New Locus Map (4) version
Important links
- list of news ( of public versions
- Beta versions (
4. 5. 2021 - Locus 4.1.0
6. 5. 2021 - Locus 4.1.1
download link only offers version from 29.04 ....
Just saw the version at Google Play ... ;)
No crashes yet (on goto trackpoint view, on tapping embedded wp), very good.
We can now hide everything we want, good stuff. Also I noticed different and good "click track" behaviour when in trackpoint view.
Bug? When auto hiding everything but the zoom buttons: if I use a zoom button, the big center button appears.
Quote from: on May 04, 2021, 13:07:20
download link only offers version from 29.04 ....
Just saw the version at Google Play ... ;)
I don't find the new version. I is because I am a beta-tester? Can't I then install the newest public version?
UI inconsistency: when loading a preset with everything set to auto hide, everything is initially shown (ok), but the top bar is initially hidden (should be in the same state as the others). After one double tap everything is in order because then it shows the top bar as well.
I think it depends on a prior state, it does not always happen. Suggestion: on applying a preset, bring everything in order... : show any element which is allowed to be shown (ie which is set to autohide or show).
Edit: Look, after I apply "Planung" preset.
Published on the Google Play. For today (4. 5.) to 25% of users. If there won't be a serious issue, 100% will be published tomorrow.
- zoom click & center auto-hide > perfect, fixed
- appear of content after preset is set > you may notice on your video, that not just top toolbar, but also zoom buttons and map screen content button. It depends if there was any change in panel visibility settings or not.
Is there another way than going through Google Play to update Locus 4? My Google Play app has been crashing for several days now, on my only OnePlus 6T, and so I'm doing my important updates via APK Pure, but it doesn't seem to be effective for Locus 4 Beta ...
Hopefully, the update works OK on the 3T.
In 4.1 version the delete button disappeared from record track panel when you stop recording
Quote from: d1039532 on May 04, 2021, 21:37:24
In 4.1 version the delete button disappeared from record track panel when you stop recording
I have this too on one smartphone with the 4.0.2 version.
Quote from: Menion on May 04, 2021, 15:34:03
- appear of content after preset is set > you may notice on your video, that not just top toolbar, but also
I have also noticed this when the main menu button for last couple of weeks+, but haven't reported it yet; will confirm in latest version 1stPS. I can't reproduce the problem in the latest public LM4.1 - fixed
# 279 solved, thanks
with new version map tiles are rendered slowly while zoom in/out or pan map
also if i repeat zoom in/out, are these tiles not cached?
with map rotation turned on, the map loading is even slower
4.1.0 last line/ final street name of the test Route Planner itinerary is incorrect - see attached test GPX. The final line in the itinerary could be removed because the road is still Augusta Road, not Wellwood Street, or the final line should also be Augusta Road. See correct names in map screen cap.
finally the ability to quickly move to first & last point of a recorded track to see the starting & ending timestamps - thanks, great!
Menion, do you plan to overhaul the waypoints-in-tracks screen? For one thing, I'm definitely not the only one missing bulk delete. Also, I noticed that sometimes deleting doesn't work. Not sure how to reproduce it, but directly after I restarted Locus it's always OK. I think it's more likely to happen on tracks that I just copied.
Anyway, that dialog has some issues, so if you're planning to do something here anyway, please consider adding multi-delete and check the code for deletion... Thx!
The missing "delete" button is an ugly side-effect of different changes. Thanks, will be solved in the next version. For now, you may tap on the back button on the main map screen. In the popup is an option to stop or immediately delete the current recording.
map slowdown ... hmm, only what I did was a little slower animation of how map tiles are displaying. I'll revert it if there is such a negative visual effect.
@Andrew Heard
two issues: missing round-about and incorrect street names. Thanks, both improved/fixed.
I plan. All these sub-screens are because of lack of time mostly copy of old screens from V3 app and they definitelly need an update!
And because of the new interesting crash that appears with a new version for a few users, new versions 3.52.1/4.1.1just published.
In track list. When clicking on a track the new track screen is on the bottom. At the top there is a small window which shows the map and the track.
This works when the track is marked as visible. When the track is not visible the upper window doesn't show the track and even doesn't show the map.
Just a sidenote. Because the window is so small is more or less impossible to do something useful as zoom in/out etc. That's why I dont see a need for a dedicated button to switch to the main map.
It would be more logical if every click into the window switches to main map.(As in the past)
A better solution would be to make the window much larger and keep the Button but I think it's a too big change.
Sorry I missed something.
Where I can find the new Version? Beta links still points to V4. 0.
On Google Play it's 4.1.0
The bug I mentioned above is already fixed in 4.1.1.
Cabrio, the track details screen when coming from the track manager is technically something different. More of a static window like it was before, but stylistically now like the new track screen you refer to. Menion said it's limited, don't expect changes there.
Just in case you missed it: you know if, in track manager, when you tap on the map preview it directly goes to map view and shows the track?
Quote from: Menion on May 06, 2021, 20:11:57
And because of the new interesting crash that appears with a new version for a few users, new versions 3.52.1/4.1.1just published.
Thank you a lot, as I found it too at APKPure this morning, bored with my GooglePlay app not working at all on my One+ 6T...! :)
Quote from: Menion on May 06, 2021, 10:13:38
The missing "delete" button is an ugly side-effect of different changes. Thanks, will be solved in the next version. For now, you may tap on the back button on the main map screen. In the popup is an option to stop or immediately delete the current recording.
Now (4.1.1 version) there is another problem: when you close the recording, often the window for saving is no longer shown
I have 2 crashes today when editing a track.
And several times the screen is black for 30s.
Click on the track on map. Then the new track screen opens. Select Track Modify. Then it will be blurry, then black and then Locu stops responding.
Maybe you will see something. Id a1d4a233d1
you were too fast. The app is available on Google Play usually after 1-2 hours after I upload it. Sometimes even later ...
it is not needed to use ApkPure. Usually, I upload the latest version to our Google Drive:
are you sure that your recording profile has disabled "auto-save"?
for my own surprise, I see probably both of your stucks. One clearly happened in the "Track editor" screen, the second is too generic. Anyway, in both cases, the app probably did too much work. Why this? Aren't you editing track "Around the world in 40 days"? :)
Quote from: Menion on May 07, 2021, 22:42:13
it is not needed to use ApkPure. Usually, I upload the latest version to our Google Drive:
But (may be) only the "normal" stable versions?
