Theme last updated 22 January 2024. Download and install from
The Voluntary themes support OAM maps and both new and old LoMaps.
The Voluntary theme is designed for clarity of display. Its colours are based on UK Ordnance Survey conventions and will be fairly familiar to British users. Even if you are not British, the colours and styles will probably work well for you. It automatically scales for devices with displays of different resolutions and symbols enlarge smoothly for higher zoom levels. The zoom levels at which various features appear has been adjusted to provide optimal information and reduce unwanted clutter.
You can choose Hiking, Cycle, City, Multi, Yellow or Transparent style when you select the Voluntary UK theme.
The styles take advantage of switchable options. Display of hiking, cycle and mountain bike routes can now be switched on or off, as can highlighting for each of them. The number of options shown is relatively limited to aid ease of use. Cycling, Hiking, City and Road styles function almost as presets with a limited range of tailored options. Within these particular styles the display is subtly tailored to its purpose: for example, Road displays junction and road numbers better; Cycling has a better display of cycle routes. Multi, Transparent and Yellow have a fuller (but manageable) range of options. Locus remembers the settings of the options for each style.
The City style is aimed at use in large cities such as London and has a less cluttered (and slightly faster) display at low zoom levels. Colours in the Yellow theme are more muted and are aimed at use with overlays.
A "Transparent" style turns off the map background and enables use of a vector map as an overlay on top of a satellite image in Locus. Similarly the "background" checkbox in the Yellow style can be used to achieve the same effect.
Generally, blue dashes are cycle ways, green dashes represent dual use both on bike and on foot (bridle paths in the UK), and brown shorter dashes use on foot only. Blue blobs are cycle routes, green blobs are hiking routes. Mountainbike trails are shown by violet blobs. Cycle routes are also indicated by blue dashes on the roads. Hiking, cycle and mountainbike routes can be emphasised by selectable overlays.
The theme is designed to work well with both LoMaps from Locus Store and maps from OpenAndroMaps. Footpaths, bridleways and cycleways are indicated on the map by dashed lines where they follow the path of a mapped track or pedestrian way if the map supports it. On maps from OpenAndroMaps, blue dashes on roads are either cycle routes or roads with cycle tracks alongside, while shorter blue dashes on roads show cycle lanes in the road.
The Locus package includes two flavours: one that works with older LoMaps (LE) and one that works with the newer LoMaps as well as Mapsforge maps, such as from OpenAndroMaps (V5 LE). The appropriate theme appears according to the map selected.
Also included is the visually-similar Velocity theme for a simpler display with much faster drawing.
The package is also available in versions for other apps such as Cruiser, Orux Maps, etc.
o V5 for latest versions of Cruiser, Orux etc
o V5- for apps that cannot display text on curved paths
o V4 for apps that cannot scale dotted and dashed lines.
Voluntary and Velocity themes can be downloaded and installed from
looks nice, thank you for this. Just downloaded.
I have updated the first post with a new version of the themes which now show hiking and cycle routes on the latest Locus maps as well as with the OpenAndroMaps.
The new Locus maps also show windmills, gates, orchards, pylons in these themes.
Definitely awesome, thank you very much.
Updated with more items being shown, and some speed and display enhancements.
[Edit] Re-uploaded as access=no didn't mean what I thought it did.
[Edit 2] Re-uploaded with improvements to mountain peak name and elevation positioning
A really great theme especially the UK road colours . Thanks
December 28, 2013, 12:05:17
I've reworked the theme, and uploaded Voluntary Hike UK to the first post.
It features reworked and colour-coded symbols and captions (and more of them), named bodies of water and streams, canal tunnels shown correctly, motorway junctions, and more.
Added cliff and ridge/arete symbols to the maps. See first post for download.
However, do not rely on OpenMaps to avoid falling over a cliff.
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Just downloaded and installed it - nice work, thank you!
The colors (grey background) look a tad lighter than the previous Voluntary_hike especially in the village. I like it very much. Thanks a lot. Please, next time add a .nomedia file to the directory's. It "hit" me again and I have a "big" media gallery now.
Quote from: Henk van der Spek on January 14, 2014, 08:32:11
Please, next time add a .nomedia file to the directory's.
I learn something new every day.
Now done, and ridge/arete symbol changed slightly
February 12, 2014, 22:56:00:
Updated to display "hcw network" from OpenAndromaps, that is, routes which are "designated for cycles". Straightforward cycleways are shown by blue dashes as before but what is new is showing other paths and tracks that are OK for cycles.
In general in the UK these correspond to bridle paths (open to passage on foot, horse or bicycle and with no stiles or locked gates), restricted byways (open to passage on foot, horse, non-motorised vehicle), or byways open to all traffic (in theory, but often not - either because of their condition or other legal restrictions). Unlike cycleways, you are most likely OK to walk on these paths or tracks!
Working on that basis, I indicate paths that are not cycleways but are "designated for cycles" in the same way as bridleways (green dashes) and tracks that are not cycleways but are "designated for cycles" as green-coloured tracks. Unspecified tracks are brown in colour. The grade (surface/visibility) of the track is indicated by how far apart the dashes of the track are.
Updated file in the first post as usual.
edit March 12, 2014, 10:08:10
Reworked rendering order, following Tobias (mainly)
- Show coastline and beaches above and below high tide line
- Distinguish cities, towns, villages and suburbs better and more intuitively
- Changed the representation for construction, greenfield, and quarry
- Adjusted visibility of road numbers at low zooms
- And general tidying up
Latest version in the first post of this thread.
edit March 18, 2014, 09:57:38
- Further reworking of rendering order to show highway areas linked to neighbouring highways better
- Now shows runway areas and aprons correctly
- Airport names shown better
- Coastline, and distinguishes beaches above and below coastline (hightide)
- Reworked some fills to be more intuitive, such as
-- Construction shown as scattered dots on grey
-- Greenfield construction shown as scattered dots on pale green
-- Quarry shown as scattered dots on pale brown (industrial)
- Hamlet, village, town distinguished by size and weight of names
- Road numbers hidden for low zooms to avoid caption conflict
- Railways hidden for low zoom
- Railways more visible at higher zooms
- Tramways and light railways colour-coded yellow following Ordnance Survey maps
- Subways (underground railways) colour-coded red
- Weirs shown by map symbol and marking
- "Greens" coded by accessibility and detail: very pale green = grassland; pale green = grass; light green = "private" (golf, camping etc); darker green = accessible (common, village green, park, recreation ground)
- Private gardens cross-hatched
- Patterns for nature reserves and military areas reworked
All in the first post as always
Revised some minimum zoom levels and tidied up generally
Added surface indication to unmetalled minor roads
Added fords, toll roads (red dots overlaid, also with red border for toll motorways)
Download from the first post
Very nice. I just tried it, using it here in Poland, cheers.
Motorway junction numbers and names debugged and enhanced. Download from first post.
- Debugged route captions for hiking and cycle routes
- Reduced "gridline" artefacts on various fills at zooms 13-14
- Modified caption colours slightly for better visibility
- Workaround for mapping bug that causes minor roads with cycle or hiking routes appearing at too low zooms
- Added doctor, defibrillator, ferry terminal (when available in mapping)
- Various other minor improvements
Available for download in first post
New versions uploaded in first post. Voluntary UK uses special Locus coding to scale dashed lines, Voluntary Hike UK avoids that.
I like this theme very much but I am still a little confused by the naming of the two options available for download: contains the folder 'Voluntary UK' and it's contents
and contains the folder 'Voluntary_Hike_UK' and it's contents.
I use the 'OpenAndroMaps' therefore which of the two themes should I be using?
Many thanks,
I quite agree it's confusing. I've updated the files now and and renamed them to avoid confusion. Voluntary UK uses special Locus coding to scale dashed lines, Voluntary Orux avoids that and is suitable for Orux Maps, Cruiser, Atlas etc.
Use OpenAndromaps to get the best out of this theme.
Quote from: john_percy on November 11, 2014, 20:48:44
I quite agree it's confusing. I've updated the files now and and renamed them to avoid confusion. Voluntary UK uses special Locus coding to scale dashed lines, Voluntary Orux avoids that and is suitable for Orux Maps, Cruiser, Atlas etc.
Use OpenAndromaps to get the best out of this theme.
Many thanks. That make it much clearer to me.
So if I use the Locus app with OpenAndroMap I would use 'Voluntary Orux'. Is that correct?.
I've had another attempt to remove the confusion (see the first post). Use the Locus package for Locus apps, and the Orux package for all other apps (Orux, Atlas, Cruiser). Use maps from OpenAndroMaps to get the best from either theme. Very sorry that I can't explain myself better the first time.
In Locus you may want to turn on Settings | Map-Advanced | Advanced Settings / Resolution of maps and set Settings | Map-Advanced | Vector Maps / Text Size and Settings | Map-Advanced | Advanced Settings / Scale Resolution to suitable values for your display.
Quote from: john_percy on November 11, 2014, 23:57:20
I've had another attempt to remove the confusion (see the first post). Use the Locus package for Locus apps, and the Orux package for all other apps (Orux, Atlas, Cruiser). Use maps from OpenAndroMaps to get the best from either theme. Very sorry that I can't explain myself better the first time.
