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Content & Tools => Tools => Topic started by: tartiflix on May 01, 2022, 11:43:58

Title: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: tartiflix on May 01, 2022, 11:43:58
I set up a custom live tracking service for Locus.
It can be accessed at (
Let me know if there is any issue with it!
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: Saturo on May 03, 2022, 17:11:00
Really nice. I made a test and it works very good. What are the further plans of this service?
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: tartiflix on May 04, 2022, 16:13:00
No special plan; I set it up for my own use and for my friends, but if it is useful to others...
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: Saturo on May 06, 2022, 20:12:07
Ah okay, thanks!
Can i delete the old tracks so than i only see the last one?
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: tartiflix on May 24, 2022, 15:11:34
There is a single track per day; you can't reset it.

If you view the track from the main page (entering the group and user name), you view today's track.

If you (or rather, if the email's recipient) view the track by clicking the link in the received email, he sees your track for that day (the email will be sent once, for each day you record a track). The tracks are deleted from the server after 7 days.

The email addresses are of course not collected, nor used for any other purpose.
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: Dekaru on October 05, 2022, 14:17:55
I've run a few tests on this and I like what I see!

One issue though: I've added an e-mail to the e-mail field but I'm not receiving the alert e-mails. (Edit: Today when testing again I did receive the e-mail! I guess it only sends the e-mail on the first daily startup, which the other day I hadn't configured the e-mail address yet, also another suggestion, a way to change the displayed timezone)

And one suggestion! It would be amazing if we could upload a GPX track(via the web interface) so the viewer could know the planned route for the day and easily compare that with our current position.
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: tartiflix on January 13, 2023, 17:07:19
Quote from: Dekaru on October 05, 2022, 14:17:55I guess it only sends the e-mail on the first daily startup
True; if you need to change the email address, either wait for the next day, or choose a new group name or a new user name

Quote from: Dekaru on October 05, 2022, 14:17:55another suggestion, a way to change the displayed timezone
No way to change the time zone, but the local time zone will now be used (i.e., the time zone at the location the tracking started, and at the time the tracking started, in case there is a border crossing or a daylight saving time change during the tracking...)

You now need to register (this is free) a group name with a password to avoid problems if multiple users try to use the same group name.

Quote from: Dekaru on October 05, 2022, 14:17:55It would be amazing if we could upload a GPX track
I will think about this, thanks for the suggestion!
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: tartiflix on January 15, 2023, 18:07:51
Quote from: Dekaru on October 05, 2022, 14:17:55It would be amazing if we could upload a GPX track(via the web interface) so the viewer could know the planned route
This has now been implemented! You can also add a textual comment that will be added to the notification email, e.g. the expected time of arrival.

Quote from: Saturo on May 06, 2022, 20:12:07Can i delete the old tracks so than i only see the last one?
Tracks are automatically deleted after 7 days, but you may now delete them immediately from the web interface.
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: xjhelp on April 18, 2023, 14:05:19
Hi! Hello friend

I really like your real-time trajectory project

How can I view teammates' positions in the local map app?
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: tartiflix on April 18, 2023, 14:23:18
No sure what you mean by "local map app".

If you want to view your teammates from the web, use the viewer login at, then click the Tracks or Positions button.

If you want to view them from Locus, follow "Creating a Live Tracking service in Locus Map to only receive the tracks of some others people" at at, then start the tracking
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: xjhelp on April 18, 2023, 14:26:18
I want to see what teammates need to do in the Locus Map application
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: tartiflix on April 18, 2023, 14:35:31
All is explained in : create a live tracking service, adjust the parameters with the name of the group, user, and password. If you want to simultaneously send your position, and see the positions of your friends, do not forget the "show = 1" parameter. Then start the live tracking service in Locus.
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: xjhelp on April 18, 2023, 14:52:50
Do you have a real-time tracking open source system?

Is there a source code download available

I like it so much
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: tartiflix on April 18, 2023, 16:23:16
It is currently not opensource; I am a newbie with python/php/javascript so my source code is probably not a good base for anything else...
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: xjhelp on April 19, 2023, 12:52:19
I also used a real-time tracking system that supports both APRS and Locus Map customization here

If we could integrate the functions of the two platforms, the effect would be better
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: 40° on May 25, 2023, 08:55:35
When I view my location in the browser, it doesn't update automatically. Is this how it should be?
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: tartiflix on May 25, 2023, 09:34:16
Yes, you have to refresh the page to update the position.
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: 40° on May 25, 2023, 10:12:46
It's uncomfortable when you're constantly watching someone. Do you have any plans to automatically update the location of the group members?
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: 40° on June 16, 2023, 14:02:53
I have installed local surveillance on the second phone. The track is loaded when monitoring is enabled, but it is not updated. To see the new location and track, you need to turn monitoring off and on again.
Is this how it should work?

--- upd ---

Sorry.  Figured it out. To update, it was necessary to set the parameter 0 meters.

But immediately the following question arose. If you open the panel with the motion parameters, these parameters will not be updated, although the track itself will be updated.

Can this be fixed?
Title: Re: custom live tracking service for Locus
Post by: xjhelp on April 26, 2024, 14:20:10
Hello tartiflix
I have been using for almost a year now since I discovered it.
The overall feeling is still very good, but sometimes the network is not good.
I want to use your source code to build a website in China.
Could you please share this source code with me?
Thanks :)