Quote from: Menion on May 07, 2021, 22:42:13
for my own surprise, I see probably both of your stucks. One clearly happened in the "Track editor" screen, the second is too generic. Anyway, in both cases, the app probably did too much work. Why this? Aren't you editing track "Around the world in 40 days"? :)
The route was only 45 km with the MTB. There were 7 track points stored. We already had that a few months ago. And then it was not since. Hope it disappears quickly. Soon I have a faster phone, maybe that brings something. Samsung S8 is no longer the fastest.
Hi. I may have had a race condition while syncing tracks; both devices on 4.1.1.
- Created a track by importing a KML, save.
- Oops, tweak visual parameters (line style), save. It syncs.
- On second device, see track has arrived.
- Oops, tweak visual parameters, save.
- Notice it's syncing every few minutes, while I'm doing nothing more than browsing the map. After each sync, report says it pushed a track. I had the sense it might go on forever. (First device unavailable, possibly asleep.)
- Tweaked visual parameters again on second device. Syncs once or twice, and stops, aah. :)
Quote from: Menion on May 07, 2021, 22:42:13
are you sure that your recording profile has disabled "auto-save"?
Yes, auto-save is disabled and I tried it on two different phones
4.1.1 Route Planner/ Navigation itinerary inconsistency: refer to attached test GPX file. The simple test route is along a single road "Buckland Rd" as correctly displayed on the map. But track details > dot-dot-dot > More > Itinerary > displays "No waypoints in this track" whereas Navigation along the route > Itinerary lists four (4) "unknown streets".
I would have attached a screen cap from the Route Planner but only 4 files per post allowed, but you get the idea.
- Navigation > Itinerary - 4 turn instructions are correct, but the road should be Buckland Rd
- track details > Itinerary - why is nothing listed? At very least I would have thought "Buckland Rd" is appropriate, but even better would be same list as Navigation > Itinerary instead of different information in different places
"normal stable versions" > do not understand. Under the mentioned link should be available public versions, so yes, probably what you mean - "normal stable versions". Beta versions are under the different link mentioned in my signature.
S8 is perfectly fine. I still test the app on S7 and it should work without problems on even slower devices.
@Viajero Perdido
sync race > eh, what to say ... seems that after every change, your device gets a notification to sync again, weird.
On your video, there is nothing to save. You clicked on the "stop" button when track has less then 2 points ...
@Andrew Heard
the little surprising combination caused by testing and not the real-world experience :) ... what you did is simple: the created route is really short and leads along a single road.
Result? No navigation commands = no waypoints! When you then start navigation, Locus Map detects no navigation commands and uses an internal app generator to generate commands based on the route shape! These are commands you see in the itinerary during navigation.
Upsidedown, device vertical(
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Quote from: Menion on May 11, 2021, 08:42:10
the little surprising combination caused by testing and not the real-world experience :) ... what you did is simple: the created route is really short and leads along a single road.
Result? No navigation commands = no waypoints! When you then start navigation, Locus Map detects no navigation commands and uses an internal app generator to generate commands based on the route shape! These are commands you see in the itinerary during navigation.
@Menion - OK a little too simple, so next time I will have one real-world turn. But you didn't comment on incorrect display of "unknown street" instead of the real-world "Buckland Rd"? Instead of "no waypoints" the itinerary could still display name of road. @0709 has kindly imported same simple route into the Kurviger app - compare the result - far more pleasing, see attached. And with correct road name.
Don't know if it's specific to this current version or generally to LM4, but Action Task "quick_action_menu" doesn't seem to work any more. The Wiki still documents it. Were there any changes in LM4 compared to LM3? If I try to trigger it from Tasker, a toast with "Action `quick_action_menu` does not exists" is shown.
PS: yes, I changed the Package from "" to "" of course.
I think that new track screen is a bad idea. First of all previously user has choice between small pop-up and roll down, configurable list of options or full screen info. Now it is gone. This huge, half screen has less usefull info than previously smapp pop-up. No info about distance at selected point of track or distance to the end of the track. This data are available four click later at track analyzator. New screen works very bad for me, especialy when accidently tap sany track on screen. Scroll up animation and map shifting is anoying, track planer hidden in 3 dots menu etc. Is there Any chance to get back choice between new and old track detail info?
Quote from: on May 13, 2021, 09:11:34
I think that new track screen is a bad idea. First of all previously user has choice between small pop-up and roll down, configurable list of options or full screen info. Now it is gone. This huge, half screen has less usefull info than previously smapp pop-up. No info about distance at selected point of track or distance to the end of the track. This data are available four click later at track analyzator. New screen works very bad for me, especialy when accidently tap sany track on screen. Scroll up animation and map shifting is anoying, track planer hidden in 3 dots menu etc. Is there Any chance to get back choice between new and old track detail info?
While I enjoy the new screen, especially the quick availability of a track chart, I understand your point. Menion said he first wants to implement the screen and then think about customization. Imho the customization should have the following aspects:
- Parts to show/hide
- Order of parts (below title, of course)
- Up to where the screen scrolls up initially
With that, you could customize a screen that only shows title and current position info initially, taking much less space, but still offers all the other info with an additional scroll.
Would you agree that'd be a solution?
PS: About the point info: I also proposed that the track chart should spell out the values for distance/altitude of current point in numbers. However, you only need one click on the icon in the lower left to get to the track point details, not four.
Maybe also: What to show initially (track screen (default) or trackpoint screen).
I'm not entirely happy with the new trackscreen either and can understand swirko. The altitude diagram, for example, takes up a lot of space and is unnecessary in flatter areas. Even 20 cm (!) difference in altitude is shown in the diagram, which takes up just as much space as a track in the high mountains.

Configurability would be ideal, or an optional choice between short info and the large track screen.
