Hello people,
this topic is BIG. Really. At least because we have been working on it since Jan 2024.
Welcome early version of the new My Library system.
So we (Android) are first and may influence behavior on all three platforms, nice :).
Major changes
- points and tracks may be in the same folders
- possibility for deeper nesting of folders
- completely reworked UI
The last point will be most problematic I'm sure. We discussed this a lot, so please keep in mind, that everything has its reason. I'll anyway gladly discuss any suggestions.
Please, focus on important things for now, that may be hardly changed later. Old manager was fine-tuned for years, so this will also be a task for next years.
How to test it
Installation of the new version modifies the points/tracks database so it will become backward-INcompatible!
Don't blame me for data loss or possible problems. If you worry, do not test this now!!!
EDIT: this version has disabled "Cloud sync" because our web server is not yet 100% ready!!!
Method no 1 (recommended)
- separate device, where this version may be installed and tested
- immediately after installation, restore the backup from your main device
- after re-start, the app will do a database conversion
Method no 2 (only for skilled users)
- backup current data and keep this safe
- update the current public version
- start, the app will do a database conversion
- easy ... but the next public Locus Map 4 version won't see your data! So after the next update to the public version, you will have to restore old data (+ manually delete Locus/data/database/myLibrary.db!!)
Method no 3 (for all)
- if there is interest, I may record a short video to preview how this all looks. So no need to install and test anything. Just let me know ...
Test version on Google Drive in "my library V2" sub-directory.
Uff, good luck to all of us ;D.
+ few screenshots
+ few screenshots
I would safe my track- and point database files and use this one - IF future betas always include the db changes. WILL THEY?
I was thinking about it. There is still a small risk, there will be a change in the database structure. So I would not rely on this version (I personally also do not use it in the field).
Give me please maybe +- two weeks. Then, I believe, it should be stable enough, to use it as a regular version.
Btw. I forgot to mention one important info :-\ ... this version has disabled "Cloud sync" because our web server is not yet 100% ready!!!
OK I think Method2 is easily doable.
Does it leave waypoints.db and tracks.db unaltered... and just create a myLibrary.db from them?
2 bugs.
- If I select a different folder from the "Edit folder" window (which is confusing at first), "Icon and name" does not refresh.
- Color picker "Circle around points", crash, restart
- MIGRATION NOT PERFECT. A couple of point/track folders are empty.
I think the fonts are too big, also the slim view could be condensed even more. I only manage to display 7 tracks on 2244px screen.
I'd like more emphasis on the folder icons. The folder symbols make overview monotonous.
Map screen content needs to jump into either tracks or points, it goes top level atm.
A long time ago you mentioned a trips system
This could be achieved by allowing
1. Folders to have extra properties, description, orl, atatchments, in the same way that POI do...
2 For pois and tracks to e able to be placed in multiple folders ( so folders become tags/labels)
What are the chances for new library to include these?
My Libary was installed. Data was then converted.
Some folders contained tracks from other folders. Some folders were empty.
I then tried to create a backup. It was downloaded and created. Then the message Restart appeared.
Then there was only a error message and nothing worked at all.
I thought that an old backup would not work.
Then installed the latest beta. Backup added. Everything is fine again.
Then installed My Libary again. This time I get the error code 11556
I would also like to see more emphasis on the folder icons. It's not easy to find the right folder right now.
Friday evening ... a little late. Anyway two tests and two problems with data, weird.
Would any of you be so kind to send me a backup of your data for the test of conversion? Thanks a lot. I'll answer everything in the worst case on Monday.
For now, APK files removed, to prevent more people with incorrectly converted databases. Thanks!
Quote from: Menion on November 01, 2024, 18:57:09Would any of you be so kind to send me a backup of your data
Will do.
Quote from: Menion on November 01, 2024, 18:57:09Friday evening ... a little late. Anyway two tests and two problems with data, weird.
Would any of you be so kind to send me a backup of your data for the test of conversion? Thanks a lot. I'll answer everything in the worst case on Monday.
For now, APK files removed, to prevent more people with incorrectly converted databases. Thanks!
Nasty bug. Thanks
@Tapio &
@freischneider . Your databases are not converted correctly on my test device. So after the update to the RC8, please simply restore the old backup over the Backup Manager. The app will do a new conversion then.
@Tapio app creates a new "myLibrary.db" that contains a new definition for folders and filters. But also modify all ID of points and tracks, so original databases are also modified. I was thinking about merging all databases into a single file, but it is quite a risky process so I left it as is (separated now into the three files).
"Edit folder" > hmm, there should be a "Parent folder" label at the top instead of "Folder". Better then? It defines simply where the current folder is placed.
Circle color picker > indeed :o ... fixed
The fonts too big > all in the UI? It is a standard size, nothing special.
Improve folder icon > any ideas? Got your point, but no idea on my side for now.
Map-screen content > ah good point, I've almost forgotten on it. The separation here should be also united as there are no longer "Points" and "Tracks" folders.
@Neoaliphant trips system > yes, it was before we created this united system. Anyway, your point no 1. is definitely planned for the next year. "Tags" > I'm not sure about it, we will see later if this will still be necessary.
@freischneider sorry for the first negative impression. Hope the second attempt will be a lot better.
Quote from: Menion on November 01, 2024, 16:06:40Btw. I forgot to mention one important info :-\ ... this version has disabled "Cloud sync" because our web server is not yet 100% ready!!!
@Menion - you did mention "Cloud Sync".
Exciting but I may wait for a week(s) because I can't dedicate a device as isolated test device. Looking forward to "Cloud Sync" version!!
A pity no tags being considered. When (a decade+ ago) I moved from Microsoft email client Outlook (with strict folder hierarchy similar to LM) to Google Gmail (with tag based system) life became a lot simpler/ more flexible for organisation & search. BTW I know there is a recent discussion in the Help system re tags with quite a lot of votes, but the search facility https://help.locusmap.eu/ is pretty hopeless & I gave up trying to find the link ;-(
After update database seems OK. Bugs fixed. Fonts, folder icons, I may have judged too quick, will test a bit more first.
Changing root folder of a folder, yes, that's clearer and useful.
BUG: After I click "Save" in Edit Folder, the eye symbols for viewing items do not work.
Missing: Longtap select one or more folders, Move (is grayed out)
Good first impression.
Quote from: Menion on November 01, 2024, 22:51:46@freischneider, (https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?action=profile;u=7440)
entschuldigen Sie den ersten negativen Eindruck. Hoffe, der zweite Versuch wird viel besser.
I didn't have a negative impression. As testers we are there to uncover such things. I also test on an old device and still have one that works.
The second test went well. All folders and tracks in the right place.
First impression is good. I like that you can now create subfolders in several levels.
Suggestion: show how many subfolders are contained in the parent folder. At the moment it only shows how many tracks are contained and how many are displayed.
Display direct subfolders and folders in total (i.e. folders in subfolders). Display ? Possibly display number of tracks one line up and folder at the bottom, here the word folder is already in the line. Small folder symbol for direct subfolders and folder symbol in folder for all folders ?
The clarity of the folders was better before. I had large icons instead of folders for the most important main folders. I was able to arrange them at the top by adding numbers to their names. The eye can see large icons in a more structured way.
I had all other superfolders (previously groups) with a folder as a folder icon. The corresponding subfolders then as an icon. A nice example is the vacation parent folder with a folder icon and the subfolders with icons depending on the country.
Possibly selectable. Folder as symbol, symbol or combination (as now) ?
Another point I have noticed. You could open folders and then they remained open. now they always close again.
Points in folders for tracks: it's nice to have this function now.
It was also mentioned to have a point in several folders. This can of course be done by copying. But if I have a point in many folders and I want to add a picture later. Then I need to know where I have copied it to. Otherwise I don't have the information about the image.
Idea: just copy a link of the point to other folders. When I open this, the original is always opened and changes are always up-to-date. Otherwise the link behaves like a normal point. Show, hide, navigate...
What do you think?
Yeah, opening a group was some kind of tree view with the group as a top node. I think we lost that.
Using links (as in OS, NTFS links, junctions) comes with some complexity and probably support penalty.
My thoughts about folder icons are these: Per default, use a predefined folder icon. If the user decides to use his own, that's up to the user. Show the user chosen icon at full size. Allow for easy and inherited reset of icons.
While the overall db change is big, at the same time it's conservative. Not too many changes for the user. This is maybe a good thing. I hope the foundations are open for more changes. Eg like tagging, as it has been mentioned.
I can also see there may be the need to unify point/track/folder edit screens.
@Freischneider your screenshots reveal, you have too much URLAUB. 😁 Well organised btw. 👍
Slim view: Maybe a third option? Goal: As many entries per page as possible. Just one, max. 2 lines of text. No line break.
I like the new flexibility of organising points/tracks.
- Filters aren't active yet?
- Sorting folders, will it be possible?
- Library search, no text to enter? How is it working - display all, then filter?
Quote from: freischneider on November 02, 2024, 10:45:53a point in several folders.
The thing about points, for example if I have a folder called castles, and i add photos, descriptions, opening times...with new system its easy to have Castles as a folder within Places to visit etc
but if for exampel wanted to have a collection of points for an upcoming holiday...
what would eb easy is to have a text field in each POI, and we can put in free tags....
and then below the folders we have saved searches, and one of teh search criteria could be tags
this would give the functionality of a point being in multiple folders ( just tag in advance) but also be usefull for people who repeatedly search for things.....
There's no possibility to sort tracks by their length.
Quote from: freischneider on November 02, 2024, 10:45:53It was also mentioned to have a point in several folders. This can of course be done by copying.
@freischneider the problem is: modify point in 1 folder, now inconsistent with any other copies
Quote from: Tapio on November 02, 2024, 18:00:11There's no possibility to sort tracks by their length.
@tapio - I'm assuming these are just (relatively) minor small-picture details compared with the overall design concept; will have to resurrect an old device so I can have more constructive suggestions.
+6 hours: I installed MapGooglePlay_4.26.3.1_1149 MyLibV2 RC8_beta.apk > displays release notes > tap OK > below - can't do anything else ;-(
zzcrk, code: 11556
@menion - maybe old tablet with Android 8.1 is too old??
"Sub-Folders" is enough IMO.
As for slim view. If there wasn't the text "Folder" (which is sooo repetetive), resulting in just one text line, space could be saved.
For people with many folders and tracks, some very dense view and the possibility to instantly overlook like ~15 items is valuable.
I think Google and their UI ideas is who started space wasting years ago. But we aren't all 90 year olds with Parkinson. And the LM data management is not only operated with gloves on and while on a bike. 😁
Quote from: Andrew Heard on November 02, 2024, 21:04:14Quote from: freischneider on November 02, 2024, 10:45:53It was also mentioned to have a point in several folders. This can of course be done by copying.
@freischneider the problem is: modify point in 1 folder, now inconsistent with any other copies
Exactly, this has been a problem for me for years....
@Andrew. I had the same error.
Delete everything on old device
Install the latest version
Install a backup of your main device
Check that everything is running (including folder assignment (backup, SRTM....))
then install my libary
In my 1st post I should have included the 2 below screenshots. I tapped "Restore from backup" and you can see grayed out "Backup manager" displayed behind the 2nd screen.
thanks @freischneider - this time I uninstalled the app, installed new beta, run > displays opening 4 jigsaw pieces then a few seconds later Android messagebox says "Locus Map has stopped, Open app again". So this is even worse than my first attempt. Android 8.1. I can't "afford" to test on a newer device sorry.
Quote from: Tapio on November 03, 2024, 07:38:08"Sub-Folders" is enough IMO.
@tapio - I guess everyone manages their data differently. I've always found the 2 level Group/ Folder system too inflexible.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on November 03, 2024, 22:00:16Quote from: Tapio on November 03, 2024, 07:38:08"Sub-Folders" is enough IMO.
@tapio - I guess everyone manages their data differently. I've always found the 2 level Group/ Folder system too inflexible.
