Base topic to discuss slowly coming Locus Map 4 version.
We wrote about Locus Map 4 here:
We planned this already a few months ago. Then we rather decided to do it more carefully, so next more realistic date is in the middle of 2020.
Anything change to me?
Locus Map Free > will be changed to Locus Map and actively developed. Changes in this topic will be included only in this version.
Locus Map Pro > will be changed to Locus Classic and will be in permanent maintenance mode. What it means? Still updated mostly every month with fixes and minor improvements to keep it fully working & stable. Ideal for users who like current solution and don't like changes or planned subscription model. I believe, more than fair offer ;).
How to help?
Currently best to watch this topic and help with some major decisions. Alpha version for field testing will come soon.
Latest version for download (
Maybe I'll get too much feedback ... but I'll still try it :).
Here is how look my Locus Map now for private testing ... what you think? I won't give you any explanation or extra description, just a quick "feel" (and you may, of course, note "what you may miss on this layout most"), thanks ;)
EDIT: main moto: 1. usable outside (not just on couch), 2. simple for new users
My thought: "erm, wut? no pls. and too white" - Looks like Locus for Apple users. I'm saying that in a polite manner 😋
Cannot be seen here. But just saying: Double tap and show/hide bars is essential.
I rethink if what you do is a special, basic edition.
I miss the upper status bar. And I agree with "too white".
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Quote from: menion on December 06, 2019, 18:37:27
Maybe I'll get too much feedback ... but I'll still try it :).
I assume for experienced users/ old users that don't like change ;-) it will be possible to change layout to what they currently prefer eg. with side panel buttons? For cycling I prefer the zoom/ main dashboard buttons to be large & along the screen edge to minimize false taps.
Hehe, something close to this will probably come (for Locus Map 4).
- right side buttons will be there, just hidden by default
- top toolbar with status (coordinates, time etc) will be also available and also by default hidden. Because it won't contain any action buttons, I'm thinking about its usage for some "Running services" (like a shortcut to track recording, parking etc. when this service is active).
I hope the left side selectors like for theme switch/config and similar will be hidden by default=available for opt-in.
Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 9, via Tapatalk
We discussed this quite a lot and nope. In this case, I need to figure out a useful-enough solution and replace them with something more consistent with the rest of UI.
I personally find "track recording" left button super useful as informative button > clearly see if the recording is running. Anyway on the bike or even during a walk, tap on these buttons is something really horrible experience. At least for me. And now with Android 10 and it is new "Gesture navigation", it sometimes ends with the completely closed app (because of two failed attempts that very recognized as "back" gesture).
I think in worst case, most of functions may be created as "Action". It means function that may be placed into functions panels or the main menu.
I agree with the GUI consistence.
Left bar could pop up with consistent elements by the same way as right bar can ( which I have already full, hidden by default and popping up by map double tap).
Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 9, via Tapatalk
Quote from: poutnikl on December 07, 2019, 10:26:26Left bar could pop up with consistent elements by the same way as right bar can ( which I have already full, hidden by default and popping up by map double tap).
Agreed and same here.
Quote from: menion on December 06, 2019, 18:37:27
Maybe I'll get too much feedback ... but I'll still try it :).
Here is how look my Locus Map now for private testing ... what you think? I won't give you any explanation or extra description, just a quick "feel" (and you may, of course, note "what you may miss on this layout most"), thanks ;)
EDIT: main moto: 1. usable outside (not just on couch), 2. simple for new users
for my taste there is too much white space wasted as a frame around the bottom panel icons. I think it is better to reduce it to increase the visibility of the map or enlarge the icons to improve their visibility.
With the two-finger zoom now default in any app I don't think the zoom buttons are needed except in particular use cases.
In this mockup I do not understand if the upper bar will be visible and with which infos.
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Quote from: lor74cas on December 08, 2019, 18:28:07
With the two-finger zoom now default in any app I don't think the zoom buttons are needed except in particular use cases.
for me while cycling, gloves, maybe cold hands, two large zoom buttons are more reliable, vive la difference
Quote from: Andrew Heard on December 08, 2019, 21:56:15
Quote from: lor74cas on December 08, 2019, 18:28:07
With the two-finger zoom now default in any app I don't think the zoom buttons are needed except in particular use cases.
for me while cycling, gloves, maybe cold hands, two large zoom buttons are more reliable, vive la difference
As I wrote this is a use case, there are also the physical volume up and down buttons that activate the zoom.
For me there must be a clean basic user interface that everyone can customize for their own purposes.
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Quote from: lor74cas on December 08, 2019, 18:28:07
With the two-finger zoom now default in any app I don't think the zoom buttons are needed except in particular use cases.
Disagree totally, sorry.
Two-finger zoom is a pain in the butt! So is finding the hardware buttons.
If the on-screen zoom buttons ever disappear, I'll use an old version of the app in perpetuity.
PS, I had to think about why that prototype screenshot was bugging me... Now I know.
There are things covering up parts of the map. Four round things. The map to me is #1, it's the reason for the app. I have Locus set up to show a clean map rectangle, and all the cruft is outside of it, in panels where it belongs. (Other than scale and invisible [!] copyright, but close enough.)
Also, I like BIG targets for the + and - buttons. They're quite big now, but those fat round circles in the prototype look smaller and harder to hit, certainly harder with the left thumb.
My two euro-cents... :)
Wouldn't it be possible to make round buttons "floating"? The user could move them themselves where they are most convenient. Mainly with regard to dashboard.
Quote from: menion on December 09, 2019, 07:22:41
heh funny. This seems to be a side effect of the installed Beta version.
Thanks all for the valuable feedback. Few comments:
- The size of the buttons is indeed a little larger. It may look that there is a lot of white space, but it is part of buttons. There were resized from previous 48px to 56px (so +25%). Size of images remains the same. Reason? Better usability in the field = easier to press.
- zoom buttons: definitely optional! and definitely enabled by default. During the activity, mainly on the bike, pinch zoom is quite useless
- Size of zoom buttons: they are not so wide as before but the touch area is higher. It is the same as in for example route planner in the current version.
- Cover of the map: agree there should be setup to have the map as clear as possible. I'll for sure try to clear almost (if not all) all components optional, so it should be possible to have a map as fullscreen as possible with additional components.
I agree with all the points you explained.
Just point 1: If you enlarged the button for a better usability in the field (I agree) I think you need to reduce the frame and enlarge also the image icon for a better readability in the field.
@Žajdlík Josef
Interesting idea :).
For sure not in first versions. We may talk about it later because understand the reason with the dashboard.
I tried it and it looks really bad. I think that except really rare exceptions, the size of the icons for various functionality should remain the same in all cases, no matter how big is area behind an icon that reacts on touches.
Quote from: menion on December 09, 2019, 07:22:41Better usability in the field = easier to press.[/li]
[li]zoom buttons: definitely optional! and definitely enabled by default. During the activity, mainly on the bike, pinch zoom is quite useless[/li][/list]
Yes, different situations, different use cases... Maybe... Some options for zoom buttons? Also available in presets please...?
- Always show
- Never show
- Show after double tap (I mean same hide/auto hide mechanism as toolbars)
We need a million options, you need to end up in searchable options ;-)
Further to the idea of moving the zoom buttons...
I just realized, when I'm holding the tablet in both hands and browsing the map, with the current layout the zoom buttons are right below my thumbs.
It couldn't be more perfect than that. :)
Hi guys,
based on testing, your comments, own thoughts, there is progress.
But I will still appreciate some help. So short (5-10 minutes) poll for those of you, interest in future of Locus Map: . If know similar, not active users, please share it.
I believe that 100+ votes will be enough to give me nice overview of the preferences of current users, thanks!
Not sure how exactly will it look like, but an option for hiding of the zoom buttons will be there. As well as search in settings (I have most of the work done regards this task).
"Created time" in point detail: why this may be useful? I understand this in the case of trackpoints (to know time between two trackpoints), but in the case of waypoints?
Menu > more: will be fixed in next Beta, thanks.
Personally, I would narrow the top bar to one line. At the side, the top button is rounded. But they are just aesthetic details.
Thanks Josef. What you see on screenshots is far from the final solution. It is just my working version I use during rides to test and remove some major problems. If top status bar remains in the app (most probably), it will a) be a single line as you suggest or b) there will be some features on the right side (I still have in mind that it should be useful to see all running services at one place).
Wouldn't it be possible to access the new look via the Expert menu to Beta? It would be better to be able to test practicality in practice. Or am I too eager?
Quote from: menion on December 16, 2019, 17:54:56
So short (5-10 minutes) poll for those of you, interest in future of Locus Map: .
A pity there is no option in the poll for zoom buttons positioned as currently along the bottom of screen; when cycling I rest of my hand on the bottom of the phone to stabilize, so having those buttons close to other buttons as proposed increases the risk of tapping the wrong button.
Each question could have an extra text box so the user can provide further comments (as above). Maybe too much information?
@Žajdlík Josef
You are :). This is not just a checkbox in settings, it needs a completely new special version. Anyway, I just need to make some major decision (here may poll helps) and then will be some version for test available.
I know creation time is already there. I was curious about why you need "seconds".
@Andrew Heard
hmm, zoom buttons horizontally along bottom bar. I've forget on this option, thanks.
Text fields in questions aren't there for reason. I now need to remove some options that are really really bad (not wanted) and focus on rest that will have more votes. So some special comments are not currently needed.
I think that extending "double tap to show/hide" also on zoom buttons will be useful ;)
Quote from: menion on December 17, 2019, 08:05:12
I think that extending "double tap to show/hide" also on zoom buttons will be useful ;)
You might also consider a variant: one tap on the screen will only show the zoom buttons. Two taps will show all buttons and toolbars. This would prevent the user from clicking another button when scaling.
@Menion: nice poll :D *thumb up*
simple points which came into my mind:
- most people are right handed, but also some people are left handed. Holding the phone in the left, those people would prefer + and - (zoom) and maybe other buttons on the left I guess. I am right handed.
- button-layouts will definitely vary from person to person. Some people still need + and - for zoom (often less trained, maybe older persons, friends of button-pushing,..), some are fully happy with pinch/spread or tapping to zoom. At the end things are often customisable as the pros will appreciate extra-space and full view or prefer bottom as it's not in the way of left/right-thumb-gestures (e.g. riding bike and using one hand) and screens are often mounted portrait instead of landscape, so more space at top/bottom
- I am often tipping that fast, that I still have to have certain buttons at defined places, in best case due to my customisation/choice
I myself do not work with the keys at all. Take the hardware volume buttons. But a tip would be: make it movable and everyone can position it wherever they want it. Long click and then move.
I rarely need zoom buttons and prefer the way it is, or at least allow to hide them as it's possible with the toolbars.
I took part in the poll LOL
Miss the actual design too.
Center & rotating are my most used functions (on the bottom bar). And the Route Planner (side bar).
I guess Menion is looking for a new look & feel for Platinum Eternity Edition. Looking forward to see the reason for a new functional GUI design which will be better than the actual design.
Menion can you pls. do a test: try to control the screen with dirty, sweaty gloves on the bike with your new designs... Thanx.
I've separated this topic from the original "Beta testing 3.42+" topic. More about what I try to do here in the first post.
regards issue with hiding of panels, please check app settings > Panels & buttons, there is option "Panels and screen orientation".
- the layout will be in the final version switchable - it will be possible to mirror the left/right sides (at least I plan to make it).
- zoom buttons and other components: to be true, in the end, I hope to achieve even higher customization options than current layout. What I search, for now, is base solution, ideal for most of users & use-cases.
@0709 & @Christian
you wrote you miss actual design. Check first post please, hope it explain this.
Thanks Willy. @Michal , may you please re-check it? Thanks.
Quote from: menion on December 16, 2019, 17:54:56
short (5-10 minutes) poll for those of you, interest in future of Locus Map:
could the form use some preamble text indicating the questions relate to the "base look"/ most common out-the-box look? and that customization will still be possible for advanced users
The created poll was made to help me decided about need for some components & color themes. There is still not yet done base look. Currently, I have on the table six version we discuss about.
And about possible configuration: you know me. I usually do features in the two steps. First, base, not too configurable and later, after some discussions and feedback, I'm adding options (when it makes sense).
It will be similar here. Hey, we have enough time to tune it to satisfy at least 95% of use-cases, so no worry :).
Btw: I'm not doing re-design because I want to do re-desing. I'm doing this to remove some limitations of old design and remove some problems we suffer for ages (based on support & own experience > like too much buttons at start for new users, fixed bottom panel, important buttons too far from fingers, etc.) I'm registering all your comments and will really try to find usable solution.
If the top bar will be editable as it is now, we need empty spaces that we can add optionally. Reason: notch areas which reach into the top bar, on newer Smartphones if turned on.
First alpha version ( for brave testers :)
Works as Free/Beta version, so no problem to test it along with installed Pro version.
Feedback is of course welcome. Please focus on major problems. On details will be enough time later ;). Thanks and enjoy the coming days!
How do I find a button to change orientation/view which used to be on the bottom bar?
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
Do you mean to enable map rotation? This one is the second click on the center button. At the moment, you are "centered", the second click enable rotation.
If you mean "Show view", this is as well as "magnifier" in Map-screen content > Auxiliary graphics settings
Quote from: menion on December 22, 2019, 09:56:33
Works as Free/Beta version
Everything is working so far for me, no crashes, but only desktop testing. I observe the top panel buttons are now bottom panel buttons so there are less possibilities for configuring my own buttons. I never used to display the fixed top panel, and used to "cover" it with my own top panel buttons, so now less opportunity for customization. My 2nd bottom from left which I have as GPS is fully hidden because of the new dip/ Hide Map Center button. If I tap the correct spot at bottom of the screen the GPS screen is displayed. It probably looks cute/ eye catching for a new user, which is fair enough as a selling point, but I see no improvement in functionality with this dip and slightly changed UI. The zoom buttons are now too close to the new bottom panel buttons for error free tapping. I can't get the compass to be displayed on the main screen when I toggle the north up/ rotate button. The integrated notification center/ functions/ About/ Store within the main menu is a nice but minor improvement. I used to always hide the Map-screen Content button (bottom left side) (can't recall how) but appears fixed in position. I like that tapping the ruler no longer changes the scale. Take this all as just very minor comments; just my initial impressions.
I was just wondering... will Locus 4 be a major enough rewrite to catch up with other mapping apps regarding smoothness? Will it render everything through the GPU via Vulkan or OpenGL (or whatever is currently used on Android)?
Thanks and merry xmas...
Vertical inverse order of sidebar is confusing.
Tbh, that round button looks sexy, but I don't need it.
Map screen content button is a good move.
Top bar is quite useless currently.
Allow for hiding anything via a double tap, or after timeout!
Allow to add more than 8 user def. main menu entries.
Bottom left main menu is alright. Stylistically it looks good.
That map center button is terrifying for mountain hikers and climbers.
- When bottom bar is displayed, it visually represents sliding down a slope
- When the bottom bar disappears: all is lost. It falls off a cliff.
;) ;D ;) ;D
Quote from: menion on December 22, 2019, 11:50:28
Do you mean to enable map rotation? This one is the second click on the center button. At the moment, you are "centered", the second click enable rotation.
If you mean "Show view", this is as well as "magnifier" in Map-screen content > Auxiliary graphics settings
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
@Andrew Heard
nice feedback, thanks.
Fewer configuration options? Do not understand. Before, bottom panel was completely fixed without any options. Currently half of the bottom (previously top) and right panel are fully configurable, so "no change". Probably some screenshot? Anyway, if we talk about the cover by "Dashboard", then it, of course, may not fix.
Improvement should not be now in functionality, but in usability. Current version suffer by two main problems I try to solve here.
a) very important control buttons are too far away (whole top panel, main menu)
b) screen is full of buttons where many is not usable by majority of users and some of them are not clear enough (mainly content of the bottom panel).
Zoom buttons are "close" ... it's the same as in the current version versus distance to bottom system navigation panel. This is anyway one of things that needs to be tested in the field, not on sofa.
Integrated notify center is just a method how to get rid of floating button on the map screen when not needed.
"Map screen content" button ... hideable, understand. Currently, it is not possible. Not sure if will be to be true as it will contain some unique features not available on any other place in the app.
nope, sorry. The inner rendering system was rewritten half year ago, but still uses a combination of hardware (for maps) and software (for visible points/tracks) rendering.
When we will talk about the app itself, I'm firstly doing steps that may (or may not) help us survive next year(s). This means improve usability and simplify UI. Have a nice days on your travels too!
"Vertical inverse order of sidebar is confusing", why? just because you are used to using the current system?
"Top bar is quite useless currently" ... agree. Its purpose is not yet decided. By the poll I made, most of people wants to keep it and add some more customization options. So I think about the single-like panel with some more options ...
"Allow for hiding anything via a double-tap, or after timeout!" ... you may hide everything except "Main menu", "Center/rotate" and "Map content". Still not enough? :)
"Allow to add more than 8 user def. main menu entries" ... I was also thinking about this. The main menu is not quite well accessible (compare to current system) so it starts to make sense to use it more often and do not place everything into function panels.
"Center button" ... hmm, I'll do for your special version that will instead of this "hole" icon display something you like. Maybe an icon with jot coffee? :)
first test during a short geocache walk.
i do not find it practical to control with one button "rotation of the map" as well as the "centering"
1. rotating compass needle is missing
2. icons in the side panel are partially hidden
3.0 when the map is moved, the rotating arrows on the button are no longer displayed, although the map continues to rotate
3.1 the same behaviour also occurs when preset is changed.
3.2 if a map with shifted map center is displayed and then the center button is pressed, the map jumps to the real map center
- dispay a rotating map
- switch off the GPS
- click this button (several times)
- there is no possibility to return to the rotating map
I do not want to create some new system regards this center/rotate button. What I would like to do is replicate an existing system that already uses Google Maps on Android. This answer on part of your question.
1. will be most probably included in "centering" button itself in case, rotation is active
2. ah thanks
3. all these points should be solved ... but I'll rather double check it so thanks for the points! Just short: if you won't be centered or GPS will be off, the rotation should be temporarily disabled
How disable rotation without centering?
I do not think one button is a clever step.
Where i have to put the theme files?
Oki, understand. No more comments related to this button needed. I'll create a working updated version to the next app version.
Theme? Please specify, not sure I understand.
Where do I have to copy the OSM render themes to use them with the alpha version?
There is no possibility to completely hide the zoom buttons.
The menu always remains displayed. For me it is enough to pull the menu from the left.
Top bar makes no sense. I would like to hide them. Fade in only when needed. You can also expand the right bar at the top when it is full.
Map Screen Content button > Auxiliary Graphics > Coordinates Grid gives a pop up apparently for Map Shading that does nothing useful and has to be dismissed by tapping its X.
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
>Fewer configuration options? Do not understand
you are correct sorry, was my incorrect 1st impression
>very important control buttons are too far away (whole top panel, main menu)
I previously had *less* important buttons on top panel - more for visual status (color of the button) than needing to tap - GPS, track recording, POI alert, live tracking
the only change has been to swap top for bottom buttons - so why not just make top AND bottom buttons *all* configurable?
>Zoom buttons are "close"... it's the same as in the current version versus distance to bottom system navigation panel
not sure I understand - zoom buttons are now further away from bottom of screen, and easier to tap another button by mistake
> Not sure if will be to be true as it will contain some unique features not available on any other place in the app
so why not allow those unique features to be configurable/ displayable from the main menu or as function panel buttons for those that want them? so also nicely integrated with presets
you could have the zoom buttons an options for function panel buttons so they are right at the bottom of screen like current pro/ beta, or any place the user decides, and allow hiding of current zoom buttons
>By the poll I made, most of people wants to keep it and add some more customization options
I can't recall - did the poll ask what option is most important to a user for top panel? just curious
3 people incl. me on this topic page want to hide the top bar/ panel; that doesn't seem like most want to keep it
>Allow to add more than 8 user def. main menu entries
the main menu could serve same purpose as the Quick Actions menu button; the Quick Actions button becomes a bit redundant
can someone please explain how the new single map center button replaces the functionality of the previous two map center/ rotates buttons? I like the concept, just don't yet understand how it works; tried double & long taps but not obvious; maybe lack of compass didn't help either
Quote from: menion on December 22, 2019, 13:35:35
nope, sorry. The inner rendering system was rewritten half year ago, but still uses a combination of hardware (for maps) and software (for visible points/tracks) rendering.
Ok... will keep my fingers crossed for Locus 5 then. Maybe we can handle more than 10 tracks gracefully in 2025 :-).
How do I activate the zoom lock now?
When starting locus the +-zoom buttons are visible on map although the zoom control switch is off.
During locus operation the switch works
Quote from: menion on December 22, 2019, 11:50:28If you mean "Show view", this is as well as "magnifier" in Map-screen content > Auxiliary graphics settings
I came here to ask, where did the
magnifier go? Now I know. But I only use it for a few seconds at a time, then turn it off. Hopefully there'll be a way to anchor a magnifier button in a panel, like there exists in Pro now. (Couldn't find a way in 4 Alpha today.) I'll never use the magnifier if it's buried three taps deep.
Also, I really really would like to continue using centered zoom buttons.
Is this new UI aimed at newbies, or will existing users have to adapt as well? I've read somewhere, a significant UI change needs to be noticeably better - some percentage was mentioned - to convince people to switch. At the moment, I see more things that worry me, than things that please me.
PS, Pro is almost perfect now!
@Saturothis Alpha use the same directory as Locus Map Free/Pro, there is no difference.
@freischneider- hiding of the zoom buttons: map-screen content > Panels & buttons
- always visible menu: you mean the button in the bottom left corner? Correct, it will be visible always without an option to hide it. The left menu will be removed (it is still there, I know)
@john_percyah thanks. My testing feature, but because "Grid" is still not yet fully working > removed, thanks.
@Andrew Heard- top panel is really planned only for status messages. The problem with more and more devices is it's height and top part of the screen simply going to be unreachable with average finger length. So no, sorry, no customizable functions in the top panel.
- zoom buttons: as I wrote before, it needs some field testing. I was already a few times on the bike and seems not to be a problem, but more tests needed.
- zoom buttons as "functions": this idea was here some time ago and I cannot say I'm 100% against, but I still hope, it won't be needed :). Problem is that zoom buttons should look like same and work the same on all screens and with this approach, it won't be true (route planner, editor, various screens with map....)
- configuration of the top panel: no, I just needed to know if there is interest in the existing top panel or not.
- main menu & Quick actions menu: agree
- center & rotate button: I've spent a big part of yesterday on this with the hope it may really be covered by a single button ... but it can't. So please wait on the next alpha.
@joelocQuote from: joeloc on December 23, 2019, 15:37:15
Ok... will keep my fingers crossed for Locus 5 then. Maybe we can handle more than 10 tracks gracefully in 2025 :-).
Keep them. Till then, I hope I'll finally receive (in some of your posts) promised bike for some real biking ;).
@Žajdlík Joseffinally someone :). I started to worry that really no-body use this feature. Well, it is removed in LM4. It belongs to the most problematic features that the app has and with a new map core that does autoscale for raster maps, I believe it is no longer necessary.
@balloni55ah, thanks, fixes!
@Viajero Perdidowell, it is one more tap and together with show view, removed two very rarely used features from the main screen = so a win for me. Anyway, we may discuss some configuration here. One possible, and already for some time wanted option, is to place these on/off actions directly into functions panel.
This UI design will be used in LM4 without the option to switch to the layout used in the current Locus Map Pro. We have time till half of 2020 to make it perfect ;). (it is our deadline for LM4 release).
And "Pro is almost perfect now": well, sure. We all use it for many years and once people get used to something, it is always easier to use. I personally have to find the best compromise for all users & attract new users and the current layout is simply too complicated & too outdated for modern devices. We see it daily on our support web ...
Quote from: menion on December 24, 2019, 09:30:31
- hiding of the zoom buttons: map-screen content > Panels & buttons
@menion - very minor I know...
Map-screen content > Panels & buttons > Zoom control
existsbut main menu > Settings > Controlling > Panels & buttons > Zoom control
not displayed
Quote from: menion on December 24, 2019, 09:30:31
this Alpha use the same directory as Locus Map Free/Pro, there is no difference.
Then i have to report that i could not see/choose an other map theme than general.
Quote from: 0709 on December 19, 2019, 20:12:00
regards issue with hiding of panels, please check app settings > Panels & buttons, there is option "Panels and screen orientation".
Aha. Tnks for info.
Sorry, my misunderstanding of the description text?
I wrongly expected this was only to prevent automatic hiding by timeout.
Descriptions in the menu text:
- Hide (top/bottom/right) panel when inactive. Double tap on the map to display it.
- Panels and screen orientation. Both or Landscape or Portrait.
Panel hiding by timeout = When inactive. No ? (Double tap = active)
Hi Willy,
there is not "panels hiding by timeout" but just "panels hiding timeout". So just the setting of the time for which the panels are visible before disappearing. Nevertheless, I slightly have rewritten the text before so that it is a bit more understandable.
It's not easy to rearrange the buttons in the new main menu. To swap positions of two buttons, I have to reassign button A to a dummy value, assign button B to the previous value of button A, assign button A to the previous value of button B.
How about a drag and drop functionality? Or at least a long press functionality?
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
1 the side panel width and the bottom panel height is too large and covers too much map.
Suggestion, if the panels should be displayed permanently, they should be narrow, if the panels are displayed temporarily, they can be displayed larger.
2 with shifted map center the zoom buttons cover the previous route
3 when track record is on, the buttons overlap
merry christmas to all
Quote from Menion: ..."And "Pro is almost perfect now": well, sure. We all use it for many years and once people get used to something, it is always easier to use. I personally have to find the best compromise for all users & attract new users and the current layout is simply too complicated & too outdated for modern devices. We see it daily on our support web ... "...
As a long time user, I forgot how a new and virgin install of Locus looks like. But in the old days when everybody had to learn how to handle (car) navi's, most started up in a "basic" setting. And maybe after a week or a month some of us found out about an "advanced" setting and discovered more and more possibilities.
I believe that for new users, Locus should deliver a basic start with a nearly clean screen and a nearly empty menu with at the bottom of that menu the choice to go "advanced" . And then supply all the possibilities that make up the present Locus Pro.
That "split-up" in basic and advanced should be based upon most used features offcourse.
Which I believe still is following a track (visible in OSM maps or an imported one), by looking at it on the screen or with guiding activated.
My "noob" wife hikes alone in Europe for days with just that. She manages to import a gps track found in the internet. She can set an intermediate point, she takes photo's from within Locus and we sometimes use buddy tracking. All through the right side panel configured by me.
She tried street bike navigation ( I did the Brouter setup) but she switched to Gmaps after she got a data plan.
So, in my opinion, everything related to themes, recording, navigation, route-planning and sports-tracking should be invisible for a newby. Off course you have much more insight in most used features (by newbies).
Sorry, it's a bit af a rant, but we love Locus and the team does an amazing job and the poll did not ask all the questions. And let's start with a sound on/off button in the right side panel for newbies. :) That will save us one click when we are straying on purpose.
@Andrew Heard
thanks, I know. My idea is to remove settings tightly related to the main screen from the "Settings" screen and put them directly into "Map-screen content" only. They will be on an easily accessible place compare to the current settings system.
and it all works correctly in the current Pro version? What about the selected map, do you have selected the same map as in your stable version?
I was just thinking about the same today. Drag & drop in the main menu > added to "todo" list. I just first have to get rid of "More functions" button. Thanks
1. Its width was increased by 25% from the original 48dp to the new 56dp. Reasons are two:
a) you may notice that all other panels (mainly top toolbars) are for a long time 56dp (even in stable version). It is based on recommendations for mobile apps. So ... use recommendations.
b) I personally even with my quite slim fingers, from time to time incorrect tap on buttons in function panels, so I believe that this increase in width will be a benefit for easier usage.
2. Interesting problem. It is even a little more visible in your case because you use some center icon that is not centered as default app icon. Suggestion?
3. Yes, I know about this. Still not sure how to deal with this if best will be to completely remove this green button (preferred) or just shift it a little higher.
@Henk van der Spek
I believe that the current UI in Free/Pro is for new users as simple as it was possible to do. It may be even more, but it should affect current users, which I do not want to do. LM4 gives me a nice chance to create it completely new, even simpler and hopefully even more customizable ;) (in the end). So exactly as you wrote: "nearly clean screen and nearly empty menu".
And the switch to "advanced mode", well ... hope this won't be necessary. Because in the end, such split only increases complexity. Such settings itself can't clearly define what is included in "basic" and what in "advanced" mode and this is a problem.
Quote from: menion on December 24, 2019, 09:30:31
@Žajdlík Josef
finally someone :). I started to worry that really no-body use this feature. Well, it is removed in LM4. It belongs to the most problematic features that the app has and with a new map core that does autoscale for raster maps, I believe it is no longer necessary.
I feel sorry for you. I consider this function for cycling to be one of the best in Locus. It's great when I can see a clear map with a single click and then quickly return to the route detail. I have to hope that version 3.x will work for a long time.
Hmm ... why exactly are you using this function? Raster maps should be perfectly readable on all devices without this function or without "Magnify all maps" settings. Isn't a lot better just tap zoom in and later zoom out back to the previous?
Quote from: menion
and it all works correctly in the current Pro version? What about the selected map, do you have selected the same map as in your stable version?
Same map as in Pro Version. Extern themes are not shown.
Furthermore i can not see the selected icons in the top panel.
Quote from: menion on December 24, 2019, 20:29:11
Hmm ... why exactly are you using this function? Raster maps should be perfectly readable on all devices without this function or without "Magnify all maps" settings. Isn't a lot better just tap zoom in and later zoom out back to the previous?
I use zoom lock on vector maps. Typical situation. I am leading a group of cyclists on unknown roads, the route is highlighted on the map. There will be a long descent down the hill and I know it will be turning somewhere. Because of the high speed I need to scale as easily as possible and see how far the turn is. Then quickly switch back to the detailed view so as not to confuse the turn with another. Wouldn't you be able to leave the zoom lock in the sidebar as an option? Apparently not many people use it, but it is very practical.
Quote from: menion on December 24, 2019, 19:09:09
b) I personally even with my quite slim fingers, from time to time incorrect tap on buttons in function panels, so I believe that this increase in width will be a benefit for easier usage.
@menion - also remember/ please don't remove the functionality of config.cfg dev_gui_main_rescale_value setting. Maybe migrate into expert settings. It allows function panel buttons to be increased in size for this purpose.
Also, more importantly, merry Christmas & happy new year to Menion & all the incredibly hard working Locus team, and wishing you all great success in 2020.
How to change the overlapping of the two icons on the left side down Rec and maps?
Quote from: menion on December 24, 2019, 09:30:31
- hiding of the zoom buttons: map-screen content > Panels & buttons
- always visible menu: you mean the button in the bottom left corner? Correct, it will be visible always without an option to hide it. The left menu will be removed (it is still there, I know)
I have turned the switch off. But the zoom buttons were still there. Then on again, restarted and then off and on again. Then they were gone.
Yes i mean the buton in the left corener.
The content of the menu is better than before. Now there are 2 more in it. Switching (everything in the menu) is also good.
The map-screen content button is also very good. Everything you need is in it. Now I need less in the sidebar.
Quote from: tramp20 on December 25, 2019, 11:35:55
How to change the overlapping of the two icons on the left side down Rec and maps?
That was already written by balloni55. Menion has already responded here.
I am in favor of placing the button a little higher up. Possibly only as a red dot (without rec.) Then it becomes narrower and less hides the map
I do not know how to help here. You have to use some custom setup for vector maps directory.
And "i can not see the selected icons in the top panel" > do not understand as well, sorry. Some screenshot or better description of what you miss needed.
@Žajdlík Josef
ah so you use it not to see map in bigger detail, but to zoom out a step to 50% of map scale?? Even in case of vector maps, why not simply zoom out by single tam and then zoom in again?
@Andrew Heard
"dev_gui_main_rescale_value" is parameter I found during rework as a very nice troublemaker :). Currently, it may not work and we may discuss later if this will really be needed (hope not).
And thanks for the wish ;), it will be needed next year. Hope I'll meet all of you (at least) here on the forum next year as well as it's a very pleasant experience :)
The problem with zoom buttons will be fixed in the next Alpha version. And thanks for confirmation of the usefulness of the map-screen content menu.
Quote from: menion on December 26, 2019, 08:23:16
@Žajdlík Josef
ah so you use it not to see map in bigger detail, but to zoom out a step to 50% of map scale?? Even in case of vector maps, why not simply zoom out by single tam and then zoom in again?
Because the autozoom returns the scale back after a short while. I actually use the zoom lock to turn off the autozoom function for a short time. For example, at a speed of over 30 km / h, the autozoom shows a map at 1000 m. Most of the time it suits me, but if it is necessary to turn somewhere, it is difficult to find a turn at this scale. So I use a zoom lock to temporarily lock the scale at 100 m. And just one click is enough, when going downhill on a heavy bike, it is very important.
I didn't follow the whole discussion. As for the bhttons and toolbars, I'm all for maximum flexibility, ie every function can be everywhere. A good default setup for newbies, a good UI for configuration, maybe Ui presets. just my preference.
I agree, stable version is in a good shape, quite perfect.
My one concern over the increasing complexity of what can be done with and to Locus is simply that it presents a large raft of perplexing options to any new user.
I think you need an initial simple interface, and as @tapio says, maybe some ui presets.
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
The top panel ist completely missing. Only the title is shown.
Okay, after new installation i found out two things.
Renderthemes are now shown correctly.
The top bar is shown at the bottom.
Hey what about allowing to share the user defined UI buttons? As easy as possible, maybe via copy/paste of a string? As far as I can see every possible button/function needs a distinct number, hex 00 to ff is maybe enough,or ffff to be safe. Or better use more characters than hex in order to make string smaller.
We have 4 areas afaics (main menu, top, right, bottom toolbar) where user defined functions just start from some index 0..n
Just to think about, I love those shareable preset systems via a simple string. Which you can easily distribute. E. g., The Long Dark, a computer game, has it.
See what I mean? So whole UI settings could be shared with a string like 72mjJNUMJzCawEWoWqLaDoI3NPub4t9NHKnh2xGt
Especially good for helping friends and new users.
second alpha version with various UI/UX improvements that should solve most of the problems we discuss here. The main difference you may notice is hidden top panel & zoom buttons. It may be re-enabled over map-screen content settings.
Please just keep in mind, that what I try to achieve here with your help, is basic universal settings suitable for most of the users. Because you use the app for so long, you have specific needs, that I'm sure we will solve soon or later as well ;).
Known problems to solve (not yet always sure how or "if")
Too much icons in bottom panel (functions below centering button)Missing "Scale lock" featureConfigurable number of items in main menu- Configurable position of zoom buttons
Download here (
And some answers ...
@Žajdlík Josef
Understand. Partially may help better autozoom feature that will be able to zoom even closer in case, you are coming to any turn (planned).
Anyway, understand your use-case. I'll have to think about it ...
Is it really so useful? Share it as the simple text may be quite complicated as it's not just about the single number, but also about possible "picked" app from the system. Anyway, it is a doable request (maybe rather over a small shared file), but still ... isn't it better to share preset with a setup that may be easily restored or even basic "Backup of settings" that set all necessary to your friends?