In Locus you may want to turn on Settings | Map-Advanced | Advanced Settings / Resolution of maps and set Settings | Map-Advanced | Vector Maps / Text Size and Settings | Map-Advanced | Advanced Settings / Scale Resolution to suitable values for your display.
That's now all clear to me.
I was misunderstanding as I thought one of the versions was specifiacally for the 'Locus Shop - provided maps' whereas it is actually for the 'Locus app'. I can now see what the effect is when I look at the two themes on my device.
Thanks again,
There is a bug in the MapWriter engine that produces extraneous vertical and horizontal lines at certain zoom levels where the "way" is closed (such as a raceway, airport perimeter track, and certain road layouts). This revision of the Voluntary bundle includes themes that attempt to fix this bug for raceways, runways and taxiways and unclassified and tertiary roads, although they do introduce other minor artefacts for the roads.
These images illustrate the bug, followed by "corrected" ones:
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Versions that leave the roads unfixed are also included in the zip for download, which are in the first post as always.
I have also updated teh Locus version to give smoother contour lines and added a minimum zoom for various roads to appear, so low zoom maps do not have strange bits of road forced to appear by hiking or cycling ways. (That will make sense if you know the bug!)
Today's update in the first post: bugfix on unclassified highway areas. Also rendering of dams changed.
thanks john_percy
Best theme to date, is it possible to increase icon size for hi dpi displays? How to will be enough ) Thanks in advance.
There's a new scalable version coming very soon.
In the meantime, these are the adjustments in Locus:
Settings > Map advanced > Vector maps > Text size
Settings > Map advanced > Resolution of maps . [tick]
Settings > Map advanced > Scale resolution . [set]
Also for internal icons and text:
Settings > Map - objects and style > Map icons size
Settings > Map - objects and style > Text size
Unfortunately doesn't work for bus, parking, school and other object icons, maybe change some line(s) and values in xml theme file?
You can try to add somthing like "scale-icon-size="17,1.2" to the end of line like:
<symbol src="file:./symbols/busstop.png" scale="1.2" scale-icon-size="17,1.2" />
You can simply magnify the whole map by using
Settings > Map advanced > Resolution of maps . [tick]
Settings > Map advanced > Scale resolution . [set]
The revised theme will be available very soon, so I'd advise against doing a lot of work on the current theme.
Scaled version 2x become 2x laggy and drop fps on my moto. And blurry, of course. :( Try to change lines manually and play with values while wait for new version. Thanks!
I've updated the Voluntary theme to scale better on zooming and on higher resolution screens. I've remade almost all the icons and patterns, and made most of the icons appear at higher zooms to avoid Locus failing to render some tiles in cities and towns.The key in pdf format is outdated, but still of some use.
This version is still in trial, so let me know how it works for you.
Upload the zipfile, expand it and copy the contents to the Locus mapsVector folder.
Works fine with last versions, much appreciated.
Just downloaded the updated theme and it works great on both openandroidmap Great Britain and England map from the Locus store
Latest versions in the first post. The Locus version is now fully scalable for different resolutions, and scales on zoom, with totally redrawn symbol set. Atlas version is designed for Emux's Atlas but has not been updated this time round.
This theme is intended to work well outdoors, and so has high colour contrast.
Looks great to me!
Only one issue, house numbers appear at very high zoom only.
Hi Kona,
you can try to change edit the xml file of Voluntary UK xml
Try to find the line with
<rule e="any" k="addr:housenumber" v="*" zoom-min="21">
and change zoom-min value p. e to "19" or any other value,
If you can´t figure it out, please wait for John.
Quote from: jusc on March 07, 2015, 16:48:44
<rule e="any" k="addr:housenumber" v="*" zoom-min="21">
and change zoom-min value p. e to "19" or any other value,
Seems '18' gives me on my HD screen what I need.
So I can play on both of your themes guys now a little bit as I found some fonts are to small in HD, and some labels to big, I know it's matter of needs, so custom work needs be applied here. ;)
Both themes are fantastic!
There are new versions in the first post, and house numbers now appear at zoom=19.
The biggest change is that the themes make use of tags on maps from OpenAndroMaps that indicate access by bike or on foot. Tracks now have access indicated down the centre where this is mapped (blue=bike, orange=foot, green=bike and foot). Hike and bike networks are indicated similarly on roads, as well as by large blobs.
Colours are derived from UK Ordnance Survey, if you wondered.
Getting correct font sizes and zoom levels at which symbols and captions appear is not easy, depending on screen resolution and density of mapping in your chosen area. Voluntary UK dp on Locus makes a valiant attempt to scale appropriately for your display.
PS. Uploaded revised version of Voluntary Atlas due to bug in turning circle code.
PPS Added updated key to this post.
Fantastic! I now don't need a magnifying glass to see the street names. Incidentally, this is on my new Huawei G620S phone.
Happy, happy, happy.
New versions in the first post now include a fully scalable Locus theme using svgs.
I've updated all files, made all pngs much smaller and ensured the svgs display correctly on Locus, Atlas and Cruiser.
As a bonus there are Euro and Dollar versions of the bank, atm and toll symbols included in the folders (Locus and Atlas svg only) that you can rename and slot in if you wish.
And thanks, MagratC!
Bugfix release in the first post.
Map display adjusted so that residential roads do not appear until higher zooms in order to speed redrawing in cities with loads of mapping data.
Works perfect.
A few minor changes, mainly due to bugs. Latest version in the first post.
I believe I have found some bug, seems like deciduous wood tiles overlapping coniferous. In that area other themes show coniferous forest only and I think there is no deciduous trees at all if I remember as in Grand Canaria is only/mainly Pinus Canariensis (Canarian Pine) with huge pine cones. ;)
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Gran Canaria Island. OpenAndroMaps, London Locus Store Map
Also I really like red bold train stations dots, at let's say, middle zoom in heavily populated areas. (Railway and Tube).
Well spotted, Kona! Fixed and uploaded to the first post.
I've actually toned down the red circles for railway stations - they were a bit much.
Seem it doesn't load at about 1000m - 2000m view on my device. Not sure what zoom value is that.
Also I preferred red points then blue train icons. ;)
Or dots change for icons when zoom in?
Sorry, zipfile was incorrectly formed. Corrected and uploaded in first post.
I've changed the zoom at which red dots change to blue icons in response to Kona's comment.
Also, changed rendering slightly for coniferous woods and for ferry routes.
I still have the same problem as Kona with the current svg version of your theme (was working in the previous versions). It doesn't render the whole map. Maybe there are some icons or symbols missing?
In this case it would help, if you can zoom into the map and change to another theme, to find the missing symbol and please share the coordinates or a usable picture.
I don't understand this, but the zip file, which I had successfully corrected following Kona's post appears to have reverted to the previous version of its own accord. Unlikely, I know.
Anyway, I've re-uploaded a corrected one to the first post. Sorry for the difficulties.
In this version, there is an additional feature: railway stations are semitransparent, so that details can be seen in large station halls, for instance of London Victoria.
Quote from: jusc on March 24, 2015, 15:46:27
In this case it would help, if you can zoom into the map and change to another theme, to find the missing symbol and please share the coordinates or a usable picture.
Thank you for the hint. It was just a guess and I don't know too much about vector themes.
I attached a picture. Hope that it's useful.
Edit: attached a 2nd screenshot with internalhhiking theme.
@Trullo Fetzer,
did you use the latest version of this theme?
I can confirm that it works, please have a look at my screenshot.
Quote from: jusc on March 25, 2015, 08:20:05
@Trullo Fetzer,
did you use the latest version of this theme?
I can confirm that it works, please have a look at my screenshot.
Re-downloaded again and deleted the voluntary folders before unpacking. Now it works! Thank you.
I have added style support for latest version of the Locus Maps app. You can choose Hiking, Cycle, City, Road, or Multi style when you select the Voluntary UK theme.
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The City style is aimed at use in large cities such as London and has a less cluttered (and slightly faster) display at zoom levels 14 and below.
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City style -- Road style
Also included in the zip package is Voluntary png which is another scalable theme but using png bitmaps rather than svg vector images, which conceivably might work better for some users (no style variations though) and Voluntary bugfix, which reduces the extent of unwanted rendering artefacts. Unfortunately this is not scalable and roads will appear too thin on high resolution devices.
Package can be downloaded from the first post in this series.
nice! good job john!
woooooo, someone has been busy!
nice job, and thank you !
Latest versions with modifications for better compatibility with OpenAndroMaps from May 2015 available in the first post in this thread.
Works great!
I've made use of Tobias' latest Lightning theme to produce Velocity for Locus, which is visually similar to the Voluntary themes but draws much faster. It's available in the first post in this thread.
Thanks as always to Tobias (and others).
A beautiful theme, thank you very much! (Voluntary UK, in Locus Pro, Andromaps)
I think I've found an obscure bug, but also a workaround. I'm seeing lakes, wetlands, meadows, etc. being drawn with a dashed border, which is unattractive and apparently not intended. These are inner members of a wood multipolygon, the outer way of which (307333650) is also the outer way of a nature_reserve multipolygon. (I think this is legal.)
