New Locus Map (4) version
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3. 12. 2024 - Locus Map 4.27.0
5.-12. 12. 2024 - Locus Map 4.27.1
12/2024, 01/2025 - Locus Map 4.28.0, maybe 10 various versions with Android Auto published to the Google Play & declined
Locus Map 4.27.1 still not on GD?
EDIT - got it! Sorry and thanks!
Quotesupport for sharing and re-import of custom icons/cursors
where do we find this option
Version 4.27.1: Settings menu still not there. Am I the only one facing this issue?
@luce: You asked that before.
I had answered here (
Perhaps I didn't explain it precisely enough: Long press on one of the function icons at the top and select "Settings" from the list. The function icon will then be replaced by the settings icon.
If you want it at the bottom:
Then long press on the setting icon again and replace it with any other function. "Settings" should then appear at the bottom where you missed it.
At least that's how it worked for me.
@Graf Geo: Sorry, I didn't answer explicitly. I tried what you suggested (thank you), but no success – the settings icon is still missing...
Version 4.27.1: in map themes icons from External themes missing. oam and voluntary tested
with quick (=heavy) moving and zooming through the map (OAM-vector) the cursor to position line once stop to get drawn. If GPS is on, the line gets drawn after map-rendering is finished, without GPS (current position is the last known) the line doesn't get drawn. Sort of.
In 4.27.1, problems with the OAM themes are suddenly displayed, which was never the case before. See screenshots.
(For the "whoops" message after "validate" I switched Locus to English).
QuoteIn 4.27.1, problems with the OAM themes are suddenly displayed, which was never the case before. See screenshots.
Same to me. 😥
@Luce: see pictures below.
(Und ist unter 'Alle Funktionen' zu finden, siehe Bild 4)
Maybe 'settings' should be 1 of the icons at least, does not seem to be the case with this setup. Should get doublechecked, identical to 'settings' cannot be disabled at all.
Thanks for the quick night feedback!
Google refused the current version, so one new night 4.27.1 (1153) was generated, so please update.
custom icons > has the "share" option little hidden under "info" button (next to pack selection)
screen/navigation cursors > has a share option under the three-dot menu
when zip with cursors/icons is imported into the app, it should correctly detect what this zip is about and offer "import"
give a try to the new version if it helps
also the new version, should be fixed, thanks
@Graf Geo
the new warning in "themes" is a serious warning, that the theme contains huge SVG/PNG images that should be reduced by the theme creator. I have a lot of crashes of the app caused by a few themes that have insane 100+kb big SVG images inside. I'm sure that theme creators improve themes once they notice this ;)
Quote from: Menion on December 05, 2024, 23:59:31the new warning in "themes" is a serious warning, that the theme contains huge SVG/PNG images that should be reduced by the theme creator. I have a lot of crashes of the app caused by a few themes that have insane 100+kb big SVG images inside. I'm sure that theme creators improve themes once they notice this ;)
@menion, I understand your explanation, but the error message could be more helpful. if it had at least one image file name mentioned I think it would make more sense what the issue is.
@Menion and all who have the warning with external themes with large images:
I was able to quickly check and fix this. In the the images (svg) are stored in the subfolder "ele-res". Sorted by size, there are only two images that exceed 20 KB (33 and 21 KB). That's not exactly "huge".
I have reduced the size of both images with an online tool (, saved them and packed them back into the zip.
If other/more themes are affected, you have to do the same.
Then start Locus again and the warnings are gone.
I cannot judge whether the 20 KB limit is set too low.
Version 4.27.1 (1153): Settings button is back, thank you Jiří :)
@T-mo: Thank you – I know the settings can be found in the "All features" menu and the quick settings can be edited by a long click, but these are just workarounds when the "main" settings button disappears. However, the issue is solved now :)
Quotewhen zip with cursors/icons is imported into the app, it should correctly detect what this zip is about and offer "import"
thanks, work perfect :D
for others, i struggled a long time to import ""
point or track window > + > import > select desired > confirm
Quote from: balloni55 on December 06, 2024, 12:29:49for others, i struggled a long time to import ""
Should sure be better documented and or indicated as hardly anyone will be able or detect how to export and import icon packages this way.
Import is simple ... just tap on zip in any file browser or just use the existing "Import" function in the app.
Export is worst, agree ... ???
Crash while starting (the dbv2 version), nullpointer exception.
Quote from: luce on December 06, 2024, 10:53:13@T-mo: ... However, the issue is solved now :)
Aah, and the entry appears if not used as icon. The best way it can be, powered by Menion-Magic. I once set the icon, personal preference, and use it since years ;D
Anyone having the latest 4.26 database v2 apk + willing to share?
Quote from: Tapio on December 07, 2024, 11:26:20Anyone having the latest 4.26 database v2 apk + willing to share?
This one? MapGooglePlayAfa_4.26.3.3 MyLibV2 RC13_1149_beta.apk
Quote from: Mick FU on December 07, 2024, 14:10:34Quote from: Tapio on December 07, 2024, 11:26:20Anyone having the latest 4.26 database v2 apk + willing to share?
This one? MapGooglePlayAfa_4.26.3.3 MyLibV2 RC13_1149_beta.apk
Thanks, I usually don't use the AFA, but I think it's not important. Version cannot simply installed over 4.27. I would have to uninstall, restore etc. - I don't do that and hope for a working version. Maybe again some Huawei fix is required?