And again ... for most users, I really need to set app defaults to most useful setup. So such sharing of bunch of settings should really made sense only for a friends where you known exact needs they have.
Quote from: menion on December 26, 2019, 21:20:07
Please just keep in mind, that what I try to achieve here with your help, is basic universal settings suitable for most of the users.
@menion - if I perform main menu > Settings > Miscellaneous > Reset preferences - will this affect my Pro settings too? It would save me doing a Backup/ Restore. For Locus4 testing I should be using default settings rather than my current Pro settings.
Off topic sorry (slack), but when I do a Back Up All from Locus Pro 3.42.0 to non-existent folder because I renamed the folder, there is no error message, just immediate return to screen. The Miscellaneous > Default Directories screen used to display invalid directories in red, but now there is no indication.
If you used Free/Beta version before, the best is to simply uninstall it and install from APK again.
"Reset of preferences" should partially affect Pro version as well, so rather not do it (without a backup).
And thanks for the info about missing warning, I'll check it.
Thank you Menione. If I may ask, don't exclude features that aren't working 100% out of the app. Often these are the features that make Locus unique and differentiate it from many apps on Google Play. I suggest moving these functions to a separate "experimental" menu, where experienced users will be able to activate them knowing they may not be completely reliable. Thank you.
For me, with top, bottom and right panels set to disappear after 10 seconds, the top panel never appears, the bottom and right panels never disappear.
Setting the panels to never disappear, the top panel never appears, the bottom and right panels never disappear. Exactly the same.
Edit: ok, I've found there are two sets of settings for this. The new one in the new map content menu, the old one in Settings: Controlling: Panels and they clearly don't work together.
Oops - I reset preferences already. Do you recall which Pro settings are shared? I also did a backup just in case.
It was good that I reset preferences because the view is quite different to what I was commenting on.
I like the new control of top/ right/ bottom/ zoom visibility.
What does Map-screen content > Aux graphics > Show view do? Other settings in this panel (except magnifier) has explanatory text except Show view.
The only way I can find to toggle the magnifier is with Map-screen content > Aux graphics > Show magnifier. At least add main menu > Settings > Controlling > Panels & buttons > Set function panels > magnifier?
I notice the main screen has an accuracy circle around the current position by default, or maybe only after experimenting with the magnifier. Seems to be visible sometimes, or not.
main menu sometimes auto hides itself even while I am actively tapping.
main screen compass - sometimes not displayed in center of the white circle. Can't reproduce. Sometimes main screen not rotated even while compass is displayed; compass also stuck, but GPS > Compass rotates OK. Sometimes the main screen rotates smoothly, really nice, other times it is stuck or really slow/ jerky. I have no other app running in background/ no problem with Pro.
When track recording (Pro too) one of the two REC buttons is redundant.
main menu drag & drop > long tap - selected > drag > nothing happens. Eg LoPoints drag towards bottom left. Not until while still dragging back to top right does anything happen. And then after release, the Change screen is displayed instead. It appears this behavior only affects the two buttons on right. If dragging should the Change screen be displayed? I would think either drag OR change, but not both.
Hold map center not working - enabled > drag map > wait more than 5s > map not moved back. Lock icon on this button not always displayed correctly.
With the current functionality of the current location and rotate map buttons, I think they could be combined into one. As far as I can see, once the compass appears it doesn't matter which of the two I tap, the same thing happens.
So, you could have a hollow circle, a circle with a central point, a compass with a central point, a compass with a central hollow circle and cover the for possibilities of undefined location, North up / current location, North up / current location, current direction / undefined location, different direction.
The fourth possibility might perhaps be better as undefined location, current direction. Because if I have map set to current position, current direction and change the zoom by using two fingers, I invariable shift the centre of the map slightly off the current location and lose the map's free rotation to the current direction.
Edit: I now realise that as I had turned off manual panning and rotating while zooming I was missing some combinations of states that having two buttons addresses. Nonetheless, with my settings, two buttons seem ungainly.
Do I have to reset settings? In the options, Locus writes "top bar" and means the bottom one. I already mentioned "inverse order" - , the top entry of the side bar is the bottom entry in the toolbar configuration screen. It is in inverse order.
So either I am not flexible enough in my thinking or it looks different for all of you.
ps didn't find where to increase # of main menu entries.
@Žajdlík Josef
Except for this "scale view", I'm currently not removing any features. Understand that some features make the app unique, on the second side, the same features may complicate life to lot of new users, so it's not so easy to decide. Mainly in case of this function, that needs to have a special button on the screen.
yes, sorry, have to remove settings > controlling section.
About center & rotate: I spend on this many hours trying to find out a useful solution, but I'm really not able to find out a solution for a single button. Mainly because in Locus Map is not only a center & rotate, but also a combination of center & hold center & rotate, which complicates this a lot. With a single button you often and in a situation that you are not centered, but rotation is still enabled so you have to firstly center to disable rotation, which is crazy.
Anyway, I'll gladly listen for suggestions if you have any idea how to do it better. I'm also partially inspired by Android Google Maps if this info helps.
@Andrew Heard
ah sorry, I'm checking code and "Reset of preferences" should really only reset private app settings so no influence to Pro version should happen.
"Show view" ... display the cone of where you are currently watching (pointing with your device). To enable it, enable GPS and you should see it right around your current GPS location.
Magnifier: as I wrote to John. My idea is to put settings tightly related to the main screen and content on the map, closer to map screen and "Map screen content" is ideal I believe. If there won't be any serious complains, I'll then remove this old setting> Controlling section.
"Accuracy circle", yes it's enabled by default. And sometimes not visible? Try to zoom in, maybe you have a really precise location :).
Problems with map screen compass ... have not noticed yet, but thanks, I'll be watching it.
Drag & drop in the main menu ... starting drag causes some problems on my device as well, not sure why. Anyway drag it little more up & down and it will then work. Drop on the same place where you started to display "Change" dialog.
Hold map center ... maybe you have your own defined timeout in config.cfg higher than 5 seconds? Anyway if hold map center is enabled, once you move with the map, the centering button should still have the black dot in the center.
Please use settings in the "Map-screen content" to set panels, not the one in the app settings.
The number of entries in the menu > I did not write this is implemented.
Quote from: menion on December 27, 2019, 09:02:15
"Show view" ... display the cone of where you are currently watching (pointing with your device). To enable it, enable GPS and you should see it right around your current GPS location.
maybe there is a northern/ southern hemisphere bug - this cone is roughly 180 degrees from what I would expect
Quote from: menion on December 27, 2019, 09:02:15
Magnifier: as I wrote to John. My idea is to put settings tightly related to the main screen and content on the map, closer to map screen and "Map screen content" is ideal I believe.
far from ideal - with LocusPro I toggle the magnifier with a single tap; with Locus4 the sequence is Map-screen content > Aux graphics > drag > Magnifier: toggle > back > back - that's 6 taps compared to 1! Each of these tightly related settings/ functions needs an option in the function panels if the user wants more efficient access.
Quote from: menion on December 27, 2019, 09:02:15
"Accuracy circle", yes it's enabled by default. And sometimes not visible?
sorry - my confusion - I never use this feature. Do you think a new user really wants to see the Accuracy circle by default?
Quote from: menion on December 27, 2019, 09:02:15
Drag & drop in the main menu ... starting drag causes some problems on my device as well, not sure why. Anyway drag it little more up & down and it will then work. Drop on the same place where you started to display "Change" dialog.
the drag & drop definitely needs some more polish. I had another experience where "info" popup would be displayed after main menu button long tap instead of allowing drag or change dialog.
Quote from: menion on December 27, 2019, 09:02:15
Hold map center ... maybe you have your own defined timeout in config.cfg higher than 5 seconds?
no, using default 5s timeout. There is a bug here. Sometimes black dot not refreshed when map hold is set from button long tap > toggle.
- assume hold map center enabled & map centered - button (what do we call this button?) contains black dot & lock
- long tap map center button > uncheck
- button still displays lock until map is dragged
- shouldn't the lock be hidden immediately when disabled?
- same applies for reverse - map centered, hold map center disabled, long tap, enable, but lock is not displayed until map is dragged
Quote from: menion on December 27, 2019, 09:02:15
Please use settings in the "Map-screen content" to set panels, not the one in the app settings.
The number of entries in the menu > I did not write this is implemented.
We should not use the settings in the "Map Settings". It is habitual for many and they often forget.
Tip: Remove the settings in the "Map Settings" completely. Or make it temporarily black or grayed out and only remove it later in the final version.
Quote from: menion on December 27, 2019, 09:02:15
yes, sorry, have to remove settings > controlling section.
About center & rotate: I spend on this many hours trying to find out a useful solution, but I'm really not able to find out a solution for a single button. Mainly because in Locus Map is not only a center & rotate, but also a combination of center & hold center & rotate, which complicates this a lot. With a single button you often and in a situation that you are not centered, but rotation is still enabled so you have to firstly center to disable rotation, which is crazy.
Anyway, I'll gladly listen for suggestions if you have any idea how to do it better. I'm also partially inspired by Android Google Maps if this info helps.
My tip: function as it is.
+ Compass needle in the circle.
+ Double click turns turning on / double click turns turning off.
when I click Menu in the lower left corner, I have the new menu.
If I drag the menu from the left edge, I have the old menu.
Quote from: freischneider on December 27, 2019, 11:13:05
My tip: function as it is.
+ Compass needle in the circle.
+ Double click turns turning on / double click turns turning off.
Or long tap? Which seems more consistent with the way Locus hides its goodies.
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
a long click is already used to activate the lock.
Quote from: freischneider on December 27, 2019, 12:26:36
a long click is already used to activate the lock.
Well I didn't know that!
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
display "map compass" inside/on top the "rotate/center button" no extra button needed,
if extra button is displayed, display it top left as before. How can i display the degree value??
There is no smal "L" icon visible if locus is running, only GPS icon.
please remove duplicate settings only one of which works >:(
@Andrew Heard
"show view" > interesting. Same problem in Pro version? If so, this bug must be in the app for many many years ... and compass is ok? Weird.
"magnifier" > understand. Same problem as with "Scale lock" and "Show view" functions. All were in the bottom panel, useful for a tiny part of users, but ... when needed ... available right under fingers.
"Accuracy circle" > do not know if new users really want it. I'm just expecting this based on the fact that even in mega-simple Google Maps, this is also enabled by default (not sure if even possible to disable).
"Main menu & drag and drop" > yet is needs some extra work. Seems to be some Android problem, so it will be hard ...
"Hold map center" > works for me ok, anyway problem with "lock" system is same on my device as well, I'll fix it, thanks.
@freischneider, @balloni55
I'm just working on this "settings" problem, so in the next version. Sorry for the extra work on your side, I should make it correctly since begin.
"Double-tap on the center button" > I think that double-tap is even more hidden then long click :). I really think that most expected behavior will be something similar to Google Maps that use most of the people (sure not here on the forum, but globally yes).
Quote from Menion: "Accuracy circle" > do not know if new users really want it. I'm just expecting this based on the fact that even in mega-simple Google Maps, this is also enabled by default (not sure if even possible to disable)."
I see showview in Gmaps upon startup and after extreme zoom-in an accuracy circle.
They both disappear when I start navigating to a destination. So useless.
And even Locus showview is bad. Our guiding line is so much better.
And about new users: get 10 (outdoor interested) of them of different ages in a room, give them Locus on a phone and watch while asking questions and giving tasks. Should be interesting.
"Configurable number of items in main menu" what is it then?
Also, see attachment. Contents of screenshots are in reverse order. I use map screen content.
QuoteAnd about new users: get 10 (outdoor interested) of them of different ages in a room, give them Locus on a phone and watch while asking questions and giving tasks. Should be interesting.
Yes, interesting indeed, and, far from being ironic, get 100 men and 100 women, you'll get a total differnt view on this discussion too. As I see, while reading the posts in this thread, I only listen to men :-) It typical, but bad too.
I'm using LM since 2 years, and all this time, I'd tried to interest my wife into using the app while cycling and hiking together. Nowadays she's using, but in a very reduced kind of. The main argument against using it, was,
it's to complecated, it's not intuitiv.So, menion's intention, to use some ideas of googlemaps, in my opinion, is a good strategy, to reach a further giant group of potential user, which like a clean and simple to use app at start. I believe, this would be good, to reach a big couple of people, which aren't digital natives. Simple and clear.
I like the possibility, un/hiding features by doubleclick, but looking on a clean map with two buttons at startup, one like the main round button in V4, one for start/stop/beak-rec, is my main goal.
This, for me, rules for the main tasks using locusmap and solves 90% of it. May featuring a submenu by long-click.
Hope, nobody feels offended of this thoughts / ideas. And for now, good luck to the programmers and the users of locusmap4 in 2020, I'll stay curious.
P.S. because of poor english knowledge, I'd used deepl ;-) Please be patient.
Many users, - relatives - including my wife, only use what they see directly.
E. g. if there is a core functionality inside a menu, submenu or wherever, they never use it or know about the existence of it.
Have already experienced it. In an ebook reader, they may never change font. Never change a wordwrap setting. My wife even never changed the ipads brightness.
If they turn wifi off, "internet is broken since a couple of days". Quote of my father-in-law.
I'm usually rather speechless. I think it is quite common that nobody looks what an app/the os is capable of.
imo the worst case user == average case user.
It takes me forever to realize, something different might happen if I long-press something. I guess to me, it's not "discoverable".
Maybe that's because I grew up with computers, where there's no concept of a long-click. Maybe young people automatically try long-press, I don't know. Maybe you need "Tip: long-press things to make options appear. [Got it]"
BTW, I once had a headlamp that had 15 or 20 functions, all controlled with a single button. Want the x mode? Click three times fast, not three times slowly. Needed the instruction sheet. I hated it, got rid of it. (But, I only ever wanted a 2-function headlamp, whereas I'm willing to learn the 101-function map app I have now.)
@Henk van der Spek
we do usually 2x per year personal usability testing with 6-8 people. These tests anyway discover major problems. There is no time to test the usability of tiny features like "Show view".
in my post is also a header
"Known problems to solve (not yet always sure how or "if")"
And what is a problem with the screenshots? Order of items in function panels? They start from the main menu to right and then to the top along the right side.
thanks for the feedback and for understanding my goal :)
The most difficult thing for Menion will be to find the simplest insight, while preserving the possibilities typical of Locus. If Locus simplifies a lot, it gets into direct competition with Google Maps, and other applications. The development of these applications is based on large teams of people and applications are provided free of charge. If Locus is to be a paid application, it must not lose existing users and these are mostly technically-based users. Therefore, you will need to keep as much user-friendly settings as possible. Also, control logic should not change. The new look is nice, but perhaps irrelevant to me, I appreciate the application because of other things. But I understand that it is time to modernize the interface.
Quote from: menion on December 27, 2019, 19:13:19@tapio
And what is a problem with the screenshots? Order of items in function panels? They start from the main menu to right and then to the top along the right side.
Yes, and in the config screen they start from top to bottom. It's OK, I can live with it.
Quote from: tapio link=topic=6817.msg58067#msg58067
Yes, and in the config screen they start from top to bottom. It's OK, I can live with it.
I also find this very confusing. Why do you do things like that?
Quote from: tapio on December 27, 2019, 18:03:15
I'm usually rather speechless. I think it is quite common that nobody looks what an app/the os is capable of.
@tapio: You're right. But for such "normals" and for these friendly "nerds", discussing in this group, it should be a win, to get a comfortable using interface on the one side, and a high featured app on the other.
If I'd understood right, menion said, the extraordinary features won't be forgotten, the main application-lookout is the aim of the first discussion.
For me, it is diffucult, to remark a "red/common thread". I would like to get a clean map view, only added with a few (i.e.2) buttons for main features. The rest could stay in buttom/sidebars, or floating buttons (!), configurable and hideable.
Given that fact, it would be interesting to see the result of the voting from menion's earlier post.
Wow, this is great!
Used the Locus 4 alpha version today, and those are the things that came to my mind:
- GPS in Map center button. Crosshair is brown when searching for signal. Crosshair turns green if GPS is locked. Long tap brings options to hold map center, turn off gps, go to GPS/compass screen. Would make all the location functions/indication in one place and accessible.
- Integrate Map center button into Bottom panel (lower it), OR, even better, move it outside the panel and to the left/right (a la gmaps). Too much screen space is wasted now and is akward to use. Also when adding more than 4 icons to the bottom panel the fifth one appears outside the panel and under the location button, which is not nice.
- Slide up bottom pannel to access menu (similar to gmaps, app drawer in android). Intuitive. :)
- Right pannel realized in a way of small round floating buttons, the same as Map content button, with each function in its separate button. Would make the interface much more elegant, modular, light, tapable and consistent with the circular theme. Will add possibility to elegantly add functions to the left too, on top of the Map content button. Will add possibility to make each function a button with different states (on/off/color/etc), would be amazing for the track rec button, for example (make it red while rec).
- Make Map content button blue, it's a Locus design trade mark in a way :), looks nice and everyone is used to ıt (i guess).
- Opacity (opaque) slider for the Overlays layer directly on the main map screen. İndispensable when overlaying satellite maps, comparing different maps, or anything layer wise, really. Currently, when adjusting this setting the Map content and overlays menus are always in the way, so the map is not even visible.
- possibility to add a point directly from an address popup screen/menu (long tap on any place on the map).
I am really liking this design language so far! Will test more.
All the best to you Locus Dream Team
This whole complexity thing is unsolvable - in principle. Male/female - beginner/advanced - personal tastes - add some more aspects and you end up with 100s, or more.
Hence I agree with Menion and most others in this thread that offering an easy start setup, while preserving the power under the (first glance) cover.
Now, how to GET to the fancy features ?? Hierarchical menus are the traditional approach, but suck fundamentally, killing a beginner's experience and patience.
Hence, a prominent feature like "What do you want to do?" would help tremendously (just one more (floating?) button "?").
How to implement ? Full text search across embedded help, with many (!!) synonyms, stemming and alike. There should be "slim" approaches on github or sourceforge. No need for full Google power in an offline app for such purpose. Just list the first 10 or so hits based on some simple ranking. Pushing a list entry invokes the function. Where this is not possible because of missing context, information is given how to get there. Takes some thinking, but nearly squares the circle, I think.
Quote from: michaelbechtold on December 28, 2019, 11:43:51
This whole complexity thing is unsolvable - in principle.
how to GET to the fancy features ??
The concept of an android phone launcher works great, I feel. You have the basic desktop with essential functions like phone, messages, calculator, etc, which would be map, positioning, navigation and track recording in terms of Locus. And then you have the app drawer with all the bells and whistles, which is menu in Locus. If we think of functions as apps, which could be put on the desktop the way users need them or want them, then it becomes easier.
That is the power of locus for me - well thought out functions that I can easily make accessible from the map screen and then put under the hood everything I don't currently need.
One way to simplify the menu is to place functions as icons in the grid, as done in the new menu before you tap "more fuctions".
There also could be a short description of what each function does in the menu. On long tap, or under the icon and title.
"Did you know?" kind of notifications with function descriptions and smart tips while setting up tasks is another way to educate out of the basic use scenarios.
Search bar on top of the menu, where notification center is now, would be great for those who already know what to look for.
Drag and drop of functions directly from menu to the map screen would also make things more intuitive. Current panel management is ok, but not exactly straightforward.
I think your approach, luxcalor, and my proposal are not mutually exclusive, but rather could be combined.
Both support scenarios that the other one does not.
Quote from: michaelbechtold on December 28, 2019, 21:27:00
I think your approach, luxcalor, and my proposal are not mutually exclusive, but rather could be combined.
Both support scenarios that the other one does not.
Absolutely 👌
Quote from: menion on December 27, 2019, 14:07:51
"show view" > interesting. Same problem in Pro version? If so, this bug must be in the app for many many years ... and compass is ok? Weird.
@menion - where is this feature in Pro for my testing? I've never seen it before Locus4! Recall there was a northern/ southern hemisphere bug in search nearest points a year+ back I found.
Quote from: menion on December 27, 2019, 14:07:51
"magnifier" > understand. Same problem as with "Scale lock" and "Show view" functions. All were in the bottom panel, useful for a tiny part of users, but ... when needed ... available right under fingers.
exactly - no one is going to use a magnifier that takes 6 taps to toggle, so provide via Function Panel & Presets for those tiny # users to decide whether important to them - similar to discussion from the other people in this topic over the last few days.
PS. also suggest for each Locus4 release users are asked to reset their preferences so the behavior is what a new user would experience.
Hi guys,
nice discussion. I'll comment only important (from my point of view, sorry) points.
- coloring of centering button > I've already tried this, but the color was not perfectly visible, anyway I would like to color it somehow or I was tinking about small animation of icon ... you will see.
- slide up bottom panel > since Android 10(11), because of the new gesture system, every slide from sides or bottom became pain and not useful anymore, unfortunately.
- the right panel as small circle buttons > ah, no sorry :). My graphical feeling has big problem with this idea.
- blue "map content" button > I would like to stick with max. two background colors per screen. SIngle blue button won't look good.
- improved setup of map overlay > planned
This whole complexity thing is unsolvable > depends on what you consider as a solution. For me, best solution is compromise, nothing more. I also of course do not expect ultimate one-fit all solution :).
Anyway "ultimate" search over app features, settings etc ... really nice idea, I'll keep thinking about it, thanks!
@Andrew Heard
"Show view" should be under the rotate button at the bottom bar.
And reset > during the update to final LM4, I'll reset only necessary settings that affect changes we made, not all. It is not necessary to lost settings of all other screens I believe.
I think its difficult/impossible to find a satisfying start screen for all users.
Maybe for the first steps a single defined system can lead to believe this ... but after some usage its clear to have special requirements. And this have to be easy too.
Maybe you can start the map with a set of ready defined map views for different activities.
And for examble use top bar to swipe threw ...
Each activity could have a set of predefined settings.
If a biker/hiker/townsman/... can easily find his predefined view he can start very quick ... and even after some usage he doesn't need to jump into a huge customization system.
Second effort would be a fast and easy switch between activities ...
Quote from: menion on December 29, 2019, 09:03:01
- coloring of centering button > I've already tried this, but the color was not perfectly visible, anyway I would like to color it somehow or I was tinking about small animation of icon ... you will see.
I think the idea of coloring of centering button is good. Crosshairs are difficult to see. But you show a wide colored ring on the centering button. So you always have the GPS status in view and do not have to put it in the sidebar (save space).
Now all that is missing is access to the "GPS / Compass screen". A long tap brings up the selection, hold GPS. There could also be a button here for access "GPS / Compass screen"
Quote from: freischneider on December 29, 2019, 11:08:32
But you show a wide colored ring on the centering button. So you always have the GPS status in view and do not have to put it in the sidebar (save space).
Now all that is missing is access to the "GPS / Compass screen". A long tap brings up the selection, hold GPS. There could also be a button here for access "GPS / Compass screen"
This would be nice! 👍
Quote from: menion on December 29, 2019, 09:03:01
- the right panel as small circle buttons > ah, no sorry :). My graphical feeling has big problem with this idea.
The panel design is nice, but with this new interface it makes a lot of sense to have the panel at the left side. I tried alpha on a bigger screen and phone in my left hand - and yes, the placement of map center button starts to make sense, but the right panel is then difficult to reach. So, it seems, the panel on the side of menu and map center button plus option to mirror the interface for right handed use would make sense. It would also look aesthetically better that way, in my opinion.
Also the way the map center button drops and aligns with hamburger menu when the bottom panel gets hidden seems a bit akward. Bu that's me nitpicking. :)
The small glitch with fifth icon going under the map center button is still there even on bigger screen phone.
third alpha version. Base changes are described in the news after the app start.
I've added a new option to insert "Toggle settings" directly into the function panel. Every item has to be exactly specified and prepared in the code, so now it's only about missing "Magnifier" and "Scale lock".
I'm also sure that it will be similar like with presets ... everyone needs a different option in the function panel, otherwise, the app is useless :). Fine, I got it. So please, don't ask me to add this and this setting, I won't do it (at least not now). I made this to test usage of such option and also try to solve two missing functions that does not have its space in default easy-to-use layout. Thanks for understanding.
Known problems to solve (not yet always sure how or "if")
- Unreliable drag & drop in the main menu
- Configurable position of zoom buttons?
Download here (
- in the top bar i miss the option "title"
- the icon for SS SR is the "weather icon" (also in the PRO) ???
my settings of right panel "always on", top and bottom panel "autohide
- why must there be at least one function in the bottom panel?
- the right panel should automatically move up when the bottom panel appears.
- when sorting the function panel you can move functions above the "bottom panel headline" as well
- Auto Hide options are always grayed
-sorting function panel, restart locus > sorting is furthermore ok
- change to any preset and back to new sorted > old sorting is back
1. Notification center shows a red zero when there are no notifications. Better to show nothing.
2. "Notification center" looks as if it is the title of the main menu. Why not hide it completely if there are no notifications?
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
- why you miss the "title" option?
- and what is SS SR? :)
2. nice observation, thanks. Understand your attempt, only the right panel visible. Quite a correct use-case mainly because I believe that the main menu is not a lot more useful than before.
- limitation to one function in bottom panel removed
- move of the right panel >
- the problem in sorting (above label) > solved
- auto-hide option always grayed > do not understand, sorry
- added: option to set bottom panel also to "hidden", to have "RIght panel only" solution complete ;)
- ad EDIT: no matter what I do, I still see the same content of functions. Maybe you have defined own content for function panels?
Just today I was also looking on notification with "0", for the first time :). For now, updated, thanks.
In "set functions panels" the pipe character "|" should be black not red, not least because it can ready be read as a "1".
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
Quote from: menion on December 29, 2019, 21:53:22
- auto-hide option always grayed > do not understand, sorry
- added: option to set bottom panel also to "hidden", to have "RIght panel only" solution complete ;)
- balloni probably means that in Panels&Buttons screen at the bottom the auto-hide and time out options are greyed out and uneditable
- option to completely hide the right panel would be nice too
- it also seems to be more intuitive if the order of buttons for the right panel in the panels edit screen would be the same as it appears on the panel itself, not reversed.
with my low brightness, I never noticed this. All values in bracers that indicate current value, should be drawn in red. So generally the problem is not the vertical line, but images. Anyway, to make it more readable, let's try it with the black vertical line, thanks.
- ah you are correct. "auto-hide" values were checking if any panel is set to auto-hide, but were still checking old settings from public version. Fixed.
- completely hide the right panel, why? Maybe even hiding of bottom panel is not necessary and it should be done automatically in case, panel has no items attached.
- order of items > hmm, my imagination was that buttons "flow" from the main menu to the right and then up. Will have to think about it. You are not the first who mention this ...
Quote from: menion on December 29, 2019, 22:48:52
- completely hide the right panel, why? Maybe even hiding of bottom panel is not necessary.
- order of items > hmm, my imagination was that buttons "flow" from the main menu to the right and then up.
- it is useful to be able to hide the panel without removing everything from it. My example - when going on multiday kayak trips I use only top panel with essential functions on the water to keep the screen uncluttered, and then off kayak scouting new places I use functions from the side panel (adding points, notes etc). I have it in auto-hide now, but that would be great to hide it completely, and than unhide on location (to not clutter the screen on the water for multiple days). Same for the bottom panel now. İf the design stays like lt is now, I will probably use right panel as my main panel and bottom as auxiliary one.
- order of items - I've always saw the panels as separate entities. And it is definetely more convinient if the order is as it is on the actual panel. Also, in the panel edit screen the Bottom panel should probably be at the bottom :)
While track recording
- the green rec badge gets lost on the green background.
- bottom recording panel does not appear
1) Map rotation bug after magnifier enabled - compass rotates very smoothly on GPS/ Compass screen but main menu > More functions > Magnifier > back - now map is very jerky, unusable, like CPU being 100%. Still OK on GPS/ Compass screen. Disable magnifier, same issue for long time then fixed again. Also fixed on restart.
2) Function buttons on bottom panel are now tiny - attached. I reset preferences, and function buttons on bottom panel are now OK. PS. it seems related to Presets.
3) Show view - now tested (1st time) in Locus Pro - pointing 180 degrees wrong way, maybe because southern hemisphere? BTW another Pro bug here - assume Show View enabled > long tap Rotate/ Show View button > select Rotate map > back - but the Show View icon is still displayed on map screen until the function is disabled.
4) # main menu rows - not sure location in Map-screen content > Panels & buttons is best place for this setting. Is unrelated to panels or main screen buttons. BTW I have set to 5 but why even limit to 5 rows? Maybe drag & drop is going to be even worse to code?
I like allowing the Magnifier & Scale lock as function panel buttons. Integrates with Presets too. Now if you allow Zoom in & out buttons by exact same mechanism as function panel buttons, then we have full range of options for new, old & fussy users. Are there other buttons that can be handled in same way?
It appears all functions in main menu > More functions list can be added to the map screen, but at least some of those functions in the main menu can't. Maybe add all main menu functions to the function list so can access "..." menu > More info & Add menu items?
When using the "main menu" - or whatever we call it...
Some functions (eg altitude manager, live chat) on exit return to the main menu,
Some finish the main menu as well.
- for hiding the right panel exists "Presets", so suggest to use them to modify the style of the main screen. Later, once the style of the main screen will be +- confirmed, I'll add settings regards hiding of panels to Presets as well.
- green badge > it's future is not yet confirmed, but most probably it will be removed. Anyway, the current style is used in LM Pro for years and I believe this is a well-tested style.
- bottom recording panel does not (and will not) exists in LM4
@Andrew Heard
1) sure, magnifier cause map to be draw twice, so it require 2x CPU to draw map ... it may be slow with more content or slower devices.
2) interesting íssue I never noticed.
3) just to be sure ... where is pointing red part of arrow?
4) I'm also not sure it's the best place, current no better come to my mind. And limit to 5 ... just my expectation that more is not needed.
There is a lot more functions that may be added to the main menu and mainly to function panels, that are not visible in menu > more. It is because most of them are some kind of advanced features or they are simply a shortcuts that make sense only in function panels.
thanks, I have to unite this system in the end. It is currently "attached" on the only main menu system.
Quote from: menion on December 30, 2019, 08:14:37
- for hiding the right panel exists "Presets", so suggest to use them to modify the style of the main screen.
Hmmm, like Lux I also think it would be logical and flexible to just let the user fully hide each panel he wishes. Why should there be exceptions?
The only "problem" I see is, if all are set to hidden, double tap will do nothing.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on December 30, 2019, 06:50:30
2) Function buttons on bottom panel are now tiny - attached. I reset preferences, and function buttons on bottom panel are now OK. PS. it seems related to Presets.
I also had the small symbols in the Pro this week. Top bar and side bar. After restart, everything was fine again.
Quote from: menion on December 30, 2019, 08:14:37
1) sure, magnifier cause map to be draw twice, so it require 2x CPU to draw map ... it may be slow with more content or slower devices.
@menion - no - not 2x CPU, its was going from nice to near unusable, but most important point - even
after magnifier is turned back off. PS. tested again right now (4 hours later) & working OK, so I can't explain.
It looks like map rotation only works when the GPS is enabled right? Should the compass be hidden or grayed out if GPS is off. It is a bit confusing when the compass is displayed but the map is not rotating.
Quote from: menion on December 30, 2019, 08:14:37
3) just to be sure ... where is pointing red part of arrow?
red arrow? that is just a map cursor & has nothing to do with the tiny icons in bottom panel which occur after I invoke a Preset. Attached is another screen cap as soon as Locus4 is run. Note the compass is right outside it's white circle background. Next time I restarted it was OK though.
I don't normally do this amount of Locus testing in months but is it my imagination - Locus4 seems more sensitive to satellites than Pro - in my testing Locus4 displays satellites while I'm seated inside house whereas Pro finds nothing.
For me, the mini icons appear in the bottom row if I chose to have five buttons in the bottom row but revert to normal size when I change to four buttons in the bottom row.
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
Permanently hidden bottom & right panel: sorry guys, but not. Both panels are made for quick access to features. The simple logic is: if the panel contains something, display it, if not, hide it. Hide it permanently? Only in rare cases like @luxcalor wrote for example. Anyway, these rare cases may be solved by Presets, so use them. On the second side, accidental hiding of panels causes us only trouble (on the support web) and may confuse users.
I'm also not sure about automatic hiding of empty bottom panel ... have to think about it more. Because as @tapio correctly wrote ... empty panel (automatically hidden) won't appear by double click ... and confused user may only ask "why?".
"Small buttons in the bottom" > got it, thanks John. It is indeed incorrectly wrote shrinking of buttons in case of insufficient space.
@Andrew Heard
it's correct. Map rotation works when GPS is on and the map is centered. I plan to improve the style of these two buttons, so will keep this issue in my mind, thanks. There is also a fact, that you may rotate map by two fingers, which little complicate life :).
GPS > major part of source code is shared between both versions (and will be), so all these technicals, like functions that take care about GPS, are identical.
Problem with "Show view": may you please just check settings > GPS & sensors > Orientation > Compatibility mode. If you change this, "Show view" still displays 180° difference? I just can't find any reason why this should not work on the south hemisphere :/.
Quote- why you miss the "title" option?
- and what is SS SR?
quick info about version, no long clicks menu/appinfo/appinfo...
and if i run Pro and Beta to compare functions it´s always clear which is used
SS> sunset SR> sunrise
Quote- the right panel should automatically move up when the bottom panel appears.
see screenshot
Quote- auto-hide option always grayed > do not understand, sorry
solved with answer #129 to luxcalor
Quotead EDIT: no matter what I do, I still see the same content of functions
that was my mistake again... and I'm sure many will make the same one ::)
preset settings have to be made via the edit function of each preset.
Here locus should show a warning message when the user tries to change or move the icons of the preset using the function panel
or you make it work this way ;)
QuoteI'm also not sure about automatic hiding of empty bottom panel
At least let this option be for those who don't want to use the bottom panel. :) Thanks
- ahh, SSSR, oki, thanks :)
- resize (cut bottom part after bottom panel appears) of side function panel > doesn't look so, but it's a quite complicated task. No simple solution so far.
- problem with function panel sorting: so you have a preset with predefined function panel so you lost your custom sorting after activation of this Preset, right? Then it's correct expected behavior.
Menion, idea. If no panel is left on double tap, ie all set to hidden, because user wishes so (flexibility is good 😊) or if user didn't know: in order to prevent support question and in order to help user you could display the window as attached. ie on no bar + double tap.
Any plans for the top bar? To me it would be much more interesting if it could host all functions plus the stuff it already displays. At least, it could be split, there's a wasted right half.
When displaying battery, the old 2 lines of text were a better layout if you have a notch like I have. The text didn't go into the notch area, but now it does. I have attached the old bar and how it worked well eg with my Mate 20 X notch.
Quote from: menion on December 30, 2019, 13:03:26
it's correct. Map rotation works when GPS is on and the map is centered. I plan to improve the style of these two buttons, so will keep this issue in my mind, thanks. There is also a fact, that you may rotate map by two fingers, which little complicate life :).
@menion - important qualifier - settings > GPS & sensors > Orientation > Compass
it appears default for this setting is Orientation via GPS? So map rotation doesn't work if standing still right? Would Auto be better as default setting? Otherwise confusing. Or as suggested before, if compass is ignored because of this above or any combination of settings, maybe compass is grayed out?
