elevation data on Locus FREE

Started by balloni55, November 16, 2016, 13:38:41

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Hello menion,
"Dynamic elevation" is a available option in locus FREE :)

my question:
when a new inexperienced locus user download maps from store he isn´t able to display offline elevation values at mapcenter, because he can´t download elevation data at the end of this download process > message: only with PRO...

On the other side you describe in "Mapblog" and "Manual" how to download and use needed data from

why you make it so laborious for beginner?

in following page on tab/maps i miss important info that "Map shading" is only possible with PRO

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hello balloni,
not sure if this is complicated for basic users. All possible tasks with offline elevations are only in Locus Map Pro, that's all. All possible tasks with online elevation (over Google Elevation API) are available in Locus Map Free as well, simple.

Or is it really confusing and I miss something?
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QuoteAll possible tasks with offline elevations are only in Locus Map Pro, that's all
not for me...
please watch screencast, on device with no Locus PRO or BETA and another google account as usual, flight mode, no wifi
only Locus free with strm data copied to SD
dynamic elevation is visible ;D
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


heh ... on one side, I always like to give some useful to users for free, on second side, I like when things are close to perfect ... hmm, I'll probably fix this :). Thanks ..

EDIT: hmm I've confused myself, sorry. As I'm checking Locus source code, on all places where Locus work with these offline elevation files (hgt), it always works also in Free version! What seems to be limited is only downloading. So even the users of Free version may use offline data, they just have to take care of them manually. Probably older, already partially forgotten decision, sorry
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QuoteSo even the users of Free version may use offline data, they just have to take care of them manually
that's what i meant when i wrote
why you make it so laborious for beginner?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


hmm .. maybe a secret function for users of Locus Map Free?

Hard to solve this, isn't it? On one side is option to unite this functionality and allow same features for Locus Map Free as well as for Locus Map Pro, or opposite solution, disable all "offline" features for Locus Map Free.

I personally like when features in Locus Map Pro are not "must have", but rather "hmm it's nice". Using of offline elevations is quite essential feature anyway I wants to make it easier for paid users. Have to think about it more, thanks for useful "poke".
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