New Locus Map (4) version
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24. 2. 2025 - Locus Map 4.28.0 (1% of users)
27. 2. 2025 - Locus Map 4.28.1 (33% of users)
6. 3. 2025 - Locus Map 4.28.2 (50% of users)
10. 3. 2025 - Locus Map 4.28.2 (100% of users)
19. 3. 2025 - Locus Map 4.28.3
Huge release. Congratulations to all the LM team. BTW LM4.0 was released in 2021. Surprised 4.28 != 5.0.
reg. ( #125:
see PM for db.
I had to use a db-Viewer to get a better idea of tracks.db and to understand your comment.
I assume tracks gained statistics and times firstly somewhere in mid 2016?
db-cells of earlier tracks are completely empty here.
Probably alternative values of track-points have been used so far to deal with given null-values, to not display nothing?
Would be OK to me if db gets reprocessed once to exchange such null-entries, as it might be with single track-modification.
At least RC2 ( showed different and strange values, 1970-dates, etc.
For nostalgic reasons I'll take some screenies of now (MyLibV1) and charge 4.28.0 8)
OK, see pics, 4.28.0 still with 1970-date, but track-copy shows populating the db-cells only need yo be triggered.
I will identify those 18 tracks by 1970-date and edit and eg. set activity, this will trigger re-populating statistics (incl. evelation-profile), times etc. with 4.28.0 (incl. MyLibV2).
There we go.
I have just installed the new version of locus.
I had observed and read about the new features with the new library in the forum, but trying it out is something completely different. ;)
after installation everything was converted smoothly and then I started to re-sort and create my directories... and then I realized the really huge potential. 8)
how could you live without it... ;D
thank you for this great app
Crash during search
I have opened the search. Everything still worked. Then I went to the menu and selected Contacts. Now I was asked to assign the authorization for contacts. I selected during Ap usage.
After that, the app was gone and the keyboard was open.
Restarted the app. Now when I try to open the search, the app crashes every time.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
I confirm, same behavior for me
Samsung A52, A14
funny, thanks :)
@freischneider & @Cyklo Miro
thanks. You stay stuck on this crash, damn. I'll generate a fixed version today and ask you for a quick test before it goes public.
So in public releases ( is new version 4.28.1_1169, may you give it a try? Thanks!
Quote from: Menion on February 27, 2025, 13:31:23So in public releases ( is new version 4.28.1_1169, may you give it a try? Thanks!
Now it works. Several attempts were positive. 👍
Perfect, thanks a lot.
There have to be some problematic contact probably without a name, is it possible? At least in the list of contacts in the Locus Map, there should be missing the main contact name ...
Quote from: Menion on February 27, 2025, 15:13:57Perfect, thanks a lot.
There have to be some problematic contact probably without a name, is it possible? At least in the list of contacts in the Locus Map, there should be missing the main contact name ...
Yes, there are contacts where the name is missing. There is only a first name.
Hello menion
maybe you missed it
first screenshot, with a four-digit number of points displayed, the number of available points is not displayed
in the second screenshot, the error message still appears when updating the caches via GC4L
With version 4.28.1, the Map Centering button does not work again if GPS is off or there is no signal.
When clicking on the button, nothing happens or the orange-coloured message appears.
There was an excellent solution in 4.28.0 and now the error is back...
Did you noticed how fast work on the planner goes now? It is a pleasure to read a changelog ( ... finally :)
missing numbers > ah, I've read it and forgot. Thanks, will look at it.
G4L > sorry, but this it not my problem, but G4L. And really ... is there any reason to use G4L? Should not be.
@Graf Geo
There was no change between 4.28.0 and 4.28.1 regarding the centering button. It still behaves a little differently compared to the older version, but should be reliable (at least for me). What error message do you see? Anyway, if there exists any location from the GPS in history, no matter how old, it should center on it.
QuoteAnd really ... is there any reason to use G4L? Should not be.
no there is no reason to use GC4L here, but if the option is offered it should also work
Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15@Graf Geo
There was no change between 4.28.0 and 4.28.1 regarding the centering button. It still behaves a little differently compared to the older version, but should be reliable (at least for me). What error message do you see? Anyway, if there exists any location from the GPS in history, no matter how old, it should center on it.
As I wrote, unfortunately nothing happens when I press the map centering button and hardware GPS is off (or there is no signal). The map stays where it is. The same behaviour as described
here ( before.