When I commented out the two "line" elements in the XML file, the ones following the nature_reserve keyword (line 808), the problem went away. So apparently, the boundary decoration of the nature_reserve "jumped over and down" to the interior holes of its cousin, the wood multipolygon. Strange but apparently true.
I've noticed this behavior in some of the other themes too. Anyway, I have a workaround, so I'm quite happy.
The Ministik Lake nature reserve is so vast I find it difficult to see what is happening on the screen but as far as I can see, those excluded areas are not recognised as tagged leisure=nature reserve. They are excluded in the standard osmarender theme as well. Although there is no border to show this so clearly in that theme, the marshes do not show a nature reserve overlay. Whether that is a bug in the mapping or an error in the tagging, I don't know.
Can anyone with greater understanding help?
To clarify, those wetlands etc. are being treated as holes in the nature_reserve (wrong), as evidenced by their being drawn with a nature_reserve dashed border and without the ducky nature_reserve fill pattern. This is in addition to the wetlands etc. also being treated as holes in the wood (correct). I say wrong/correct because they're only marked as inners of the wood multipolygon, not of the nature_reserve, though both share the same outer way.
I'm not familiar with osmarender, but the rendering seems correct on all the slippy renderers I have tried (Mapnik, OCM, MapQuest, Humanitarian, ...), and JOSM had no complaints when validating. So I *think* it's a legal construct. (EDIT: On closer inspection, it seems OCM and Humanitarian get it "wrong", but it's extremely hard to notice, 1-pixel borders. Mapnik does it "right", because wrong would be very noticeable.) Maybe I should just duplicate the outer way...
Anyway, thanks for the quick response. I doubt it's a theme bug; I simply mentioned it here for lack of knowing where to direct a bug report, and in any case, it's probably a minor one. Cheers.
It appears to be an issue connected with OpenAndroMaps as the downloadable Mapsforge version does not show the same artefacts -- see
There are other issues on the Ministik sanctuary using the OpenAndroMaps version, most notably the wood is not rendered in the rectangular "holes" in the sanctuary. Apart from that, the OpenAndroMaps map is far better IMHO.
I've referred this to Christian, the originator of OpenAndroMaps at
Awesome, thanks for digging into this and sending it in the right direction
Sorry for the detour from the topic, which is the Voluntary UK theme. Did I mention it rocks?
Thanks john_percy for the new Velocity theme. Its brilliant as a cycling theme. Nice bold colors, simple shapes, more visible contours. Will probably become my default theme now I think.
Voluntary UK (and Velocity) is now available for direct download and installation from within Locus.
See Menu > Store > By usage > Graphic > Themes - Vector maps >
Minor revision available in the first post to address the issue reported at
Revised version in the first post and available in Locus Store (free).
I've revised rendering of tracks and unsurfaced roads for consistency and clarity; revised rendering of private roads and paths, and of "customer" roads for clarity; included kissing gates and turnstiles for new maps from OpenAndroMaps; reduced size of captions of monuments and memorials for consistency.
The kissing gate symbol is a visual pun: a gate with an "x" for a kiss. Extras subfolder in svg folder contains alternative symbols for the kissing gate, and also for dollar and euro areas. Just copy the chosen symbol into the svg folder.
Revised version in the first post.
Recent Changes:
Forest, wood, orchard, desert, glacier, desert, nature reserve captions now appear at varying zoom levels according to their size when using recent OAM maps
Debugged military airports, woods and forests, widened paths slightly, tweaked rendering of service roads and living streets.
Bugfix for access on footpaths in tunnels and private highways
Works smooth, great work John!
The version I uploaded yesterday required further tweaking of sea, coastline and riverbanks, particularly in the Velocity theme. Sorry.
Revised version in the first post and available in Locus Store (free).
Updated in the first post again.
Voluntary Orux is no longer needed -- use Voluntary Atlas for Oruxmaps, Atlas and Cruiser
The main changes are:
- Added Contraflow cycleway in one way street;
- Added mountain bike trails
- Reworked all symbols with slightly transparent thin border for subtly improved visibility
- Updated key
Another update in the first post:
- Added cycle lanes in roads (short blue dashes on road) and cycle tracks alongside roads (longer blue dashes on road) for maps from OpenAndroMaps.
- Renamed Voluntary Atlas to Voluntary Cruiser to match change of name of application.
- First stab at resolution-independent patterns for Locus.
Thank you for this update, I've been using your theme for long time since narrow paths in the woods are so well drawn on the map. Even paths that is not shown or indicated in any other themes.
Good job!
Minor (bugfix) update for Locus version in the first post connected with Locus styles.
Quote from: john_percy on March 04, 2013, 18:22:01
This bundle is blatantly based on the work of others, and the name pays homage to the Volatile set of themes. The colours of the roads are tuned to UK Ordnance Survey conventions. Hiking and cycling routes are shown by simple coloured blobs (green and blue respectively) along the roads and paths involved (if the map supports it, like OpenAndroMaps or the vector maps from Locus Store).
The zip file includes a basic key to roads and paths and a changelog.
There are quite a few other tweaks, (such as changed order of some rendering; changed patterns for allotments, orchards, nature reserves, private access roads; semi transparent woodlands and other areas; changed rendering for canal locks) which I failed to document as I was going along.
From time to time I will update these themes (and reset the download count).
The latest version is always in this post.
Hello John
First thank you for your theme
I struggled little bit with non clear description of files and mess in folder structure.
There is a bunch of types files and folders.
( ( . ( (
I suggest, to create a "all in one" solution because i expected a single "Voluntary UK theme".
A possible solution?
editAh - reading whole thread helps a little bit now :) but please care about new users.
Fair cop, guvnor.
I've rewritten the original post ( to provide what is hopefully a better explanation.
Clearer now?
Improved rendering of cliffs, ridges, dams, quarries, shingle, hiking, bike and MTB trails; fixed sandbanks in rivers.
Improved distinction between cycle track and cycle lanes and improved their visibility.
Updated key.
All in first post.
Hello, I downloaded your last version and it produces the error you can see in the attached screenshot.
I'm using Locus Pro version 3.18.6 and it doesn't matter if I use Lomaps or Openandromaps, both look the same.
Thank you in advance for looking into it.
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Well spotted. There was a file missing from the zip. I've now corrected that so try again.
Many apologies.
I've reworked the Voluntary theme significantly to take advantage of selectable overlays in themes. Display of hiking, cycle and mountain bike routes can now be switched on or off, as can highlighting for each of them. I've limited the number of options shown to aid ease of use. As far as possible this works for both LoMaps from Locus Store and maps from OpenAndroMaps.
There are other improvements, including embankments and dykes and cycle tracks and lanes on OpenAndroMaps and a Yellow version to help when using overlays such as Strava (see
I have also provided a slightly more limited version for Cruiser and Orux. The "bugfix" version has been retired.
As this is the first release with these features, please treat this as a beta and let me have your comments, please. Once I'm sure it is working well, I'll upload it to the first post as usual.
( ( ( ( ( (
Hilit hiking trail | Hilit cycle trail | Velocity
Downloadable key:
I've adjusted the styles for the theme so that Cycle, Hiking, City and Road styles function almost as presets with a limited range of tailored options, while Multi and Yellow have a fuller (but manageable) range of options. Locus remembers the settings of the overlays for each style (Neat, Menion!).
The key (same link as post above: ) has also been updated.
Voluntary Cruiser is included here for completeness but is not intended for use with the Locus app.
This is still beta, but almost ready for release.
Voluntary theme has been updated. The new version is available in the first post, or through Locus Store in the app.
The main enhancements are:
- Option to show "difficult" paths in LoMaps and maps from OpenAndroMaps
- Names for archipelagos, islands and islets in latest maps from OpenAndroMaps (from 1 Oct 2017)
- Minor but important changes in the order of rendering of one-way streets, route overlays, railways, aeroways, ferries and bridges; white underlay for paths on bridges; revised border rendering.
EDIT Seen the download, I was blind!
Is there an alternate download? Store downloads (with archives w. many files) make my Locus work for... many minutes... hours... Store sucks here heavily with Sony Z1 and external SD.
Quote from: tapio on October 29, 2017, 11:34:58
EDIT Seen the download, I was blind!
Is there an alternate download?
Glad you found it! Alternate download is in the first post of this thread, for future reference for anyone else.
Multilingual (Mapsforge v4) maps from OpenAndroMaps can now be displayed with the included Voluntary Mapsforge theme, which is only offered as an option when a Mapsforge v4 map has been selected. Voluntary Mapsforge is as similar to Voluntary UK as possible.
Other changes:
- Addition of switchable tracks in City and Roads styles
- "Blue" icons darkened to improve visibility
- Buildings under construction shown in latest OAMmaps
- Cable cars now hang downwards in Voluntary Mapsforge and Cruiser/Orux version
- Velocity colours revised (track/residential/runway/military etc)
- Voluntary UK national/international cycle routes set to red labels (as UK signage)
- Rendering order and style of roads under construction changed
- Alignment of passes; abandoned and active mine and military bunker now shown on OAMaps.
