For creating Offline maps on PC is absolute perfect application
Mobile Atlas Creator (Mobac). I'll not describe here how to work with this software, but I'll tell what to do, to create maps for Locus, which is not in Mobac output list. This manual now contain two methods. One is for creating TARED map files, almost same as Locus create during own map creating process. This is supported since version 0.2.0. Second is what Locus fully support since version 0.6.10. This is SQLiteDB map type. I currently not tested which is faster, it's just on you which choose. SQLiteDB is easier to create. Also SQLiteDB can have unlimited size (TARed maps are suggested not to be bigger then 1GB), but require more time to initialize!
So, let's create it ...
I suggest to run Mobac with custom "run.bat" file, containg:
java -jar Mobile_Atlas_Creator.jar -Xmx 1024M this allow mobac to use enough memory to download really big maps <!-- s;) --> ;) <!-- s;) -->
First step, in Settings -> Map size -> Maximum size – choose
biggest value. (screenshot 1)
SQLiteDB Maps - needed version: 0.6.10 and higher
- Important is output format. Set it to BigPlanet/RMaps SQLite.
- Choose area and start creating (screenshot 2).
- After map creating, only thing to do is copy created file (rename as you want) into Locus/maps on SD card, and that's all <!-- s;) --> ;) <!-- s;) -->
WARNING: Due to limitation of Android platform, create maps smaller then 2GB (more here (http://!!!
TARED Maps - needed version: 0.2.0 and higher
- Important is output format. Set it to TrekBuddy tared atlas.
- Choose area and start creating (screenshot 2).
- After map creating, only thing to do is copy all tar map files, into one directory, so in my example, I created directory Europe OSM, and into this (as on screenshot 3), I copied all tar files created by Atlas Mobile Creator.
- Whole directory copy into /sdcard/Locus/maps and start application (you have to wait for a a while (up to few minutes with 1GB file) to initialize all map files). Enjoy
Warning: highly suggest not to download files bigger then 1GB (may cause Out of memory errors on Android machines with lower Java application memory) !!!
Hi there,
is there any way how to create maps for Locus from Garmin img (like e.g. TOPO Czech PRO 2010). Or generaly how to use it on Android? I have tried few ways but not succesfully (e.g. MapEdit does not support new Garmin NT format of img files).
hi trying to create big maps,
I suggest to run Mobac with custom "run.bat" file, containg:
java -jar Mobile_Atlas_Creator.jar -Xmx 1024M
this allow mobac to use enough memory to download really big maps
how do i do this
I'd like to create maps from my computer, but as of 4/6, it looks like MOBAC lost a lot of map support due to licensing issues (// I'd like to be able to create maps on my PC using Google maps, but these are no longer available in MOBAC.
I've never used MOBAC or Google Earth, and I'm trying to figure out which one I want to use. Is it even possible to create Locus maps in Google Earth?
interesting. Looks that something similar (like disabling many map providers) can be expected in Locus as well.
Anyway how do you want to create map for Locus in Google Earth? I don't know if this is possible or not :). Anyone any experience?
!!! Super with Locus Android !!!
Mobile Atlas Creator 1.8 (Official Edition + SQLite Libs + Settings for "BigPlanet SQLite" format (zh-TW)) (..... + Google Earth, + GMaps , minus Google Terrain . and more Maps)
For Google Terrain: (v.1,7 = the Best) !!!!
Is there a complete structure of locus sqlite maps? Tar-format is considered obsolete, but it's more flexible for offline maps. As I realized to create sqlite db maps from "ozi-like formats" (image+geodata), image must be resized to align with online source tiles. There are no fields for calibration points and projection.
Is there a way that Locus use maps made with that converter tool ? (
There is so many software to make offline maps: TTQV, Fugawi, Pathaway, Oziexplorer. I mean making offline maps with paper maps scanned, cd-rom maps, etc. Not created maps from internet like MOBAC.
With Oruxmap there is a desktop tool to make maps with coordinates. I tested it with (
1. printet in PDF from website
2. exported in .jpg with "PDF-exchang viewer"
3. getting px coordinate on jpg with "photofiltre" and coordinates on map
4. use OruxMapDesktop to make the map for Oruxmap
Works well! I can make a tuto if needed but miss the tool to make the map for locus.
Would be nice to find a way to make it.
Someone can make a tool to use images and calibration files to make locus maps ?
I can make maps from TTQV to make tests. (.jpg and .cal).
Locus map is so great but I think "creating maps" is missing !!!