BTW two finger zoom would require me to cut 2nd finger tip off cycling glove, not preferred.
Quote from: menion on December 30, 2019, 13:03:26
Problem with "Show view": may you please just check settings > GPS & sensors > Orientation > Compatibility mode. If you change this, "Show view" still displays 180° difference?
thanks - fixed with Compatibility mode. Interesting. What are the tradeoffs using Compatibility mode? There must be some negative otherwise Compatibility mode would always be used.
New minor issue - from map screen > tap main menu > drag up as far as possible - always drag stops before Settings is displayed. Then require a 2nd drag to see Settings & bottom LOCUS MAP. Intentional? Confusing.
- thanks for the tip. If we decide to all hiding of all panels, display of settings, in this case, may be useful.
- top bar > I may guarantee that it won't be possible to add actions there, like before. The top panel will remain as a static panel with information. But the final design was not yet done. Notch areas are a problem that needs to be solved, agree.
@Andrew Heard
The default value for orientation source is "Auto-change", not GPS.
I mentioned two-finger rotate as a complication to display the current status. Because if you rotate manually, once you stop, the map does not rotate by compass but is still rotated.
Sensor compatibility mode > interesting. This mode uses the older technique to compute device orientation. It is slower and you may notice that map rotation is not so fluent, it is shaking a little. Not a big problem and because on some devices, non-compatible mode gave incorrect results, we left in the app this fallback option.
Scroll of bottom main menu > good point. Not sure how to solve it, but I'll try. Definitely not an intent.
Looking for a good solution to backup my current installation.
Quote from: menion on December 31, 2019, 08:22:00
The default value for orientation source is "Auto-change", not GPS.
@menion - strange - I had not changed this value but I had performed Reset Preferences more than once. So why would the setting be GPS not Auto-change? Still I make the point, if compass is ignored because of this setting, does it make sense to display the compass? Happy new year.
Without zoom buttons I cannot zoom with one finger. The zoom buttons above the map are not very nice. Why can't the zoom buttons be in the bottom bar as before? For me, this is a worsening improvement.
My setting: auto hide top and bottom panel
- if i double click on visible bottom panel, panels disapeare as expected :)
- if i double click on visible top panel two information windows open ???
Long click on zoom button gives zoom slider. Slide up: zoom in, zoom level increases.
One and a half taps and drag up: zoom out, zoom level decreases.
The different direction of zoom is counter intuitive.
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
is it possible to install next Alpha beside FREE/Beta?
nope, Locus Map Free, Locus Map Free (Beta) and Locus Map (Alpha) ... all are the same applications just with a few modifications. They cannot be installed at once.
There are still missing responses on some latest posts, sorry. I usually respond when I work on this stuff, and currently, I finish changes in the new 3.43 version, so expect some news here, next week. Thanks for understanding.
Hello Menion,
may I ask, when there will be a new Locus 4 Alpha Version.
I'm a user of Locus Pro and I appreciate it very much, that you are developing it further. But I'm excited about the implementation of Brouter in Locus 4. I would like to see the possibilities like in Brouter web (3 alternate Routes, safest routes, river routes etc.) .
Thank you very much for your hard work and this wonderful App.
Kind regards
Hello Jochen,
I'm for quite a long time working on a new detail screen for points, but within a few weeks, new Alpha will be published. Anyway, do not expect any improvements regards BRouter system. Improvements regards offline routing are planed on the March+.
Thank you for your answer, Menion. Good to hear, that we can hope to see Brouter integration in spring.
Version has expired today ... and changed to Free Version. :'(
Is there a new Alpha planned?
I use it on my tablet ... and to be honest I'm now so familiar ;) with this version that I really miss it.
Nice to read it Jonny :). I also have problems to work with recent public Free/Pro version now ;D
I spend an unfortunately unbelievable amount of time (more than a month) on creating united screen for points and I'm still not perfectly satisfied with it :(. Anyway, I'll try to close most of remaining problems and generate a new Alpha version hopefully during this week.
So let's move a little ;)
New Alpha version for testing.
Three major changes:
- I'm trying to unite work with points. So in this version is introduced new screen visible over the map and also everywhere in the app, that display detail of points. It should be fully working for all points except geocaches (here is currently an option to display old screen). The same system will be created for tracks, once we all will be satisfied with points :).
- Route planner: a new itinerary that displays a list of all shaping/via points with the option to reorder. Optionally in the RP settings is an option to enable chart for segments ;)
- Route planner: when using online GraphHopper, you now get an alternative route (if GH server think it exists). There is missing some more simple way to compare both routes, anyway, it's already well usable.
Feedback is of course welcome.
Version for download here (
Thanks menion! :) Interesting news in the route planner. I will test the next days. Here is a small color problem...
( (
Thanks erfi. The dark mode is currently not actively developed. I left it as a final step once all will be done in a basic "light" version.
The route planner itinerary panel looks great! I have noticed the calculated BRouter route sometimes has a strange extra parallel light purple route segment - see screen cap?
The new points panel looks good so far. No problems. Without doing an item-by-item with current points panel am not sure exactly what has changed though/ what new features to test.
Are you really using BRouter? This looks more like an alternative route that should be produced by online GraphHopper.
In the new point screen, should be no new features for now. The main point here is to remove floating labels where you need to click ... and wait and wait ... to get more info about the point/geocache. I made this screen a lot lighter (so faster to load) and mainly you see everything immediately on the map screen together with the whole bottom toolbar filled by functions.
Also, the edit screen for points is reworked to the new (technically better) system, so it should be faster and definitely more flexible for future improvements.
add new photo point > FC
add new point, "symbol&title" icon didnt change to related folder icon and no prefilled date
It's far from clear that Settings is to be found not be tapping More Functions (picture 1) but by sliding the pop up menu further up (picture 2). (
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
I just figured out two problems/strange behaviour in new version.
1. App crash when pressing the "Log" button while being in pop-up of geocache.
2. GPS turns on automatically every time the big button (center button) is pressed.
Very nice work for an Alpha
Testing "Map manager" and function "maps" have the identical icon
T: see screenshot
Route planner: change order shaping / via points, I like it very much. But leaving the menu is not easy. Long click and slide
When you hide the bottom bar, the following happens.
Image 1 The center button moves down. I like that. This leaves more space for the card above.
Image 2 The "3 line menu" moves upwards. I do not like that. This leaves less space for the card.
Some suggestions for the alpha version. I apologize for the Czech, I would not be able to handle such a long text in English.
1) Itinerář v plánovači tras. Moc hezká funkce. Co mi nesudí je nekonzistence ovládání. Itinerář spustím tlačítkem nahoře (červený kroužek) ale už ho nemohu stejným tlačítkem ukončit. Ukončení lze provést pouze stažením dolů, což se v Locusu moc nevyužívá.
2) Řazení bodů v itineráři. Je moc hezké, že má každý úsek svůj graf. Bylo by ale dobré, kdyby se grafy skryly při stisku přesouvacího tlačítka (zelený ovál). Body by se tak snadněji přesouvaly. Pokud je jich totiž na trati více, je seznam s grafy docela dlouhý.
3) Nad grafy v itineráři je symbol kola s názvem routovacho profilu. Ten ale nekoresponduje s názvem, který jsem si uživatelsky přestavil. Například mě se tam zobrazuje "krátká", ale název mám uživatelsky přepsaný na "kolo 3v4" a používám vlastní profil.
4) Nová obrazovka bodu. Na rozdíl od itineráře se tato obrazovka dá ukončit pouze kliknutím do mapy. To je další způsob ovládání. Bylo by dobré to sjednotit s ostatními panely. Buď křížkem nebo šipkou. Případně zvážit i stažením dolů jako u itineráře.
5) Vzhled úvodní obrazovky. Tohle už je možná uzavřeno, ale přeci jen to zkusím. Pořád mi na tom vzhledu nesedí taková ta kulatohranatá kombinace. Zkusil jsem tedy zaoblit dva rohy v SCR a přikládám k posouzení, zda by to vzhled nevylepšilo.
Jsou to jen takové podněty, není potřeba na to nijak reagovat, zkuste to ovládání a případně vzhled prodiskutovat v týmu. Přikládám SCR z tabletu.
The compass needle blocks the view of the map. You can integrate them in a circle below.
Quote from: menion on March 03, 2020, 14:05:56
Are you really using BRouter? This looks more like an alternative route that should be produced by online GraphHopper.
@menion - I am
really using BRouter :)
I saw similar route color coding in this topic ( although no mention of GraphHopper or BRouter.
- FC when adding photo-point: fixed, thanks
- icon & time (as name): ah, good point, I'll look at it
- Map manager > what you see is my attempt for completely new Map manager that should in the end, replace old one
ah. On my device, Locus Store button is visible just from half, so it is more obvious, that menu may be pulled up. I'll try to improve it, thanks.
1. hmm I'll check it, thanks
2. this one is intent. When playing with app at home, I sometimes also consider this as unwanted behavior. On second side, this should solve quite common problem in the field, when for some reason, you forget to enable GPS in app and have to do it manually. As you see, I'm anyway not perfectly sure, it's the best solution.
- leaving itinerary in Route planner should be done by simple swipe down, does not work? Back press currently close whole screen > issue, will be fixed
- the move of the menu when bottom panel hides: well, please consider this as a necessary visual effect. Firsly I, of course, had a menu at the bottom, but it looks really really bad :).
- compass needle > this was discussed here a lot and unfortunately, it is not possible. One button (center + rotate) does not cover all possibilities and combinations. There are always needed two buttons.
@Žajdlík Josef
nice feedback, thanks!
Some mentioned problems are caused by simple fact, that you played with the app on the tablet. I plan to do this on the tablet little bit different and the current version is not yet ready.
Anyway all points except 5 > absolutely agree, thanks, will do something with it.
5. I hope you will get used to it ;). It's not yet 100% final, but mostly yes ...
@Andrew Heard
hmm, BRouter ... will have to play more with it.
@ Menion: leaving the menu route down goes with me. I just didn't know how and tried it wrong. But I think that the problem will come more often (or I'm particularly stupid) Tip: since then you have had an x to leave the menu. That was a visual aid. For swiping down (top, side) you could also do a visual aid. Instead of the x you could make an arrow here.
I will look at the subject of the compass needle again and report if necessary.
@ Menion: I don't know what I need a 2nd button with a compass needle for. I did tests with the 2nd button and the only function I found was to turn turning off. I can also do this with the lower button.
First impression:
I use auto-hide for all panels, I like the full map, I do not like too much the button of menu visible while all is hided, see attachment.
For my case of use the menu button gives access to something I do not usually need while focusing on the map, It'd be more convenient if it show up with the double touch of the map as the other hided menus.
Quote from: lor74cas on March 04, 2020, 10:55:20
First impression:
I use auto-hide for all panels, I like the full map, I do not like too much the button of menu visible while all is hided, see attachment.
For my case of use the menu button gives access to something I do not usually need while focusing on the map, It'd be more convenient if it show up with the double touch of the map as the other hided menus.
Same opinion, I don't need the menu either. I want to see as little as possible.
Quote1. App crash when pressing the "Log" button while being in pop-up of geocache.
- confirm crash while offline log
- it is not possible for me login to GS > token is invalid :-[
if i change coords from a geocache WPT and confim it, the changed coords are not saved
Quote from: john_percy on March 03, 2020, 16:53:14
It's far from clear that Settings is to be found not be tapping More Functions (picture 1) but by sliding the pop up menu further up (picture 2). (
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I think the "More function" button should be an icon to slide the bottom menu with the section Store, info, settings first and than all the more functions.
the rec button overlaps the other buttons
The itinerary looks great and the reorder feature is very nice!
I have a problem with the point screen when shown directly by a tap on the map...the bottom bar is not at the bottom and therefore, not the whole point info can be seen, even when sliding up.
I think it has something to do with the soft buttons my device uses (even when they are not shown) ...unfortunately, they are not captured by a screenshot on my device.
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Quote from: menion on March 04, 2020, 07:36:07
2. this one is intent. When playing with app at home, I sometimes also consider this as unwanted behavior. On second side, this should solve quite common problem in the field, when for some reason, you forget to enable GPS in app and have to do it manually. As you see, I'm anyway not perfectly sure, it's the best solution.
But as planning trips at home and using the button quite often, it's annoying to stop GPS every time to prevent high battery usage.
Forget to turn on GPS in the field should normally be found out very quickly.
Perhaps you can build in an option to start it automatically or not.
Hiding panels using Presets does not work. See SCR.
It should be fully working for all points except geocaches (here is currently an option to display old screen
If you press the 'log-button' Locus stops ... and never come back.
Is this one of the above mentioned open points?
.... and thanks for the new version. 😎
- itinerary in Route planner will be closable also by the back press in next version
- discussion about the dual-center button was here few months ago. I think it started somewhere here ( Generally, centering & rotation enabled and then move with a map. The button should reflect, you are not anymore centered, but to disable rotation, you first had to re-center.
ah Jim, my favorite :)
Menu visibility > understand your point. Maybe as some kind of advanced config, we will see. In LM4, I'm trying to give the main menu a lot bigger importance then it is in the current public version. With this system, you may have 9 most important features available after one tap ... and I see this as a huge advantage.
- offline logging (generally logging directly from the map) fixed
- "Invalid token", hmm ... maybe re-login? It works Ok for me.
- not saved WPT coordinates ... added to TODO
- the style for the main menu is still not 100% done, thanks for the idea
- "REC button" > it is the only remaining button on the left side and to be true, I would like to get rid of it ... just have to find out how :)
- ah, fullscreen + software buttons, I see it too thanks!
@Josef Žajdlík
panels > I know. The new version has new three options so it uses different settings. There are already more settings that needs to adapt to these changes ... I'm adding it to my TODO list, just for sure
problem already reported, will be fixed, thanks
Quote- "Invalid token", hmm ... maybe re-login? It works Ok for me.
although i could login to GS with PRO and GC4L the problem with LM4 was that cookies were not allowed in the Samsung browser, with accepted cookies i can login
What I'd like is for the map to recenter on the appropriate Via Point or Shaping Point when I tap its icon in the new Route Planner - or it could be an option on the triple dot overflow menu. Or is there already some other way of achieving that?(
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I don't know if it's a mistake or an intention. When moving points in the Itinerary, the sections are not recalculated according to the original profile. The last used routing profile is used for recalculation. See SCR.
I'll look at it, make sense, thanks
@Žajdlík Josef
when you modify any segment, the last defined profile is used ... always ... even now. Not sure if keeping used profile makes a lot more sense than the current solution.
OK. It would seem logical to me that if I have the same walking profile in segments 1-4, and if I switch segments 2-3, then the walking profile is used again. But I understand that in segments where profiles change, it would be difficult to decide which to use.
CZ: V pořádku. Logické by mi přišlo, že když mám v segmentech 1-4 stejný profil pro chůzi, a přehodím segmenty 2-3, tak se opět použije profil chůze. Chápu ale, že v segmentech, kde se mění profily by bylo rozhodování, který použít obtížné.
@ Menion: If the card is moved, it is currently turning off automatically. Then I don't have to turn it off. It's a good thing, because if I move the map and it rotates, it won't be good to find a destination.
I have a small advantage if I switch off the rotation (which is already off) when the card is moved. It faces north. But I think that very few people need this function. And I can do that in another way. I take out the twist and only then move the card.
Quote from: john_percy on March 05, 2020, 13:54:46
What I'd like is for the map to recenter on the appropriate Via Point or Shaping Point when I tap its icon
brilliant idea @john_percy
if the main menu appears sliding from bottom and the rec from the right, I suggest to use a graphics that explain this. Also the action to open both should use the sliding.
When recording change the "on screen" button in red and add the sliding symbol.
Sliding you can activate the rec panel, with a touch the "on screen" panel as usual.
Sliding from bottom of the main menu, at first you can have the custom buttons, with another all the others functions or, just an other idea, touching for the custom and sliding for all the function.
Look at the attached file, yes I did it, maybe my daughter would have done better with her colored pencils
And new version with "small" surprise in route planner for long sunny weekend.
Enjoy it!
Version: download (
Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 03, 2020, 21:47:50
Quote from: menion on March 03, 2020, 14:05:56
Are you really using BRouter? This looks more like an alternative route that should be produced by online GraphHopper.
@menion - I am really using BRouter :)
I saw similar route color coding in this topic ( although no mention of GraphHopper or BRouter.
@menion - my apologies - I've never used GraphHopper but just checked my settings - V4 has defaulted to GraphHopper - that explains the extra route planner purple lines. Whoops.
route planner - nice improvement - but tap on the itinerary list item - map point is often hidden behind the itinerary list. Although I like the itinerary list graphs, maybe by default the graphs are hidden so more list items can be displayed in a more compact format, and so more of the map is visible when the itinerary item is panned into view (say 50/50 split between map & list)?
settings > Generate Trip > nothing happens?
Starting track recording from main menu the panel is shown in background without focus(
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Some thoughts to the new point screen:
At the first glance it looked good great ... but after some playing with it I found some annoying things.
Normally I used the popup screen to examine an unknown cache area and page threw the caches to see D/T, Favorites, latest log icons ....
Now I have a huge window which covers a lot of the map. The position of the active cache isn't shown directly. I have to press the lower left button. When tapping the next cache this focus doesn't change.
Many of the shown information in the screen isn't useful ( for my geocaching view) ... and to switch to full description I have to press the lower cache-button. Some information is missing ( favorites).
I have a question about the notification icon, see SCR in green circle. Will it be possible to tell from this icon whether it is a warning or informative? When you automatically export to the Strava, the icon background is red. Wouldn't it be better if it was green and only red when alerted?
@Andrew Heard
so GraphHopper, ok :)
Itinerary list behavior will be improved, thanks for pointing on this problem.
Generate trip does not work, hmm. I'll look at it.
ah thanks, fixed
The geocaching part of the new point screen is definitely not finished. The current state is work-in-progress. So if, I will appreciate some feedback based on work with all points except geocaching :).
@Žajdlík Josef
in case of any problem, you should see a big notification icon (as in the current Free/Pro version), directly on the map screen. In case of only "info" notifications, only this small number on the main menu button is visible.
The new point screen is good stuff. I don't like that the command bar is always on top of text elements. I. e. when I drag the point information up, there's always some information behind it.
EDIT.OK I see, Zossebart has already reported and Menion confirmed it.
Hi Menion, I have a proposal to modify the display of warnings and warnings. I don't like the current version, when the warnings are displayed twice. Please try to discuss this. This is because if the backup fails, for example, and you are on an expedition somewhere, the icon now unnecessarily overlaps the map.
soucasnostinformace.jpg - current status for informative announcement
navrhinformace.jpg - proposed version in Google style
soucasnostvarovani.jpg - current status of warning notifications, the icon is shown unnecessarily twice
navrhvarovani.jpg - an icon that nobody will miss should be sufficient
Ahoj Menione, měl bych návrh na úpravu zobrazení upozornění a varování. Současná verze, kdy se varovaní zobrazují dvakrát se mi moc nelíbí. Zkuste se o tom prosím poradit. Důvodem je i to, že pokud selže například odesílání zálohy a jsi někde na výpravě, ikona nyní zbytečně překrývá mapu.
soucasnostinformace.jpg - stávající stav pro informativní oznámení
navrhinformace.jpg - navrhovaná verze ve stylu Google
soucasnostvarovani.jpg - stávající stav varovných oznámení, ikona se ukazuje zbytečně dvakrát
navrhvarovani.jpg - ikona, kterou asi nikdo nepřehlédne by měla postačovat
Hi guys,
the new version just uploaded to Google Drive (like to download in the end of the first post).
I worked mainly on the route planner system, so let me know how you like/dislike some improvements (like "Trip generator" ;) ).
Josef, thanks for the good tip. Improved a little bit ...
In latest LM4 in the Route Planner
when I tap on a segment to insert a new shaping/ via point, there is now an additional step - Route segment X > menu > Trackpoint Y > Change to... I sorta see why, but it does considerably increase the # steps when adding shaping/ via points to a route. PS. Long tap > add new point - great.
The new tap on itinerary > centre map to item also works beautifully.
menu > Generate trip > still nothing happens.
- from itinerary > menu item (has single item Delete) - add menu item to switch between shaping & via points
Thank you for your quick response and change in the notification display. So far I have only done one test and everything works. Initially, although I saw a warning triangle after a successful export, it quickly changed to a green dot. It could just be a coincidence.
The new route planner system is very nice. The route generator works smoothly. If it wasn't too difficult, it would be nice to mark the shaping and through points on the elevation graph.
CZ: Děkuji za velmi rychlou reakci a změnu zobrazení upozornění. Zatím jsem udělal jen jeden test a vše funguje. Zpočátku se mi sice po úspěšném exportu zobrazil varovný trojúhelník, ale rychle se změnil na zelenou tečku. Mohla to být jen náhoda.
Nový systém plánovače tras je moc hezký. Genrátor tras funguje bez problémů. Pokud by to nebylo moc obtížné, bylo by pěkné na grafu převýšení vyznačit tvarovací a průjezdné body.
In the route planner I agree with another user who wrote about insert the points in the graph.
When showing the detail of the points, there is no reason to see the the graph for each segment because every graph has its own scale and you can not compare the segments, so I disabled this function.
In the attached mockup, I suggest a better use of the point detail panel:
- When enabled the top should be hidden
- At the bottom show the whole altimetry graph with the reference of points
- Highlight in the graph the selected segment
- Highlight in the map the segment centering and zooming at the top
The REC button still overlaps.
Now, here in Italy we can just play with the planner waiting for the end of this nightmare.
@Andrew Heard
"Generate trip" > nothing? No toast, no message? Quite weird ...
Menu item to switch points in the itinerary, good idea, thanks.
hmm what a nice idea, thanks! Looks quite good. I'm checking what is capable of the library (, used for the charts and this seems to be too much for it (which is also answer to @Žajdlík Josef). I'm adding this idea to my "Check it" list and look at it more carefully a little later. I'll most probably need to modify this library for some other tasks as well later.
REC button, sure I know, not yet found a good idea.
Italy, hmm ... at least some solo hiking in your case is not possible? Good luck anyway!
No we can not move out of city boundaries without a good reason (work, medicine, food).
A lot of work activities are closed, in my case I work from another site were I'm alone or at home.
We can go out for light sport activities that can not cause a possible injury to call an ambulance (they are all too occupied with covid19).
It's hard to explain to my daughter: no school, no gym, no friends. Just our garden and we are lucky to have one where play.
Our family is suffering more because we use to go out every time we can, it's out there we use locus.
We are not addicted to PlayStation, tablet, and so on, but today for the first time I set up an old smartphone with a videogame for my daughter when she completed all the homeworks.
We are all afraid for our elderlies.
Other countries closed their boundaries with Italy, I live near Slovenia and it seems to be back at the time of old Yugoslavia.
When I go out for a run usually I go at a bycicle path in Slovenia, now I can't, seeing the border fence closed again it's a knife in the heart.
I attached 2 images of the borders and the one where you can see there is noone out there.
Good luck to all countries(
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Hi Menion,
after each successful automatic export to the Diet, a warning exclamation mark appears in the hamburger (Menu) icon. When you click on any button, it immediately changes to a green dot. There will be a slight mistake somewhere.
I wondered if it would be a good idea to merge the Track Log and GPS page under one icon. It could be halved to indicate the condition. The screen would be just one, because of the size of the displays should no longer be a problem to get everything on one screen. With regard to the importance, I would place the icon next to the burger icon for the Menu before hollowing out and still display it. The vertical side REC icon that does not fit in with the new design could be completely eliminated.
CZ: Ahoj Menione,
po každém úspěšném automatickém exportu do Strava se napřed ukáže v ikoně hamburger (Menu) výstražný vykřičník. Po kliknutí na libovolné tlačítko se okamžitě změní na zelený puntík. Někde bude asi drobná chyba.
Uvažoval jsem, zda by nebylo dobré sloučit stránku Záznam trasy a GPS pod jednu ikonu. Mohla by být kvůli signalizaci stavu třeba dělená na polovinu. Obrazovka by byla jen jedna, vzhledem k velikosti displejů už by neměl být problém vše dostat na jednu obrazovku. Ikonu bych s ohledem na důležitost umístil vedle hamburger ikony pro Menu ještě před vyhloubení a nechal stále zobrazenou. Mohla by se úplně zrušit ta svislá postranní ikona REC, která už nezapadá do nového designu.
No intensive testing currently. Generate trip, interesting stuff. If I drag the map center away from point 1, Generate Trip should point to this direction already. More general, it should initially point to map center.
Quote from: menion on March 14, 2020, 19:46:22
"Generate trip" > nothing? No toast, no message? Quite weird ...
@menion - nothing, I would have mentioned them. A tap is completely ignored from what I observe.
Quote from: lor74cas on March 14, 2020, 15:21:46
- When enabled the top should be hidden
- At the bottom show the whole altimetry graph with the reference of points
- Highlight in the graph the selected segment
- Highlight in the map the segment centering and zooming at the top
@lor74cas - nice ideas! Maybe the only positive of virus self isolation is you have much time to dream clever suggestions for Locus? We cycle toured through Slovenia/ Italy in 2015 - lovely areas. Hang in there.
I also include a preview of what the screen might look like when the GPS and Record buttons are combined. See my previous post.
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on March 16, 2020, 08:22:00
I also include a preview of what the screen might look like when the GPS and Record buttons are combined. See my previous post.
And what about using the notification system of main button to show the recording status?
Like a blinking red R on top of other notifications. And when the R is there the button should show the rec panel with a right slide.
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Still attach the version for the bottom bar shown. Notifications can be solved by changing colors directly in the icon. Since the icon could not be hidden, it would be immediately visible whether GPS or recording is on.
Hi guys,
sorry for a delay, some versions & bug-fixes during last week ...
New Alpha version uploaded to Google Drive for download. News after the start as usual.
@Žajdlík Josef
Thanks for the idea with combined rec/gps button. I can't imagine how this may work. Side recording panel is quite big, same with satellite screen, so how you choose which screen to open? I made a small change in recording button to better fit current design, just for quick test.
Quote from: menion on March 25, 2020, 08:31:06
Hi guys,
New Alpha version .
Hello menion
where to find
- option to add "pass point" during active navigation ?
Start navigation and when it's active, tap on any point. In the bottom toolbar will be a little weird new icon that adds the current point into active navigation and perform recompute.
I've tested it only on "sofa" so it definitely needs some field testing.
Quote from: menion on March 25, 2020, 15:28:18
Start navigation and when it's active, tap on any point.
ok thanks, now i got it ;)
it work for "LoPoints", GC-WPTs and Pois
BTW, please add link to dropbox download for new versions either in first post or in announce post.
This time user has to search for it.... e.g. your post #194
Quote from: menion on March 25, 2020, 08:31:06
@Žajdlík Josef
Thanks for the idea with combined rec/gps button. I can't imagine how this may work. Side recording panel is quite big, same with satellite screen, so how you choose which screen to open? I made a small change in recording button to better fit current design, just for quick test.
Just add a bookmark. So far there are GPS and Compass. Recording would be Recording, GPS and Compass. I feel like these things are related. But it's just such an idea.
Alpha version
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on March 25, 2020, 18:21:58
Just add a bookmark. So far there are GPS and Compass. Recording would be Recording, GPS and Compass. I feel like these things are related. But it's just such an idea.
@Žajdlík Josef - bookmark - do you mean function panel button - I agree.
@Menion - Route Planner > new Map-screen content button > Nearest points > need a new menu item so can add a nearest point into the route?
Route Planner > menu > Generate trip - still no action - is there something I can test for you?
Route Planner > swipe from right to left > displays blank panel.
Route Planner > swipe up from bottom > sometimes magnifying glass is displayed - how?
I think that Josef means by bookmark another TAB. So there should be a screen with three tabs: Recording, GPS, Compass, right?
I just a few days ago thought about separating GPS & Compass so you think exactly opposite :). More tabs > slower display of the screen. Sorry Josef, I'm really not a fan of this "merging" idea. From my point of view, it will really complicate my work and also explanation why these functions are merged and not some others.
@Andrew Heard
Nearest points > hmm this may be useful, agree. For now, it is possible to at least display them on the map ;)
Generate trip > mystery for me. I'll prepare some debug messages for you into the next version.
Swipe from left > I've noticed this as well, thanks for the reminder
Swipe from bottom > no idea :). Isn't it possible that under finger was shaping/via point so you dragged this point?
I have selected in the settings: Hide Zomm buttons. It's the same with the main screen. But it is still shown in the route planner.
The space for planning is already very small with the Smatphone. It is getting smaller. Now the button for map settings has been added.
Route planner: The buttons for planning could be pushed down. This gives you more space for the card. The space below the keys is not suitable for planning.
Remove the copyright sign there. It's on the top right of the main screen.
Do we need the copyright sign at all?
Quote from: menion on March 26, 2020, 08:12:20
I think that Josef means by bookmark another TAB. So there should be a screen with three tabs: Recording, GPS, Compass, right?
I just a few days ago thought about separating GPS & Compass so you think exactly opposite :). More tabs > slower display of the screen. Sorry Josef, I'm really not a fan of this "merging" idea. From my point of view, it will really complicate my work and also explanation why these functions are merged and not some others.
@Andrew Heard
Nearest points > hmm this may be useful, agree. For now, it is possible to at least display them on the map ;)
Generate trip > mystery for me. I'll prepare some debug messages for you into the next version.
Swipe from left > I've noticed this as well, thanks for the reminder
Swipe from bottom > no idea :). Isn't it possible that under finger was shaping/via point so you dragged this point?
Agreed , no need to load it down or slow it down. Sometimes less really is more. Same with POI. I turn them on for the area as needed. I haven't missed one yet.
Sent from my E6910 using Tapatalk
Quote from: menion on March 26, 2020, 08:12:20
Swipe from bottom > no idea :). Isn't it possible that under finger was shaping/via point so you dragged this point?
@menion - yes quite probable as I can't reproduce this unless as you explained
The new record stop button is nice. Maybe it could be kept on display and turn on the recording with it. Or press and hold to pause recording. The icon would have to be changed, but that wouldn't be a problem. In order not to commit to planning, it could hide with the bottom panel, but only when there is no recording.
CZ: Nové tlačítko na ukončení záznamu je hezké. Možná by se mohlo nechat stále zobrazené, a záznam s ním i zapínat. Případně dlouhým stiskem záznam pozastavit. Musela by se měnit ikona, ale to by nebyl problém. Aby nezavazelo třeba při plánování, mohlo by se skrývat se spodním panelem, ale jen tehdy pokud neběží záznam.
Setting bottom panel to auto-hide VIA PRESET is not possible.
- settings for hiding panels apply currently only on the main map screen. Anyway agree that is may be useful to apply them globally on all screens with maps. I'll think about it, thanks.
- "planning buttons" > simply add two points to plan and space will diss-appear ;)
@Žajdlík Josef
- permanently visible rec-button: hmm if, then only optionally
- long-click on record button > agree
I've this in todo list. Because panels have now a little different behavior, they are not yet in presets system.
Quote from: menion on March 30, 2020, 08:52:20
@Žajdlík Josef
- permanently visible rec-button: hmm if, then only optionally
It would then be possible to completely cancel the record button in the side panel.
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on March 30, 2020, 15:04:13
Quote from: menion on March 30, 2020, 08:52:20
@Žajdlík Josef
- permanently visible rec-button: hmm if, then only optionally
It would then be possible to completely cancel the record button in the side panel.
I would definitely prefer it to be optional. I have never had an issue starting or stopping recording and I use it often on motorcycles. Less permanent tabs on the map screen the better. A double tap on my screen brings up the side bar and there it is. Once activated there is a tab on the map screen to stop. Very easy. (
Sent from my E6910 using Tapatalk
Hiding the record button could be associated with hiding the bottom panel.
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on March 30, 2020, 15:24:25
Hiding the record button could be associated with hiding the bottom panel.
I prefer everything hidden and made available with a double tap. I do like the blue tab to bring up map screen content. Maybe there is room within dynamic content for another option to be readily available. Using cell phones with +/- 5" screens doesn't leave a lot of room for navigation. The less blocking the map the better .
Sent from my E6910 using Tapatalk
Button on the very edge was better. Now the button is indented a few millimeters from the edge. The map between the Button and the edge cannot be used sensibly.
This is the case for all Buttons that are indented from the side.
@ 0709: Yes and no. There are also things that are better than before. You have to be open to new things, otherwise we would still be navigating with the compass today. Of course, not everything new is good. So there is a lot to discuss. Only if it brings advantages and few disadvantages, you should take it over.
For me it is very important to see as much of the map as possible. But to be seen so that it is a coherent surface. Designing buttons flexibly is an issue here. Push where you want them. Or hide and double-click in the sidebar. And others want the buttons on the screen.
Quote from: 0709 on April 01, 2020, 08:42:21
I myself am satisfied with the current Locus UI, do not see the usefulness of such a heavy UI change (inclusive a NEW Locus Manual), and therefore do not test it, but I sometimes follow the experiences here.
According to the screenshots, should I turn my phone upside down to put trusted Icons such as GPS and so on back in the top panel I have trusted for years? Don't see the use of mixing up all the buttons again? Is it just me? I know I am always a bit suspicious of fashion phenomena, so count on the old fashion to reappear after a few years. ;D ;D ;D
Agree 100% !!
Everything has been fine, a few necessary updates here and there but all was well.
I think rather than a new user learning Locus they want it changed to suit them personally. Their Garmin had this, or the other App had that. Well this is Locus. Learn it and enjoy. They are the squeaky wheel so they get the grease. Meanwhile no one else is complaining so their voice is unheard.
@Menion if it isn't broke don't fix it... Please !! And Please don't clutter up the screen with permanent buttons.
We've only got so much space to work with on the average size cell phone. I don't carry around a huge tablet or mount one to my handlebars. Give people options but don't make the many that are satisfied have to conform with those that aren't.
Locus rocks !!

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@0709, @freischneider, @SonnyS
It's simple: "if it isn't broke don't fix it" > everything on Android brake from time to time and needs a rewrite. Not just stuff inside, but also UI. It is not visible, but more than 50% of my time is spent on UI updates, because with every new Android, new Android library, something stops to work correctly. If I stop changing stuff, I may also stop improving and updating ... it's not broken, so why update it.
Exactly because of what you wrote, we made a decision about Locus Map future. That's main reason, why I'll be "wasting" time and keeping Locus Classic (current Locus Map Pro) with current (as much as possible) UI, current functionality etc ... to keep users who are happy with current app .. still happy.
And who won't be worry to risk a different version, there will be a new Locus Map. Don't search for some mystery here, progress can't be stopped .. at least not progress in my head :).
Anyway, you may still notice, that even that I try to make UI easier and more logical for new users, there still be a lot of options to customize it ... I have a feeling that even more than before :).
Ok fair enough :-)
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What I see in the test version is not bad. I still can keep the screen free from elements. It's still the complex and capable app I love. Very much appreciate the new point approach. The UI changes I see are a small thing for me. I just wish the poi database, pois in general would get more love.
I must honestly say my thoughts about Locus Alpha are more and more "after all, not much can change and will change". Not bad for me personally.
I feel Menion is having a hard time to bring changes in software and payment system to life. And I wish them success. Locus = Most important Android app for me.