How about configurability AND optional short info.
I can see options for "tap a track":
- Show hint (tapping the hint would bring up trackpoint screen)
- Show track screen
- Show trackpoint screen
- Do nothing? (idk)
I guess Menion wanted to get rid of the small hint screen. In that case, configurability should allow for a small track screen with user defined elements. Personally I think the hint can stay and may be desired. Should just not be the default.
Quote from: slarti76 on May 13, 2021, 09:28:25PS: About the point info: I also proposed that the track chart should spell out the values for distance/altitude of current point in numbers.
Useful when out in the wilds, but that information is not an attribute of the whole track.
Hmmm... it's always about track/trackpoint... I am not sure any more if there should be a unified screen... maybe...
Especially I don't like the way to toggle between the two modes. For a newbie, the two different modes are confusing I guess. And how to access them.
In my opinion the way this screen appears need some work. Scroll animation and map shifting are laggy even my phone is quite powerful. Majbe it should just apear without scrolled animation? Customization of this screen will be nice, for me everything below altitude chart is unnecessary and basic data with chart takes to much space. But I still think that will be nice to give us choice hov Locus will behave when tap on track - screen or small popup.
Lopoi offline can not be switched on. I activate it and it is displayed as enabled. Close the Map Content Panel and I do not see. Then I look in the Map Content Panel and it's off.
Quote from: freischneider on May 14, 2021, 21:32:37
Lopoi offline can not be switched on. I activate it and it is displayed as enabled. Close the Map Content Panel and I do not see. Then I look in the Map Content Panel and it's off.
I have problem with online LoPoints. Never tried it before, and for me the eye icon stays on, but nothing is displayed.
Correction: It works depending on map.
OruxMaps db: NO
LoMaps: YES
OAM: Weird: First I had a LoMap, enabled LoPoints online -> shown. Switch to OAM -> some POI disappear, but some are shown. Turn off LoPoints and turn on again -> nothing shown
Didn't do acomnprehensive test, but it's definitely not working as expected/intended.
Quote from: freischneider on May 14, 2021, 21:32:37
Lopoi offline can not be switched on. I activate it and it is displayed as enabled. Close the Map Content Panel and I do not see. Then I look in the Map Content Panel and it's off.
It is strange. Today it works again. But I have not changed anything.
What I noticed too. The database of online and offline is very different. There are POI available online and do not offline. And the other way around. In OSM, nothing has changed to the POI for 1 year. And I have the latest Lomap. So the error has to be in your data.
Hi guys,
incorrect rotation of texts when map rotates > thanks, got it.
@Andrew Heard
street names > I've found two issues thanks to your report, so please try the next version, it should be a lot better.
"Quick action menu" > ah sorry. With LM4, we have renamed it to "Floating menu" and also change ID for the Locus API. So try to use "floating_menu". I've also added support for old ID to keep existing tasks working. So in the next version, thanks.
So offline LoPoints works now, fine. It should really work with all maps without any limits (in LM4).
Anyway old and different data: the first task was to get all data on the web. The second big step completely changes old LoPoints offline system to the new one is a task on this year. Anyway, if there is any significant difference, please write me more info (coordinates, zoom, point(s)), I'll gladly forward this to Petr and Radim who should take care of it.
Online LoPoins - same as offline. Should work without any limits. Anyway, I probably see a problem with raster maps: LoPoints usually appear since level 14+ and it is possible that your raster maps end in 15/16? Then maybe you see nothing. App ignores scale value (percents) so it stick to last full zoom level. I'll look at it ...
Track/trackpoint screen
Thanks all for the feedback. I can't simply say that I'll change this and that. It is quite a lot of ideas and I'll write them on paper and try to find something in the "middle". It will take some time (priority now is preparation for stupid change in A11 filesystem), sorry.
Search tool:
From what I see the same problem that I found in the webplanner is also present in the Locus app.
All searches are performed on the basis of the name key, but a lot of information is present in the other keys and therefore these places are not found.
In OSM many nodes do not have the name tag, but have the amenity key valued therefore Locus does not identify these values.
An example above all, of relevant importance for those who are outdoors is the search for a source of water. This public drinking fountain has no name, but is tagged as amenity = drinking_water
<osm version = "0.6" generator = "CGImap 0.8.3 (1793695" copyright = "OpenStreetMap and contributors" attribution = "" license = " ">
<node id = "6312687085" visible = "true" version = "1" changeset = "67715997" timestamp = "2019-03-02T15: 22: 00Z" user = "Cascafico" uid = "361003" lat = "45.9451386" lon = "13.6199964">
<tag k = "access" v = "yes" />
<tag k = "amenity" v = "drinking_water" />
<tag k = "drinking_water" v = "yes" />
<tag k = "indoor" v = "no" />
Yes, I am aware of this (temporary) limitation. Currently the term in the search bar is only matched against names of points in the local-unspecified language and the language of the client. Other tags are not taken into consideration. (Cannot be taken into consideration directly, as the OSM dataset is not the only possible source of data.) How this search is intended to work (and already works internally, with some minor performance issues):
Let us assume:
- Every point belongs to one or more categories.
- English is the language of client (mobile app or web planner user).
- "wate" is the term in the search bar.
1. A localized fulltext search matches "wate" against names (in local language and in english as specified). As you noticed exactly. Currently, this is the end.
2. Another fulltext search matches "wate" against small dictionaries of synonyms (thesaurus). "wate" could mean: waterfall, watermill, drinking_water, fountain, hot_spring. Why fountain, hot_spring? Because somebody has decided that water and hot_spring are semantically close enough. These little sets of synonyms, language specific, are configurable on the fly, not stored in a hard manner.
So suggestions are proposed after points that match by their names. Are you searching for drinking_water, waterfall, watermill, fountain perhaps?
3. If we chose one of the suggestion, another search runs (Yes, I actually mean waterfall. Yes, i actually mean all accommodation possibilities combined by typing "room"). This time a localized search matches point by their category, not name. Only category is taken into consideration here, as a source of point can be e.g. Wikipedia, which is not tagged by OSM standards.