I meant the menu text, remove the "also".
not working eye after edit of the folder > you simply edit folder > save and then multi-select and "visibility" eye do nothing? Can't simulate any problem here.
multi-select and "move" of more folders > currently only "delete" is possible. Working with multiple folders at once requires a different approach, so it was not yet a priority for me. Later ...
Unified editing screens > yes, they need some improvements as all were done over time and looks a little different, good point.
"Filters" > should be fully working!
"Sorting folders" > below
"Library search" > fully working! Start by top search button and enter text at the top blue bar.
"Sort tracks by length" > by bad, thanks
"Small folder symbol for direct subfolders and folder symbol in folder for all folders ?" > nice sentence ;D.
folder icons > previously, the situation was a lot easier. You had one screen with only folders (and groups) and the second with only points or tracks. Not all at once.
Anyway, I would really like to stick with the current solution (the "folder" icon with a small icon badge). So what may help here?
- bigger icon for folders?
- removing the second line with the "Folder" label so only a centered folder name will be visible?
The order of folders is currently by name only. The plan is to (most probably) allow custom sorting later.
"You could open folders and then they remained open. now they always close again." > if you want to start next time where you left off, use the top-left "cross" button.
I understand the usefulness of tags. The current priority is really unification of the points/tracks system and more flexibility in managing folders. Tags or something similar will be discussed later.
We also need to add as much as possible functionality to iOS and the web portal (here it may be a problem again, sorry). "Tags" will add only a huge additional complexity, so not now, thanks for understanding.
@Andrew Heard
Android 8 is definitely not old. This happens right after installation, so even before restoring a backup? Simple clean install and start?
There are a few valuable notes I probably not mention, anyway I've read everything at least twice and will think about it. Thanks!
Yesterday, out of curiosity, I installed My library V2 on my old (and slow) SGS7 (Method 1). Everything worked fine, including the database conversion.
First impression: Ok, the UI is still a bit confusing and inelegant, but that's normal for a test version. Operation is not always completely intuitive, but you get used to it. I have noticed the following major problems:
Changing the icon of the root folder: After that, Locus crashes regularly when I open My library or try to save a track or point. The only solution is to restore the backup from the release version. Then, of course, I have to start from scratch again.
Then I created two new subfolders and moved some tracks into them. I then created a backup and restored it later after a crash. That worked, but the subfolders and all the tracks in them had disappeared. The only solution was to restore the backup from the release version.
UI: In the screenshots of Menion (in #1) and Tapio (in #26) I see a default folder icon on the left in the folder list and below it (very small) an individually assigned icon (screenshot 1). In my case there is no default folder icon, only the small icon that I have selected myself (screenshot 2). Not even in light mode. Unfortunately, my own icons are displayed very small, which is unfavourable as I have many meaningful icons of my own that are now difficult to see.
Filters: I don't understand how they work, or they don't work.
Style: I only recognise a difference between "Slim" and "Full". With the other settings (Basic - Advanced, Statistics) I don't see what they are supposed to do.
Eye-Icon (visiblity of tracks): Select all (or visible), Eye off does not work. All tracks remain visible and the eye icon remains active. The only solution is to deactivate the eye icon for each track individually. With the points, however, it works as it should.
These are my first impressions. I'll try to test further in the next days. )
Another thing I had forgotten:
I had always missed the option to search for folders. Now that you can create as many subfolders as you like, I think this is even more important. Previously you could only search for tracks and points, but not for folders.
If I have a complex structure (e.g. Tracks -> Travel -> Holidays -> 2023 -> Prague/Paris/Spain etc.), I would like to be able to search directly for the "Prague" folder, for example.
@Andrew: try to install the Google Play version and then make a backup.
@Menion, not working eye, see:
Folder icons: all power to the user! Let them use whatever icon, at full size, and allow for an easy way to reset. The german saying is "Des Menschen Wille ist sein Himmelreich".
LM now doesn't allow to hide all elements from root level any more? Was in the menu before. I used it quite often.
Filtering does nothing here. I type hi into the name field, basic filtering... click "Filter", it just shows everything as before.
Quote from: Menion on November 04, 2024, 09:41:36"You could open folders and then they remained open. now they always close again." > if you want to start next time where you left off, use the top-left "cross" button.
No, it's more about expanding and collapsing groups, where, when opened, their folders could be shown at the same time. Like a tree view over 2 dimensions. Which we cannot have now.
Search works, OK. Terminology: "Search in sub-folders", "Search in descriptions". "Settings" - Superfluous.
I was writing about slim view and no line break.
Related to screenshot. We don't necessarily need all tech info in list views. I think of biggest interest is what we are currently sorting by.
If items are sorted by track length, length should be shown to the left, in list views. If we sort by distance from here, distance should be left. A dynamic approach.
EDIT: I see you already do that. You should IMO give it more priority, put the sorting data field fully left or second, and then it's totally fine to not line break.
Quote from: Menion on November 04, 2024, 09:41:36folder icons > previously, the situation was a lot easier. You had one screen with only folders (and groups) and the second with only points or tracks. Not all at once.
Anyway, I would really like to stick with the current solution (the "folder" icon with a small icon badge). So what may help here?
Now we only have folders. So you don't need the icon for the folder. And it is in the 2nd line as text (folder).
For users who want to use the folder as an icon, you can leave it as the default. But I would like to replace the icon with one of my own in the same size.
But maybe I'm missing something? What speaks against it? Maybe a picture of it.
We can give it a try, if necessary we can go back.
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@Freischneider re: "Now we only have folders" - and tracks and points on one level. That's probably why Menion likes the folder icon.
Beta RC9 published
@Graf Geo
"the UI is still a bit confusing and inelegant" > anything specific?
Change of the root folder icon > ah, another nasty problem, thanks! The modification of the root folder destroys the database, so do not do it for now! Sorry.
Restoring previous V2 backup > I've spent some time on it and all seems to work fine for me. Maybe somehow related to crashes? You will see it later.
Missing "folder" icon > :o ... no idea for now, sorry.
Filtres > they indeed do not work in the generated version, hmm, fixed!!
Simple vs Advanced mode > functionality: identical. "Simple" > minimum visible active buttons on the screen for basic users. "Advanced" > very similar to the old data manager
Eye button > you are correct, again in the public version it has some troubles
Search for folders > good point. I've noted this to the remaining tasks. A little complicated, but ...
tree view > ah, oki. It is not anymore possible because of the multi-level structure.
Sorry, I still do not perfectly understand the main issue with the folder & its icons. The problem is that the folder item and point/track item looking too similar?
Quote from: Menion on November 04, 2024, 16:30:13@freischneider
Sorry, I still do not perfectly understand the main issue with the folder & its icons. The problem is that the folder item and point/track item looking too similar?
Ok, I'll try to explain it better.
I have selected my own symbol in the first folder. It was attached to the folder icon and is very small.
In the 2nd folder I have displayed it as I would like it to be.
I can quickly recognize which folder it is by a large symbol. At the moment the icon is very small and I have to read the text.
Oki. But, when the icon of the folder is selected icon, it will be a lot harder to quickly see what is the folder and what is the point as both will look almost identical, except for the second line "Folder" text (that I've just removed for test) vs point statistics..
Hmm, I'll be thinking about it. Anyway, I understand, that the icon of the folder is important for you.
Thank you, I had the same thoughts about the difference.
But I think it's easy to tell the difference. There is only one line of text in a folder
In a point or track there is more information. Date, KM, distance, altitude.
and in a folder there are 0/4 for the contained elements. So enough to clearly recognize a difference. What do other users say.
You could also make a separator in Locus Blue between the symbol and the text in folders. Or a frame around the symbol.
I don't know whether this looks good visually.
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Quote from: Menion on November 04, 2024, 16:30:13Beta RC9 published
@Graf Geo
"the UI is still a bit confusing and inelegant" > anything specific?
No, nothing specific für the moment. It's certainly a matter of getting used to it.There are small things, e.g. the Style icon looks "out of place". Maybe I'll get back to you later.
After updating to V (MyLib), the root folder can be edited. I know there is no real reason to do this, but I tried it out of curiosity and now it doesn't cause any problems anymore.
Restoring previous V2 backup: I haven't done it again yet.
Missing "folder" icon: still not available for me. Not that important. Maybe it's because of my old device. I don't dare to install the myLib version on my current one yet.
Filtres: I know they've always been there, but I've never used them before and just don't understand how to use them. Is there a manual for this? Anyway, I've never missed it before.
Eye button: Seems to work fine now. :)
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Quote from: freischneider on November 04, 2024, 19:33:11... But I think it's easy to tell the difference. There is only one line of text in a folder
In a point or track there is more information. Date, KM, distance, altitude.
and in a folder there are 0/4 for the contained elements. So enough to clearly recognize a difference. What do other users say.
You could also make a separator in Locus Blue between the symbol and the text in folders. Or a frame around the symbol. ...
I agree with freischneider. Optional own icons for the folders in normal size. The word "folder" is superfluous, at the moment (RC9) this is also removed, which is good. If the subfolders are always listed first in a parent folder and then the tracks or points, there should be no differentiation problems. Especially as I can then choose certain unique icons for my folders and others for the points. The tracks have the mini-map icon anyway.
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In the new data manager when importing a route containing points it does not appear in which folder to place the points.
In the current data manager it does appear the way to choose in which folders will be the routes and points.
Quote from: Menion on November 04, 2024, 09:41:36Android 8 is definitely not old. This happens right after installation, so even before restoring a backup? Simple clean install and start?
>right after installation
>so even before restoring a backup?
>Simple clean install and start?
1st install was upgrade from 4.26.2
2nd install was after uninstall of
3rd attempt (testing with Lenovo Tab 4 tablet running Android 8.1, portrait orientation, nothing much special I can think of):
- deleted folder: internal memory/Locus
- installed MapGooglePlay_4.26.3.1 MyLibV2 RC9_1149_beta.apk
- open
- Android displays "Locus Map has stopped, open app again"
- full bug report on its way - I hope it helps so I can do some testing
Quote from: Graf Geo on November 04, 2024, 19:39:39...
Filtres: I know they've always been there, but I've never used them before and just don't understand how to use them. Is there a manual for this? Anyway, I've never missed it before.
Ok, now I've had a look at it. It's actually quite easy to understand in the previous Locus version.
In MyLib RC9 I find it confusing at first, how to use the filter manager etc., but I'm slowly finding my way around, at least in part.
However, the filter menu (UI) is not ideal. When the keyboard opens, the text field (where I type the text) is cut off.
EDIT: If I reconfigure my keyboard so that it's smaller, it works - but that's a stopgap solution. The text field should be completely visible even with a larger keyboard.
And at the bottom right is a thick blue vertical bar, which probably serves as a button for "OK" or "Apply".
EDIT: I have just noticed that in panorama mode the blue bar is displayed as a button labelled "FILTERN". So a problem in portrait mode with certain display sizes? SGS7 ist not sooo small. ;-)
See screenshots:
Quote from: Graf Geo on November 05, 2024, 12:06:10So a problem in portrait mode with certain display sizes? SGS7 ist not sooo small. ;-)
the S7 is 8 years old, and only runs up to A8, and has a tiny 5.1 inch screen, even with screen res of 1440 x 2560 pixels,
the viewport size is only 360x640.....you can see by how lare percentage of screen the keyboard takes up.....
might be worth reducing text size to see what the difference is
@Neoaliphant: Locus Map requires Android 6.0 or higher. Therefore, an SGS7 should not be a problem and it is not.
When I open a folder or subfolder, I can create points, record tracks and plan routes using the plus icon at the bottom left. For a new point, the opened folder is also specified as the storage location.
For a newly created route, however, the root folder. I then have to go through my folder structure to define the desired folder as the storage location. It would be more logical and practical if new tracks/routes could also be saved directly in the previously opened folder.
