The OS Map theme tries to emulate the Ordnance Survey 1:25k and 1:50k map styles as closely as is possible within the constraints of Locus Map and data provided by the vector maps. It should work with both LoMap and OAM maps (v3 and v4). I must give credit to John Campbell for his Voluntary UK theme that I used as a starting point (v. 190101).
The OS Map theme also provides a darker variation of OS style of map designed for use at night-time to help avoid spoiling night-vision whilst keeping a recognizably Ordnance Survey style of map.
The theme now consists of four main theme files, day/night for v3 maps and day/night for v4 maps. There are two PDF map legends, one for day and one night.
Here is a comparison of the same map rendered with: Internal Theme, Voluntary UK, OS Style and my new 4 OS map styles:
Here are the list of all the changes made for each release:
Initial release for v3 maps only
Added v4 map support
Added option to highlight toll roads (default is not highlighted). Highlight means orange outline and orange dots as you zoom in.
Added option to set OS style roads names (pathtext) for countires that are left hand traffic or right hand traffic. This is only applicable to dual carriage ways.
Added drawing of footpaths and bridleways that are on dashed track/service roads.
Added thicker dashed 1:50k style for airport runways (was using thinner 1:25k for 1:50k before)
Added defibrillator symbol (non OS symbols)
Added OS text symbols for: Libraries, Shelters, Cairns, Caves, Adits [Mines, Mines (dis)], Waterfalls (Falls in blue)
Added library buildings to list of important building, i.e bolder outlines.
Added place markers for towns/cities (similar to Elevate theme) at low zoom levels (e.g. 5-7).
Added support for sizing of town/city names based on population density (popcat)
Changed borders (admin_level) to improve support for non-UK counties by grouping togther Parishes=9/10, Districts=7/8, Counties=5/6, National=2/3/4
Changed pharmacy amenity symbol to also include chemist shops (non OS symbols).
Changed order of options, putting least changed options towards bottom of list.
Changed embankments to draw at a higher level priority to avoid them being overdrawn by water ways and residential areas.
Changed footbridges to draw at a higher level priority to avoid them being overdrawn by water ways.
Changed tunnels to use smaller dashes for better match OS map style.
Changed 1:50k trunk_link and motorway_link roads to use correct/matching outline widths on bridges.
Changed highway labels at zoom levels 7-12 to use captions instead of pathtext for OS labels
Changed priorities of several symbols to improve visibility of churches, information and museums at lower zoom levels.
Changed car parks at lower zoom levels (upto zoom 15) to only show ~|destination|customers|public car parks.
Changed hill name sizes slightly larger
Changed (corrected) selection of national hiking routes to only include iwn|nwn, i.e. remove rwn|lwn|uwn.
Changed (corrected) selection of national cycling routes to only include icn|ncn, i.e. remove rcn|lcn|ucn.
Changed (corrected) wells so they now get displayed.
Changed doctors captions from red to black text.
Changed v3 theme place names to match/harmonise to style used on v4 theme.
Removed tourism brown dashed ways accidentally left in from donor theme (UK Voluntary)
Removed access cross hatchings on footpaths accidentally left in from donor theme (UK Voluntary)
Removed surface dashes on 'white' roads accidentally left in from donor theme (UK Voluntary) - If this is going to be in the theme then I need to think about how to do it in an OS style way...
Fixed validation errors (one was a real issue in V4 theme for railway stations at zoom 13, rest were technical errors but not impacting display of maps).
Split v3 and v4 theme files into separate day and night theme files so they can have different map=background tags, different PDF legends and increase performance.
Added night mode symbols for transmitters, windmills, wind turbines, lighthouses, ruins/archaeological, battlefields, telephones, helipads, bollards.
Added night mode PDF legend.
Added four .lnk files to map the two PDF legends to relevant four theme files.
Changed priority of cemetery symbol lower than church symbol.
Changed night mode track core colour to match service/residential roads.
Changed night mode tunnels to use own night equivalent of day tunnel colours.
Changed night mode steps to look similar to day time steps and less like a ladder.
Changed night mode turning circles and passing places to be more visible.
Changed area ways for residential roads to match residential road outlines for all map themes.
Changed AED, playground and shooting symbols to remove white outline/background to match other symbols.
Changed 50k toilet symbol to fix errors in tiny-svg rendering.
Added cycle lanes and cycle tracks with display option "cycle lanes/tracks".
Added option to hide hiking route diamonds.
Added option to hide cycling route circles.
Changed emphasise hiking routes to highlight routes with route label from zoom level 7 to 14, 15 upwards as before.
Changed emphasise cycling routes to highlight routes with route label from zoom level 7 to 14, 15 upwards as before.
Changed emphasise hiking routes highlight colours, green for national and yellow for local.
Changed emphasise cycling routes highlight colours, red for national and blue for local.
Changed (renamed) option "left/right hand traffic road labels" to "drive on the left/right side" as this option now also affects oneway cycle lanes/tracks.
Added captions for beaches, mud flats and sand banks.
Added captions for fells.
Added customer and private parking symbols.
Added cutlines (in woods/forests)
Added ditches that are barriers.
Added earth banks using typical OS slope pattern.
Added emphasise cycle lanes/tracks options using purple highlight colour.
Added gullies, rendered as OS cutting pattern.
Added hedges as a non-os option.
Added military bunkers (active and dis-used) symbols.
Added post boxes with red circle for left hand traffic and yellow square for right hand traffic - symbols to match the typical post box shape/colour used in LHT/RHT countries.
Added public artwork symbol.
Added town hall as an important building (bolder outline of building).
Added town hall symbol.
Changed abandoned/disused railways to render before rivers.
Changed climbing symbol to be larger.
Changed embankments for footpaths to be narrower.
Changed grade1 tracks to be thinner and matching the rest of the tracks.
Changed many railway/highway tunnels to render as transparent dashed outlines.
Changed OS 50k cycleways (single black dashes) to appear sooner from Z14.
Changed piers and walls to render after waterways to avoid being hidden by waterway areas.
Changed tidalflats that are hidden under water areas to be visible.
Changed waterways (in a major way), now they are all rendered as casings first and then as cores to avoid blue lines where they join.
Removed erroneous rendering of "water_park" as water, this was an incorrect understanding of its purpose (thanks John Percy for the hint).
Added "dash unsealed roads" overlay option to give unsealed roads a dashed outline/casing.
Added "road surface/grade textures" overlay option to give unsealed roads a texture pattern that represents the type of surface, from Z14 onwards.
Added "emphasise road surface/grade textures" overlay option to highlight roads surfaces at lower zoom levels, from Z12 onwards.
Removed springs and wells from 50k maps, as per OS map's convention.
Added support for LoMap v4 maps.
Added options to control what is shown as psuedo public right of way: "accessible footpaths" and "designated footpaths".
Added mountain bike routes using purple cirlces with options to hide routes, circles or highlight the routes.
Added option to emphasise public rights of way using colours that align with the UK signage arrows.
Added permissive footpaths and steps in orange.
Added tidal footpaths, steps and tracks in light blue.
Added support for private footpaths in dark red.
Added naming of pedestrian ways (including sealed footways/paths)
Added naming of ferry routes.
Added allotments, ATMs, banks, breakwaters, fire stations, groynes, hunting stands/butts, ice cream vendors, police stations, recycling, sewage works (OAM), water works (OAM).
Added mountain range support for gullies and saddles (passes betweem mountains).
Added support for additional types of bridge: cantilever, aqueduct, boardwalk, trestle.
Added on street parking.
Added new types of parking (for public, customer and privte): underground parking and covered parking.
Added hollow circle markers for off-road cycle routes, on road routes remain as solid circle markers.
Added support for OAM to show covered reservoirs, cuttings, tree rows, os_open_data crags, peninsulas.
Added support for OAM peak distances to introduce and name mountain peaks in order of importance/size.
Added support for LoMap v4 maps to represent "public rights of way" using proper OS map symbology for public footpaths/bridleways, byways open to all trafficm restricted byways, other routes.
Changed for OAM maps to pseudo-represent "public rights of way", i.e. green/pink dashes for public hiking routes, designated footpaths and bridleways (note OAM does not support PROW tags).
Changed default options for 25k to be feature rich, and 50k to be OS minimal features.
Changed "public rights of way" to use slightly large dashes to be more visible and closer in style to OS maps.
Changed buildings in 25k views to merge as you zoom out, avoids clutter of lots of small buildings.
Changed order of drawing of features that were hidden under water, e.g. sand banks, rocks, tidal mud, etc.
Changed beaches to be transparent so the coastline shows through as represents a high tide water mark.
Changed what is included in residential areas to be closer to OS maps.
Changed garden symbol to be limited to public gardens only.
Changed contours to be slightly lighter and more in line with OS maps.
Changed spacing of route markers (diamond and circles) to be spaced slightly further apart.
Changed sealed footpaths to be shown as solid pedestrian ways.
Changed tidal mud and inland marsh to render more like OS maps, mud is just brown with no symbols, marsh is just blue marsh symbol.
Changed mini-roundabouts to be slightly larger to be more visible.
Changed golf symbol to also include miniature golf courses.
Changed naming of commons to appear sooner and lower zoom levels.
Changed preserved railway symbol to also include funicular and narrow_gauge railways.
Changed embankments to be slightly shorter triangles, reduces self erasure when they overlap or are close together.
Changed priorities of various symbols to prioritise those that align with OS map conventions first.
Removed residential roads from filled in residential areas at zoom level 12.
Removed unused categories and tidied up style menu definitions
Added colour icons to style menus to indicate options by colour groups, green=hiking, orange=cycling, purple=mtb, brown=urban, black=roads, white=non-OS.
Added option "Show symbols earlier" so you can have less symbol intrusion at Z15 and lower, useful in urban/city areas.
