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Messages - michaelbechtold

Hi selfishchalk,
you should report this to the help desk rather than the form.
They will guide you to take detail logs e.g. to look "under the hood".
20-30%/h is EXTREME (I never read of such in my Locus history since 2012), so there should be a "smoking gun".
I just tested with a Discovery_Walking_Guides map and can tell you that you can be lucky with your view.
Above map has a solid white border, all legends - like a scan of a paper map. Which definitely is not created by Locus, but rather integral part of that map itself.
Can you test your case by displaying one of your maps exclusively, alone (i.e. no overlay mechanics of any kind) and check how it looks like at its border.
If there is such border like in your screenshot, then it would smell like my experience with DWG maps - only "nicer" ...
Die Beschwerdeadresse ist: Google Inc, Mountainview. Seit Android 11 sind die was Dateizugriff betrifft auf einem Paranoia-Trip.
Aber es gibt jetzt einen einfachen Weg: schaffe Deine Rasterkarten nach /Android/media(!!!)/
Auch das Nachbarverzeichnis mapsVector richtet Locus Pro beim ersten Start ein.
Solche Strukturen gibt es auf der internen und - falls existent - der externen SD. Locus liest diese Ordner bei jedem Start.
Also einfach Deine Sammlungen per Dateimanager hinkopieren (x-plore, Solid Explorer und TC können das auf jeden Fall).
providers.xml im Unterverzeichnis mapsOnline/custom
- map shading?
- dynamic elevation?
That's a brutal one ...
I very rarely had a crash related to memory in more than 10 years, but blank popup menues and screens and alike have been a regular issue.
Hence I suspect there might be more than one leak OR one root cause leak that develops towards different, more or less serious consequences, based on still unknown conditions.
Good luck!!
TXs, Menion. After deleting this 1.1 GB sync.db and adding a test waypoint and later deleting that one again, my sync.db is 4kB. And the operation is correctly showing "uploading" or so in the first place.
I did not dispute that - I thought and wrote about a practical chance to ease pain a bit for the time being.
Analysis and fix has to be on Locus side for sure.
I have the same impression, although from another scenario. Locus running in the background as a service basically 7 x 24 (even when not out of the house), over time it will eat up memory. This makes some popup menus pure white. Most of the cases it recovers some time later, but sometimes I need to restart Locus to get it back "on track".
As memory leaks are one of the hardest things to catch in development, I recommend to switch off shading while traveling. For planning I understand shading is very helpful. While "executing" it's not, for sure not when you go 100 mph + :-)))
Anyway, just my 2c, trying to "buy time" until resolution, which might take quite some time.

PS: I am not claiming that shading IS the culprit, but for sure it is a load for battery and memory alike, hence low hanging fruit - without guarantees, though ...
@Menion: if doubling the tracks.db (a copy comes as sync.db) shouold be a common problem (see my help desk post), this would need a fix prior to publishing, I suppose.
Troubles & Questions / Re: android 13 no access
April 02, 2024, 11:27:05
Since Android 11 Google has been infested with Apple's craziness about restricting user's ownership of their own devices. And it got worse release after release.
Total Commander and x-plore found loopholes to a certain extent - up to Android 12 (incl.).
Both fail with Android 13, though (at least I could not make them access the App private folders under /Android/data).
HOWEVER, since latest release Menion managed to place Locus root under /Android/media!
That has the benefit that apps like TC or x-plore can read and write from/to it - without AfA privileges.
And Locus now offers the convenient option to relocate the existing content from /Android/data to /Android/media.
BUT: a de-install may still remove also this folder (I have not tested the "keep data" option when de-installing, though. That might help - or not.


Falls Englisch eine Hürde sein sollte: hilft (auch ohne Abo, bis 1500 Zeichen)

Und das Thema ist ab dann ein Fall für den Help Desk, nicht das Forum:
Oder ein sehr spezielles internes Locus-Problem - dazu müsste das Logging eingeschaltet werden und an Asamm gesendet werden zur Analyse.
Genau - das ist die Locus-Sicht.
Und sie scheint ja mit der Android-Sicht übereinzustimmen (gemäß Deinem Post von 30.3.).

Also deutet Vieles Richtung System-Ressourcen.