Quote from: Graf Geo on November 05, 2024, 13:58:07@Neoaliphant: Locus Map requires Android 6.0 or higher. Therefore, an SGS7 should not be a problem and it is not.
yes, LM needs A6, and SGS7 is A8, and obviously it runs, but an app being able to install and run does not mean the app view correctly...
A DM99 smartwatch that has 2gb ram, A8 but a 2 inch screen will not view the menu correctly either even tho is A8...
it would be good if LM4 would display well on low res screens as I intend to get an android watch at some point....
A lot of feedback, thanks people.
Meanwhile, I've
- fix: crash at start on Android 11-
- chg: improved style of the folder item
- fix: crash at the new databases without data
- fix: bottom panel at the filter screen on smaller devices
Minimum screen size should be 800x600px. Smaller are not recommended. If something does not look ok on this resolution = bug.
"Folder item" in the screenshot. Better? A little unification with the rest of the UI ...
I'll publish RC10 tomorrow.
there is no option to choose a separate folder for points and tracks. Choose only one and import all into this one folder!
@Graf Geo
good point with a pre-set folder for adding a new track. Hmm, I may really pre-select the current folder (for route planner) = but, if you cancel adding a new route, this folder remains preselected, so you lose the previously selected "last folder". Harder to explain to me, but let's try this and we will see ...
Good morning Menion,
thanks for all that work.
Hmm, "folder items" now look a bit cluttered. Personally, I thought the tidy version was better before and I would be happy with my own icons. I would therefore continue to leave out the folder icon, even if it is now small.
On the other hand, this information (number of subfolders and tracks) was requested by others and can also be useful. Let's see what the impression is when RC10 is installed.
Filter panel on smaller devices: fine, I'm curious.
Selected last folder: you're right, I hadn't saved a route in RC9 before and that's why the root folder appeared. So maybe leave the previous behaviour.
Two more things that would be important from my point of view:
1. the folders/subfolders should also be sortable. Of course not mixed up, at the top the folders A-Z and below the tracks/points A-Z or whatever sorting criterion you choose.
2) I think this was requested many years ago: It would be nice if you could change the order of the items in the statistics panel. Elevation chart, best intervals etc.). If everything is already rearranged anyway...
Beta RC10 uploaded.
@Graf Geo
sorting of folders > we plan this for sure, just not yet implemented
order of "items in the statistics" > do you mean the detail of the single track? Hmm, this does not belong to this topic.
The icons for the folder are now better. But you could make the icon a little bigger. But if necessary, I can put it there.
You don't actually need the small attached folder in the icon. Now there is an icon for subfolders. With that you can also see that it is a folder. Now it would be displayed twice.
I think the display of contained tracks or subfolders is good. The only thing I don't quite understand is the icon for contained tracks or points. The lower one is for tracks but the upper one shows a full folder, there should be an icon for points ?
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RC10 updated.
- The search now includes folders - Fantastic! But folders are only found using letters, not numbers. For example, I have a folder called "2024 Bayern". Searching for "bay" finds it, searching for "2024" does not. Only tracks are found.
- Folder icons are better this way.
- Filter icon on small devices: Better, but the blue button is is too narrow and only shows "FILT" instead of "FILTER". See screenhot 1. No problem, the S7 is not my main device.
Question: In your announcement screenshot from last night you can see icons of subfolders and the tracks they contain. freischneider also mentions them ("contained tracks or subfolders"). They don't appear for me (which I actually like). Although I have subfolders. Is this again an individual display problem on my old test device (SGS7) or have they been programmed out again?
EDIT: Now I have them. Full style must be activated. It's great that you can show or hide them as you wish! :)
Folders. Hmmm, this could be, in slim view, all centered in one line resulting in more visible folders. Now this looks weird and wastes space.
Filters do nothing for me.
@Tapio: Then there would be problems with slightly longer folder names and/or smaller displays, and line breaks would occur more quickly. Which also requires space. So I would prefer to leave it as it is:
The Statistics selection field is available in the settings. As I see it, there are only the 2 numbers 0/15 at the top of the line for My library. In my opinion, this is superfluous and could always be there. It just makes it more complex and many will wonder what it does (helpdesk work).
Settings (style): Slim or Full. This setting makes sense in any case. But I would like it not to be general. But applicable per folder. In folders with many similar subfolders, I would like to set Slim. But where recorded tracks are included, I definitely want Full.
Maybe you can say, folder Slim and Tracks always Full ?
Again @Tapio:
Filter works, at least what I have tried. If I filter by date range in a folder (e.g. 01.10.24 - 05.10.24), only the corresponding tracks are listed.
Settings (style): Basic or Advanced. It took me a long time to find out what the difference is. As I see it, it is only the bottom line with sorting and filter, selection, new elements. If I choose Basic it is just at the top of the 3 point menu. I think almost everyone, when they find it, will set Advanced. The only advantage I see is that there is one more line at the bottom. Is it worth it?
Quote from: freischneider on November 06, 2024, 19:18:44The Statistics selection field is available in the settings. As I see it, there are only the 2 numbers 0/15 at the top of the line for My library. In my opinion, this is superfluous and could always be there. It just makes it more complex and many will wonder what it does (helpdesk work).
Maybe I'm blind or a bit slow on the uptake. I don't see where or what the "Statistics" checkbox affects. I don't see any difference. Nowhere...
@freischneider, Basic vs Advanced
Thanks, now I can finally see the effect. But the option is useful. If you don't need the filter, sorting etc. functions that often and would rather have more space for the list, Basic is the better choice.
Quote from: Graf Geo on November 06, 2024, 19:40:22Quote from: freischneider on November 06, 2024, 19:18:44The Statistics selection field is available in the settings. As I see it, there are only the 2 numbers 0/15 at the top of the line for My library. In my opinion, this is superfluous and could always be there. It just makes it more complex and many will wonder what it does (helpdesk work).
Maybe I'm blind or a bit slow on the uptake. I don't see where or what the "Statistics" checkbox affects. I don't see any difference. Nowhere...
Quote from: Graf Geo on November 06, 2024, 19:29:40Filter works, at least what I have tried. If I filter by date range in a folder (e.g. 01.10.24 - 05.10.24), only the corresponding tracks are listed.
Got it. I filtered by name on root level. Then went into a folder, but didn't notice the filter only applies to one level.
Quote from: Graf Geo on November 06, 2024, 19:11:12@Tapio: Then there would be problems with slightly longer folder names and/or smaller displays, and line breaks would occur more quickly.
Yes, I mentioned before, I wish there was a slimmer view, with no line breaks (also for tracks and points), for maximum overview.
Sort by length is in now, thx Menion.
Quote from: Menion on November 06, 2024, 15:45:17Beta RC10 uploaded.
@Menion - startup now working - thanks!
While trying to locate the "Backup" "setting", performing a Search & typing "b.a.c..." I got the impression that LM4 RC10 was using 100% CPU because Android asked whether to close or wait, and the UI was e.x.t.r.e.m.e.l.y slow to respond until it displayed Backup in search results.
"The lower one is for tracks but the upper one shows a full folder, there should be an icon for points " > not sure if understand, but the current right icon in the folder item is for points & tracks. I currently do not have ready-to-use icon that represent points and icons at once.
statistics disabled by default > good point, I'll enable it for advanced users (users that previously had any data) by default, but keep disabled for the new users.
slim vs full per folder > I'll think about it, but can't promise for now
basic vs advanced style > yes, it worth it :). A lot more simpler user interface for new users
@Graf Geo
search in folders with numbers > I'll look at it, thanks
the bottom panel in the search > I'll have to create a more robust solution for this :/
@Andrew Heard
It works now, perfect, finally!
100% CPU during search > does this happen always when you open a search screen and start typing? There may be a short 100% usage, but definitely not for more seconds ...
Subfolder icon in folders (full style):
The subfolder icon is displayed in every folder, even if there are no subfolders. Then there is the icon with the number zero.
Would it be possible for the subfolder icon to only appear if there is at least one subfolder? So never with zero? That would be clearer.
See screenshot:
Quote from: Menion on November 01, 2024, 15:46:37Method no 1 (recommended)
- separate device, where this version may be installed and tested
- immediately after installation, restore the backup from your main device
- after re-start, the app will do a database conversion
@Menion or anyone - 2nd step
"immediately after installation, restore the backup from your main device" - clarify
"immediately"? After a clean install of RC10 > open LM4 > grant permissions > map of Prague displayed (when Wifi enabled), exactly what steps are used to
"restore the backup"? I tried main menu > all features > setup > settings > Backup & filesystem > Backup manager > Restore from backup > restore my complete ZIP of all tracks & POI > restart > crash. LM always crashes then @ startup. I then found it impossible to fix except with delete Locus/data/database/* and the Android settings > apps > Locus > Storage > Clear Data.
Thanks for any help. sigh...
BTW the # steps required to perform a Restore of a backup ZIP are pretty well "buried" - SEVEN steps!
I use both LM3 and LM4, what will happen if I use this version? Can LM3 and LM4 still display Waypoints and tracks at the same time?
@Leo Wood: LM3 and LM4 are different apps, LM 3 has nothing to do with the My library (Data manager), V2.
When you install it on your used device, your LM4 version will be updated and your LM4 database will be transferred to the new database with a new structure. Your tracks and points should then be displayed as before, only in the new structure. Cloud Sync will not be possible for the time being. Note Menion's info from #1 (https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?msg=77096) in this topic:
Method no 2 (only for skilled users)
- backup current data and keep this safe
- update the current public version
- start, the app will do a database conversion
- easy ... but the next public Locus Map 4 version won't see your data! So after the next update to the public version, you will have to restore old data (+ manually delete Locus/data/database/myLibrary.db!!)
If you are unsure and have a second device, install it there first.
My question is ,After I update LM4 to the new version, can LM3 still use WAYPOINT and tracks in the database folder?
For now, LM3 and LM4 can use the same set of data.
Quote from: Leo Wood on November 07, 2024, 10:21:55My question is ,After I update LM4 to the new version, can LM3 still use WAYPOINT and tracks in the database folder?
For now, LM3 and LM4 can use the same set of data.
I suspect not. But only Menion can answer that for sure. I recommend giving up LM3. It will stop working at some point, as the maintenance mode will also expire at some point. Why not switch now.
Menion, will you support export/zipping of subfolders recursively? Woukd be great. Currently not working.
Blue background missing if all is selected.
Menu entry needed to create/refresh all miniatures?
Bug? I changed "Track label" to "Complex" on a folder. This was not inherited to its tracks.
@Leo Wood
if you use older Android and have shared the "Locus" directory for LM3 and LM4, do not use this version as Classic lost its data!
import/export of subfolders > I was expecting this :). Not working now. With nested sub-folders, there is a lot of possibilities. Most of them will be a lot of work because old system is not ready for this. What will be possible in the end > we will see mainly based on interest & complexity.
blue background for folder > and what if subfolders content is not visible, only direct inner points & tracks? I'm not sure about style of this button yet.
"Complex" style > do you mean change from "Slim > Full"? It works to me correctly, hmm.
When filterung data and then want to select it all via selectall the filter is ignored an all data in folder is selected
Quote from: Menion on November 07, 2024, 13:02:42"Complex" style > do you mean change from "Slim > Full"? It works to me correctly, hmm.
No, Track Labels, "Complex". In the folder properties.
Export of everything starting at a specific level would be awesome.
Quote from: Graf Geo on November 07, 2024, 09:54:01- start, the app will do a database conversion
it didn't offer the conversion for me, and no suggestions from @Menion why
Haven't tested yet, maybe at weekend.
import/export of subfolders:
export of items typically means export of the selected items including their subtrees.
Import is typically the import of the once exported structure, maybe V1 or V2, while V2 this also might be different type of items incl. subfolders, as far as I understand the V2-change and new possibilities.
Well, anything else would make no sense.
Exporting whole folder trees to gpx (e. g.) sure is what you expect when you click on a breadcrumb folder at the top... Yes, quite some work. The export formats, folders, zip, v2, LM3? etc. Menions work can never end 😁
But should obviously be done only if all platforms use the same db format.