Added option "Building names earlier" so you can have more building namers appear earlier from Z16 onwards.
Added option "emphasise all sealed roads too" so you can selectively also highlight ALL roads that are sealed, or disable (if you prefer a less distracting urban view).
Added footpath names visible from Z16.
Changed "surface textures" options to also include all steps, footpaths and bridleways.
Changed option "road surface/grade textures" to "surface textures" to be shorter menu entry.
Changed option "emphasise road surface/grade textures" to "emphasise surface textures" to be shorter menu entry.
Changed size of covered reservoir symbol at Z13/Z14 to be smaller.
Changed unclassified roads to appear from Z12 (was Z13).
Changed smaller service roads to appear from Z13 (was Z12).
Changed 50k pylons to be smaller at high zoom levels.
Changed place name priorities to work better.
Fixed missing bridges casings at Z13/Z14.
Fixed symbol/pattern filenames to be have matching cases in both theme and filing system - enables theme to work correctly with OruxMaps.
From v20210216 onwards the theme now supports road surfaces and sealed/unsealed roads:
The theme ZIP files and PDF legends are too large to attached to this post (limit of 2MB) so, I am now releasing everything via a shared google drive folder:
OS Map Theme Releases (
Link to latest release:
OS Map (
Links to the latest OS Map Legends:
OS Map Day Legend (
OS Map Night Legend (
The theme is now provided in a ZIP file form that can be simply copied into Locus Map's _theme folder, e.g.:
\<root>\Android\data\\files\Locus\mapsVector\_themes (i.e. for LM Classic)
\<root>\Android\data\\files\Locus\mapsVector\_themes (i.e. for LM 4)
No need to unzip the theme file anymore.
If you have already started using the earlier OS Map theme version then you probably should delete it before installing this updated version as it uses the same theme folder called "OS Map" but now uses four different named theme files - to cover day/night themes for v3/v4 maps.
Note that the legends are now included in the theme and can now be viewed directly from the theme menu in LM 3.46+ via a long press of the theme icon, see attached screenshot.
From v20231218 onwards, the theme now includes support for public rights of way (currently only LoMap v4 maps). There is now an appendix in the PDF legends that explains how these are interpreted, which is mostly UK specific:
I have installed the recent theme update, after adviced deletion of the 1st version. It works fine as far as I can tell for V4 maps.
But when I long tap the OS Map V4 theme icon in the theme list of LM4 beta and press validate, it shows a list of missing files in os_res/SVG and os_res/patterns subfolders.
Missing theme files often lead to a tile drawing failure, if it happens there is a POI or pattern with such a missing file.
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Quote from: poutnikl on May 30, 2020, 17:30:24But when I long tap the OS Map V4 theme icon in the theme list of LM4 beta and press validate, it shows a list of missing files in os_res/SVG and os_res/patterns subfolders.
Missing theme files often lead to a tile drawing failure, if it happens there is a POI or pattern with such a missing file.
Thanks for heads up, I didn't know you can validate a theme like that.
Note that I have now fixed all the validation errors in release v20200530 onwards.
Looks very good. I'm impressed. I did some work on an OS emulation and I recognise the work it takes!
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New release now available v20200607.
i have updated the first post with the latest release notes and links. I'm now using google drive to release the theme in a shared folder that contains all the releases and the PDF legends.
Mainly improvements for the night themes, additional of a night map legend and a major change of splitting the themes into four theme files:
- OS Map V3 Day
- OS Map V3 Night
- OS Map V4 Day
- OS Map V4 Night
This supports using different PDF legends and different "map-background" tag values for day/night themes.
Attached is the new OS Map Night Legend for reference, seems the 2MB attachment limit is per post.
i would be interested in feedback on the PDF legends in use out in the field... are they usable/readable..? I find I have to zoom in and scroll about to read them. I thought about creating very long thin legend that fills the screen width with something easier to read (larger graphics/text) and only requires scrolling up/down... but would require a lot of scrolling to get towards the bottom...
Question for current users of this theme. By default the theme comes with all the optional non OS extras deselected, i.e. :
- highlight toll roads
- non OS symbols
- non OS road furniture
this is so the theme provides a standard OS look and feel by default, however, I always re-select these options, but I have to do it for each style/card in each theme file, this is a total of 3*4 = 12 places it they have to changed, which is 36 check boxes in total. I know it is a set and forget one time operation, unless the theme's xml files gets renamed (which they did in the last few updates...).
Q1: Do you think I should set the non-OS optional layers as selected by default?
i.e. you have to opt out of the extra symbols rather than opt in.
Q2: I am wondering if you would like to have the option of downloading one of two preset theme zips, one set up for LHT (Left handed traffic countries) and the other one for RHT (right handed traffic countries)?
currently affects only the labelling of dual carriage way roads.
Would it still be possible to adjust the display of special cycle paths? I enclose a comparison of views in the topic of PAWS and OS Map. With OS Map, the bike path is not visible at all until the scale changes. At the same time, this is one of the most important data for cycling.
E.g. for V4 maps and Elevate/Cycling theme, international cycle routes are are at zoom levels 7(8 for national) -11 even more prominent than motorways, for zooms 12+ they are comparable.
OTOH, I understand the OS MAP theme is the theme for mimicking OS MAP, with the added value to display cycle routes, so not really a cycling focused theme.
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Good point about the highlighting of cycle routes (and hiking routes). There is the layer option to highlight (emphasise) the hiking and cycling routes, but I see that it is not as effective as Elevate theme.
I think the existing highlight colours used in OS map theme are a bit difficult to see, see attached for comparison (note this includes a quick hack to make cycle path highlight appear from zoom level 7)
This highlighting is already a non-OS add on, so I see no reason not to change/customise it to be more useful.
I like the way elevate works for highlighting routes, although find the number of colours used a little confusing (needs a PDF legend, hint hint).
I'm thinking of highlighting using just four different colours for both hiking and cycling routes from earliest zoom possible, i.e. the following:
- national cycle routes (icn|ncn) --> Red to match OS symbol colour
- local cycle routes (rcn|lcn|ucn) --> Blue to match OS symbol colour
- national hiking routes (iwn|nwn|rwn) --> Yellow/Orange to match UK route markers...?
- local hiking routes (lwn|uwn) --> Green???
These are the groupings already used to match the OS map definitions of national/local routes in the UK.
Displaying routes from the earliest zooms possible has the opposite problems. The regional + local route network can have such a density, that strong solid colours may visually hide the map by a cobweb of cycle routes.
You may have noticed from my screenshots, also refering to my prior Elevate them communication with @John Percy + few posts on OAM forum, that I use a modded Elevate theme for V3+V4 maps.
1/ It does not use original thick solid colours for regional/local routes for zoom (Z12-13 for V3, Z10-13 for V4), but replaces them by transparent colours and thinner lines, extrapolating it from Z14+ with emphasised route displaying. ( Rather a quick and dirty theme reverse engineering attempt, but it works.)
2/ For V4 maps, it borrows with John's permission the route inline tagging from the Voluntary UK theme, as Elevate theme has difficulties to display the inline route tags dense enough for V4 maps.
3/ For V4 maps, I turned ON the tagging since zoom 10, as Voluntary had it originally from Z15, what is too late. John brought it later to Voluntary UK for Z12or13 after my objection, as route tagging is very important for distinguishing the routes.
I have added screenshots at Z10 + Z13, for the original + modded Elevate V4 theme ( Sorry for inferior Tapatalk downsizing ), plus zipped modded Elevate theme xml file (
Note that majority of hiking themes are not well usable in Czech Republic, as our superior waymarking system uses explicit waymarking colours red(long distance) , yellow, green, blue, mapped by OSMC tagging. It would be great, if the OSMC tagging could overrule the general OS Map hiking route colours,
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Congrats, this one is a beauty, will use it and see how it works out.
Thanks for positive feedback everyone.
Just a quick note to that that I am currently working on improving cycle and hike highlighting of routes and am also considering adding in cycle lanes for roads (under non-OS road furniture layer).
Progress has current slowed down because I am very busy at work at the moment... I got the improved cycle route highlights working up to zoom level 7 for v3 maps. will need porting to v4.
I will also use be using two colours to highlight the difference between national/local cycle/hiking routes. I'm not going to split into interational/national/regional/urban/local colours for each as it is hard enough to find 4 highlight colours that work with the OS colour scheme!
Hey, in the OS Map Day, there is a lot of FM - what is it, can we get rid of it? See attachment, map is OAM, Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Fm is the OS abbreviation for Farm
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Quote from: tapio on October 20, 2020, 14:24:26
Hey, in the OS Map Day, there is a lot of FM - what is it, can we get rid of it?
Hi Tapio, as John replied, the FM is the OS map symbol/abbreviation used to denote a Farm. There are many other abbreviations used on the OS map to denote many different things. They are all listed in the OS MAp Day Legend.pdf linked in the first post:
OS Map Day Legend (
Attached is a screenshot of the abbreviation section.
So in answer to the question, no I don't think we should remove the Fm's (or the other abbreviations) as they are part of the OS map format.
If you really wanted to remove any of the maps symbols, then you could replace the corresponding SVG file with an empty SVG file I suppose, this would make them invisible on the displayed map theme then...
Thanks guys, sorry, missed your reply. I'll try to display it only at closer zooms or totally remove it. Farms are unimportant for me.
EDIT: increased min zoom from 14 to 17 in line 3147 of the day v4 xml.
New release now available v20210103.
i have updated the first post with the latest release notes and links. I'm now using google drive to release the theme in a shared folder that contains all the releases and the PDF legends.
