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Support => Troubles & Questions => Topic started by: davidsiroky on September 05, 2023, 22:28:50

Title: Altitude big steps in track recording
Post by: davidsiroky on September 05, 2023, 22:28:50

I'm using Locus Map 4 and when I record a track I can see steps/plateaus in the altitude. Looks like the GPS is waking up only sometimes but latitudes and longitudes are recorded fine.


I didn't have this issue with Locus Map Classic.

How can I fix that?
Title: Re: Altitude big steps in track recording
Post by: Menion on September 05, 2023, 22:32:14
Hello David,
really interesting. May you please compare the setup of the "Altitude manager (" screen in both app versions?
Title: Re: Altitude big steps in track recording
Post by: davidsiroky on September 05, 2023, 22:43:06
These settings are identical in both apps.
Title: Re: Altitude big steps in track recording
Post by: davidsiroky on September 08, 2023, 23:05:37
For comparison this is the same track recorded with Locus Map Classic

Title: Re: Altitude big steps in track recording
Post by: Menion on September 11, 2023, 13:15:02
Thanks for the screenshots.
What about recorded tracks? Is the track in Locus Map 4 without gaps and straight lines? If there are any problems, please check that the app has "background location access" permission.
Title: Re: Altitude big steps in track recording
Post by: davidsiroky on September 13, 2023, 14:12:04
The track itself is fine: 2023-09-01_Krkavec.gpx
(Locus Classic: 2023-09-08_Krkavec.gpx)

The permission is set to "Allow all the time".
Title: Re: Altitude big steps in track recording
Post by: davidsiroky on October 12, 2023, 10:50:25
Any idea how to fix it?
Title: Re: Altitude big steps in track recording
Post by: Menion on October 24, 2023, 14:49:56
Hello David,
sorry for the delay in the answer. I do not know what exactly may be the reason anyway suggest checking battery optimization on your device: . This usually cause a similar issues in the recordings.
Title: Re: Altitude big steps in track recording
Post by: davidsiroky on November 01, 2023, 23:25:31
Battery optimizations are off and GPS permissions are "allowed all the time".

Maybe if you send me some debug apk then I can give it a try.
Title: Re: Altitude big steps in track recording
Post by: Menion on May 02, 2024, 11:38:25
Hello David,
it has been some time. Sorry, I forget to answer here.

Is there still interest in fixing this issue, if you still have it?