- Peaks appear at zoom levels according to their local prominence on OAMaps.
- Bridges align for cycle tracks on OAMaps.
- Race track bridges, tunnels shown.
- Paths etc slimmed slightly
Latest version in first post in this thread (
New update available in the first post in this thread (
Cleared up a few bugs (spurious stations on light rail tracks, rail station symbols appearing multiple times). Simplified underground waterways by not showing underground pipelines, streams, drains and ditches but only rivers and canals in tunnels.
Improved depiction of tunnels of all sorts.
New version available in the first post in this thread (
The most significant changes are revisions to dashed lines for better compatibility with devices with later Android versions and the incorporation of Mapsforge v4 (multilingual) versions.
Plus, of course, numerous other small tweaks and improvements.
Great, thx. My favourite hiking theme. The only change I do is giving shelters more attention. View starting at zl15 plus a red symbol 😁
New version available in the first post in this thread (
Summary: Continued improvement in Mapsforge v 4 theme. Better and more specific displays of mountain huts and shelters, especially with Hiking style. Improvement with display of contours, peaks, tunnels, mini roundabouts, toll roads, national borders and more.
Hi John, in the first post I can find the two key files (pdf), but not your theme ...
Any idea, pls ?
TXs and cheers
There are two web links to the keys and also two zip files attached to the first post in this thread ( The zip files contain the themes.
Apologies for such a quick update but I've realised that many of the wilderness huts (bothies) in Scotland are mapped as both "wilderness huts" and "basic_hut" shelters. I've now modified the two Voluntary themes to prioritise showing (a) if the hut is private (b) if it is a basic shelter (for example, no fire) (c) if it is a true wilderness hut. I think this conveys the best information and hope it works elsewhere. This update changes only wilderness huts and if you are not interested in them you can skip this update.
The theme files are zipped and attached to the first post in this thread (
You need to be logged into the forum to see the ZIPs.
I was not when I looked yesterday ...
Thanks. I hadn't realised that. I've added a comment to the first post to point that out.
Minor change to only show survey points on peaks. Download from the first post.
Hi John, the highway exits are totally uninteresting for me as a hiker, can you change this? mfv4
Those actually are not junction numbers but cycle route nodes, which are supposed to be of interest to cyclists.
I admit the size is far too large! We don't have these in the UK so I'd overlooked testing them properly. I'll make some changes in the next version which will be out shortly.
In the meantime, try out this version, attached below.
John, this one you attached has brighter forests and no tree symbols?
I think, highway junction names use too much space. To me Locus is not car routing software so I'd like to get rid of such text...
The good side of mfv4+ seems, the priority of city/village/town names works.
The modified theme I posted last night for you is named Voluntary MF v5 (and uses v5 scaling for dashed and dotted lines).
The version with no tree symbols is called Velocity MF v5 and has a simplified display.
Junction names only appear in the "roads" style, and shouldn't look like that. There's something wrong here, either in the mapping or in my modified theme. I'll look into it.
Edit: Looks like the link roads have been mapped with extended junction names. Not very helpful. I'll take the road references off link roads to solve that.
Edit 2: Please try the modified theme in the attachment to this post.
Thx you are really friendly ...
I do use voluntary mf v5 from last night and it has no trees.
Hmm. I have trees in mine! I don't think any files are missing in the archive but either the installation may have gone wrong or the theme cache may be stuck.
Could you please validate the integrity of the theme by a long tap on its name in the theme chooser. That will also kick the theme cache if it is stuck. If it fails to verify, it should tell you of any missing files. You might try deleting the theme from the same long tap menu and installing the modified theme I just added to the previous post.
(The tree symbols do not appear at zoom 13 in the City style, or if the detail box is unchecked.)
Again learned something new, long tap on themes...
Was my mistake, I put vol_res a level above the xml file, because it was like this before.
Thank you. Without your theme or Elevate, Locus makes no sense 😂
That's great. Could you also please try the latest modded theme, in my previous post:
Quote from: john_percy on May 25, 2019, 13:15:30
That's great. Could you also please try the latest modded theme, in my previous post:
Yes, perfect now.
Since priorities seem to work, now I can create a fork again with some hiking related changes (benches, huts etc. at lower ZL, more prio to them)...
Finally I probably stop using v3 maps at all.
On the latest iteration of the Voluntary theme, mountain huts are indicated from zoom 13 on the hike style, with detailed icons from zoom 15.
Ah, I was wondering if maybe there's some specific priorities in the different styles. I was using Allround, because I want to see biking/mountain biking routes. In order to avoid them, haha... 😂
While map is painted, it is darker but then always is overlayed by brighter green. VolUk was darker before. Intended?
I've not implemented priorities with any consistency, certainly not different priorities for items according to the active style. I don't want to increase the size of the theme excessively and need to think about whether there are certain key items I should prioritise for different styles. I'm not sure if MF v5, which allows variables in themes, might help.
Forests are intentionally lighter (paler, whiter) than before to give better contrast to paths and tracks through them. As far as I can see, the transitions as you change zoom on MF v4+ are entirely due to Locus's attempt to implement a fade between zooms. With a MF v3 map and the equivalent theme, the fade happens without this effect.
Quote from: john_percy on May 25, 2019, 23:20:09
I've not implemented priorities with any consistency, certainly not different priorities for items according to the active style. I don't want to increase the size of the theme excessively and need to think about whether there are certain key items I should prioritise for different styles. I'm not sure if MF v5, which allows variables in themes, might help.
Oh sorry, I thought about if you could misunderstand my writing about the different sections. I didn't mean "priorities" in the technical xml sense, but in a general language sense. I meant that I was just wondering about general priorities in sections, i.e. the Hiking section shows hiking related POI sooner, Bicycle section shows no hiking route dots etc.
I think I like the brighter forest style, will see it "in the wilds" today :D
Updated in the first post ( for Locus 3.38+ (new rendering engine).
Note if you have installed any of the interim versions of this theme, please uninstall and delete them by means of a long press in the Locus theme selector.
The download in the first post has been updated with a minor bugfix to properly display hiking nodes in countries where they are used.
In this version of the theme, dotted and dashed lines now scale properly for Mapsforge maps, as they always did for LoMaps, thanks to Locus implementing parts of Mapsforge v5.
Hello John, thank you again. SInce the text about "hiking nodes"trigggered me, I dowloaded it right away. Allthough the nodes showed mostly perfect until now.
The Locus store was still on 190219, too hasty, so I took the zipped files.
Alas, no more hiking nodes anymore. See screenshot. Luckily I could go back to the 190219 version through the Locus store and the nodes came back in view.
Locus version 3.39.2 official and Android 7.0. Map: Netherlands ML from Openandromaps
John, sometimes Locus displays your theme bright, sometimes darker, which I like more. I guess it is about painting order. Seen that?
Edit, ah I see I already mentioned it here 😊
@Henk van der Spek
Could you try downloading the latest OAM map, please? There was a bug in the previous maps which made it impossible to differentiate correctly between hiking and cycling nodes. I hope this is now sorted, but if not I will look at it again.
Edit: I can confirm that this works with the latest OAM maps. I have however identified another bug in that hiking node numbers appear in all styles. Watch for a theme update shortly to correct this.
I think this is due to multiple layers overlapping. In an attempt to convey as much of the information as possible, most land cover layers are semi transparent, so for example woodland in a park is greener than woodland in open country. In the screenshot, the woodland in the bottom left area is in a country park and that in the top right is not.
I've updated the themes in the first post to handle better the curved text for road names upcoming in Locus. Plus various other minor improvements and changes.
Edit: The non-Locus version I uploaded yesterday had not been fully updated. Now re-uploaded and available in the first post.
I have just discovered that this effect may also occur when two maps overlap and Locus attempts to draw both of them, which it may do if "Automatic map loading" is turned on for vector maps.
I'd previously noticed the duplicate drawing effect on contour lines where the contour lines are not identical in the two maps. It doesn't always happen and is not clear to me what triggers the effect.
If the semi transparent woodland is drawn twice, its intensity increases. The workaround is to either turn off "Automatic map loading" or to reselect the appropriate map.
Quote from: tapio on October 04, 2019, 15:27:37
John, sometimes Locus displays your theme bright, sometimes darker, which I like more. I guess it is about painting order. Seen that?
Edit, ah I see I already mentioned it here 
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Latest release in first post; designed to display best with text following curved roads etc. on MF4 maps.
Minor bugfix for Locus version in the first post.
Updated and available for download in the first post. Mainly the update is to allow the names of bike and hike routes to appear at a lower zoom in the respective styles. A useful side effect is to enable hike route names to be displayed for LoMaps whether mapped as names (more common in UK now) or refs.
Thank you. Downloaded and updated for field testing today. Looks good as ever and the Dutch hike or bike nodes are showing! Map Netherlands OAM OSM ML4.
Some further (minor) changes to ensure more consistent display of cycle and hiking routes, available in the first post.