Mainly improvements are made for:
- Improved hiking route emphasis/highlights, using green for iwn/nwn/rwn and yelllow for lwn/uwn
- Improved cycling route emphasis/highlights, using red for icn/ncn and blue for rcn/lcn/ucn
- Added cycle lanes and cycle tracks
Route emphasizes/highlights are visible from zoom level 7 (depending on when/what the map shows) and include a colour coded route label too. From zoom level 15 routes are as in previous version of the theme.
Attached are screenshots showing examples of new cycle lanes/tracks and improved route emphasizes/highlights.
The colours are picked to match the route labels used already. I decided the keep national walking routes with green and use yellow highlight for local walking routes.
Note, in the third screenshot you can see that, at low zoom levels, the ncn/nwn routes get a fainter highlight than icn/iwn so you can more easily pick out the international hiking/cycle network routes.
Thanks for this, much better for overlanding/offroading then the hike theme.
New release now available v20210210.
I have updated the first post with the latest release notes and links. I'm now using google drive to release the theme in a shared folder that contains all the releases and the PDF legends.
Mainly improvements are made for:
- Added new/missing elements: customer/private parking, forest cutlines, ditch barriers, earth banks, gullies, hedges, military bunkers, post boxes, public artworks, town halls
- Major improvement to rendering of all waterways (using casings/cores now)
- Made visible some elements that got hidden by water areas: piers, tidal-flats
- Added option to highlight cycle lanes/tracks - useful if you want to plan cycle routes using them
Many other small changes/fixed, see release notes for details.
Note that post boxes have alternative renderings based on if you set "drive on the left side" or "drive on the right side" overlay options:
- left side = red circles as most left hand side driving countries use round red post boxes.
- right side = yellow squares as most right hand side driving countries use square yellow post boxes.
NB: Remember that the default overlay options in the theme are set to hide non-OS symbols and road furniture. You'll need to switch these on to see them.
Hi Karl, I notice your theme doesn't distinguish between sealed & unsealed roads. Unfortunately very few Locus themes do, which seems odd as you'd think cyclists would be quite interested in the road surface. Bernard's Desert theme ( is the best for this - his on LHS compared to yours on RHS. Voluntary is the only other one that shows any difference but it is very hard to discern.
for example in my screen cap:
compares surface=unpaved with surface=Asphalt
Hi Andrew,
Road Surface is something I have been thinking about a lot. What I haven't figured out is how to represent the road surfaces in a way that doesn't distract from the Ordinance Survey look and feel.
I want to implement something though... probably as an overlay option so OS purests can revert to OS map look/feel. Perhaps there is a way to apply patterns/PNGs to the road cores...
I'm also wondering if the grade1/2/3/4/5 of tracks needs to be represented somehow too... I know John introduced varying lengths of peck/dash to the casings...
Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 12, 2021, 01:46:57
Hi Karl, I notice your theme doesn't distinguish between sealed & unsealed roads.
Hi Andrew. You probably mean sealed & unsealed roads as highway=unclassified and higher, don't you ? The main probably is the most theme developers are from developed countries where is implied the default state sealed/paved. But when I was in Uganda in 2012, most secondaries and all tertiaries were rather like highway=track tracktype=grade5 surface=ground.
Quote from: karlchick on February 12, 2021, 09:06:51
I want to implement something though... probably as an overlay option
Quote from: karlchick on February 12, 2021, 09:06:51
I'm also wondering if the grade1/2/3/4/5 of tracks needs to be represented somehow too... I know John introduced varying lengths of peck/dash to the casings...
personally I found the peck/dash too subtle to see but everyone will be different; even for the DesertV4 theme I have made my own modifications so unsealed roads are more visible at lower zooms - see attached
Quote from: poutnikl on February 12, 2021, 09:45:13
You probably mean sealed & unsealed roads as highway=unclassified and higher, don't you ?
for this specific example feature type=secondary road, but I have had similar experiences in France where I've planned a day-route only to find mid-way the road becomes unsealed, and our cycling experience has gone from pleasant to very annoyed. Of course, this may have been due to incorrect OSM annotation rather than a theme issue; not something to analyze mid-trip.
In Czech Republic, it is not thinkable that secondaries or even tertiaries would be unsealed. Even if tertiaries may have low quality or broken asphalt.
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I'm thinking about using some transparent PNG surface textures to overlay the road cores for "surface" and "tracktype", see attached (mock up in powerpoint).
Wondering what you think of this idea?
Quote from: poutnikl on February 13, 2021, 08:32:16
In Czech Republic, it is not thinkable that secondaries or even tertiaries would be unsealed. Even if tertiaries may have low quality or broken asphalt.
@poutnikl maybe so, but better not to be assumed when the app is used world-wide
Quote from: karlchick on February 13, 2021, 14:48:24
I'm thinking about using some transparent PNG surface textures to overlay the road cores for "surface" and "tracktype"
@karlchick on a PC screen the textures are subtle, so in my opinion will be quite hard to distinguish on a smaller Android screen. The "peck marks" used by John with the Voluntary theme are also too subtle (for me). I modified Bernard's Desert theme XML to make unsealed more evident; that is the great thing about XML compared to a binary format.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 14, 2021, 03:09:15
Quote from: poutnikl on February 13, 2021, 08:32:16
In Czech Republic, it is not thinkable that secondaries or even tertiaries would be unsealed. Even if tertiaries may have low quality or broken asphalt.
@poutnikl maybe so, but better not to be assumed when the app is used world-wide
Well, I do assume this your idea as well, in fact I have pointed that in context of default Brouter profiles long time ago.
Roads what would be here considered as secondaries are not sealed in Uganda. Many car roads in underdeveloped countries are unsealed. Even in developed countries, if supported by terrain, climate, area and inhabitant density.
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Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 14, 2021, 03:09:15
@karlchick on a PC screen the textures are subtle, so in my opinion will be quite hard to distinguish on a smaller Android screen. The "peck marks" used by John with the Voluntary theme are also too subtle (for me). I modified Bernard's Desert theme XML to make unsealed more evident; that is the great thing about XML compared to a binary format.
I've prototyped the road surface textures in the OS map theme and do find it a bit too subtle at low zooms... I am trying different colours and textures and transparency to make them easier to see and differentiate.
At higher zooms it works very well. I am thinking of adding a emphasise road surfaces/grades option to allow easier route planning at low zooms... probably colour coded to the quality of the road surface somehow.
BTW, I am implementing surface textures for cycleways, tracks and all roads except motorways. I have found a few examples of unclassified roads that are compacted/grade2/grade3... might make these into tracks...
Quote from: karlchick on February 14, 2021, 11:51:57
I am thinking of adding a emphasise road surfaces/grades option to allow easier route planning at low zooms... probably colour coded to the quality of the road surface somehow.
wow - nice
BTW you have a checkbox for <Drive on left & right side>. I'm just curious what affect this has - no other theme has this feature.
I originally introduced the left/right driving option initially to place OS road labels (which are dy offset pathtext) on the outside of dual carriage ways. The labels appear on the passenger side of the road in dual carriage ways. It also has an impact for cycle lanes. The other use of left/right driving is the choice of post box symbol, uk vs continental...
Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 12, 2021, 01:46:57
Hi Karl, I notice your theme doesn't distinguish between sealed & unsealed roads. Unfortunately very few Locus themes do, which seems odd as you'd think cyclists would be quite interested in the road surface. Bernard's Desert theme ( is the best for this - his on LHS compared to yours on RHS. Voluntary is the only other one that shows any difference but it is very hard to discern.
for example in my screen cap:
compares surface=unpaved with surface=Asphalt
Hi Andrew,
Attached is a sneaky peek at the road surfaces/grades overlay option I have prototyped for the OS Map theme.
- 1st image is the default OS map view
- 2nd image is road surfaces/grades enabled
- 3rd image is with the emphasise road surfaces/grades enables too
With the road surfaces/grades option selected, if the road is unsealed it will have a dashed casing and the core will have a texture applied based on the type of surface.
The second attachement shows the current road surface/grades renderings and highlight colours.
It is still very much work in progress. I have to say that I have not yet found a real life example of surface="winter"...
FYI: Here is an example of unsealed trunk and classified roads in Botswana (both are listed as compacted surface), see attached, rendered with the new road surfaces/grades option I'm working on.
I checked on google maps and OSM data base.... all these roads in the map view are actually compacted earth, including the unclassified road shown as sealed. But this is because the map data does not define any surface/grade for it... so the rendered view (as always) is only as good as the data in the map...
Have you tried Lake Baikal for surface=winter? There's a well known ice road across it, and I have read that the area is well mapped on OSM.
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Quote from: karlchick on February 15, 2021, 12:41:22
Attached is a sneaky peek at the road surfaces/grades overlay option I have prototyped for the OS Map theme.
a sneaky peak ;-) NICE. Looks great on my PC screen. Looking forward to checking on smaller device screen.
New release now available v20210216.
i have updated the first post with the latest release notes and links. I'm now using google drive to release the theme in a shared folder that contains all the releases and the PDF legends.
In this update I have added support for depicting road surfaces and distinguishing between sealed and unsealed roads/tracks. This is applicable to all highway types (including pedestrian and cycle paths) except for motorways.
The attached is a graphical summary (as presented in the map legend) of the new overlay options:
- "dash unsealed roads" to give unsealed roads a dashed outline/casing.
- "road surface/grade textures" to give unsealed roads a textured pattern that represents the type of surface, visible from Z14 onwards.
- "emphasise road surface/grade textures" to highlight roads surfaces at lower zoom levels, visible from Z12.
The second attachment identifies which "surface" and "tracktype" tag values are mapped to the new surfaces.
not all maps support the "surface" tag, but do support the "tracktype" tag. For this reason, the "tracktype" tag is also used to set the road surfaces, albiet at a lesser level of detail (normal, compacted, gravel, dirt). Note that tracks tagged as trackype=grade1, which are also tagged with surface=asphalt, are now "promoted" to sealed roads (solid casing).
