[TUT] Historical maps

Started by balloni55, December 17, 2015, 20:34:15

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,,HowTo" find historical map images in internet with GE and create map for later use as overlay inside Locus.

Run rumsey_collection.kmz inside GE:
mark "index map" on left side in GE, > available maps are visible,
left mouse click on rectangle you are interested, next click link "read more, view....."
in opening browser window select map > "export", > "extra large" and download image.
Map covers ~27X37 Km, size <10MB unpacked .jpg, downscaled and calibrated ~ 17MB

Run historischekarten.kmz inside GE:
mark "Rahmen" on left side in GE, > available maps are visible,
open "Karten" with "+",
open "alphabetisch" with "+",
mark e.g. "Bamberg" now this map is loaded inside GE.
Right mouse click on "Bamberg"/Properties and copy link.
Open this link with your browser, right mouse click on image/save graphic

Calibrate this image inside Locus
menu/More functions/MAPTOOLS/Image map calibration

Since V 3.14.0 you can use kmz-files as overlay and set transparency of this,
so you´re able to compare e.g. building development or course of a river.

Attached you find both kmz-files

Have fun

I am really astonished how precisely maps are drawn hundred years ago without any GPS and PC.

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Create easily overlay.kmz or sqlite.map from calibrated image.jp2 with MAPC2MAPC (MrSIDGeodecode)

I have created overlays with different settings inside MAPC2MAPC and one calibrated inside locus for comparison.
e.g."50Calw3" means, downloaded .jp2 "rescaled 50%" and "JPEG quality 3"
For me with this setting sharpness and file size is a good result, but decide by yourself.

Run rumsey_collection.kmz
mark "index map" on left side in GE, > available maps are visible,
left mouse click on rectangle you are interested,
next click link "Download georeferenced version...."

Map covers ~27X37 Km, size ~7,5MB
Note: if you rename file don´t use special characters !

MAPC2MAPC preparation:
Edit/Preferences and Settings/
-   Output tab > JPEG Quality "e.g. 3"
-   Garmin tab > disable "Transparent KMZ"
Create overlay/map:

1.   File/Load Calibrated Map >x.jp2
2.   select "mercator" >OK
3.   Edit/Rescale Map/e.g. 50 > OK
4.   File/Write Garmin Custom Map (KMZ)   or
Write Map for Mobile device/Locus/Rmaps/sqlite.db

Note: copy map overlay.kmz to Locus/mapItems and map.sqlite to Locus maps

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4