Hope this makes some sense, I attach some dictionaries (thesauruses), both specific and more generic to make it more clear.
Quote from: Radim V on May 17, 2021, 16:07:25
Yes, I am aware of this (temporary) limitation. Currently the term in the search bar is only matched against names of points in the local-unspecified language and the language of the client. Other tags are not taken into consideration. (Cannot be taken into consideration directly, as the OSM dataset is not the only possible source of data.) How this search is intended to work (and already works internally, with some minor performance issues):
Let us assume:
- Every point belongs to one or more categories.
- English is the language of client (mobile app or web planner user).
- "wate" is the term in the search bar.
1. A localized fulltext search matches "wate" against names (in local language and in english as specified). As you noticed exactly. Currently, this is the end.
2. Another fulltext search matches "wate" against small dictionaries of synonyms (thesaurus). "wate" could mean: waterfall, watermill, drinking_water, fountain, hot_spring. Why fountain, hot_spring? Because somebody has decided that water and hot_spring are semantically close enough. These little sets of synonyms, language specific, are configurable on the fly, not stored in a hard manner.
So suggestions are proposed after points that match by their names. Are you searching for drinking_water, waterfall, watermill, fountain perhaps?
3. If we chose one of the suggestion, another search runs (Yes, I actually mean waterfall. Yes, i actually mean all accommodation possibilities combined by typing "room"). This time a localized search matches point by their category, not name. Only category is taken into consideration here, as a source of point can be e.g. Wikipedia, which is not tagged by OSM standards.
Hope this makes some sense, I attach some dictionaries (thesauruses), both specific and more generic to make it more clear.
It makes sense and it might work, but only by seeing it in action would I be able to tell you if it is correct or functional for research purposes.
Is it possible somehow to query locally on the db of the points to see the information relating to the categories? In this way in the areas I know I can check how much information is available and how it is grouped.
Quiet thread lately. The app is stable, and hopefully the team is enjoying some outdoor time. :)
I figured out why the keyboard wasn't popping up when I needed to enter a name for a new waypoint. It was an interaction with the lock screen, which Locus is set to bypass. Since the keyboard is a separate app, it needed the phone unlocked, but for some reason wasn't accomplishing that.
My workaround: hit the Home button, which pops up the lock screen long enough for it to recognize my face. Back to Locus, keyboard is open as expected. I don't consider this a bug in Locus.
New version published to Google Drive Beta directory yesterday.
Mainly major update in the "Web services library", we hope this will bring/highlight some useful and interesting web maps.
@Viajero Perdido
Outdoor time ... this should be nice :-X
The keyboard problem makes sense, interesting. I have no idea how to bypass this. The app is able to hack security lock screen only for its own process (and also not on all devices), so this most probably does not have any simple solution as I know. @menion - "insert middle point for empty tracks loaded into route planner" - I can't confirm this - test: add start point > add (simple) end point > menu > Route Stats > ">" button > Itinerary > "No waypoints in this track"?
It is about the editing of already saved, usually recorded, or imported routes, that do not have any navigation commands or any old plan stored inside. In this case, such track loaded into route planner will have a single shaping point placed in the middle.
The reason for this is mainly in the case of rounded routes, where simple drag or adding a new via-point caused recompute of the whole route.
Maps cannot be overlaid in beta version
And the mapsforge type beta map is not well visible.
More a question than a report:
I recently noticed that a point I have in the database included Opening Times that were displayed specially, like in Google. That's very nice and useful, but I have no idea how that got there! I cannot edit this data in the Edit Point screen. I don't remember how I created that point, probably from LoPoints, but when I looked at the same point in LoPoint db, there were no Opening Times.
So, how did this data get there, and more importantly: How can I add them myself? Opening Times are what I most often put into the description field, and having them in a standard format that Locus can display accordingly ("Closed now", "Open until 9pm", etc.) would be just fantastic!!!
You will have to write me more info ...
hehe, this is really old feature :). It was in old times when the app used the so-called "Google Places API". The feature was removed because a) Locus violated Google's terms of use and b) service is now really over-priced.
Online LoPoints now fully support opening times and once we switch offline LoPoints to the new system (not sure if this year), it will be available also offline.
The best how to get this into the app is by editing OpenStreetMap directly!
Editing in the app is doable, but is it really needed? Is there any reason to have opening times for any point in the app and do not have it in the OpenStreetMap data?
Quote from: Menion on May 25, 2021, 11:22:06
hehe, this is really old feature :). It was in old times when the app used the so-called "Google Places API". The feature was removed because a) Locus violated Google's terms of use and b) service is now really over-priced.
I do remember that, but didn't want to bloat my post by mentioning this. But I would have assumed you removed that stuff with the new track screen, so I was surprised it even got an updated look, too :)
QuoteOnline LoPoints now fully support opening times and once we switch offline LoPoints to the new system (not sure if this year), it will be available also offline.
The best how to get this into the app is by editing OpenStreetMap directly!
Editing in the app is doable, but is it really needed? Is there any reason to have opening times for any point in the app and do not have it in the OpenStreetMap data?
Well, for one thing, editing OSM data for many is still intimidating. And I'm more talking about points I added to my local database. I mean, on vacation I would see a restaurant that perhaps doesn't even have an OSM entry, so I add it to my database and want to add opening times for future reference (like, tomorrow ;) ). If I first have to add the point to OSM with all data, and then how quickly will it appear in Locus?
If it were a LoPoint-only thing, ok - but right now when you add the point to your local DB, this data is copied, but not editable. Surely this is confusing to any user: There's things shown that is not editable.
And, my other point would be, that you could use the same argument for URL, phone and email fields - you still offer to edit them in Locus directly...
I've got your point. Comparing opening hours to phone/email is not ideal. Phone/email may be simply added to a place where a friend lives, to anything interesting for you. Opening hours belong to any public service that should be in the OSM in all cases. And if it isn't? Add it there.
When it appears? Good question. I think that Radim does updates 3x per week in the online LoPoints database.
Anyway, I really think that contribution to OSM is a top priority. Maybe some easier integration with app like StreetComplete ( may be useful solution?