I am conscious that I have highjacked a feature of standard OS maps on which they use dashed road casings to represent unfenced roads (in fact a road can be solid one side and dashed the other to show fenced/walled/constrained on just one wide). However, since OAM/LM maps do not (currently) support a tag for fenced roads it seemed a good idea to use the same symbology for sealed/unsealed roads...
These new options are not enabled by default, as the default overlay options are for classic/standard OS map look/feel, and of course OS maps do not have such features.
Attached is my "test POI" where there is a sealed/ unsealed transition. The new theme is looking great. Well done. It does look better on a bigger PC screen (and with glasses) compared to a phone screen, but still nice! I intentionally reduced the image resolution a little to simulate a bit of device blurriness.
Hello, this theme is great for planning gravel rides, as it emphasizes gravel and dirt roads but it seems only works with v3 maps. However these maps are last updated in june and with openandromaps v4 and v5 it emphasizes only some of the dirt roads. Anyone uses it? Screenshots of the same area, two mentioned maps, to better illustrate the problem. Thanks. (
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Hmm... I've tested the theme on both lomaps and openandromaps v3 and v4, they all work as expected. Admittedly these are all uk maps. My main thought is that perhaps what is being displayed is what is defined in the map data?
You can configure a quick bookmark to open openstreetmap at the same location and check what is defined for the track in question. E.g. does it have surface=gravel or tracktype=grade3?
Hello Karl,
this is map of Croatia in question, but it is weird that only have all this gravel data in their mapsforge map, everyone else only have some mayor gravel roads. I'm not an expert with osm but don't they all pull the same osm data? Anyway, if you have time and will can I trouble you to check for yourself on map of Croatia, from, lomaps and openandromaps(balkan area)?
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On examining the OSM data, the "extra" gravel tracks that appear in version 3 maps have been simply coded as highway=track. The gravel tracks that appear in both versions were coded highway=track AND surface=compacted.
IMHO, if a way is coded simply as highway=track, it's wrong to make any assumption about the surface.
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Hmm... I'm using the following rule to display a track as gravel:
<rule e="way" k="highway" v="track">
<rule e="way" k="tracktype|surface" v="grade3|gravel">
I'm not sure now why a picked grade3 for gravel, whe osm states grade2... but it was tailored for v4 OAM... see earlier post with key for the mapping...
Perhaps I should not interpret the tracktypes like this? I think the grades a more a scale of track condition...perhaps I should include grades in the map legend too, e.g gravel or grade3... (Update, just noticed I never added the surfaces to the legend!)
Regarding the .eu maps, I think they use a different tag mapping from OAM, hence they provide their own rendering theme, this is obvious when you compare:
- v4 Oam, os map v4
- v3 Oam, os map v3
- v3 eu, os map v3
- v3 Oam, openmaps v7
- v3 eu, openmaps v7
Attached are matching screenshot.
You can see how the openmap v7 theme really struggles to render the v3 oam.... clearly the tag mapping is significantly different, this is fixed at time of creation of the map.
I would recommend either sticking with using the eu map with the openmap v7 theme, or switching to v4 oam maps if you wish to use one of the many oam themes.
@karlchick I think it may be better to test for tracktype first, then if grade is not specified (tracktype=~) test for surface.
<rule e="way" k="highway" v="track">
<rule e="way" k="tracktype" v="grade3">
<rule e="way" k="tracktype" v="~">
<rule e="way" k="surface" v="gravel">
Also, I seem to recall that for OAM maps surfaces are combined in such a way that your rough equivalence of grade=3 and surface=gravel is OK.
Thanks guys for your time to test and for explanations.
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Can someone tell me if the detail between the 1:25k and 1:50k is determined by the zoom level?
I have noticed that when zoomed in the pubs and public toilets symbols are only showing as abbreviations which when looking at the symbols in the file are the 1:50k symbols.
Should this automatically change to the 1:25 symbol when I zoom in?
Have you selected Dynamic Scale in the theme's style menu?
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Quote from: john_percy on January 16, 2022, 15:14:03
Have you selected Dynamic Scale in the theme's style menu?
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I missed thatsetting. Thanks for the help.
As John kindly pointed out quicker than me, there are three overlay themes in both day and night themes, one for 25k, 50k and dynamic - which you have discovered will change automatically to 50k as you zoom out to Z15 and back to 25k as you zoom in to Z16.
I am working on an update to improve v5 OAM map support, e.g. route names need update It is looking like I can keep v4 and v5 map theme in one file so far... also some improvements to the diamonds on walking routes to make them less intrusive and spaced more similar to OS maps.
I'm also thinking about adding all the missing non-OS amenities, e.g. shops, cafes etc as a non-OS amenities option...
Thanks Karlchick,
If I use the dynamic setting the beer glass symbol displays as I wanted but when zooming ok the map doesn't display the "PH" abbreviation. If I set the map to just 1:50k the PH displays when zoomed in but again, not, when zoomed out to1:50k.
Quote from: twoten on January 17, 2022, 11:32:37
If I use the dynamic setting the beer glass symbol displays as I wanted but when zooming ok the map doesn't display the "PH" abbreviation. If I set the map to just 1:50k the PH displays when zoomed in but again, not, when zoomed out to1:50k.
Yes, this is because all elements in the map only appear at a predefined zoom level and not before. This will depend on the map creator and the settings they used. For example with the latest OAM v5 maps bars and pubs appear at zoom level 17. They will disappear at zoom level 16 and lower, regardless of what the theme is defined to do.
You can usually find a file called tagmapping.xml where you download your maps from and this defines the "rules" for when certain items will be visible. The theme can also restrict when they appear too. Here is the entries for OAM v5 tagmapping.xml that affect the pub symbols in OS map theme:
<osm-tag key='amenity' value='pub' zoom-appear='17' />
<osm-tag key='amenity' value='bar' zoom-appear='17' />
For OS-Dynamic, the map theme uses the following zoom levels for both styles:
- OS-50k for Z15 and below
- OS-25K for Z16 and above
So what you have observed seems correct, if a bit annoying.
Personally I would like pubs to be visible much earlier. They appear at Z16 in LoMaps...
Hope that helps.
Good work :-) I'd like to try this theme in Locus Map 4 with OpenAndroMaps etc
Is that possible? If so, how?
I'm on Android version 12.
The theme works fine with all versions of LM. You have to "install" manually, as per instructions in the forum/help.
The current public releases of OS Map theme work with lomaps and openandromaps versions v3 (discontinued) and v4. They will also largely work with v5 OAM, mainly the hike/bike routes names are affected.
I will be releasing an update to fix these issues and add some additional improvements, but not ready for public release yet.
Hi, I'm all new to this, and this theme saved me from giving up on Locus.
I may have found an error, may not, no idea really what I'm doing yet.. Using the OSM node in the link as an example, it looks like you display Adits as Mines but not Shafts as mines. The adits around here show, but not the shaft.
Thanks Jeff, you are correct and mineshaft is missing from the theme. I guess you using a lomap map as oam do not currently support mineshaft tags, only adits.
I suspect this is why it is missing, I added adits for oam (v4/v5) maps first and then updated the v3 map theme.
I'll include mineshafts in the next release. I might also request adding mineshaft to OAM maps too, there are over 10,000 tagged worldwide.
I'm still working on the update for v4/v5 map theme and will also roll back the improvements made to the v3 map theme. Once the v4 updated theme is ready/available, you might want to consider switching to using OAM maps as they have a lot more information in them and are getting rendered closer to OS maps now than lomaps... except for mineshafts, of course.
Quote from: karlchick on May 08, 2022, 19:31:48
Thanks Jeff, you are correct and mineshaft is missing from the theme. I guess you using a lomap map as oam do not currently support mineshaft tags, only adits.
I suspect this is why it is missing, I added adits for oam (v4/v5) maps first and then updated the v3 map theme.
I'll include mineshafts in the next release. I might also request adding mineshaft to OAM maps too, there are over 10,000 tagged worldwide.
I'm still working on the update for v4/v5 map theme and will also roll back the improvements made to the v3 map theme. Once the v4 updated theme is ready/available, you might want to consider switching to using OAM maps as they have a lot more information in them and are getting rendered closer to OS maps now than lomaps... except for mineshafts, of course.
I just be getting better, I actually understood some of that!
I may have found another. Natural=Saddle tag isn't displaying but does on OS maps.
In general are you trying to replicate the look of OS maps but with other things on it, or an accurate facsimile of the dataset of OS maps?
Generally I am trying to emulate the look and feel of OS maps with this theme. It will be impossible to exactly match OS maps, since not all features of OS maps are supported by either the source data (OpenStreetMap) or the map creators (e.g. LoMap and OpenAndroMaps).
There is also a difference in how map features are used by the map creators, this is defined by a tag-mapping file. Only the tags in the tag-mapping files can be drawn...
OSM maps include a lot more content than OS maps, and I have added options in the theme to allow displaying addition non-OS content, e.g. Post boxes, hedges etc.
In general I have tried to create similar icons and symbology for non-OS content that are hopefully in keeping with the style of the original OS maps.
I'll take a look at Saddles too. Thanks for the feedback, it is always appreciated. I am working on a massive improvement to the rendering, starting with the v4 theme that mainly supports OAM maps, including v5 maps now. I'll then be looking to update the LM/v3 map theme...
Ok, thanks.
Following that fairly well.
A few questions so I can do more myself without bothering you as much.
How do you handle a point with multiple values that may conflict your graphical representation.
This example may not be relevant but a mountain peak is Natural=Peak, but a lot of peaks, if they have the OS survey trig columns have a second tag Man_made = survey_point. I disagree a point can be both natural and man made at the same time but if you happened to see both, what happens?
Is this the tag cross reference file I need to look at to see if an item exists? if not you can't display it? Stops me bothering you as much....