EDIT: Now 4.27 is starting, I have no clue why. Already before I have seen lots of crashes at startup. When it says "unrolling...". EDIT2: Yeah, 4.27 crashing at like every 2nd start.
Bug. After turning map rotation on, it cannot be turned off via click on the needle. It reacts, but always goes back to rotation.
I cannot confirm this. Everything is normal.
Click on map centre button, map rotation needle appears. The map rotates.
Click on the map centre button or the needle again, the map is aligned to north and the needle disappears again.
Here's how it looks for me
Quote from: Tapio on December 07, 2024, 21:54:59Here's how it looks for me
I can confirm this behaviour – however, this happens only sometimes, and I couldn't find out yet under which circumstances...
@Tapio and luce:
Ok, you both have a Huawei device according to your profile. Maybe the problem only occurs with them?
Re: Crash at startup, ~every second start - I have attached the error log.
@Tapio and sorry for the crashes. Google Play is still blocking our new update and meanwhile, I'm fixing some problems ... eh, stupid situation.
Are you willing to wait till tomorrow? No matter what the result of the Google team review will be, I'll generate the next 4.27.2 version (base + MyLibV2).
Grrr Google ...
Version 4.27.1 (1157) was published on Google Play (25% for today) and verified by the Google team. But without Android Auto support. They refused maybe 5 versions and were unable to tell me precisely what is the problem, stupid ...
Quote from: MenionWhy the change? I'm using only dark mode, so I've not noticed before (or just ignored it). Previously, the rotating button itself had a white background. As the only active icon on this screen. So definitely a bug. If you have an idea for a better icon, it is welcome.
@Menion -
"the rotating button itself had a white background" - correct, and for me more visible. The new compass on dark background fades into the background, especially if sunny, and depending on surrounding map content. (I think there is a later APK beta version but not currently on the download site)
A montage of old (top)/ new (bottom) compass. The old compass is always more visible:-
And with the screen as it
actually looks to me under direct sunny conditions (100% brightness 1,000nit AMOLED):-
and when screen moved a little further into the shade - always a struggle when cycling:-
Quote from: Menion on December 09, 2024, 10:44:59No matter what the result of the Google team review will be, I'll generate the next 3.27.2 version (base + MyLibV2).
My 1st experience with 4.27.1_1154 and AA was quite short. I saw the screen but wanted to use my phone for routeplanning and then navigation, sadly I started with one of my presets with rotating screen. I wanted to switch but the whole device went crazy, also see photo. Then I wanted to pull down android top bar at phone to access settings which was not possible, only dropped down a blank black area, several times.
Due to limited time I drew the connection cable, stopped Locus and continued with Gmaps.
Don't know if _1158 provides improvements.
Next tests @weekend.
P.S. the used profile includes screen on/off control, maybe that's a possible reason? :D
Thanks for the new database v2 version from today. Solid Explorer breadcrumbs, very good.
since the update to 4.27.1, the daily automatic backup is no longer created for me
Quote from: Tapio on December 13, 2024, 20:26:59Thanks for the new database v2 version from today. Solid Explorer breadcrumbs, very good.
Sounds interesting, could you explain? Thx
@Andrew Heard
in the latest public version, the border around the rotation icon is white, so it should not be so bad as on your screens!
hmm, it looks like as some problem with the device itself. Closing of Locus Map solved issue for example with the top bar?
weird, nothing changed for sure regarding the backup system + it works fine for me. Is your setup still correct? Mainly selected target directory.
better here (;topicseen)
Quote from: Menion on December 16, 2024, 08:36:24@slarti76
better here (;topicseen)
Thx a bunch, totally missed that one - sounds very promising!
Just one quick question (I know, I should read the thread, but 10 pages is a little much to search for this information): Is it still correct that Cloud Sync is not yet available with v2? Because I don't see myself trying it before that's the case (as I don't have a spare device for that right now).
It is correct. Sync is in heavy testing and will probably be available in the end of Jan.
QuoteIs your setup still correct? Mainly selected target directory.
manual backup and and upload to GD work, as well restore from GD work
what is this information good for?
once I have selected the theme, the information disappears
This is mainly for the developers of themes. I believe they will notice during work on themes and modify themes appropriately.
The info is based on the size of the images inside. Currently, half of the automatically reported app crashes are caused by some Korean theme with huge images inside. So I would like to prevent this in the future.
I have not experienced a crash any more. But the issue where it always returns to rotation is still there. This one:
Quote from: slarti76 on December 16, 2024, 08:05:18Quote from: Tapio on December 13, 2024, 20:26:59Thanks for the new database v2 version from today. Solid Explorer breadcrumbs, very good.
Sounds interesting, could you explain? Thx
In the dbv2 version, go into a subfolder of your Library. If you now go to an upper level via the top breadcrumbs, the lower level folder(s) remains visible there. Until you go somewhere else.
Quote from: Menion on December 16, 2024, 14:34:37This is mainly for the developers of themes. I believe they will notice during work on themes and modify themes appropriately.
The info is based on the size of the images inside. ...