Quote from: Menion on May 25, 2021, 12:00:30
I've got your point. Comparing opening hours to phone/email is not ideal. Phone/email may be simply added to a place where a friend lives, to anything interesting for you. Opening hours belong to any public service that should be in the OSM in all cases. And if it isn't? Add it there.
When it appears? Good question. I think that Radim does updates 3x per week in the online LoPoints database.
Anyway, I really think that contribution to OSM is a top priority. Maybe some easier integration with app like StreetComplete ( may be useful solution?
There is a better app like StreetCompete. It is OSM go.
Also available as a website:
Editing POIs is much easier there. And it is translated into the national language for some countries.
I could imagine that Locus will work together with the APP in the future.
I go to edit in the LoPOI and the corresponding app opens and calls up the POI.
This will probably require an API in OSMgo? I think there are 2 ways of transmission. Once the OSM ID of the POI? Or the coordinates.
I just don't know how to contact the programmer of OSMGo and what to ask him.
It would be a big step towards better OSM data. Every user can change OSM data very easily. A lot is already given and you just have to select the tags.
Quote from: Menion on May 25, 2021, 11:22:06
You will have to write me more info ...
In version 4.1.1, the overlay on the background map works fine.
In this beta version, even if any map is loaded on the background map, only the background map is visible and the imported map is not overlaid.
And the specific mapsforge is not visible.
Attached the link to the tested vector map below
Quote from: Menion on May 25, 2021, 12:00:30Anyway, I really think that contribution to OSM is a top priority. Maybe some easier integration with app like StreetComplete ( may be useful solution?
That sounds like an idea :)
Quote from: Menion on May 25, 2021, 12:00:30I really think that contribution to OSM is a top priority.
I'm always happy to hear that. :)
A quick "win" would be to add a predefined "Inspect OSM" option to Quick Bookmarks, as discussed recently.
Now that I've discovered the feature - and added the bookmark URL manually - I use it all the time. My workflow: see something suspicious on the vector map, inspect OSM, decide fix is needed, create point in Locus to remind myself for later editing on big-screen JOSM. (Sync makes this very convenient.) But I have no desire to actually
edit OSM in Locus.
PS, a very minor inconvenience (bug?): After editing in JOSM, I move the reminder point to a "done" folder, then hide it. But "Hide" is disabled after the move, until I tap the point again. Then I can hide it.
since version 4.1.1 I have the problem that when I activate navigation, a new row on the top of the navigation information appears, which was not in 4.1.0.
When I click on it, the icon on the left hand side changes, but the information is still the same "Unbekannte Straße" (engl. Unknown road). The information never changes.
This plus the bar which already existed, steal a lot of usable space from my screen and annoys me every time I use the navigation.
As mentioned in this thread I already asked to have the opinion to disable the top navigation information bars. Now you added one more ;D
Is there a chance to get rid of the "Unknown Street"-thing?
Thanks a lot,
Quote from: K0nsch on May 27, 2021, 16:41:30
When I click on it, the icon on the left hand side changes, but the information is still the same "Unbekannte Straße" (engl. Unknown road). The information never changes.
This plus the bar which already existed, steal a lot of usable space from my screen and annoys me every time I use the navigation.
@K0nsch - I've always disliked the wasted top line too, especially for "Unknown road", maybe create a help topic @ for voting? Even the 2nd line from the top could become hidden via a new setting. Most other items on the map can now be hidden, and via presets, so there a precedent/ hope for further improved UX ;-)
Fully agree. There already is such an option for guidance, but Menion did not implement it for navigation.
And guys, I'd like to remind you about my idea to optionally hide the big navigation icon at all.
Menion are you still planning to make changes on point and trackscreen? Especially in pointscreen, the relevant info (for me) is placed at the bottom (date/time).
The "progress" of the Cloud Sync progress bar jumps in very big increments. Often it will be just sit on 0%, long delay, ~70%, long delay, 100%. It could be more useful. It appears the "progress" is simply a percentage of the #"tasks" (point push, point, pull, point delete, track push, track pull, track delete") completed. It would be more attractive & better diagnostics for the bar to represent to #bytes / total estimate #bytes.
I'm sure the description underneath the bar is not always correct too. On the last sync the 1st "description" was "deleting points" then a long delay. However when I checked activity there were no point delete operations, just 1 x track pull delete & 6 x track pushes - see attached screen cap.
Quote from: tapio on May 28, 2021, 09:52:56
And guys, I'd like to remind you about my idea to optionally hide the big navigation icon at all.
Find similar subject proposals next:
- "UI design" Subject: Optimize map display through transparent panels.
- "showing two dashes in the absence of a street name"
In Locus replace the annoying "Unknown street"message by discrete - -
By transparent panels: Hardly disturbing and the UI remains nicely sleek and stable.
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
There are 2 features that I am currently missing. Maybe they are hidden somewhere in the menu. I don't know.
In the old Locus Pro when I clicked somewhere on the track there was this small pop up with some information about the track. Especially the information about the distance from the start and the distance to the end was shown.
Now with the new menu I don't see this information. I can guess the approximate distance when I look at the elevation profile but that's all.
In the small elevation diagram the current position is marked with a vertical line. That's good. But when you maximize the elevation diagram this line disappears and you don't know where you are. That is a bit annoying.
Quote from: Hennes on May 30, 2021, 11:05:56In the old Locus Pro when I clicked somewhere on the track there was this small pop up with some information about the track. Especially the information about the distance from the start and the distance to the end was shown.
Because that is "track information". You want information about a specific point - tap the bottom left icon. The information you need is unfortunately at the bottom.
There is also an improvement. In the top of that point screen you now see (if you are navigating) the distance from current position to the point "on track". Not direct line.
QuoteIn the small elevation diagram the current position is marked with a vertical line. That's good. But when you maximize the elevation diagram this line disappears and you don't know where you are. That is a bit annoying.
Yes: and that's a bug I think, has to be reported. Maybe already has been, I read it somewhere.
Rejoice, it's christmas 😁
Menion wrote:
"Hi guys,
in the next Locus Map 4 version, in the Expert settings will be for testing purpose option to hide all navigation panels like you may see on the screenshot.