Is it reasonable for me to request items to be added to Open Andromaps? if so, do you know where I'd ask?
Finally, if I unzip your theme, eg. an svg called weir.svg matches the xml tag waterway=weir and the zoom level it appears at. Patterns for Areas rather than points.
Is that basically how it works?
I'm very much a rural user in the mountains and fells so don't look at towns or roads a lot, and there's only a few things I miss that generally offer good landmarks for navigation
Thanks Jeff
Hi Jeff,
You are correct, the European tag mapping file defines which information from OSM is in the OAM maps and at which zoom level they can first appear. Some of the tags are renamed for various reasons too.
If there are multiple points/nodes to display then they drawn based on the display and priority options, or the order they appear in the theme file. Order is quite important, and sometimes a compromise has to be made, often transparent fills are used to deal with hidden/layerred items, but this is difficult when emulating the OS map theme.
You can request additional items via the OAM forum;
You'll see I've requested some things, but not all requests will be accepted, especially if they do not meet the purpose of OAM maps, which is primarily for walking/cycling. Also there is a 15 tags limit per osm item (node/way/area) which if violated causes the whole tile to not be drawn.
If there are any items in the tag mapping that are not in my theme, please let me know and I'll do my best to include them in a future release.
I am planning to rework the summits in a similar fashion to the OutdoorV5 theme which makes summits visible based on their prominence and zoom level. But first I have to formalise all the v5 and tidal features improvements I have prototyped...
Note, some background info: I have two master theme files, one for locusmap/v3 maps and one for OAM v4/5 maps. Each defines both the night and day themes, to make it easier to work on both at the same.e time, but are very large and hence slow to use. So when I release a theme I have a script that splits the day and night parts into separate theme files. Resulting in the four theme files you are looking at.
I've come across another if you think it's ok, that generally gives me landmarks for walking that exists in the XML file
amenity=hunting_stand which to us in the uk is almost exclusively a Grouse Butt.
Thanks Jeff
I think there's a problem with Openandromaps and your theme.
The author this month seems to have dropped cliffs from OSM And picked them up from some Ordanance Survey free data. I'm guessing tags are different as cliffs have gone from the map.
Hi J,
Yes, I have noticed. I have added the new OS Crag tag to the new version of the theme I'm slowly working on. It's close to ready for v4/v5 maps. But the v3 of the OS Map theme is in need of major updates to support lomap maps and keep the latest look/feel in line with v4/v5 theme...
I could release just the v4/v5 map theme if people want something for Andromaps now....
Quote from: karlchick on December 14, 2022, 17:02:32I could release just the v4/v5 map theme if people want something for Andromaps now....
Will that would obviously help me!
But I realise there's a lot you do, so no panic
Ok... I've got the v4/v5 theme into a state ready for release - just need to update the Legend PDFs.
The v3 theme I have not started work on, it will require a lot of rework...
I think I am going to do a release with just the v4/v5 theme updated and leave the v3 untouched for now - that way you can benefit from the latest theme updates on OAM maps right now.
i was wondering if I should split the theme into two separate themes, one for OAM and one for LoMap. But then I thought "Will LoMaps ever upgrade to v5 or higher maps?" @Menion, perhaps an inkling?
LoMaps with V4/5 has been a topic since 2 years or so, and there was an intend to do it in 2022, if I recall correctly. Seems we have to add one year ...
Menion - what is your latest guess :-) ?
LoMaps in V4 and LoMaps themes updated to V4 are in internal testing and most probably will be published this week as Beta + in the public version in March ;).
@Menion, any chance of a sneaky peak at the tagmapping file for v4 lomaps? Is it similar to v3?
I'll create a new topic here ( with more info during this week.
@menion, no hurry. It would be good if theme creators could access an early beta release of the tag mapping and an example/test map - so we have time to update our themes and provide the user base with working themes as soon as the new lomaps go live...
Just for your info, a topic related to this is already published here (
I've also fixed the problem reported by Andrew when the app stuck at a certain moment and added some tweaks to the whole system. So "final" version will be published for testing today or tomorrow together with new maps. Anyway more on the mentioned topic.
Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2023, 09:33:42I've also fixed the problem reported by Andrew when the app stuck at a certain moment
Karl - what is the latest version of your wonderful theme & where can I download it? Page #1 still has 25/2/2021.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on April 06, 2023, 01:53:38Karl - what is the latest version of your wonderful theme & where can I download it? Page #1 still has 25/2/2021.
Hi Andrew, I finished the v4 OS Map theme back in Feb, and was going to release it with the old v3 theme not updated... but then along came v4 LoMap maps...
I've been working to making the v4 theme work for all v4/v5 OAM maps and the v4 LoMap maps, getting close now, just waiting for the latest LoMap beta maps with designation tags included so we can finally show UK public rights of ways just like OS maps do...
Given that v3 maps are being consigned to history, I'm thinking of not trying to update the v3 theme anymore - the v3 maps are missing tags that have been added to v4/v5 maps.
You can see some of examples of latest theme in the thread about the v4 LoMap maps:
Quote from: karlchick on April 06, 2023, 09:25:00You can see some of examples of latest theme
yes I have been following that thread - excellent work; but just to confirm, my 2021-02-16 OS Map theme is currently the latest right?
Quote from: Andrew Heard on April 07, 2023, 00:10:09Quote from: karlchick on April 06, 2023, 09:25:00You can see some of examples of latest theme
yes I have been following that thread - excellent work; but just to confirm, my 2021-02-16 OS Map theme is currently the latest right?
Yes that was the latest version I published, wow over two years ago... been busy with family and work so not had much time spare. But I have recently been improving the OS theme especially with some of the OAM map requests Christian implemented for me, and then along comes v4 LoMap maps, so exciting!
Quote from: karlchick on April 08, 2023, 19:52:52But I have recently been improving the OS theme especially with some of the OAM map requests Christian implemented for me, and then along comes v4 LoMap maps, so exciting!
Hi, the screenshots of the theme you posted in another thread look fantastic. Did you release it somewhere?
Hi luxacalor,
I guess you mean the the screenshots of my latest draft of the lomap/oam v4 map theme.
It is pretty close to release now, just working on the pdf legends and final few fixes to the theme.
I was going to update the v3 theme to match, but with the v4 lomaps out now and the difficulty of doing this with less tags available and lack of time on my part, I think I'll leave the v3 map theme stay unchanged.
There is one thing I can't get to work on my phone, using zipped themes. Should work as I have latest Locusmap and android 11...
Watch this space for the new release.
Quote from: karlchick on September 14, 2023, 09:35:57Hi luxacalor,
I guess you mean the the screenshots of my latest draft of the lomap/oam v4 map theme.
It is pretty close to release now, just working on the pdf legends and final few fixes to the theme.
Hello karlchick,
Yes I was talking about the draft screenshots. Looking forward to the release!
Only the higher ZL city areas are visually not my cup of tea, but everything else is sexy... Especially the low ZLs, 9-11, are looking really good.
Hi Everyone,
Finally the wait is over. After 2.75 years of tweaking in my spare time, I have finally completed the update to the OS Map theme.
The links to the theme are in the first post, which has also been updated with the latest release notes, comparison screenshots and links to the latest PDF legends (also bundled in the theme itself).
The theme now works as a ZIP theme, so no need to unzip anymore.
I am a little worried about the size of the theme files now, they have doubled in size... so please let me know if this causes performance issues... I am considering splitting the theme into 6 separate files: 1:25k, 1:50, Dynamic and again for night theme... but would prefer not to...
If you are wondering why the release date on the ZIP is 20231013, this was the original planned release date and I was about to upload when LocusMap switched from v3 to v4 LoMaps and I realised I needed to update the theme to cope with the new map and its tags etc...
The theme has a lot of improvements regarding footpaths, including with the change to v4 LoMap maps a massive improvement, especially if you are a fan of the original Ordnance Survey Maps, as LoMaps now support tags to distinguish between the different types of public rights of way, which in the UK, are not always as simple as access yes|no:
Some of the map features can be disabled using the options for non-OS content or accessible/designated paths, as they are not in the original Ordnance Survey maps, but are (I think) very useful additions that enhance the maps.
In the UK these different types of public rights of way (PROW) which define restrictions on who/what can use them:
There is a new option in the theme to highlight PROW and this uses the same colour scheme as the UK waymakers shown above.
I realise that in other countries you do not have the same waymarkers, restrictions or even possible tagging yet in your country's OSM data. But please remember that this theme is aimed as emulating the Ordnance Survey maps and so is largely aimed at users of the OS maps, which obviously will be located in the UK.
I am planning to upload the OS map theme into the LocusMap store, but I would like to identify any teething issues first as I have made a massive number of changes/improvements. So please provide feedback if you find anything wrong. Thanks in advance, Karl.
Quote from: Tapio on December 01, 2023, 19:31:14Only the higher ZL city areas are visually not my cup of tea,
Yes, in cities like London there are a lot of blue icons that clutter the map. Many are car parks and pubs, which would usually always be shown on an OS map in more rural settings, as they represent significant landmarks. But in a city they are so common that they are less useful.
I know that OS maps don't show these in cities, probably for that specific reason. See comparison attached.
I don't want to remove them from the z15/z16 levels as they are useful in rural areas... I guess I could raise the priority of the more significant icons in cities, e.g. museums...
...or add an option for symbols earlier...
karlchick, Thank you for all you've done working on this theme. I've used the previous version for ages and find it the best theme available so I'm very happy to see this latest version.
I have found what might be a problem, when viewing at zoom levels 14 & 15, one of the paths turns into a heavy black line as shown in the images.
Ho twoten, thanks for providing feedback. I guess you using OAM map at x15, bur whe I check using OAM great britian at z15 I do not see this, see attached...
I've attached the map details I used, if different to yours, could you let me know which map you are using?