- as OAM-Elevate has some SVGs >20kb and notice is given, I tested SVG-minification by using ( p_scree.svg with 33kb can easily be changed to 20% (7kb) or even less, probably without significant or noticeable difference in precision. Seems there is some easiliy achievable amount of optimisation :)
- does it make a difference if theme is zipped with normal or none compression? Maybe theme gets cached once or at least once which each start and compression doesn't really matter
Quote from: Menion on December 16, 2024, 08:36:24the border around the rotation icon is white, so it should not be so bad as on your screens!
@Menion - poor montage, but yes, better
I remember svg updates in themes require a Locus cache deletion in order to be active. So to prevent the crashes, this might be necessary.
Is there any time horizon regarding the new data manager (including updating all caches)?
After the last update, every arrow pointing to the cache is pointing me somewhere else. The blue arrow points the other way, the red is correct. I've already rebooted, reinstalled Locus, but nothing helps. Is there any way to fix this. Thanks
@Pcmann: See here in helpdesk. Issue will be fixed:
I moved tracks + folders at the same time. Bug: it worked out of the box 😊
Track/point/folder management is a pleasure in the databasev2 version.
Quote from: Menion on December 16, 2024, 14:34:37This is mainly for the developers of themes. I believe they will notice during work on themes and modify themes appropriately.
Hi @Menion,
Would it be possible to raise the Limit to 35k?
We have put a lot of effort into optimizing the svgs so that it works for many apps.
Higher compression is not a problem, but I'm sure there will be problems with other apps apart from locus.
the current compression is the result of countless hours of testing, so...
It would be fine to stay with the current kompression.
Merry Christmas
@kech61 , thanks for the insight.
The main problem I'm trying to solve is 500+kb images in one Korean theme.
To be true, the main problem is the size of the canvas defined in the SVG. MapsForge keeps in-memory these images, so images that are defined on the 1024x1024px canvas (no matter how complicated they are) are the main problem. I'm currently only (a little dummy) testing on the file size :-*. Anyway 35kb > no problem, improved.
Hi @Menion
Thanks a lot and
A happy newe year !
Playstore update but no files on GDrive yet... will you upload (also MyLibV2) before weekend?
Hi guys in the new year. Petr prepared for me a nice surprise > three special GPS hardware devices for the GIS & surveying, that are already promised to be supported and that already made my head explode the last 14 days (very problematic implementation) ... and probably will need a few more days to somehow finish.
The new version on Google Play is currently only in the testing channel (for registered Google Play beta testers) and I'll most probably publish the version to the production at the start of the next week. This version was our desperate attempt to verify the version with the Android Auto support. It passed, but I think that by accident ...
Nevermind ... updates and work on LM4? Finally next week ;)
I already wrote it here once, just a reminder...
Two little things
1) Map manager
For the Czech Republic
three dots - opens Details, Center map, Backup, Delete
For Spain - Canary Islands (submap)
there is no last option - Delete
2) Cache with many waypoints, e.g. I 💙 Beskydy, GC9M4JY has 61 waypoints.
I will show cache info. I see:
Waypoints 0/6 > (no waypoints selected), should be 0>61
Waypoints 61/ > (all waypoints are selected), should be 61>61
Thanks, both issues should be solved in the next update.
New Beta version available for testing
Quote from: Menion on January 31, 2025, 11:22:13New Beta version available for testing
Version for new database as well today?
GPS off
When I move the map and then centre it again (to last known pos), GPS automatically switches on. ???
Where can I disable this?
There is currently no setting for this behavior. Is it really a problem?
This change should have been in the app since 4.27, so there is nothing completely new in this test version.
The reason for this, is to make the whole "Where am I" flow easier to understand. I've just today also improved the style of the centering button a little more, to make it even more clear if "Location" is disabled in the system or permission for location is missing.
as i have not been active lately i have only just realised ;)
Yes it is important for me, if I switch off GPS consciously I don't want it to be switched on unintentionally by any action
It's definitely annoying. I did notice when that change happened, but was too busy to kick off and follow up a thread.
I'm happy not to be alone :-) !!
I had noticed the new behaviour, but wasn't prepared to say anything until I read the 3 other posts. For me it's just a minor issue, but agree if I turn off GPS I don't want it silently turned back on. I want to decide. For many users, the exact opposite would be the preferred.
Oki, thanks, I'll try to improve it ...
In the end, I believe that current behavior is correct and expected for most of users. You tap "center" to move to your current location. If GPS is disabled? Well, then this button moves you almost anywhere closer ...
Maybe you have not noticed, but the latest public version does not enable GPS by default when the app starts. This allows not to ask for location permission immediately, but later when the user really needs a location. The correct moment is tap on the centering button.
Solution for you? The new "Enable GPS when centering" setting will be in the "Expert settings" in the next app version.
That's great, I understood, but also didn't like GPS On on centering.
Quote from: Tapio on February 04, 2025, 16:35:07That's great, I understood, but also didn't like GPS On on centering.
I'm probably overlooking something here, but where should the Center button center without GPS? Don't wanna be obnoxious, but I agree with Menion that this would be (generally) expected behaviour.
You don't overlook anything. It should either try a cheaper position retrieval (Google, wifi), or a last known, or none. I prefer it over having to turn GPS off again.
The use case is often not "where exactly am I", but "please center map to my area, because I'm currently reviewing far away tracks". I think that's the point.
