Now that OruxMaps has gotten a very nice 3D functionality, I'd like to see Locus to catch up too.
Please no
I would like to see this feature too, its really helpful, especially on mountain tours
What is OroxMaps ?
About 3D
A "google earth 3d feeling" exists more than a year in some testversions - and i hate it :mrgreen:
its called OrUxsmaps and ist also a very good (free) prog with some phantasic and some (still) missing features. E.g is the map-administration and the time of map-showing the best of all...and a navigation-feature is also included.
You have to test it for judging it....otherwise its childishly...
I know the 3D maps from ape@map and it is terrible to handle and to look at it.
Hi guys,
this discussion is useless, sorry :). 3D maps stand on simple problem - support for OpenGL. I want to add hardware rendering for a very long time, maybe more then 2 years, but as you see, there is always something more important ...
if will be in Locus 3D maps? Don't know. I don't see them useful and don't see a benefit from it, but I'll for sure work on hardware accelerated rendering. That's all ...
I'm digging out this old topic because I stumbled over this: (
Might this be a solution to integrate into Locus? It supports (Android) Java and mapsforge format, so maybe it can be integrated easily?
I'm watching this nice project of one of MapsForge developers. Unfortunately not all is so simple. In this case, it's not just about map, it's about all stuff that Locus Map draw on map! All possible overlays, all possible styles of tracks, huge optimizations around icons, etc. This all will be probably lost and because project it just on it's start, I think we may give it a while ..
Ok, I understand. Just wanted you to notice, but obviously you already have.
Cruiser (also by Emux) is a quite decent Android App already (and on other platforms that provide Java RE) And it features many of the areas of concern that you mention. Yet, it lacks much of the detail features Locus offers, but that may sit just on top in most cases ?
Maybe you are correct that missing features are just a top, I have not tried this application yet. But based on fact, how long is developed cruiser compare to Locus Map, I think it will be more then a "top".
Anyway there is another reason that is quite important to me. Based on previous experiences, I do not like such heavy dependency on 3rd party library. In this case, when there will be any new problem, like problem with new version of Android or lack of some needed feature, I will be completely stuck and just waiting till some other guy fix it. Except few cases, all in Locus is my own creating or heavily modified library (like charts, vector maps, ...). And without these modifications, it won't work as needed. In this case, library is wrote in system i do not know and understand yet, so this is another big reason for me, why not to use something like this.
I still believe I'll finish all main tasks and problems in Locus and will have opportunity to have half an year on learning and implementing own basic OpenGL system. Unfortunately core tasks on help desk seems to be never-ending ...
I fully understand your strategic assessment, Menion.
But sometimes there is a way for an arrangement that serves both, and without a blocking dependency. It depends on Emux' interests to a large extent. But as I do not know him personally, I cannot even guess.
Any new updates about a 3D View in locus?
Since many off-road routes in our area are not found in most of the maps we rely heavily on Google / Bing satellite maps downloaded offline then on the sight if a planed route is not possible to follow for any reasons we have to replan the route. Having a 3D view of the satellite maps would make much more convenient for us to interpret the new options ...
Now satellite images, even with elevation data enable, are hard to interpret in Locus in regards terrain topography.
Perhaps if we could have a 3D map rendering based on the elevation data with possibility to pan / spin the map and adjust the tilt level (kind of similar to Google Earth) or Garmin Base Camp in 3D mode with a map featuring DEM / shaded relief.
Having this feature and paired with Locus ability to use offline maps ... well it's something that many of us I'm sure we wish to have in our hands when deciding which route should I follow in a new terrain (as an off-road rider).
A killer feature for V4?
Sorry, we do not even have this in the road plan on the nearest years...
I tried to do a search for "3D" in but the text must be longer than 2 characters. I wanted to see how many people have voted for this feature. I typed "3d map" but no results. I'm sure there are help desk topics on this subject but the search engine is too naive to help here.
You may check most wanted topic by sorting ideas here:
The first topic is currently more than "work in progress", next three are topics from Scully and his Korean friends who bend the voting system a little bit :) and then is 3D support. So one of two most wanted features ... and still > not planned.
A digression sorry, but the search system used by is not terribly good. I understand this is not under control of Locus, but I just make the observation. It is almost impossible to find old topics, even some of my own. When I start typing "3d..." the page suddenly redirects to another, confusing in itself. Typing further "3d map" does find anything. Typing further "3d maps" doesn't even show the actual topic "3d maps by using SRTM file" at the top of the list, or at all even though an exact match.
Terrible search? We know :(
We already at least three times reported some obvious search problems, but no serious improvement over years ...
A few months ago, we already tried to migrate whole system to Freshdesk (the different solution), but because of existing content = no so simple.
So for now, sorry you have to use it from time to time :).
Any update on this in last four years?
My friend uses Gaia maps and 3D view is the only feature I am envious about. Not that it is a dealbreaker, I can still interpret contour lines with shading, but it is cognitively heavier and so it takes longer.
@Sup - try this - export track as KML then import into Google Earth - it's fantastic. POI are correctly imported as well. I wish I'd known about this possibility years ago.
That would not help me, I use Locus mostly offline, Google Earth isn useless in such a setting. Thank you for the tip though.
No, not at the horizon. Additionally, ASAMM is working on the IOS version, which probably is a huge task.
iOS does not slow down the Android version, fortunately. We are still (only) two guys on the whole Android world and own 3D maps is not in our possibilities. iOS version will use MapLibre library for maps, so there is a huge chance, it will have 3D maps quite easily (at least compared to Android).
Quote from: Menion on January 22, 2024, 14:23:52iOS does not slow down the Android version, fortunately. We are still (only) two guys on the whole Android world and own 3D maps is not in our possibilities. iOS version will use MapLibre library for maps, so there is a huge chance, it will have 3D maps quite easily (at least compared to Android).
Oruxmaps uses its 3D based on Mapbox. Allows you to download a part of the map for offline use. It is understood that Locus Map has other priorities than adding a 3D map
Seeing a track in a 3D environment would for sure be great, especially useful if it was possible in track planner.
Quote from: Menion on January 22, 2024, 14:23:52iOS version will use MapLibre library for maps, so there is a huge chance, it will have 3D maps quite easily (at least compared to Android).
I guess that means mapsforge themes like Elevate will not work on iOS, right?
Also, would 3D support mean moving from mapsforge on Android?
Yes, Elevate and other themes won't work on iOS. Simply MapsForge library and its maps/themes are not (and won't be) used on iOS.
I'm thinking about switching from MapsForge to MapLibre on Android as well. It should simplify many tasks on background we now have to do twice. Anyway except loss of many functionalities and features I made in my own map core, my estimate is maybe 2 years of work, so maybe in 2030 :)
I see. I think I would then switch to another app, Elevate is really indispensible to me (unless something equivalent which really shows OSM data in detail exists for MapLibre). But I am just one datapoint.