I still use the Bernard/ Locus desert V4 theme when I want to distinguish between sealed & unsealed roads. It seems to be the only of my 6+ themes to reliably do this. Attachment - side by side comparison of desert/ voluntary/ Locus themes with OA MF4 map. sealed road - solid yellow, unsealed - red dots on yellow.
It seems to me Elevate has maybe even better distinguishing than Desert, and puts more stress to routes over motorways. The truth is Desert distinguishes surfaces at lower zooms. I like Desert theme very much as well.
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I just (re)visitied Elevate & Elements. Unlike the other common themes, both do distinguish unsealed from sealed surfaces, but not to the same extent as Desert V4. In my previous screen capture I forgot to mention I have modified Desert to change original yellow/ gray dashes to yellow/ red dashes, so not a entirely fair comparison to OpenAndro themes. Given many common themes have a specific Cycling setting, or even Locus Cycling theme, I don't understand why they don't attempt to distinguish unsealed ways.
Andrew Heard!
Sorry, but what kind of tag in the OSM marks these sealed roads?
Either surface or tracktype.
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John, with all due respect, which tags specifically mark these very sealed roads so that you can speak objectively. Or, a collection of tags?
tags surface=paved|asphalt|concrete [|compacted
or tracktype=grade1
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I have improved the rendering of unpaved roads in the Voluntary theme, available in the first post in this thread.
Unpaved roads of various kinds are shown by pecked edges. In general terms, the greater the pecking, the worse the road.
There is no doubt that Elevate/Elements shows far more detailed information and shows it well, but my aim in Voluntary/Velocity has been simplicity and clarity rather than the fullest detail available.
Quote from: Magellan on May 08, 2020, 15:01:21
Andrew Heard!
Sorry, but what kind of tag in the OSM marks these sealed roads?
@Magellan - I included GPS lat/lon in the screen capture if you were interested to see an example.
If you can access OpenStreetMap editor then check @ South side is "surface" marked "asphalt" and north side is marked "unpaved".
Quote from: john_percy on May 09, 2020, 00:28:10
I have improved the rendering of unpaved roads in the Voluntary theme, available in the first post in this thread. Unpaved roads of various kinds are shown by pecked edges.
@john_percy - nice improvement. For me your new "pecked edges" are more visible than the Elevate/Elements subtle difference of yellow/white versus yellow/gray coloring to distinguish sealed/ unsealed surface.
@john_percy - it appears the "pecked edges" isn't working correctly for residential roads - see comparison in screen capture - 05/05/2020 LHS, 08/05/2020 RHS. Approx.
Thanks for the detailed report. I'm afraid late night fat fingers struck. Bugfix version in the first post now.
Just the difference between a "h" and "*". Fussy computers ;)
I had commented elsewhere how beautiful @karlchick's legend PDF was, but only downloaded your one recently. Equally impressive. Thank you. How was it produced?
Screenshots of selected areas, tidied up and cropped in, Word document output to pdf. I wish there was an easier way.
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hours of work I bet, but it does look REALLY good
Quote from: john_percy on May 10, 2020, 00:26:55
Screenshots of selected areas, tidied up and cropped in, Word document output to pdf. I wish there was an easier way.
I used PowerPoint set to A4 portrait and save to PDF. PowerPoint is so much easier to create graphically rich content.
What would be really cool is if someone could create a small map that is actually a legend built with all the supported ways and nodes, then you would have a legend built that works with all themes.
I'm confused by your map key (Locus version): - is it true your theme can render road surface like in the bottom of page 3? Or only with tracktype key? Or in Locus Map but not in LoMaps from the Locus store? I've copied Voluntary to the proper directory and when I switch to Voluntary UK this highway=unclassified surface=compacted looks like every other highway=unclassified
From in the ,,XML file used for generation of vector maps contains combination of OSM tag KEY-VALUE of elements that are rendered in Locus vector maps" there is no surface key so I posted an idea to implement it:
Road surfaces are only supported in maps from OpenAndroMaps, not in LoMaps
Tracktypes are supported by both sets of maps.
Hope that helps.
[Edit: screenshots of the road in question, with OAM map and LoMap, now attached below.]
OAM map (above)
After lots of testing of other themes, I always return to yours. Be it planning or hiking, my absolute #1 theme, a pleasure to look at.
Big thank you!
@tapio Thanks for that! There's a new version on its way. I've just got to update the legend (see earlier posts).
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Quote from: john_percy on April 13, 2021, 15:11:30There's a new version on its way. I've just got to update the legend (see earlier posts).

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I have uploaded a new version in the first post in this thread (
Changes are numerous:
- Added wintersports with skiing pistes (downhill and Nordic) and sledding, with difficulty shown, as selectable option in Hiking and Wintersports style.
- Protected areas now shown as gold (access allowed) or pink (access restricted) tint which is most intense at low zooms and becomes fainter and less distracting as you zoom in.
- Surface for cyclable ways now shown, when cycle tracks and lanes, or Cycling style is selected
- Hiking, cycle and MTB routes can now be displayed independently of paths and tracks
- Improved display of hiking, cycle and MTB routes
- Also added: cutting, hedge, row of trees, water park area (corrected), beach resort, cliff diving, free flying (kite surfing etc), climbing adventure (Go Ape etc), roller skating, skateboard, miniature golf, ice cream vendor, emergency access point, historic stone, memorial stone, boundary stone, natural stone, log barrier, ditch barrier, natural earth bank, block barrier, town hall, art work, water works, sewage works, covered parking, private playgrounds; historic buildings, military buildings distinguished; historic areas shown.
- Icons changed for kissing gates, stile, pharmacy, doctors, toilets, recycling (colour change), playground, emergency phone
- Adjusted zoom levels for roads for consistency
- Updated key:
There's a "Yellow" subtheme (idk terminology); what was your basic idea behind it?
Btw I'm seeing this behaviour of displaying the same area usually brighter, sometimes darker. Seems to be related to draw order. Darker is the rare case. Happens unreliably after zooming in/out. For the screenshots, after the darker one I re-applied a preset and Locus painted it brighter. It's the yellow theme here, oam map Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen.
51.26929, 7.63993
The idea was a style with toned-down road colours to act a as a background in conjunction with an overlay, specifically originally Strava heat map.
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@tapio This type of behaviour can occur if you have two maps that overlap and you have Autoload Maps turned on for vector maps. Sometimes *both* maps are drawn, one after the other. It particularly affects OAM maps (I think). Woods etc are semi transparent in this theme so as to not hide details underneath them, and if drawn twice (which may happen from the overlapping maps) appear more colourful.
The double drawing does not happen reliably but can often be triggered by zooming out and then in.
I suspect the effect may be more obvious in the Yellow style because the roads attract your attention less than in the other styles in the theme. It shouldn't be anything inherent in the Yellow style as that changes only road colours.
I used to find this bug most annoying when I had overlapping maps with different elevation detail as I got two lots of contour lines which were different. This has been discussed before and the only solution I know of is to turn off Autoload Maps.
I love this theme. And have a question. There is a option for change colour of the official hiking tracks?
In LoMaps with there original theme I have coloured tracks: yellow, blue, red etand when I zoom in there are names of tracks also. In Poland.
@respublikamroja Currently different colours for hiking routes is not an option in the Voluntary themes. Sorry. The names should appear however.
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Hi John, there's those HSK markers all over the place, they weren't there before... Totally unimportant stuff for me, emergency points, they should display at higher zl... something you can do? Other themes I checked do not display those...
51.23679, 8.44569
@tapio I'll change it. At what zoom level do you think (a) the symbol should show (b) the reference should show (if at all)? There are only about 2 emergency access points mapped in the whole of the UK, so it's difficult for me to tell what's best generally.
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Text appears at ZL 14 (numbers according to Locus top bar). IMO there should be nothing at 14, symbol at 15 ,text at 16+
Elevate has it from 14+ as symbol, 16+ as text. But there it is configurable ("Emergency")
Hi John, I know draw order is a thing, but still. After all theme display is not reliable, only POI loading is.
E. g., here a shelter is not shown in an intermediate zoom level... what do you think, why is it happening?
ps idk why yt now makes it "yt shorts"
@tapio Almost certainly in this case the shelter symbol is clashing with the "G" of the path reference which has a higher priority (not just display order)
and so the shelter is not shown.
Alternative approaches would be to either give the shelter a higher priority or to make it display=always. A higher priority would mean that in this case the shelter displayed but not the "G"; display=always would mean they both displayed (probably). But there would be other locations where that would not be desirable.
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Updated themes with emergency access pois appearing later (Thanks, @tapio)
Also a quick beta version of Voluntary Mapsforge (for OAM maps in Locus), which colour codes hiking routes in the Hiking theme only, as requested by @respublikamroja.
Colours are:
- international walking routes: blue ██
- national walking routes: red ██
- regional walking routes: green ██
- local or unspecified walking routes: yellow ██
Feedback welcome. If positive, I could extend the colouring to other versions of the theme and to cycle routes in the Cycle style - but not to the multi, yellow, or transparent styles in the themes because they allow the user to show both hiking and cycling routes which would become confusing.
