LoMedia - photos for online LoPoints

Started by Menion, June 17, 2022, 22:08:45

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Hi guys,

because this is a feature we were working on for some time and it will be very actively developed next months, I've rather created a separate topic to keep the discussion in the one place.

What is it about?
We were able to attach around 300k photos from Wikipedia to our online LoPoints. Not much for world coverage. So to improve the quality of LoPoints, we decided to create an option to upload user photos for online LoPoints.

Where to test it
- latest Locus Map Beta version
- or public Locus Map 4.11+ (in preparation)

Implemented features
- upload a new photo taken by the camera
- upload already created photo
- report invalid photo

Features in developing or planned
- user profile page with a visible amount of uploaded photos
- gallery of own uploaded photos
- rating by "hearts / thumbs up" (or any other symbol)
- maybe some kind of "photographer of the month" or similar

- based on your questions


Feel free to ask anything you care about so I may improve "FAQ" section.
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- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
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I searched for it for a few minutes. Didn't find. So my question would be: WHERE IS IT? I don't even know what to look for. Eg., I display geotagged photos, but there's no functionality to upload them.

EDIT: Aha I see now - Tap an online LoPoint and extend it with a photo.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Žajdlík Josef

First experience: On a smaller phone, the buttons and text of the photo enters dialog are trimmed. After choosing a photo, it overlaps its part of the panel called. The photos were sent correctly, but after two hours they still do not see at the points.
I will explain the more complicated idea below:
Některé body (viz scr. PM) mají špatný název. Zde se zobrazuje Památné místo, ale mělo by tam být Sousoší Panny Marie, stejně jako se to zobrazuje na obrazovce. Rád bych to při vkládání opravil, ale nenašel jsem žádnou možnost jak to udělat. Šlo by s tím něco udělat?


I tried to upload a photo for the hill at 51.3012267, 8.3840631 - it said it is uploaded for review. But also there was an Android notification like  "Upload not successful"...
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Viajero Perdido

Hmm.  Having my real name attached to the photo may discourage me from using the feature.  I try to be unfindable on the internet, with decent success.  (That's also why I never reviewed the app, sorry.)

Žajdlík Josef

Overnight, the photos were loaded with points with labels, that's fine.
Some points are quite bad, see SCR.
Now: Generála Laudona. Adresa: Most úzkokolejky přes Moravu... (The bridge is about 100 meters away and deserves a separate point.)
Correctly: Socha generála Laudona, Zámecký park...

The possibility of changing texts is probably needed.
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Radim V

Hi, Josef. First of all, thank you for the gorgeous pictures!
In terms of editing names and possibly another properties of POIs in the Locus directly: We agree that this feature would be awesome. But, as usually this is not an easy thing to do. Why: Currently all 25M POIs worldwide come from two main open-source datasets. OSM project and Wikipedia. What you ("General Laudon") see, is exactly what some user has written 6 years ago as "name" for the memorial. No doubt any edit should not just change value for Locus, it should improve OSM database quality for everyone.
There are dedicated tools for this (Vespucci editor):/https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.blau.android&hl=en&gl=US, and OSM notes: /https://wiki.openstreetmap.org. OSM/wiki/Notes . OSM notes can be used from Locus already.
We agree this is not user first approach as all is too slow and complicated.

Žajdlík Josef

Hi Radime.
I understand what the problem is, because I often add and correct the data in eight OSM maps. But if I understand it correctly, then the data for lopoints come from two sources. It is quite difficult to find where to fix the data.
I will also write Czech, I'm not very good in English:
Obrázek Sousoší Panny Marie: V OSM je uveden správně, ale v Lopointech je uveden jako památné místo. Měl by se tudíž asi opravit ve Wiki.
Obrázek Laudon: ten byl špatně uveden i v OSM, ale adresa u něj tam uvedena není. Nejspíš tedy pochází z Wiki. Název jsem opravil v OSM na Pomník Generála Laudona, ale měl bych teď jít ještě opravovat data ve Wiki? Je to dost komplikované když data pocházejí z více zdrojů.

Zkuste o tom ještě pouvažovat. Některé názvy jsou opravdu hodně mimo a jaká bude mít databáze hodnotu když bude mít špatná data?
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Radim V

Hi, You will be able to change displayed name to something generic and anonymous.

Žajdlík Josef

I was thinking about editing. Perhaps it would be enough to add a small button with a direct link to editing text via the eight or Wiki website. Depending on where the text is taken from.


Cool and high impact idea!

Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on June 21, 2022, 13:04:42
I was thinking about editing. Perhaps it would be enough to add a small button with a direct link to editing text via the eight or Wiki website. Depending on where the text is taken from.

Radim V

Sousoší Panny Marie is fixed (Should update during next run). It was missing completely, There is "Memorial" and "Artwork"


Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on June 21, 2022, 13:04:42
I was thinking about editing. Perhaps it would be enough to add a small button with a direct link to editing text via the eight or Wiki website. Depending on where the text is taken from.
There is an app for editing POI in OSM. Its name is: OSMgo
Menion has recently added it to Apps in the sidebar.
With the app you can change properties of POI very easily. Also the name can be changed.
I often use it to add on the way, opening hours, website, phone number of restaurants.
This app could be added in POI to change.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


It would be even nicer if the POI is opened directly in the app.  I am thinking here of the POI ID. But for this you would have to have an Api access ? to the app.
Henk van der Spek https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?action=profile;u=1680
is a contributor to the app, maybe we would have a possibility here.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)
    The following users thanked this post: Radim V

Žajdlík Josef

The OSM GO app is great, thanks.
But it's not a simple solution for ordinary users. If the database of points is to be useful, it must be easily edited. For example: opening hours, changing the name of the shop, etc. This is a big and difficult task for the Locus team.
Some data are bad and others are completely missing even though they are in OSM data. As an example, I mention the "orchestra" in the chateau park. It is a big historic building, but it is not in points.