Android 11 copy filled???

Started by ohgood, January 08, 2022, 12:11:16

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How the heck are we supposed to copy files like kmz into locus now?

If it's going to be this broken it's time for me to abandon Android and just go to iOS !



1) iOS is the origin of the ideology to put users into a velvet coated prison, hence mind your steps
2) LM 4 has all files access privilege, so you are not forced to move Locus base folder to any (int/ext) private folder
3) for LM Pro there is an AFA version on Google Drive - see 2)
4) you can use file managers like x-plore who have AFA privilege to populate int SD private folders (re. ext SD private folders, Google screwed up the implementation - you can handle folders, but not files to/from those places. And Locus base folder on ext SD private structure is not a good idea anyway.)
5) independent from above and app privileges you can always connect your device to a PC or laptop and copy files also to the private folders


it depend in which folder on intern or externSD you want to copy the kmz

working on internalSD is  X-plore or TotalComander
ond extSD try USB>PC or plug your extSD-Card direct into PC


Uuups Michael was faster ;)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: michaelbechtold on January 08, 2022, 12:41:21
1) iOS is the origin of the ideology to put users into a velvet coated prison, hence mind your steps
2) LM 4 has all files access privilege, so you are not forced to move Locus base folder to any (int/ext) private folder
3) for LM Pro there is an AFA version on Google Drive - see 2)
4) you can use file managers like x-plore who have AFA privilege to populate int SD private folders (re. ext SD private folders, Google screwed up the implementation - you can handle folders, but not files to/from those places. And Locus base folder on ext SD private structure is not a good idea anyway.)
5) independent from above and app privileges you can always connect your device to a PC or laptop and copy files also to the private folders

1 agreed 100% !!!, imagine my frustration in realizing that Android is now just as bad as iOS... that's where I am right now

2 I have no idea what moving base folder would do here... I'm trying to copy old map_items into new locus in Android 11 devices, and failing

3  what is afa ? where's the link to this version of locus ?

4 I've tried Google files, vanilla for manager, total commander, they all fail...  can't even see the mention/.. directories let alone copy anything

5  the entire point of using smartphones is so I never have to plug into a computer.... I used to literally install the app and copy my database to a friend's phone in the middle of nowhere.... now that functionality is broken it's it requires doing stuff the old (gah!!!!) Garmin way with cords and laptops and grrrrdd


1) not - yet - as crazy as iOS - you can do a lot with the right tools. Pls. install x-plore as a start.
2) which version of LM are you using? 4 or Pro?
3) AFA means all files accessible. x-plore has that, LM4 as well (for now)
4) pls. tell the LM storage setup: settings-misc--default directories. Main directory and thevsub-folders. Once we understand your setup we can advise.
5) x-plore can handle everything, except writing files to EXT SD private folders. Only for the latter you'd need the PC based escape
    The following users thanked this post: ohgood


Quote from: michaelbechtold on January 09, 2022, 08:03:33
1) not - yet - as crazy as iOS - you can do a lot with the right tools. Pls. install x-plore as a start.
2) which version of LM are you using? 4 or Pro?
3) AFA means all files accessible. x-plore has that, LM4 as well (for now)
4) pls. tell the LM storage setup: settings-misc--default directories. Main directory and thevsub-folders. Once we understand your setup we can advise.
5) x-plore can handle everything, except writing files to EXT SD private folders. Only for the latter you'd need the PC based escape

1 did it!
2 pro
3 excellent, thank you
4 default setup for Android 11 fresh install
5 excellent, they worked !

now, how do I send you and locus devs a 6 pack ?


Glad it worked! Enjoy.

Re. 6-pack - I'll take the intent for the deed :-) TXs


i installed x-plore, but i can see only the internal flash (and a root folder of the same size, which is not accessible), but not the external sd card.
do i need to do any configuration to get access to the sd card (it does not even show up)


Do you have Solid Explorer installed, too? Only to compare.
Because what you describe is really weird.
Because seeing the root level on an EXT SD is not dependent on permissions, specials feature or alike.
It simply has to be there.


I currently have File Commander and Locus Pro on my DFP2. Will that work in place of x-plore ?


Sent from my E6910 using Tapatalk


Those that have the permission MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE can handle ALL of INT SD, and all OUTSIDE private folders on EXT SD.
Subtle differences, though, with x-plore seeming most potent.

In the end you might check for above permission; if there, just try.
If not there, do expect nothing re. private folders.

Good luck and cheers


I used to handle some Locus personal files (*) with a file utility or with Dropbox/DropSync, especially for backing them up, restoring them, or even exchanging them with a second smartphone.
Now, probably due to the Android (v11) and/or Locus (v4) upgrade, I can't find the path to these files anymore. What is the remedy?

(*) as points and tracks, icons, cursors, dashboards...


    The following users thanked this post: sbouju


Thank you, it seems to be OK now  :)

As I can already sync points and tracks in Locus web, now, may be a syncing of some other little personnal things would be fine...?  ;)


Quote from: sbouju on January 15, 2022, 16:07:57
Thank you, it seems to be OK now  :)

Finally no.

The above path "/Android/data/*" let me find and see the files I want to deal with, but I cannot handle them with my very standard tools.