I don't like GPS on centering either. I suggest the following solutions. Click the Center to turn on GPS, but only temporarily. After reaching an accuracy of about 50 m, the GPS would automatically turn off.
Quote from: Tapio on February 04, 2025, 18:26:17You don't overlook anything. It should either try a cheaper position retrieval (Google, wifi), or a last known, or none. I prefer it over having to turn GPS off again.
The use case is often not "where a I exactly", but "please center map to my area, because I'm currently reviewing far away tracks". I think that's the point.
Exactly. But this is the case for all of us NOW ... we play at home with the app. Use-case outside? I press "center" and don't wanna care about it.
Maybe there is a different solution for this? Like a "pin" a certain location on the map and allows to easily return back to this point? Something like enabled guidance with the pinned place floating around the screen? Because "center button" is still "center button" > center map to my current location! And we bend it to a little different use case.
What has the behavior been like in recent years? Everyone was happy then.
When GPS is off, centering just doesn't work. Then the user has to switch GPS on first. The advantage is that I then know that it is on. If it only switches on briefly, then I think it is on and later it is not on.
So the user has to actively switch it on and actively switch it off. and it should be clear to everyone that they cannot find their current location without GPS.
Translated with (free version)
Previous behavior was as written by Tapio here ( App tried to grab some last known cached location, if not available it tried to obtain some wi-fi/network from the system and if the location was too old or none, it displayed a warning. But there was a big chance, that the location was a few kilometers from your real current location ...
The fact that it worked somehow last years does not mean that "Everyone was happy then".
I'll think about it more, but in the worst case, it will remain as is now plus "Expert settings" to disable "Turn GPS on" behavior. Thanks for understanding.
I am quite happy at least to switch gps on/off with the dedicated android controls.
Some safety-aware smartphones feature hardware switches for security-sensitive functions like radio (incl. gps) and camera, for understandable reasons.
From my perspective, I always do feel uncomfortable with pseudo-smart automations in the background without any dialogs and realising this way not being in control of hardware and software, e.g. therefore currently dropping windows and finally switching to Linux (Arch atm).
This understanding of who is basically in charge and control is quite basic, deep and fundamental, might be due to endless hours throughout the journey of C64 up to now and understanding the evolution of computer-technology.
Though I am not doubting Locus and the whole Asamm-Team and this only a simple not-so-simple app, I am glad definitely not being plagued by scepticism, I do not prefer such oversophisticated "features" (mechanisms) in LM, at least not without any option. Therefore introducing an expert-option would be ok to me. Using once a dialog to set this option is also smart.
Maybe it's an idea to use simple changes like eg. optimising status text when gps is off, text is there since ages, see pic. Just kidding and pointing :)
Again, not to sound obnoxious, I'm a very privacy-aware user, but these days Android is fine-tunable concerning which app gets GPS data and which not. And if I switch to another app from Locus w/o "Fine location" permissions, GPS is dormant.
I may be missing something here and drank the Kool-Aid, then please open my eyes.
Quote from: Menion on February 05, 2025, 10:31:25"center button" > center map to my current location! And we bend it to a little different use case.
I can see all that and I'm fine with the extra option you talked about. Maybe for visual support, the centering button could use the same color as the GPS icon (orange = connecting, green=gps fix, white=not connected). Not sure.
I'm also fine with Josefs idea, just temporarily turn gps on.
But I don't prefer it, because my use case is "in the house" where gps connect takes long.
just installed
no Pois and tracks available in datapanel :-[
Backup Pois and tracks message > ok, but furthermore no Poi and track in list
Scrennshot > all visible/no in folder :-\
Weekend :o where can i download V
Hello balloni,
you started testing the new MyLibrary version right? Have you read the first post of this version here ( If not, do it please. If you already tested it on your main device, your data are already converted so you no longer can use the basic version. So use please only the version from the "my library V2" directory.
So new Beta Version (7.2.2025)
- add: (SILVER) basic support for sync of local "computed" coordinates to
- chg: improved map centering button behavior when location source is not available
- chg: (SILVER) position in the navigation dashboard chart moved to start
- add: setting to disable automatic GPS enabled when tapping on the centering button
- chg: background changes in setup of dialogs
I'm not sure about the steps that will follow next week, but this is probably the latest version without the new "My Library V2". Have a nice weekend!
sorry, I discovered the new version and didn't pay attention to V2, have a nice weekend
No problem. Is it working with 'MapGooglePlayAfa_4.28.0.1 MyLibV2 RC20_1164_beta'? No data should be loss, just from my experience, only two duplicate empty folders in the root should appear ...
Quoteonly two duplicate empty folders in the root should appear ...
Exactly, I have deleted the two
Quote from: Menion on February 07, 2025, 20:14:19this is probably the latest version without the new "My Library V2".
@menion exciting news - can't wait to reorganise my real points & tracks in V2. It will be great to better integrate all data.
Cloud sync & V2 library - big risk if even any small issues - wouldn't it be better to test with beta users before making public?
tip for myself - after following download link, press ctrl+F5 to refresh page before attempting download, to fix any caching issue:
20250208-082001-[APP] - version 4.27_4.28.+ ( 12_2024 ) - Page 6 - Vivaldi.jpg
Hmm, I'm not happy with the new behaviour of the Map Centering button in
The fact that you can deactivate the automatic switching on of the GPS in the Expert Settings is ok.