It definitely worked fine in the previous versions MyLib RC24 (GooglePlayAfa_4.28.0 RC4_1166_beta.apk) and MapGooglePlayAfa_4.28.0_1168_release.apk.
Now after ugdating MapGooglePlayAfa_4.28.1_1169_release.apk it no longer works. I would also downgrade immediately, but unfortunately this only works with a de- and reinstallation, which is too time-consuming for me.
Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15Did you noticed how fast work on the planner goes now? It is a pleasure to read a changelog ( ... finally
@menion - excellent progress - ha ha - a hidden query string, others??
confirmed webplanner 1.52.0 fix: MyLib content now loads automatically after user subscription data is retrieved.
Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15if there exists any location from the GPS in history, no matter how old
nice feature
Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 28, 2025, 23:02:21Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15if there exists any location from the GPS in history, no matter how old
nice feature
Yes, if it would work (under 4.28.1). ;)
Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15.
G4L > sorry, but this it not my problem, but G4L. And really ... is there any reason to use G4L? Should not be.
The only reason for GC4L would be the option to download the latest 100 logs of a single geocache. Thats sometimes useful to see, if friends have found a geocache longer a time ago, as long as Locus can'T show all (no matter how old they are) logs from friends. I think there is no API for it? That might be the reason why we have to declare friends additionaly in locus itself?
Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15from the GPS in history, no matter how old, it should center on it.
Today my LM tells me "Still waiting for accurate location". What is that history and can't you also try to get the last known position via Android Api?
I'm also thinking a quick and temporary position retrieval would be better here.
Confusing option "Use style of the folder" if you want to change the line style of a folder or subfolder.
Example: I create or edit a subfolder and assign a line style to it (colour, thickness, etc.) Above, the "Use style of the folder" option is disabled by default. If I activate it, the line style is always displayed in red, 3 px. This is the default style for me.
The option here should therefore be "Use default style".
(However, if I edit a track, "Use style of the folder" is of course correct).
Quote from: Tapio on March 01, 2025, 12:21:54Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15from the GPS in history, no matter how old, it should center on it.
Today my LM tells me "Still waiting for accurate location". What is that history and can't you also try to get the last known position via Android Api?
I'm also thinking a quick and temporary position retrieval would be better here.
Here the new method only works from time to time.
Though last known location is given (of last GPS ON-event), with GPS OFF I often get 'still waiting for the accurate position' as orange popup and title bar shows 'Waiting for GPS', both makes no sense. After some time (20s) it works once (1x) as expected and centers to the last known location.
IMHO a waiting-state-message does not makes sense if GPS is actually off (intended by user), 'GPS is off' would fit, 'Waiting for GPS-fix' or 'Waiting for GPS acquiring accurate position' e.g. otherwise.
I prefer to get rid of this red gearwheel-sticker ::)
option for G4L is offered because you have installed it. I can't block this option easily.
@Graf Geo
.. and others
centering > I have found one possible reason for problematic behavior. Check next version (end of the week), thanks!
style of the sub-folder > we've renamed it to the "Use style of the parent folder" - it will be more universal.
friends in geocaching > well, there is an API for this. It only missed implementation on the Locus Map side. Old idea for example here (
EDIT later
today, the full-support day version is on the Google Drive for testing.
I've set version code to 1169 > identical to the version on Google Play. With this, it is easy to switch between public and testing versions.
Quote from: Menion on March 03, 2025, 14:48:54@Graf Geo
.. and others
centering > I have found one possible reason for problematic behavior. Check next version (end of the week), thanks!
style of the sub-folder > we've renamed it to the "Use style of the parent folder" - it will be more universal.
Thanks Menion, with the Afa_4.28.1.1_1169_beta.apk the map centering button works again if no GPS is available. 👍
Style of folder: Correct, the style of the parent folder is taken. However, the new name has not yet been implemented in the new beta. But this is not urgent.
In the new version 4.28, the "Copy to" function does not work for caches displayed using G4L and Live Map. Click on the cache - three dots at the bottom right - Copy to - the application crashes.
Note: if I open a cache already stored in a database, this procedure works without problems
@Cyklo Miro
thanks, issue is already fixed and will be published till the end of the week.
Hi, There is still the 4.27.2 on the Google Play Store, Italy.