Fine. About POI ... Michal did not wrote about it yet ... but, I hope it will be big this year :D
Give the new interface a chance. In fact, it is better, freeing up space at the top. This is better because you see a larger part of the map in the direction of travel. The panel at the bottom does not matter because it overlaps the section you already have. It's just unusual at first, that's all.
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on April 01, 2020, 17:22:29
Give the new interface a chance. In fact, it is better, freeing up space at the top. This is better because you see a larger part of the map in the direction of travel. The panel at the bottom does not matter because it overlaps the section you already have. It's just unusual at first, that's all.
We wait and see (but some of us do not use the rotating map. Instead North-up). Even my wife does, allthough long ago she used to rotate the paper road map in the car when we were driving south to France. ;D
I am also in favor of making Locus better for beginners. Simple and clear operation.
But we also have to think of the experts. They want a lot of different design options.
Maybe at the beginning you have to do everything like now. And later make opportunities for the experts. But maybe it is better to know now what should come later.
I currently have an almost empty screen. See image. On the way a great overview.
I do a lot by language. Clicking the screen is bad with long gloves. I do all of this via Tasker and would be happy to control more Locus functions.
Experts and novices alike will always suffer from changes, yet changes are key to improvements and progress.
Hence - AGAIN - my advise to spend energy into a 21st century help and function (*) search capability. Android settings in many new devices deliver that: you type a word about what you want to do and get a number of matching functions/settings at your fingertip.
That does not address the ongoing UI discussion, I know. But the overwhelming (yet USEFUL!!!) settings have been a reported pain since years.
(*) each function and setting needs to have a number of keywords and synonyms associated. In the selected language and always plus English.
How to rotate the map with compass?
I see Locus alpha doesn't have the language bug. Cool!
Also Menion, I think the new top panel could have 2 types of information. I don't like the wasted space at right.
Quote from: michaelbechtold on April 02, 2020, 23:22:43
Experts and novices alike will always suffer from changes, yet changes are key to improvements and progress.
Hence - AGAIN - my advise to spend energy into a 21st century help and function (*) search capability. Android settings in many new devices deliver that: you type a word about what you want to do and get a number of matching functions/settings at your fingertip.
That does not address the ongoing UI discussion, I know. But the overwhelming (yet USEFUL!!!) settings have been a reported pain since years.
(*) each function and setting needs to have a number of keywords and synonyms associated. In the selected language and always plus English.
I wrote the same a lot of time ago +1
Thanks for valuable feedback guys. I'll have to read more precisely the last post and give some comments.
Meanwhile, new ALPHA version LM4 is out with two new search options for the test ;).
Latest version for download (
Search (as we type) in Settings - Great!
If in route planner I change map from the main map window (not the quick map picker) then it jumps out of route planner.
I've got an idea for the new track and point UI. What if the submenu for tracks and points would already be accessible from the bottom/new UI? In my screenshot it's supposed to be 3 dots ;D
I feel the popup with its submenu is anachronistic with this new UI.
I wanted to add the dashboard editor to the main menu. Locus says I already use it somewhere, but I don't, what can I do here?
At least if Locus is started as a service, there should be an app->Exit function in the main menu. There's lots of space in the bottom marketing row. My personal opinion for any app is, it should always be there.
The search feature in settings is wonderful.
It's language dependent so in my case the search is in italian, that's why I was not able to find "live tracking" ;D
But my mistake remembers me that today we often use english words for concepts that are translated in local language. "Display" is used in italian but we have the word "schermo" to represent it, so "live tracking" in locus is translated into "localizzazione in tempo reale" (I think It is a translation of mine), for this reason, I think that search feature must look for local language but also english.
@Ricardo Borges
- try the second tap on the center button to start rotation
- top panel: not all information are so short as the one on your screenshot
- Route planner, map change over map manager > thanks, I'll look at it.
- context menu in the list of items ... well, there is a huge number of possible functions, so I would rather stay with the current system. Maybe later some most wanted, like "navigate to, hide" ...
- dashboard in the menu > hmm this is an interesting problem. You, maybe, some time ago tried to have more than 3 rows in the main menu and in this fourth, fifth row is probably set a dashboard
- exit button > how many apps has the "Exit" button? This is really something that should not be on the Android. "Home" button is what you are looking for ;).
Hmm and why are you looking for "live tracking" when you have Locus Map in italian? :). Btw. settings in recording profiles (so "Live-tracking auto-start") are not in the search results. I still do not know how to deal with them as all profiles has exactly same settings and number of profiles is dynamic, so it's little more complicated for me.
As for the context menu I hope there may be a way for you to simply migrate the popups context menu to the new UI.
How can we terminate the app when started as a service? I can, I can add the exit command to the toolbar, but the average user?
IDK, some apps have something like file->exit. Some can't even handle to save settings etc. because, but idk, swiping the app away is like a, say, task kill on Windows and the app cannot react to that.
I am a conservative PC guy, just pressing HOME and having the os organize task processes is not my style. Loss of control is for Apple users ;)
@menion - search in settings - bravo.
Thanks for settings search too, it is a great help.
I think the route planner should display the scale ruler as well as the main map screen, both following the ruler ON/OFF settings.
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Yes ... search is great ... and will save a lot of time. 😉
With one search I found a strange behaviour:
When searching for " audio" and then selecting "audio trainer" Locus shows a new screen ... and stops. 😯
Quote from: menion on April 10, 2020, 14:16:00
@Ricardo Borges
- try the second tap on the center button to start rotation
Thanks! But when I move the map around, the auto rotation is lost, and I have to tap again. Not the same behavior of stable Locus.
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In the latest version of Alpha and Beta, is it no longer possible to use automatic route planning from a starting point based on a specified distance?
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on April 13, 2020, 07:54:08
In the latest version of Alpha and Beta, is it no longer possible to use automatic route planning from a starting point based on a specified distance?
You mean that automatic route creation tool, indeed it is missing. BTW, something similar, a bit more sophisticated, is here:
I remember something like a mentioned design or coding flaw in round trip generator in history logs, so perhaps @menion has withdrawn it to put better one later.
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A suggestion for the planner:
sometimes I need to switch from automatic to manual design because not all tracks are mapped.
To do this I need to touch the "navigation mode" icon select "manual draw" insert the manual point, then go back to "navigation mode" for switching back to "walk" and go on with the track.
My suggestion is: with a long touch of the + icon for the new point activate the manual draw only for that point. One long touch instead of 5.
The long touch is already reserved for alternative ways of point selection, similar/same? to the choice of destination in navigation dialog.
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Quote from: poutnikl on April 13, 2020, 10:29:26
The long touch is already reserved for alternative ways of point selection, similar/same? to the choice of destination in navigation dialog.
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It's true, so what we need it's a new icon in this panel of alternatives for single point manual draw. 2 touches are always better than 5
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I see just 3 and very fast clicks to switch providers within the planner.
1/tap on the Locus routing profile icon
2/tap to select other profile
3/tap on the confirmation icon
I am not sure if extra icon is enough gain.
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...well, and go back, = 6 clicks. I see the point from Lorcas, it's a good point, I also need to use the direct line quite often - but I don't think it's worth another icon.
Maybe longtap on the mode switcher icon would be a solution? Logtap 1: manual draw, longtap 2: return to prior profile.
btw longtap + (add point) brings me... see attachment. I'd prefer Lorcas idea here, logtap+ = manual draw this time.
Well, those 3 fast taps may be faster than a long tap.... Let Menion evaluate pros and cons.
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A suggestion for the planner:
sometimes I need to switch from automatic to manual design because not all tracks are mapped.
I would appreciate a faster solution too ... ;)
In many hiking areas routing isn't continuously possible because there seems to be unpassable parts (often bridges or a change of path or just map failures) .. so a faster solution would be very helpful. ::)
Me too
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I suppose we could have both
+ long tap = alternative point selection as is now
Profile long tap = routing/straight switching
as the latter is still free.
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- scale ruler in Route planner .. same with the zoom buttons. I've to discuss this with Michal and change the title and description for these functions a little bit and yes, agree, it should.
nice search UI issue, thanks. I've not yet tested it on tablets and this is the result :)
@Ricardo Borges
auto-rotation is active as long, as you are centered. Behavior in the current public version is a little problematic as the map rotates even if you move with the map.
@Žajdlík Josef
Ah sorry! My mistake. It was removed by accident, not intent as Libor wrote. Current GraphHopper API does not offer more options for some fine-tunning so I see no option to make it better (from a technical point of view). Anyway, fixed. Btw @tapio, what is the advantage of OpenRouteService routing compare to Locus Map?
Quick toggle between routing & manual drawing ...
- extra button ... eh, no, the screen is already too covered by UI, right? ;)
- change in the "+" button ... the current solution has perfect sense I believe
- toggle by long click on the "Route type" button? That's it ... easy, quick and allows to insert more than just one manual button. Once done, long-click to continue in automatic routing.
Implemented, nice discussion, thanks.
Quote from: menion on April 13, 2020, 20:39:02
- toggle by long click on the "Route type" button? That's it ... easy, quick and allows to insert more than just one manual button. Once done, long-click to continue in automatic routing.
Implemented, nice discussion, thanks.
ok for the button but I think we need something more simple.
A long press to create a line from last point to the new position on the map, like a single/temporary manual mode, no sub-menu to open, just the line to draw at the long touch of the icon. The next point added with the + will be again automatic with the selected profile.
If I need a permanent manual mode, or if I need for more than 1 manual point I'll change the profile as usual.
It makes sense, creating directly a straight segment by long pressing the profile button.
And one would avoid switching the profiles.
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so your suggested steps are
- long press on "Route type" button
- a single press on the "+" that now adds single "manual line" segment
- another press on "+" button again adds current selected "Route type" segment
am I right?
Btw. how often you need this feature?
There also is a quite fast method (at least faster than 6 taps):
- add second line by "+" button (1 tap), app computes new route
- tap on the route/segment (2 taps)
- tap on recalculate (3 taps)
- choose "manual" and confirm (5 taps)
I often need this feature. I like to draw my proposed hiking routes beforehand and many times the paths are either incomplete on the oam maps or fail to join up properly. If I allow the routing engine to compute the leg in that case I get either a ridiculously convoluted route or a failure. I don't like @menion's slightly shorter recompute technique.
I thought @lor74cas was suggesting:
- long press on "Route type" button adds single "manual line" segment
- another press on "+" button adds current selected "Route type" segment
I got it the same, as I have expressed above, which I see as quite nice.
( * = "long press routing button" )
+ = routing segment(via currently selected profile)
+ = another routing segment
* = straight segment
+ = routing segment
* = straight segment
* = another straight segment
+ = routing segment
I do not use such approach often, but I understand for heavy off-road hikers it would be useful feature. It is not only a workaround for missing/wrong OSM mapping, but also for the true lack of OSM ways to be passed, or their intentional avoiding.
And LocusMap is for heavy off-road hikers more than most of other applications.
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When planning MTB routes, I often have segments that are not in OSM. These are illegal trails. They are not allowed in OSM. I often have to switch to manual route type and then back to MTB.
I also use it when I navigate a recorded track from the internet. Locus automatic navigation is not very good. We discussed it here.
Therefore I redraw the route with the route planner. There are often places where there is a meadow or between 2 fields. Where there is no way. Often common when hiking.
Quote from: john_percy on April 14, 2020, 01:36:55
I often need this feature. I like to draw my proposed hiking routes beforehand and many times the paths are either incomplete on the oam maps or fail to join up properly. If I allow the routing engine to compute the leg in that case I get either a ridiculously convoluted route or a failure. I don't like @menion's slightly shorter recompute technique.
I thought @lor74cas was suggesting:
- long press on "Route type" button adds single "manual line" segment
- another press on "+" button adds current selected "Route type" segment
Yes thank you
Oki, fine.
As I use "manual mode" really rarely, it is harder for me to decide.
On top of topic should be a small poll with two options, so please vote about your preferences, thanks.
Suggestion: click on + adds segment with selected route type. Long click on + adds segment with route type manually.
I voted "Long click on "+" button: add manual segment between last point > map center"
Because: a) I don't need what's currently on longclick+. and b) I think it is a rather regularly used function and we achieve a lot of convenience. Very good icitiative from lor74cas.
If this is implemented, @Menion can also allow to hide the manual profile just like the other profile types.
Another way to exit from Locus.
I usually forget to exit locus, but the notify icon remembers me it's there in background.
I'd like to close Locus with a swipe on the notification icon, when no others Locus services are working (Live Tracking / Rec / Nav / Guide ...), I do not know if android permits this use of notifications.
I have voted "Long click on "Route type": add manual segment between last point > map center",
I use long click + for point selection much more often then straight segments, and the latter would be still handy via other button..
a long click on route type is safer than on +. Because the button is bigger.
But if you choose the route type at the beginning and then hide it. As Tapio suggested, the + would clearly be an advantage.
Hmm oki, votes counting ...
It is clearly visible to me how (almost) everyone here thinks... it's expected :) ... "I need this, dot".
The problem with the most voted feature is, that long click on the "+" button already has its functionality that is there for a very very long time. Fact, that you do not use it does not mean, no other users use it as well. So it's not possible to simply change it. There are of course some options, I'll think about it.
I have also voted "Long click on "Route type". Long click on + already has a function whereas long click on Route type is currently "unallocated". Definitely no more buttons please. I like the idea of user toggle rather than just one direct segment then revert.
Quote from: menion on April 14, 2020, 12:22:12It is clearly visible to me how (almost) everyone here thinks... it's expected :) ... "I need this, dot".
Nah, I think most of us are aware about many more aspects like UI clutter, change of functionality vs. user behaviour, multiple wishes resulting in additional options, resulting in software complexity... But it is not useful to always write walls of text.
So my approach now and here is: I WANT THIS, PERIOD 😁
Are not all polls about what anybody wants ? But it may be what he wants for himself or what he wants for all to have overall more pros than cons.
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I don't usually think "this is what I want" in response to the many and varied suggestions, but in this case I make an exception.
Some way to quick switch to manual drawing and back, please. This is what I want.

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Polls ... usually are, but we here are creating something with aware, it uses more people that just a few of us here ;).
Anyway, vote vote ... and most probably, I'll have to solve this by some additional settings for this "+" button long-click, to offer new functionality while keeping current system ...
What is the function of a long click on + at the moment? If we all know, we can help find a solution.
Long + click is currently bringing set of alternative ways of the point selection, similar to one in the navigation dialogue.
But it is the same as in LM3 Pro.
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Quote from: poutnikl on April 14, 2020, 16:53:35
Long + click is currently bringing set of alternative ways of the point selection, similar to one in the navigation dialogue.
But it is the same as in LM3 Pro.
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Yup, and does anybody ever need it there? But I also see, from UI perspective it makes sense.
Or otherwise.
Is there anybody not using it ? :-)
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Quote from: poutnikl on April 14, 2020, 21:13:41
Or otherwise.
Is there anybody not using it ? :-)
YES me ;D
I didn't know it was there till yesterday

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Quote from: poutnikl on April 14, 2020, 21:13:41
Or otherwise.
Is there anybody not using it ? :-)
until this discussion I wasn't aware long-tap on + did anything, probably many Locus hidden gems in same category, but now I know the extra function I think its useful & consistent
Quote from: Andrew Heard on April 15, 2020, 05:18:29until this discussion I wasn't aware long-tap on + did anything, probably many Locus hidden gems in same category, but now I know the extra function I think its useful & consistent
Hi Andrew,
I have been trained by various applications and electronic devices to try long presses on control elements ... "what if it does something ?" . Especially if I am not able to invoke a feature that is there.
I have discovered the long press "+" does what it does, without prior knowledge it should be somehow possible.
Similarly, long press "-" clears the planner (after confirmation).
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Scale ruler: I withdraw my prior comment about missing scale ruler in the planner. I was tricked by the fact that while the main map window has it at the top, the planner has it at the bottom. In fact I had known it was there, but I had forgotten about it, while I was looking at the top, seeing a missing ruler. :-)
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I do not understand why this option is the top voted "Long click on "Route type": toggle between "manual" and "selected" routing".
"Toggle" function is a shortcut to change the profile to manual and back, it does not to draw directly a manual point.
With the direct manual point (on the + or on the profile icon, does't matter) if you need to concatenate more points you have two options:
1) with few points, use the long touch for each point
2) with a lot of points just toggle to the manual mode as always
With one point, no contest, just one long touch
I think I do not understand because someone else has different needs than me, but I'm curious.
Few points @lor74cas
- long-click on "Route type" to add new point > logically this does not make sense as adding content is not connected to the type of added route segments
- long-click on "+" button > make sense, but unfortunately, we already have here another existing functionality
So, your requirements are loud and clear > simply and mainly quickly add a single manual segment. Unfortunately, the solution is not so simple.
And agree, the toggle option is perfectly equal to your needs, but it still saves some time.
Downloaded the beta... it feels weird from UI point of view. Because nothing visibly happens, the finger is on the button, you cannot see the profile change.
I see Menions point but I can see now this solution is something that will hardly be used.
Only solution I see is options for assigning functions to those buttons.
Beta? It is a regular version with this feature for the secret test ;).
And I have the same experience. There is added haptic feedback for long-click, but not everyone has enabled it.
If the function, whereever it is offered, does not directly draw a point AND make manual profile switching obsolete, I think we do not win much.
I didn't see it before tbh.
Consider adding a regular routed segment as typing a letter on a keyboard, while adding a straight segment as a CAPITAL one.
Consider explicit profile switching to straight line as CAPS LOCK activation.
Consider long pressing route or + button as using SHIFTed letter to type just 1 or 2 CAPITALS.
What is wrong with SHIFT key ?
I see just 1 issue, why to use right SHIFT and not left, if right one is already taken ?
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Menion, even though without feedback so far, still checking out LM4 8)
Yeah, congrats to the latest enhancements here and there, a lot of route planning, .., very impressive
*thumbs up* 8)
- I know there was this BIG discussion about the gps-center-button. Honestly, I don't use 'rotate map' and will never do. I couldn't find an option to finally disable this one(!)-tap-to-enable-map-rotation as this mode will only bring trouble to me, that's for sure.. Can you guide me?
- you noted it somewhere, currenty l don't invest time searching for it - using vector-maps the caching of the rendered view is very small. Moving view across tile-borders (without changing Zoom-level or vector-theme, details etc. ) always forces a re-calculation of already rendered areas, with expensive costs IMHO. example-Vid at (
Quote from: lor74cas on April 15, 2020, 11:54:46
I do not understand why this option is the top voted "Long click on "Route type": toggle between "manual" and "selected" routing".
"Toggle" function is a shortcut to change the profile to manual and back, it does not to draw directly a manual point.
I also voted for this top one - stupid me - and I
guess this 2nd one might does not fit to most 'need' (> most important) and/or might be a sort of unusual setting, combining/mixing profile and +new-point. Might come in handy though, but is a combo > profile-button (route type) triggers a new-point-action. Still some days for votes. If not, there's hope, as we know, Menion is an expert in finding perfect solutions for special pro-community-needs 8) Maybe a further drop-down-setting (in settings) or new GUI-stuff like pie-menus (e.g. Blender) might help..
edit: added small details
Every time i update locus pro and locus beta, locus 4 disappears and I can't even install it again from apk file
you have to choose between LM beta and LM4, both at the same time are not possible
I have turned off the automatic updates of the beta for this reason
Where is the Expert settings? Not available yet?
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Is not there any trick like Android hidden developer menu?
like multitasking some button or menu item? I do not remember any more...
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Quote from: Ricardo Borges on April 16, 2020, 13:16:16
Where is the Expert settings? Not available yet?
long click on menu button > Expert settings, it´s a toggle button on/off
Quote from: balloni55 on April 16, 2020, 14:31:31
Quote from: Ricardo Borges on April 16, 2020, 13:16:16
Where is the Expert settings? Not available yet?
long click on menu button > Expert settings, it´s a toggle button on/off
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The new version today uploaded to Google Drive (link in the first post).
Suggest to give it a try ... all will be satisfied ;)
thanks for the feedback ;)
- gps-center-button: disabling rotation? Do not understand. Just don't tap on the button again when you are centered.
- caching vector maps: this is correct. Last May when I made a bigger change to whole map system, caching was really limited, because in most cases, it caused only troubles. Vector maps are little more expensive and in cases, you care about every tiny Watt of your battery, it may be useful to download small area as raster maps. Anyway I've never tested this precisely, so can't say for sure real effect.
The idea to let the user to set up the long click function it's great. All happy.
Found a little bug in manual mode Locus does not draw the line connecting the points.
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I tried the new circular automatic track, yes it works but why should I use it for ?
What I need is something that connects last point to start point to create a circular track
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- gps-center-button: yeah, happens if being in talk with someone, while biking, no smartphone-mount available, windy, partially one-handed moving+zoom view around, and auto-centering enabled. If you press 5ms after auto-center happens, then BAM :D
- caching: oh well, ok. Honestly, Elevate-Theme is quite heavy in calculation/rendering, due to lot of details of course. While being on the move on vacation I always choosed John's awesome Velocity-theme (part of VoluntaryUK) when speed matters, which is often the case in unknown areas.
- route planner
- attached 2 pics of route planner (256Colours to smaller size)
- pic: if I plan with 'navigation hints' I get (as desired result) a lot of hint-points. Their labels might get annoying while moving view and on-hover. If I choose to not calculate them, the problem is (of course) not there, but also don't get navigation-hints if I continue with route-planner > navigation. So I prefer to calculate them. I don't want to change Basic point labels on-hover (point & tracks > point). Is there a setting around to only show the hint-points as dot without any hover-symbol-labels? If so I feel sorry, you still implemented a lot of customisations, still searched..
- route planner > navigation. Starts navigation. If I stop/end navigation and do route-planning again, the last track is understood as 'saved' and therefore cleared ('retain unsaved plan' activated). Nasty if you get into the situation to need to re-setup and further optimise the last track in route planner.. (still did testing with simple test-routes)
- pic: route planner itinerary: some white space for possible layout-optimisation (sure, HD-display here which might not always the case)
- really love the new LM4-grid-layer, good training in coordinates IMHO ;D
( LM4_925_beta)
Quote from: T-mo on April 16, 2020, 23:14:13
- route planner > navigation. Starts navigation. If I stop/end navigation and do route-planning again, the last track is understood as 'saved' and therefore cleared ('retain unsaved plan' activated). Nasty if you get into the situation to need to re-setup and further optimise the last track in route planner.. (still did testing with simple test-routes)
@T-mo - just save the route (from route planner menu) before you exit the route planner rather than rely on auto save/ restore. You can edit & further optimise this, or any other, saved route anytime.
@menion - LM4 nice route planner changes. Generate Round Trip function is still ignored though. GPS is disabled.
Quote from: balloni55 on April 16, 2020, 11:25:06
you have to choose between LM beta and LM4, both at the same time are not possible
I have turned off the automatic updates of the beta for this reason
So, having updated to the latest Pro and beta, I uninstalled the beta, installed the alpha again and reloaded the backup settings.
But LoPoints no longer works - the screen tells me to install a LoMap. I deleted the England LoMap, and reloaded it from the store, but the error did not go away. However, the poi pop ups are still there if "show on map" is ticked. Alpha and Pro are both affected. Any ideas?(
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Quote from: john_percy on April 17, 2020, 12:58:05But LoPoints no longer works - the screen tells me to install a LoMap. I deleted the England LoMap, and reloaded it from the store, but the error did not go away. However, the poi pop ups are still there if "show on map" is ticked. Alpha and Pro are both affected. Any ideas?
Do you use OAM projects poi databases (additionally)? I don't remember exactly, but I saw something like this when I put a poidb file into a subfolder, for organisational purposes. Locus did see it, but not use it. But said, it's there. Something like this :)
Round trip
is always created from GPS position, or if GPS is off, from last known position.
How can i use mapcenter of shifted map for round trip calculation?
Quote from: tapio on April 17, 2020, 13:10:49
Do you use OAM projects poi databases (additionally)? I don't remember exactly, but I saw something like this when I put a poidb file into a subfolder, for organisational purposes. Locus did see it, but not use it. But said, it's there. Something like this :)
I have tried that but even with only the LoMaps database present I get the same error.
The thing is, it was working fine a few days ago but now it's not

Edit: I have now cleared the vector maps folder which flushed out an error message and rebuilt the map folder from scratch and it's now ok.
Quote from: balloni55 on April 17, 2020, 13:11:17
Round trip
is always created from GPS position, or if GPS is off, from last known position.
How can i use mapcenter of shifted map for round trip calculation?
In my Opinion it is created from the first set waypoint.
I withdraw what I have withdrawn ( :-) ) about the scale ruler in the route planner:
The ruler is there ( even if it should rather share its location with the main map screen).
But when a route is being created, it disappears, as it is overwritten by the route stats bar. If the route is cleared, it is back again.
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New version , so give it a try.
Main change: completely new side "Map content panel", very useful I believe ;).
"gps-center & rotation" ... well, it's quite an un-usuall requirement, so, for now, sorry, complete disabling of rotation is not planned.
"caching of vector maps" ... I'll try to look at it later. Good point and maybe there should be a place for some "caching mechanism".
route planner
- disabling of popups for navigation hints is currently not possible.
I also from time to time consider them as obtrusive, mainly when tapping on the map and they appear in the selection.
So what about an option (on/off) in the Route planner, that allows to completely disable editing of navigation points (points with navigation commands)?
- reload of active navigation > this is something I think about as well > some option to quickly re-edit active navigation or at least last used ...
@Andrew Heard
"Generate route" mystery continue, funny ... it's just an another button in the list :).
you may check in case of problems, if certain vector map has attached POI database directly in detail of any vector map (in the map manager).
Generate trip > if there is no point in planner, last known location is used. If there is one point, it's used otherwise app warn.
in these quarantine days in which in Italy it is allowed to go out only at a distance of 500 meters from home, I used locus to determine how far I could go. I used the geocaching tool circle. It works perfectly, but eliminating it is not intuitive at all.
"How to remove items drawn by the geocaching tools:
tap the Hide temp map items button in Map items screen topbar or
long-tap the Data manager button in the Function panel and select Hide temp map items or
add Hide temp map items button directly to your Function panel"
In my opinion, the easiest way would be to have a deactivation button in the same mask where I activated the function.
This is a general problem of the app for many years, not just planned LM4 ... I know ... terrible :).
Hmm, maybe these temporary items should have its place in new "Map content panel" (just thinking loud) ...
Quote from: menion on April 21, 2020, 13:01:06
This is a general problem of the app for many years, not just planned LM4 ... I know ... terrible :).
Hmm, maybe these temporary items should have its place in new "Map content panel" (just thinking loud) ...
a very old wish ::)
make lines, circles a.s.o. created by the "geocaching tool" permanent, so user can display it or not similar POI´s and tracks 8)
Small bug with new map list. See scr. I click on an item, return with the up arrow, and the items in the list are repeated below. Problem with A5 in tablet and A8 in mobile.
Sidebar in preset is good. I miss Map Theme in the new Map Content Panel. In addition to changing cards, one of the most important functions there.
Quote from: freischneider on April 21, 2020, 19:05:35
I miss Map Theme in the new Map Content Panel. In addition to changing cards, one of the most important functions there.
very difficult to achieve at the moment
neither search term "theme" nor "thema" will return any results.
With a long click you can add it e.g. to the "Quick action menu"
I just found it. On one side I can choose the map and on the other side the theme. Very brilliantly solved.
LM4 is getting better. Now I don't need a sidebar anymore. I get everything in the Map Content Panel and in the 5 lines in the menu below. A big compliment to Menion.
I still have a wish. I have hidden the zoom buttons on the map but they are still there in the route planner. It also works with the scale bar. Hidden on the map and then in the route planner.
Question about the copyright sign: Is this required by law? If so, you can make it a little smaller.
@Žajdlík Josef
ah nice, thanks, I'll fix it.
Map theme ... in case, base map is "themable", the button is right next to it. It may happen that also overlay map may be "themable", in this case, there is still "Theme" button next to the base map ... little weird, but save space and it is still in the same place.
hehe zoom buttons ... I've spent exactly on this task 3 hours today and then I've give up :). I does not looks so, but "auto-hide" option really complicates me a life ...
Took me a while until I recognized left vs. right button functionality in the new panel, it's lovely, well done.
Geotagged photos show a jpg placeholder in the info panel, unlike the implementation in Locus Pro. (Both shown below.) Tapping on the medium sized image/placeholder correctly gives full size image in both cases.(
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Quote from: john_percy on April 22, 2020, 17:09:58
Geotagged photos show a jpg placeholder in the info panel, unlike the implementation in Locus Pro. (Both shown below.) Tapping on the medium sized image/placeholder correctly gives full size image in both cases.
confirm behavior
@ John, additional question, please open the POI with PRO and take a look at attachements. For me there is mostly no preview photo of attached photos. Only name and size is displayed
what means that text? only the first listed one hast no text
The only attachment is the full size image. Presumably Locus generates the thumbnails on the fly.
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Hi guys, thanks for the report about images, I'll look at it tomorrow.
After today, the new version on Google Play and also the new LM4 Alpha version with some fine-tuning of existing features.
In route selection mode, the icons remain white on a light background and are not very visible. See scr.
Changing the style, theme or mode of an offline overlay doesn't always result in a proper screen redraw, though panning left and right usually results in a clean redraw. Sometimes however the screen is not properly redrawn on panning and multiple images result.
Screenshot 1 attached shows multiple overlay images of motorway (blue) and main road (green) in Multiply mode on panning. This occurs with both v3 and v4 maps.
Screenshot 2 shows colour change on road overlay after changing style and panning (due to style or theme change not being applied until pan).
Screenshot 3 shows a further problem, *first* display of map screen content side menu sometimes incorrectly says no map, no overlay
Hello Menion,
is it possible to add to "Quick Settings" : Karte an Gps Position zentrieren.
I use it only, if I'm on tour. If I plan different Routes at home, I have to go to to Settings-Kartenansicht and search for this Point, to disable it.
This is the only one, which I miss in "Quick Settings", to have quick access to the functions, which I only need, if I'm on tour.
Kind regards
Jochen 👍
Hello Jochen.
If I understand right ,the use off den main button is featured with, what you want. Tapping it for longer than 1 or 2 seconds, you'll get a checkbox on the right side.
@john_percy, @balloni55
Interestingly, I have no problem with the attached photos. From where comes your images? They are taken by system camera and later added to Locus Map or directly attached in Locus Map, or any other option?
Problem with an overlay ... when any "Blend mode" is enabled, the app has serious problems, at least on my device. This happens for many months already and seems, no users complain. Anyway, don't use blend mode if they cause problems to you. What happen on your screenshots, seems to be "something more". What steps you did to get "Nothing to display" for the base map?
"[waypoints_category_invisible] .. how you do it? :)
@Žajdlík Josef
ah damn, even here ... thanks!
what is "Karte an Gps Position"?
@Jochen: long click on GPS below
1. Geotagged photos were taken with phone camera and found by Locus in phone camera DCIM folder. Exactly the same behaviour for Locus quick photo point. It's the jpg icon that's the issue: Locus Pro has a middle sized version as well as a small thumbnail and full size attachment. (Edit: I've just found *one* of my photos works properly.)
2. If the blend mode doesn't work, either mend it or don't offer it! However I'd never had any problems until now. The biggest issue seems to be with Multiply blend though the failure to redraw was happening with SrcOver.
3. The "no base map" and "overlay disabled" messages only appear (sometimes) on first opening the map contents side menu immediately after loading Locus. A timing issue?
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@menion: "Hold map center" in English. I'm sorry. I am a german user.
@Joska @freischneider : Thank you very much for your explanation. I didn't see it, although I use Locus Pro very often.
@menion: I think, this is the right place for it for instant access. Maybe it can be added in the future to the quick access panel, too. But it is not absolutely necessary.
Quote from: menion on April 24, 2020, 15:42:58
@john_percy, @balloni55
"[waypoints_category_invisible] .. how you do it? :)
with PRO name of folder is displayed
display coordgrid while map is "north up" the coords are concealed
is it possible to flip them?
Addition of mileage display and number of hours in the folder display in LM4. If this did not affect the display speed, it would be a suitable replacement for the ODO of the cycling computer.
LM4 charged
route planner
- > settings > 'allow edit of navigation points' - my appreciation, Thanks. Works like a charm. Reg. option-name - I was not sure and had to search twice - the (necessary) discussion about shaping- and via-point makes me think those are navigation 'points' (the real ones though) as they are used as points defining the navigation in planning. Was expecting option-name incl. 'navigation hint/on hover/label' sth. like that..just as feedback, doesn't really matter though
- see pics attached - to reach the next S-train nearby or the one of the next village I evaluated a 3km-short route I would take via a small kick-scooter > route menu > Statistics: Estimated travel time. Something around 10-14km/h (or maybe in-head-calculation 2/3*20km/h) would match, so I used the biicycle-profiles, short and easy route, mostly downhill - see below the evaluation of 3 profiles all with 10km/h but different up-down-strength. I don't know inside-details of the profiles and calculation, but here 'Family crawling' would be 1st which is astonishing..
edit: used pics with smaller dimensions, LM4-version missing
I have tested the lm4 locus versions several days. Now in I can't zoom out, lower than 46% is not possible. Also the main town names are too little now. I use the LoMaps.
In the parallel Pro version all is normal.
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I'll be watching mentioned two problems (missing photo icons in point detail & "no base map" label in map content) because I'm still unable to simulate it :/. In the worst case, I'll add some logging messages to the Alpha version and let you know.
thanks for the video. I believe you see these folders :), but I'm more curious how to get these points into this folder and how it's possible you see this folder name in one version and not in second, weird. This "invisible folder" is for storing points attached to tracks or some temporary data, but the app should definitely not display its name like in your case.
Grid: work in progress
@Žajdlík Josef
this idea (nice one) definitely belongs to my dreamed work: tracks/folders statistics :)
interesting problem with computed times ... may you send me a start > end coordinates so I may try it as well?
- hmm, zoom below 50% never worked (at least not without some special settings).
- Names for towns in vector maps may be set by settings > maps> offline maps > text size
I checked again the problem with zooming. It seams that only zoom level 16 is available, the percentages are from 46% to 1463%. In the normal pro version I can use all zoom levels.
This and the little town names are only seen in this actual beta version.
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This more looks like an enabled "Zoom lock" feature.
Zoom lock is a little bit hidden in the recent version. The best is to add it manually to function panel.
Thank you, this is the solution.
A few days before I switched the "Screen lock auto" in expert settings on. This was useful, but not while track recording. Then the screen locks every time, when the display go's on.
Therefore I switched off the automatic lock. But this do not work properly, it seams so.
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So what about new Alpha version ;)
Interesting changes
- attempt to decouple the LoPoints system, so now it may be enabled independently on the base map. I see currently the only limitation: Locus needs to know about this POI database. For this, it needs to be "attached" to any vector map (same as now).
- improved coordinate grid & added support for the UTM grid (visible in case of enabled UTM coordinates).
Crash directy after Startup.
Same for me
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Quote from: Saturo on April 28, 2020, 22:28:12
Crash directy after Startup.
