the point. I use this Locus/ BRouter process with to/ from/ via/ nogo, and for longer distances find it far more powerful than the internal Locus mechanism.
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: john_percy on July 30, 2015, 09:44:52
Actually the syntax ought to be correct according to the BRouter readme:
QuoteSo "nogo", "nogo1000", "nogo roadblock", "nogo200 badferry" are all validnames for nogo-waypoints.

Edit: I can confirm this syntax works for me with BRouter and Locus.
I have a Quick Point defined as "nogo50 point{c}" to generate numbered nogo points like "nogo50 point2" for the second 50m exclusion area (and also "via{c}" to produce points like "via2" for the second via point) and it works fine in all the various routing methods available in Locus with BRouter.
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: john_percy on July 31, 2015, 11:58:09
Quote from: Christian on May 24, 2015, 19:50:20
valid syntax of nogo area is
nogo[km] i.e. nogo100
Actually correct syntax is
nogo[m] [comment]
where [m] is distance in metres (default 20m) and [comment] is any free text. Both [m] and [comment] are optional.
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: Andrew Heard on July 31, 2015, 14:23:35
Thanks for clarifying John. I don't know then why @fingret was having trouble.
Title: Re: Nogo area, Locus with Brouter
Post by: john_percy on August 01, 2015, 11:11:41
1. What method are you using to generate navigation routes with BRouter?
2. Have you got "from" and "to" Quick Points working with BRouter? If not, the most likely error is in not setting the additional maptools directory correctly in storageconfig.txt and not creating a brouter.redirect file. See my comments a few posts previously.
3. If you have "from" and "to" Quick Points working, I can only guess that you have set the nogo Quick Point up incorrectly. Could you attach a screenshot of the details of the nogo Quick Point?