Locus Map 4, discussion (beta)

Started by Menion, December 22, 2020, 12:20:09

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I found a bug with navigation in the latest beta: navigating with the map oriented towards north moves the on-screen directions arrow when moving the cursor.

To reproduce:
1. Start navigation, either online or offline (I tested Lorouter offline and Graphhopper)
2. tap the compass to have the map be north-oriented
3. move the map cursor
4. The on-screen direction arrow will replicate the cursor movement for about 1 second, before going back to the right position

The only thing that seems to trigger it is the north orientation of the map, I'll share a screenshot but I need to find a way to remove personal location info first
    The following users thanked this post: Menion


Today there is a problem with synchronize.
There is a message about the lack of purchased subscription.

I read that there are tests. sorry.


guiding to next wpt of a multicache is active
on the way i found a tradi, i open this listing (beside active "guide on" to wpt of multi)  and write the offline found log of the tradi > save > locus FC
Log just send
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


I have a super weird problem since Galaxy 20 FE. I always run display at maximum brightness. Quite often , the phone is in a state where everything is super bright, but as soon as Locus comes to front, the display is dimmed to quite dark. Not via settings mind you, all is still set on maximum. Display is dark anyway, as though the phone "fears" overheating.

This *only* happens when Locus is in front. Other screens are still bright until the phone gets really hot. Then everything goes dark.

It seems as if Android "anticipates" Locus to behave badly and dims in advance.


When i open  a geocache and run "update geocache"
on "updated" cache window most needed infos like: D/T,  size, attribut icons, logs, wpts, listing are gone :-\
After reopening the geocache all infos are available.
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: 413Michele on March 02, 2021, 14:40:22
I found a bug with navigation in the latest beta: navigating with the map oriented towards north moves the on-screen directions arrow when moving the cursor.

To reproduce:
1. Start navigation, either online or offline (I tested Lorouter offline and Graphhopper)
2. tap the compass to have the map be north-oriented
3. move the map cursor
4. The on-screen direction arrow will replicate the cursor movement for about 1 second, before going back to the right position

The only thing that seems to trigger it is the north orientation of the map, I'll share a screenshot but I need to find a way to remove personal location info first

Here's the video of the bug:


I'm unsure if this is the proper thread, so please move if it's not...

I've always been hopeful that Locus would come out with a web interface, where you can see your points and tracks and work with them...move, copy, import, etc...along with an interactive map and so on. Sort and organize waypoints, edit tracks, sort them into groups and folders...
(Think that other mapping app that starts with a G...but their directory structure is painful at best)

I did find the site, but (for my purposes), it doesn't have the functionality that I (specifically) would like to see.  Not complaining, as it is likely the cat's meow for people who plan trips online...   

Does anyone know if there's plans for something like this...or if it already exists?  (I say that because I have been reading up on version 4 for a few months now and only stumbled on a post about the web planner by accident)



Jiří, you are right: tap – tap + swipe does it perfectly.



the actual version crashes every time I delete any point.

Best, Lucas


New version just upload: MapGooglePlay_4.0.0 - V13_993_beta

Except for (again) very weird errors of @joeloc, all major reported problems should be solved. Thanks all (and specially @balloni55 for logs and @413Michele for the video)

Not sure what more you want than what offers the Beta version of There won't be any other website for Locus Map with map etc  :). It has its own topic here, so feel free to ask there if you miss any functionality. Many features are planned for the next versions.
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Confirm problem of crashing on point deletion solved!  :)
    The following users thanked this post: Menion


Quote from: balloni55 on March 03, 2021, 16:07:03
When i open  a geocache and run "update geocache"
on "updated" cache window most needed infos like: D/T,  size, attribut icons, logs, wpts, listing are gone :-\
After reopening the geocache all infos are available.

Same for me with newest beta


Hmm I'm unable to simulate this. Cache stored in internal database > update cache > correct result. Isn't there any option in G4L that may affect this? I've found only some "Basic info only", but this seems to have no effect here.
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QuoteSame for me with newest beta
confirm ???
with PRO it work as expected, so i don´t think its on GC4L

its different, on some it work like
on others it didnt work like
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4
    The following users thanked this post: Diddi


Quote from: Menion on March 03, 2021, 23:00:39Except for (again) very weird errors of @joeloc, all major reported problems should be solved.
Thanks, trackpoint bottom area "halfway hidden buttons" problem solved.
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