... same here. :-\
Same for me :-(
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Ah sorry guys. New version (double-tested, same name)
EDIT: hmm because of LoPoints, app keeps crashing ... fix in progress
LoPoints. What does it mean to connect a database to a map? I tried to rename the .db file according to the OSM map, but Locus still can't find the database. Viz.csr.
I successfully connected my maps with both LoMaps and OAM databases (one at a time), which seems OK for me.
The LoMaps database serves a number of purposes:
- offline address search
- offline poi search
- poi overlay on maps
- reverse geocoding (address lookup pop up)
I think I am still unable to select which online/offline source to use for the address lookup pop up, which would be really helpful.
- Online, Google is excellent and includes postcodes but depends on a data connection. Currently I can choose which of the online sources is used if there is no offline database available, which is good. (Btw Graphhopper look up is flawed and returns an address in USA for a town with the same name as mine in the UK.)
- Offline, LoMaps database is generally good-ish but returns a neighbouring town frequently. I would like to be able to turn this off in normal use. However I would like to be able to select it if there is no data connection.
- Offline, OAM databases have no addresses and therefore don't work for this function and effectively block reverse geocoding. I would like to be able to choose not the use OAM databases for reverse geocoding.
Maybe that's too much to ask but I thought I'd set it all out here.
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for me the LoPoint is also going well. Of course it would be nice if you could choose which category you want to display and which not.
Ideally for each activity extra (preset)
Maybe you can combine that with the theme. The question is of course whether it is also possible with OAM Theme.
Similar selection fields already exist in the OAM theme.
Lopoints, it's a beginning. I hope there will be reworks to the Lopoints window (scroll, scroll, 100, scroll scroll scroll, 200... just saying) 😊
@Žajdlík Josef
hope this helps you and also some others who struggle with the custom POI database.
Currently, SQLite address/poi database has to be attached to any vector map. This is done simply by name, where the database has to have a name by this scheme:
- map: <<name>>
- db: <<name>>.poi.db or <<name>>.osm.db
Loading of POIs in the recent Alpha version is anyway different. Previously, the app picked POI db based on the selected vector map. Now it is completely independent and the app checks automatically the visible area and load/unload DB(s) automatically. So flexible & independent on the map.
I've noticed an idea about online/offline sources for addresses at the help desk. This is currently not possible. If exists an offline address database for required coordinates, it is always used. Otherwise is used as an online source that is defined in settings > misc.
I believe that problems with offline addresses were not known to Petr (who take care of this) and he will look at it.
If DB contains pois or addresses is define inside this database by versiondbaddress and versiondbpoi keys in MetaData table.
more specific setup ... we will see. Not for now, but probably later. I now have to wait on Radim (wrote about in here ( for a final version of new POI database.
When I have tried direct OAM map Locus download via Locus action link on site:
the download immediately fails (but it says it was successful as @johnpercy says below). The same for UK_Saint_Helene ( 1 MB only on mobile data) as a test case.
Doing so in LM3 Pro is OK.
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True for me too. Locus very quickly says the process is successful but no map is downloaded when using the alpha. Ok with Locus Pro.
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- LM4 crash: Share > Text Message > close panel via upper-right-window-cross
- LoPoints: still at the beginning to use the screen completely hides the map and does not reduce to lower-half e.g., I am sometimes a bit lost..and start to switch back and forth. Attached a design-draft about the appearance. I already switched on Cinema (> 100 POI) and Theatre (> 100 POI), so these are the 200 POI shown. Going through the list and you might not recognise what's already shown and what's not. Draft: light-grey for submenu (the intent is very small, so submenus are hard to differ IMHO) & additional buttons
- LoPoints: the general conflict: map-theme and shown points here, and separate overlay-POIs: do you think some kind of overlay-style is possible, to better recognise the POIs - maybe the map-layer as greyscale or dimmed or sth. (adjustable like overlay-modes), while POI-overlay is shown, or a flashing button where the POIs (Icons) go blinking (normal<>white). Maybe just the POI-Icons need some contrast-edge like the scale..? Just ideas, dont know..
Always made a circle around the dashboard-thing, thought of it about being 'another topic to dig in'.. ;D Well, with the Editor it's so damn easy and awesome, love it 8) Thanks for making Locus that nice!
P.S. sorry, missed it to mark the image with DRAFT to not confuse others - next time
edit: layout..
Try LM4 form Apr 30
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Quote from: poutnikl on May 08, 2020, 12:07:01
Try LM4 form Apr 30
Thanks. Must have been a silent release (?), haven't found any notes on that..
Also .2, that I used, and .3, if went public, no more available - which is still ok to me, let's stick to future :D
- LM4 crash: Share > Text Message > close panel via upper-right-window-cross
what means green dot down left?
@balloni55 - green dot indicates unviewed notifications.
thanks for the feedback related to the LoPoins system (and crash in "Share dialog" as well > fixed).
The general idea of these points is that they are permanently visible on the map screen, with a different setup for various zoom levels (defined by the current vector V3 theme!). This method to display 100 points from a single category should be used only rarely for cases, you want to display certain points on the map permanently.
Btw. these floating active LoPoins already have a small white border, maybe just not so visible :).
Anyway, what I currently made in LM4, is just an ability to enable this overlay for every map, not just for vector maps. There is anyway need for some usability improvements like you wrote and it will come a little later.
Aaaand new Alpha LM4
(sorry for the same name, important is code 930. Name now matches the "same" Locus Map Free/Beta version just published on Google Play).
EDIT: sorry, Michal found some technical problems ... I'm working on it.
LM4 930:
nah, LoPoint-feature doesn't work as expected, bugs appearing. Switching it on via eye-symbol and without any LoPoints selected/activated several POIs are still shown, automagically (so LoPoints everything is 0 but on the map symbols are shown after layer-activation via eye-smybol). Seems to be cafes etc. Eye-status and LoPoints-menu>'display on map' often does not match.
But great next step.
ideas for the future
- integrate OSM-alternative for sharing location as text message: maybe ( and right-click>show adress/panel left side or right side share-menu. Sharing via long/lat as Maybe this is a sort of reference (
- see attached pics: I kicked around with my Mibo Mastr 8) In my opinion from longtime-usage: honestly I mostly dislike the graph as it is missing some smooting/interpolation. I question that sometimes the shown drops in the graph (speed) are worth the space of drawn lines and their width :D I still have to optimise my rec-settings. Maybe - one day - the line is smoothed and there is a drop-down, somewhere close, where someone can select the smooting/interpolation - none (current state, raw, point > point via line), simple, etc)
Map content panel, the top map/theme entry. While I understand the logic, another approach would be more convenient maybe.
A new row just for the theme. If you tap left, you could pick a theme. If you tap right, the properties of the currently selected theme would appear. Currently, I think, theme properties are too far away, but are important, need regular fiddling.
Another advantage would be, the chosen theme is displayed in that new row in the content panel.
Restore of backup crash
At every installation of a new LM4 I need to restore the folders settings, this time I tried the backup restore and found the bug
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ah, hidden "Display on map" settings, I've completely forget on it. United, thanks.
Still any points visible: if we talk about dynamic points (that are automatically loaded/unloaded based on the movement of the map), they should respect this eye on/off on 100%. Any steps to simulate this problem?
Ideas, thanks.
- sharing to OSM: is it really useful? You may partially do by yourself with a "Quick bookmark" function.
- the chart in the track: agree, not ideal. Check chart in the route planner at bottom > a lot better I believe :). It is a different system that I plan to use also for this track screen in the near future.
I was also thinking about it. Currently, I miss at least the label with the name of the selected theme. I'm just a little worried about the additional space that this item takes... I'll think about it, thanks.
I'm trying it and no crash so far. Anyway, something found ... so next version, thanks.
Btw. why you need always restore backup? Should not be needed.
LM4 does not like my Locus folders settings so to avoid duplication of maps and srtm I need at every update to set them as in the PRO version. This time I tried to retore the backup and found the bug.
After my last post, I was tired to see in google store update the free(beta) version because I use LM4 and I uninstalled it. Result, no more LM4 and when trying to install it back from the apk it says it does not find my sd card, see attached screenshot.
LocusPro works well, I also attached its settings of folders.
Version 931 has problems with SD card? Damn, should not. There was an issue in 930 version, but within a few hours I've published a fix.
You wrote that "LM4 does not like my Locus folders settings". It is possible that restoring backup in LM4 may need to set most of the custom folders (mainly to SD card) again. It is correct. But every update of LM4 or Beta version (not a new install) should keep this setting!
Also, you should not see an update of LM Beta from Google Play. Hmmm .. only in case, you have installed version 930 :).
Version 930 I also had problems with the SD card.
Version 931 was good then.
LM4 391 Interesting only this one time for me during installation, Google Play Protect says it hasn't seen this app before & asks to scan.
And new Alpha is available for install.
Mostly some fixes ...
LM4 933 - Nearest Points screen - working nicely. Thanks @menion.
- With new version, no more problems with SD
- Imported the setup backup of pro version in LM4, successfully but the LM4 folders settings has still issues. Attached screenshot
- The explanation text is truncated. Attached screenshot
As I wrote previously "It is possible that restoring backup in LM4 may need to set most of the custom folders (mainly to SD card) again. It is correct.". The setup of folders have to be done manually in every version. The question to me is why you need to restore backups, why you just do not keep Free/Beta/Alpha version installed as is, that's all.
Truncated texts in popups are known to me, but I've just not yet found a working solution :-\
Quote from: menion on May 14, 2020, 08:53:51
As I wrote previously "It is possible that restoring backup in LM4 may need to set most of the custom folders (mainly to SD card) again. It is correct.". The setup of folders have to be done manually in every version. The question to me is why you need to restore backups, why you just do not keep Free/Beta/Alpha version installed as is, that's all.
Truncated texts in popups are known to me, but I've just not yet found a working solution :-\
ok I'll set up the folders manually as usual, I'm lazy so I was confident in the restore of the pro backup.
As you can see at this post
we can not have at the same time LM4 and LM-beta we need to choose, as correctly suggested by balloni55 in the answer.
That's correct. All these versions: Locus Map Free - Locus Map Free Beta (from Google Play) - Locus Map 4.0 (from APK) has the same unique ID so only one version may exist in the device at once ... unfortunately.
Hamburger button > next window "LOPoints(BETA)" didn´t work, it only work inside "map content panel"
no reaction( add/modify/info) after long click on side/bottom panel
Quote from: tapio on May 11, 2020, 22:20:20
Map content panel, the top map/theme entry. While I understand the logic, another approach would be more convenient maybe.
A new row just for the theme. If you tap left, you could pick a theme. If you tap right, the properties of the currently selected theme would appear. Currently, I think, theme properties are too far away, but are important, need regular fiddling.
Another advantage would be, the chosen theme is displayed in that new row in the content panel.
Quote from: menion on May 12, 2020, 13:57:09
I was also thinking about it. Currently, I miss at least the label with the name of the selected theme. I'm just a little worried about the additional space that this item takes... I'll think about it, thanks.
You can still make a little space.
The headings could move up 1-2 mm.
The area that is clicked could be closer to the heading. The heading doesn't have to be clicked. Therefore, the distance does not have to be that big. In order to make the area for the respective heading look better, you can make the heading with a light colored background.
I was thinking that maybe it should be allowed to define what to display in the map content panel. I never need geotag photos e. g., or active elements.
Quote from: tapio on May 14, 2020, 19:17:25
I was thinking that maybe it should be allowed to define what to display in the map content panel. I never need geotag photos e. g., or active elements.
That's a good idea. Everything selected for new installation and then you can deselect as needed. Nevertheless, you could still save some space.
long-click, thanks. Found weird problem, fixed.
Anyway not working "LoPoins" button is weird as well. I can't confirm it now.
The selection of items is planned ... well, it will be necessary later when more possible content appears.
UI update, thanks for offers, but to be true, I do not like them too much. Also, I'm trying to unite design, and this will cause changes on almost all app screens. Anyway I do not think it is a serious problem, but I'll think about it.
Quote from: tapio on May 14, 2020, 19:17:25
I was thinking that maybe it should be allowed to define what to display in the map content panel. I never need geotag photos e. g., or active elements.
and allow hiding the Map Content button from the main screen altogether to increase map space, reduce clutter. Allow alternate means for all map content panel functions by other means so equally accessible via presets, side panels, settings panel, more settings panel, quick settings (I think has already been discussed but seemed like a good opportunity :D
Sorry Andrew, this does not happen on 100% :).
The button is really tiny, hidden at bottom corner and mainly, it contains many important features now.
We were already solving many problems where users (by accident) hide any buttons and with this, it should be even worst.
That's no worries.
Quote from: menion on May 14, 2020, 21:42:33
Anyway not working "LoPoins" button is weird as well. I can't confirm it now.
"not working" was a wrong description, sorry :)
click on text "LoPoint(Beta)" open in both cases LoPoint window for further action.
select "POIs arround" and confirm
click/enable "eye button" in map content panel display POIs direct,
but if you do both, POIs are twice displayed with different icons :-[
And if you hide/disable POIs arround no POI is displayed although "eye button" in map content panel is furthermore blue ::) deselect> select eye button solve behavior
EDIT sorry at first moment wrong link was insert...
If a theme is selected by a preset, you cannot see which one is used if you visit the theme picker coming from map content panel.
The main (hamburger) menu button seems to have become incredibly unresponsive in the latest version. Sometimes a double tap works, but otherwise it can be unusable.
LM4-93 - agree with @john_percy. Double tap mostly brings up the menu after a brief flash - expected. However the response to a single tap seems to have periods when ignored, other periods when OK. Eg 10 taps+10 back in 20 seconds are OK, but then a further 10 taps are all ignored. It seems the other buttons are OK although I haven't tested thoroughly. I don't recall this in LM4-91, although hadn't noticed this problem until John's post.
when i click the "wrench icon" in POI or track list, in next window the top and bottom panel get an milky overlay. The buttons are furthermore clickable
After month of (couch ;)) testing with tablet last week I decided to take LM to productive mode with my mobile.
After some hiking tours, some geocaches ... and today a cool bike tour with navigating along a route ... the main functions are working pretty good. 😎
The only thing I had to fight with today ... the bottom of the geocaching card disappears sometimes 🤔 ... and then it was not easy to get into the cache screen.
hmm I'm worried, that it's the same with public version since begin, isn't it?
Any dynamic points that are loaded automatically are mostly independent on permanent (manually loaded points over the "LoPoints screen") points. So it may happen that on the map are both points at once.
I'm aware of it and will fix it before LM4, thanks.
Context toolbars should be improved (except title text) in the next version, thanks.
can't confirm problem with the highlighted selected theme. Are you enabling V3 or V4 theme based on the current active map?
@john_percy & @Andrew Heard
I hope that problem with app responsiveness will be related to the problem mentioned by @Žajdlík Josef before. We will see in the next version.
thanks for the tests! ;). I noticed issues with select of points as well. Wasn't yet able to fix it ...
And today ... I had several crashes where Locus completely exited.
The most problems are arround the new geocache card.
I have two presets ... with one I can see the bottom panel ... with the other it mostly disappeares (its my driving setup where orientation is blocked, looking into driving direction ...and more).
There I can reproduce the crash: within the new cache card turning the mobile leads directly to the exception.
Btw ... the new geocache popup isn't really good for caching because all actions (navigate, compass, hint, log ... are far away🤔).
Menion, I have v4 themes in my presets and I use OAM maps. Cannot test again because currently rc beta is installed.
crashes ... found just one when rotate a screen when point bottom popup is visible, fixed.
On your screen are missing buttons at the bottom of the popup. They are not visible right when this screen displays?
there is always a fresh new LM4 version ;).
I have noticed that after cache clearing, LM4 build 936 does not restart after 5s progress bar before restarting,
LM3 pro / free / beta restart always worked for me after settings restore before ( not remembering last success ), but now I have realized the latest LM3 pro fails to restart as well, after settings restore or cache clearing on my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10.
In both cases, I have to start it manually. No big deal, but It should work if advertised.
Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk
They are not visible right when this screen displays?
Yes, with one preset the panel is (almost 🤔 ) hidden.
I tried a little bit to touch the area ... and when I hit a place where a butten shoud be ... it works.
It seems as if the panel is compressed.
... and after some attempts it appears partially.
They are not visible right when this screen displays?
Finaly found it out after switching one by one option:
when you set 'display->full screen ... not only notification bar disappears but also bottom panel of this popup.
The geocaching part of the new point screen is definitely not finished. The current state is work-in-progress. So if, I will appreciate some feedback based on work with all points except geocaching :).
... ohhh, just forgot. 😚
and there is a text that app will restart after 5 seconds? On modern Android 10+ devices should be the text "Please restart the app after %s seconds", because I've lost the option to restart the app automatically and still can't find a method to do it.
ah thanks. This bottom panel drives me mad, hmm ...
Well, you are true, it is "Please restart.." :-D
I have not read it properly, fooling myself seeing old good 5s to restart message. Like if you rode through a crossing for many years and suddenly they changed the way priority. :-D
Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk
In the old Android version, it was possible to simply terminate the app by something like "kill -9" and before this, register action to start it again after 5 seconds. But this unfortunately no longer works on A10+. App simply cannot start itself ... so for now ... "Please restart..." :)
- bug: with activated Controlling>Display>Screen on/off control (wave once) Locus runs nuts when I hit the main-menu-button (map-screen hamburger-style)..the display continuously goes on and off , only reboot helps. Had this several times now. Haven't had this with 933 AFAIR.
- personal preference: theme-details is too long away. I would go a step further than Tapio ;)..I wish I could do long-press layer-button or some other magic to directly jump into the theme-details-screen. Just as a suggestion as I don't want to use map-screen-space with the 'old-but-gold'-blue-flag e.g. But 3 well-placed long-distance-finger-placements are..well, more than 1. I will beat you all in speed-tests by the way 8)
- question: long-press position-button pops up the 'Hold map center' menu which I can modify this your default-mechanism to be able to expand this menu to 2 settings or even more? I suggest long press directly changes the one-and-only-option in the case it's only one. With 2 or more entries then pop-up..
Today I was navigating along a route ... and had several problems:
- navigation has stopped several times while searching (with compass) a geocache
- two or three time Locus started completely new (track recording was continued, navigation had to be started manual)
Because all this is not repeatable by a single action ... is there a logfile where problems are documented?
PS: maybe some problems are caused from screen lock (I use basic lock) . With this lock it's always a little bit weird ... but finaly it works while driving.
PSPS: during my tour today I didn't use lock screen and geocaching - just navigating - and all works great over 3h and 140km 😎
How can I start expert settings?
Long press menu doesn't work ... 😨
Here long-press-menu (main map screen, hamburger-style flag-button) does work - a new window 'Public Tools' pops up with Tweaks and Basic tools. Expert settings activates the additional 'Expert settings'-entry in Settings
Here long-press-menu ...
Weird ... on my tablet it's working. On my mobile S10e it doesn't. 🤔
Not working on my phone either. But as already reported, hamburger menu not keen on responding anyway.
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New Alpha version on Google Drive for download.
Among many smaller fixes & improvements, as usual, most visible change is completely rewritten "File browser" and added support for the "One drive" storage system from Microsoft.
Hello Menion,
Nice that OneDrive Support is now available, is my preferred online storage service.
Unfortunately, nothing works there, only an empty tab is displayed in the file manager. ???
Ah indeed, I've tried it on the second device and some error appear after login ... hmm, mnt (thanks).
EDIT: hopefully fixed!
Hamburger menu now works again for me.

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Quote from: menion on June 05, 2020, 18:15:41
EDIT: hopefully fixed!
Yes, nice.
Very fast new build online :o
I have an idea for the Map Content Panel. Please add map items.
Weird ... on my tablet it's working. On my mobile S10e it doesn't.
With new version now it's working on my mobile too. 😎👍
Hi Menion, beyond my mail I did some more testing with POI DBs.
It seems that up to about 60 DBs the POIs are displayed properly. Adding one more maps/db to the standard Locus vectormaps folder - regardless which one, and after Locus restart - Locus LM4 pretends there are no POIs at all. Taking one (or two) of the DBs out again, LM4 will present the POIs again.
Any idea how to fix that ?
TXs and cheers
PS: the latest Pro version shows the error message (No ...) for the max. set of maps that still works with LM4.
PPS: even more weird - after seeing the set of maps and POIs work, I did some other stuff with tracks (incl. screenshots), then stopped over night, but left LM4 active (as a service). Trying POIs after breakfast, it did no longer work!
Removing some maps did not help, removing some more neither, always with cache removal by Locus.
Only de-install and re-install of LM4 helped, i.e. it now works again, but for how long ?
Can there be any mechanics that would turn a working setup into a non-working one - just by elapsed time ?
Or by doing any stuff that changes and takes memory (like my track actions, and screenshots) ?
Today, first time I used LM4 with Galaxy Active Smartwatch. I could see a track, contructed with LM, but no active track-record. Can somebody confirm this? With LM3 all is okay.
Sometimes I have some peaks/GPS runaways in my tracks ...
I examined my settings and found no problem. Today I had the runaways again ... and as the picture shows: all in connection with a cache.
What I did: navigating along a route and some meters before reaching the cache use Locus compass to show distance to cache.
Maybe this caused the problem?
Is it possible you have in Settings/GPS & sensors set Google Services assisted location
and at the same time in Setting track recording / recording profile
you do not have set reasonable limit for location accuracy, e.g. 50 m ?
In such a case, LM may record very inaccurate location based on GSM towers and not GNSS based location, in case GNSS location is not available.
Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk
Is it possible you have in Settings/GPS & sensors set Google Services assisted location
and at the same time in Setting track recording / recording profile
you do not have set reasonable limit for location accuracy, e.g. 50 m ?
Thanks and yes, Google Services is active ... I thought this was the best setting. Changed it ... but btw. when should it be used?
Accuracy is set to even 20m, filtering to middle ... just to prevent the above problem.
Just see what happens tomorrow ...
Just by chance, do you have set "Record when GPS is OFF" ?
BTW, nothing wrong with Google Services active .. - it is good to have it ON. It just may contribute to the issue if there is a particular combination of location related settings, mainly for recording, as it may record position not based on GPS ( more correctly GNSS, as GPS is specifically US GNSS. Glonass, Galileo, Baidou are alternatives to GPS )
Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk
Hmm idea that location from the cell-id/wi-fi may be recorded in this case, is interesting. Maybe I see something that may has effect on this ... will improve it to the next version, thanks.
*** Locus Map 4, *** just available for the weekend test ;)
Hide all tracks and points. Since then long click on data symbol in the sidebar. Then the 2 symbols appear at the top left crossed out (picture). The symbols do not appear in LM4.
This function could also be found in the Map Content Panel. Possibly in active elements.
Or the data symbol opposite points nearby. And then with long click hide and normal click access to points and tracks
Idea for points and tracks. Long click on data (right), selection to hide everything. short click access to tracks and points.
Quote from: freischneider on June 19, 2020, 22:05:27
Idea for points and tracks. Long click on data (right), selection to hide everything. short click access to tracks and points.
To be able to turn off points AND tracks all at once would be nice to have, I often do it, but always have to go a) to the points main menu, then to the tracks main menu.
Thanks for the tips guys, I'll think about it.
Great news: the latest LM4 test apk (#943) fixes the issue of "... no points ..." if you have more than about 60 POI DBs installed in total (installed, not visited, was the issue). Tested on my S10 - hope that persists on others ... Thank you, Menion !!
Tolle Neuigkeit: the neueste LM4-Test-APK (#943) hat das "... keine Punkte ..." gelöst für den fall von mehr als etwa 60 installierten POI DBs (installiert war das Problem, nicht besucht). Auf meinem S10 getestet - ich hoffe das gilt auch für andere ...
I am just testing Locus Map 4.
A first question: can i hide the Buttons "Karteninhalt" and "recording" lower left?
Quote from: freischneider on June 19, 2020, 19:32:08
Hide all tracks and points.
The button in the @freischneider attachment is obscured by right side panel buttons on my phone.
The next question:
The screen on Locus Map 4 is much darker than on Locus Map 3.
The smartphone setting is set to full brightness.
Additional finding: When the program ends, the screen briefly becomes 100% bright.
Does anyone have similar experiences? This makes the program very difficult to read in sunlight.
Quote from: Wole on June 20, 2020, 17:01:33
A first question: can i hide the Buttons "Karteninhalt" and "recording" lower left?
no and no
QuoteThe screen on Locus Map 4 is much darker than on Locus Map 3.
not for me and never heard
GPS kept active by LM4 ?
Background: I have the German Corona App running 7x24, and as advertised, it does not use the GPS service itself. But for Android reasons, to keep BT going, location services need to be active.
What I noticed in my 3c logging was GPS being active. I killed all apps except LM4 and kept things running für another hour. Still GPS was active, although in the Satellites Screen GPS had been switched off for many hours.
Killing LM4 also sent GPS to sleep, finally.
Until now not reproducabkle at will. I noticed such behaviour only once in 5 days, since I more intensely checking for GPS status on Android level. Also this morning, Locus is running, and GPS off in LM4 as well as Android, like it should.
Quote from: Wole on June 21, 2020, 09:39:10
The screen on Locus Map 4 is much darker than on Locus Map 3.
Additional finding: When the program ends, the screen briefly becomes 100% bright.
all same/ similar to LM3 for me
Normaly with this option the map is centered after a delay of 5s (or with expert settings definable) ... but in LM4 it doesn't work.
And after some hiking tours I really would have it working because while walking ... looking on the screen ... moving the map a little bit - for purpose or by mistake (what happens very often ::) you always have to press the "center-button"
Normaly I switched on LM ... and could see my position at a glance.
With my motobike it was even more difficult because with my touch gloves I could move the map ... but to hit the "center button" was a challenge ...
Quote from: on June 22, 2020, 21:34:58
Normaly with this option the map is centered after a delay of 5s (or with expert settings definable) ... but in LM4 it doesn't work.
Quote from: balloni55 on June 23, 2020, 08:25:24
Quote from: on June 22, 2020, 21:34:58
Normaly with this option the map is centered after a delay of 5s (or with expert settings definable) ... but in LM4 it doesn't work.
Hello Balloni55, what is the red icon on the right panel? Never saw it.
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QuoteHello Balloni55, what is the red icon on the right panel? Never saw it.
it´s a screencast recorder added as extern app for use inside locus
QuoteKarte an GPS..
Oh, thanks.😎
Saw this option but didn't know what it's good for. 🤔🙂
Is there a new version planned because only some few days left?
... and I forgot how to work with official version. 😁
Would it be possible to add a version of the Climb Pro function to version 4?
In dark mode:
1. Search text entered in Settings is almost unreadable with very low contrast
2. What is the intention for the icons for vector map themes in dark mode. Should I redesign the icon for my theme so it works against a dark background as well as a light one, or will it be automatically inverted in due course, or will there need to be two variants of icon for each theme?
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Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on June 28, 2020, 12:35:08
Would it be possible to add a version of the Climb Pro function to version 4?
Watching that video reminds me it would be nice to see the name of the upcoming road name, not just the command/ direction. If and when BRouter is integrated into Locus, surely this level of functionality will become possible.
problem with enabled GPS is weird. I noticed it one really really long time ago. Almost impossible without simulation or till it happens to me when I'll be home (connected to PC). :-\
@Žajdlík Josef
quick checked the video ... what is the point? The chart that display how far are you on the up or down segment during navigation? ... ah, found a nice explanation here: . Well, nice but not doable in the nearest days.
1. top toolbar cause problems to me. I'm still unable to find a method, how to make it looks correctly. Looks, I'll after all change the color back to a darker version like in the current Locus Map version.
2. good question. Probably best will be to invert color for completely black icons in case of dark mode. I'll look at it, thanks.
Note that BRouter does not store street names in its rd5 files. So even if Brouter were integrated, it would not provide the names.
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Quote from: poutnikl on June 29, 2020, 13:56:51
Note that BRouter does not store street names in its rd5 files. So even if Brouter were integrated, it would not provide the names.
Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk
thanks @poutnikl. So why during navigation & I assume in route itinerary can road names be displayed when using GraphHopper but not with BRouter? I made a suggestion ( 3 years ago on this topic but got no response. Displaying "unknown street" for every itinerary navigation turn instruction is a waste of display space.
It is nice there is a new LM4 beta from June 29, but it still reports it's validity only to July 1.
Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk
In latest V4 beta, mid sized thumbnails for geotagged photos still usually return generic jpg icon, unlike in version 3. I'm not sure if that was supposed to be fixed, according to release notes.
(That's when tapping on small thumbnail picture on map and getting details screen appearing at bottom of screen. Tapping on jpg icon then gives correct large image.)
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
Street names during navigation ... I was already playing with an option to supply street names from the offline address database (as Andrew suggested). It worked, but not so fast. Anyway, with some optimizations, it may be doable ...
ah ... I'm settings these time limits manually and sometimes I forget. Thanks, I'll generate a new version today (maybe tomorrow) after few more fixes.
hmm, problem I was solving was about thumbnails in the detail of point (attached photos). You have problem with "Geotagged photos"? Where is a problem? You see on the map corrent mini-photo icons, but in the detail of the point, there is incorrect thumbnail? From where are the photos? Anything special about it's name or path in your device?
Photos are from phone camera, stored in normal phone folder. Either "new photo point" or simple discovery by Locus has the same result. But works fine on version 3. And one or two of my camera photos work fine in version 4.
Screenshots show pop up detail panel and result of tapping on the jpg icon.
Additional screenshot is from version 3.(
Quote from: freischneider on June 19, 2020, 19:32:08
Hide all tracks and points. Since then long click on data symbol in the sidebar. Then the 2 symbols appear at the top left crossed out (picture). The symbols do not appear in LM4.
This function could also be found in the Map Content Panel. Possibly in active elements.
Or the data symbol opposite points nearby. And then with long click hide and normal click access to points and tracks
switch off points and tracks via long click on data. Hiding and unhiding individually works now.
I'll generate a new version today (maybe tomorrow) after few more fixes.
.... and it's working, Thx. 😎
Something seems to have gone wrong with LoPoints display in this alpha. If I tap the eye icon to turn it on in the map content fly out menu, nothing changes on the map, and if I open that menu again the eye is not shown as turned on.
This is true for POIs from both LoMaps and OAM.
Edit: And now it's OK again.
we've tried it on more devices and still no way to simulate issue with photos as you have with LM4, weird. I've enabled some logs for this task, so if next Alpha will have a same problem, create a log please, thanks.
@menion Would you like one of my photos to try? I think they are all from my phone camera so it might be worthwhile to check if there is something odd with them?
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
We may give it a try to verify it really isn't this issue. Just send me it on our help desk please , thanks. Anyway, I expect this won't be the real reason of this problem.
for me the same isue with photos as John reported with PRO and LM4
photo taken with OpenCamera is visible
photo taken with samsung camera is not visible
as thumpnail
BTW, what means the green or blue triangle in thumpnail of LM4?
Thanks, as I've already wrote in topic with a recent version, I'll have to look at it.
Colored corners are there only for testing purposes to see from where the image comes (memory, disk cache, downloaded).
Btw. seems that our few months long work starting to work ;)
Quote from: menion on July 16, 2020, 13:52:57Btw. seems that our few months long work starting to work ;)
Use case? Looks like personally I do not need it. 😔 Just one device... Sometimes I copy the whole db from stable for use in Beta.
Btw. seems that our few months long work starting to work
Two devices ... and therefore: 8) :D
if you won't need it, you don't have to use, it will be definitelly optional service.
Anyway, together with web site for planning & sharing, it will be ... ahh finally :).
@menion :This is really good news. I recommend Locus Pro to almost everyone I know, but a lot of them stay with or decide themselves for komoot. But if there is a website like the one from komoot with Highlight Pictures and maybe with better BRouter Routing and an easy way to use it, I think no one would choose komoot anymore.
Take your time for developing it. Good luck.
Kind regards
Jochen 👍 👍👍
Quote from: menion on July 16, 2020, 13:52:57
Btw. seems that our few months long work starting to work ;)
Let's rock.... Got it!
Quote from: menion on July 16, 2020, 18:10:09
@tapioAnyway, together with web site for planning & sharing, it will be ... ahh finally :).
What is the use case? What is it I am not seeing? In the video, I am just seeing "syncing between two own devices" - but now you mention "web site for planning and sharing". Jochen mentioned Komoot alternative.
I am feeling stupid now.
What you see, sync data between two devices, show that there is not a simple direct connection between devices on the table, but that points/tracks/groups are uploaded into the big database from one device and then downloaded to the second device. Once this will be working, it is the first step for another service that need this, like > drawing track on the web and send to your devices once saved, or sharing some points/tracks with your friends over the simple link or editing points/tracks on the web as well etc.
Quote from: menion on July 17, 2020, 13:18:37
What you see, sync data between two devices, show that there is not a simple direct connection between devices on the table, but that points/tracks/groups are uploaded into the big database from one device and then downloaded to the second device. Once this will be working, it is the first step for another service that need this, like > drawing track on the web and send to your devices once saved, or sharing some points/tracks with your friends over the simple link or editing points/tracks on the web as well etc.
Will it be possible to define, per device, what folders to sync? So there's one big database on the server, but the devices don't need to sync everything?
And is it correct that the sync is not yet available in the test build? Sorry if I missed something, I'm new to the LM4 party ;)
After some years of Locus usage, the Tracks DB can exceed one GB easily.
Is this sync feature capable of handling such?
Is it reasonable to try at all ? For everybody ?
I am still in favor of providing a secondary, local Track DB with easy way to move/copy between the active and the secondary. (So, if you need to sync a historic trail, this is still possible easily.)
And only the active one goes into sync.
Quote from: michaelbechtold on July 23, 2020, 09:18:47
After some years of Locus usage, the Tracks DB can exceed one GB easily.
Is this sync feature capable of handling such?
Is it reasonable to try at all ? For everybody ?
I am still in favor of providing a secondary, local Track DB with easy way to move/copy between the active and the secondary. (So, if you need to sync a historic trail, this is still possible easily.)
And only the active one goes into sync.
I think my proposal would solve that, too: Just define Archive folders that are not synced normally. So you only have to upload the whole DB once, and after that set only the currently used folders to sync. Of course there must be an option to create a local backup of the whole DB somehow - so in case something goes horribly wrong on the server, you could just copy the local copy over the current DB and start anew with syncing.
current there is no plan to define what should and what should not be synced. But probably a good point. It should save us a few cents on the server and users may be happy not to sync some private data. Anyway in the first versions, it will for sure be "all or nothing".
And yes, it is correct, it is currently not available even to the rest of the Locus team :). And during August, it will be for sure ready for test for the brave one :).
we count with this. There is too many unknowns, so we are counting with the worst cases first. Currently, first initial sync of my 400 MB database took almost 2 hours, so 1 GB ... well, we will have to improve performance a little bit :).
Secondary database is a nice idea. It is not just about sync as you wrote slarti, it is also about performance. 1 GB database may suffer by slowness because table with points ... it really long, so simple load of track may be few times slower than from empty database.
Would it not be possible to divide Locus databases into several parts according to data folders? Personally, I store data in folders according to dates. I look at old data only occasionally, and loading the entire data file (800 Mb) unnecessarily burdens Locus. It would also solve the synchronization, because the data files would be much smaller.
