[APP] - version 3.1/2.X+ (updated 4.7.2014)

Started by Menion, July 03, 2014, 13:57:54

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The new track screen looks great! Now you have it all in one screen, nicely seperated into tabs and it´s a lot easier to edit.
It also unifies and simplifies the design - neat!
Just one little "problem" - when swiping to change the tabs instead of clicking on the tabs you get stuck in the diagram, as swiping there does not change tabs but changes your position on the diagram.
I also have a question about the new autozoom: It says "based on values below and current speed", but I can´t see any values below the autozoom button - are they not implemented yet or is it - once again - just me who can´t see them because of my old android version?


Hello menion,
perfect solution with tabs, thanks :D
first impressions, see screencast:
- map is not displayed in map preview, sec.6
- after add "close path and fill" the map is not displayed, you have to zoom to display map, sec 28
. fill color change yello/blue depending on mapcenter, sec 25
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Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@eldron: glad you like it ;)

- problem with swip - it's intent. There is major problem with scroll of tabs and scroll in chart. Same problem was in previous version and I still don't have perfect solution for this.
- autozoom - seems you never used autozoom in previous version ;). Text you see in settings - forget on it. It's from old version and it's not valid anymore. Autozoom settings is now completely automatic! It's only required to find out ideal settings for walk/bike/car modes of navigation etc. :)

@balloni: thanks! This is really my first version and such feedback is very welcome. I'll fix these problems tomorrow.

I'm also interested if it's not a problem for you, new way how track react. Because now when you tap on track on map, this screen is automatically visible. And if you want to edit shape of track (it's points), you have to choose from bottom menu "Edit on track". It's because I think, that in most cases you want to do something with whole track and not edit it. I also wanted to unite all buttons/controls no matter if you open track from map or from data / tracks screen.
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Bucky Kid

Hello, new track screen is nice but when I'm thinking about direct opening track panel on clicking track node, for me old behaviour (open edit controls on map) comes out more efficient (when I tap track node it's in most cases because I need to edit the node). Could the default action be somehow configurable through preferences or config.cfg?

Quote from: balloni55- map is not displayed in map preview, sec.6
- In addition to it map is not shown neither on locate track on map (raster map)
- Locate track on map now jumps to track centre I guess. Wouldn't be more logical to jump to track start?


Really beautiful!!
It just feels nice. I just looked at it but I'm afraid I won't be able to test it nowadays.
However, you said previously that the two buttons (bottom right) will be different once the screen is redesigned. Can you please merge them? (Cogs and screwdrivers mean the same to me when I cast a blick on the icons: tools. So basically fill altitude and compute area could be moved to the other menu.
What I like about it the most is the lap statistics:simple yet really useful when you plan your energy on the trip/run.
It is a bonus that now the design is more consistent! :-)


So how does the new autozoom system work? As it's not possible to configure anything, what are the changes made to it?
As mentioned in getsatisfaction it would make sense to automatically zoom in when close to a waypoint, cache or poi, is that what was changed?


QuoteThere is major problem with scroll of tabs and scroll in chart
one idea, default setting: user can scroll over all tabs, scroll in chart is possible after longclick on chart.

"Edit on map"
i open a trackpoint/screwdriver/edit on map  > 4 buttons are deselected and i have to click oncemore on a trackpoint to activate this buttons for edit.

please can you explain red and green marked "Lap interval", colored change itself, depending on interval length :-[

featurewish: possibility to mark a "Lap interval" and display selected part highlighted/other color on track
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Bucky Kid

Quote from: balloni55 on September 11, 2014, 09:31:47please can you explain red and green marked "Lap interval", colored change itself, depending on interval length :-
It's clear, read tiles mark slowest segments, green fastest.


QuoteIt's clear, read tiles mark slowest segments, green fastest
thanks for opening my eyes ;)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


New track manager looks very nice!  Here is something I've noticed so far.

1) The 'Created' in DETAILS wrongly shows the current time.
2) I expect map screen is opened by tapping the track preview, as same as point preview in point manager.

- LAPS tab
1) Button at Top-Right: Since the values of the pre-defined interbal are written in kilo-meter, I think it's natural that 'Define' accepts the value in kilo-meter as well.
2) If the Length units in Locus is set other than metric, the values of the distance are shown without formatting.


thanks ta-ka, except LAPS point 2, agree and done ;)

New BETA version is out. Backup your data, rather. And don't kill me for a surprise in track list ;). Hope you'll also like it as me. Suggestions are of course welcome, because it's still BETA!
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Bucky Kid

Hi menion, I see the change in tracks list to more verbose listing. Can we collapse the view to more compact listing? Especially form many tracks in category this would be more clear.
- the bug with not disaplying raster map when fit-whole-track on screen zoom level is not available is still present (and in track preview too)
- old bug when adding/removing map overlay over raster map switches zoom to max level (6400%)


Quote from: Bucky Kid on September 13, 2014, 21:19:31
Hi menion, I see the change in tracks list to more verbose listing. Can we collapse the view to more compact listing?

Currently not. Is is needed? There is a quite powerful sorting and also simple filtering that may helps to easily find what you need,

Quote from: Bucky Kid on September 13, 2014, 21:19:31
- the bug with not disaplying raster map when fit-whole-track on screen zoom level is not available is still present (and in track preview too)

Ah, I somewhere miss this information. Thanks, I'll check it ...

Quote from: Bucky Kid on September 13, 2014, 21:19:31
- old bug when adding/removing map overlay over raster map switches zoom to max level (6400%)

Hmm another information I miss, damn. Thanks, confirmed, I'll also try to fix it to next version,
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any information on how the autozoom works? Does it only depend on speed or are there any other factors?


ah sorry, yes it currently depend only on speed. Only in case, you're guiding to single waypoint and you're closer then 2 km, it then depend only on distance to this waypoint.

I hope that dependance on speed may be enough. It's just important to set best possible average values for certain speed & zoom values. Currently I defined 0 km/h - zoom 18, 30 km/h - 17, 100 km/h - 16, 200 km/h - 13. And Locus interpolate between these values.
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