Yes, it is published to 33% of users only. Currently Google validates version 4.28.2 that will be published to 50%. If there won't be more serious troubles, 100% > next week 8)
I encountered another issue with the latest app (or Android?) version:
Not sure what is the advantage of the new Lib. On first view the list of folders has smaller font and icon size and a lot of unused space. Hard to read without glasses :(
The guiding function doesn't throw any notification anymore. No sounds, no activation of the display. Nothing. Happens after update of two installations.
Guiding (even in this unfinished version) is one of my (few) favourite and most used tools in LM. Would you please care about it?! Yesterday I lost my way often than manually had to activate the display before each possible junction and draining the battery. This cuts a lot of the joy of a sunny day on the bike.
Go settings - tools - dashboard - nrw - create a new dash - save: all is closed. To activate or change the new dashboard I have to go all the way again. Not user friendly.
I know i can place a icon in the side bar. But an app should be usable even without shortcuts.
And please leave my settings unchanged during updates. Thank you.
Quote from: Christian on March 08, 2025, 14:45:07Not sure what is the advantage of the new Lib.
@Christian - for me the standout advantages are:
- single consolidated "folder structure" instead of artificial distinction between tracks & points
- up to 6 levels of subfolders
- quick "return" to current folder when MyLibrary button is tapped (instead of navigating any hierarchy)
I didn't have any problems with my dashboards during upgrade.
Hi, 4.28 is still not available in Google Play, Slovakia country (checked 09.03 at 07:28) and as I have 4.27.2 I'm not able to synch my tracks from cloud planner. Please, how to continue?
Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 09, 2025, 04:49:08Quote from: Christian on March 08, 2025, 14:45:07Not sure what is the advantage of the new Lib.
@Christian - for me the standout advantages are:
- single consolidated "folder structure" instead of artificial distinction between tracks & points
- up to 6 levels of subfolders
- quick "return" to current folder when MyLibrary button is tapped (instead of navigating any hierarchy)
I didn't have any problems with my dashboards during upgrade.
Thanx for your explanation.
Since the beginning of LM managing points was always a mess. So I learned to avoid using it. An improvement appears some years ago when merging points with a track became possible. So no improvement in the points manager.
I use one (1) level of subfolders. Thats enough for me. More I would get lost.
Quick return to (into) a certain folder was always possible by tapping a diplayed track on the map and tap the folder name in the details. So no improvement for me.
After reading all the tests and announcement of the golden Lib I expected not less then the promised kingdom. So I'm a little bit disappointed and still have to wait for the salvation 8)
Apropos dashboard - when creating a new dashboard sometimes the text input field for the name is missing. Not funny.
The new library works like a charm. What I miss very much though is the option to show the previously visible elements.
In the old library, you had hide all / show all and then you got the question to show only the previous elements.
Quote from: thailon on March 09, 2025, 07:33:38Hi, 4.28 is still not available in Google Play, Slovakia country (checked 09.03 at 07:28) and as I have 4.27.2 I'm not able to synch my tracks from cloud planner. Please, how to continue?
Google Play releases only % of users. From the link you can download the latest version.
I forgot one thing.
go to a subfolder - tap three points - tools - export - export title: name of the subfolder
ALL of the tracks within the db are exported :(
Is this supposed to be this way?
If I create a track in the exported GPX has a link-tag.
<link href=",46.775862;11.852875,46.759865&profile=hiking-beta">
When importing the gpx with the mentioned tag, LM refused to import and show an orange message for less then a second. Can't read.
What is wrong with the link-tag?
Quote from: Christian on March 09, 2025, 09:40:25Quick return to (into) a certain folder was always possible by tapping a diplayed track on the map
@Christian - if the track is visible.
With such massive functionality there will be a broad spectrum of opinion. Can't please everyone all the time. I have saved all my tracks & POI since ~2015. I have a top level folder for each year. Underneath is a folder for each mode - walk, car, bike(group), bike(solo), run, trips, other. Underneath trips (now) is a folder for each holiday, often with POI along the way & places stayed. Underneath are sometimes folders with various routing options. The new flexibility has made my organisation consistent, flexible, grouped together & easier to find what I want. Everyone will be different.
Quote from: Christian on March 09, 2025, 21:27:36I forgot one thing.
go to a subfolder - tap three points - tools - export - export title: name of the subfolder
ALL of the tracks within the db are exported :(
Is this supposed to be this way?