I absolutely agree that some sort of desktop software (or some precise manual) is required for this, but unfortunately I'm not well skilled in such map transformations and also I have not much time for creating this. Here in community is a lot of people who use some older maps from other software in Locus. Also you can find in posts some tweaks how to achieve this, but all are little bit complicated. But as I wrote before, I'm not much skilled in this topic. I hope that someone will create some complex description or even desktop software that allow this all by simple click :)
Quote from: "Mateles"I'd like to create maps from my computer, but as of 4/6, it looks like MOBAC lost a lot of map support due to licensing issues (// I'd like to be able to create maps on my PC using Google maps, but these are no longer available in MOBAC.
You have to use MOBAC in version 1.9 beta 1 maximum - try this one ... -1-zip-zip ( - the last version with original widest range of data sources.
I'm also interested in creating maps from TTQV (4). My understanding is that right now this is not possible - correct?
Or is there a way to export them and convert them into a certain format?
I have got quite a collection of maps in TTQV, some of them calibrated by hand, an would like to use them on my android smartphone.
apemap-export is possible, I know, but this is not my favorite app
From TTQV we should first convert it to oziexplorer (.map) with Ozimapconverter (// Works fine. Also convert in/to others formats.
We just need now to have a good way/tool to make atlases from ozi maps (.map). Any idea ?
Quote from: "bobo007"You have to use MOBAC in version 1.9 beta 1 maximum - try this one ... -1-zip-zip ( - the last version with original widest range of data sources.
Works fine thanks ! Just miss the swissmaps! :(
Using OruxMapDesktop you can convert a ozi map to a sqllite db, this is a different format to Locus though.
I am looking into writing a sql script that can create a Locus db from the Orux one.
I have looked at the code in Mobile Atlas Creator, and it seems that the images are stored the same way, so I hope that Locus can use them as is.
Going to spend a little bit of time trying to convert a single tile, single layer map.
Will report back later.
That would be great, thanx!
Keep us up to date!
do you have some small sample of OruxMaps sqlite db? If this db is similar to one I use, should be easier to write native support in locus
so if you should attach one sample database here or send me on email, I'll look at it ...
Hi Menion,
Attached is a file containing the following
An Orux db for one tile at zoom 10
A RMap db of the same tile
An Orux db for 9 tiles at zoom 10
A RMap db for the same 9 tiles
The MOBAC profile for the 9 tiles selected.
All atlases were created using MOBAC 1.9 Beta 3
I hope these will be of use to you.
Looking at the databases the table structure is similar but the tile naming scheme and the number of tiles is different.
Also Orux uses an xml file to hole the zoom, bounds and image size.
Let me know if you would like any other information.
Quote from: "simonb"Using OruxMapDesktop you can convert a ozi map to a sqllite db, this is a different format to Locus though.
I am looking into writing a sql script that can create a Locus db from the Orux one.
I have looked at the code in Mobile Atlas Creator, and it seems that the images are stored the same way, so I hope that Locus can use them as is.
Going to spend a little bit of time trying to convert a single tile, single layer map.
Will report back later.
it's useless. Orux only stores images(size may differ from 256x256) in the database and information about projection, top-left, bottom-right coordinates & etc is stored in xml file.
Locus db format is suitable only for online sources.
Quote from: "gribnik"... Locus db format is suitable only for online sources.
Are you sure ? Locus use offline maps (atlases) perfectly isn't ? Maybe different DB ?
Actually we need 1 of the 2 options :
1) locus can open others maps sources
2) a tool to convert maps to Locus
I'm pretty sure Menion will have a good solution for us. :D
With oruxmap desktop, only a single image as map can be calibrated. It would be greater to be able to make atlases than single map. I heard something about a tool for making atlases for Trekbuddy. I will try to find something.
QuoteAre you sure ? Locus use offline maps (atlases) perfectly isn't ? Maybe different DB ?
x,y fields in locus db is a position on the map server (the map type (// stored in info.provider field). All information about geo coordinates you're getting from position of tile, zoom and map provider type.
x,y fields in orux database is a position on a scanned image, it always starts from 0,0 for upper-left tile and so on
GlobalMapper can export to google maps tiles. it rotates the image if needed, scales image to the selected googlemaps zoom(s) and splits the image. Also it can merge several ozi's maps but for tiles structure it doesn't matter. After it can be easely inserted into sqlite db.
Or use trekbuddy "tared" format.
Quote from: "Minjin"Hi,
Is there a way that Locus use maps made with that converter tool ? (
There is so many software to make offline maps: TTQV, Fugawi, Pathaway, Oziexplorer. I mean making offline maps with paper maps scanned, cd-rom maps, etc. Not created maps from internet like MOBAC.
