[APP] - version 2.20.X+ (updated 27.5.2014)

Started by Menion, March 25, 2014, 16:20:46

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Quote from: menion on March 26, 2014, 10:55:38
Screen where you edit track is also planned to rewrite in same way as this point screen and expect, that in the end, "Delete" button will be hidden in same menu as "Cancel" in this point screen.
Please rethink this decision. You yourself wrote that you like things to be obvious. For me it was not at all obvious where to find the delete button for the waypoint and i think i am not the only one. Why would i have the save button at the top, but i have to click on the menu button to find the delete button? And it also looks a bit strange to have just one option when clicking on the menu. To me the bin symbol at the top makes much more sense.
How about a popup windows asking wether you want to save or delete the track/waypoint when you hit the back button?

I agree with Celda that a quicker way to use the guidance-to-point function for geocaches would be great, as it´s 3 clicks at the moment: clicking on the cache (waiting for it to open), clicking the guidance button at the bottom and then another click to activate the guidance.
Especially when doing bigger rounds of traditioncal caches a one-click option without having to open the cache description would be great.


I second to a faster guiding, I use that a lot while geocaching.
As menion has asked to include new ideas in help.locus site, I have created a ticket.
If you feel that it is important please vote for it there.


Quotechanged settings - there are two possibilities. Bug in Android or accident with your fingers. Locus itself do not change these settings, trust me. So I more think that during playing in settings, you changed this checkbox by accident
truly no accident! At first start of new version all waypoints were visible ;)so perhaps a bug in android :-[
Quotescale photo -So I have to with Peter test it and create some universal solution
i´ll wait and see.
Quotein Pro the "Titel" is marked and i can overwrite directly the date
        in Test the "Name " is not marked, this is not handy

sorry, don't understand
in left screenshot you see "pro V1.19" the filename "Date/Time" is blue underlaid/marked and with one click you overwrite it
in right screenshot you see "Test/similar V2.20"the filename "Date/Time" you have to mark it complicated to overwright, see small video
Quotelogs: sorry, also do not understand.  As you may see in description, it limits logs to max amount
Sorry, now i understand, in german translation "stored" is missing and so i misinterpreted it
QuoteTrack recording and waypoints

nice new feature, it works inside locus, but in exported kml/kmz the photo is missing
is this intended or a bug?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Bob Denny

loading tiles from Personal mapsets (sqlite) seems quite slower and sometimes you must zoom in and out and move around, then wait, then zoom/move, etc., until the map appears. I think 2.20 has affected the map speed to slow it. I am sorry to say this  because Locus is so wonderful!


@čelda: as szebenyib wrote - check and comment post on Help Desk. it's good to have one idea on one place. Thanks

@BuckyKid: thanks, appreciate it

@eldron: did you tried contacts app in your device? Hope you have the same as me :). Anyway how often you need "Cancel" button and how often "Save"? I think, that at least 80% of your taps are on Save and not Cancel, maybe more. So why is this a problem, mainly when you know that cancel is in menu? It's even more useful, that you cannot tap on cancel directly. Thanks to this, there is no need for confirmation of this "Cancel" action and all is a lot faster and I hope also more user friendly.

@szebenyib: thanks for posted topic, perfect!

@balloni: and all interested in "Images" tab - http://help.locusmap.eu/responses/spoiler_size#comment-9537

About changed settings - it's really weird. I can at least tell you for sure, that Locus do not do nothing like this.

Selected name - ah finally I understand, sorry I missed this screenshot before. I'll fix it, thanks.

Photos in export of track waypoints - bug, thanks

@Bob Denny: are you sure, there were no change like you moved map from internal memory to card, changed SD card or something like this? Speed of other maps remain same (vector maps for example)?
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Bob Denny

I'm sure. I will look for other things that may have caused this.

Where did Miscellaneous/Directory with Maps go? I cannot find where to control those additional personal map directories now! It has been a while and the latest docs show it in Miscellaneous.


Thanks for your complete answer :)
QuoteSelected name - ah finally I understand, sorry I missed this screenshot before. I'll fix it, thanks.
perfect :D please don´t forget to improve also "Poiphoto, Trackpoi, add WPT"....in same way
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Bob Denny



I updated my SG SIII to version 2.20 pro last night, first thing I noticed was I lost access to all my cache databases. But a phone reboot brought them back.
Today whilst on a route around a reservoir I noticed something strange. When guiding , if I moved my map away from the current position and then pressed the   " Show current location"  button the following happened.
1.The screen would flash to a map view I didn't recognise. But it was so quick to get a bearing on.
2. The screen filled with the caches visible at the zoom level I had previous selected and a bearing line.But with no map features and a cross hatch background.
3. The screen would flash and everything would be as expected.

The whole thing was over in 2-3 seconds


Hi Menion
"Add attachment" symbol disappeared after "discard".
see clip...


I have found another display bug that occurs in the point screen of points created whilst recording a track. Some of the text is missing in portrait mode, in landscape i can see it all. See attached screenshot.
I think in future i will use this feature more often, as it now allows to easily attach pictures to points on a track. Will the pictures also show if i export the tracks and look at them on the computer? And is it possible to change the folder in which those pictures are stored? They just end up in the normal camera folder, which is not very practical.
How comes that it takes so long to open those attached pictures? I know i don´t have a high end phone, but 5-8 seconds to open a picture is way too much.
The new version is great, but even though i have only used it a little bit to check out the new features, it has already crashed 3 times. Whereas before i hardly ever experienced any crashes within locus. If this keeps happening i´ll pay more attention as to what i was doing when the crash happened and send the error protocoll.


Quoteballoni: you may check it in first post if this is better
POI, Trackpoi and WPT work well :D
Photopoi the name is selected but the keyboard didn´t open automatic :-[

Save Track is not selected
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quotefixed texts of geocache logs and reduced size of icons by 25%
size of icons (smily)is not reduced???

Quotechanged a little edit of coordinates

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


QuotePhotos in export of track waypoints - bug,
solved :D

during trackrecording i create a poi, changing to attachementtab the keyboard is furthermore visible and cover the instruction info

at the end i stop this track and "save" it, after that this window apeares

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4