@Christian - visibility is different to "selected". Try long-tap on an item > checkbox > (optionally) other checkboxes > export. I hope that works; just going from memory as someone else asked recently.
Thats weird.
: Go into subfolder - nothing is selected - export - all tracks of the db are exported.
: Go into a subfolder - select a couple of tracks / not all within - export - all tracks of the subfolder are exported.
What I expect:
: select a subfolder within a folder - long tap on eye - export - all tracks of the subfolder will be exported.
: Go into a subfolder - none selection within the subfolder - export - all tracks of the subfolder will be exported.
: Go into a subfolder - select a couple of tracks - export - selected tracks will be exported
: Go into a folder (contains subfolders) - none selection - export - all content of the folder including subfolder will be exported.
sorry to see such disappointment in your case. You expected "promised kingdom" ... any more info? :D
Add new dashboard > how often does this happen? There is nothing special on this window. It is also used on may places (dialog with text field).
Export of the folder
- "Export" option under three dots > "Tools" menu is related to the folder, so it simply exports the whole folder (and if I remember correctly, also sub-folders at once!)
- to export only a portion of items, you have to select them and then use "Export" from the selection menu. In your case, probably the easiest is > menu > Select > Select displayed, to get only visible tracks selected (marked with the checkbox on the right side). Then from tools, the big button at the bottom-right, choose Export. Better?
Anyway thanks for the good question ... when I'm describing it, understand it is a little unclear. Will look at it ...
remember previously visited > yes, this is one of the few things that was problematic in the previous version (technically on background), so I've decided to remove it. Not sure how to replace it > maybe some option to save state of visible content? Hmm, I'm just worried, that it only make things more complicated ...
@Menion - would you please care about the broken guiding fuction at first?
Quote from: Christian on March 08, 2025, 14:45:07The guiding function doesn't throw any notification anymore. No sounds, no activation of the display. Nothing. Happens after update of two installations.
Than the rest.
Thank you.
Hi Menion. Small request. There are now more versions of AFA files in Google Cloud. However, there is no role on the mobile display, which is. You can't even find out from the details. Could you please name files so that you can distinguish from each other? See SCR.
Hello Menion,
in the new version 4.28.2 I'm missing the option "Search in Points" or "Search in My Library" as the new version works with My Library instead of Points. Please, could it be added back?
The search button (magnifying glass icon) is located in the top bar above "My library":
Quote from: Graf Geo on March 11, 2025, 18:37:47The search button (magnifying glass icon) is located in the top bar above "My library":
You are right. But to get there you have to tap on menu button, then tap on My library and then tap on Search button. In previous version you could get there by simply tapping the Search button on the main screen. It is still there, but it only allows you to chose between Online addresses, Offline addresses, Offline places and Contacts. The option "Search in points" is not there anymore...
Yes, this has been removed from the global search. One more click now, no drama for me. If I want to search in the library, I open the library. That makes sense to me.
Actually, it's two extra clicks. I use Locus exclusively for geocaching, and with my average number of finds, that means 70 extra clicks per day. So yes, I can live with it, but I find it unfortunate that the option is no longer there.
guiding > ah sorry, I've completely missed this. You mean guiding to single point or along the route? I have no similar bug-report on help desk as far as I know, weird ...
@Žajdlík Josef
AFA files > understand. The difference is none-Auto/Auto. So choose the first if you want to use Android Auto. We have to push this version to Google Play this month, so I really hope, there won't be no more two versions in April.
@VelkyVezir & @Graf Geo
search > try base search (first option in the search "Online addresses and places"). We are improving it step by step, so it's name is incorrect now. It already contain search in points, tracks, app functions and app settings. You should see results in a small (so-called) "chip" at the top. Just a small tip ...
You may also add a "My library" button the main screen function panel, so one click less.
@Menion - guiding along a route 8)
Quote from: Menion on March 11, 2025, 21:41:59...
@VelkyVezir & @Graf Geo
search > try base search (first option in the search "Online addresses and places"). We are improving it step by step, so it's name is incorrect now. It already contain search in points, tracks, app functions and app settings. You should see results in a small (so-called) "chip" at the top.
Great, I had completely forgotten about that.👍
A small discrepancy: if I use this base search to search for a word that only occurs in descriptions of tracks or points, nothing is found (no "chip" displayed). As soon as at least one point/track contains the search word in the title, the "chip" appears with the number of these elements. If you click on the chip, the tracks and points in which the word only appears in the description are also listed.
