Oh huh, first of all, i'm a great fan of Locus; i use it meanwhile since roundabout six months (mainly for geocaching) and after adding support for spoilers there is no need for any other app.
Today, however, i want to cry a loud "I'm pissed!" Why?
I tried to rename a catory from "GC Mysteries" to "#GC Mysteries" (in the hope to change the sorting order of all my categories). This try of renaming did not success, Locus said something like "Es trat ein Fehler auf, bitte melden Sie sich bei mir." (A failure has happened, please inform me). Okay, no worries, so the name of the category will be still "GC Mysteries". BUT ALL POIS WITHIN THIS CATEGORY ARE DELETED! There is still the the entry "GC Mysteries (0/12)", but when i look at the POIs details, the list is empty! That hurts, because I relied on Locus and now all and every hard worked solution of mystery caches are lost. Hours of work are lost. Are the POIs really lost?
1. Is there any hope, that the POIs are still in any file -- and maybe it is possible to get them back?
2. (for me now not really an issue) Please correct the heavy bug, that if a renaming of a category does not succeed, the POIs of that category are deleted.
damn ... don't you have some backup? This is really stupid mistake. '#' is for file ignored, so database names was different, but files are same and so copy process was reported as successful and file was deleted. Eh ...
I'm really sorry, but as I tested it on own categories, it really delete database file from card. Only what i think you can do is some restore tool on desktop computer that can restore data files if they aren't already overwritten.
I tried two "undeleting-tools" (Recuva, EasyRecovery), but none of them found the deleted files in sdcardLocusdata. :cry:
So lessons learned: making a backup more often.
do you have at least any? I'm really sorry for that ...