'Primary navigation symbol' offer now also small size and option to completely hide. In both new cases, new small button appears above track recording button with access to main navigation menu."
The test version is only valid till tomorrow, 1st of june. Is there another version coming?
Gesendet von meinem XZ2C mit Tapatalk
@menion - the message that beta has expired & reverted to Locus Map FREE is only displayed for a fraction of a second. I hope sorted in < 24 hours.
Despite the notification, it still works as a full version..., so we can lean back 😊
@menion a question regards the Route Planner: when I plan my own route then drag up from bottom, the Elevation Profile, Way Types & Surfaces are displayed. But when I import a GPX (PS. or my own recorded track), only the Elevation Profile is displayed. Why is that? Can it be improved? A friend sent a proposed cycle route but I have no easy way to check how much is on unsealed roads. I could create my own route based on the imported GPX track but for a 200km track that is a quite long winded process. I've become too reliant on the power of the new Route Planner!
Hi Locus team,
I think I read a reply from Locus team some time ago that Sonny's LIDAR data would be used for downloads into the local app data storage (folder srtm). From a discussion and test (based on 3.5.1) yesterday I concluded I should test with LM4, too. And I found that the 3" SRTM data is used (2.5 MB file) rather than Sonny's fine grane LIDAR data (1").
Can you pls. clarify?
TXs and cheers
Trackpoint screen, jump buttons.
Short tap middle buttons: +/- 1 tp
Short tap outer buttons: +/- 1 waypoint or begin/end
Long tap middle buttons: +/- 10 tp (automove)
Long tap outer buttons: +/- 1 waypoint (automove) or begin/end
Tiny Suggestion:
Long tap outer buttons: goto begin/end.
I think the automatic skipping to next WP is rather redundant and not expected here. Being able to quickly jump to the ends is more useful.
Hi guys,
a week (full of testing, company meeting, WMTS maps) without a response and so much feedback, thanks :).
OSM go, thanks for the tip. It mostly works on me. The best should be to contact devs of both apps, improve little bit Locus API and allow to integrate these apps as add-ons into point detail screen with an option to receive directly an OSM ID of point and the type (point, way, relation). I'm now not 100% sure it is easily doable, but I should discuss this with @radim, who create a LoPoints service.
thanks for the map, I'll look at it anyway I'm still not aware of any problem so please double check you use valid working map themes.
@Viajero Perdido
If you have tested "Quick bookmark URL", you may share it so I may add it to list of predefined URLs in the app ;).
Problem with "hide" - may you write me more? Thanks. A simple "move to" click does not disable "hide" button for me.
@Andrew Heard
Progress in sync system - ah yes, it is incorrect. I planned to improve it a little more. It is not so easy as it may look :). Anyway, I already have a task on the to-do list for this ...
Surface & way types - this info comes from computed routes by the BRouter service. It is not possible to simply get these values to imported routes, sorry.
Contour lines values - hmm interesting ... @voldapet?
SRTM 1' - we would like to offer download of 3'' AND 1'', based on users' choice (most probably). But it is not yet ready (we did not yet start to work on it). So, in all cases, now are still downloaded only 3'' data.
Long-click on the prev/next waypoint - I was playing with it and decided, based on the usually very low amount of waypoints in the track, to still move only one by one. Do all agree that it should be more useful to move directly to the start/end?
General discussion
Beta version expiration - well, this limit is not anymore useful because no extra paid features are currently enabled in Beta for Free. Anyway, it is at least push for me to finally publish new version :)
Hiding of the navigation panels - as @tapio wrote, it will be improved in the next version.
And new beta version finally generated and uploaded to Google Drive.
Have a nice weekend!
Longtap prev/next waypoint:
If there's few, there is no problem in tapping multiple times. If there are many (I often have > 15) there is currently no easy way to jump to begin/end. Well, this is just a small thing tbh.
Lovely one, thank you.
- Control point alert via intent is working.
- New navigation icon and panel option could go to the navigation options at some point.
- If no navigation icon is displayed, upper panel should use full width.
- Small nav icon is a few pixels higher than the statistic panel.
- Screenshot. Can't we get rid of the top left nav arrow? It is there in any case. Arrow on track plus voice is enough for me. When hiking, 2nd next command is uninteresting.
- It is not possible to show the embedded waypoints screen, endless loading, screenshot.
Thanks tapio!
- visible second navigation command: just disable notification on the second navigation point
- loading of waypoints ... ah thanks, quick bug-fix version published
Quote from: Menion on June 04, 2021, 13:03:57@Viajero Perdido
If you have tested "Quick bookmark URL", you may share it so I may add it to list of predefined URLs in the app ;).
Problem with "hide" - may you write me more? Thanks. A simple "move to" click does not disable "hide" button for me.
"Inspect OSM"{mapLat}&lon={mapLon}#map={mapZoom}/{mapLat}/{mapLon}
(I think this was John Percy's version; a bit better than the one I conjured up. I've used it a couple dozen times so far, with no problems.) Thanks for supporting this.
As to the "Hide" minor issue... I tap a point, details pop up, I tap the dots in the lower-right corner, Move To, select a different folder. Now, I see a simpler version of the details pane, with only distance+altitude, coords, and (original) creation date. In this state, Hide is greyed out.
If I tap the point again, I get a fuller version of the details pane, now also including a "Details" section with folder name, and a last-update time. Now, Hide is available.
Quote from: Menion on June 04, 2021, 13:03:57
Surface & way types - this info comes from computed routes by the BRouter service. It is not possible to simply get these values to imported routes, sorry.
OK, at least now I understand, thanks. I will just trace over top of an existing track if wanting to display surface & way types. Would it be possible to take an existing track/ route with waypoints & feed this into the BRouter service - it would allow every track to consistently show surface & way types. I'm guessing too much work/ too little pay back.
Quote from: Menion on June 04, 2021, 13:03:57
Long-click on the prev/next waypoint - I was playing with it and decided, based on the usually very low amount of waypoints in the track, to still move only one by one. Do all agree that it should be more useful to move directly to the start/end?