I am also intrigued what map viewer you are using, as it looks different to LocusMap.
I'm using Great-Britain_oam.osm downloaded from Mapsforge.
I'm viewing the map using Oruxmaps.
Ooh, I haven't tried oruxmap, I might look into that, perhaps there is something different on the map rendering engine...
I really think this is a remarkable achievement!
Some points:
- I can't get the ROW highlighting to show whatever I do. I'm using Locus classic and both Lomaps and OAM.
- The legend didn't appear within Locus until I had opened it outside the app first, then it worked. Android 13 strangeness, I think.
- Landranger Power lines seem a tad over-heavy when zoomed in.
Otherwise, very good!!
Quote from: john_percy on December 03, 2023, 00:19:53- The legend didn't appear within Locus until I had opened it outside the app first, then it worked. Android 13 strangeness, I think.
I haven't dare update from android 11 so far... I've got my daughter a new phone christmas with A13, perhaps I'll have a sneaky peak and see, then Factory reset...
Thanks for the feedback John, much appreciated. The PROW only work with LoMap v4 maps, OAM maps do not include the designation tag used.
Regarding the highlights, are you're not seeing anything like the first attached image in LoMap v4 map? Are the paths in your area tagged with designation tag?
Regarding the 1:50k power lines, attached on image 2 is what I see at zoom levels 14, 15, 16 and 18. Is this similar for your?
Quote from: twoten on December 02, 2023, 22:29:09I'm using Great-Britain_oam.osm downloaded from Mapsforge.
I'm viewing the map using Oruxmaps.
Hmm... I've installed Oruxmaps, installed my theme, downloaded great britian map fro OAM and managed to repeat your issue.
I wonder what the issue is... could be my theme, the map, an unsupported rendering engine command...
Attached is a zoomed in view. It is the cliff edge that is wrong. There seems to be the black line in both, but the pattern filled line of cliff texture is solid black in Oruxmaps.
I'm using linesymbol with a rock texture, perhaps linesymbol is not supported in Oruxnaps...? No it works in 25k...
Hi Twoten,
Thank you, you found a bug in the theme. I've fixed it locally and it seems to work on Oruxmaps now, see attached.
I'll update the theme soon with a bug fix release.
I didn't try hard enough with the switches and Lomaps 4. PROW is working fine. If mapped well enough that would be a big plus point for Lomaps. You have come up with a very good visualisation for the different PROWs.
Do you count designated=foot as a PROW? Should highway=bridleway be recognised as a PROW? Also designated=horse? Maybe not.
Re powerlines, I'm seeing what you're seeing. It's just aesthetic at higher zooms.
Quote from: karlchick on December 03, 2023, 01:21:51Quote from: twoten on December 02, 2023, 22:29:09I'm using Great-Britain_oam.osm downloaded from Mapsforge.
I'm viewing the map using Oruxmaps.
Hmm... I've installed Oruxmaps, installed my theme, downloaded great britian map fro OAM and managed to repeat your issue.
I wonder what the issue is... could be my theme, the map, an unsupported rendering engine command...
Attached is a zoomed invoice view. It is the cliff edge that is wrong. There seems to be the black line in both, but the pattern filled line of cliff texture is solid black in Oruxmaps.
I'm using linesymbol with a rock texture, perhaps linesymbol is not supported in Oruxnaps...?
This line only appears with the latest version of your theme. It was OK with the previous version.
Quote from: john_percy on December 03, 2023, 09:41:25Do you count designated=foot as a PROW? Should highway=bridleway be recognised as a PROW? Also designated=horse?
In the OS Map theme I use green(25k)/pink(50k) dashes to indicate what could be assumed to be PROW. Ideally this would be based purely on the designation tag and four main values (I still need to work on the other values used for Scotland and IOM).
However, not all PROW are fully mapped yet, so there are additional rules which can be included using the accessible paths and designated paths options, as described in simplified rule form above. There are quite a few rules used in fact to decide if a path is likely a PROW.
It's the best compromise I have come up with using the data available and also providing OAM maps with similar results.
Highway=bridleway is shown as a green long dashes, but not highlighted as such. I was going to include them in the PROW highlighting but wanted to encourage the use and completion of the designation tag. By only using the designation tag for highlighting, it also allows you to know if a way is a real PROW and not an assumed PROW. Of course, I am assuming that the designation tags are correctly tagged PROW, which is their intended use.
Regarding the pylons/powering, I don't think I changed these in this release. They are designed to mimic the OS map, but do enlarge as zooming in. Thanks for the feedback, I'll consider improvements for the next release.
Quote from: twoten on December 03, 2023, 10:38:44This line only appears with the latest version of your theme. It was OK with the previous version.
I've tracked this down to a change to use the darker night cliff texture for 1:50k maps to closer match OS maps. But it seems that Oruxmaps is filling the background of the transparent PNG with black, in the fixed example above I reverted 1:50k to use the day texture and it works.
I will look at the masked areas used in the PNG texture files and see if there is something causing this. Odd that LocusMap doesn't fill in the background for the same PNG image.
With "Dynamic" I can get black and green dashes interfering but Explorer and Landranger are perfectly ok.
Thanks John, it seems to relate to when "accessible paths" option is used. Found, I made the dashes larger but missed some for this option. It starts to get difficult to spot errors in 14,637 lines of rules!
When accessible footpaths is off, Landranger doesn't show all the paths that Dynamic does at zooms where the Landranger style is used.
When accessible paths is off, Explorer shows paths as black dashes which are replaced by green dashes when accessible paths is turned on. When the same test is done with Dynamic, the black dashes have green dashes overlaid.
Quote from: john_percy on December 03, 2023, 17:07:11When accessible footpaths is off, Landranger doesn't show all the paths that Dynamic does at zooms where the Landranger style is used.
When accessible paths is off, Explorer shows paths as black dashes which are replaced by green dashes when accessible paths is turned on.
This is correct behaviour, Landranger maps only show PROW and not other footpaths. If you select accessible or designated path then what is assumed to be a PROW is widened to include these too, although they will not be highlighted as PROW if they are not designated using designation tag...
Note: Landranger theme uses black dashes for cycleways, bit of a compromise as original OS maps don't show cycleways but if the cycleway is a visible track they are often shown as vague black dashed lines alongside other features...
Hope that's not too confusing...
Thank you everyone for feedback and bugs found so far, I very much appreciate it and will work on these to get a fixed release out ASAP. Attached is my fix list so far.
Had a busy evening, managed to draft fixes for all the issues reported so far.
I've loaded a draft version with fixes here:
OS Map v20231203 (
I've not updated the legends or release notes yet, will do that for a proper release.
Changes made are:
- reduced heavy pylons at high zoom levels.
- fixed issues causing Oruxmap to not display many elements correctly.
- added option enabled by default "show symbols earlier" to allow reduced clutter in cities.
- fixed dynamic view of footpath dashes green/black out of sync
- moved surface highlights to below the highways to avoid obscuring the surface texture and street names.
BTW, the issue with Oruxmaps was down to case sensitivity of filenames in theme vs actual filenames. Seems Windows likes to capitalise the first letter by default. Have renamed all files to lowercase now.
Please try out the new draft and I'll all be very grateful of any feedback, thanks in advance.
I'm considering adding some unicode icons to the overlay menus to help visually group similar options together.
What do you think of the attached example?
TBH, I was struggling to find useful symbols for the lower down options... may change them to colours instead...
Quote from: karlchick on December 04, 2023, 16:47:00I'm considering adding some unicode icons to the overlay menus to help visually group similar options together.
What do you think of the attached example?
TBH, I was struggling to find useful symbols for the lower-down options... may change them to colours instead...
What happens if you don't group them?
I have tried the draft version in Oruxmaps and it looks good thank you.
Some of the footpaths that run alongside some minor roads are marked as a dotted line where they're not shown on the Ordnance Survey maps. Is it possible to deselect these without affecting other public footpaths?
Quote from: twoten on December 04, 2023, 18:27:32Some of the footpaths that run alongside some minor roads are marked as a dotted line where they're not shown on the Ordnance Survey maps. Is it possible to deselect these without affecting other public footpaths?
By dotted I suspect you mean thinner black dashes? These are footpaths that are classified as accessible to the public. But not defined (or assumed) as PROW.
In theory, according to the OSM tagging rules, you should be able to use these footpaths, but clearly you should observe local signage.
OS maps do show some of these as black dashes too, or very often as dashed tracks or indistinct dashed lines next to other boundary features.
It is possible to add a option "show non-PROW paths" if you wanted to untick it remove then. Not sure it's worth having... is there a particular reason to remove them? I'd hazard a guess at lots of urban pathways cluttering up the map?
One thing the consider is that quite a few paths exist but are not yet tagged with designation tag, and many paths in the UK are ancient rights of way that are not registered and may be lost. The UK government are trying to impose a deadline to get them registered or lost forever. Deadline was 2026, now moved to 2031. There is an online map of potential missing footpaths, can't find it at the moment..., but if a footpath is not registered but in regular use it could be registered as a PROW. Footpaths like this should/could exist in OSM as we are supposed to map what is visible on the ground... so rather than remove these from the map, how about checking if they are lost PROW and getting the registered?
Quote from: twoten on December 04, 2023, 18:27:32What happens if you don't group them?
Nothing, I just added the icons to the existing menu, I thought perhaps it might make it quicker to locate options in the list by colour.
Attached is a slight improvement?
🟢 hiking options (25k PROW colour)
🟠 cycling options (25k circle colour)
🟣 mtb bike options (25k circle colour)
🟤 urban options (urban area colour)
⚪ road options
⚫ non-OS options
🔆 = highlight/emphasise options
I've uploaded a copy of the theme with the colour icons added to the menus. Wondering if you find it an improvement or not. I'm going to try it out for a bit and then revert to no icons and see if I miss them.