What is not ok for me is that clicking the Map Centering button no longer jumps to the last location when hardware gps is off or there is no GPS reception.
I usually plan from home (indoors) or from my holiday accommodation. Then I have usually switched off gps in the device on purpose, or have no signal anyway. However, I want to be able to quickly centre the map on my last current location at any time with a single click. So far this has worked wonderfully.
Now it no longer works, the map stays where it is. In addition, the annoying orange question (toast) appears asking whether gps is switched on.
I don't know whether others find this so useful. In any case, I would like to have the option of at least getting the previous behaviour here via a setting.
@Graf Geo , I'll think about it more and improve it ... - screen cap with tablet, inside, GPS intentionally off - red warning badge on Centering button - suggests wrong setting or something. Tap on button for info? Ignored. Tap main menu > Settings > no red badge, or notification. OK, I understand the issue, it's a nice reminder, but I think the app could be more helpful too, for new users.
So I enable GPS, although I know there is no signal. The badge is replaced - OK. I tap the Centering button anyway - LM should know GPS is enabled, just no signal, so can the message for this situation be improved? eg. "Can't get valid location. GPS is enabled but no signal".
@Andrew Heard: In the new MyLib version RC23, the red badge is still there (you are right, the "setting" icon is not ideal), but the orange-coloured message no longer appears. As I have only just started testing the new version, I hope that this will be confirmed permanently.
I actually think the badge is superfluous. There is still a question mark in the centre of the button and the GPS icon is informative enough (white = off, yellow = on but no fix and green = on and fix). In addition, the lock symbol is not visible, although its function is retained.
@Menion: the dual centering button now leads back to the last known position when hardware GPS is off or there is no signal, right? (In MyLib RC23. See here (
@Graf Geo - thanks. I agree with all that too. However as a useful feedback to the user, when there is a warning or error or unusual icon, I think it would be good that more text-based information/ hint can be obtained to inform the user how to fix/ correct the situation.
BTW are you part of the LM team, or just a keen tester/ user?
Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 12, 2025, 22:22:12@Graf Geo - BTW are you part of the LM team, or just a keen tester/ user?
Just a normal user who likes to try out new developments. ;) MyLibV2 RC25: I have 2 top level folders - the default tracks & points. I have folders such as 2025, 2024, 2023... in tracks. My intention is to raise 2025, 2024, 2023... to Home folder level. From My Library > tracks > I long tap folder "2025" > menu > Move to > Home. The first time I try this, the main map is displayed again. At least I would expect to remain in the My Library function. The second time My Library > I notice still only tracks & points as top level folders. Again tracks > I long tap folder "2025" > menu > Move to > Home, but this time LM crashes:
PS. I've just noticed LM writes a backup ZIP file when the database conversion is made. In my case This file can't be opened by WIndows 11, so I query whether the 83MB file is corrupt or a non-standard format?
Hi guys,
just a quick important note (I'll react to previous posts later this next week).
Our online satellite maps just stopped working, so I had to quickly publish a new 4.27.2 version on the Google Play. It has absolutely no changes compared to 4.27.1 (except fixed sat maps), but has a higher internal version number, so update replace testing versions!!
So be careful and do not automatically update. I'll try to generate a testing version with a higher version code at the start of the working week ...
Quote from: Menion on February 15, 2025, 20:29:50So be careful and do not automatically update.
I'm a little scared reading this without really understanding :-(
Today Google Play Store offers an update to "Locus Map 4.27"
I am on 4.28.0 (silver) without knowing why and since when, obviously the beta channel.
So I have to leave "Betatester" in the Play Store.
What is now the safest way to go back to 4.27? Perhaps download from here
Locus Map, 4.27 (2024 12)\MapGooglePlay_4.27.2_1165_release.apk?
Thank you.
Stay with 4.28 and don't update via Playstore.
Quote from: Graf Geo on February 16, 2025, 16:55:52Stay with 4.28 and don't update via Playstore.
How long?
Leaving the betatest in the Playstore?
Just don't do the update for the time being. As the Satellite map provider for Locus screwed up, Menion had to do an emergency fix and make it dominate existing installs via Playstore (this is for the mass of users rather than beta users). Technically he had to increase the build/version number, which causes Playstore to react the way we see (same for me).
There may be a version with that build number coming for beta too, not necessarily with new functions, but just to overcome this annoyance.
It should be easy to stay tuned until that happens or a new beta with new stuff might arrive.
The planner.
Drawing mode: "Created manually".
When you manually enter a new auxiliary point, it is displayed at a random offset, and not in the place where the cursor is located. Sometimes this offset is too large, which leads to confusion. The effect is purely visual, and if you press the zoom button, the dots will be displayed correctly. The effect occurs if there are many points, more than 50. I checked on two phones. Most likely, the further away from the center you click, the greater the random displacement of the point.
MapGooglePlayAfa_4.28.0.2 MyLibV2 RC25_1164_beta
@Graf Geo
last known location > yes, it works similarly to what was in the app before. I'm just a little more satisfied, as it returns to really last known GPS location, and not some virtual map-based location as before (it was not correct on the background).
