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Support => Troubles & Questions => Topic started by: locuser on May 11, 2013, 18:56:18

Title: How to zoom-in on most detailed layer?
Post by: locuser on May 11, 2013, 18:56:18

first of all, the app is the most usable and magnificent work when it comes to mobile map work!

Recently, I created some offline maps from a nautical online map source. The data contains rather schematic data (isolines for water-depths, symbols, numbers etc.). Besides the schematic maps, I created some offline maps that contain satellite images of shallow water regions. I'm using both at the same time with the overlay feature which gives a great experience of having the nautical information and the raw images from the seabed shown simultaneously.

My satellite-image map has more detail (layers) than my nautical map. Unfortunately, when I zoom in further than the most detailed layer of the nautical map, this map becomes greyed out out and I only see the other map.

The currently build in zoom-lock does not solve my problem as this really locks me to a certain layer. I would like to switch between layers while zooming (the standard behavior) but allow the enlargement of the most detailed layer rather than fading the map to grey.

My question is if it is possible, to allow further zoom for the most detailed layer of a map? Of course, this will not give more detail and result in a pixelated view, but for my use it would be very helpful.

Best regards!
Title: Re: How to zoom-in on most detailed layer?
Post by: Menion on May 15, 2013, 19:09:44
Hello Locuser,
  you say that when you zoom in higher zoom level that you have in your nautical map, map starts to be "greyed"? You mean it's enlarged by internal zoom-lock? I probably know about what you're talking but I'm not sure. If I understand correctly, you have for example
- nautical map in zooms 8 - 16 and is set as base layer
- satellite in zooms 8 - 20 is as overlay.

and locus in level 17 rescale both your layers instead of using level 17 in overlay as real level 17 and not as level 16 / 200% right?
Title: Re: How to zoom-in on most detailed layer?
Post by: locuser on May 16, 2013, 13:39:12
Hi menion,

thank you for your answer. Your assumed example is correct, the satellite imagery has more detailed layers than my nautical map.

As I just found out the problem was somewhere else: The nautical map was "work in progress", that means, it was in an intermediate status of creating an offline map: In some areas the data of the most detailed layer was not yet downloaded.

As of now both maps are completely downloaded and when I zoom in, I get the desired result: Overzoom without switching to grey! So I think, everything is fine, the behavior described in my first post seems to have been a result of missing data...
Title: Re: How to zoom-in on most detailed layer?
Post by: Menion on May 17, 2013, 07:05:45
hmm fine. Anyway expect problem as I wrote above that may happen if your overlay layer will have higher zoom levels then your base layers. These levels will never be used in overlay because levels are defined by it's base layer if you understand :)