Quick map switch

Started by balloni55, September 11, 2012, 14:00:55

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under "own maps" i have 4 maps. I select "Custom Home" and it is displayed.
If i klick the button "Quick map switch" these Maps are available. See left picture
Now for example i select the Vektormap "Germany" and it is displayed.
Once again i klick the button "Quick map switch" unfortunately 2 Maps are missing :oops: see right picture.
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


locus offer more maps from current "category"

so if you use personal maps, you'll see up to 2 online maps, 5! personal maps and 2 vector maps
so if you use vector maps, you'll see up to 2 online maps, 2 personal maps and 5 vector maps
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Hi menion,
thanks for your information
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


sure. Expect that "Quick map switch" will change a little. Currently it just sort available maps by distance between current map center and internally defined center of map. So if you have huge maps, they're sometimes not visible in this list. GUI will probably remain same, only login on background will change to offer maps that more fit your current needs ... we'll see :)
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