@Andrew Heard
problem with the movements of folders belonging to different topic, but they will soon be merged (topics), so no problem > fixed
ZIP file > it should be a regular full database backup. No problems are expected here. In your case, the file is really invalid and can't be unpacked?? :-\
Nice observation, thanks. It happens to me as well, just a little later. Currently hard to solve. It looks like some problem with the rendering performance. Because it needs a bigger time investment, it is not easily solvable for now. Thanks for understanding.
Quote from: Menion on February 17, 2025, 13:25:18ZIP file > it should be a regular full database backup. No problems are expected here. In your case, the file is really invalid and can't be unpacked?? :-\
@Menion - according to Windows, the file is really invalid and can't be unpacked. Nothing to be done now. I've deleted the file.
New Beta version 4.28.0 RC1 (24.1.2025)
It is a pre-final version with an integrated MyLibrary system. There won't be any new versions with the old "Data manager".
This is also the last week for testing. The version will be published on Monday 24. 2. on Google Play.
- add: "tools" menu for a single folder
- chg: default style for all users set to simple
- chg: numerous updates in offline LoMap themes
- fix: mass copy/move operations crashing
- fix: another attempt to fix search in "Choose folder"
- fix: bunch of UI tweaks
When can we expect the "update all geocaches" function?
Last year you told us "at the end of the year" when the new database system is ready.
Is it a general idea / option that you publish a "roadmap" with functions you are working on?
Edit: as I see, the new data manager is included now. Looks "interesting"... I have to get a feeling for it
First impression for me: the way to filter points by their Geocaching settings is a loolng long way now :(
if you are already testing new My Library, there already is an "Update all geocaches" function. Just select multiple caches at once and choose this option in the menu.
And filter > aren't steps for the filter of geocaches almost identical as before? One additional click if I count correctly. Ideas to simplify are of course welcome.
Btw. for common cases, you may save the filter over "Filters manager" and apply the filter to the folder quickly by the long click on the "Filter" button (in the advanced layout mode).
I reported this topic in MapManager V2 thread. You asked for steps to do.
With 28 RC2 I still have reported 6 deletes even in the 6th,7th etc cloud sync.
Last Update shows:
id: cfaba794-e1eb-4564-9f16-0c44093785b8
status: 10600
start: 18. Feb. 2025, 19:53
end: 18. Feb. 2025, 19:53
changesSince: 18. Feb. 2025, 19:48
plan: operation FOLDER,
- download: 0,
- delete (local): 0,
- upload: 0,
- delete (server): 6
operation TRACK,
- download: 0,
- delete (local): 0,
- upload: 0,
- delete (server): 0
operation POINT,
- download: 0,
- delete (local): 0,
- upload: 0,
- delete (server): 0
I almost always use the same folders when moving tracks.
But the top level is displayed every time. I have to go to search or click through.
There is still a lot of space at the bottom. The most recently used folders (selected when moving) could be displayed here.
Or even better, I could define 3 or 4 favorites.
@freischneider: You might have a lot of space there. Not me, as I now have several folders under root, not just tracks and points ;) That's the nice thing about the new MyLib, that you are completely free with the folder structure.
"Last selected" or "Favourites" (not a bad idea) would have to be placed somewhere else. I myself get on well with the "search folder" function. An optimal solution for everyone might be difficult...
Thanks for information. I hadn't known that there it's the new my library.
Update all Geocaches works so far, except the problem that the pop up Window and the process itself, stops when you tap somewhere (to keep screen alive). Same behaviour occurs for updating GC vote
I know the exist of filter manager but it seems that my earlier settings have been deleted with the update. But no problem...
Filter Geocaching settings is a bit more complicated because you have to open every single option (size, difficulty eg) for its own to set the option. In earlier library everything was visible in one site.
In this regard I recognised that there seems to be (in my opinion) a twisted setting option: if I select parameters (found, active, archived eg) to the green hook (LEFT side) the opposite will be done.
In earlier library the green hook and the red cross have been on the opposite place.
For example: I select an folder with Geocaches where I haven't found a single one and put the filter "found"to the green hook it still shows every point.
Last thing: often when using Locus in map view, I do not more see the circle dot in the android navigation bar. Only thing I see is the back button. That's the reason why I can't switch between different apps l _ only possibility is to go back in locus and close it.
Selection of found folder after search:
Now works as it should. 🙂👍
switched from to RC2_1166
with conversion individual points and tracks gained strange values, see pics as examples
- one point received a location near lisboa portugal, was Stuttgart germany before
- several tracks got a date of 1970, no duration etc.
Shall I beam back to older version to doublecheck their state before?
Quote from: T-mo on February 19, 2025, 13:24:16- one point received a location near lisboa portugal,
Database, some id reference issue? I've seen something like this before. After some kind of file restore of only one of waypoints/tracks.db. They have crossreferences. I think it was rather about tracks with embedded waypoints.
Definitely a state where I would go back.
switched back to
I restored different backups of points+tracks, back to 2016.