If I understood Menion correctly, the new super structure resides in an extra database. Hence you only need a tree traversion on this new database. Such is doable on all platforms in 21st century. And the primitives for the various data collection/transforming operations do already exist anyway. So I do not see any massive complexity here. Do I miss a point, Menion?
@Tapio track labels changes to "Complex" > it works correctly to me. Labels on the map for tracks directly in this folder (not sub-folders) are changed
@michaelbechtold as well ... export of the whole structure > app already do operations over folders & sub-folders, this is not a problem. What I do not know, is how to deal with the structure.
Picking all the points and tracks, even from sub-folders, and export them to a single file > not a big problem. Is this enough? Someone will want to keep the structure of the folders right? Maybe also for import, right? And here problems start :)
@Andrew Heard conversion is done automatically at start, no questions. Anyway I wrote you over email as there will probably be some unknown problem
Oki, so at least something like this for now? Uf :P
I don't have a strong opinion on export. I actually only use export as an additional backup for important tracks and occasionally to be able to import individual tracks into another app or web application.
If I can export individual folders, then I would like to be able to optionally exclude subfolders.
And a new weekend version RC11 is out ...
Have a nice weekend! RC11
- chg: export of the selected folders export all sub-folder content as well!
- chg: statistics visible by default for "advanced" users
- chg: pseudo-3-state folder eye icon
- add: preserving selection when changing filter
- fix: properly working sort, filter and multi-select in "Search mode"
- fix: proper selection of items when filter is active
- fix: ignored active filter when selecting items
- fix: search for folders by "number" in the name
- fix: crash when importing file from MapItems
- fix: proper cancel of the "display/hide content" dialog
I personally do not need exports copied in this way. But I think there are groups (geologists, rescue workers, nature conservation.... They want to synchronize certain folders and subfolders in the group and have the same status. But at the same time they also have folders and tracks from the private area that are not synchronized. So Bqackup sharing is no longer necessary.
Maybe think about how such groups could do this. I think if this is easy, there will be many new users.
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Nice intended changes.
Export root folder to GPX: I had to enter a name, but that wasn't used anywhere.
LM simply dumped all contents, i. e. thousands of gpx files from all database folders into one target folder on Android, intended? Imo it should rebuild the folder structure in OS file system. I can only judge gpx: Offer "to single gpx" only if tracks/points are from one level. Otherwise brand it "single zip file", preserving folder structure.
3-state eye, haven't seen the 3rd state. Blue and no line if All shown, but also if some aren't shown (in subfolders).
Quote from: Menion on November 08, 2024, 10:45:20track labels changes to "Complex" > it works correctly to me. Labels on the map for tracks directly in this folder (not sub-folders) are changed
Hmm, not for me, here's what I do.
Haha. Missed your comment. Exactly, I'M A SOMEONE
Quote from: Menion on November 08, 2024, 10:45:20Picking all the points and tracks, even from sub-folders, and export them to a single file > not a big problem. Is this enough? Someone will want to keep the structure of the folders right? Maybe also for import, right? And here problems start :)
Quote from: Menion on November 08, 2024, 10:45:20Picking all the points and tracks, even from sub-folders, and export them to a single file > not a big problem. Is this enough? Someone will want to keep the structure of the folders right? Maybe also for import, right? And here problems start :)
@0709 - you seem to be the expert on GPX file formats, any thoughts for standard round-trip format?
Just an idea..
could imported gpx folder structure be "mounted" in a lower part of the point/folder system, and then could be unmounted when not needed, keeping it seperate from the user library....
in a similar way, could people (gold) share sections of their own library that could be mounted, so when they update, otehr people would see the updates.....
Quote from: Neoaliphant on November 09, 2024, 09:39:20in a similar way, could people (gold) share sections of their own library that could be mounted, so when they update, otehr people would see the updates.....
This would be an idea that would allow larger groups working on a project to keep their data up to date.
Using Edit folder and save it -> the previus Sort by is reset to Name Reserve sorting not set
Using UI,Item mode Full i would prefer a bigger thumbnail like it is shown in Settings
@freischneider There wasnt any text to your post.....
Quote from: Menion on November 04, 2024, 09:41:36multi-select and "move" of more folders > currently only "delete" is possible. Working with multiple folders at once requires a different approach, so it was not yet a priority for me. Later ...
@Menion - at present it is possible to move selected points & tracks, but not whole folders, or a folder & sub-folders. Is that your comment above? I hope it will become possible as consolidating points & track folders is tedious at present. For the moment I have to create a new folder, select points or tracks, move them, then delete the now empty folder.
I really like the new "breadcrumb" navigation hint/ path at the top of MyLibrary.
Should the list be scrolled to make the new sub-folder visible when it is added?
And maybe a little less between folder names so that more can be viewed at the same time without dragging left & right, or allow to extend onto the next line like descriptions?
But how to return to the main map without tapping Back (say) 6 times to go back up the folder hierarchy? The only way I know is to tap on a track or a point in the folder. A good feature is that when MyLibrary is re-entered, the same folder is then restored. But unfortunately not when Back was tapped <N> times.
In the Android Solid Explorer app, the "breadcrumb" navigation hint/ path is kept even when the Back button is tapped, until another part of the tree is navigated to. Which is very convenient. Current in RC11 when I tap the "root" folder, any path is lost.
Quote from: freischneider on November 09, 2024, 10:48:30Quote from: Neoaliphant on November 09, 2024, 09:39:20in a similar way, could people (gold) share sections of their own library that could be mounted, so when they update, otehr people would see the updates.....
This would be an idea that would allow larger groups working on a project to keep their data up to date.
Just posted as idea on the helpdesk
Database problem with non-existent icon zip file
The icons that can be assigned to points and tracks are stored in zip files. If I delete or rename such a zip file, Locus indicates in an orange message that the zip file does not exist. The corresponding icons for folders (and points) are replaced by a standard icon or a placeholder.
In the normal Locus version 4.26... it is no problem to manually assign a different icon from any existing icon file to these folders.
In MyLib RC11, Locus crashes every time you try to edit such a folder.
(This only happens with folders. Icons can be assigned to points without any problems).
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In the track detail panel the "eye"-icon has no fuction.
@Gerhard57: I can't confirm this, the eye icon works for me.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on November 11, 2024, 07:35:19But how to return to the main map without tapping Back (say) 6 times to go back up the folder hierarchy? The only way I know is
The Solid Explorer breadcrumb behaviour is interesting.
Yes exactly, multi folder copy/move was what Menion referred to. I hope it's coming soon.
Breadcrumb, here it auto scrolls to the right... scroll behaviour fine for me.
@Graf Geo: the colour of the eye icon changes but in track folder it is unchanged
@Gerhard57: Thanks for the clarification, you're right about the folder. On the map, however, the setting is applied.
Quote from: Tapio on November 11, 2024, 13:24:29Quote from: Andrew Heard on November 11, 2024, 07:35:19But how to return to the main map without tapping Back (say) 6 times to go back up the folder hierarchy? The only way I know is
@Tapio - if I am in the "leaf" folder "sub3" of say tracks>sub1>sub2>sub3, then to get back to the map is Back>Back>Back>Back, but then when I go back to MyLibrary I'm in root "tracks" again. There is no way to quickly switch between sub3 & map & sub3.
Below 2 screencaps from Solid Explorer. 1st I'm in the "BIKE" folder:
Then I've tapped Back>Back>Back to the "DOWNLOAD" folder, but the whole "path" is still retained, so I can still change directly to the "BIKE" folder again.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on November 11, 2024, 22:28:33Misunderstanding
I meant x as in - see screenshot, sorry.
Thx Andrew, I think that behaviour from SE would be very nice to have in LM too
I click on the eye in a folder. Then I have the selection "show all", "hide all"
The option "show the first x" (50, 100, 200...) is still missing here.
This function was available in the old version and would complement the menu perfectly.
Just to have an orientation, @Menion:
When do you think the web server will be ready to synchronise the new database of the MyLib version?
And when can we expect the official release of the new MyLib version?
A rough estimate (month/quarter) is enough for me.
I just tried these days the RC11 as first version of my library v2. The migration worked fine with my 70000 points and 300 tracks. If the speed stays like this than I am more than happy - locus never was so quick with opening a folder. Sometimes it takes up to 10 seconds or longer here it was just a click and I was in the folder.
The new search behavior is awesome.
I did only play a bit with it because I installed it not on my regular used locus device. So currently I did not notice any problems. Only one litte design thing. The icons of the folders, points, Geocaches have been better on the old version here they are too small.
I'm looking forward for the release. Thanks for the great work :)
Sorry for the week of silence on my side. I was fully focused on the Android Auto that will be part of the next release.
Graf Geo asked for some estimates - good question. Sync system is already working in our testing environment. With Andorid only it is easy > problem? Restore backup. With sync it is more complicated.
Anyway, release > we are searching for the third web developer this year. Two previous, eh. Skilled and reliable developers seem to be a problem. My idea, when I started to work on this in Jan 2024 was a September this year. Now I hope in January 2025. In the worst case (99%) March 2025 on all three platforms (web, iOS, Android). But still ... do not expect on other platforms features we fine-tune here.
"Complex labels" > thanks for the video, but I'm still unable to simulate it ???. I've at least made a minor change, maybe it will help (probably not). Hmm ... it will need a version with logs.
"mount of GPX folder structure" > no please :). We may later think about some kind "import whole structure", but it should be a bigger change and to be true, I hope it won't be necessary.
Btw. sharing of a single folder already exists as an idea here (https://help.locusmap.eu/topic/36359-share-sections-of-data-library-and-other-users-be-able-to-mount-them) and is planned on the next year. This big change is a necessary step.
edit folder & lost sort > thanks, fixed
bigger thumbnails > I want it too, but there is currently a technical problem. I plan a "Grid" layout later, but it needs "UI style per folder". So later ...
"eye" button not reflect value back to My library > thanks, will look at it.
@Andrew Heard
move and copy of folders > yes, it is as I wrote.
scroll breadcrumbs when new folder is added > when you add a new folder, you do not directly jump into it. So new folder is not visible at the top breadcrumbs so there is nothing to scroll.
space between items > I was already testing smaller spaces, but the panel started to be a small mess, so rather not.
back to the map immediately > simply tap on the top-left "X" button
inspiration from Solid Explorer > I saw it too and like it :D, was just lazy to do something like this :)
@Graf Geo
crash when folder icon is missing > ah, thanks, fixed
"show the first X" under folder > hmm, a little more complicated here as it also (may) consider sub-folders. Also, in moment you tap on the folder, it is not perfectly clear if there isn't any filter and how the folder and inner folders are sorted - that usually affects the selection. So no, sorry. Small tip > open the folder and long-click on "select" button to get old "show/hide" menu.
thanks for test, appreciate it!
Quote from: Menion on November 15, 2024, 09:28:10@Neoaliphant
"mount of GPX folder structure" > no please :). We may later think about some kind "import whole structure", but it should be a bigger change and to be true, I hope it won't be necessary.
Btw. sharing of a single folder already exists as an idea here (https://help.locusmap.eu/topic/36359-share-sections-of-data-library-and-other-users-be-able-to-mount-them) and is planned on the next year. This big change is a necessary step.
Excellent, i posted the idea after making the above post....realised ny names were different on both forums....have fixed...
Ah, it was you :D
Sharing of the whole folder also because of possible collaboration on the same data, is, as I probably wrote, one of the biggest motivations for this big change in the Data manager/My library system. Slowly, but we are getting closer :)
Quote from: Menion on November 15, 2024, 10:02:43Ah, it was you :D
Sharing of the whole folder also because of possible collaboration on the same data, is, as I probably wrote, one of the biggest motivations for this big change in the Data manager/My library system. Slowly, but we are getting closer :)
Does sharing of library include attachments, does this mean that attachments accessible from the web planner might be on the plan soon?
They are. I really hope (believe), it will be realized (finally) next year. It is a shame on us ...