I'm unable to simulate any problems with guiding, sorry. Do you have enabled sound notifications for this feature? Please check it.
@Graf Geo
hmm, base search does not use full-text in points/tracks. It is very very slow, so it is not used. On the second side, search in the MyLibrary respects your settings. So if you have enabled "Search also in descriptions" there, it after click from base search, display also content with the required text in the description.
Quote from: Menion on March 12, 2025, 09:33:58@Graf Geo
... So if you have enabled "Search also in descriptions" there, it after click from base search, display also content with the required text in the description.
Yes, but without "chip" I cannot call up the results in the basic search. And the "chip" only appears if the search value appears in at least one title.
I just wanted to mention it, it's not a big problem for me. It works reliably in the MyLib search.
New Beta test version (with Android Auto included)
- add: MyLibrary search modifiers for nearest points or tracks
- add: option to mark passed points as "visited" in POI Alert
- fix: recalculated route correctly generate navigation commands based on original route
- fix: not working online CUZK maps
- fix: problem with selection deep My library folders
- fix: KML/KMZ content not always visible on the map after display
- chg: "Show by filter" now firstly clear existing content on the map
- chg: major updated in background graphics libraries to fix some graphical glitches
- fix: incorrectly used style for KML Placemarks in some cases
- fix: crash when importing data over Map items screen
- fix: paths with defined good trail_visibility are not displayed in offline LoMaps
- chg: both local and online GC notes are exported/imported over GPX
- fix: missing statistics for the very old tracks
- fix: restoring points & tracks visibility after conversion
- fix: centering active when displaying location on the map over 3rd party app
- chg: speed up compute of distance between points, mainly positively affecting navigation performance
- chg: improvements in import dialog
- fix: setup and color of circles around points
- fix: circle around points not visible if point is out if the visible map area
Thanks for the update! New "fast filters" for nearest points and tracks are great!
After first tests I found some issues:
1. Older tracks (2016 and older) have almost all lost their altitude data. No display of an elevation chart. I had to update the elevation data for all of these tracks one by one so that the charts were displayed again (unfortunately batch update is not possible).
2a. Circles around points: if you delete the old value completely (long press back button), Locus crashes immediately and restarts. (BTW: is it really necessary to be able to enter decimal places here?)
2b. The setting px (instead of metres) for the radius is not accepted. It is always reset to metres.
I go on with testing.
Thanks for the test!
Conversion from 4.27.2 to 4.28+ or this update, none of them touch on points or tracks data! So, the problem you have with altitude stats will be just in reading of statistics, not that they are missing in the database. Unfortunately I'm unable to simulate it. Even my 15-year-old tracks display profile correctly. May you share your tracks DB with me? Thanks!
Circles ... I wasn't testing this feature properly, sorry for this. Will look at it next week!
Hi Menion,
I've just had a look at my old S7, which still has the latest release version 4.28.2 on it. Even there, most of the tracks (not all) from these four old folders are without any statistics data.
This probably happened during the first conversion of the database (during the first installation of the MyLib version), and I hadn't opened these tracks since then and noticed it.
Since I have since restored the statistics of the tracks using "Update elevation data", this has been resolved. I don't think we need to investigate this any further.
After synchronisation, the tracks are now also complete again on the old S7.
Apart from that, I would like to express my enthusiasm about the possibilities of the new library and the latest improvements. Search, filters, operations... It's really fun to work with!
I haven't found any other bugs or problems yet. The current beta makes a very good impression.
Thank you very much and have a nice weekend!
Addendum: I've found a few more older tracks (2015, 2014), all ok with statistics. So it wasn't due to age. 🙂
In the new version 4.28.2, when searching for waypoints and trajectories, it can not be fuzzy search, only precise search, and hopefully can be improved
"Last known location is outdated" - the orange message - should only be shown once per session. Furthermore, in the use case we talked about, this position often is At Home and totally fine.
New version 4.28.3 uploaded to Google Play (and Google Drive) and awaits confirmation.
One small wish for the list ;)
It would be great to get a filter option by date that belongs to "today" instead of an explicit date.