With Oruxmap there is a desktop tool to make maps with coordinates. I tested it with (
1. printet in PDF from website
2. exported in .jpg with "PDF-exchang viewer"
3. getting px coordinate on jpg with "photofiltre" and coordinates on map
4. use OruxMapDesktop to make the map for Oruxmap
Works well! I can make a tuto if needed but miss the tool to make the map for locus.
Would be nice to find a way to make it.
Someone can make a tool to use images and calibration files to make locus maps ?
I can make maps from TTQV to make tests. (.jpg and .cal).
Locus map is so great but I think "creating maps" is missing !!!
Did you ever find a way to do this? I want to do it too! Thanks
don't know what exactly are you searching for but conversion from Ozi maps (that can be created from paper maps and some calibration data right?) can be done with this (
Basically trying to make maps from paper maps & calibration data...don't want to have to pay $100+ for something like OziExplorer to do it. OruxMapDesktop can do it, but then I don't know how to convert oruxmaps to locus. Looking for a free or cheap (like $20 or less) way of doing it. So I was asking if Minjin ever found a good way, since he talked about OruxMapDesktop.
EDIT: It looks like MAPC2MAPC can also calibrate maps, not just convert, I will investigate more, but that might do the trick. Fairly cheap too.
My results:
1. Using MAPC2MAPC to calibrate the map and saving sqlite DB --> once in Locus, comes out wrong and stretched compared to where it should be. This could be because MAPC2MAPC doesn't support very many didn't support the one I needed (Lambert_Conformal_Conic), so I just picked another one, but it could be wrong. Or perhaps the calibration method in MAPC2MAPC doesn't work very well.
2. Calibrating the map in google earth by hand, saving as KMZ, using MAPC2MAPC to load the KMZ and save out sqlite DB --> Positioned correctly, but image quality suffers (appears as if the image was shrunk 50%, then blown back up 200% again, getting a blurry/pixelated look to it)
3. Used a trial version of OziExplorer to calibrate the map, then used the script elsewhere on this forum to convert ozi map to .tar format...the quality comes in perfectly in Locus, but the map is not rotated (north is not up on my map), and when I scroll on the screen in Locus, the map moves very funny.
Do you know any good method of creating maps from paper maps into locus?
unfortunately I don't know. I'm not experienced with this, but I suggest to write to author of Mapc2mapc. I'm sure he will respond you
Hi All,
I am trying to calibrate a topo map in the alps (Madonna di campiglio hiking map, first image in the webpage below) ... io,47.html (,25/trekking_and_mountain_walks_in_madonna_di_campiglio,47.html)
using Google earth to calibrate the map and generate a kml file and MAPC2MAPC to save a calibrated map directly in Mobile Atlas format, it even has atlas Locus / RMAPS sqlite.db.
The procedure is very simple, described here: (
The point is that... it does not work perfectly. The sqlitedb file is generated, I copied it underl Locus / maps and it is opened correctly almost in the right location, but it is not precise and some tiles seems to be missing.
Did somebody try to calibrate a map in this way? If it would work, it would be much easier than the above methods... Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you in advance,
Edit: I also wrote to the author of MAPC2MAPC, I will keep you informed...
Hi everybody,
Is it possible to download maps created with Microsoft Streets & Trips 2011 in Locus ? I know that the supported GPS have to be NMEA 2.0 compatible or later. Maps format is .est.
Thank's !!!!!
Hi everybody, this looks like a really great application (esp with the 'extended' functionality :) )
I do have a problem with creating maps on a desktop computer with MOBAC and importing them to Locus. I've tried creating medium maps (say 30 x 30 km) at multiple zoom levels (8-10-12-14-16), in various formats - sqlitedb and tar. After I create them with MOBAC (ver 1.8) I copy them to the SD card, in the Locus > Maps dir or in any other place and I try to import them, but without success. Locus doesn't auto recognize them in the "Maps" dir and the import function also doesn't find them when I browse the directory with the map files itself, wherever it is placed.
Any advice on how I can import medium to large maps made on PC, with MOBAC or any other map creator (only those that support Google) ?
Thanks for the support.
Quote from: "c3po"After I create them with MOBAC (ver 1.8)
Try version 1.9 beta 1. There's a link to it higher up this thread. That version works for me.
Nevermind that, great news everyone... I re-DL'ed the maps in sqlitedb format (RMaps), put the resulting sqlitedb file into Locus > maps and... it works ! :) When the aplication started, it said something like "initialising" and it auto recognized the copied file. This really is the greatest map application I know, especially for people interested in multiple map sources and particularly in good quality sat imaging maps. Congratulations to the developer for doing such a great job.