Quote from: Menion on November 15, 2024, 09:28:10@freischneider
"show the first X" under folder > hmm, a little more complicated here as it also (may) consider sub-folders. Also, in moment you tap on the folder, it is not perfectly clear if there isn't any filter and how the folder and inner folders are sorted - that usually affects the selection. So no, sorry. Small tip > open the folder and long-click on "select" button to get old "show/hide" menu.
But that's a pity, it would have been a quick way. Now I need more clicks than before. But I can save another one with this tip. Thank you
Last try: you wouldn't have to include subfolders. and the filter ? is the last filter saved ? It could be without filter and the last sorting is saved.
More clicks than before? Before you had to open the folder detail and here at the bottom tap on the "eye" button with this option. Here is it the same.
You're right. Only the function is the same. I counted the opening of the folder structure. Previously the tree structure was always open. It doesn't matter, if it doesn't work then that's just how it is.
Quote from: Menion on November 15, 2024, 09:28:10scroll breadcrumbs when new folder is added > when you add a new folder, you do not directly jump into it. So new folder is not visible at the top breadcrumbs so there is nothing to scroll.
@Menion - the new folder is not entered or made visible in the list. If I find a long list of points or tracks > add new folder > the breadcrumb doesn't show the new folder, and the new folder is at the top of the list so not visible because no scrolling happens.
All other questions answered - thanks & all good.
Hmm, what's that dev version about?
@Menion, complex labels, it seems they only show up after a delay and on ZL15+ EDIT: AH WE FORGOT ABOUT THE EXPERT SETTING 😅 "Draw popup labels by zoom" - case closed.
Quote from: Menion on November 15, 2024, 09:28:10inspiration from Solid Explorer > I saw it too and like it :D, was just lazy to do something like this :)
@Menion - so you use Solid Explorer? A few random rambling thoughts comparing the SE & LM user interface, and more general wacky ideas:
- general comment - MyLibrary is becoming like a file explorer - Windows Explorer, Android Solid Explorer - I like it!
- Locus uses Select items > Move or Copy > Select Folder, whereas most? file explorers & other UI, use Select > Cut or Copy > Paste - the latter a more conventional & familiar paradigm to all users? Copy/Paste is more generic/ general purpose/ can be used in more tasks/ ways. For Copy/Paste you "end up" in the destination folder, which I like, whereas for LM4 Move you stay in the source folder & don't see where the items have "gone".
- Example for a new user - current folder displays 4 subfolders and wants to rename one - my first idea is to long-tap the folder > dot-dot-dot > Edit folder, or "^" (Tools) Edit folder - similar to Windows. But actual correct method - have to tap to change into the folder > dot-dot-dot > Edit folder.
- Similarly to edit folder | track | point "properties" there are different methods - for LM4 > tap track | point > Edit Info, where as current list > dot-dot-dot > Edit folder
- Actual name "My Library" - a mouth full - "My Data"? Is the word "data" more meaningful than "library"?
- Extending the file explorer analogy - file types - folders, tracks, points - could all be treated consistently. Now extend to no-go areas - expose these as items in the folder for proper management. And with multiple folder levels - could have folder & item "shortcuts" like Windows - a folder shortcut moves you quickly to any other place in the hierarchy; a track | point | no-go shortcut is treated the same as tapping/ long tapping the actual track | point | no-go instead of duplicating the item & risking data inconsistency. The same mechanism could possibly extend to other "data types" in future without having to have new special buttons or menus in "Tools". At least the "Edit Properties" command.
Some ideas could simplify the UI rather than making it more complex.
LM 4.0 released 21st March 2021. I guess/ hope this will be 5.0 as I have trouble counting past 26?
"dev" version > sorry, it is our internal test version, removed
complex labels > ah, I've completely forgotten about this setting. Fine ...
@Andrew Heard
thanks for the ideas!
move & copy in the style of file browsers > we were thinking about it and decided to keep old system. It has its positive and negative of course and we were not sure which one is better > so rather stick with system that we know it already works.
editing options > the idea here is to unite all methods to be available from within a certain folder/point/track. Reason for this was to get rid of three-dot menu in the folder item and replace it for the eye (so united with points/tracks).
"My library" name > you do not like it? Better "Library" than "Data" I believe :)
"No-go" points > I know. Already discussed. No-go points are not in the database, so I'll have to change whole system a little more to make this possible.
Agree. Better not too much amendment. Move/copy: keep old system please. "My library" ist absolutely ok.
Hi everyone, I am following and testing quietly 😊.
Is this new "Library" would enable "easily" this kind of request?
There is no filter by distance from the search point, when searching for tracks, and sometimes, it is needed to display on map dozens of "near tracks", and one need to click eyes icons one by one 😔.
"My Library", perfect name IMO. "My" is absolutely necessary, and Library is shorter than "Tracks and points". "Data" would be unclear.
Quote from: Tapio on November 18, 2024, 13:31:44"My Library", perfect name IMO. "My" is absolutely necessary, and Library is shorter than "Tracks and points". "Data" would be unclear.
I give a vote for My Library as well...
Am I blind? how to search a track near a specific map location with this new Library 🤔, please ?
No search per name or activity types, just all of them, but near somewhere else than my current location.
@Mick FU
You mean the option to start a search that then lists all your tracks on the map, sorted by distance (nearest first) from the current cursor position? I miss that too, and I very much hope that this option will also be available in the new MyLib.
Quote from: Graf Geo on November 18, 2024, 19:45:09@Mick FU
You mean the option to start a search that then lists all your tracks on the map, sorted by distance (nearest first) from the current cursor position? I miss that too, and I very much hope that this option will also be available in the new MyLib.
Exactely that and, once list is done, adding a way to select those tracks that are less than x meters from cursor position and display them with eye option.
Hi guys,
I've just generated and uploaded the beta version based on changes of the recent app version. No visible changes, just a big bunch of minor internal optimizations. I had a week full of Android Auto + pre-release fine-tuning + team meeting.
Search for tracks
Currently, when you tap on the search, you may easily see sorted all available content. Sort by location in the My Library match Expert settings > Default search/sort location. So by default, it sorts by distance from the last known location. You may change it to the center of the main map.
Limit by distance > hmm, this is currently in the filter for points. For tracks it may be quite a challenge.
Display only certain activity type > again already in the filter.
Search for tracks (or points) - hmm, I open my Library and the folder "Tracks" . Or "Points" or "root".
Than search - without typing anything into the search field. (Because I only want the points/tracks near my cursor position to be listed).
First all folders and subfolders are listed (and I have a lot). I have to scroll down a long time to find the tracks that can be sorted by distance.
In this case I will see only the tracks and not the folders. Is makes no sense to list the folders.
Same searching for points (in folder "Points").
I know each folder can contain tracks and points, but searching for nearest elements (tracks and/or points) to gps or map center should not list folders.
And I understand the logic of the search, which does not differentiate whether I type something into the search field or not. If I don't type anything, everything is found. Folders, tracks and points.
Maybe there needs to be an option "don't list folders" that you can activate in this case.
Found the expert setting to search from map cursor and not from last position, thank you.
Is there a bug in my two screen shots?
Searching for "trail" in my tracks, and sorted by distance (nearest first), nearest is at 5,1km
Deleting the search field (empty search) and then a track of mine is found at 2m 😳 and with "trail" in the name 😔.
Is it normal behaviour?
Quote from: Graf Geo on November 22, 2024, 21:34:58I know each folder can contain tracks and points, but searching for nearest elements (tracks and/or points) to gps or map center should not list folders.
Maybe there needs to be an option "don't list folders" that you can activate in this case.
I have a similar question/ experience with
Filters - in the example below I have a name filter "1031" correctly matching 3 track recordings, but My Library shows results "0/4" (4 matches) including the empty sub-folder. Shouldn't the results be "0/3". I'm not sure/ don't care, whether the sub-folder is displayed, but not in the filter count.
Is logging to /Locus/logs supposed to be enabled:
for example 2024-11-25.txt:
07:36:48.694 NEW START: MyLibV2 RC13
system: 8.1 (27)
device: LENOVO, TB-8504F, Lenovo TB-8504F
screen: 800x1216px | 213 (mdpi) | 1.3312501)
user: 4f38f3c9c, b1377442-3f67-3d24-9aa9-8fa1e2518edc
or (more interesting) 2024-11-23.txt (edited):
14:08:33.864 E getReferenceType getI(0)
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x0
at android.content.res.ResourcesImpl.getValue(ResourcesImpl.java:215)
at android.content.res.Resources.getInteger(Resources.java:1083)
at o.getReferenceType.read(:407)
at o.getReferenceType.MediaBrowserCompatItemReceiver(:394)
at o.zzfpu$AudioAttributesCompatParcelizer.AudioAttributesCompatParcelizer(:43)
at o.zzatb.RemoteActionCompatParcelizer(:123)
at o.zzlczzf.write(:158)
at o.LanguageEntity.write(:21)
Quote from: Menion on November 22, 2024, 15:27:30Search for tracks
Currently, when you tap on the search, you may easily see sorted all available content. Sort by location in the My Library match Expert settings > Default search/sort location. So by default, it sorts by distance from the last known location. You may change it to the center of the main map.
@Menion, others, if GPS is disabled or device has no GPS, then what about always search by Map screen cursor?
@Menion - Expert settings > Simplify visible points - description says set level to 0 to disable - but when I enter 0 an error is displayed.
BTW I very much like these new settings for points & tracks. My use case - multi-week cycle tour - I want to create a big map showing each point of accommodation. Previously when zoomed out, the point icons are hidden, but now I see each one. Thanks, much appreciated.
A small excuse ... I plan a new big version next week and Android Auto should be the main part of it. So, My Library will be again the priority once the version is published, thanks for understanding.
Quote from: Tapio on November 26, 2024, 09:50:23I'm surprised about the Android Auto focus, won't that create a ton of suggestions related to car/truck navigation? And LM can never compete with the big ones, but people will expect it. You already have many big topics ahead of you... Apple support, Database v2, web/sync etc.
@Andrew point simplification has always been possible, but via config file. Menion seems to move more and more settings out of the dark into expert settings.
I agree, im puzzled as to why so many people wanted it...
i see some sense in people want to one app for offroad and car navigation....but there is a point where there might be requests for advanced android auto features, and a line should be drawn as this might advantage only a few users.....
Not the best place for an explanation of AA priorities, so just shortly:
- by our stats, 25% of users use Locus Map also as a car navigation, so almost the same amount as for example Geocaching.
- a big part of users who demand this feature are motorbikers, and I have a weakness for them :-X
- big topics: yes, they are, but many of them are waiting on changes on servers or iOS platform
- Android Auto is also very limited, so I'm very close to its limits. Not much more may be done now.
- I also have my own curiosity > one big reason why I've started with it :D
... and probably some others. Oki, I know, and I write everywhere that Locus Map is primarily for hike & bike, but this is one big, interesting and useful functionality, that took a minor time compare to for example new MyLibrary.
Sometimes a small amount of work can geenrate a new user who might otehrwise have gone to anotehr app..
especially with a feature that a lot of otehr apps have, and that is understandable....
But....we dont want to be left behind with other key features...
Like this idea https://help.locusmap.eu/topic/30591-horse-trail-speed-categories
ive got a local horse riding group, a lot of them are my clients, they all use an app thats a bit like Strava for horseriding, it has no decent mapping so they all take paper maps with them with trailhhighlighted, but they wont change to locus a) because tehre are a lot of iphone users b) the locus track recording wont seperate out and provide statistics for different types of riding ( canter, gallop, trott etc)
im hoping that V2 data manager might be able to extra functionality in what data fields the routes/tracks have
This topic is about the Data Manager V2 . So stay on topic !!! If you want to write about the topic AA or horses then open a separate topic. But please not here. menion has already written that this is the wrong place.
@freischneider .