Edit: Please note, this does not show the difficulty of visibility of the route, only its place in the hierarchy.
Thx, I like all the changes.
In some of your presets, there is no option to turn details off in low ZL, is that intended?
That was intended in order to simplify the options.
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Quote from: john_percy on July 05, 2021, 13:35:36
Updated themes with emergency access pois appearing later (Thanks, @tapio)
Also a quick beta version of Voluntary Mapsforge (for OAM maps in Locus), which colour codes hiking routes in the Hiking theme only, as requested by @respublikamroja.
Colours are:
- international walking routes: blue ██
- national walking routes: red ██
- regional walking routes: green ██
- local or unspecified walking routes: yellow ██
Feedback welcome. If positive, I could extend the colouring to other versions of the theme and to cycle routes in the Cycle style - but not to the multi, yellow, or transparent styles in the themes because they allow the user to show both hiking and cycling routes which would become confusing.
Edit: Please note, this does not show the difficulty of visibility of the route, only its place in the hierarchy.
Thank You very much.
That was what I meant. It's nice if the routes were in a continuous color, without interruption, as in LoMap. These are just my strange wishes.But it is already very well. Thank you very much :)
Wow ...I like this coloured walking routes.
And it comes right to my starting hiking vacation tomorrow. 😎
Hi John, you theme shows a grid in some zoom levels. Not a big problem, but I wanted to make screenshots showing the Locus grid. That's bad, because then there's two grids...
Anything you can do? Some themes show this grid, eg. Elevate does not. thx
Screen is 1080x2244, no magnification of map, grid can be seen on ZL 12/13 (value according to Locus top toolbar)
@tapio It's an unfortunate side effect of using semi transparent fills to allow underlying details to show through. As it seems only to be a problem at zooms 12/13 I'll try reverting to a solid fill at those levels. I had that before but for some reason changed it.
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Try the attached file which has transparency for woods removed for zoom level 12 & 13. Unzip and load over previous version.
It also has colour coded hiking routes in the Hiking style, colour coded cycle and mtb routes in the Cycling style, surface indication of cyclable ways in the Cycle style.
Colours are:
- international walking routes: dark blue ██
- national walking routes: red ██
- regional walking routes: light green ██
- local or unspecified walking routes: lime yellow ██
- international cycling routes: dark blue ██
- national cycling routes: red ██
- regional cycling routes: light blue ██
- local or unspecified cycling routes: lime yellow ██
- international, national, regional MTB routes: rose ██
- local or unspecified MTB routes: violet ██
In other styles, hiking routes can be emphasised in light green ██, cycle routes emphasised in light blue ██. MTB routes emphasised in violet ██.
John, the grid is still happening...
@tapio Thanks for the report. This is a different effect and not one that appears on my device. I suspect it is resolution dependent.
Does this only happen at zoom 14? It looks like the border of a nature reserve area but the same defect is likely to happen at zoom 14 for water parks etc.
If it only happens at zoom 14 I can remove it at that zoom.
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Yes exactly, only at ZL14, and in nature areas.
My screen res. is 1080x2244.
Other themes are also doing it. Elevate... Very bad in OSMap.
Please try the attached version. Download, unzip and copy over Voluntary Mapsforge.xml
Let me know of any other unwanted effects.
Quote from: john_percy on September 13, 2021, 13:22:34
Please try the attached version. Download, unzip and copy over Voluntary Mapsforge.xml
Let me know of any other unwanted effects.
Thx. John, it's different now, but not gone.
Sadly I don't think there's much I can do about that which I think is due to overlapping semi transparent tiles used to show the nature reserve and similar.
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OK... What I can add FZOam and ActiveRT5 do not have the issue.
Maybe you can point me to relevant code lines and I may search myself...
I think the lines are to do with "protected areas" for nature reserve etc:
<rule cat="nocity" e="any" k="protect_class" v="pr_2|pr_3|pr_4|pr_5|pr_7|~" closed="yes" zoom-min="12" zoom-max="15">
<area fill="#14f0a000" />
The area fill is semi-transparent so as not to block out the underlying features.
PS Because I can't reproduce the effect you are getting, I can't be sure whether it may be due to other semi transparent fills as well.
Quote from: tapio on September 11, 2021, 17:35:30
Yes exactly, only at ZL14, and in nature areas.
My screen res. is 1080x2244.
Other themes are also doing it. Elevate... Very bad in OSMap.
Hi Tapio,
In the OSMap theme there is an option "emphasise access land" which allows you to switch off the purple/gold outlines. I suspect this is caused by an issue with the underlying graphic's engine not being able to draw outlines correctly. It also looks like another element is outlining in black too...
does that help?
best regards,
IDK... with all options off, there's lines left... Will compare on PC with a decent editor, thx.
It's the areas with outlines that are not being rendered correctly at this zoom level if they don't fit within a tile. In this example that's the woodland and the white area by the lake near Schrammberg. I'm afraid it's a known weakness of the implementation of the renderer.
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Hmm... I am aware if this phenomenon and do relunctantly remove outlines at zoom levels below Z14, and this seems to works for all devices I have tested on so far... so I assumed it would be the same for other devices....
Does this mean outlines should be avoided for all large areas at Z14 too? This would be a problem for my theme as outlines are a key aspect of the emulating the UK OS map style.
Is there any known workaround we could use at Z14? E.g. using delta offsets, etc?
I don't know of any effective workarounds. I think this means that zoom 14 is out for outlined areas for this phone.
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The latest versions of the Voluntary theme are now available in the first post in this thread.
They have been revised for the excellent V5 maps from OpenAndroMaps.
In V5 maps, hike, bike and MTB routes can be displayed and highlighted independently of each other. The highlighting can optionally be colour-coded in the Hiking and Cycling styles.
I have updated the naming conventions and file locations. If installing into Locus, please delete all earlier versions first (long press in theme manager).
I noticed it needs to reside in a subfolder under _themes (xml files cannot be directly in _themes/) - just mentioning. I think it was different before.
You always pack the unneeded windows lnk files btw 😉
What appears in Windows as a shortcut lnk file is the link to the map key in Locus (long press in theme manager). So that's ok.
But I'll repackage the zip file correctly - thanks for pointing that out!
PS Tapatalk seems not to be downloading zip files at present. I keep getting the post itself in html form.
About Tapatalk: that observation is correct. I had to switch to the website. Tapatalk has a button for that under the three dots.
Wil try the new theme next week with V5 maps.
I've repackaged the zip files so the themes are already in a folder.
I've also added direct links to the zip files stored elsewhere to bypass the problem with the Tapatalk app.
Please download from the first post in this thread.
Or use these direct links:
Voluntary LE (
Voluntary V5 (
Quote from: john_percy on December 03, 2021, 19:05:56They have been revised for the excellent V5 maps from OpenAndroMaps.
In V5 maps, hike, bike and MTB routes can be displayed and highlighted independently of each other.
IMO that was possible with V4 maps as well. Since I don't know much about v4 vs. v5 - Do you know what's different? What is it that makes them excellent? Thx. I'm also using v5 maps now.
@tapio As far as the v5 maps are concerned, data for MTB and cycle networks is now separated. Also the names of hike, bike and MTB networks are now preserved. That's new in v5.
As far as the theme is concerned, it's now able to display any two of the types of network at the same time, with highlights on one on each side of the path or track, and blobs alternating. That's new in this version, largely because of the changes in v5 maps.
Screenshot is of cycling and MTB networks along the same route. If the user selects to show only one of the types of network (or there is only one network) the highlight is displayed on both sides of the route.
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Very complete John, also in the Netherlands with all the bike and hike-nodes. Thank you again.
There's a big difference between visibility of hiking vs mtb routes. I like the coloring... but... maybe in lower zoom levels at least, is it worth thinking about giving the hiking routes a bit more strength, mtb routes a bit less?
V5 maps with your theme are the opus magnum of map display 👍
@tapio Of course if you're walking through woods the green highlight doesn't show so well!

Probably worth a tweak, though. Thanks.
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@tapio Try this: (
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Thx, I think I'll make the green stronger... Can you tell me which lines are relevant here?
@tapio search for ee00dd00 I suggest you keep the ee at the start.
Let me know what you decide on.
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Quote from: john_percy on December 08, 2021, 21:35:20
@tapio search for ee00dd00 I suggest you keep the ee at the start.
Let me know what you decide on.
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I like it more with darker green, 00bb00 rgb.
Why do forest areas turn brown in low ZL? Velocity does not do this, it uses green. Voluntary does seem to show arras other than forests on top.
Voluntary (coffee stain edition) vs. Velocity.
@tapio "Coffee stain", or as I prefer to call it "golden tint" indicates so-called "protected areas" such as nature reserves, areas of natural beauty, national parks that are in general accessible. Protected areas where in general access is restricted are shown with a pink tint.
The tint is stronger at lower zooms.
The area of slightly darker tint in your screenshot is a nature reserve within a larger protected area. The areas that are much darker are military areas of some sort.
I suspect the usefulness of this rendering depends on both the use of protected areas in different countries and the extent of industrialisation.