Quote from: "David"Hi All,
I am trying to calibrate a topo map in the alps (Madonna di campiglio hiking map, first image in the webpage below) ... io,47.html (,25/trekking_and_mountain_walks_in_madonna_di_campiglio,47.html)
using Google earth to calibrate the map and generate a kml file and MAPC2MAPC to save a calibrated map directly in Mobile Atlas format, it even has atlas Locus / RMAPS sqlite.db.
The procedure is very simple, described here: (
The point is that... it does not work perfectly. The sqlitedb file is generated, I copied it underl Locus / maps and it is opened correctly almost in the right location, but it is not precise and some tiles seems to be missing.
Did somebody try to calibrate a map in this way? If it would work, it would be much easier than the above methods... Am I doing something wrong?
Thank you in advance,
Edit: I also wrote to the author of MAPC2MAPC, I will keep you informed...
The author of MAPC2MAPC answered and updated its software yesterday. Give it a try to create custom maps...
Quote from: "menion"I suggest to run Mobac with custom "run.bat" file, containg:
java -jar Mobile_Atlas_Creator.jar -Xmx 1024M
this allow mobac to use enough memory to download really big maps ;)
I'm not sure to well understand the steps before.
i've tried to create a file "run.bat" with the code following, but got always the same response : " MOBAC can't create file more than 455 Mib" (something like that ! ^^ 'scuse me, I'm don't know how it's hard to be !! :mrgreen: ).
Doesn't work (should guess I mean ! ^^)
So, can someone give me more explainations please ? :?
I've finally foune a "" which contains a string like the one concerned.
But my modifications doesn't work : what should I do ? Erase all and just copy / paste the code in the post below ?
Sorry for coming back...
i've tried many things :
- create a "run.bat" files containing the specifications you give;
- change values in ths "";
- opening .jar files in order to find some "run.bat";
- entirely modify the (copy/paste from the given code);
- I'm quiet sure forgetting something... ^^
Can't anyone advise me, please ? :)
That's really boring : the only encountered difficulty is the MOBAC limitation on created files size (>485Mo) :'(
If it's saying the map is too big...don't make the map so big then? Break it into sections, or remove some zoom levels or something.
Is there any limit to a map size, other than the sqlitedb file size on disk ? Like the number of tiles (close to 500,000) ?
I have created a road map (not sattelite) with MOBAC from one of the big providers, of a large area with about 495,000 tiles (MOBAC limit is 500k). It has zoom levels 8-16 and only about 550 MB.
However, when I place it in the "Maps" dir, Locus will not load it and it does not appear in the "maps" list below the other maps that I created with MOBAC and which can be loaded fine, even though they are larger (1.7 GB, but fewer tiles). Locus tries to read it ("initialize") for a while but in the end it is not recognized.
Note that a map of the exact same type, only smaller (about 300,000 tiles - 330 MB) was loaded fine by Locus.
So, is there another limit for Locus or Android ? Any ideas ?
Thanks for your suggestions.
don't even tell me, you (after all troubles I had due to this) download so huge maps :cry: !! This is exactly reason why I had to do this ... ( There is no good reason why to download high zooms for large areas so think a little about it before you'll next time download such an enormous number of tiles.
as I know, limit is only to 2GB size of file, not on number of tiles, but as you can see, some limit on number of limes in database is also possible
and Gregorx, do you have enabled in mobac settings "Map size" to highest number?
Thanks menion,
That's OK now.
Yes, Settings Map Size was OK;
I've supprimed the ".sh" and created the "run.bat"...but didn't work at all.
I've finally found this //, then pasted in run.bat (modifying the 512 / 1024 ^^).
If that can be helpfull to anyone... ^^
I can now enjoy Locus !!!!! :mrgreen:
Thx a lot for this amazing tool ;)
Actually there are some good reasons, the best one being that if you're on the road going 100 - 150 km/h and you only DL small maps, you're going to run out of map pretty soon. And then you don't want to stop (or maybe you don't have where on the motorway) every hour to change maps (unless the map "joining" feature has become operational ? in whch case this would be no problem). Anyway, since I'm going to DL the same ammount of tiles, in one map or 10 smaller, and since it's another app doing all the traffic, I don't see how that would reflect bad on your (very good) work.
I'll try to find that limit empirically, now that I have all these tiles in the tilestore and all :)
Edit: And I found it, approximately. It's closer to the lower limit than the higher from those mentioned above.
Hi trying to create big maps,
Then i will suggest to run Mobac with custom "run.bat" file, containg:
java -jar Mobile_Atlas_Creator.jar -Xmx 1024M. Thanks!