Nice summary by @tapio. +/- pros & cons. Although I originally suggested long tap to move direct to start/ end, I now quite like the idea of moving between waypoints.
Short tap middle buttons: +/- 1 tp
Short tap outer buttons: +/- 1 waypoint or begin/end
Long tap middle buttons: +/- 10 tp (automove)
Long tap outer buttons:
+/- 1 waypoint (automove) or begin/end
But maybe larger buttons? Attached is how they look to me. The outer buttons+(i) is just a fuzzy blur. I had to take a screen cap then zoom in to see what the <+i & >+i was meaning.
Some thoughts on the track editor:
1) Modify track > "to edit the track, tap it"? Isn't this second tap redundant (1st screen cap)? Why not just enter the track editing mode once "Modify track" is tapped?
2) Can the trackpoint info panel (2nd screen cap) be moved a little away from the trackpoint?
A question on how to access the "track info" for a just saved track - sometimes the bottom icons includes the (i) button on the left side, but other times this is the navigation button. Why do the set of buttons change?
- from the main map > tap the track, the (i) button is always displayed
- select the track from the list, sometimes the (i) button is not displayed
- after I have just saved a track, the (i) button is never displayed
V4.1.1.2 versions history
"support for geometries in LoPoints
how to create/display this areas?
Quote from: Menion on June 04, 2021, 13:03:57
OSM go, thanks for the tip. It mostly works on me. The best should be to contact devs of both apps, improve little bit Locus API and allow to integrate these apps as add-ons into point detail screen with an option to receive directly an OSM ID of point and the type (point, way, relation). I'm now not 100% sure it is easily doable, but I should discuss this with @radim, who create a LoPoints service.
I looked at both apps again. Streetcomplete is for missing information.
But if you have information that changed. Very specifically in Pois, then OSMGO is better (for example, new opening hours, parking is now chargeable, etc.)
Quote from: Menion on June 04, 2021, 13:03:57
thanks for the map, I'll look at it anyway I'm still not aware of any problem so please double check you use valid working map themes.
thanks for taking a look
I don't know if it's an issue with my phone right now, but it's not visible when overlaying the map
Locus map version is beta version
I also uploaded a YouTube video below for reference.
It works fine in LocusMap 4.1.1 version.
Also, vector maps that are not visible in the beta version are visible well.
The smartphone I tested is a Samsung Note 8.
@Viajero Perdido
the issue with the "hide" is really weird. This happens when you use points stored in the internal memory right? No matter what I try, I can't simulate it ...
@Andrew Heard
mapping any route to roads is called "map matching". Quite a complex problem that is for example solved by GraphHopper (the app does not use it), but as I know, BRouter does not support this feature. It is anyway more a task to Arndt than on me, sorry.
Size of buttons: an area that reacts on the click is big enough, only the icons are a little smaller. On your device, it looks (again) a lot worst than on mine. Hope you will have a higher resolution one-day :).
Track editor: when you open the track editor from the main map screen with any trackpoint selected, it should automatically open editing options. When you describe allows to fine-tune selecting of the trackpoint before you start editing. I think it is fine as is to be true.
Movement of the popup: it firstly needs someone skilled with drawing/graphics, who should redraw the background image with the arrow. Our graphics is currently filled with huge list of tasks and already have a delay :(
"i" button is not a "track info", but a "trackpoint info". This button should be visible in case, any track trackpoint is currently selected.
I was worried that someone asks :). Sorry, I was too rush ... @radim who prepare our LoPoints service has prepared only a test version on our testing service and it is not yet public. But will be during next week.
really interesting. Once you choose a map, try to tap on "Choose Theme" and select any of the internal map themes (button on the screenshot) please. Does it help?
Quote from: Menion on June 06, 2021, 11:25:09
really interesting. Once you choose a map, try to tap on "Choose Theme" and select any of the internal map themes (button on the screenshot) please. Does it help?
thank you for your answer
The vector map shown in the video is a theme applied. The same phenomenon occurs even when running several different themes.
The problem is that not only the vector map can't be overlaid, nor the online map.
But there is nothing wrong with version 4.1.1 This happens only in beta version
Now I can't duplicate the "Hide" issue either. It seems to have gone away with the .1 beta. 8) (It applied to points I had manually created some days earlier in the Favorites folder.) Now, after choosing a destination name, there's a momentary delay (new) and the details panel slides up (new) with info including the updated folder name. Now - as expected - Hide is available and working. Thanks!
Quote from: Menion on June 06, 2021, 11:25:09
really interesting. Once you choose a map, try to tap on "Choose Theme" and select any of the internal map themes (button on the screenshot) please. Does it help?
I deleted the Locus Map v beta app and reinstalled it.
Online maps that couldn't be overlaid are now overlaid.
But still the vector map is not overlaid
But in the v4.1.1 full version, the overlay works fine.
However, the vector map that was made in the same format and used in the past works well in the v4.1.1.2 beta app.
For reference, I will link the two vector maps.
ㄴ Overlapping vector maps
ㄴ non-overlapping vector maps
This vector map is important
The Locus Forum in Korea, to which I belong, has about 20,000 members who use the Locus Map. This vector map was made in this forum, so members use the vector map to climb the mountain, so this vector map is important.
There is no problem with the v4.1.1 official version now, and members do not say anything, but if the beta version comes out like this, many members will probably not be able to see the map.
@baegas, thanks for the shared maps. Unfortunately, I'm still unable to simulate it. That's how it looks on my device. You use the same parameters on the second screenshot, but still don't see an overlaid map.
Quote from: Menion on June 08, 2021, 14:49:59
@baegas, thanks for the shared maps. Unfortunately, I'm still unable to simulate it. That's how it looks on my device. You use the same parameters on the second screenshot, but still don't see an overlaid map.
Thanks for the reply
By any chance, among the two links I posted, the link vector map above is not visible in the beta version?
The attached screenshot is nested in the v4.1.1 full version.
I used the same parameters, but it is strange that the v4.1.1 full version is visible and the v4.1.1.2 beta version is not.
It would be nice to find the cause... Thank you for your efforts.