The exact choice of green for hiking route highlights is a difficult one as it mustn't be confused with either the various shades of green used for vegetation or with the fill for trunk roads. I'll continue to look at it.
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So what I may want is give protected areas lower priority? Do you have a (search) hint. I'm more interested in the forests, just as in Velocity theme or as Voluntary displays in higher zooms.
John, I've inserted the following code to line 1486, now it shows forests, what do you think? It's from Velocity, I limited the ZL and changed color to Voluntary color. I think.
Can it be done this way or do you see problems?
<rule e="way" k="natural|landuse" v="forest|wood" zoom-max="11">
<area fill="#C9DDA7"/>
@tapio That would work fine at the expense of not showing the protected area, which is important for me in the UK.
Perhaps my preference is just to make the wood green appear sooner:
<rule e="way" k="*" v="*" zoom-min="8" zoom-max="11">
<area fill="#C8E1C8"/>
as line 531. Adjust the zoom min to suit.
Can you explain - the various forest types have an alpha channel in their coloring (60),doesn't it make the theme more unpredictable, when layers stack up? However, I'm trying a more green approach...
The transparency in the wood layers allows underlying features to show through. Real life examples I have encountered include disused quarries and public parks (brighter green). There are other situations as well.
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@tapio I've turned down the gold tint somewhat, extended the wood rendering to lower zooms, and tweaked the highlight colours for MTB and hiking routes. (
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John, maybe I'm too quick - the Voluntary\Voluntary\changelog.txt latest "Recent Changes Dec 2021" - I don't see any more recent changes?
The latest version of the Voluntary themes will display Ordnance Survey crag markings on the latest OAM maps of Great Britain, Scotland, Wales, the Lake District and the Shetland Isles.
See first post to download. (
Quote from: Andrew Heard on October 21, 2022, 23:33:11John, maybe I'm too quick - the Voluntary\Voluntary\changelog.txt latest "Recent Changes Dec 2021" - I don't see any more recent changes?
Some strange behaviour by the Tapatalk app and the forum. I'm finding multiple posts and posts in the wrong order!
But please try the first post again.
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fixed - thanks John
I've made a slight modification to the Voluntary themes to force "private" gates to display at higher zooms.
Also don't miss the display of Ordnance Survey crag markings on the latest UK maps from OAM.
Download from the first post, as usual.
QuoteI've made a slight modification to the Voluntary themes to force "private"
because your theme is my favorite 8) ... I have a question.
I tried to enlarge
parking areas and show them earlier while zooming.
But result wasn't such good as expected.
Is there anywhere a description how the XML should/could be changed?
Or is it just trial and error ... 😉 The minimum zoom at which items appear is governed firstly by what is encoded in the maps (typically Z15 for OAM maps for parking symbol) and secondly by any zoom-min restrictions in the theme.
Further to that, if symbols would clash with other symbols of text, the map renderer usually hides them. That can be modified or controlled by adding (for example) priority="100" and/or display="always".
The rules are hard to find and I can't remember where I should tell you to look. Sorry.
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Quote... by adding (for example) priority="100" and/or display="always".
Thanks, I'll try something like this.
John, I think your hosting site is down, I get a bad gateway error when trying to access theme or legends.
FWIW I just downloaded Voluntary without problems.
Voluntary and Velocity themes can now be downloaded and installed from
Hi John, what is this one about? "Without ducks"?
@Tapio The "duckless" version was a special request with nature reserves shown differently, without the repeating duck overlay.
See the posts around the topic:
The Velocity theme has been modified to show lakes and other bodies of water earlier. I've also made a few other tweaks.
Download from the link below.
Voluntary and Velocity themes -
i really liked your theme with attention to detail and I look at it carefully when I make my theme. Here are the small bugs in the display that I noticed.
Could you please tell me whereabouts those screenshots are of? Also, which map are you using?
Voluntary usually renders rail bridges correctly (see my screenshots).
My guess is this is connected with incorrect use of layer tags in the mapping itself but it may be possible to get round this. Do other themes render those locations correctly?
Screenshots taken in Cruiser, OAM map.
Coordinates - 55.42993, 36.86077 and 55.43695, 36.85403
It seems you are right, there is no layer=1 tag on bridges, i am fixed it. Thank you :)
It looks like I can force railway bridges over roads to render correctly without the correct layer tag (easy change) and also railway over railway (but I'm not sure if the added complexity to allow for incorrect mapping is merited).
Screenshot is of your location with modified theme. (
The modified theme is available from:
The new LoMaps now available in the Locus Store are much more mainstream Mapsforge but require updated themes. A preliminary version of Voluntary is now available for download from the link below. Please delete your old version in Locus first.
Voluntary and Velocity themes -
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I would like to say that I really like your theme!
Would it be possible to show the trail markings as graphics, similar to the elevate theme?
@Saturo I can pencil it in on my to do list. It would be a significant feature in those countries that support that kind of trail marking.
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Quote from: john_percy on May 05, 2023, 09:22:23@Saturo I can pencil it in on my to do list. It would be a significant feature in those countries that support that kind of trail marking.
In Settler theme it was pretty good, but he removed it. Probably wants perfection. There were always cases where the text like "A3" did not show up. No matter what you do, like using display="always" for the text.
So, good luck 😜
I already see problems in Elevate, screenshot.
At present I'm concentrating on unifying the display of the Voluntary theme for both LoMaps and maps from OAM.
Edit: OAM seems to render waymarked *nodes* while Lomaps renders the waymarked *ways*.
@Saturo @Tapio
You may like to investigate the new Voluntary beta that shows OSMC waymarking for both the latest LoMaps and maps from OAM.
See screenshots (Hint: LoMaps has more detail on the name of the route). Turn on "waymarks" in the Hiking style for waymarked symbols and routes.
Waymark symbols with text do not display the text with LoMaps and sometimes don't display it with OAM maps either. Waymark symbols are simplified at low zooms with both sets of maps. With both LoMaps and OAM only one set of symbols is shown if two or more routes run concurrently.
The waymarked route is also indicated by a string of squares alongside the route in the correct OSMC colour. LoMaps show the colours of all concurrent routes, OAM shows just one of the routes.
LoMaps and OAM seem to have different subsets of the possible waymarks.
I'm not impressed by the number of lines of code needed for this addition however - over 1500! There ought to be a better way.
The beta may display incorrectly on LoMaps where bike, hike and MTB routes run together. And most likely a few other places I've not tracked down.
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Oh thanks, didn't notice yoour posting.
Remember when we discussed those annoying grid patterns which are somewhat related to restricted areas, but show up elsewhere as well at certain ZL? I have not 100% tested it out, but was able to remove them in another theme. It is either a matter of transparency, but for sure also the use of "stroke" in "Area fill".
Before: <area fill="#D0FFFFEF" stroke="#C3C3C3" stroke-width="0.2" />
After: <area fill="#FFFFFFEF" />
IDK if stroke is used here. Still learning. But I got rid of those very thin lines. Might be worth a look for you.
Yes, the lines are due to transparent tiles overlapping slightly. If you remove the transparency, the lines will go - as long as you have no strokes there.
The tiles don't overlap at certain zoom levels so the problem is limited to certain zoom levels.
Yes thx John, I solved this one.
Do you know why transparencies of lines can be unstable? The hiking routes in my theme are the green/green-bluish ones (bluish more important ones).
Notice that after re-application of theme, but also zooming action the transparency is different, despite same ZL.
May I ask you to have a look?
It's a heavily changed Settler theme.
In my experience it's usually caused by portions of the map being rendered twice, due to having two overlapping maps covering the same area and Automatic map loading turned on for Vector maps (Offline).
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The latest version of the Voluntary themes now supports OAM maps and both new and old LoMaps.
It also supports OSMC hiking trail markers (in Hiking style). See link below.
Voluntary and Velocity themes -
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OAM MFV5 map, I don't manage to display those osmc markers on map. "Waymarks"? Do not show up.
Sorry, I completely forgot to upload the graphics for OSMC. Hopefully now corrected!
Screenshot is v5 on OAM on my phone, so it does work!
John, do you know why controlling pathText (e. g. along motorway paths) is more or less impossible? Also with use of repeat-gap?
What I see, also in your theme, sometimes there's many REFs displayed at one spot, sometimes you rarely find one. Maybe it's related to how the path has been painted?
I can only guess, as you do, that it's something to do with the way the highways have been drawn. It's a whole lot better now that Mapsforge renders pathtext along curved paths but it's still far from ideal.
I think @Emux knows most about this.
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Hi John, would it be possible to make the parking mark as an optional item? It is not important for the cyclist and takes up space on the map.
A new version will be uploaded tonight which doesn't display the "P" if you have selected the Cycling style within the Voluntary theme. It still shows the "P" with a hat for car park building structures (generally multistorey) as they may be of use as location aids.
If you choose to display LoPoints as an overlay on the map, the "P" from that continues to be displayed.
Download and install from
Hi John, I still have a request for you about cycling style. The trees overlap cycling and their highlights. Would it be possible to move the layers so that the cycling routes are always visible?