Reason: I would to like to set a preset filter "events + older than today" to filter out and delete all events of a list after importing a pocket query, which are in the past
Quote from: Menion on March 19, 2025, 14:46:27New version 4.28.3 uploaded to Google Play (and Google Drive) and awaits confirmation.
Can't download from Google Drive. Server problem?
Quote from: Graf Geo on March 19, 2025, 18:46:23Quote from: Menion on March 19, 2025, 14:46:27New version 4.28.3 uploaded to Google Play (and Google Drive) and awaits confirmation.
Can't download from Google Drive. Server problem?
It didn't work for me either. I tried downloading it via the three-dot menu. But it took a long time.
In the meantime I was able to download the new version, but only in desktop view.
Bug: Edit folder / circles around points.
The "save" button at the bottom right is greyed out, no changes can be saved. Applies to the basic settings and the circles. It is therefore also not possible to change the folder name or the icon.
See screenshot.
I also had to switch the browser into desktop-mode, then download via 3-dot-menu was possible.
Btw 4.28.3 is in release and 2025_02.
Center-button still works only every 2nd time, GPS-off, center to last known location.
Omg, thanks
@Graf Geo . I was testing and improving this screen and forget uncomment one part of change ::)
New version uploading ...
And problem with Google Drive? Don't ask me why.
@T-mo centering button > still not perfect? Hmm, will try to test it more ...
Good morning Menion,
thanks for the immediate fix. 🙂 Saving works again.
But the selection px for the radius is still not applied. It is still reset to metres. For me this is unimportant, but if px is offered, it should of course also work. 🙂
BTW: Download from Google Drive works again as usual. Must have been a temporary problem.
I can crash latest Locus reliably within seconds by simply zooming out of a vector map (eg Alps from openandromaps). When you do it "wildly", eg with doubletap/drag or pinch&zoom, Locus starts to lag and stutter immediately and then crashquits after a few seconds. See attached video, happens 100%. No points or tracks or overlays involved, with or without shading.
Latest Android on S23 Ultra.
Ps, apparently I fail to attach videos here. Oh well... it works when you download the file and play it separately.
Can I filter a track list by type of activity? I have a long winter trip that involves skiing tracks, climbing tracks, hiking tracks etc and I want to just see the skiing days. What can I do? Name filter etcpp won't help.
Hi guys,
Beta version (25.3.2025)
- add: "Last recorded" modified for My library search
- add: filter extended to filter out recorded tracks
- add: separation of sort by distance to GPS or map center
- fix: memory problems related to Map-screen content panel
- fix: partially remaining start screen in the memory
- chg: default track rec folder for new installs
- fix: crash when setup TTS for POI Alert
- fix: nearest points/tracks also display folders
- fix: rare crash when selecting track on the map
- fix: fix: minor graphical problems in the My Library
- fix: rare stuck during pinch zoom-out with vector maps
- fix: color for temperature chart + option to customize temperature color in Expert settings
- chg: navigation chart current position moved to 1/4
- chg: enabled adding attachments to points from anywhere
- fix: many minor tweaks and fixes
What are the most important changes here?
- option to quickly filter only recorded tracks (sorted by date)
- separated "Sort by distance"
- has anyone tried the new "Mark visited" option in the POI Alert? It was made for one small Czech team, but maybe it should be useful not just for them?
- I spend two days by searching for possible memory and speed problems, so app should be a little more stable now
Please give a try to this new Beta version, it should help with zoom-out crashes.
Filtering tracks by activity should be possible with filter. Are you already on the 4.28+ version? Then filter already contains option to filter only certain activity types.
Hi Menion, thanks, but sorry, the search in the library now has a bug:
The quick search buttons "nearest points/tracks" no longer work if "Cursor" is set as the source for searching. It seems to always sort to the gps position, no matter where the cursor/map center is. And that's really annoying, because I use this sorting the most. Now I have to go through the sorting menu and the filter in the bottom line until I get a fix, which is more cumbersome.
The new "last recorded" button is IMHO positioned very awkwardly in the first position. I have to scroll sideways to get to "nearest tracks". In addition, "last recorded" is pointless if you want to search for points or planned routes, another reason why it should not be placed at the front.
Better to position "last recorded" last or somewhere else. Or make the buttons narrower (perhaps just meaningful symbols without text) so that all three fit on the display without having to scroll.
fix: nearest points/tracks also display folders: doesn't work for me. No folders are displayed.