And also i can suggest for writing tips and custom essay writing services (// good and fair essay writing services.
Mine (made with MOBAC) are over 2 Gb... ;)
I'm a newbie on Locus.
For my weekend trip next week I tried to make maps of Rome, using MOBAC. The proces of making the maps was succesfull, however I'm not able to zoom in or out on my mobile divice. I have to select a new map each time like Rome 13, Rome 15 etc.
Is this the normal procedure or is it possible to zoom op the map?
hello Robert, you created map as TAR files right, so you have few tar files ...
if so, create in your Locus/maps directory, one subdirectory ('Rome' for example) and put all tar files there
Indeed, I was creating the map as TAR files. Thanks for your answer. It works fine.
Hey Menion
Subject MOBAC
In your posting viewtopic.php?f=21&t=4#p4 ( u wrote:
QuoteImportant is output format. Set it to BigPlanet/RMaps SQLite.
What's the difference?
What's the better choice?
I don't know what is now offer of formats in Mobac anyway BigPlanet and RMaps SQLite are probably same. When I was creating support for SQLite format, I took some old map created for RMaps, so this have to work for sure. Cresting SQLite maps for other programs should work also but ... you know, every program use own format and this should be little bit different
I am a newbie to this and only know some basics of GIS, smart phones and GPS. So thanks in advance for your patience with my ignorance. Trying to use my smart phone as a GPS offroad. I'll start by trying to explain what I want to do and hopefully someone can tell me if it possible and what I need to do to execute it.
I want to download topographical maps to my PC. Move the maps as needed to my phone. Use the phone for the trip to include making way points. Transfer the waypoints back to my PC for veiwing, storing and retrieval at a later date.
Based on what I am reading I think I need to download Locus to my smart phone. Download maps to my computer. Move the maps to the micro SDHC card. Access the maps on the SDHC card on my smart phone through Locus. Use the phone as a GPS and at the completion of the trip move the SDHC card back to my PC for uploading the files?
I have many more questions but thought I would start with the basics.
Hi BobG,
wellcome to the board :)
about handling offlinemaps with locus we need some more info from you,
what mapserver do you want to use?
and from what country you want maps? (Germany, France,Spain)
Thanks. Not sure which mapserver is best. It comes down to four factors; topographical, ease of use, great selection, and scale. I will be using this predominantly in the US and will be hiking so need smaller scale preferably something along 1:24,000. I've seen lots of posts on different mapservers but didn't want to commit till I found the right application to meet my needs. I know there a lot to choose from that will work and that is part of the problem, Based on my needs what would be your recommendation?
Thanks for the assistance!
Hi Bob
start MOBAC, select "RMapsSQLite" and the mapsource "ArcGisTopoMap" and create your Map with dif. zoomlevels.
Note for the first example: take a small area !
After creating the Map, copy these folder to your device under Locus/Maps and you will find it under "offlinemaps"
HINT: If your newly created map has strange problems, select it in Offline Maps, use the Tools icon, and select Reinitialize Map. You will be asked to designate the provider of the map. I have used this to correct seamless joining of separate but adjacent sqlite maps.
I created my maps with Mobac and I save them in RMAP, because I also have a Twonav GPS and I use their CompeGPSLand mapping software that uses this type of map.
The RMAP format is recognized by Locus without any problem.
Hi folks,
This seems to be a long-running thread so I'll try posting here first. It's exactly the topic I have as I try and learn how Locus Maps work.
I intend to import routes onto an android tablet, for in-car use. SO I have gone for the Premium Android app, on the basis that it allowed the use of the PC planner.
I assumed (maybe a bad idea) that I could import, edit, and then save routes on the PC, and then transfer or sync. them to my device. I'm of an age where I much prefer to use a 19" screen, and a mouse, rather than fat, old thumbs on a small phone screen.
I tried to import a route - all good, it appeared on the map. Then I tried to save it, and a drop down appeared asking for a "folder" - but it wasn't active and I couldn't select a folder, therefore I couldn't save the route or my changes.
Am I just trying to do the wrong thing, and that the planner really doesn't have much of a function at all, and that I'll need to find another desktop programme to do the offline route editing work?
Quote from: DonMacN on September 30, 2022, 13:35:27Am I just trying to do the wrong thing, and that the planner really doesn't have much of a function at all, and that I'll need to find another desktop programme to do the offline route editing work?
Perhaps try bluestacks android emulator, install full locus, then you can work on route fully, and then sync to tablet....
Thanks guys
in case, you need a more complex map and do not want to recalibrate it, the TAR format should still work, so feel free to use it.
You may use SQLite format used by the app, or an almost identical but documented MBT file format for raster data.