Anyone who thinks, Locus Map and Android Auto do not make sense, discuss it in this topic here (https://help.locusmap.eu/topic/android-auto) and good luck :)
Today I took a look at how the tracks are displayed in the folder.
What I'm missing is the line with the description. I often use this information in the overview of the tracks.
You could save some space between the individual tracks.
But overall it is nicer than before!
One more point. If I make folders slim then I also have slim tracks. I would always like to have Full for Tracks. And Slim for folders. I know I had the idea of displaying the subfolders but it's too cluttered and the clarity is lost. I would be glad if I had never mentioned it.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Now that Android Auto has been implemented, work on the MyLibrary is to resume at full speed 🙂
I don't know if this has already been mentioned: If I want to save, copy or move a point or track, I have to select the storage location. In the normal version, this can be a bit tedious if you have a lot of groups and folders.
In the MyLib version, you have the option (and that's the whole point) of creating a complex and nested folder structure with any number of subfolders. It then becomes increasingly tedious to select the desired (sub)folder.
Wouldn't it make sense to integrate a search function in the corresponding dialogues? E.g. below the "Choose folder" option. So that I can find the folder I'm looking for more quickly and don't have to rummage through the folder structure, especially if I can't remember which folder contains the desired (sub-)sub-folder?
See Screenshot (position of the "search folder" text input field should be on top of the doalogue):
- description > added for "Full style", thanks
- folders > you do not like icons with the number of sub-folders? I have to use this style for some time to confirm if it really complicates & clutter UI.
@Graf Geo
- search in "Choose folder" > interesting idea. I've added it to "MyLib to-consider-list"
The highlighted icon exists in LM4 but I can't find it in the icons. It must have a different source.
It has also been transferred to My Libary. I would like to use it for a new folder but I can't find it there either.
New RC16 version published.
Among a bunch of minor fixes, the main changes are related to multi-operations (show/hide, delete, move) of folders and the performance of the "Show" operation.
icon > hmm, missing, oki, will add later, thanks.
I accidentally downloaded the normal current beta version (apk) on my old test device with the My Library version and used it to update my My Library version. As a result, I had the previous structure with "My points" and "My tracks" again. Both empty, of course.
I then downloaded the correct apk (my library RC 16) and updated it again. Everything is ok, all tracks and points are back.
But: I now have two folders under root, points and tracks, with different icons. See screenshot. The first one contains the data, the second one is empty.
If I want to delete the empty folder, this is not possible because both folders can only be selected together. If I tick one, the other is also selected.
However, I can copy, move or save a point or track in the empty folder. It is then also displayed in the folder.
Nevertheless, the same information is displayed in front of both points and tracks folders regarding the number shown and the number available.
How can I get rid of the two duplicates without having to uninstall and reinstall the app?
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Ok, I tried something and it worked: I created a new tracks and points folder and then moved the entire contents of the two old folders (filled with my files) into the new folders.
I then selected and deleted the two old "linked" tracks and points folders. Now all seems to be fine.
Still strange what happened.
Hmm, I'm surprised that the database survived such an "update" without bigger problem :)
What about opening the folder (second screenshot) and then tapping on the top "(Red rect) Punkte" button in the top panel > Delete?
A few comments on the search in the My Library version:
The search in my library - I click on the search icon (magnifying glass) and the search immediately starts in the entire database before I can enter a search term. This is annoying and I have to click on the arrow on the right again to be able to set further options such as "also search in descriptions".
This is better solved in the old version: I click on search (magnifying glass), then the menu opens where I can select options and enter the search term and only when I click on the magnifying glass icon again does the search start.
I also very much hope that I will soon be able to deactivate the display of folders when searching for tracks and points near my cursor position. I have already suggested this. At the moment I have to scroll laboriously until I finally get the first tracks and points listed by distance from the cursor.
Otherwise the search works well!
Quote from: Menion on December 20, 2024, 13:38:56... What about opening the folder (second screenshot) and then tapping on the top "(Red rect) Punkte" button in the top panel > Delete?
Hello Menion, I didn't even know about this option and therefore didn't try it. It's too late now, I've already deleted the duplicate folders by other means. 🙂
Two additions to the search in My Library (see my last post (https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?msg=77521)):
1. the search does not remember that I also want to search in the descriptions. I have to check this box every time. It would be nice if the last state was retained.
2. if I select the first X items in the search result, at least no folders are marked (which are always listed first). Unfortunately, the smallest X is 50, which is usually way too much for me. It would be nice if you could select smaller values like 5, 10 and 20 or even better if you could enter the number freely.
Quote from: Menion on December 20, 2024, 13:38:56Hmm, I'm surprised that the database survived such an "update" without bigger problem :)
@Menion - DB "survived" for me too
Quote from: Menion on December 20, 2024, 13:38:56What about opening the folder (second screenshot) and then tapping on the top "(Red rect) Punkte" button in the top panel > Delete?
I have same issue - 2 top level "Points" folders, 2 top level folders "Tracks" & "XYZ" - when I select 1 the other is selected. I don't see any "button in the top panel"?
It's been a while since I tested V2 features - excellent improvements - Solid Explorer-like breadcrumbs, multiple operations etc.
"Backuping data" - funny, intentional? maybe "Backing up data"?
Cloud sync in V2? Really? I don't dare ;-)
Sync: you can dare it without any risk, Andrew Heard. You will get a error message that sync system is not yet enabled...
latest V2 beta: long tap folder > tap Eye (bottom panel) > loading... I have seen up to 3000% (!). Surely it should not be above 100%? Maybe sub-folder items not accounted for?
I have my top level folders named as year 2025, 2024, 2023... At present I have a hack of naming folders with 1st character to force reverse sorting order so 2025 appears at top, instead of at bottom (after 2007). Windows Explorer sorts folders by same logic/ settings as sort of filenames. Has any consideration been given to doing the same for V2 library?
What is this "world/lock" icon next to 3 tracks, but not (many) others in the same folder? I can't see why they are different. Tap icon for tip/ description?
Bottom panel "Selection" icon: at present it only applies to tracks/ points; disabled if only folders are in the list. Maybe dangerous to allow "Select all" but at least it could allow "Deselect all"? Especially in combination with "Sub-folders" because at present each folder must be individually de-selected - tedious.
Best wishes to the whole Locus team.
Shouldn't the select menu should have "Deselect all" & "Invert selection" enabled?
Improvement for filtering by points... here is a selection of points in a folder:
tap POINTS > tap Add button > would a more useful list would contain all the existing point icons in the current folder? My current icon sets: Recently used, Default (points), Garmin, External icons; please add to this list "In this folder"?
And to be clear: when no icons are added but the POINTS filter is enabled, it means the filter includes ALL icons. Maybe a label is displayed for this default to make it clearer to the user? This would be consistent with the reverse situation when the POINTS filter is disabled in which a label "Points will be filtered out completely" is displayed.
@Graf Geo
- search starts immediately> I would like to keep this system. It mimics the current core search system, where the whole search is not primarily based on the "click on search" button, but the search is searching while you are typing.
- deactivate search of folders > done
- search does not remember settings > improved, thanks
- "Select X items" > hmm, I'm not sure about this feature at all, anyway will try to open and discuss in the team later
@Andrew Heard
"button in the top panel" > I mean a top panel with a path. Simply tap on the current active folder and you get one old basic menu.
"backuping data" > app does a full backup before converting the database. But "Backup up data" is better, thanks. Btw. my English is as is (not perfect). Final text revision will be done by Michal before the texts are available for translation.
3000% > ah I see, only for tracks right? Fixed
Sort of folders > my idea currently is to implement manual sorting of folders by drag&drop
"World icon" > it is a "Shared" icon. It informs that these tracks are public so already shared and available over shared links.
Selection of folders > improved
"Deselect all & Invert disabled > you are not in the selection mode, no items are selected so nothing to "deselect".
icons for filter > good point with icons from the current folder. Added to todo
Quote from: Menion on December 23, 2024, 13:04:21Sort of folders > my idea currently is to implement manual sorting of folders by drag&drop
@Menion - oh wow !! perfect
Quote from: Menion on December 23, 2024, 13:04:21"World icon" > it is a "Shared" icon. It informs that these tracks are public so already shared and available over shared links.
clever - but does the user need some hint so doesn't have to ask same question as me? Is it also possible to
Quote from: Menion on December 23, 2024, 13:04:21"Deselect all & Invert disabled > you are not in the selection mode, no items are selected so nothing to "deselect".
screencap #1 > long-tap to select any
POI > tap bottom menu (dot-dot-dot) > Select is
enabled - correct:
BUT screencap #2 > long-tap to select any
folders > tap menu (dot-dot-dot) > Select is
disabled - inconsistent? - there is no way to quickly select or
DESELECT any/ all folders:
Contrasting the look & feel of the Solid Explorer & MyLibV2 navigation breadcrumbs, I find the "current folder" is more obvious in Solid Explorer. I think this will be a source of confusion & frustration for new users.
Solid Explorer:
Of course, just like the issue with compass in sunlight, it looks worse on the screen than with a nice screen capture on a big PC screen, but I find there is insufficient distinction between the "current folder", and the "other folders" i.e. the concept of a "current folder". With Solid Explorer the "other folders" are a much lighter color gray. The icon doesn't change or help with the distinction either.
Even worse when the root icon is tapped, there is very little visual feedback other than subtle change of icon color between blue & black. This isn't helped because the icon is quite small but with subtle detail.
The Windows task bar goes a further step to help with distinction, with a wider underline for the active process:
Here are some suggestions:
- use more contrasting colors similar to Solid Explorer for text - it should be more obvious there is the concept of a "current folder" & "other folders" - "disabled"/ light-gray-mono coloring for text of "other folders", maybe? darker blue for "current folder" text. The greater than sign > can be light-gray too.
- use "disabled"/ light-gray-mono coloring for "other folders" icons; at present they don't change at all
- blue is quite subtle - maybe even red? or an underline like Windows taskbar?
- can anyone see the little house in the root icon on their device screen, as opposed from a screen capture? is there too much fine detail - would just a house by itself be more recognizable? then a change in color or mono/color will be more obvious
Finally: tap Root icon (once or twice) > Edit folder > change icon > Save - but the breadcrumb icon never changes. Is there any use having this custom root icon other than display in sub folder icons? Allow default folder-house breadcrumb icon to be replaced with own selected icon for consistency.
To be honest, this is probably a matter of taste or habit. I find the current breadcrumb display in MyLib good and the one in Solid Explorer too pale.
As I also want to be able to clearly read the parent folders to navigate in the folder structure, they should not be as pale grey as in SE.
BTW: Merry Christmas! 🎄
Happy New Year!
Back from a short trip, I was only now able to install RC17.
Option to deactivate search of folders: great!
Search now remembers settings: perfect!
Many thanks! :)
Small issue, no idea if this has already been reported:
When I place the "my library" icon in the side panel and press and hold it, the handy "Hide all" function is not available. See screenshot.
Another small visual imperfection:
In the left panel, next to the German entry "Meine Bibliothek", the number of displayed elements is positioned very close to the text at 6 digits around the "/", which looks a bit unattractive to me. (Screenshot 1)
At 7 digits there is a text wrap = better. (Screenshot 2)
Perhaps this could also be done at 6 digits?
BTW: since there is only one entry under the blue heading "My library" (again "My library"), this is somehow duplicated. But I can't think of an ideal solution either. Perhaps you could combine Library and Points as a heading and place the "My Library" entry with a vertical space between them (screenshot 3).
Another suggestion for improving the new MyLib database functionality:
Breadcrumbs are perfect.
But when I select individual points or tracks in a folder and want to move them to another folder, the breadcrumbs are unfortunately not displayed and I have to click through the entire folder structure again to select the target folder.
This is annoying as I often want to move individual tracks/points to new subfolders of the current folder.
Couldn't the breadcrumbs also be displayed in selection mode?
New test version RC20 based on version.
Internally, we are testing synchronization and finalizing iOS and the new web planner!!
