I'm using Locus Map 4 and when I record a track I can see steps/plateaus in the altitude. Looks like the GPS is waking up only sometimes but latitudes and longitudes are recorded fine.
I didn't have this issue with Locus Map Classic.
How can I fix that?
Hello David,
really interesting. May you please compare the setup of the "Altitude manager (https://docs.locusmap.app/doku.php?id=manual:user_guide:tools:altitude)" screen in both app versions?
These settings are identical in both apps.
For comparison this is the same track recorded with Locus Map Classic
Thanks for the screenshots.
What about recorded tracks? Is the track in Locus Map 4 without gaps and straight lines? If there are any problems, please check that the app has "background location access" permission.
The track itself is fine: 2023-09-01_Krkavec.gpx
(Locus Classic: 2023-09-08_Krkavec.gpx)
The permission is set to "Allow all the time".
Any idea how to fix it?
Hello David,
sorry for the delay in the answer. I do not know what exactly may be the reason anyway suggest checking battery optimization on your device: https://docs.locusmap.app/doku.php?id=manual:faq:gps_lost_fix_android6 . This usually cause a similar issues in the recordings.
Battery optimizations are off and GPS permissions are "allowed all the time".
Maybe if you send me some debug apk then I can give it a try.
Hello David,
it has been some time. Sorry, I forget to answer here.
Is there still interest in fixing this issue, if you still have it?