New Beta version just uploaded to GD.
Among many internal fixes and few performance improvements, there is a huge update in the handling of WMTS maps, added support for WMTS maps over our "Web services library" and more ... have a nice weekend. This version, when no serious problems found, will be published at the start of next week to Google Play.
I'll look at it little more at start of the next week ... weird indeed
OSM Template in bookmarks: zoom not working. Correct template should have # before the zoom part. This works:
Now the icons to toggle between track/trackpoint view are at the same place (bottom left) - that's better and more intuitive! thx! Maybe only one split icon would be better, to indicate that this is a toggle. E. g. the trackpoint icon looks like "create a new point".
Also, what do you think about the concept (some apps do it) if you longtap a button, app shows a short info on what the button does.
Finally figured out a recipe for a strange little behavior (in the latest .3 beta).
If you tap a geocache icon - while the lower part of the screen shows info for this or another geocache - the lower part of the screen will show info for the cache tapped, but without logs or difficulty/terrain, maybe other stuff. Very repeatable.
You need to swipe away the cache info panel completely before tapping a cache, if you want full info.
BT signal activates main menu.
I do the following.
With a BT signal I activate AutoVoice in Tasker. Then I speak for example. S1. AutoVoice recognizes S1 and Tasker then says Locus. Write a waypoint named: Path S1 Ground. I have many soche commands for the OSM care.
For some time, however, the main menu has always been opened, that was not the case earlier.
I think it is caused by the BT signal. Because I have the same function for hiking but AutoVoice will be active through the BIXBY button. And there is not the problem.
The problem does not always occur. You can see it in the video. In the video does not appear the blue language recognition. But that's the Sreen Recorder.
Another odd behavior noticed recently, including in the recent .3 beta which both my devices are using. The counts of visible points seem to be off.
Scenario 1: I noticed about 5 points on the map showing the icon for my "Obsolete" folder. These are points I'd moved to this folder on my other device, which then sync'd automatically. I've got it set to always show points received by sync, on both devices. So far, normal.
I went to the points database list. It said, 1 of xxx showing for this folder. No, I saw about 5 on the map. I tapped the icon to hide them all. Back at the map, all five were now invisible as expected.
Scenario 2: I regularly import geocaches on my phone, then let them sync to the tablet. Today, I imported 8 PQs totalling ~6500 caches, option to delete existing folder checked, and there are no overlaps between the PQs. On the receiving device (tablet), it's routinely been showing a slightly smaller number of points actually visible, eg 6530 / 6550. I scroll through the (long!) list, and it seems every last one is indicated as invisible (eye with cross-out, white background). In reality, on the map they all seem to be shown, as expected.
On the sending device, the folder shows as fully displayed, 6550 / 6550, the entries all show with the eye, not struck out, reddish background. This is as expected.
In the attached picture, today's PQs on the receiving device are shown with the correct number received (5352) but indicating all are visible less 5. Yet all caches on the right are indicated as invisible. On the map, many (or all) are visible.
Why this matters to me: I like to check that everything is visible that should be. It tells me that some data is not visible, so more taps are needed.
Also, I've noticed a different folder often indicates that very few points are visible, and I don't remember doing this manually. This is the folder I manually move points from, if that helps. I have no further info on this, sorry.
Also, although I have separate menu buttons for Points Manager and Tracks & Routes Manager, tapping the latter sometimes brings up the former. And maybe also vice versa, can't remember.
I've noticed these things for a little while, since before the .3 beta.
- URL template to OSM: ah thanks, fixed
- icons in the track screen: "one split icon" - currently no idea how it should look like ???
- long tap on the button to show info should be great. I was thinking about it a long time ago because it is a very useful accessibility feature, unfortunately, it brings a huge amount of texts to translate ... still not sure it worth it
@Viajero Perdido
Ah thanks, now I see it too (issue with missing cache info). How should I miss it? Hmm, anyway found & fixed ;)
Incorrect counts for visible items > not so easy to do, but I'll try to refresh counts after sync more aggressively and we will see. But best should be of course exact steps to simulate it = problematic, I know :-\
Incorrect display of points/tracks tab > thanks, got it
hmm, interesting. The problem in your theory is, that Locus Map can't simply listen to some Bluetooth commands when there is no Bluetooth connection directly in the app (to some sensors). You wrote it was not the case earlier > I think there should be some change on your side, some new task in the Tasker that simply open the menu?
Quote from: Menion on June 14, 2021, 09:43:19
hmm, interesting. The problem in your theory is, that Locus Map can't simply listen to some Bluetooth commands when there is no Bluetooth connection directly in the app (to some sensors). You wrote it was not the case earlier > I think there should be some change on your side, some new task in the Tasker that simply open the menu?
I haven't changed anything in Tasker since then. Another possibility is for it to be triggered by speech recognition. That's an element from Google. On the video you can see that the menu only opens when the speech recognition is opened.
I think it's since LM4. In any case, it wasn't in LMPro yet. The process is so that BT Autovoice is activated and Autovoice uses the element from Google. See image.
Steps to reproduce the visible-data-points issue:
- Phone + tablet both running beta. Cloud sync options on both devices are: first three items on (including "show new points"), fourth item off.
Each device contains a folder of geocaches, same name, previously sync'd, all points manually displayed via taps on folder icon.
On phone, under Geocaching Tools, Load PQs, select multiple PQs and tap Import. (No caches appearing in more than one PQ, no overlap.) Select that folder, and check the first and third checkboxes (delete, show).
Wait for import to finish, then for sync to finish, then for sync to finish on other device (tablet).
Result: oddity on tablet, as shown above.
Hope this helps. :) Thanks, also thanks for the quick fix to the other stuff.
PS, please ignore my first "Also" paragraph. There's too little info for a proper bug report, and it's likely just part of the main issue.
So, the new version just published. Let's continue in discussion in a new topic here (
Anyway, what's unsolved:
@fresichneider - issue with speech actions triggered by tasker > I have no idea for now, sorry
@baegas - you're still the only one who reported the problem with overlays. Give a try to the new public version and let me know if the problem remains, thanks!