CZ: Nebylo by možné databáze Locusu rozdělit do více částí podle složek s daty? Osobně si ukládám data do složek podle letopočtů. Do starých dat se dívam jen ojediněle, a načítání celého datového souboru (800 Mb) zbytečně zatěžuje Locus. Vyřešilo by to i synchronizaci, protože by datové soubory byly mnohem menší.
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on July 23, 2020, 14:12:56
Would it not be possible to divide Locus databases into several parts according to data folders? Personally, I store data in folders according to dates. I look at old data only occasionally, and loading the entire data file (800 Mb) unnecessarily burdens Locus. It would also solve the synchronization, because the data files would be much smaller.
As I wrote above, I also would like to see folder-based sync. But I think that has to be done on DB-level - a file-based approach has all kinds of inherent problems, eg. what happens if you rename an existing database? If you rename the file also, it's hard to sync the correct db on the other side. If not, you run into problems if you create a new folder with the old name. And so on.
No, I assume if we get syncing of DB-parts, it must be done programmatically by the syncing algorithm.
I recently installed the latest version from this thread. This morning, when I started Locus, I found that the normal (non pro) version from the store had been installed (or "updated"?).
How can I prevent that from happening? I'd like to stay on the Locus Map 4 version.
Quote from: alexs77 on July 24, 2020, 20:51:51
How can I prevent that from happening? I'd like to stay on the Locus Map 4 version.
open playstore/my apps > open LM FREE/ 3-dot top right/ disable " Enable auto-update"
thats my solution
Quote from: balloni55 on July 24, 2020, 21:06:02
Quote from: alexs77 on July 24, 2020, 20:51:51
How can I prevent that from happening? I'd like to stay on the Locus Map 4 version.
open playstore/my apps > open LM FREE/ 3-dot top right/ disable " Enable auto-update"
thats my solution
of course

thanks a lot.
it still shows up in the list of apps that can be updated in play store. and when I push the "Update All" button, it would "update" it as well. So — no, this won't work for me 😭
LM4 & LM3-free both share the same app ID (for better or worse). You can only have one or the other installed, not both. Your choice.
As far as I can see, the fact that they share the same id means that Google play store offers you updated versions of lm3free if you have lm4 alpha.
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Quote from: Andrew Heard on July 25, 2020, 00:15:08
LM4 & LM3-free both share the same app ID (for better or worse). You can only have one or the other installed, not both. Your choice.
yes, that's true. I don't want LM3 and I want Google Play Store to leave the LM4 alone. But as the id is identical and as the version number of LM4 is lower than the one of LM3, Play Store will "update".
there is no choice for the user, sadly.
Devs, could you release a new version of LM4 with a higher version number? Something like 3.50, or so? That would be great
Quote from: alexs77 on July 25, 2020, 08:11:15
there is no choice for the user, sadly.
as mentioned you can turn off auto updates
in the same way, I only manually update LM3 free when a Beta version is released for testing
Quote from: Andrew Heard on July 25, 2020, 10:08:57
Quote from: alexs77 on July 25, 2020, 08:11:15
there is no choice for the user, sadly.
as mentioned you can turn off auto updates
As mentioned, this won't stop Play Store from updating, when the "Install all updates" button is pushed. And as my phone, for whatever reason, often has a long list of pending updates (at the moment: 14), I kind of have to push that button.
Does auto update not work on your phone, or do you choose not to use it?
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I update manually particular updates only. Different app ID would be nice, but I can live with that .
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Quote from: john_percy on July 25, 2020, 10:23:52
Does auto update not work on your phone, or do you choose not to use it?
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
it works, most of the time, but every so often gets stuck, it seems. it is enabled.
Creating new version for Google Play with unique ID is currently not possible. It is still not a serious problem as automatic updates may be disabled etc. It will be interesting little later when Locus Map 4 will be officially published and I'll still need somehow provide versions for the testing. We will see ...
Quote from: alexs77 on July 25, 2020, 10:13:53As mentioned, this won't stop Play Store from updating, when the "Install all updates" button is pushed. And as my phone, for whatever reason, often has a long list of pending updates (at the moment: 14), I kind of have to push that button.
Once you press "Install all", an X appears to the right of each app being updated. Simply press the one at LM4 and that's it. That's how I do it in those cases, only needs one additional tap...
Please, add coords copy to clipboard by tap (or long tap?) on this row?
The geocaching part of the new point screen is definitely not finished.
I know but ... I really would like to have a change when taping a geocache point: then it would be helpful to reach the geocache screen directly and skip the first screen.
This double card is after a time really a little bit annoying.
Hi guys,
I'm trying to invest as much time as possible to sync service and offline BRouter integration, so sorry as it may looks I'm not so active.
Sync service is currently in our internal test and I'm sure that till the end of August, it will be ready for public test. The online version of route planner is also in the active preparation ;)
Anyway what I may share here, is early alpha of better BRouter support.
Alpha version "MapGooglePlay_3.47.2.1_955_beta" ready to install.
It now contains:
- integrated BRouter solution => so it is not needed external app from Google Play. It should be little faster, more user friendly and more flexible for me as a dev to get to some nice features ... later.
For now, I'm trying to achieve same functionality as over separate Google Play app.
All data should be placed into Locus/router directory. Custom profiles under "profiles2", routing data under "segments4". We will offer routing data in similar way like elevation files, but it is not yet ready, sorry.
- online BRouter solution => we will need router also on the web, so it is a testing service, that may come handy, but it is more for playing. For my surprise, even it runs on cheapest possible server, it is twice as fast as my Pixel 2, nice.
- I've removed support for profiles from external Brouter. It helps a lot to simplify UI and prevent huge confusion that this option caused. To use custom profiles with Google Play BRouter app, still use Locus/data/brouter directory. Later I'll merge it to the "internal" solution.
- and last thing I'm playing with. The chart in route planner now displays route surface as colors, when you use internal or online BRouter.
If someone wanna help me with ideal tags & colors, here is current setup.
Every item define my internal name like "asphalt", than current color and then list of OSM tags that this color match. It is based on most used tags, anyway suggestion for category, tags or change of colors are welcome.
asphalt = COLOR_GREY_DARK, asphalt
concrete = COLOR_GREY_MEDIUM, concrete, concrete:plates, concrete:lanes
dirt = COLOR_GREY_LIGHT, dirt
grass = COLOR_GREEN_MEDIUM, grass
gravel = COLOR_GREY_LIGHT, gravel
ground = COLOR_BROWN_MEDIUM, ground
paved = COLOR_GREY_LIGHT, paved
paving_stones = COLOR_GREY_MEDIUM, paving_stones, paving_stones:30, paving_stones:20
unpaved = COLOR_GREY_MEDIUM, unpaved, compacted
undefined = COLOR_RED_MEDIUM
And I'm leaving for a week to test Locus Map in the field, so excuse me please, thanks :)
I think the idea with the way surfaces is great. The graphic representation is still a bit confusing. But I can't think of any improvement at the moment.
What do you want outdoors: You want to see where single trails are. And want as few roads as possible.
There is the possibility via the path surface or via the path type (street, track, path)
Komoot lists both, see picture. Idea: display options, route surface or route type in the chart.
Coloring: In the outdoor area, we especially want to highlight the paths, grass paths ... I would highlight these with a special color.
unknown: black, roads and road-like paths: gray tones, paths, grass paths ...: colored tones (red, blue, etc.
Outdooractive goes this way too. See picture in the post before.
Ideas for the future: depending on the activity, the presentation could look different.
A cyclist here has different requirements (road, gravel paths) than a hiker (gravel paths, trails, grass paths) or a mountain biker.
Another idea: with Komoot, I can tap on the path condition in the legend and all sections with this path condition are highlighted in white on the map.
Quote from: menion on August 07, 2020, 13:46:11
All data should be placed into Locus/router directory. Custom profiles under "profiles2", routing data under "segments4". .....
..........To use custom profiles with Google Play BRouter app, still use Locus/data/brouter directory.....
I see little confusion about the exact folders.
Should they be
I have copied segments and profiles to the latter,
installed the latest LM4 alpha,
chose the alpha local BRouter as the default routing service,
set advanced options in Config / Navigation settings....
but the profile list offers the builtin profiles only.
Edit: Or, I have misunderstood the info and there is currently no way for the internal alpha BRouter to use the external profiles. Thats a pity.
Hmm, and what is worse, it has affected the external BRouter as well, only internal profiles are present. I am rollbacking.... :-(
Hmm, hmm, when I rollbacked to prior LM4 and tried to restore the settings ( as I had to uninstall LM4 ) from the backup, it failed. I am doomed for now regarding LM4 :-( It fails with any recent settings backup from LM4 or LM3.
the download of missing routing data is not saved in the folder Locus/router/segments4 as expected...
but in
It may not be a good idea to keep data in Android/data folder, if other applications need access.
My (internal storage ) data are in Brouter folder.
Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk
Thanks for tips.
the download is still done over the external BRouter app and yes, it stores in its own storage. I wrote that this does not work yet above. We need to set up our own server for a faster download of the data directly over Locus Map (later this month).
not sure what happen to you and what confuse you :).
Anyway sorry, one small incorrect information. Here is the precise setup:
- BRouter external (BRouter from Google Play)
- data in the own directory
- custom profiles are selectable when placed into Locus/data/brouter
- BRouter internal
- data in Locus/router/segments2
- settings & profiles are currently shared with BRouter external, later will be custom profiles moved to Locus/router/profiles2
- BRouter online
- currently no config
To all ... since Android 11, no app will be able to access data stored in any app Android/data directory. Since 2021, also Locus Map main directory will have to move into this private Android/data directory so it make sense to keep everything inside this app directory.
Quote from: menion
not sure what happen to you and what confuse you :).
I guess router/* vs data/brouter/* confused me. :-) It is quite some placement shuffling. Internal BRouter works now, with proper profiles and segment placement.
But the restore issue seems strange.
2 latest LM4 versions fail to restore their own backups of settings,
but 3 months old LM4 version is able to restore backups of versions 2-3 months newer.
I vaguely remember somebody mentioned similar issue recently.
Edit: It has heard me ! Latest LM4 did successfully restored just freshly made its own backup. Strange.
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Quote from: menion on August 07, 2020, 18:53:06
To all ... since Android 11, no app will be able to access data stored in any app Android/data directory. Since 2021, also Locus Map main directory will have to move into this private Android/data directory so it make sense to keep everything inside this app directory.
Does this mean applications will not be able to use explicitly provided folders out of Android folder, ( like BRouter and Locus and many others do for me ) ?
With danger of wiping all data if ( sometimes accidentally ) uninstalled ?
Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk
Exactly ... unfortunately.
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Kde asi udělali soudruzi z NDR chybu.. ?
( a Czech running joke about design flaws )
How is then solved a legitimate application data sharing ?
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Quote from: menion on August 07, 2020, 13:46:11
- and last thing I'm playing with. The chart in route planner now displays route surface as colors, when you use internal or online BRouter.
If someone wanna help me with ideal tags & colors, here is current setup.
Every item define my internal name like "asphalt", than current color and then list of OSM tags that this color match. It is based on most used tags, anyway suggestion for category, tags or change of colors are welcome.
Good idea, it works for me.
It may be good to use it as a filling colour below the graph, instant if the line alone.
Particular colour may be better noticeable.
Be aware many highway=track|path|footway do not have surface= tag, but tracktype=gradeN, N=1..5 to express hard/soft surface ratio. grade1 is usually paved.
It should be used as alternative surface info. They are often together.
See OSM wiki.
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Is the function of the surface chart only possible in the route planner? Or can look at every GPX track like this.
Representation of colors and types (surface or type of path) thought even more flexibly.
Everyone can define their own presentation for each activity.
Example: cycling activity
I specify that all surfaces are shown with asphalt as the name xy (street) and the color black.
All highway = track and tracktyp = Grade1 and Grade2 with name xy (path fine) and the color dark gray are displayed.
In this way, everyone could define their own presentation per activity. In principle the same as with your own BRouter profiles.
Quote from: poutnikl on August 07, 2020, 20:08:46
With danger of wiping all data if ( sometimes accidentally ) uninstalled ?
Yeah, my understanding as well, most time consumung and support intensive decision since they made access to ext. SD more complex. Google is too big, they have weird decisions at times.
Menion, you added "round trip" generation again. I think it would feel natural to initially set the direction from point 1 to the map center, if the map has been dragged.
Quote from: menion on August 07, 2020, 20:13:08
Exactly ... unfortunately.
See also
Android 11 storage FAQ (
Scoped Storage in Android 10 & Android 11 (
What is Scoped Storage in Android 11? on Androidcentral (
Maintain compatibility with Android 10
If your app opts out of scoped storage when running on Android 10 devices, it's recommended that you continue to set requestLegacyExternalStorage to true in your app's manifest file. That way, your app can continue to behave as expected on devices that run Android 10.
Which does not pave the way to a new model for V11, though ...
This note in the same article may help:
Note: If your app targets Android 11, keep in mind that this access to "all files" is read-only. To read and write to all files in shared storage using this app, you need to have the all files access permission.
That would allow to have the Locus main structure outside Android/data ...
All this stuff needs testing, but I am not an Android developer.
Thanks for your tips regards scoped storage ;).
Locus Map use mentioned "opt-out" method. There is important info: "If your app targets Android 11"!! Locus Map currently targets Android 10 and I'll keep it as is till Google allows it ... so till September 2021. Then, new updates will be forced to target Android 11. Till that time, I have to solve this "scoped storage" problem ... and it's solvable, so no big worry. I just take me maybe additional month of work that should be spent on better things. As usually ...
The fill color below chart may be better. I was playing with it and it does not look too good because the chart can't be interpolated (at least the library I use does not have this option). I'll try another alternative with a simple line below chart.
Thanks for the info about grades!
you may notice that a big chart in track detail looks different compare to the chart in the route planner. It uses quite an old system that needs to be replaced.
Custom coloring of surfaces? Eh, sorry, no :)
round trip -> so you mean to add one point on the map, then tap on "Generate round trip" and then drag with the map and define direction by this? What is advantage to current system where you simply move with the direction arrow?
Quote from: menion on August 14, 2020, 13:22:32
The fill color below chart may be better. I was playing with it and it does not look too good because the chart can't be interpolated (at least the library I use does not have this option). I'll try another alternative with a simple line below chart.
Thanks for the info about grades!
What about summary statistics, like can be displayed in the recent BRouter-web versions under the pie chart icon on the right ?
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Hmm very nice ... big monitor + mouse = win :)
I mean some minimalistic phone friendly version, possibly on demand only.
Note also mentioned track grades are there listed among surfaces.
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Quote from: menion on August 14, 2020, 13:22:32
you may notice that a big chart in track detail looks different compare to the chart in the route planner. It uses quite an old system that needs to be replaced.
Custom coloring of surfaces? Eh, sorry, no :)
The custom coloring is for the diagram only. And it's just an idea for the future.
Perhaps it has been misunderstood through translation.
Path surface, coloring, only for diagram.
But I think your idea so that you can also color the section of the route on the map is very good.
Quote from: freischneider on August 14, 2020, 16:32:43
But I think your idea so that you can also color the section of the route on the map is very good.
+1 :thumb up:
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Quote from: menion on August 14, 2020, 13:22:32
What is advantage to current system where you simply move with the direction arrow?
You have a better feeling for the direction and... idk, just feels natural to me. But no big deal. As you may have guessed, other options came to mind... alternative routes...
Aaaaand new version LM4, just uploaded to Google Drive.
The main change is support for way types and surface in route planner.
I've also finalized support for BRouter custom profiles. The correct setup should be as below. The app should automatically copy profiles from the old Locus/data/brouter directory to the new.
- BRouter external (BRouter from Google Play)
- data in the own directory
- custom profiles are selectable when placed into Locus/router/profiles2
- BRouter internal
- data in Locus/router/segments2
- settings & profiles are shared with BRouter external, so also Locus/router/profiles2
- BRouter online
- currently no config
way type on surface is not visible upright on me.
I am planning a route. Then I drag the diagram up. Then picture 1 appears.
Then I turn the phone sideways, then image 2 comes and it is visible.
Then I turn back to upright then it's visible (image 3)
If I come across a turn-off while moving on the diagram, it will cover the route. When feeling the way Typ that bothers.
The BRouter profiles do not have to change or assign the icon.
I have 3 MTB profiles. With one I have a MTB icon, with one I have to take the motorcycle and with one the racing bike. You can choose the name yourself. But I can't change the icon.
I like the rest of it very much. Surface and path type is very good.
Quote from: freischneider on August 21, 2020, 22:04:07
way type on surface is not visible upright on me.
I am planning a route. Then I drag the diagram up. Then picture 1 appears.
Then I turn the phone sideways, then image 2 comes and it is visible.
Then I turn back to upright then it's visible (image 3)
I get picture 1 but way type and surface don't appear however I turn the phone :(
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rotation of the phone is quite interesting. Nothing like this happens on devices we use for internal testing. Hmm, will watch it carefully.
Icons in BRouter profiles ... internally every profile is attached to one of the hike/bike/car categories. That's why icons can't be changed. This category then affect compute of times and selection of preset.
are you really using BRouter online or BRouter inner router?
Pretty certain! I set it to Brouter inner (should be "internal" for good English btw) in settings.
I note also
1. Settings for Brouter internal shows standard Brouter icon at top left
2. Brouter internal won't do recalculate, and offers to switch to standard Brouter (I think that's a known limitation)
3. Both offline Brouter internal and standard route planners do not allow me to change the navigation engine by choosing Settings in the route planner Drawing Mode screen - instead of going to the main navigation settings screen they go direct to the Brouter settings. I agree that going direct to the Brouter settings is a better UI but I did use the ability to change router from time to time.
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Quote from: menion on August 22, 2020, 09:33:41
Icons in BRouter profiles ... internally every profile is attached to one of the hike/bike/car categories. That's why icons can't be changed. This category then affect compute of times and selection of preset.
@ Menion:
I understand that.
Perhaps in the future it will be possible to link the MTB category with the MTB icon. This icon including the assignment of the MTB category, times, etc. can then be used 2 or 3 times and assigned to a BRouter profile.
Then I would have 3 MTB profiles with the same icon and the same category, times, etc. The only difference is then the name and the assigned BRouter profile.
Even better and more flexible:
I can use any icon and then assign the following in the settings: BRouter profile, category, times, etc.
- changing to internal brouter: is it heavily locus-tailored or are you easily able to keep with updates if Arndt will so and are you willing to do so? That's still a general question as you start drop app-support, sort of. For sure, google continues stealthen and puting everything more into a bin, creates limitations, which also limits possibilities (which is more a con if you think positive, though might bring barriers to those who harm)
- Sync db - I like the idea of community-created content. That helps a LOT. But if it's not fine-grained configurable (assumption) and decisions are possible at very clear UI-controls/-points, who might gonna use it? There are so many personal points and trips within my db..user decides, as always. I am very sure that bulk-sync won't happen..I can only speak for myself, sure
interesting problem. "Internal" ... thanks
1. settings for external and internal BRouter is currently shared
2. yeah, I know ...
3. In "Drawing mode chooser", tap on small "settings" icon. Small shortcut
Hmm is simply isn't possible to not to see these colored stripes with surface and waytype :). Do you have latest new Alpha version from Google Drive, right?
there is demand for custom profiles. I know about it. It's doable, but not so simple. So later please.
do you know any other app that is monthly updated for almost 11 years like Locus? Do not worry, I won't update internal BRouter implementation. Also I never wrote that external BRouter won't be supported. It still will be without any limits!
What I try to do, has few reasons, but the main are:
- removing need for installation of some other app from Google Play
- easier and faster download of routing files directly over Locus Map
- access to some powerful features not available over existing BRouter API
Sync: currently it is mainly for personal usage. So for own sync between devices or as a save cloud backup of own points/tracks. Some kind of sharing with the public audience will come later and agree, it will be very very important to keep some minimum quality level.
Ah the icon and the word "settings" are different! Got it now. I think that is one of your more obscure bits of UI.
I'm using the latest alpha. In fact I downloaded it again to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
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Yes, it is, I know :). It's more my little hack how to quickly change routing engine than official method :).
Anyway thanks for the extra check. I'll look at it more carefully, how this is possible ... (no idea so far ...).
Wow, back from vacation and now two of my favourite pieces of software are joined together. Very nice!
Internal Brouter is very fast compared to external app

Surface and Way Type bars are a great enhancement! But I also have problems getting them displayed. Sometimes they only appear after switching from portrait to landscape display. After this, I can switch back to portrait and then the bars are also displayed there.
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Just retested on mine with some different routes:
Previous tests, ways and surface didn't appear even if I rotated screen.
Test 1. Ways and surface appeared on rotation to landscape, stayed visible on return to portrait.
Test 2. Only Ways appeared on rotation to landscape, stayed visible on rotation to portrait.
I can't tell what it depends on!
- routing: ok, thanks. to be honest, Locus is at an impressive state, and with possibilities of brouter (thx to Arndt) and graphhopper (thx to Peter Karich & Co) we got the 2 best routing-engines running and can process at any time. if it's for the best sake and some powerful features, that's a good way to go, for sure. I also think I got your idea, simplification for no-pros is obvious, but also profiles, estimations, etc.
- sync: ok. I appreciate your sense for property. just as a note, as I care: I personally only sync with my personal clouds..syncing settings might be passable, syncing content I stay with export-import. Active push to databases (upload) is a different thing, for sure.
Quote from: menion on August 22, 2020, 19:10:26there is demand for custom profiles. I know about it. It's doable, but not so simple. So later please.
I guess internal profiles are only pre-defined custom-profiles, isn't it? ;D just making dev-fun
I've been getting some weird effects with the latest alpha, with UI icons and buttons sporadically not being shown. Sort of thing I used to get on my PC when memory shortage was an issue.
Edit: Added screenshot
PS I am still regularly but sporadically getting the Base Map and Overlay incorrectly reported as Nothing to Display or Disabled. Opening the map chooser corrected the error. See other screenshots.(
I downloaded newest version, but can't seem to get the way types shown in Route Planner (neither portrait nor landscape). What are the preconditions?
Supposedly just requires navigation engine to be Locus internal Brouter or Brouter online.
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Hmm, finally second improved try, version "MapGooglePlay_3.48.0.1_960_beta".
This time, it has to work ;).
Have a nice weekend!
PS: nobody noticed change of base app color >:(
no new version found
Now it is there
sorry, for me neither offline (LoMap, OAM, raster) nor online maps are displayed ::)
No cards for me either
Same here
Also me
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It seems the rule "never update before a trip, but after it." has paid off for me, leaving for hiking weekend. :-)
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Hmm, what the ...
Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
Again failed new version of protection system :/.
Reverted to old and published as new MapGooglePlay_3.48.0.2_960_beta.apk , sorry.
Maps are visible again :-)
Quote from: freischneider on August 21, 2020, 22:04:07
way type on surface is not visible upright on me.
I am planning a route. Then I drag the diagram up. Then picture 1 appears.
Then I turn the phone sideways, then image 2 comes and it is visible.
Then I turn back to upright then it's visible (image 3)
Worked for me now, up to a point. I think the surface chart does not appear if all surfaces are undefined.
And footpaths (highway=footway but not highway=path) are marked as residential or undefined on the Way chart. Maybe others are not right, I can't be sure.
I would prefer if the Ways chart used colours from the theme. Is that possible?
3.48.0 "Mostly bug fixes and mimor improvements". I got it offered through the Play-store. Is this one really for regular users, since there is no announcement in this forum or on the helpdesk?
LM4 is not in Play store yet.
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Thanks Hank, I've forgotten to change status here on the forum and help desk. I was trying to publish is on Wednesday last week. But Google declined this update because of some changes they request in source code. I wrote to them that I'm unable to identify any problem and ... no response. Just on Sunday, they confirmed and published upload versions ... ::)
PS and yes, as Libor wrote, this belongs more to "regular versions" topics ;)
- why are "grade1" tagged ways light grey marked in "Way types" and "Surface" ?
- are infos about "Way types" and "Surface" only available while planing a route? i can´t find a way to make them visible on a stored route.
Good question ... this will be more complicated :).
Please, forget on what you may see for example on BRouter web site. Locus Map won't work like this. My idea is to split all available surface & grade values into separate categories, that are clear for basic users, that may be easily described, etc.
If someone will be interested, I may publish lists we created with Petr, for possible feedback and corrections.
any answer to my second question?
QuoteIf someone will be interested, I may publish lists we created with Petr, for possible feedback and corrections.
of course, we are all interested ;)
Ah sorry ... yes, this is correct. Data are stored in saved planned routes, but currently are visible only in the Route planner.
I was quite sure, that the new screen for tracks will be ready before we publish LM4, but maybe I'm older and older because things seem to take me more and more time :). Anyway expect that LM4 will have a new screen for points (it's partially already done) and also new screen for tracks (with a new chart, surfaces etc).
Let's start wit surfaces. Here is current config. Feedback welcome.
On the left side are osm "surface" tags. On the right side are my internal parameters that have translation, color and maybe later some "description".
asphalt -> ASPHALT
compacted -> COMPACTED
concrete, concrete:plates, concrete:lanes -> CONCRETE
dirt -> DIRT
grass, grass_paver -> GRASS
gravel, fine_gravel -> GRAVEL
ground, earth, clay -> GROUND
mud -> MUD
metal -> METAL
paved -> PAVED
sand, dirt/sand -> SAND
paving_stones, paving_stones:30, paving_stones:20, cobblestone, cobblestone:flattened, pebblestone, sett -> STONES
unpaved -> UNPAVED
wood -> WOOD
Hmm, for bicycles, it would be good if similar surface qualities had the same category/colour. Too many options is hard to remember and the bar chart could be too much scattered.
- cobble stones and pebble stones are much closer to gravel than to sett
- sett is effectively close to concrete, both make you little jumping up/down.
- finegravel is quite far from gravel. considering smoothness and convenience.
- paved almost always means asphalt and should probably have the same colour/category.
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About the elevation + way type + surface chart, it may be good if they were somehow, even if not exactly, zoomed together with the map.
E.g. a route is 120 km long, but the map is zoomed in to show just a 5 km long route section between 20 and 25 km. The charts should not show all 120 km, but just the relevant section, possibly with some padding.
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Thanks for tips regards "surfaces", I'll look at it.
Zooming in "slides": I was thinking more about adding them also to segments. When you tap on the segment, there already is a chart just for this particular segment, so why not to have a way types/surface here as well.
Quote from: menion on September 02, 2020, 08:29:11Zooming in "slides": I was thinking more about adding them also to segments. When you tap on the segment, there already is a chart just for this particular segment, so why not to have a way types/surface here as well.
I guess segments could be good enough. If a profile fits your preferences really good, ( non round ) routes have often none or rather just few route segments, which may be quite long. OTOH, I can always make an extra segment just for sake of having stats, cannot I ? :D
Yes, you can :).
I've made some updates, so
asphalt, paved > asphalt
compacted, fine_gravel > compacted
gravel, pebblestone > gravel
I'm not sure about "cobblestone" - so you think rather "gravel" then "stones"?
Quote from: menion on September 02, 2020, 11:08:38I'm not sure about "cobblestone" - so you think rather "gravel" then "stones"?
Well, current usage of cobblestone in OSM is ambiguous. I have read recently there is recommended using sett or unhewn_cobblestone or cobblestone:flattened
what applies the best.
cobblestone in sense of unhewn one is like gravel, even worse, as gravel slides away.
It could be STONES or GRAVEL, probably former .
flattened one is somewhere between unhewn one and sett. But still probably STONES.
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Nice. Surfaces and way types are really important to know - before you start. (There is already a feature request ;))
I created a Excel sheet some years ago where I can fill in the Brouter output and get a hugh amount of stats. Very helpful for route planning i.e. for the road bike: are there some gravel / unpaved sections on the way ? So if you put the Cobbelstones into the gravel category this would lead to misinterpretation. Cobbelstones belong to paving.
The other way round for MTB route planning: how much unpaved section can I expect? Cobbelstones as Gravel would be wrong.
So please be careful with the assignment.
@poutnikl: nearly all kind of stones (with the meaning of OSM syntax), even unhewn, are poured in concrete or earth or sand. Not rolling or sliding. Only Pebbelstones are like gravel.
My suggestion:
paving_stones, paving_stones:30, paving_stones:20, cobblestone, cobblestone:flattened, sett -> STONES (I would call it PAVING_STONES instead of STONES to avoid confusion)
pebblestone, gravel, fine_gravel -> GRAVEL
I an well aware cobblestones are not loose, compared to gravel or pebblestones. But it is often disadvantage.
When you rode across the true cobblestones ( not sett nor flattened cobblestones ), you immediately realize you would rather prefer near any unpaved surface, including gravel, which is kind of soft due its looseness.
Effectively, assigning cobblestones to paved surfaces is an insult to the term paved.
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Can't agree. Cobblestones are the archetype of paving. The advantage appears when it is wet and muddy. Have a look at the ancient romans roads.
Cobblestones are not comfortable but better then broken tires or cars sticking deep in the mud.
I am well aware of cobblestones being archetype of paving. But surface quality is the most important to fast or trekking bikes, not to MTB or cars. Effective category should be more important than formal category.
I agree with to be careful where to put cobblestones. STONES surface category is fine to me. A bike rider could prefer to push his bike across short cobblestone patches, unless sett is incorrectly tagged as cobblestone. Even car drivers may prefer gravel if it is rainy, as wet cobblestones are dangerous ( and sett too ).
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Quote from: poutnikl on September 02, 2020, 22:20:58
Effective category should be more important than formal category.
I'm out.
Quote from: Christian on September 03, 2020, 17:59:48
Quote from: poutnikl on September 02, 2020, 22:20:58
Effective category should be more important than formal category.
I'm out.
Well, formally paved road surface=asphalt|paved with tracktype=grade3 and smoothness=very_bad can put one out. :-)
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I can imagine it will be impossible to satisfy everyone on this topic. The color coding/ categorization/ assigning could be determined dynamically by the current segment profile (road bike/ MTB) - just to make it even more complex ;-) Personally, as a cycle tourist, and if not too wet, I'm with Libor, I prefer gravel over cobblestone. I hate riding cobblestone. The points, everyone will have different opinion.
I suggested it earlier. Menion makes a specification for the general user. The expert can then make his own. Is it specified in an xml? And so the expert can make his own xml. As with the BRouter profiles. He can then define 1 for each activity profile.
In contrary to profiles, extra specification does not make much sense. I have spoken for specification for common users, not experts. For the stats to be really useful, not just bells and whistles.
Whatever will be Menion's final decision, I will be fine with that. I have just wanted him to hear various opinions.
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i can no longer install the current version 960.
I installed version 964 of the sync server. That went well. Now the 960 works again
Recently, 2-3 weeks ?, my beta version has been regularly replaced at night by the last free version, although I have always switched off the automatic update function of the Play Store. This also apparently only affects Locus Map, other programs only indicate possible updates from.
Does anyone else know this problem?
Since 5 minutes,I know, I'm not alone with it....
LG, Joska
I have thought it was just me.
I have as well turned off automatic updates ( on Android 10 ). I had to manually reinstall latest LM4 beta after 3-4 times seeing LM3 beta/free magically appeared installed over the LM4 in last days.
I also confirm it looks like LM specific issue ( or possibly more generally an issue of applications subscribed in beta tester program ? )
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So, this is bad issue. Something can overrule my settings in playstore. This could result in more and deeper problems.
Menion: feature of LM or Google?
Would it be possible to manage LM4 alpha/beta to have formally ALWAYS higher version number, so Google Play would not try to update LM3 over LM4 ?
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From my experience of uploading apps to Google I don't think that is possible. Also I think Menion has already said so.
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A trial question is free. :-) I guess you are right, John, he said it. The updating ping-pong is very annoying.
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I haven't noticed this silent upgrading. But at least it is just the free/ test version. I assume you normally use Pro anyway.
Well, not really. I got used to LM4. Also, I have set updating via WiFi only, but this is ignored here. Probably GP issue.
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I have the reverse problem: after an OTA upgrade from Motorola, Google Play no longer updates any app automatically at all.
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I have tested the hypothesis it may be an issue of beta tester program of GP.
I have noted yesterday the current version of Podcast Addict, the other app I am subscribed as a beta tester. I have updated manually all applications but these 2 applications ( LM3 free + PA ) where both have listed an available update.
Today, at the usual morning hour, I have noticed the regular unsolicited LM3 free update happened again. The PA app has stayed not updated.
I guess it is either an issue specific to LM, either it has something to do with LM4 being side-loaded in parallel with GP app with the same App ID ( a kind of system protection? )
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Hi guys,
work on sync + small vacation made me "out" for a while, sorry.
Firstly, thanks for the valuable feedback regards surface types. I made another iteration, so the test will be possible in the next version. New state is attached as image to this post. It is easier for me to post a screenshot of the code directly, so hope it is readable for you (not-developers).
Hint: values separated by comma are all attached to 'Surface' value defined after '->' symbol. So for example "asphalt + paved" are attached to ASPHALT.
About versions: it is currently a little complicated as there is a basic Beta version, an Alpha version with routing, and an Alpha version with a sync system. And this most probably causes this mess. Once all will be merged (I'm sure till end of October), live will be a lot easier :).
Thanks for version clarification.
Regarding surface categorisation, it seems very fine to me.
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I would add dirt to Ground. Most of the time ground is in there. But some also put in dirt or mud. But I would call both of them ground
@freischneider +1
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One category less? Perfect!! Thanks
New version MapGooglePlay_3.48.2.1_962_beta ready to play.
Mostly minor fixes (also reported for published Pro version), playing with green as a secondary color, updated "surface", etc etc.
Enjoy coming weekend!
Route planner: display of name (surface, route type) at a specific point. I like it !
I think green as a secondary color is bad. The contrast is not that good. When it comes to hiking and mountain biking, there is often forest on the maps and this is shown in green. Green on green is hard to see. Blue was much better. For me, blue is also a kind of identification mark (trademark) for Locus.
after installation version is displayed for me and no inner BRouter is available
green is not instead of blue, it is instead of orange/red in previous versions. Anyway thanks, I need to test it out in the field.
you need a version! It is also as "sync" version (link in "sync" topic) for the brave :).
Build 962 don't show my custom Map Theme. I have to find out why.
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Quote from: Menion on September 25, 2020, 15:11:43
green is not instead of blue, it is instead of orange/red in previous versions. Anyway thanks, I need to test it out in the field.
you need a version! It is also as "sync" version (link in "sync" topic) for the brave :).
right, I almost forgot. In any case, it was better before
New beta (962) autoupdates to free after several hours ( too :(
It seems that mysterious update is not the same as the explicit update from the GP.
I was always able to overinstall the LM4v960 over the mysteriously installed LM4free/beta. Recently, for whatever reasons, I have explicitly demanded update of LM3 free/beta and since then, LM4 960 cannot be installed.
Perhaps it may play roles this is an ad supported free version, not unlimited beta version.
Something like that happened to me before, sometimes it is related to LM being set as a system manager application, which has to be turned off. But I guess it did not help me that time and I had to uninstall LM3 free/beta before being able to install LM4 alpha.
And exactly this I had to do now, importing then previously saved LM4 backup.
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New beta: Had to uninstall prev. beta. Then installation worked. But settings are all gone now. Have to reconfigure, eeeek.
Edit: Ok, used a recent backup which were made from the beta branch.