The point (close to lisboa) is also there. Maybe it has been this way since a long time without my knowledge, for whatever reason, user fault or some misinterpretation of coordinates. Seems to be a single case.
definitely something wrong with RC2, see pic in comparison to before, here ok (btw snowboard-holiday, activity not set by me)
When Locus has no permission granted for 'Location', the center-map button shows a key-badge, without any popup-text or anything. Reason might be difficult to understand for unexperienced users.
thanks for the info about "deleted" folders > should be fixed now
selection of folders > understand, I'll think about it ...
dismiss of the "Update GC dialog" > good point, fixed
lost filters from "Filters manager" > hmm, you are correct. Sorry for this ...
browse in the GC filter settings > understand. Again nice place for improvements :)
inverted GC parameters in the filter > correct, fixed
bottom navigation panel > post a screenshot, please. I'm anyway not sure if this is Locus Map fault.
app does not modify points and tracks during the migration. It affects only folders and placements of points & tracks inside.
Tracks > these are old recorded tracks? Weird, my 10+ years old tracks are all correct. Only idea is to send me backup of your data from RC2 so I may validate where is the problem.
Red key on the centering button > tap on it does not offer a solution to you?
Red key on the centering button: How/when will it appear? I always and only have the red cogwheel when GPS is not available.
Quote from: Menion on February 20, 2025, 12:40:42bottom navigation panel > post a screenshot, please. I'm anyway not sure if this is Locus Map fault.
See screenshot . In this case it happened when updating Caches. But not every single time. I can't reproduce it at the moment
Quote from: Menion on February 20, 2025, 12:40:42@freischneider
selection of folders > understand, I'll think about it ...
I have now created my folders directly under root. I didn't know that and it's much better. One click less when moving.
But the idea with favorites folders would still be helpful.
Idea: Show the favorites folders only in the move/select screen. Not in the normal File Manager. You can define 1-4 favorites folders. These are then displayed at the top and below the normal folder structure. If someone does not set a favorite, only the folder structure is displayed.
This would also be useful when importing screens. But there are usually other favorites folders that are needed as when moving.
Ok, I'm still not really convinced that this is necessary. But if the idea of favourites is pursued further, then perhaps a corresponding icon/button could be placed in the top bar of the copy/move menu, which could then be used to access the favourites folders. See ss.
You would then have to click once more, but the direct display of the favourites folders would quickly overload the list (if you have several folders under root) and force you to scroll.
Quote from: Graf Geo on February 20, 2025, 14:18:37Red key on the centering button: How/when will it appear? I always and only have the red cogwheel when GPS is not available.
I had to newly install Locus. Though gps was on, Locus still had no granted android-permission to access location, which I directly changed then. My note is not that important and is only about the rare case of fresh install and not granted permission, which might not be obvious in first place.
See pic below about the popup-notice in that case.
Other pic shows the newly introduced red cogwheel in case gps is off. Well, I don't like it as i get tired of the exaggerated alerts today and the question-mark tells enough to me, but it's not my app.
Quote from: Graf Geo on February 20, 2025, 19:07:31You would then have to click once more, but the direct display of the favourites folders would quickly overload the list (if you have several folders under root) and force you to scroll.
As a result, the advantage of favorites folders disappears and if there is little use, then it will not be used. But let's wait and see if menion wants to introduce it at all. If so, we could discuss the pros and cons of the different ideas again.
Now that I am extensively reorganising my folders, points & tracks for the new V2 library, I am finding the Move To function somewhat tedious in that the default folder is always the root. A "recent list" of folders may be even more useful than a "favorite list".
When deleting an empty folder is there any real need for the extra step of ticking a checkbox/ absolving LM of any loss of data? Again seems tedious. When there is a subfolder now there are 2 checkboxes to tick ;-( A recycle bin would almost be the best of both worlds 1) no confirmation step, 2) can undelete if a mistake.
Sorting folder by name - reverse sort checkbox ticked & unticked, but the order of purely numeric folder names is the same. What's happening?20250221-155741-.jpg20250221-155809-.jpg
Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 21, 2025, 05:29:33Now that I am extensively reorganising my folders, points & tracks for the new V2 library, I am finding the Move To function somewhat tedious in that the default folder is always the root. A "recent list" of folders may be even more useful than a "favorite list".
When deleting an empty folder is there any real need for the extra step of ticking a checkbox/ absolving LM of any loss of data? Again seems tedious. When there is a subfolder now there are 2 checkboxes to tick ;-( A recycle bin would almost be the best of both worlds 1) no confirmation step, 2) can undelete if a mistake.
Yes, I also find it very tedious to reconfirm every time I move.
With favorites you could select a folder or last used. Then you would have both.
I don't find a way to mass update elevation in tracks or points any more.
Several places where this functionality could be found. We now have different folder "context menus" and we can additionally longclick select tracks, points and folders.
At places where I found 'Update elevation', it was greyed out.
thanks for the databases. Anyway in both files you send me are identical track databases with the same problem > both are missing statistics and times. So sorry, I can't help here because the reason is unknown to me. Only old tracks seem to be affected.
@Graf Geo
center button > "red key" means missing location permission, "red settings icon" means disabled location in the system ... simple.
Thanks for the screenshots. Unfortunately, it is not most probably on our side, as we are unable to directly affect the content of the bottom navigation panel from the app.
favorites in the folder selection > thanks for the feedback. I won't improve it a minute before release, but yeah, agree, there is a space for small improvement. Anyway, I'm not a fan of some kind of "favorites". What about improving the search function and offering the recently selected folders immediately in the search?