OS Map v20231203 (
No other changes since Draft1, but will appreciate any feedback on whether you think this is useful... Karl.
Certainly for the main categories of hiking, cycling, MTB, their associated color is a good reminder of the color to look out for on the map instead of needing the legend. Unlike @tapios icons, I don't find the other ones visually as useful.
Quote from: karlchick on December 04, 2023, 22:18:15Quote from: twoten on December 04, 2023, 18:27:32Some of the footpaths that run alongside some minor roads are marked as a dotted line where they're not shown on the Ordnance Survey maps. Is it possible to deselect these without affecting other public footpaths?
By dotted I suspect you mean thinner black dashes? These are footpaths that are classified as accessible to the public. But not defined (or assumed) as PROW.
In theory, according to the OSM tagging rules, you should be able to use these footpaths, but clearly you should observe local signage.
OS maps do show some of these as black dashes too, or very often as dashed tracks or indistinct dashed lines next to other boundary features.
It is possible to add a option "show non-PROW paths" if you wanted to untick it remove then. Not sure it's worth having... is there a particular reason to remove them? I'd hazard a guess at lots of urban pathways cluttering up the map?
One thing the consider is that quite a few paths exist but are not yet tagged with designation tag, and many paths in the UK are ancient rights of way that are not registered and may be lost. The UK government are trying to impose a deadline to get them registered or lost forever. Deadline was 2026, now moved to 2031. There is an online map of potential missing footpaths, can't find it at the moment..., but if a footpath is not registered but in regular use it could be registered as a PROW. Footpaths like this should/could exist in OSM as we are supposed to map what is visible on the ground... so rather than remove these from the map, how about checking if they are lost PROW and getting the registered?
These are footpaths alongside some minor roads, possibly tagged as Sidewalks. Other minor roads in the same area with comparable footpaths (sidewalks) are not shown so there's no consistency. OS maps don't show them at all so if replicating OS maps they would be hidden. The only issue I have with them is it starts to clutter the map unnecessarily.
They're not necessary as the roads themselves would be considered a PROW.
I guess one of the problems could be that if they are tagged the same as other PROWs, switching them off would mean losing other necessary footpaths.
It's not a problem if they can't be removed.
I like the idea and I like the appearance. However the colours don't make sense for the Landranger style (foot=red, bike=green).
Also, I'm still seeing black lines under some footpath lines for all styles. I can't turn them off by unchecking any of the boxes.
Coordinates N 52.22993°, W 000.93296°
Screenshot_2023-12-06-12-04-39-68_48d6214a685bed0eadb2d5ad78ad5802.jpg Screenshot_2023-12-06-12-05-07-49_48d6214a685bed0eadb2d5ad78ad5802.jpg
Thanks twoten, perhaps you can provide coord for an example that I can check?
@john, thanks, clearly I didn't do a thorough enough check and only fixed one example... I will check again, sorry.
The black dashes are always drawn and then overdrawn by the PROW. I changed the size of the dashes, bur must have some black dashes in the old size somewhere...
John, the black line under the bridleway is not black dashes, but the outline of a park, see attached.
It's just that the bridleway is followed/sharing the same ways points as the boundary of the park.
I'll have a look at if I want to outline parks or not...
Quote from: karlchick on December 06, 2023, 14:21:13Thanks twoten, perhaps you can provide coord for an example that I can check?
Coordinates 51.571501332853295, -0.4018582349711148 show the dotted line
Coordinates 51.57726835385588, -0.40357733363102144 have not to the dotted line.
Again either side of this coordinate are different.
1. Do you think your colour coded menus ought to reflect the colours of Explorer/Landranger? (See my previous post)
2. I don't know how OS marks the boundaries of parks but in general for woods,
Explorer: line if fence etc, nothing if unfenced
Landranger: line if fence etc, dashed if unfenced (but varies)
3. Buildings appear to have rounded corners in your style
Dear Karlchick,
I am one of the many who became increasingly disenchanted with Ordnance Survey charging me multiple times to access their maps on replacement devices over the years (going back as far as Memory Maps).
Discovering your OS themes over OSM maps has probably been my favourite software discovery since downloading WYSISYG font drivers for the Canon BJ10ex (giving away my age now!)
So I just wanted to say thank you for all your efforts. As a software developer I have an idea just how much work and attention to detail has gone into this.
I see in an earlier post you say you only recently downloaded ORUXMAPS. I like it instead of Locus because they have a one-off payment model. I almost feel embarrassed to say I've downloaded their beta version as well and note their experimental VTM display does not work with your theme. It used to blue screen completely until their last update, now if it can't load a theme it reverts back to a default theme. The viewer does work with John Campbell's Voluntary theme. The viewer is very good - it keeps place names the right way up as you rotate the map. I can't see any error logs so have no idea what the problem is.
Anyway, I cannot ask you to look at it and only mention it in case you are unaware and interested. So again, the purpose of this post was to thank you from someone who normally stays in the shadows.
Quote from: Lettm on December 07, 2023, 12:13:46I've downloaded their beta version as well and note their experimental VTM display does not work with your theme. It used to blue screen completely until their last update, now if it can't load a theme it reverts back to a default theme. The viewer does work with John Campbell's Voluntary theme.
Thanks for the Thanks, I'm glad you like the theme, I initially made it for my own purpose, same reasons as you. I too am a software developer although mostly work on system architectures and defining our company's MBSE approach these days.
Have you tried the draft versions posted in earlier posts? I found an issue with case sensitive file names that caused issues.
Another potential issue might be some the svg files used for icons are not necessarily 100% compatible tiny svg format. Locusmap copes well usually. I'm using Inkscape to create them but sometimes have to manually tidy them up or change the point types...
I noticed that LM4 now rotates builtin symbols, but not there symbols. Would be a co feature if LM could rotate text and symbols on maps.
Quote from: john_percy on December 07, 2023, 11:19:271. Do you think your colour coded menus ought to reflect the colours of Explorer/Landranger? (See my previous post)
2. I don't know how OS marks the boundaries of parks but in general for woods,
Explorer: line if fence etc, nothing if unfenced
Landranger: line if fence etc, dashed if unfenced (but varies)
OS-Style Explorer Landranger
3. Buildings appear to have rounded corners in your style OS-Style
1. I did think of that and it's possible for 50k and 25k maps, but then what to do with the dynamic map which switches between them? Next I considered using different colour based on PROW waymarkers and cycle signs, so yellow for walkers, blue for cyclists, keep purple for mtb... not sure...
2. OS don't tend to mark park boundaries, but rather they use lines to indicate fences/barriers. This information is not present in the OSM data for woods and highways etc...
OS show dashes along the edge of unfenced roads, I guess this is useful to military personnel that might want to cross roads...
If OSM added fence attributes to woods, highways etc AND OAM/LoMap provided it then perhaps I could use it.... but I have reused dashed highways to indicate unsealed highways, which would conflict then...
Very often woods and sealed highways are fenced, so this kinda makes sense...
3. Rounded corners will be due to the grow buildings option in 50k map. I added this to help merge buildings together in cities as 50k map doesn't show individual buildings in towns etc... if you untick it, it will revert to square buildings (I hope!)
Quote from: karlchick on December 04, 2023, 22:18:15One thing the consider is that quite a few paths exist but are not yet tagged with designation tag, and many paths in the UK are ancient rights of way that are not registered and may be lost. The UK government are trying to impose a deadline to get them registered or lost forever. Deadline was 2026, now moved to 2031. There is an online map of potential missing footpath...
If you'd like to get involved in saving unregistered PROW in the UK, here is the website about the topic which also provides a link to an online map of potentially missing PROW.
I've just uploaded the latest release of the OS Map theme (v20231218) which now includes fixes and updates for many issues you all reported to me. A very big thank you to all for reporting your findings, I hope this release will be OK enough to finally release into the Locus Map store, my next task.
Here is a list of the changes in this latest release:
- Removed residential roads from filled in residential areas at zoom level 12.
- Removed unused categories and tidied up style menu definitions
- Added colour icons to style menus to indicate options by colour groups, green=hiking, orange=cycling, purple=mtb, brown=urban, black=roads, white=non-OS.
- Added option "Show symbols earlier" so you can have less symbol intrusion at Z15 and lower, useful in urban/city areas.
- Added option "Building names earlier" so you can have more building namers appear earlier from Z16 onwards.
- Added option "emphasise all sealed roads too" so you can selectively also highlight ALL roads that are sealed, or disable (if you prefer a less distracting urban view).
- Added footpath names visible from Z16.
- Changed "surface textures" options to also include all steps, footpaths and bridleways.
- Changed option "road surface/grade textures" to "surface textures" to be shorter menu entry.
- Changed option "emphasise road surface/grade textures" to "emphasise surface textures" to be shorter menu entry.
- Changed size of covered reservoir symbol at Z13/Z14 to be smaller.
- Changed unclassified roads to appear from Z12 (was Z13).
- Changed smaller service roads to appear from Z13 (was Z12).
- Changed 50k pylons to be smaller at high zoom levels.
- Changed place name priorities to work better.
- Fixed missing bridges casings at Z13/Z14.
- Fixed symbol/pattern filenames to be have matching cases in both theme and filing system - enables theme to work correctly with OruxMaps.
thanks Karl - the Christmas edition!
Quote from: Lettm on December 07, 2023, 12:13:46... ORUXMAPS... beta version ... experimental VTM display does not work with your theme. It used to blue screen completely until their last update, now if it can't load a theme it reverts back to a default theme. The viewer does work with John Campbell's Voluntary theme. The viewer is very good - it keeps place names the right way up as you rotate the map. I can't see any error logs so have no idea what the problem is.
