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Content & Tools => Tools => Tasker => Topic started by: zossebart on September 04, 2024, 08:49:10

Title: Tasker task trigger in menubar
Post by: zossebart on September 04, 2024, 08:49:10
I created multiple bike-related dashboards some time ago for use as a bike computer:
- map/navigation view with small elevation chart and some essential track recording values (default dashboard)
- a "fullscreen" navigation panel with bigger elevation chart and lots of navigation-related values in a grid
- a "fullscreen" recording panel with big chart and recording values in a grid
- a combined nav/rec "fullscreen" panel with nav/rec values in a grid

I also created a Tasker task to cycle through those panels. Normally, I trigger this task through a bluetooth remote at my handlebar, which works really nice.

On my old phone, I also exported this Tasker task to an app (with Tasker app factory) and placed a shortcut to this app in the locus menu sidebar. This allowed me to cycle through the dashboards in case the BT-remote was out of battery or I forgot to mount it.

However, now I'm on Android 14 and the app is no longer available for Locus to place in the menu sidebar.

Does someone know any other option for triggering a tasker task from locus with as few as possible screen taps?

Title: Re: Tasker task trigger in menubar
Post by: Menion on September 04, 2024, 12:33:30
on Android 11+, other apps are not visible until they satisfy any condition. For example registered as handler for "geo" intent or web browser. Not sure if this is doable in this tool. Otherwise as I personally do not use tasker, I have no other idea.

Maybe "Quick bookmarks" defined with some "tasker://my-app" syntax?

Title: Re: Tasker task trigger in menubar
Post by: zossebart on September 05, 2024, 07:42:47
Yeah, I also thought about quick bookmarks (although I haven't tested it yet), but it's not possible to place one specific bookmark in the menu bar, is it?
I need this button right at my fingertips, I can't handle it on the bike otherwise.
Title: Re: Tasker task trigger in menubar
Post by: alang on September 05, 2024, 12:34:02
Haven't seen anything about app factory problems in Android 14 but I dont use myself so don't know. Have you tried the obvious things like rebooting and/or recreating the app ? 
However, if stuck then you could try these alternatives.

1/ Install Locus/Tasker plugin.
Run plugin app; Settings;   Ensure "Run Task From Functions" enabled. Set Regex to match just your tasker task. (format "Projectname/Taskname"  - Default Project is named "Base")
Locus: configure menu; Add Function - add "Run task" from "Add-ons" section.
One tap needed to run, provided Regex matches just one task else it shows a selection list.

2/ Quick BookMark
URL    tasker://assistantactions?task=YourTaskName&par1=YourValue1&par2=YourValue2
Two taps needed to run.

3/ Tasker secondary app.
Tasker: Preferences/ActionTab - ensure "Secondary App Enabled" set. Create profile using "Secondary App Opened" event and map to your task.
Locus: configure menu; Add app - Tasker Secondary.   
One tap needed to run.

There might well be other ways. (e.g if Locus can trigger app shortcuts or send user defined Intents then Tasker can react to those and map to Tasker task)
Title: Re: Tasker task trigger in menubar
Post by: Tapio on September 05, 2024, 14:24:45
1 and 2 is what I use. Quick Bookmarks (2) usually if related to map center position, "Run task" list (1) for the others. I recommend to create a Project "LocusUI" in Tasker and in the Plugin filter for LocusUI/.*

Zossebart, you can have max. 2 direct toolbar entries. This is solution 1. But they will just have the Tasker icon.

Another flexible way would be to have a (semi transparent) Tasker Scene on top. But scenes aren't fun to create at all.

We have a Tasker forum btw.
Title: Re: Tasker task trigger in menubar
Post by: zossebart on September 06, 2024, 13:15:47
Thanks to both of you for your suggestions.

I went with 3 for now and it works! I always wondered what this tasker secondary app was there for. Now I know  ;D

I also thought about a Tasker scene, but I have no good experience with it. Especially the activation/deactivation of the scene when Locus switches between foreground/background does not work as reliable as I hoped...
Title: Re: Tasker task trigger in menubar
Post by: Tapio on September 06, 2024, 13:22:58
I can't remember, was there a benefit of 3 over 2? If not I'd go for less complexity: 2.
Because. The typical Google obstacles, e.g. secondary app can lose permissions.

Porting old Tasker infrastructure to a new Android is simply a disaster. There's helpers, but you still resolve permission issue no. 8541 weeks after the installation.
I wanted to make a Tasker install and create some rather simple automation (vol, wifi etc.) for my overage relatives. Failed after my limited time of 45 minutes. Sigh. Oh I'm offtopic.
Title: Re: Tasker task trigger in menubar
Post by: zossebart on September 10, 2024, 08:06:39
Yes, I already ruled out 2 in the first place because of "Two taps needed to run".
I simply don't have the time and accuracy while riding the (mountain)bike to tap multiple locations. I already have to tap 3 times in total (double-tap to activate sidebar + tap the sidebar button) with my old solution or 1 and 3 from the suggestions here.
It's already the less comfortable way after using the bt-remote (one tap of a button without even looking).

OT: Actually, porting my tasker infrastructure from android 10 to 14 wasn't much of a hassle so far. But I only used it for 2 weeks permission issues might kick in later.
Only some minor things like changing the media volume between bike and home settings don't work so far.
Title: Re: Tasker task trigger in menubar
Post by: Neoaliphant on October 27, 2024, 19:59:45
ive spent too much time on the help forum and not on this forum..

Anyway...i use method 1 with a  regex...i actually have a meta task that then brings up a menu of all my tasks that are locus related....

also i shale the phone as well, and this cycles through my different presets.....

while the locus tasker plugin is excellent, and its great for pulling data,  its a pity that tasker cant react to locus more, and that locus cant show tasker variables in dashboard etc...