@Andrew Heard
recycle bin > I know. It already is implemented on iOS and it probably has to be on Android as well. Anyway, I'd rather choose this option for now.
You are right, I'll at least reduce it to a single checkbox for sub-folders.
Sorting of folders > use manual sorting (first option in the sorting menu). Folders are not affected by the "Sort by" value.
update elevation > it was never available as "mass operation" for tracks, only for points. And it is preserved. So select multiple points and from the menu choose "Update elevation".
Quote from: Menion on February 21, 2025, 08:06:20@freischneider
favorites in the folder selection > thanks for the feedback. I won't improve it a minute before release, but yeah, agree, there is a space for small improvement. Anyway, I'm not a fan of some kind of "favorites". What about improving the search function and offering the recently selected folders immediately in the search?
I like to work with favorites. But that's just my opinion. I also think that we shouldn't change anything shortly beforehand. Let's wait and see what ideas and comments the majority of users have.
But the idea with the search is not a bad one either. Clicking on search (without typing) shows the most recently used ones.
Hello, 4.28.0 RC2:
Search (1) doesn't work any more. The "move map" function (2) is opened.
Best regards,
maybe you used it last time? When you close it, is there a menu at the top panel where you may choose a search engine?
Quote from: Menion on February 21, 2025, 08:06:20@T-mo
thanks for the databases. Anyway in both files you send me are identical track databases with the same problem > both are missing statistics and times. So sorry, I can't help here because the reason is unknown to me. Only old tracks seem to be affected.
Damn, ok.
You probably have something in mind I don't see.
I don't know if the MyLibV2-mechanism actually alters the dbs or not, maybe it only creates the 3rd help-file.
Nevertheless, with RC2 I get shown wrong values. If the culprit is a different but wrong reading of values or due to conversion and relations, that's the question btw. and 4.28.0RC2_1166.
Track details of .2beta, currently in use.
Don't you have any older backup? As I wrote, both files you shared with me contain data that already miss times and statistics.
With a new beta, the change history appears right at the first start.
This was not the case with RC3 and RC4.
Gluck. RC4
Hi guys,
final RC4 version uploaded to Google Drive.
Final version and release on Monday, if there won't be any serious reason not to do it.
It is a big change, so I'll publish it only to a portion of the new users per day for the next approximately 14 days.
If you have anything crucial you are not sure it works as expected, last two days to test ;)
Have a nice weekend!
Quote from: Menion on February 21, 2025, 08:06:20Sorting of folders > use manual sorting (first option in the sorting menu). Folders are not affected by the "Sort by" value.
@menion - ok thanks, will work for now but maybe quite confusing for other users. I checked with Windows File Explorer for comparison - it keeps folders at the top, and correctly sorts files
and folders ascending
and descending, which to me is more intuitive. Worth consideration (later)?
Quote from: Menion on February 21, 2025, 10:09:01@luce
maybe you used it last time? When you close it, is there a menu at the top panel where you may choose a search engine?
Aaah, okay, you are right! Sorry, my fault! :)
@Menion - with RC4 installed - what's going on with the folder sorting now? 2011, 2007, then 2013? The folder sort order is also the reverse of my previous screen shots yesterday (descending), without any changes by me, except 2013 is now out of order. I have sorting by Name not Manual, and there are no leading or trailing spaces. Weird. A quick check of other folders - all OK.
@Andrew Heard: Hmm, as Menion wrote yesterday ( You can sort folders ONLY manually (first entry in the menu list).
Once you have sorted the folders manually, the blue tick should also remain in the "Sort manually" entry and not in "Name" again, which is actually irritating.
Addendum: it looks as if the alphabetical "standard sorting" of the folders can no longer be saved once the folders have been sorted manually. If you leave the parent folder or the library once and open it again, you will always have the last manual sorting.
Perhaps the other sorting options should be greyed out if the current level only contains folders.
Addendum 2: ok, if you have subfolders AND tracks/points in a folder (which is rarely the case for me), then the sorting logic is easy to recognise: "Sort manually" only offers the subfolders, all other sorting options only affect the tracks and points. So it fits. The blue tick is therefore ok, but it can be irritating if only subfolders are in the current order.
Quote from: Graf Geo on February 22, 2025, 10:52:23Once you have sorted the folders manually, the blue tick should also remain in the "Sort manually" entry and not in "Name" again, which is actually irritating.
Thanks Graf Geo. A little confusing?
Clearly sorted alphabetically by Name in my screen cap, but 2011, 2007, then 2013? Sure I can sort manually, and I will (& no doubt actually is). Great new feature BTW. But I'm thinking more ahead to the 1000's of new/ existing users that could have a similar experience and waste LM support time on a detail that should need no support. So, in the least, there is a bug or improvement to be made, in that list is sorted manually, but the tick indicator shows incorrect sorting by Name. So worthwhile discussion I feel.
My confusion - the "Sort by" options don't apply to folders. OK, I finally get it. Maybe a little clarification like in my updated screen cap?
Separate topic - I've seen the "top level" folder referred to inconsistently as "Root" and "Home" in app & webplanner. Certainly "move to 'root folder' folder" is not the best. I think "Root" is jargon & suggest "home" be used everywhere.
Uff ... guys, thanks. I have no more words to say :D