I've downloaded the beta ORUXMAPS and tried VTM, as you say it doesn't work with my theme but does with John's Voluntary theme (which OS Map was originally based on).
I really like the VTM viewer and would like to see it working with my theme. Not sure where to start debugging this. I guess there might be some mapsforge tag attributes not supported by VTM?, or maybe some of my SVG files are not fully compatible tiny SVG...
May take a while to figure out...
Anyone know is there are any tag rules that are not compatible with VTM viewer?
OK, managed to figure out what was causing my theme to crash in the VTM viewer, a couple of rules like this (no idea how they ended up like this):
<rule e="any" k="*" v="*|~">
Fixing these rules fixed the crashing, but I also found many incompatibilities with the VTM viewer:
- area outlines have to be drawn separately using line command.
- dy offsets appear not to work on anything I've used in the theme.
- dash arrays on lines have a different scaling (4x smaller?) and do not seems to work very well as you zoom.
- dash arrays vary with line thickness
- lines are slighter thicker.
- no support for stroke-linecap round or square.
- line images are distorted/stretched.
- areas that overlap of the same tag sources are mutually exclusive and disappear where they overlap.
- priority seems to be ignored for symbols and text.
My theme uses dash arrays and dy offset a lot, making the VTM viewer not very acceptable. See attached screenshot comparing GB OAM map in ORUXMAPS using mapsforge viewer (left) vs VTM viewer (right).
In summary, I would say that VTM viewer for mapsforge themes is not really ready yet.
Well done for working out the problem - I couldn't! Clearly VTM shows promise but does not seem to be stable. Understand you not wanting to publish an update to your theme based on this - I'll try and make the change you have highlighted to my local copy.
@lettm, attached is a hacked version of the day time theme file, I only fixed the area commands for 25k option. Saves you doing it all again.
I just added it to the "OS" and selected "OS Map Test" from the theme selection.
I'm wondering if the dash array issues can be fixed by emux, otherwise a much more effort way would be to create a MF / VTM overlay option and adjust the sdash array numbers to suit VTM... maybe...
Many thanks karlchick. Great to see it working. Think I agree we should leave vtm off until they've improved it. Doesn't seem right that a working theme should have issues only visible in their new viewer.
I can see the same issues in tapiola and voluntary themes too, dashes are too short, too many symbols shown without priority used, overlapping areas deleted, lack of dy offsets.
Had a play with the VTM dash array values, got most of them working-ish (again only 25k).
Finding lack of support for round and square linecaps a pain, and it seems dash array values are not comparable between lines of different widths.
Also, when multiple ways follow the same coordinates, the dash arrays don't always line up, e.g. route on a path.
@lettm, attached is the hacked theme file. If you wish to try it out.
Thank you - that looks really good! this is probably the effect you mention - I'm seeing thick lines for cliffs and a few footpaths. Ill try and attach an screenshot...
What is the difference and advantage of VTM (when it works)?
Quote from: twoten on December 28, 2023, 19:37:03What is the difference and advantage of VTM (when it works)?
Symbols and names rotate with the map, see attached.
I think VTM also supports 3D mapping, like on a satnav... if the app supports it...
Quote from: Lettm on December 28, 2023, 18:45:43Thank you - that looks really good! this is probably the effect you mention - I'm seeing thick lines for cliffs and a few footpaths. Ill try and attach an screenshot...
Strange, I don't get that with OAM map.
Are you using a different map?
Did you add the xml theme file into the os file, in the same directory as the other xml theme files?
Apologies. I cheated - just copied the xml into mapstyles folder. It appeared in the oruxmap app so I thought that was all I needed to do.
All good now. Brilliant in fact!
@lettm, seems you intend to use it as is, would be good if you can let me know if you think it is usable in this form after some field use.
I will fix the bugs we found and area outline issues in the original OS theme, then it will be ready for VTM, if they fix the other issues.
In the short term, it would be quite simple to have a script that converts the released day/night OS theme files to VTM, mostly by multiplying the dash array values by 4.
I did manually tweak the power lines a bit, not very well. I think it possible to redo the power lines using line symbols, maybe....
@karlchick - suggestion - given your theme can be for cyclists, optionally display bike parking as POI? Attached is map around OSM node Maybe I have missed a theme setting - see attached map with your theme - there is a red "P" inside a red square but it is not quite in the correct location? Online LM route planner correctly displays the bike park @ (although it is tiny, nearly invisible), as does online bikerouter @
As far as a I know, amenity=bicycle_parking tags are not available in either LoMap or OAM maps.
I suspect the Web-based router planners are using OSM map data directly and so show all available tags on the map rendering.
BTW the red P symbol in my theme represents private parking
Thanks for checking karl.
Yes, it sadly appears not possible. I understand the OAM logic in some enlightened western European cities but not sure it applies in other less fortunate places. Where I live, getting any bike-hoop added is always celebrated as a minor win for cyclists.
We can always ask Voldapet and Christian if they would add bicycle parking to the maps. I think OAM would as they promote using OAM for hiking and cycling.
My apologies @karlchick. Rather than duplicate my comments, see
And following on from my comments @, my (others?) use-case of wanting to see all POI of a search just for a short time, having a super boring theme showing no points, names or features than other roads, would allow those searched points to be highly visible. A case for "really simple plain theme" linked to a preset named "simple", which at present seems best with "LM road". <end ramble>
Quote from: Andrew Heard on January 18, 2024, 22:18:51having a super boring theme showing no points, names or features than other roads, would allow those searched points to be highly visible.
You probably know this is possible in Tapiola ("Basic features without POI" has this use case in mind). And I had a related suggestion, but IIRC Menion disagreed: Add Offline/Online Lopoi setting to presets. Because then you can easily a) turn on the theme (which displays no poi at all) + b) turn on lopoi.
I know this theme is focused on hiking, ... But would it be possible to add an option to dash and/or emphasise water elements like rivers, lakes,... With a more contrasting for ewample: dark Blue colour?
Or even dark blue arrows to point in direction of flow?
I prefer to use this with LoMaps
Thank you
Quote from: den def on July 21, 2024, 08:57:05I know this theme is focused on hiking, ... But would it be possible to add an option to dash and/or emphasise water elements like rivers, lakes,... With a more contrasting for ewample: dark Blue colour?
Or even dark blue arrows to point in direction of flow?
I prefer to use this with LoMaps
Thank you
Hi Jef,
I'm guessing you're a river user, canoeing etc? I think it would ve a great idea to add support for river usages of the map.
As an experiment I reused the oneway symbol for roads on rivers/streams/canals from zoom level 15 to see what it would look like, see attached screenshots.
There is also support in the tags to indicate rapids, perhaps this would also be useful? Although they don't seem to render for some reason...
Maybe have a survey or brainstorm for river users or other water related options.
-a selectable more contrasting outline or darker blue, like emphasising roads would be my priority
-direction of flow, like in your screenshots would also be nice
-possible enter and exit points for canoing, danger zones, rapids, shallow zones, waterfall, hydro powerstations, wind shelters like in Sweden Vindskydd (i have these as personal POI for hiking and canoeing), other
-estimate lines for high and low tides?
Maybe there are other requests from different water users, i believe this could be well appreciated extra selectable options.
Obviously we can only show what tags are supported by the maps...
..and I'd like to keep the style OS map oriented...
Thinking of adding a new category for river symbols with highlighting options etc... Will look at what tags are supported...
Quote from: den def on July 21, 2024, 13:09:29Maybe have a survey or brainstorm for river users or other water related options.
-a selectable more contrasting outline or darker blue, like emphasising roads would be my priority
-direction of flow, like in your screenshots would also be nice
-possible enter and exit points for canoing, danger zones, rapids, shallow zones, waterfall, hydro powerstations, wind shelters like in Sweden Vindskydd (i have these as personal POI for hiking and canoeing), other
-estimate lines for high and low tides?
Maybe there are other requests from different water users, i believe this could be well appreciated extra selectable options.
Can I ask what map(s) you are using for river activities? The OS Map theme is set up to support LoMap and OpenAndroMap maps, but neither of these have many tags supporting river based activities, e.g. canoe=put_in.
Perhaps they are all covered with whitewater=put_in|egree...
I am using Lomaps
Quote from: den def on July 21, 2024, 20:33:43I am using Lomaps
Hmm, you might want to switch to OpenAndroMap maps as they support put-in and egress points. I added circles to highlight where these are: green = put in, red = egress (take out) and cyan = both.
As you can see, lomaps doesn't show these.
Will have to come up with some icons for these.
Wondering how to address your other request of higher contrast for Rivers... is it all waterways? I could add an emphasise outline to all waterways? Or (maybe) change the colour of water (but this might be difficult due to large amount if code involved...)
The main thing is more contrast, highlighting, all waterways.
Changing colour in basemap is not necessary, i think most people are ok with it, so a selectable option, if it is possible to have a rather solid (not very transparant) outline to waterways in order to make waterways stand out a little more.
Hi Jef,
Mocked up highlighting waterways, attached. I propose to not highlight ditches, drains or streams, left to right is: all, streams only, none...
Wondering if streams need highlighting?
Here's the R.Leven example with emphasised waterways. Left is navigable waterways (Rivers, canals, docks, waters etc) and right included streams (or becks as they call them in the lake district).
Trying out some new icons for rapids, put in, egress and water points...
I think having an option to highlight these icons is useful, as they can be hard to notice otherwise...
Top is normal, bottom is with emphasised rivers and highlighted icons.
Any feedback welcome.
Since either/or is sadly not really possible in xml, I guess you just added additional lines and icons, correct?
The icon highlights are indeed circles drawn under the icons, selecting green for putin as this is a go point for canoing, red for egress as this is a stop point for canoing and yellow for when both are set.
River highlights (as per suggestion) are similar to how the bicycle routes are highlighted using wider lines before drawing them.