It's unfortunately not as easy as just doing a restore. E. g., access to ext. SD is lost and has to be reconfigured. But probably nothing that can be done on Locus side.
New beta still shows highway=footway as residential not path in route planner chart.
As far as I can see path and footway are used pretty well interchangeably in UK mapping.
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In four days (1 october) Locus 4 (962) will expire.
@Menion, please, upload build with extended expiration.
I already have some discomfort with Locus 3 interface :)
Quote from: john_percy on September 26, 2020, 22:12:09
New beta still shows highway=footway as residential not path in route planner chart.
As far as I can see path and footway are used pretty well interchangeably in UK mapping.
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I think there is general OSM trouble with proper mapping usage of
highway=footway ( and highway=path (
Some regions or mappers prefer =footway over =path for narrow single track path for pedestrians, mostly out of urban areas. Or they take them like interchangeably.
OTOH, other regions a/o authors, like in Czech Republic, use mostly =path for them, using =footway rather for sidewalks and similar way in the urban area, often paved. Personally, I am not sure if I have ever encountered usage highway=footway e.g. for a hiking path in Czech countryside.
Considering the photos from the OSM Wiki....... they seem rather to support the Czech way ( what may include Menion :-) ) than the UK way.
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I had that in a region in Slovenia too. I wrote to the mapper. He didn't really know and will correct everything.
But in any case, I don't think footway is the same as residential. Certainly not for UK mapping.
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@John Percy In UK context, you are right.
In CZ context, they are in some sense alike, grouping them in similar manner as are grouped similar surfaces in incoming LM4 surface statistics.
I agree it is rather controversial and perhaps it should not be marked so.
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Hi guys,
new Beta version: MapGooglePlay_3.48.2.2_963_beta_with_sync.apk (extended till end of year, thanks for info).
Warning: as clearly from the name, this version already includes all LM4 stuff + also sync system. Discussion and info about sync in the separate topic ( please, thanks.
Discussion about "way types" ... thanks. I'll look at it more deeply and post also some more info about current implementation (little later).
I miss the oportunity to let the map autorotate when the map is NOT in center. I use this in the public version f.ex. when i am on a summit, and zoom the map in to see what I see in the horizont. When i point the phone in different directions i can read the map. In v4 the autorotation disappear when zooming. I miss the possibility to keep autorotation.
On the route planner chart, trunk roads are being shown as unknown, and motorway shown as highway.
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well, I have to say that at least I personally am extremely happy with the map not rotation when not-centered. If there will be more people interested in the old behavior, I may create an expert setting for this behavior.
ah, very good observation, fixed!
Promised list of supported tags and it's setup on the screenshot below
I have created some multisegment test route in the Route planner, going to play with segment way/surface stats. I have not created segments sequentionally, but by cutting original single segment by dragging the segment icon.
When I then clicked on the logical 1st route segment icon, the selection dialog displayed at the top "Part 3 of route" ( probably created as the third ), but then the altitude stats chart correctly displayed "Route segment 1".
Later I created the 4-segment route sequentially and realized the selection dialog numbering ( "Part n of route") was 3-2-4-1, instead of 1-2-3-4. I think the numbering could be more consistent. :-)
BTW, have I got the message right, that the segment based way/surface stats are planned, similarly as the segment altitude chart is already in place ?
My observations:
1. Trunk should not be the same as Motorway, certainly not called motorway.
2. As I posted before, footway does not equate to residential, at least for UK mapping. Footway is very frequently used for out of town paths that have been identified by the mapper as used by pedestrians or walkers, while path is generic. I understand there are different usages.
3. Is it not turning_circle, rather than turning_loop?
4. There is a problem for UK end users, in that the OSM definition of Trunk is UK Primary roads, the OSM definition of Primary is UK A Roads, the OSM definition of secondary roads is UK B Roads or Secondary roads (this one is OK). On the map itself, this doesn't matter s the information is all visual but once it becomes textual it is potentially confusing. I don't see a way of resolving this however.
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@john_percy Menion could implement location dependent LocusMap behaviour... :)
Quote from: Menion on October 01, 2020, 07:42:34
... If there will be more people interested in the old behavior, I may create an expert setting for this behavior.
Hi Menion,
expert setting for LM4 is the perfect way. With the search capability in settings, there is no added complexity. And an additional expert setting take more like minutes than hours of work, right ?
Pls. count me as "interested", too :-)
TXs and cheers
Quote from: john_percy on October 01, 2020, 09:35:18
...On the map itself, this doesn't matter s the information is all visual but once it becomes textual it is potentially confusing. I don't see a way of resolving this however.
Hello John,
what you highlight is just another example of missing governance in OSM. A system that works internationally, needs to have internationally uniq rules for the same thing. There can be tons of diversity, as occurence of details differs a lot between parts of the world. But the same thing needs to be categorized the same way all over the planet. Otherwise you'll end up
- either with nightmares for all developers who want to serve the customers by adding piles of exceptions
- or users have to live with the frustrations and exercise such "mapping" in their own minds. And hopefully turn to OSM to shout.
In my work for the world overview maps I suffered quite a bit. Most crazy example was a peak of 28000 (well - meters in OSM), beating Mt.Everest hands down. Now - some bloke added the evelation in feet. If he'd only put "ft" or alike behind the figure ...) Until now I ended up checking the OSM elevation against SRTM elevation and checked the most relevant cases from the candidates that show a factor of 2.5 to 3.5. Did more than 1000 fixes in OSM so far (then became a bit tired ...).
In the end only a lot of people have to speak up and influence the OSM community to behave more consistently.
Just my 2c.
@poutniklthanks for the info about incorrect track names. I firstly had a really bad feeling about it as it looked like a serious problem, but fortunately, it really was only a minor visual issue in indexes. Thanks, fixed!
Surfaces/Way types in segments ... harder than I've expected, uff, done ;)
Quote from: poutnikl on October 01, 2020, 10:09:57
@john_percy Menion could implement location dependent LocusMap behaviour... :)
Heh, funny :)
@john_percy1. "trunk" you are right, "primary" will be better.
2. "footway", I've found useful info here ("footway",enough%20to%20be%20a%20track".). So looks "footway" may be added into Locus "PATH" category.
3. "turning_loop (" exists as well. "turning_circle" added
You could show a footpath in combination with Ground, Earth ... as a path.
And show a footpath in combination with asphalt .... as a footpath.
Maybe also learn something from others. In the end it would be nice if everyone did it the same way.
Komoot, outdooractive. I also had pictures of it above.
New version just uploaded on Google Drive.
Changes after the app start. Quite a lot of minor changes and minor improvements.
well, the "same way" in all apps is quite impossible as every app has little different usage, different purpose.
Quote from: Menion on October 09, 2020, 13:57:03New version just uploaded on Google Drive.
Empty folder on Google Drive.
The folder on Google Drive is empty
Stupid Google Drive auto-sync that from time to time does not work. It's there now, thanks.
The option to exclude navigation items on gpx export: Aren't they in <wpt></wpt>? I was hoping you simply allowed to strip out all embedded wpts. I have quite some waypoints in my tracks, and on export (for brouter-web and its multi upload of many tracks) I don't need them.
Menion, unlike in LM3 it is not possible to delete embedded WP directly from track level, see attachment. Will you make it possible? Also deletion of multiple embedded WPs at once from the track dialog would be nice. It can only be done one by one now.
GPS on start is set to "Never", but Locus seems to turn GPS on, depending on prior session.
The search in LoPoints with only 2 letters does not work.
Really only navigation waypoints are excluded. I do not see serious reason to exclude also manually created own waypoints.
Deleting in the UI ... ah thanks, it's an issue ... fixed.
GPS at start ... hmm, can't simulate, weird ...
I've only changed internal parameter, but not tried it ... will check it, thanks
On a couple of occasions recently, the cross hair "centre" of screen has been shifted up to the top quarter. I've never seen this before
I have "shift the centre when rotation set on" on. On both occasions, rotation was off.
Sorry, can't find what steps are needed to reproduce it.
Turning rotation on then off seems to clear the bug.
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Quote from: Menion on October 11, 2020, 12:07:48Really only navigation waypoints are excluded. I do not see serious reason to exclude also manually created own waypoints.
Well a) I think it is just logical. A track is the trackpoints and optional embedded waypoints. A tool could provide to leave them out on export. This is the more Locus= "Swiss Army Knife" point of view.
b) I mentioned why it could be useful. In BRouter web you can upload/view multiple GPX. Useful to have an overview on where I already was. So if the tracks have WP, the view is cluttered with them.
Thx for fixing direct WP delete.
I've an idea why this may happen, so in the next version, this should not happen anymore, thanks!
better discuss in an appropriate topic on help desk. Anyway, the main idea was about better support for Garmin devices, that have problems with a huge number of waypoints. Web Brouter is not a good argument for me. I consider the mentioned web page as a nice tool for geeks, but not for the basic users. We are also building own web planner, so ...
In the main menu -> "More functions" -> ... -> "+ Add to map s..."
I honestly couldn't tell where "map s" is. Now I see, it's "Map screen" and what is meant is the toolbar.
->Full text could at least be shown when in landscape mode, but it seems to have a fixed length.
Still incorrectly getting "Nothing to display" on map screen content menu from time to time. Second screenshot is correct behaviour.
Obviously I can't change the theme in the first case.
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Start recoeding via intent works, but the stop is being ignored. On stop Locus says, the recording profile "Wandern" is not active.
tasks: { track_record : { action: "start", name: "Wandern", auto_save: true } }
tasks: { track_record : { action: "stop", name: "Wandern", auto_save: true } }
Just saying. I now leave out the name on stop, its better this way anyway.
Does anybody else have the problem that auto-save sometimes doesn't use the correct folder? I mean, if a recording profile has an auto-save folder set, it will sometimes still save in the last used folder.
Dunno yet how to reproduce it, so just asking around if I'm the only one who experiences this...
Will use it for my recording from now on and keep that in mind. Also using auto saving with preset folder, plus auto export gpx to file system.
I renamed my recording profile, but Locus still remembers its initial theme, is there a reason for this?
Recording related issues.
a) Does not remember the chosen recording profile, picks the first one
b) Intent for recording start does not use the desired recording profile
c) Has been mentioned: does not auto save into predefined database folder
Menion, I just realised that the most frequent question, if following a route and out in the wilds, is not answered by Locus directly:
"Wait. What's the (on track) distance from here until... the next hut?"
This simple question comes up so often... Somebody asks you "how far until...?" The answer could be presented in the trackpoint popup or in the new point info.
Currently I do the maths with values which are presented. E. g. (targets distance from start) minus (currentpos distance from start).
Menion, I currently only use Locus in a very basic way.
- What I really like with LM4 lately:
using the route planner and brouter internal we achieve the new Way-types and Surface indication.
I really like the use of them as sliders to slide along the route 8)
This is not possible with the Elevation profile, you still have to jump to certain positions, no sliding left-right possible..
Can you also add this sliding-possibility to the elevation-profile? - I was driving around in car with friends and routing on and showed the friends-childs my cool jedi-move to control the display (wave once). Even after using the PIN and fingerprint it still sometimes happens to me, with this function enabled and certain time of display-off, that Locus seems to fight something and the screen goes on/off/on/off/../..infinity > only reboot the phone helps. I don't have any further tools in use to control this. Can you doublecheck the implemented routine, changes without onn-off-checks, ..? Can you implement a disable-fallback if there are maybe 6+ times the on/off-event within some seconds (event-count vs event-time-difference-ratio, sort of, e.g.)...which might be a very strange usecase if really meant like this.
I want to test new Version linked in first post.
What happens when I install it on my phone where LM Premium 3.49.0 is already installed. Can both Versions be used alongside? Or will installing end in an update of the existing installation?
I don't want to risk any data loss.
Thank you all
Peter S.
Sorry guys,
maybe I missed it:
I search for the ability to quick change the map theme for vector maps, as it was available on the left control panel..
14 days without answers, sorry!
Meantime I finished geocaching part of the new point screen and the option to flip the whole main screen layout. Currently, I'm working with Radim on our own BRouter data generator that will be integrated directly into the app, probably in a similar way to downloading elevation HGT files.
But back to discussion ...
As I use these popups, width of the popup is partially defined in the system. Anyway, I'll look on it.
Problem with the stop of recording over intent: hmm, I'm checking code and all seems correct. You may check on your own if at the moment you send intent, the required recording profile is really active (highlighted in the track recording settings).
Name of recording profile: what you highlighted is profile base activity selected when creating a profile for once and forever. It is used in many places and affects mainly the compute of energy, activity preselected during saving, an icon of the profile, average speed computed during recording, etc. So if you want to change it, create a new profile.
Mentioned 3 problems
a) are you sure, the profile is not changed over presets?
b) even the start of recording does not work? You wrote only about a "stop" before.
c) will have to verify
Distance along active route: very wanted task, I know. Doable with a new LM4 point screen. Remind me this once LM4 will be out and I'll return from at least a 14-day vacation ;D, thanks.
I also rarely notice this issue, but never at the moment, I sit behind the computer :). Not a serious problem and I'm aware of it, so it will be solved one day, for sure ;)
I'm not aware of any problem with the auto-save feature. Only how this may happen is that you have an active different profile at the moment of the save operation. It is important to keep in mind, that profile may be changed during recording (manually of for example over "Presets").
1. good point. Added.
2. this is a little more complicated. Without simulation, I can't see the option to fix it. It looks to me like something specific to your device, because I never saw such a problem. Probably the best suggestion: "don't use this feature" :-\.
LM4 beta is a version created from common Locus Map Free, so it may live side-by-side to current Locus Map Pro. Anyway, it is suggested to create a manual full backup over "Backup manager", just for sure. Both versions share most of its data, so to be safe ...
then is a small white floating button with all available options that are related to maps, so also change of themes. If you had previously "theme button" directly visible on the screen, this feature is not available. So now it's two clicks instead of one to get to the selection of themes.
Quote from: Menion on October 27, 2020, 12:01:12
... Currently, I'm working with Radim on our own BRouter data generator that will be integrated directly into the app, probably in a similar way to downloading elevation HGT files. ...
Will it include incremental updates similarly as the Brouter app does ? ( or my Android termux Linux bash script for power users, calling BRouter as java application brouter.jar for the processing of the downloaded incremental download )
(If the prior square update is not older than 7 days, incremental update downloads typically just 2-5% of the full size, very useful e.g. for frequent/daily updates of home square a/o neighbourhood, especially for data limited cases. )
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We are just working on it last few days. Right now I'm running benchmarks to detect the optimal age of diffs & time needed to perform merge on the client-side. So yes, it will be integrated and the question is only how old diff files will make sense for us. Testing up to three months old ... will see.
Current idea is to generate new routing data once per week, keeping diff files for 2 - 3 months, and allow fully automatic updates on the client-side with a define check period from 1 - 8(12) weeks.
As far as I known from the client side experience, Arndt probably chose good time threshold 7 days, having updates daily 1-7 days old.
As on client side, processing of older incremental data can be slower than downloading the full file even at throttled speed of BRouter application.( even on Xiaomi MI A2 6 GB RAM and 8 cores.)
But this processing speed issue is rather inconvenience solely of the BRouter application, than must be running foreground with display on. ( my script can run on background )
The server side optimum may be a different case, though.
I suppose there will be nonWiFi download limitation/warning.
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Quote from: Menion on October 27, 2020, 12:01:12
I'm not aware of any problem with the auto-save feature. Only how this may happen is that you have an active different profile at the moment of the save operation. It is important to keep in mind, that profile may be changed during recording (manually of for example over "Presets").
First of all, I should've posted this into the normal thread, it's not LM4-specific. But I think you already presumed that.
Anyway, what I do is that I send two intents with Tasker, first to stop recording, then to change preset to my Default. Is it perhaps possible the preset intent is executed in parallel, not sequentially, and is faster than the saving? Then sometimes or perhaps even always the saving would already use the changed values from the Default preset.
thanks for the feedback. As I wrote, we are just doing some benchmarks to find an optimal compromise. Because download and merge will work in the background, time spend on merging is not critical like in the BRouter app. I personally prefer to download less data & spend a little more time by merging than the opposite.
Ah fine, this is the case. Yes, it is possible ... well it happens for sure. Saving of track is an async task and takes some time till all is set for "saving". Compare to this, a change of preset is applied immediately.
Hmm, interesting problem ...
Quote from: Menion on October 28, 2020, 08:15:05
Ah fine, this is the case. Yes, it is possible ... well it happens for sure. Saving of track is an async task and takes some time till all is set for "saving". Compare to this, a change of preset is applied immediately.
Hmm, interesting problem ...
Nevermind, now that I know that I can adjust my Tasker task and add a wait of say 10s before I set the profile - no prob. Just happy to know what went wrong there :)
Quote from: Menion on October 28, 2020, 08:15:05
... I personally prefer to download less data & spend a little more time by merging than the opposite.
I cannot agree more.
Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk
Quote from: Menion on October 27, 2020, 12:01:12Distance along active route: very wanted task, I know. Doable with a new LM4 point screen. Remind me this once LM4 will be out and I'll return from at least a 14-day vacation ;D, thanks.
Thanks, will definitely do.
As for your assumptions on Recording profile, Preset usage etc., you were totally correct, the cause were misconfigured presets + it was a lack of organisation/order on my (Tasker + sent Intents) on my end.
I finished geocaching part of the new point screen
8) ;)
New version with all available LM4 stuff (inner router, sync, ...) available for test (link in the first post).
I really like geocaching points screen. Thanks for the great work.
I have a few more suggestions:
Favorites: if there are no favorites, leave the heart gray. When favorites are there, make the heart blue.
In the case of properties, I like that when I click on the symbol, an explanation comes up.
That could also happen with difficulty and terrain. Although this is already very common and that would only be an improvement with little added value.
But it's different when it comes to size. Cachers who rarely search often do not know what is behind size 1 or 2. An explanation when clicking on it would often be helpful here.
QuoteMeantime I finished geocaching part of the new point screen
thanks, so we can test the functionality ;)
first use on sofa,
i miss:
- add waypoints and waxypoint projection
- update cache a nd load loggs
Thanks for testing!!
Explanations for size/diff, good point, thanks.
What I'm currently not sure how to solve is some info that "trackables" and "waypoints" are important clickable buttons.
Also small warning ... all should work except managing of waypoints! It is a little more complex. Also in point should be a button (in the bottom toolbar) called "Old screen" with an option to display old screen from public version ... just to compare functionality or in case, you will need to work with waypoints.
update cache and logs is feature of Geocaching4Locus and it is visible on the same place as before: under "Share" button. not ideal name for features from add-ons, but in first step > same as before ;)
Quoteupdate cache and logs is feature of Geocaching4Locus and it is visible on the same place as before: under "Share" button. not ideal name for features from add-ons, but in first step > same as before
ok :-[
for mysteries it would be very useful to see the coordinates at the beginning of this window and be able to change them from there without additional clicks.
clickabel words (Logs, Trackables, Waypoints) should be bold or other colored, clickable area for Logs should be bigger not only the "arrow right"
option to view the complete listing without a additional click on "more"
switching between the listing description at "guide on" a multi waypoint and vice versa is very cumbersome.
many owners describe the task in the listing much more precisely than in the corresponding waypoint, therefore a simple switch is necessary
bug: settings > Track recording > Style of tracking recording panel: change setting - not updated in menu after option is tapped
red track recording button: I recall years ago a similar discussion with LM3 - is there a setting for this red button be always hidden? It's redundant if the other (green!) track recording button is included in a panel. I tried setting > Track recording > Panel auto hide, but it made no difference. There was also historical discussion to change track recording button from red to green. I like always having the button displayed as reminder whether recording has been disabled, but not two buttons, and not one that auto hides.
settings > More functions > Use magnifier, or settings > Use magnifier (if set) - would it be more use to return immediately back to the map after this function is tapped? At present there is no user feedback after the Use magnifier button is tapped, so no indication magnifier has been toggled, which is a little confusing.
Regards cloud sync: I successfully sync'd my data a few weeks ago. Only a few items have therefore changed since, but when I try this function again now, it appears (from the long period of time) that all the data is being re-sync'd. Isn't this supposed to be a transfer of only changes since last (manual) sync?
start of locus, wait on sat fix > start track recording from side panel > select profil > record button sometimes i get a complete white window.
After click on "back button" all works fine.
Allways on second start of track recording i get this blue message for a few seconds althought i have sat fix.
Record button hidden: I have to start the recording by pressing the button in the sidebar. But I faded it out after 10s. So I want to keep the red indicator for track recording. If so, you should be able to choose to hide in the settings.
Record button color: It is common for the color to be red. That's why it should stay that way. But you could make the white point in the middle green.
I'm just looking at the picture from Balloni55 so that the button has a white square. In the picture above a white circle. Is it wanted like that ?
Left-hand control
- with this new option text of "Right panel visibility" should be e.g. "Side panel visibility"
at the moment I do not understand the logic of the text
- if "Left-hand control" is activated the side panel is displayed on the right side??
Embedded waypoint deletion from main screen - thanks. I hope you allow to delete multiple embedded WPs at once from they Waypoints screen in the track properties. I am not sure, I remember you have implemented it once, but it's not in Locus any more.
With help of Tasker and Locus intents, I am doing a lot with embedded WP. See screenshot. Awesome? 😁 Auto pause detection and auto sms sending, noting the time+pos in the track.
Quote from: freischneider on October 30, 2020, 08:46:39
Record button color: It is common for the color to be red. That's why it should stay that way.
@freischneider - the track record button is green in LM3/4. It has been for > year or more.
I find it useful to visually scan "state" buttons - satellite, track record, POI, Live Tracking, and see that all green means all on/ all OK.
A few general comments:
- See attached screen cap where satellite screen says "TURN ON GETTING LOCATION" but is clearly already turned on. Message is opposite to state. Subtle timing error? Not seen before/ rarely happens.
- I use config.cfg dev_gui_main_rescale_value=1.1 to increase the size of buttons. Very useful with gloves when cycling. I notice the top/ right panel buttons are rescaled correctly, but the bottom buttons ignore this setting. Any reason? See attached screen cap comparing 3.49 Pro (correct) & LM4 (ignored). Also would it be possible/ useful to move this setting to Expert Settings?
- See attached screen cap for Zoom settings - text at bottom is missing. I tried panning the screen but no movement.
- I have a new idea for auto-zoom. I'll post here for any comment 1st. Maybe a help suggestion topic. As a cyclist I never use auto-zoom. Unlike a motorist my speed is mostly unrelated to required zoom. But maybe while navigating, within constraints, zoom could be optimized such that the next {nav/ via/ POI} point is made visible? So as I get closer to the next point of interest the zoom dynamically increases. At the moment I do this manually anyway while navigating. I could expand on the idea in a topic if you think it has potential.
all over the world record is red see google. Suggestion would be green dot in the middle
Quote from: tapio on October 30, 2020, 12:58:04
Embedded waypoint deletion from main screen - thanks. I hope you allow to delete multiple embedded WPs at once from they Waypoints screen in the track properties. I am not sure, I remember you have implemented it once, but it's not in Locus any more.
I support that. Actually I don't remember it ever having been possible, but it should really be.
Talking about embedded waypoints:
I also still hope for adding/removing waypoints being available in the track editor. Currently, adding a waypoint to an existing track while editing is
extremely cumbersome: Leave track editor, select track, go into track details, select waypoints tab, press Add, choose position, go back into editor. And the position will never be exactly on a trackpoint. More importantly: You can never add a waypoint as if it was added during recording, as it will always get the current date/time. For me, a point that I mark during recording usually expresses some action, like "rest", "put on snowshoes", "shopping", etc. If I forget to set a waypoint while recording, what I add later is more like a POI. But for something like "rest", not only the location is of interest, but also the "when".
Any chance for this?
Quote from: Andrew Heard on October 30, 2020, 21:49:49
Quote from: freischneider on October 30, 2020, 08:46:39
Record button color: It is common for the color to be red. That's why it should stay that way.
@freischneider - the track record button is green in LM3/4. It has been for > year or more.
I find it useful to visually scan "state" buttons - satellite, track record, POI, Live Tracking, and see that all green means all on/ all OK.
Agreed, if it's not green, my inner panic mode kicks in ("omg, did I lose part of the recording").
I absolutely support Slarty76 as for an easier way to create embedded waypoints. In the track editor it would be nice.
My use case:
I love to include them in planned tracks ("50% of track done", "interesting poi, watch left", "steepest hill coming soon"). But since it is, as Slarty says, cumbersome, I usually don't add them.
I was wishing for a track context menu entry "Add waypoint" followed by that typical window where you pick the method to define a position. Or, even easier, "Add waypoint here" - which would add a WP at the tapped track point.
there seems to be a problem with personal notes.
You can enter it ... but with next call it's gone.🤔
You can upload ... but it's not visible in local note ....
after "update geocache" found log smileys and count of favorite points are not updated.
logs are available
After reopen content is refreched
Hi all,
I could install sucessfully LM ...967 ... on several Android 10 devices (Samsung and Huawei), but it consistently (even after reboot) fails on a LG G5 (Android 9), although 3.8 free space are available.
Any similar experience and/or ideas?
TXs and cheers
thanks for the feedback and tips!
- directly editable coordinates: editing of some point content that was working in the previous version caused quite a lot of dev pain to me, so I still try to avoid it. It already partially works for GC Vote (which is also some kind of edit of the point). I'll keep this in mind.
- indication of clickable trackables, waypoints, and also bigger click area for logs > I'll look at it
- view complete listing without "more": better solution than the current?
- switching between listing > waypoints ... hmm good point. So some link from the listing to waypoints should help here, right?
- white track recording window: hmm, it happens again? Damn. Did not noticed again, but I'll try to pleay with it.
- "always on second start" > like you start recording, stop and then start again?
- text "Right panel...", yes, it will need some more checks. Also, the text of the settings itself will need an update :).
- refresh of the logs: I'll fix it, thanks
@Andrew Heard
"style of track recording panel" ... heh, this settings no longer exists. Removed, thanks.
Recording button: is there any more important button then the button, that clearly informs about running recording? Understand about redundancy ... is it really a problem? Expect you usually hide the side panel with the recording button.
"Use magnifier", same with second "Zoom lock"... these two functions were in old LM in the bottom panel and I'm still not sure what to do with them. Agree, the current solution is not ideal. Most probably, they will be only available as an action button in functional panels directly on the main screen, not in the menu > more list.
Sync: "from a long period of time" > how long? Not too many users use this feature and it sometimes happens, that server is put to "sleep" and take a while (30 - 60 sec) till he "wake up" :). Anyway no data are sent twice, but it is possible that the app sends some metadata about all data to verify, nothing has really changed, so it makes take a few additional seconds.
"Turn on getting location" ... weird, never saw this text wrong. Does it happen always?
"rescale value" from config.cfg ... well, It is not yet implemented. What still works are only some components that are shared between Classic and Map version, sorry.
Missing text in auto-zoom settings ... hmm, thanks. One more reason to pull older Galaxy S2 to verify lower resolutions ::)
Improvement in auto-zoom: this is already "partially" implemented. During navigation, when you get closer to your next navigation point, the app increase auto-zoom settings for up to an additional 20%. I remember I wanted to test this behavior a little more but never did it ... :-\
hmm, like that this recording button should be visible on the screen permanently, or with a possible "auto-hide" option. Hmm, this would solve the "duplicate button" problem mentioned by Andrew, an interesting idea, thanks.
"Green dot in recording button" to indicate currently running recording ... interesting idea, I'll think about it, thanks!
all tasks related to the detail of the track (track screen) ... later. One of my next tasks will be a new screen for tracks, but no sooner than next year. Anyway, no feature was removed > delete of multiple attached waypoints was never implemented if I remember correctly.
Seems you are a "tasker-master" :D
thanks, I'll check ... but I was sure it worked well, hmm
hmm, weird. Sorry, I do not have any experience with it, but LG G5 is definitely a supported device. Isn't there installed some other Locus Map Free version?
Quote from: Menion on November 02, 2020, 10:03:45Seems you are a "tasker-master" :D
Life without Tasker is possible, but useless.
It must be said that e.g. Pause detection and marking as a WP (on existing tracks, or as a recording option) would be great if natively offered in Locus, but well I know, there's those 20482736 other super important suggestions as well... :D
Quote- directly editable coordinates ..... I'll keep this in mind.
it is really important !
Quote- view complete listing without "more": better solution than the current?
when i go back to the cache description in the PRO the last used TAB opens, e.g. the complete listing description
an additional improvement in this case would be not always to show the beginning of the description, but the last used section ;)
Quote- switching between listing > waypoints ... hmm good point. So some link from the listing to waypoints should help here, right?
yes and vice versa to last opened TAB
Quote- white track recording window: hmm, it happens again? Damn. Did not noticed again, but I'll try to pleay with it.
after restart of my device it didn´t happen again.
Quote- "always on second start" > like you start recording, stop and then start again?
the reason was the setting for location. After I changed it from "while using the app" to "always" this message is no longer displayed. Why this happened only at the second start of the track recording is not clear to me
(I'm not paying attention to LM4, but do get these posts on my RSS feed.)
"Turn on/off getting location" is sometimes using the wrong word in the current Pro as well, and has for some time.
1. View satellites while "getting location" active.
2. Turn off screen
3. Turn on screen, unlock*
-> "Turn on getting location" while actually getting location.
(* Two devices with Disable screen lock = basic)
@Menion re. LG G5: there is a LM Pro on the device, too.
Once I could not install, I did two tests:
1) reboot - not helping
2) uninstall LM free/beta - not helping either.
Quote from: Menion on November 02, 2020, 10:03:45
Recording button: is there any more important button then the button, that clearly informs about running recording? Understand about redundancy ... is it really a problem? Expect you usually hide the side panel with the recording button.
agreed, most important button/ indication; redundancy - waste of screen space; OK - so main issue may be that hiding side panel doesn't work - which setting?
Quote from: Menion on November 02, 2020, 10:03:45
Sync: "from a long period of time" > how long? Not too many users use this feature and it sometimes happens, that server is put to "sleep" and take a while (30 - 60 sec) till he "wake up" :). Anyway no data are sent twice, but it is possible that the app sends some metadata about all data to verify, nothing has really changed, so it makes take a few additional seconds.
how long - 40 minutes! not too many users - sure because it's LM4 beta right? The biggest issue since my previous comment is that all tracks/ points/ folders/ groups were duplicated during the 2nd sync. Really bad news for me. You already comment here ( thanks.
Quote from: Menion on November 02, 2020, 10:03:45
"Turn on getting location" ... weird, never saw this text wrong. Does it happen always?
as I said Not seen before/ rarely happens.
Quote from: Menion on November 02, 2020, 10:03:45
"rescale value" from config.cfg ... well, It is not yet implemented. What still works are only some components that are shared between Classic and Map version, sorry.
So buttons at bottom don't rescale, but right side panel buttons can rescale?
Quote from: Menion on November 02, 2020, 10:03:45
Improvement in auto-zoom: this is already "partially" implemented. During navigation, when you get closer to your next navigation point, the app increase auto-zoom settings for up to an additional 20%.
nice start but 20% isn't that much improvement. Auto-zoom could commence direct after previous navigation point, and not fixed 20% but dynamic increase (within limits) so that next point becomes visible.
Quote from: Menion on November 02, 2020, 10:03:45
hmm, like that this recording button should be visible on the screen permanently, or with a possible "auto-hide" option. Hmm, this would solve the "duplicate button" problem mentioned by Andrew, an interesting idea, thanks.
"Green dot in recording button" to indicate currently running recording ... interesting idea, I'll think about it, thanks!
yay! ;D
Quote from: tapio on November 02, 2020, 11:06:23
Quote from: Menion on November 02, 2020, 10:03:45Seems you are a "tasker-master" :D
Life without Tasker is possible, but useless.
Couldn't agree more :)
But another thing, granted it's minor, but it's been bothering me for ages and it's in LM4, too:
"Save actual part" is wrong English, it must be "Save current part". Well, unless Andrew (or some other native speaker) disagrees with me here...
what is LM4 doing in the background?
I have never received such a message from PRO before.
- i was at home with wifi reception
- no locus version was enabled
- no locus backup was created at this time
thanks for the additional notes. I've improved my todo list.
Action in background: I have absoluitely no idea. How long visible was this notification?
@Viajero Perdido
ah, you are right, perfect, thanks :)
@Andrew Heard
wait, "hiding of the side panel does not work"? You seems to have recording button at the bottom and "Bottom panel visibility" settings does not work for you?
Rescale: well, rather expect that rescale should not work for all components for now. If it works, it is more a side-effect of shared code than an intent. We may enable/polish this feature little later.
Auto-zoom: it is not fixed to 20%. I wrote "up to 20%", so it already dynamically increase. Anyway it really needs some "more love" and I really do not want to just increase this value now, without proper field testing.
QuoteAction in background: I have absoluitely no idea. How long visible was this notification?
these notifications are visible on my device as long as
- i open it once
- swipe it out
Quote from: balloni55 on November 03, 2020, 13:26:05
QuoteAction in background: I have absoluitely no idea. How long visible was this notification?
these notifications are visible on my device as long as
- i open it once
- swipe it out
That's a Google/Android thing. To my knowledge, for every app that you've given full background location access, after a while this notification appears to "remind" you've given those rights to the app. After swiping it off once, it never appears again (in my experience). Since Android 9, I think. Nothing Menion (or any developer) can do about.
Quote from: slarti76 on November 03, 2020, 07:25:46
"Save actual part" is wrong English, it must be "Save current part". Well, unless Andrew (or some other native speaker) disagrees with me here...
slarti76 is correct. In English, "actual" does not mean "current" (unlike, say, in Spanish, actualmente.).
missing distance and direction
Quote from: slarti76 on November 03, 2020, 07:25:46
"Save actual part" is wrong English, it must be "Save current part". Well, unless Andrew (or some other native speaker) disagrees with me here...
sure - better, but there are many other places too ;)
Quote from: Menion on November 03, 2020, 13:16:02
wait, "hiding of the side panel does not work"? You seems to have recording button at the bottom and "Bottom panel visibility" settings does not work for you?
sure "Bottom panel visibility" auto-hide works, but I was hoping retain LM3 Pro layout/ behavior - hide this new & redundant red record button which is only visible while recording, not all the panel buttons, and especially not the green track recording button; at present there is a show| auto-hide| hide setting for all main screen components except the map screen content button & red record button; but let's park this discussion for now
Quote from: Menion on November 03, 2020, 13:16:02
Auto-zoom: it is not fixed to 20%. I wrote "up to 20%", so it already dynamically increase.
20% is not much, but again let's park this discussion for now, you have much bigger fish to fry
ah thanks. I wasn't sure if this notification is from Locus Map itself (my work) or not. I was supposed to learn German at the school as well, life should be so much easier :).
from where are these points? There are attached to any track?
@Andrew Heard
Opinion on the visibility of the recording button is quite individual. I'm still internally convinced that the permanently visible recording button indicates that there something happens with track recording. Missing button means = recording is not enabled for sure. And this is ideal > without any extra actions, I may immediately see if the recording is running or not.
But as you wrote ... "park it" for a while. Some more field testing, more people & opinions > change may come ;).
And "bigger fish to fry" :D ... I prefer tofu ;).