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on July 08, 2023, 10:46:19Hi John, I still have a request for you about cycling style. The trees overlap cycling and their highlights. Would it be possible to move the layers so that the cycling routes are always visible?
That's easier said than done. However the real issue is there are too many trees mapped in the Lomaps version. OAM only has "important" trees. I'd like to try simply reducing the number of trees shown and also increasing their transparency. Could you please try a beta version I will upload overnight?
Hi John, beta is much better and clearer for cycling. The trees are not very important when cycling. It is important to navigate and the beta is clearer on the small display of the phone.
Hi Andrew, I have another request for adjusting the cycling. If the cycle path is not even a cycle route, it is almost not visible in the blue color. If it runs near the railway line, it is not visible at all. In the topics of Locus and Paws, the cycle paths are highlighted with a purple color. Would it be possible to add the possibility to make the cycle path to the menu? After activation, it would be highlighted to a full purple color. And I'm sorry I still want some changes.
I've seen those occurences with cycleways close to railways, and the cycleways disappearing behind railways at lower ZL. Not much we can do here I guess. Except maybe allowing to hide railways.
It was in all themes I tried.
Please provide a position, for testing...
In these examples the cycleway doesn't actually disappear but it's admittedly hard to see at that zoom. (It is in any case redrawn in a thinner version above roads etc to ensure it is visible.)
I'm reluctant to attempt to give it an extra highlight as the various emphasis lines for the routes are carefully stacked to work with multiple types of route and cannot be readily changed.
Thank you John for the explanation. This should only be highlighted for: highway=cycleway But I understand that it may not suit everyone. Therefore, I suggest that the highlighting be optional and only in the cycling menu.
@Žajdlík Josef
I will prepare a test version tonight with cycleway highlighting enabled at the same time as colour-coded cycle routes, treating cycleways as local cycle routes, for cycling style
I think this is my preferred solution.
Test version:
Although I understand your request, I very much do not want to add another option to the menu - Voluntary theme is intended to offer only limited options for simplicity.
Please look tomorrow and tell me what you think.
Hi John, Highlighting is better. The problem, however, is that it is still not possible to simply distinguish special Cycleway from the cycling route. In the Czech Republic (and other countries) it is mandatory to use Cycleway by law. But if the cyclist overlooks the raid, it is not usually possible to drive it. Therefore, I would need to distinguish special cycleway. I attach the SCR raid on Cycleway from Nivnice along the 490 road. On the small phone screen, Cycleway is hard to see.
Hmm. That was something I had not understood. Could you give me a link to the osm data of this cycleway so I can be sure of which tag makes it a special cycleway and needs highlighting. And the location, too, please.
Would highlighting in a different colour help?Does this highlighting need a high priority so that other cycling route colours don't show?
This is Highway = Cycleway. I attach SCR and link The address is: Nivnice, Uherské Hradiště district, Zlín Region, Central Moravia, 687 51, Czech Republic.
It would be ideal if special cycleways went to display on cycle routes. The color is usually used purple, see. Theme Lomap. Special cycleways always have a solid surface, concrete or asphalt. Therefore, they do not have to display the surface type and the line can be continuous.
So, just highway=cycleway, nothing else to make it special?
The surface is not necessarily solid in other countries, so that can't be assumed.
If I add an emphasis like for cycle routes but in a different colour (purple is used for MTB), we have to decide which takes priority, cycle route or cycleway?
Cycleway takes precedence because it is created specifically for cyclists. And in some countries it must be used. It could have the same color as Cycleroute, but it should be more significant.
Demonstration of the difference in view of Cycleway and Cycleroute in
Some countries have cycle highways or cycle superhighways with limited access junctions etc which will be in the next version of OAM maps. I think those should take precedence over cycleways, but otherwise OK.
I've uploaded a new beta with an option in the Cycling style to independently switch on emphasis for cycleways.
Translations are not yet done.
Hi John, the highlighting of Cycleway is great. Personally, I would probably unify a shade with map themes of Locusthemes and Paws, but it is not necessary. This is just because of the unification of the appearance of Cycleway in different topics.
I have found that part of Cycleway is not displaying. It may be because it is a trail combined for cyclists and pedestrians. For example here: I can't syntax programming language, but I would like something like that: Higway = Cycleway*
That cycleway isn't highlighted in the Locus internal theme either. I note that it was last edited 14 days ago and it may be that the map hasn't caught up yet. OAM maps typically are updated monthly.
In Voluntary, the test is simply for highway=cycleway and shared use will not affect it, so I can see no other reason why it's not showing.
Please let me know of any other issues.
Hello John
thanks for the beta
Question, why are the bike paths displayed differently depending on the used map?
Voluntary Beta.jpg
Yes, I understand it. Some joker turned into eight main cycle path to the path. Tens of kilometers. I have already fixed it, but the change will not be reflected only after the Lomap update. A stupid joke. The problem is not on the map topic, but in eight documents. The cycleroute has been there for many years, so I never thought there was a problem with her.
Quote from: balloni55 on August 02, 2023, 13:12:44Question, why are the bike paths displayed differently depending on the used map?
I can't check directly on the maps you are looking at but there are various possible reasons
- OAM includes more information about surfaces and accessibility than Lomaps do
- OAM interprets lcn=yes as network=lcn, resulting in more local cycle networks showing than for Lomaps. This is possibly the case in your example.
- OAM does many similar transformations on the data, producing more information in general
- OAM attaches all routes to the highway they follow, meaning it is possible to know if bike and hike routes are running together, for example
- OAM preserves only the route of the highest "importance" of each type (bike, hike, MTB) when several routes run together. Lomaps preserves all routes. The theme then displays the route of the highest importance but if there are several routes of the same importance running together, the selection of which route reference to label it as is effectively random.
Recently, I drove more than 1000 km on the bike according to the map theme of the Voluntary Beta from 1.8.2023. The map theme is very clear and it was driven very well in Poland and the Czech Republic. Thanks John.
The latest version of the Voluntary theme has been uploaded, with support for cycle super highways, optional emphasised cycleways, improved marking of frontiers and other boundaries.
Thanks for support and helpful suggestions.
Download from
[Edit: Bugfix uploaded 17 August 2023.]
first of all thanks for the theme I really like it. Lately I have been travelling a lot on the Balkans. Unfortunately open street maps are not very accurate on the Balkans. A lot of gravel roads did not have a type assigned. It was often confusing that a road without a type is better marked than a gravel road (thicker line and bright yellow). All the roads that did not have a type were gravel roads, not a single one was paved. But they appear to be paved.
I think it would improve the theme if untyped roads would marked in a different way, so they don't appear to be better than gravel roads.
Could you give me an example, please?
Any road that is mapped as gravel will have the edges dashed and the central core according to its status. It's hard for the theme to make up for deficiencies in the mapping.
Voluntary theme is now available to install from within the Locus app via the Locus Store once again.
Latest update removes a workaround that is unnecessary with the latest maps. This now gives a better display if a bike or hike route runs along a major road.
Download and install from
@john_percy - suggestion - given your theme can be for cyclists, optionally display bike parking as POI? Attached is map around OSM node Maybe I have missed a theme setting? Online LM route planner correctly displays the bike park @ (although it is tiny, nearly invisible), as does online bikerouter @
Hi John, if there are several tourist marks on one trip, Voluntary shows only one. See SCR. Would it be possible to view everyone as in the Lomap topic? The colorful dots along the road are not much visible.Screenshot_20240117_083732_Locus Map.jpgScreenshot_20240117_083709_Locus Map.jpg
I decided not to do that as it would vastly inflate the size of the theme. The code required to display just one marker is a large proportion of the theme already. Thanks for your understanding.
Edit: It does look like the colours of the small squares could be modified to make them more visible. I'll add that to my list.
Edit2: The visibility of the small squares has now been significantly improved.
Do I see in another post that bicycle parking is not included in the offline maps themselves, so it can't be displayed in any offline theme?
Quote from: john_percy on January 17, 2024, 15:50:59Do I see in another post that bicycle parking is not included in the offline maps themselves, so it can't be displayed in any offline theme?
It sadly appears not possible! see
My apologies @john_percy (so many ways in Locus to do things) - as mentioned elsewhere I can instead search LoPoints(offline) > Hiking & Cycling > Bicycle parking. It works. Although as general comment, the LoPoints unfortunately blend in very well in this use-case, with the overall clutter of a map, so nearly impossible to see. There could be a "high contrast" set of icons for temporary searched LoPoints.
BTW while creating the screen capture, I noted with this theme more "bike park" icons than with @tapio theme. Not a criticism tapio ;-) Workaround/ tip - switch to Locus road theme, which has the least "clutter" when doing search LoPoints(offline) - see 2nd screen cap.
The visibility of the small squares that indicate OSMC marker colour has been significantly improved, and a couple of bugs discovered and dealt with.
Hi, would it be possible to move street names? Somewhere they completely overlap the substrate. This is unpleasant when cycling, because the street can be easily overlooked. It would be good to always see a piece of white street area.
Screenshot_20240624_151514_Locus Map.jpg