It's a very specific set of actions required to demonstrate the bug
- track recording
- save
- export (not sure if important)
- hide
- return to map
- observe however that track isn't hidden until the map is dragged; not sure if length of track is significant; it always happens for this 100km ride
see video @
This kind of ghost function appears also with the Route Planer. Sometimes you can generate this green deltoid waypoint icons by tapping on a empty map AFTER the Route Planer is closed.
menion can you please exorcize this?
Ah thanks Christian for the remainder of this topic.
The same issue as Andrew have on the video, happens to me as well a few times. I'm checking code, but all seems to be correct. Maybe refresh of the map happens too early, so I added them half second delay. Hopefully, it will help.
Not sure what exactly is the problem with Route planner. Anyway, here I remember that I saw some problem with Android system, that incorrectly detected restoring of the main map screen, that caused some remaings of the plan even on the main map screen. I wasn't able to find out why this happens. Will be watching it ...
Was there a fix? For first time in the track was correctly hidden.
Yep, as I wrote "I added them half second delay. Hopefully, it will help" ... glad it seems to work.