"Current" text ... @Michal (responsible for all texts in Locus world), think it is correct. I'll involve him into this discussion.
Quotefrom where are these points? There are attached to any track?
these are all geocaches
but the same behaviour also occurs with self created POI's
after click on "mini map" or "map icon" inside waypoint window
reduced waypoint info is furthermore visible
i think map view should be the target
Quote from: Menion on November 04, 2020, 08:28:18
I'm still internally convinced that the permanently visible recording button indicates that there something happens with track recording. Missing button means = recording is not enabled for sure. And this is ideal > without any extra actions, I may immediately see if the recording is running or not.
it is a change from LM3 but OK. If I will remove the Track Recording button from the bottom panel in all my presets to solve LM4 issue it affects LM3Pro too right?
This is probably not LM4-specific, but I only ever used the Recording side panel here:
Could you add changing of the recording profile to the panel directly? I find the detour via settings too complicated. Perhaps it can be a choosable widget with a combobox.
Quote from: slarti76 on November 05, 2020, 11:09:37
This is probably not LM4-specific
I've never seen this new red recording button in LM3Pro? In LM4, IF, the new red recording button is hidden, that is not recording, it is now necessary to go to the main menu to re-enable track recording. So I don't see any advantage of auto-hiding this button.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on November 05, 2020, 22:30:02
Quote from: slarti76 on November 05, 2020, 11:09:37
This is probably not LM4-specific
I've never seen this new red recording button in LM3Pro? In LM4, IF, the new red recording button is hidden, that is not recording, it is now necessary to go to the main menu to re-enable track recording. So I don't see any advantage of auto-hiding this button.
Did you quote the wrong post? I was talking about the recording side bar and the selection of the recording profile, not about the (new) button.
Quote from: slarti76 on November 06, 2020, 13:35:09
Did you quote the wrong post? I was talking about the recording side bar and the selection of the recording profile, not about the (new) button.
@slarti76 - not sure now, it's all a bit confusing (sorry) - the (new) (red) button when tapped displays the recording side bar & recording profile right? Are we talking about different things?
This probably applies to both LM3+4, but I mostly use LM4 as I got used to it.....
I have set ON the map scale switch in Settings/Maps/Auxiliary graphics.
The scale is displayed on the main map screen, but not during navigation, where I often miss that. Should not navigation screen honor the settings as well ?
I remember there was a similar issue with the planner screen in past. The scale was on the bottom, in contrary to the main screen, and there it was covered by the stats bar.
Sent from my Xiaomi MI A2 / Android 10, via Tapatalk
Today I did some caches with LM4 and found those things:
- when logging a cache
+ the found flag isn't active
+ the action after found (move it to another folder) isn't executed
- the direct link to website is not present ... I found it only in the old cache card
The rest (except mentioned waypoints ) is working good. 👍
Quote from: Andrew Heard on November 06, 2020, 23:04:12
Quote from: slarti76 on November 06, 2020, 13:35:09
Did you quote the wrong post? I was talking about the recording side bar and the selection of the recording profile, not about the (new) button.
@slarti76 - not sure now, it's all a bit confusing (sorry) - the (new) (red) button when tapped displays the recording side bar & recording profile right? Are we talking about different things?
Well, the button is new, but the sidebar isn't. And I was only talking about the sidebar, you were talking about the button, that's why I thought that your post was quoting me erroneously, as these are different topics.
And no, the side bar doesn't show the recording profile (directly), that's my point.
Quote from: slarti76 on November 09, 2020, 08:55:15
Well, the button is new, but the sidebar isn't
yeah, I don't use the LM3 sidebar, more clutter/ less space for the map
another issue with a (new) track recording button that auto-hides when not in use - if you stop recording then want to start again, there is no button to tap, unless configured from main menu?
I generally start Locus well before a ride. Track recording auto starts. But the accuracy is generally poor for a few minutes. So just before the ride I generally stop recording/ delete the track/ start recording. I don't think the new red button allows this. Better & for consistency would be user control over visibility: off|auto-hide|on, just like other panels and map objects.
I think it's as good as it is. If the red button is there, the recording is in progress. If the button is not there, no recording will take place. A very clear thing. I find everything else less clear. The button always shown only covers the cards. To start you just have to click the main menu and click on the recording. I rarely use the sidebar anymore. Have max. Number of applications in the menu. There I have almost everything that was in the sidebar. Everything can be reached quickly.
If I need more I put it in the sidebar and hide it.
Menion created clear structures. We should keep them that way.
Bug. In the main menu, if I change the function of one or more buttons, then reorder one of the buttons, then close/open the menu:
The change of functions will not be remembered.
problem with "waypoints_category_invisible". I'm still unable to simulate it. How did you add points to this group? Are there any special steps?
scale bar: hmm, it is still there, just incorrectly hidden below to navigation panel.
thanks for the tests!
- what do you mean by "the found flag isn't active"?
- "action after" > good observation, fixed
- direct link to the web is under cache code
other comments without response should be fixed/improved ;)
QuoteHow did you add points to this group? Are there any special steps?
- Geocaches are imported via PQ to the corresponding folder Tradi, Multi, Mystery
- own createt POI´s are stored to the corresponding folder
With Pro distance and folder is visible for all in list
The description of the cache contain the needed Info
see video
what do you mean by "the found flag isn't active"?
oups ... I thought that after a found the cache icon switches automaticly to a smiley.
But now I see that the icon changes only because the folder icon of "found" caches is a smiley 😉
really weird. This does not make sense to me and looks like some serious problem. Should I ask for private sharing of your POI db, just to test and fix this? Thanks!
hmm you are correct. After you log a cache "found it", it does not update its icon correctly. Thanks, I'll look at it.
Quote from: Menion on November 13, 2020, 08:52:39
Should I ask for private sharing of your POI db, just to test and fix this? Thanks!
DL link just send per mail
Version for the weekend (geocaching) testing.
Have a nice time (not just with Locus) ;)
I'm trying to rationalize my map screen space further. Experimenting with auto-hide all panels after 5s. If I configure single tap to show those panels, why does another single tap not then hide those panels?
when I want to send a cache from> map directly to locus LM4 crashes ...
And I found no 'normal' way to stop this question 😳
Standard and orange curser are not centered. IT looks as If I stand beside me ... 😁
Red gynta cursor works correct.
@Andrew Heard
if you selected Google control style, then 1 click should work as a toggle for the panels. It does not work like this for you?
Geocaching crash: Hmm seems I'm doing exactly the same steps as you, but no problem on my side. May I ask you to create a log right after the app crash? Thanks.
Cursors: also interesting. Does this happen all the time or just a one-time issue that was fixed by zoom in/out?
Quote from: Menion on November 14, 2020, 19:46:09
if you selected Google control style, then 1 click should work as a toggle for the panels. It does not work like this for you?
@Menion - toggles correctly with 3.49Pro, that is single tap hide/ single tap unhide, but no matter what I try with LM4, single tap unhide is OK but single tap hide is ignored.
A bug I came across.
- Display track that has embedded Waypoints.
- Tap a waypoint, edit it
- Change its position (select on map)
The waypoint is deleted. It is still shown at the old position, but this is a refresh issue.
After hide/show of the track, the waypoint is gone.
Will the dark mode be official? Unreadable text, see attachment.
A minor bug. Display of geocoded photos which just have been taken with the default camera. I.e.,I display the default camera folder (..DCIM/Camera/) For some reason it searches for a jpg.tmp file.
unnecessary characters in the WPT text
@Andrew Heard
hmm problem with one-click is really weird. Code that controls this is shared between all versions. In case you tap in the area where no map item is selected, it should simply toggle all panels (in case of enabled "Google-style").
If it really does not work, may you please share with me a backup of your settings? App currently tests if "are all panels visible". To decide if tap should hide or show all panels. And here may be a problem.
A little weird is that if this method has some problem, it should not work for double-tap as well.
Btw. did you noticed new settings in the panel for the recording button? ;)
quite a serious problem, thanks! There seems to be some issue with the deleting of the waypoints as well. I'll look at it, thanks.
Dark mode: yes, it will be in the final version. I hoped a few months ago that I'll have enough time to re-create a track screen similar to the points screen (so new charts as well), but unfortunately, it will have to stay as is till some 4.x update.
At least this minor chart issue fixed, thanks.
thanks, seems to be an unsolvable problem for me. It is HTML code that is in the GPX file I've downloaded from the web and this html text seems to be incorrectly written (missing "escaping").
first outdoor test this morning,
# 659, no improvement on all proposals. ::) very cumbersome when using waypoints
# 674, behavior has changed, after "update cache" a window with reduced infos open??? why
# 689, solved :)
#694, no improvement and click on new "center button" has no other result. target should be > map view
new issues:
- write a note and save it, reopen note > nothing is stored
- modify or add coords to a WP of a Multi, all works fine till i click save button > screenshot
- inside WP window, click middle down "puzzle button" >Caches arround ??? can´t imagine any benefit in this case and BTW in main cache screen identical "puzzele button" has other options!
Hello menion
since last ? update of LM4 i can only import geocaches from a mail notification when LM4 is running.
When LMP is running, the message appears also
The only way to stop this recurring message is to start LM4
watch the screencast
I have just sent you a bug report
when importing geocaches I don't use the default settings of which app should be used.
I always click " only this time "
Amazing @balloni55, thanks very much for your help here!
In many cases, where it is not perfectly clear that change is 100% useful for all, I will wait for some more feedback.
- edit coordinates directly in the screen & coordinates at the beginning for mysteries > needs more feedbacks/independent requests
- clickable words > all has now small arrow
- full listing without the click on more > eh, how to do this? :)
- switch between listing & waypoints > needs more feedbacks/independent requests & personal field testing
really? Hmm, should not. Same for caches stored in the database and also temporary caches from the live map?
don't understand, sorry. Click on the map or new "center on map" button, returns to the map & hide the existing points screen to me.
Notes > ah right, I'm working on it ...
Waypoints > uff, this was a lot harder than I've expected. Hopefully fixed.
The "Puzzle button" contains features of all add-ons installed on your device. We were previously talked about this (add-ons were hidden behind the "share" button) and now it's directly quickly available here.
Crash when import from web ... hmm, nice, probably got it, thanks!
take a look
really? Hmm, should not. Same for caches stored in the database and also temporary caches from the live map?
don't understand, sorry. Click on the map or new "center on map" button, returns to the map & hide the existing points screen to me.
Quote- clickable words > all has now small arrow
peak of Waypoint arrow is concealed, visible in screencasts ;)
Quote from: Menion on November 16, 2020, 11:55:23
hmm problem with one-click is really weird...If it really does not work, may you please share with me a backup of your settings? App currently tests if "are all panels visible". To decide if tap should hide or show all panels. And here may be a problem.
@Menion - thanks for checking. I have attached my settings. Recall I have 6s screen timeout when Locus is running (using Tasker), but I disabled Tasker & can confirm this is not the reason.
Quote from: Menion on November 16, 2020, 11:55:23
Btw. did you noticed new settings in the panel for the recording button? ;)
I hadn't noticed - excellent. Although that inevitably leads to issues with presets, sorry. Now presets will need extra setting for <Track rec visibility>. I also note inconsistency in existing presets - I assume all should now have 3 options (visible | auto | hidden):
- top panel - has all 3 options - OK
- bottom panel - has visible & auto options, needs hidden option
- right panel - has visible & auto options, needs hidden option
- zoom control - has all 3 options - OK
- Track rec control - please add
I think the green dot in the admission panel is good. But this one flashes.
I find it annoying. When I look at the map, it's always distracting. You can concentrate less on what you want to see on the map. The look goes back to the blinking.
Quote from: freischneider on November 17, 2020, 06:42:49I think the green dot in the admission panel is good. But this one flashes.
I find it annoying.
I can live with it. But also do not like the flashing too much. I'll give it a 4/10
I don't like the green record button at all, it was previously more than sufficient with the red button that came while recording was in progress, and now the flashing green center point is just too much for me. :o
I also prefer red - well, I must admit I have been conditioned
( (
( (
We've had a green track recording button in LM3 for a few years without comment?
@menion - with track recording on & paused, and satellites out of view because indoors (may/ may not be relevant) I had a situation where the zoom-out button was completely ignored. The zoom-in button still worked! Unfortunately no other details but have never seen this weird behavior before.
update - easy to reproduce - unrelated to track recording or satellites - simply impossible to zoom out via button tap, or pinch gesture more than ruler showing 300m!
Quote from: T-mo on November 17, 2020, 23:02:25
I also prefer red - well, I must admit I have been conditioned
( (
( (
I think the picture below is pretty good. But the current design is also good.
Color: I think we shouldn't look at what we've had since then. International is red for this button.
Red arrow if not started (in no case green, because that signals "the thing is running")
Red square (or circle) when recording is in progress. Here also the square or the circle green. This signals that the recording is running. Flashing signals this even better, of course, but it is very distracting.
thanks for the info. The link on the second video in your comment is the same as on the first, is it correct?
@Andrew Heard
thanks for the backup, problem found and solved.
Track record button in presets > added.
Missing "hide" options for the bottom & right panels are currently intent to prevent accidental hiding of panels with the content. If you want to have it hidden, simply don't insert buttons there, as you did with your bottom panel.
Problem with the zoom-out > can't imagine a different reason than active "zoom-lock".
Green recording button > it is an optional feature. You may change it's behavior in settings to auto-hide (it was before) or hide it permanently if wanted (Andrew's dream).
Flashing ... I found it hardly visible, but quite useful during foggy days we had in ČR. Give it a try in the field ;). I also miss some animations here and there, so wish me a little fun ;).
Quote from: Menion on November 19, 2020, 09:08:28
thanks for the info. The link on the second video in your comment is the same as on the first, is it correct?
Upps :-[
sorry, now i have changed the second link to video ;)
Quote from: Menion on November 19, 2020, 09:08:28
Problem with the zoom-out > can't imagine a different reason than active "zoom-lock".
@Menion - thanks & well spotted & now fixed - but I've never used zoom-lock? I don't have zoom-lock in main menu or any panels. Zoom out was working fine early yesterday before I started Locus for a walk with track recording, then later the zoom issue I observed. So weird.
The same happens to one of my colleagues. It was most probably caused by an accidental tap on this feature in the menu > more. I'll improve this by preventing using zoom lock & magnifier directly from the menu > more. Next version, you will see. Thanks.
Quote from: Menion on November 19, 2020, 09:08:28
thanks for the backup, problem found and solved.
@Menion - do you mean my reported problem with duplicated points/ tracks/ folders/ groups was fixed? Great if so.
Today I did a new manual Sync. The process was fast, maybe 30s, and I see no duplication. Phew.
So I installed LM4 on a tablet. This device did not have LM3 installed. I copied an OSM map into mapsVector folder. I assumed I would then be able to restore settings via a settings ZIP from my phone and Sync the points/ tracks/ folders/ groups. Instead I am locked out of LM4 with the attached screen cap "tablet.jpeg".
Separately out of curiosity on the working phone LM4 I tapped BRouter Updater but also got an error msg in screen cap "brouter.jpeg".
@Andrew Heard
ah no, solved is a problem with the "one-click to toggle panels", where you backup helped. The problem with duplicates in sync unfortunately remains a big unsolved mystery for us ???
Tablet problem: and this happens during/after restore of data after sync?
BRouter updater: sorry, there were still some weird issues. I've already solved this but not yet published an update. Hopefully today!
Quote from: Menion on November 26, 2020, 08:34:41
Tablet problem: and this happens during/after restore of data after sync?
@Menion - my sequence:
- fresh install of LM4 on tablet (no other Locus installed)
- run LM4
- map with loading tiles is displayed then quickly...
- full screen with code 11556 is displayed but in less than 1s...
- next full screen with 3 options: 1) close/restart 2) restore 3) info, is displayed
- if I tap close then the previous screen with code 11556 is briefly displayed then LM4 closes
- if I tap restore then the screen with code 11556 is displayed, I tap close twice to exit (no other option)
LM3 free & pro have both previously worked on this tablet but are not currently installed. My only thought is that a while back I inserted a 16GB SD card, and Android 7.1.1 offered to move all apps & data from the internal flash onto this new card. For one other app I had to reinstall because it would not save settings. LM4 was installed after the new SD card was inserted, so maybe unrelated.
So, no opportunity to sync (restore) or do anything because I'm locked out of LM4. Shall I send a log directly after the close?
This most probably won't be related to LM4. When you install LM Free/Pro, the result will be most probably the same.
Is the Locus Map directory in the internal memory? If so, all should work correctly so this may only mean really some problem with DB.
The best should be to rename Locus/data/database to something like Locus/data/database-backup. Start the app and try sync, it should work. If all went well, you may send me your backup database directory, maybe there is any issue with it I may fix in the app. Thanks
Quote from: Menion on November 27, 2020, 06:57:46
Is the Locus Map directory in the internal memory?
@Menion - yes
Quote from: Menion on November 27, 2020, 06:57:46
The best should be to rename Locus/data/database to something like Locus/data/database-backup.
thanks, that worked; I assume LM4 was confused because there was an old LM3 /data/* still there, even though LM3 was uninstalled?
Quote from: Menion on November 27, 2020, 06:57:46
Start the app and try sync, it should work.
It worked a treat. Sync took ~15 minutes. All good now, thanks.
Problem is that it should not be confused. The app should be able to re-use the old database without any problem ... this makes me worry a little bit. If you have no serious problem to share your not-working "database" folder with me, it will be more than welcome. There has to be any problem in the structure of DB most probably caused by Locus Map itself. Thanks
New version just uploaded to Google Drive.
News after app start, as usual.
Have a nice weekend!
Thx, testing brouter segment download. Very tiring. I need 4 segments. e5_n50 is missing btw. It exists on
It tends to select all, e. g. when going to another app and return to Locus. Have to deselect 1 by 1.
Hello menion
thanks for new version :)
# 964 solved :)
enter coords to a waypoint with 0.00 coords isn´t possible > screencast
after update of a cache which was "temporary disabeled" and is now enabeled, icon is displayed well but text is furthermore crossed out till i reopen it
after todays update of LM4 there is a problem inside LMP displaying POI´s/Geocaches on map althought they are marked as visible in the POI tab :-[
Restart of device and LMP didn´t help
if i try to open one of these marked caches > locus FC
Log just send ;)
Quote from: Menion on November 27, 2020, 12:01:35
If you have no serious problem to share your not-working "database" folder with me, it will be more than welcome.
@menion - /data/database/track.db is 164MB. Do you want it or could I ideally just ZIP the remainder of /data/database/* to save upload time? - menu > More - nice. But why is "Quick action menu" listed with "Beta - testing"? It's been around for years. - BRouter Updater download now working. Do you plan to have Minimize button similar to Sync so that operation can continue in background, then view progress via notifications?
This comment is not directly related to LM4, but when you select Backup manager > Restore, the initial File browser directory is the root of the internal file system, which seems an odd place to be placed. I then select the "Internal storage" directory. Would this be a better default?
Regards manual Cloud Sync: would it be possible to display summary of sync operations that will be performed for confirmation
before proceeding further? When I see a brief message "deleting points" or "deleting tracks" with no mention of what, I get concerned. Maybe the summary could list the points & tracks which will be sync'd & whether the action is new, update or delete. I just did a manual Sync of (slave) tablet data; it appears to have performed fast & correctly. AFAIK anyway ;-)
PS. Quick settings don't appear to be backed up or restored. I did a settings backup from (master) phone which has a Quick settings panel. I did a settings restore to (slave) tablet & Quick settings appear to be the defaults. Could Quick settings > Change have the same nice new structure that Menu > More has? Or even a search field.
@Menion What means "Duplicate folder" in red in the About screen in Locus 4?
Red means something wrong?
Folder is Android system one, isn't it?
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I cannot configure which geotagged photos are to be shown currently. I use them a lot.
Serious issue, I reported before, still present.
I do it post-hiking, manual correction of some automatically added poi.
EDIT: I think I am wrong here. WP was not deleted. But the new position is only shown after hide/show of track.
E5_N50 is missing? How do you try it? I try download routing data for France North and this segment is available.
You wrote it is very "tiring". Currently are missing two main features: background download and download directly over the Route planner. Does this helps to make it less "tiring"? :)
Geotagged photos > thanks, fixed!
Removing waypoints from the track > I'm unable to simulate any problem with the latest version. May you please write to me (again?) more precise steps to simulate it? Thanks.
problem with the edit of waypoints: ah, it does not work for any waypoint to me. Thanks, fixed.
"Temporary disabled cache" > this is a really rare case :). Thanks, fixed
Crash in LMP: aaaa! Damn. New points stored in LM4 has a problem with open in LM Free/Pro. Thanks, will be fixed in the next update. Just all new points from LM4 (or just uprated), needs to be saved/imported again, sorry.
@Andrew Heard
if you may just zip it and share it with me, it will be perfect, thanks!
"Quick action menu" > heh, it was created a long time ago, correct, for CarpeIter controller. It was never officially published and to be true, I'm not sure if it has any extra usage without direct open from the hardware controller. Are you using it?
BRouter downloader > sure, a background task is a must-have. I first test if it works at all.
The initial directory in backup > ah, I know about this for months and always forget to fix it ... hmm, complicated than expected, but fixed, thanks.
Summary of sync task: hmm quite a complex task. The device in the first step sends to the server's current state since a certain date (usually last sync) and then receives many calls, steps that need to be done. So to do this, it will be necessary to completely change this login and firstly delivered to the device what will be done in the next steps for confirmation. Well, quite a lot of work ... maybe I should change the word "deleting" for "updating" :)
"Quick settings" ... checking ... should be stored in backups!
app detect during start all available directories that already have some data. So yes, it is an "Android system" folder, but it contains some data, for unknown reasons. Not a serious issue, because usually Locus Map warns during start if there is any problem. This is usually used more for our support on the help desk, where we may detect if the user really uses the directory he thinks he uses.
@Menion There was an empty directory data/files or similar. Deleted that, and now the message has gone. Looks like something to do with changing the "working directory".
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
Quote from: Menion on November 30, 2020, 13:45:43
if you may just zip it and share it with me, it will be perfect, thanks!
@Menion - do you need track.db though? the compressed database folder with tracks.db = 86MB, without = 237KB - big difference in upload
Quote from: Menion on November 30, 2020, 13:45:43
"Quick action menu" > heh, it was created a long time ago, correct, for CarpeIter controller. It was never officially published and to be true, I'm not sure if it has any extra usage without direct open from the hardware controller. Are you using it?
Quick action menu? It has been in Free & Pro for years? Maybe we are confusing different functions? Function with the lightning bolt icon right? I use it all the time for 8 chosen functions, but in LM4 now with configurable larger # rows of menu, I guess that would be as convenient.
Beta testing ---Quick Action Menü
I've already asked myself. It's been around for a long time.
Menion, as for moving embedded WP, have a look:
The green wp symbol is moved only after hide/show of the track. A refresh issue.
Also notice the nervous screen, I reported long ago. Happens in fullscreen mode, maybe related to the notch usage.
In my last testing brouter segment downloader showed all segments. Now after I deleted all unnecessary segment files it only offers the 4 needed files. Ok now. Not tiring any more.
Quote from: tapio on December 01, 2020, 19:00:10
In my last testing brouter segment downloader showed all segments. Now after I deleted all unnecessary segment files it only offers the 4 needed files. Ok now. Not tiring any more.
For me it shows also only 4 segments, but in my folder there are 6 segments. Only the 4 of them were updated by the new good functionality.
Gesendet von meinem XZ2C mit Tapatalk
@Menion: If I start the route planner in the new beta version, Locus crashes immediately. I installed it completely new, but this didn't solve the problem.
Kind regards
Quote from: Jochen on December 05, 2020, 09:52:26
@Menion: If I start the route planner in the new beta version, Locus crashes immediately. I installed it completely new, but this didn't solve the problem.
Kind regards
Same for me.
Gesendet von meinem XZ2C mit Tapatalk
Quote from: Jochen on December 05, 2020, 09:52:26@Menion: If I start the route planner in the new beta version, Locus crashes immediately.
In menu: "Tracks and routes manager". But it is also a point manager...
Quote from: Jochen on December 05, 2020, 09:52:26
@Menion: If I start the route planner in the new beta version, Locus crashes immediately.
same, and many functions in main menu > more are not working.
Thanks guys, indeed, the app crash in the route planner screen ... fixed in the new version (the same name, just updated date). Can't simulate issue with Menu > More, so hopefully fixed as well.
"Tracks and routes manager" > well, it opens the "Tracks" tab. Same with "Points manager" (which opens the "Points" tab.
Quoteenter coords to a waypoint with 0.00 coords isn´t possible
confirm solved :)
corrected coords > link "show on map" didn´t work
Now that so many buttons can be added to the main menu (settings > controlling > panels > # rows), it would be very useful that buttons could be dragged to change positions. The only way to swap positions at present is to assign an unused (temporary) function to button1, then reassign button2, then reassign button1. Tedious.
Cache container size help
I think it's better to add a physical reference to help. With that you can imagine more.
See image
More information:
Quote from: Andrew Heard on December 07, 2020, 07:44:04
Now that so many buttons can be added to the main menu (settings > controlling > panels > # rows), it would be very useful that buttons could be dragged to change positions. The only way to swap positions at present is to assign an unused (temporary) function to button1, then reassign button2, then reassign button1. Tedious.
? They can be dragged and it's not new...
Quote from: tapio on December 09, 2020, 22:45:50
? They can be dragged and it's not new...
@tapio - whoops, confirmed - my bad ;-)
Tomorrow will be completely removed content in the sync database (it has no effect on data on the devices). We are doing the last fine-tunning. The new application will be prepared tomorrow with a connection to the final database server.
What you will have to do:
- install tomorrow new application
- from your primary! the device, upload (again, yes sorry), your data to the cloud
Suggestion: there is nothing better than good old "full backup" on the primary device before sync ;).
Thanks for understaning. Btw. web route planner is really close for first public test ...
Web route planner:
In order to have planned routes on the device, will this need a full sync? I have not much need in uploading all of my stuff, just some folders... I.e., I'm still interested in a black/whitelist mechanism for syncing.
Yes, for now, it will be the requirement.
You want to use direct download of planned routes from the web = you must have enabled a sync system. And opposite > you have enabled sync system > you will see all your tracks/routes on the web.
There's no file on the GDrive.
New version - 974 just uploaded.
Sure, it isn't, because I was preparing a version working with a new cloud sync server as mentioned before.
All data you sync since now will be stored in the final production server. No more changes in server & structure are planned.
started sync on my primary phone ... all worked well.
Tried to sync my tablet then ... structure was loaded but no content.
Error below
@menion testing - 974
- online BRouter working
- online LoPoints working - any settings to filter? I assume this is a work-in-progress like offline LoPoints (beta).
- "tasks" button in Route Planner?
- Cloud Sync - bad news - 1st manual sync from phone OK; why on 2nd sync is there message "Groups - deleting data" & "Tracks - deleting data"? Anyway, 2nd sync OK too. Then tablet - noticed 2 folders of all 2020/ 2019 tracks were gone? Good test for 1st manual sync; same error as - code 14199 - although text is "Whoops - unexpected error". Maybe different language. tap Back > tap Continue > same. Now (again) there are two mostly duplicate groups of track folders. One "tracks" group has folders "2020".."2015", and the other "tracks" group has folders "2018".."2015", with some other special ones. Point groups are again all duplicated, similar to folders. I haven't deleted anything yet in case there is some useful information @menion can use. Fortunately phone tracks/ points are OK but not wanting to do another sync & have to revert to backup.
- menu > Nearest points > I can see a dialog with list of points behind the main menu; the main menu should be hidden.
I cannot find the setting for background brouter routing files download, where is it? Anyone?
I am using "Brouter (inner)" (sounds weird, should be "internal").
@ Tapio:
Menu / further functions / Beta-testing
Quote from: freischneider on December 12, 2020, 15:03:04
@ Tapio:
Menu / further functions / Beta-testing
That's the manual downloading, but I was expecting to find settings for the background service.
Also, I do not see segment download in the route planner.
In Lopoints(beta) the checkbox "Show on map" imo has no effect and is not needed any more.
Quote from: tapio on December 13, 2020, 10:04:56
Also, I do not see segment download in the route planner.
Try to create a route in an area where you not have routing data yet. Locus will detect this and offer routing data download (in the backround) for this area.
PS: noticed one thing with the surface display in route planner: the surface "grass_paver" is displayed as "grass". I would have expected this to be "paved", but maybe this has to be discussed further. I stumbled over this because an agricultural track I know showed "grass" surface, in reality it is paved with grass-pavers, but with gravel/earth instead of grass in the holes.
Different procedures for closing the screen.
Screens without full screen:
Map Content Panel: swipe left
Main menu: swipe down
Track recording: swipe left
Point and cache: swiping is not possible, just click on the map
Screens full screen:
Track view: Left arrow
Data manager: left arrow
Route planner: left arrow
All screens with full screen are uniform.
Screens without full picture are not uniform. You cannot swipe down at point and cache here.
I want to do it intuitively, but it doesn't work.
Please integrate the swipe down here.
As per
I deleted the whole tablet folder again /Locus/data/database
I then performed a fresh manual Live Sync into the tablet. Some track groups are OK, others are duplicated. Each duplicate group has the same folders but no points in it.
The point groups are even more strange. One case - the (master) phone has a single NSW-ACT group containing 2 folders (general & homes) whereas the tablet now has a NSW group (general & homes folders are both empty), and the correct NSW-ACT group containing 2 folders (general & homes). Where has this zombie NSW group come from? Could the hyphen in the group name be causing problems?
Other point group folders are duplicated in same manner as the track groups.
thanks for the info about the "show on map" button in logs > fixed.
hmm good tip with cache sizes, thanks. To keep it actual, I've rather added a link to this geocaching manual to the dialog toolbar. Seems also that the app has a "huge" size that is not official. It is no longer valid so it should be removed from the app?
Different closing of screens: I'll look at it, thanks!
@Andrew Heard
menu > they can be dragged as @tapio correctly wrote, but be aware that it is not perfect 100% reliable and usually you first have to move up/down .. weird problem, still for an unknown reason to me.
Sync problems: ah :-X ... discussed over email, thanks
issue in sync detected on our server. Should work correctly now.
page mentioned by @freischneider is mainly for manual checking of updates. The semi-automatic download should be done in the route planner when you plan over areas where are missing routing data. Then app, after your confirmation, starts download in the background. .. ah @zossebart exactly this described below ... thanks, so I just confirm it :)
Only what is currently missing from my point of view, is some automatic check for updates.
"grass_paver" really belongs to the "grass" category. Not sure if this particular tag was already discussed ... I'm open for "votes".
Grass paver = paved ✓ (my vote)
Although it looks like grass it is hard and not muddy.
Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk
Grass paver = paved ✓ (my vote)
Question by @Menion: Remove cache size
I rarely geocaching and have only been for a few years. Maybe there were these times and there are still some on the way.
What does the specialist @ Balloni55 say?
Cache size ... what? (I only skim this discussion, but this caught my eye. Haven't actually looked at LM4 in months, sorry.)
When doing guidance to a cache with LM3, I really wish the panel showed the cache size somewhere. I hate having to tap and waaait to load the full details to find out that detail. Also, D/T are poorly readable, blue on dark grey. Need my glasses to make sense of those.
Also, it must be a hundred times I've tapped the guidance arrow, hoping to get the full-screen arrow, but instead having to waaait and get the full details instead, which I didn't want. That's misleading UI. My brain stem sees a small arrow and wants a big arrow, so it taps the small arrow. Wrong.
And is there any way for a tap on the compass icon (above the arrow I keep tapping by mistake) to go directly to the large guidance arrow (very useful) instead of always to the satellite screen (barely useful)? Many times when trying to swipe away from the satellite screen with my thumb (other hand busy), I accidentally turn off "getting location", and swear.
These are all usability glitches with LM3, and here's your opportunity... Thanks for listening.
The current surface setup is already published here:
The "Paved" category does not exist, but what about placing grass_paver into STONES and basic grass into GROUND. This allows to remove "grass" and simplify structure a little bit.
@Viajero Perdido
screen with cache is not smaller and directly visible on the map screen. So it is not a "tap and waits... waits ... ah finally" as in LM Pro. I'm trying to make this screen lighter > faster. Try it and you will see.
About other suggestions ... really better firstly try current version to work with fresh state ;).
regarding "cache sizes"
- a blue bar with a number is incomprehensible
- a pictogram like in LMP is standard at groundspeak
- the description of the geocache size with volume indication in brackets as suggested by @freischneider would be generally understandable
just my two cents ;)
#746, since then i can´t use LMP
when can i expect an update from LMP?
@ Viajero Perdido
please use LM4 when caching, especially on multi with multiple waypoints and report if you are happy with the switching between listing and waypoints. Thanks
Thanks balloni.
About cache size: the question was mainly f existed something like "huge" size because on the Groundspeak web, no such size exists.
#746 ... unfortunately you have to fix this on your own. Just open problematic cache in LM4, change something, and save it again. Problem is that point saved with the problematic version, can't be loaded in LM Pro, but after save with the new LM4 it is correctly backward-compatible. Or if there are more points like this, I may do this on my side if you send me DB (by simply re-saving all points in DB over app).
This is Willy more for a separate topic, so if no problem, I'll split it into the same "Locus Map (4+)" folder.
Generally, there should not be any bigger differences in the navigation system of LM4. Most changes are currently related to added functionality, not internal algorithms/logic.
QuoteOr if there are more points like this, I may do this on my side if you send me DB
db just send ;)
For my needs: I would mainly like to differentiate between asphalt, gravel, nature path (ground).
Ground: Ground, Grass, Dirt, clay, earth, mud (possibly also sand)
Gravel: like since then
Asphalt: like since then
Possibly concrete to asphalt. has the same characteristics. Designation: Asphalt / Concrete
I would add grass paver to Stones.
So we would have a better overview and not as many categories. We should only differentiate where it makes sense. Example: I walk on concrete exactly as I walk on asphalt, it doesn't make any difference when cycling.
Furthermore, it would be nice to have a translation for the surfaces and path types. Some of them I have to look again and again because I can't remember the English words.
New version MapGooglePlay_3.49.1.8_976_beta just uploaded.
There is quite a long list of changes, as usually after the app start. Petr and Radim will probably create a separate topic related to online LoPoins and new online LoMaps, so if anyway, one will have feedback on this topic, please wait for the mentioned separate topic.
Thanks and wish you a nice weekend!
- main menu > Map Themes - hidden because main menu is not closed
- where is this "Tasks" button in the route planner? Not evident in my screen cap, or do you mean the Route menu?
@Andrew Heard
- map themes not hiding the main menu > thanks, fixed (also for few more screens like "Quick settings", ...)
- "Tasks" button > I mean by this a screen with active progress, news etc. It is mainly useful here in case, you use an internal BRouter and the app offers download of missing routing files. It takes some time and with this button visible, you may check progress while still working in the route planner.
Hi guys,
I've just created a new topic for Locus Map (4) testing. We have moved to probably final phase ... some more public testing & finalization.
I've also hoped that the web planner will be available for the test till the end of the year, but unfortunately not. So expect it at the start of the new year.
New topic:
Thanks all for your very useful help & your surprising patience with me and what we create here ;)