Edit: or do you mean the folder details for the points/tracks found? Then ok.
link for item in release notes 4.28.3 (19/3/2025) "problem with selection of deeply nest My Library folders" is private URL
are the 50/ 100/ 200km/h defaults for automatic zooming useful? maybe it was some experiment of mine years ago, as I don't use this function. apologies if so
I'm not into the search too much, but "nearest tracks" now lists track independent from their distance it seems.
What does "recorded" mean for Locus? Tracks with some insignificant number of trackpoints? no/1970 timestamps? Would be great if you could tell the algo.
Even if it is not mentioned in the changelog: Circles around points with radius in px now work.
Quote from: Tapio on March 26, 2025, 07:00:03I'm not into the search too much, but "nearest tracks" now lists track independent from their distance it seems.
What does "recorded" mean for Locus? Tracks with some insignificant number of trackpoints? no/1970 timestamps? Would be great if you could tell the algo.
Nearest tracks: now ALWAYS sorts around the GPS position and not the map centre. Bug. See two posts above.
"Last recorded": Clearly for me. Seems to work fine, only sorts actually recorded tracks by date and not planned routes. I no longer have "1970" tracks, so I can't test that.
Geo, I ask for the technical specs of recorded vs. planned mainly because of imported 3rd party tracks. Some are planned ones, some have been recorded. Sometimes attributes have been removed etc.
Quote from: Graf Geo on March 25, 2025, 22:04:12Hi Menion, thanks, but sorry, the search in the library now has a bug:
The quick search buttons "nearest points/tracks" no longer work if "Cursor" is set as the source for searching. It seems to always sort to the gps position, no matter where the cursor/map center is. And that's really annoying, because I use this sorting the most. Now I have to go through the sorting menu and the filter in the bottom line until I get a fix, which is more cumbersome.
The new "last recorded" button is IMHO positioned very awkwardly in the first position. I have to scroll sideways to get to "nearest tracks". In addition, "last recorded" is pointless if you want to search for points or planned routes, another reason why it should not be placed at the front.
Better to position "last recorded" last or somewhere else. Or make the buttons narrower (perhaps just meaningful symbols without text) so that all three fit on the display without having to scroll.
fix: nearest points/tracks also display folders: doesn't work for me. No folders are displayed.
Edit: or do you mean the folder details for the points/tracks found? Then ok.
I would also like to have the next tracks visible immediately. I don't normally use last recorded and can be further back.
What I have noticed is that once I have selected the next tracks, I can no longer select a filter.
For example, I select next tracks. After a few seconds I see the result. There I find MTB, hiking, skiing tracks. And also downloaded tracks that I have not recorded at all. Now I would like to filter for hiking only and recorded only.
But I can't do that. So I have to go back, first apply the filter and then next tracks again.
Quote from: freischneider on March 26, 2025, 14:43:08What I have noticed is that once I have selected the next tracks, I can no longer select a filter.
For example, I select next tracks. After a few seconds I see the result. There I find MTB, hiking, skiing tracks. And also downloaded tracks that I have not recorded at all. Now I would like to filter for hiking only and recorded only.
But I can't do that. So I have to go back, first apply the filter and then next tracks again.
That also confused me at first. "Next tracks" and "next points" ARE (predefined) filters. The filter icon at the bottom is also greyed out when a quick filter is active. That's why it doesn't work.
It is also slowly becoming overly complex and somewhat confusing. Sorting, filters, quick filters... Some things can be combined, some can't, some settings are distributed. You have to learn the ropes and not everything is optimised.
Nice changes.... But 🙂
Extended filters for tracks still can't allow mass visibility toggle for tracks nearer than xx meters from position/map center (depending on user choice).
It would be my super best option, when trying to look at past activities near a position and make visible lots of them at once.
🤷Next time.... 😋
Quote from: Mick FU on March 26, 2025, 17:57:12Nice changes.... But 🙂
Extended filters for tracks still can't allow mass visibility toggle for tracks nearer than xx meters from position/map center (depending on user choice).
It would be my super best option, when trying to look at past activities near a position and make visible lots of them at once.
🤷Next time.... 😋
That is not necessary. The sorting is by distance. When your distance is reached, you don't need to look any further and you can make the ones that correspond to your distance visible.
Quote from: Graf Geo on March 26, 2025, 15:59:07Quote from: freischneider on March 26, 2025, 14:43:08What I have noticed is that once I have selected the next tracks, I can no longer select a filter.