I'll have to read carefully this whole topic again, later > not to miss some interesting ideas. Thanks for them!
@Graf Geo
What you want is a completely different approach of how to deal with copy/move operations. Something closer to copy&paster known from desktop etc. We were thinking about it and decided to keep the old tested system.
Many thanks for the update! The search in points and tracks now works reliably and only looks at the titles and descriptions. Very good!
Of course you could think about adding an option to search in via points (not in shaping points!), as you can name them yourself and also in file names of attached files (photos/audios/videos). So of course not in the cryptic code as before.😉 But that would probably complicate the whole thing and in this respect it is good as it is now.
Regarding copy and move operations: I would actually just like to have a way to quickly and easily find the desired destination folder in a nested folder system. It doesn't really matter how this is done. In this post (https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?msg=77449), I already suggested another option that would help here.
Maybe you'll find an easy-to-implement variant in the future.
The only thing missing now is cloud synchronisation with the web server, then the MyLib version is pretty much perfect! But that's coming soon. 🙂
Have a nice weekend!
I mentioned one issue in the past
And I may have another issue which might explain the first one.
Searching for the string "trail", if disabling "search also in description", then this string is only found when at start of the name, if enabling search in description, then this string is also found when in the middle of the name.
PS : no descriptions in my tracks, only names. Screenshot_20250201_133238_Locus Map~(1)~(1).jpg
Screenshot_20250201_133228_Locus Map~(1).jpg
@Mick FU: you're right, issue confirmed...
Hello menion
this weekend i'm making my first experiences with the new database... and I still need some time to internalise the process.
it takes 4 clicks to open a geocache folder and just as many to switch back to the map view. :P
If the number of poi is greater than 1000, there is a display problem, see SS
There are 2 problems when updating geocache folders, although I still don't understand the difference between the two options.
with the first option an error message appears
with the other, the update process is limited to 60 caches/h.
I can start the process again immediately after this message, but only the first 60 caches are ever updated
One Bug:
under sort the toggle for inverse does nothing.
One missing feature:
Move tracks/folders up the tree (root is bottom) is only possible inside the folder and Edit.
Not via select multiple and Tools/Move.
Means a lot of clicks when multiple things should be moved.
Any reason for this or just forgotten?
Quote from: CabrioTourer on February 02, 2025, 17:58:45One Bug:
under sort the toggle for inverse does nothing.
Can't confirm that. Sort inverse toggle works as it should for me.
Quote from: CabrioTourer on February 02, 2025, 17:58:45Not via select multiple and Tools/Move.
@CabrioTourer - can't confirm right now, but I thought this was fixed in latest version? I had same question, and was addressed, few months ago.
you previously used to be able to temporarily hide tracks and POIs with a long click on the icon in the sidebar, this is not working at the moment
in addition, it used to be possible to open the complete content of the POI/track folder with a long click on its icon with a maximum of one further click
Quote from: Graf Geo on February 02, 2025, 19:28:39Quote from: CabrioTourer on February 02, 2025, 17:58:45One Bug:
under sort the toggle for inverse does nothing.
Can't confirm that. Sort inverse toggle works as it should for me.
Maybe I missunderstood something. Let's check.
I'm on 28.0.1 RC20.
Inside a folder the sort field at the bottom is greyed out. Looks like it only shows actual sort logic.
Only possibility to sort content of an folder is to go one level down. Long click (select) the folder. Then 3dot/Sort/Inverse.
Now deselect folder and open the folder.
Result is same order as before. No change, no inverse sort.
The way is not that logical but it's the only one I found.
Do I something wrong?
Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 02, 2025, 22:01:58Quote from: CabrioTourer on February 02, 2025, 17:58:45Not via select multiple and Tools/Move.
@CabrioTourer - can't confirm right now, but I thought this was fixed in latest version? I had same question, and was addressed, few months ago.
I have
Inside root I have folder 1, folder 2.
Insider folder 1 I have folder 1.1 and folder 1.2
I select folder 1.1/Tools/Move
The dialog which opens shows entries of root. folder 1 is greyed out. So I have no chance to select folder 1.2 as target.
Version 28.0.1 RC 20
Quote from: CabrioTourer on February 03, 2025, 19:40:59I'm on 28.0.1 RC20.
Inside a folder the sort field at the bottom is greyed out. Looks like it only shows actual sort logic.
Hmm... Sort icon is greyed out if there are only subfolders in the folder.
As soon as I have at least one track or point in the folder, the sort icon is active.
Quote from: CabrioTourer on February 03, 2025, 19:52:41I have
Inside root I have folder 1, folder 2.
Insider folder 1 I have folder 1.1 and folder 1.2
I select folder 1.1/Tools/Move
The dialog which opens shows entries of root. folder 1 is greyed out. So I have no chance to select folder 1.2 as target.
Version 28.0.1 RC 20
Ok, now I understand the problem. You're right, it's probably a bug.
Quote from: Graf Geo on February 03, 2025, 23:58:47Quote from: CabrioTourer on February 03, 2025, 19:40:59I'm on 28.0.1 RC20.
Inside a folder the sort field at the bottom is greyed out. Looks like it only shows actual sort logic.
Hmm... Sort icon is greyed out if there are only subfolders in the folder.
As soon as I have at least one track or point in the folder, the sort icon is active.
That means sort logic is not for folders? They have a fixed one? Thats bad.
This explains why invers doesn't work.
Thanks for pointing out.
@Menion I suggest to use it for folders, too. Without mixing folxers an tracks/point.
First in the list folders sorted by defined order. Then the rest by sort order.
Would reduce code complexity a bit bcs no logic for grey out sort is needed. ;)
As far as I remember, Menion wants to enable manual sorting of folders in the future.
@Graf Geo search in the "Choose folder" dialog > good point, added
@Mick FU search problem > this is interesting. I'm testing it quite a lot and can't simulate it :-\
@balloni55 open and close "My library" > use the top-left cross to close the screen when you are somewhere deep. Then re-open and return where you left.
Geocache update > the second option is an internal implementation in the Locus Map made by me. The first is from Geocaching4Locus. I'll look at it, thanks!
Show/hide button under "My lib" long click > it is available in the side Map-screen content panel, but I'll add it here as well, oki.
"in addition, it used to be possible to open the complete content of the POI/track folder with a long click on its icon with a maximum of one further click" > do not understand, sorry.
@CabrioTourer as discussed with
@Graf Geo , I would really like to allow manual sorting of folders. So for now, it will stay as is. Thanks for understanding.
Selecting of folder 1.2 > ah, good observation, thanks, I'll try to improve it!
Quote from: Menion on February 05, 2025, 09:49:48@Mick FU
search problem > this is interesting. I'm testing it quite a lot and can't simulate it :-\
Hello Menion,
Since I can reproduce the problem reported by MickFU with the search, here is an explanation: It is about search strings within a word in the title. For example, a point with the title "Good morning point". :)
If I now search for "orn" or "ood", the point is only found if "also search in description" is activated. See screenshots 1 - 3.
QuoteShow/hide button under "My lib" long click > it is available in the side Map-screen content panel
that's not what i mean, if you clicked long on the data icon in the side panel all visible tracks/POIs were temporarily hidden and 2 transparent red buttons appeared in the top right corner of the screen to reactivate them
Quote"in addition, it used to be possible to open the complete content of the POI/track folder with a long click on its icon with a maximum of one further click" > do not understand, sorry.
in front of a folder e.g. named "multi" there is a icon, a long click on this icon opened a small window
- all, -last state, -first x, aso.
@Graf Geo
ah, this .. thanks! I'll discuss with the rest of the team, what is our united expected behavior on all platforms. I'll anyway vote for search as is now working with full-text enabled > so only the beginning of the words are matched.
show/hide all > "simply" LONG click on the "My library" brush icon in the Map-screen content panel
show options at folder > understand, thanks. This is probably the only functionality that is now removed and won't be available. To show/hide option, use "eye" on the right side. What is lost is restoring of the last state > too complicated to do now, sorry.
Quoteshow/hide all > "simply" LONG click on the "My library" brush icon in the Map-screen content panel
click on the brush icon hide all, ok
but how can the previously selected POIs track be displayed again with one click?
when will cloud sync be available?
i get code:10602
@Graf Geo,
Thanks to rephrase
At the very end, as long as there is a "solution" / "workaround", no problem for me. Just that is should be explained somewhere that search is searching for beginning of word
and not search anything.
Quote from: Mick FU on February 05, 2025, 19:48:27@Graf Geo,
Thanks to rephrase
At the very end, as long as there is a "solution" / "workaround", no problem for me. Just that is should be explained somewhere that search is searching for beginning of word
and not search anything.
It may also be possible to enable both searches. I know this from SAP.
If I enter xyz then it searches for the beginning of the word xyz.
If I put an asterisk in front of it. *xyz then it searches for word middle. The results are then abcxyz, Uxyz etc.
Again problems with rerouting manual segments!
Last year in April, the option was created to retain manual segments during recalculation. See this topic (https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=8833.0).
In the current MyLib version RC20 this no longer works (although the setting is set). See ss. This happens when the route is first saved and then recalculated.
(Whether the normal beta is also affected, I cannot test at the moment).
Where the files are created and what they are used for
See 2 posts above (https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?msg=77754): Again problems with rerouting manual segments
Same issue with "normal" beta :(
these are automatic backup files, that are created before the conversion of the database. Conversion is quite a complex task, so this is a safe mechanism that allows restoring old state without worry about data loss.
sync availability > I'm almost sure, the whole system will be published during February. If sync will also be enabled for testing this week, not sure now, sorry.
@Graf Geo
manual segments > thanks, should be fixed
We will see, anyway for now, all search should match start of every word. Dual system with "*" is an interesting idea, we may discuss it later ...
Thanks for RC22 - just installed and checked a few things.
Manual sorting of folders - great!
Manual segments: issue still there, but the apk is probably older (08:13) as your post before (11:00).
Search option into ChooseFolderDialogue: Fine, but there is sometimes - not always - a problem: I want to move or copy a track or point. I click on "Folder" and then on the magnifying glass icon (search). I enter a search term. I get a list of suitable folders and select the one I want. Normally it is enough to click on the folder to complete the operation. But sometimes the folder gets a blue tick. Now I can't do anything, the view remains as it is. I first have to manually delete the search word at the top (using the backspace key) and then close the search, only then can I select the desired target folder. I have not yet been able to find out why this sometimes happens.
See screenshot.
Edit:I have now tried again, but unfortunately the problem is now permanent. When I try to move or copy a point or track and select the destination folder via the search, the blue tick always appears and I have to delete the search string and close the search. Weired...
I think sorting folders manually is great
Sorting tracks automatically could be improved:
Sort by name: ABC = default / ZYX = reverse sorting
Sort by distance: short distance = standard / long distance = reverse sorting
This is good so far and also corresponds to the general expectation
When sorting by Created on or Updated on, the sorting does not meet the general expectations.
I would have expected: newest first = standard / oldest first = reverse sorting
But it is the other way around. Most people are looking for the most recently updated or the newest. To do this, they have to activate the reverse sorting each time and deactivate it again for a different sorting.
Can you change this?
I agree. Folders, Tracks and Points: newest first = standard would be better.
But track length or elevation gain I prefer standard = longest/highest first.
I imagine most users want to see their best performance first.
Just for your information: I just realised that you can't create as many (sub)folder levels as you like. :)
A maximum of 6 levels is possible (with root):
Root - tracks - subfolder level 1 - subfolder level 2 - subfolder level 3 - subfolder level 4
That is of course more than enough and otherwise it would become too confusing. But I was not aware of this until now.
MapGooglePlayAfa_4.28.0.2 MyLibV2 RC22_1164_beta
The locus fails if you select another vector map theme and close the sidebar with a swipe without waiting for it to load the theme itself.
Tested on Lenovo P2 Android 7
and Samsung Android 10
I have sorted my folders manually. But when I want to move a track/point/folder, the list of folders in the destination folder is sorted alphabetically again.
It would be clearer and better if the manual sorting was retained.
And another thing: when I select the destination folder when copying/moving, an fullscreen info window "Nothing here yet" always appears. Even if there are already numerous points/tracks/subfolders in the destination folder. Which is usually the case.
This is at least irritating, but also illogical or incorrect.
Here, as with normal opening in the library, the existing content should be displayed or another text, e.g. "Select this folder".
Hi guys,
great news > version RC23 with bunch of news published. Mainly, enabled SYNC + new version of our web portal ready for testing. Till you do the first sync, the web still lives in version 1. After the first sync is done, you should see a web portal switched to version 2 and since this moment, no more sync from any other device on V1 will be allowed.
The web is work-in-progress so some features do not yet work or are in preparation, but the core is already done and ready to use.
News in the version: MyLibV2 RC23
- chg: sync enabled for all versions
- add: support for display of all shared items in single folder
- chg: improved handling of tracks/routes shared over the web (display immediately)
- fix: correctly remember last used folder for import
- chg: united folder icons on few places
- chg: removed requirements for Premium in case of point/track label prefs
- chg: removed search in "My library" from the global Search menu
- chg: sort icon reflect ascending/descending order
- chg: sort by date is now inverted (newest first)
@Graf Geo
- sort of the folders in the "chooser" > I'll look at it
- "nothing here yet" - "Even if there are already numerous points/tracks/subfolders in the destination folder." - really also sub-folders?? Anyway text has already changed in the new version. This is really only a plain folder-browser so displaying points/tracks complicate it a little ...
Quote from: freischneider on February 10, 2025, 17:28:58I think sorting folders manually is great
Sorting tracks automatically could be improved:
Sort by name: ABC = default / ZYX = reverse sorting
Sort by distance: short distance = standard / long distance = reverse sorting
This is good so far and also corresponds to the general expectation
When sorting by Created on or Updated on, the sorting does not meet the general expectations.
I would have expected: newest first = standard / oldest first = reverse sorting
But it is the other way around. Most people are looking for the most recently updated or the newest.
Disagree. Standard sorting is always ascending, and I'm sure decades of Windows Explorer & Co. have people expecting files and other things sorted old>new. At least as default.
However, what you describe sounds like the sort order is not stored anymore on a per-folder basis?! That of course would be a step back. (Didn't get to try it out yet, soon going on a long vacation and unsure whether I should still dare update to V2 before that).
Quote from: Menion on February 12, 2025, 08:23:10Hi guys,
- chg: removed search in "My library" from the global Search menu
Oh, no 🙁
How to manage a search for track, without having any text search, but just search track near screen center?
Without search in my library, workaround I found is to search fir text I know it exists, then tracks are highlighted in upper found list bubble, click on it, and then delete search text.
Not nice.... 😭🤔
sort per folder is still working, no change here
@Mick FU
the previous button was useless, it only opened the My Library screen and its search. Simply open the My Library screen and tap on the search button at the top bar.
Otherwise, main search named "Online address and places" also suggests content from My Library in the small top "chip" button.
Thanks for RC23, WebSync is finally possible. 🙂
Unfortunately, the manual folder sorting is not applied in the web app either, as here (https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?msg=77784). Is this planned for the future? Otherwise the manual sorting is only half as useful if it is always different in other views.
"nothing here yet" - really also sub-folders?
You're right, subfolders are listed and with the changed text that's ok for me. 👍
Manual segments (https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?msg=77777): seems to be fixed. 🙂
Furthermore, I have the big problem that copying/moving does not work properly if you want to select the destination folder via the folder search. See this post (https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?msg=77777).
As I wrote > on the web and also iOS, it is a work in progress. In the end, all three places should offer very similar experiences. The web is finally moving quite a lot, so I'm sure this will be implemented soon as well.
Copy&move problem > I can't simulate it. When searching, click on the folder should open in the same window found folder and then you have to click on the bottom "Select" to confirm it.
Copy Move - I give an example with 7 screenshots (SS 5-7 in next/second post) :
I have a folder called "Testfolder". In it I have three points (SS1).
Now I select the two items that I want to move to a folder called "Nice places" and click on "Move". (SS2)
The view changes to the root level (SS3). I click on the magnifying glass at the top right and type "Nic". The folder is found. (SS4)
Now I click on it. A blue tick appears on the right. (SS5) That's it. Further clicking does nothing, nor does the message "Select" appear.
Only when I delete the entry manually using the backspace key (then the "No results" page appears, SS6) and then end the search using the arrow at the top left does the "Select" window appear (SS7).
SS 5 - 7 here:
Quote from: Menion on February 12, 2025, 13:50:46@Mick FU
the previous button was useless, it only opened the My Library screen and its search. Simply open the My Library screen and tap on the search button at the top bar.
My apologize, working very well as you describe. Happy again 😊🙏
@Graf Geo
thanks for the screenshots. This does not happen to me, but seems that the page is stuck on the selection of the folder. I'll improve it a little with the hope, it helps.
Quote from: Menion on February 12, 2025, 08:23:10After the first sync is done, you should see a web portal switched to version 2 and since this moment, no more sync from any other device on V1 will be allowed.
@Menion - so this is a production/ public pre-release? I have not done any MyLibV2 testing on my day-to-day phone - too risky. Once I install on my phone & cloud sync, I should delete all data from my testing tablet which has MyLibV2 and restore a backup from phone into tablet?
Will a track/point backup from 4.28.0, then restore into RC23 work? (I'm just minimizing risks of data loss)
I tried doing manual sorting of some MyLibV2 folders/ tracks yesterday. What is the trick? I tried long-tap+drag but gesture is ignored. It sounds like my manual sorting needs to wait until the Web Planner supports it.
Not using V2 yet and maybe it's already possible: would be great to have an export incl. nested items (recursive), e.g. export folder '2024 journey' exports all included subfolders incl. their items.
With V2 more or less file-explorer-capabilities get brought or mimicked. Good thing is this is well-known.
I guess it helps to have a look at Solid Explorer, TotalCommander and others to get the best of all worlds and the best LM4-View-Sort-Options and Search-Function possible.
More meant as remark, I already saw some pics of menu/options and have no reason to complain.
And one more RC25 version ... MyLibV2 RC25
- fix: back handling of the filter page
- fix: closing of "Choose multi-select action" dialog
- fix: correct pause of the search in MyLib when back pressed MyLibV2 RC24
- fix: rare crash when syncing deleted folders
- fix: correct sort of folders in "Choose folder" screen
- fix: clean of empty database with number of empty custom folders
And hi Andrew,
backup is important of course. App anyway do one manual backup just before the internal data migration > automatically. So yes, these latest RC versions are really pre-release versions. I'm not aware of any problem, so I'm very close to saying "it is perfectly stable and ready to use".
Older versions should be also possible. App in these cases deletes old data, restores new data, and performs migration during the next start.
Manual sorting > this option is available under the sort menu of every folder. For simplicity, it was made as a small separate screen. There are anyway some time challenges on the web and iOS so it is possible, that this feature won't be enabled in the first version but in the second during March. Why? To avoid too many questions like this one (https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=9117.msg77792#msg77792) (manual sorting is not applied to the web) :)
Quote from: Menion on February 13, 2025, 00:42:354.28.0.2 MyLibV2 RC25
@Menion - all good so far on main phone & subsequent CloudSync to WebPlanner. Not checked yet on tablet.
One idea for later on: support other query strings for web.locusmap.app/en/.
Currently for example:
Suggestion: load web page direct for a folder rather than having to navigate:
All good > fine.
Persistent paths that preserve certain UI (as you wrote with the path to "My library") are planned for a very long. I hope things move faster on the web now...
Quote from: Menion on February 12, 2025, 21:39:24@Graf Geo
thanks for the screenshots. This does not happen to me, but seems that the page is stuck on the selection of the folder. I'll improve it a little with the hope, it helps.
RC25: The problem still exists (not always, but often). But I have noticed that if I click on the destination folder three times in quick succession, I can select it. :)
#184 Update geocache GC4L > IllegalStateExeption
Locus update caches work :)
#186, 187, 188
Quotebut how can the previously selected POIs track be displayed again with one click?
Thanks for Sync feature. I did it multiple times in a row. Even after the 3,4,5,6th sync it says "deleted date", "6/6 100%"
Does this means it tries to delete data and it doesn't work?
More important a question to Web. In the past web was useless for me bcs of missing points.
I was very happy to see this is now transfered to web.
But it doesn't use same icons for each point as in the App. Is this an upcoming feature or not planned ?
For me that's not a gimmick. I use self designed icons to show the quality/fun factor of certain streets in the Alps in 6 levels.
In the App this gives a great quick overview to design a track with all the funny parts included.
In the web this important info is lost.
Woukd be nice if this is planned. Otherwise I'll still skip the web which isn't a big problem.
Thanks for the ongoing great progress of Locus.
Quote from: CabrioTourer on February 14, 2025, 22:28:53More important a question to Web. In the past web was useless for me bcs of missing points.
@CabrioTourer - strange, for me (except as you note the custom icon) points have always been CloudSync'd ok. example below - non-custom icons are all correct
Search string in tracks:
All my tracks are in folders per years, and then named YYYY-MM-DD*
I tried to search 2016-03 in my folder 2016 and it is finding nothing (while there are tracks), searching 2016 is working
Linked to the dash (-)?
Something I don't see to search differently?
I cannot confirm this. All the relevant tracks are found when I search for "2022-0", for example.
Quote from: Mick FU on February 15, 2025, 10:28:36Linked to the dash (-)?
@Mick FU - all working for me - I have tracks named <YYYYMMDD>-<HHMM><etc> and a search for "20250201-1" found correct two tracks.
@menion - I just tried to move 2 points folder to the tracks folder - same error as I reported here (https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=9137.msg77811#msg77811). I selected 2 point folders > menu > Move to > selected tracks folder > LM returns to main map. When I go back to My Library > I notice nothing has moved.
@Graf Geo
@Andrew Heard
I deleted the app, make clean install and reimported my tracks backup, and all is working well now.
Thanks for your own checks.
@Graf Geo
selection of found folder after search > another iteration in the next version. Give it a try please.
but how can the previously selected POIs track be displayed again with one click? > may you post a screenshot of what you miss from the old Locus Map version?
"deleted data" > please open the "Cloud sync" screen, do sync once more and then check what you will see in the top toolbar > three-dot menu > Last update. Here should be info what really happened. Anyway in your case, no error appears right?
Icons on the web > complicated task that is not planned to be solved this year. Custom icons require zip file with icons and it is currently not synchronized ...
@Andrew Heard
move operation > as I wrote, fixed. Also some other mass operations wasn't working correctly...
unfortunately i have not found an old screenshot
to show it I installed LM3 on Win11, but this function was also available in LM4 so far
Quote from: balloni55 on February 17, 2025, 16:11:58unfortunately i have not found an old screenshot
to show it I installed LM3 on Win11, but this function was also available in LM4 so far
This function is available in the current beta. The only difference is that you have to show track and points separately. now you can do both together.
I find it better this way.
QuoteThis function is available in the current beta
thanks, now i got it ;D
Quote from: Menion on February 17, 2025, 15:34:46move operation > as I wrote, fixed. Also some other mass operations wasn't working correctly...
@menion - excellent, thanks.
but this is what I already wrote about ... in the side "Map-screen content" panel, LONG, really LONG click on the "brush" icon on the right of the "My library" item.
New Beta version 4.28.0 RC1 (24.1.2025)
I've already informed you in the main app thread here (https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=9137.msg77838#msg77838).
If anyone finds time, please test this latest version together with sync functionality.
I have to thank all of you a lot for your patience and help with this complex task. I believe that everything mentioned here was (at least) discussed with our team and somehow affected how My Library looks now on all platforms.
And as usually ... work on this task do not stop now. Mainly on the web, seems that it finally moves faster!!
So thanks again and I'm closing this topic. Discussion may continue in common "app version" topics.