For example, I select next tracks. After a few seconds I see the result. There I find MTB, hiking, skiing tracks. And also downloaded tracks that I have not recorded at all. Now I would like to filter for hiking only and recorded only.
But I can't do that. So I have to go back, first apply the filter and then next tracks again.
That also confused me at first. "Next tracks" and "next points" ARE (predefined) filters. The filter icon at the bottom is also greyed out when a quick filter is active. That's why it doesn't work.
It is also slowly becoming overly complex and somewhat confusing. Sorting, filters, quick filters... Some things can be combined, some can't, some settings are distributed. You have to learn the ropes and not everything is optimised.
I wasn't aware that these are predefined filters (quick filters) or a combination of sorting and filters.
That gives me a few ideas. Everyone can define the quick filters themselves.
A long click on a quick filter and I can define the filtering and sorting myself. After the last one is a + and I can define more. Long click can also be used to change the order. Simply move it.
Quote from: freischneider on March 26, 2025, 18:40:03Quote from: Mick FU on March 26, 2025, 17:57:12Nice changes.... But 🙂
Extended filters for tracks still can't allow mass visibility toggle for tracks nearer than xx meters from position/map center (depending on user choice).
It would be my super best option, when trying to look at past activities near a position and make visible lots of them at once.
🤷Next time.... 😋
That is not necessary. The sorting is by distance. When your distance is reached, you don't need to look any further and you can make the ones that correspond to your distance visible.
I can visually find the limit in the list, for all tracks I would like to make visible, yes. But I can't make visible those dozens of tracks in any filter in few clicks.
Need to click the eye icon one by one until reaching the limit I would like.
There is an option to make visible 50/10/200 first ones, but not an option to make visible tracks nearer than xx meters (like there is for points).
Except if I am wrong of course.
Quote from: Menion on March 25, 2025, 20:00:50- has anyone tried the new "Mark visited" option in the POI Alert? It was made for one small Czech team, but maybe it should be useful not just for them?
I tried it out today. Nice idea, works fine for me:
Visited points are marked with a green dot.
After stopping POI Alert the markers are gone, if you start POI Alert again, they are there again (until you remove them via the menu). Good.
- Displaying/list visited points works correctly.
- Removing markers works correctly.
Visited points that are moved to another folder lose their markings. Maybe not so good.
I think I'm blind...
i can't find this option in the settings
searching in the settings with the words "mark" "visited" "poi" or "alert" doesn't lead to this setting either
Start POI Alert (auf deutsch Punktbenachrichtigung). You can find it in the main menu, if it is not already listed there, select it under "All functions". Not in the settings!
There you can now select "Mark as visited" at the bottom of the menu. The 3-dot menu next to the option allows you to list visited points and delete all markers. See screenshots.
@Andrew Heard
link to asamm teamwork > heh, thanks
automatic zoom defaults > hmm you are correct, such values are there. A little harder to do it better I think. During navigation, values from Presets should be used. Otherwise when someone enable auto-zoom, he should also modify these values based on his own needs, which may be quite different (walk/bike/car).
recorded algo > start time of the track has to be year 2000+, total length > 0 and total time > 0. This should ignore manually created routes in the planner and the imported routes without a time.
@Mick FU
visibility > do not understand. Simply sort items by distance. There is no difference between points or tracks when using this "Show first X items" function
I may not be able to explain my need/wish.
I would like to filter tracks with the same option existing for points (see screenshot) = all tracks in a "max distance" from center of map (my choice). Once filtered, I can select all or display them all.
My use case, center the map on a location (example one peak) and display all tracks on the map passing "near" this location. I may have tons of tracks and I don't know in advance if I would need the fist 50/100/200,but I am almost sure I would like the "nor farther than 200m" for example. Sometime it is only one track, sometime 150,etc.
Does it make more sense?
Zooming out via quickly tapping minus button (say, from ZL 16 to 10) is dangerous. Sporadically CTD. It also happens after rheme switch, then map move. Crashes a bit too often.
Pre-weekend beta for testing!
Among change in sorting (more later on Help desk if necessary), there is a risky change of how points and tracks are drawn on the map. Give it a try. If there are any graphical problems, the screenshot is welcome. On the drive is also previous version, so it is easy to replace (simply update) and return to
Have a nice weekend!