[Theme] HiLo hiking theme

Started by gynta, February 11, 2016, 09:44:13

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At the moment it is best to use maps V3 within Locus. LoMaps are always V3, OAM you can download as V3 or V4 (called Multilanguage).
I already have the HiLo theme running on the smartphone as a V4 compatible version, but as long as Locus still displays the maps of the V4 incorrectly it makes no sense to publish this version of the HiLo theme.
The new future name of the theme will be "active RT", as this theme will no longer work only for Locus but will support the Mapsforge V4 maps in all apps.

In the meantime, the Locus Store has the V11 of HiLo for download.  :)


Hi Everybody,

HiLo is my favorite theme for LoMaps. However, lately I had an issue with a tunnel that was not shown on the map:

If I use the Locus internal theme (or OAM maps) everything is fine:

Tagging in OSM seems to be fine as well (highway=track, tunnel=yes, layer=-1 ) OSM
I tried some things in the <!-- highway tunnel casings --> section of the theme.xml without any success.

Maybe someone could give me a hint what to change?

Best wishes,



I spent a few hours now understanding why the tunnel is not displayed on LoMaps, OpenAndroMaps displays the tunnel correctly. At the moment I have come to the conclusion that Locus here at LoMaps internally works differently than with OpenAndroMaps maps. Something is handled differently here, very annoying for Theme creator.
At the moment I can only advise you about OpenAndroMaps maps, my theme supports them better than LoMaps. The future lies as well as in maps and theme of the V4, which then does not exist as LoMaps.


@LocusUser#1 - I think that the "issue" is caused due to handling of layers. The tunnel has set layer=-1 and for this reason is rendered before the forest area. I think that OAM maps apply some transformation during generation and change the layer  from -1 to 0. LoMaps preserve the layer attribute. It requires to use some workaround to display tunnels and water streams - The forest areas are semitransparent. You can try simple test - disable rendering of forest areas in Hi-Lo theme and check the missing tunnel.
Thanks, Petr


Hi LocusUser#1, hi Petr,

Thank you for looking into this. Obviously Petr is right; the handling of layers is different. I now use the following – not very elegant - workaround:
I changed the forest fill color from #D4DAA4 to #50d6e372. To increase visibility further, I increased the stroke width for the tunnel from 0.1 to 0.3 and changed its color from #707070 to #3f3f3f. In the screenshots below the different handling of the layers is visible. In general for me it looks more logical to preserve the layer information (LoMaps) than flattening it (OAM). However, I have to say that I don't know enough about the reason why OAM are created in a different way.

Let's see what the future will bring related to V4 and the Locus subscription model (I have not yet decided if I will stay with locus or change to a different app).

Best wishes,


I do not understand yet how these layers affect Mapsforge, but thanks for the explanations.

I had already found out that it is related to the forest, but still had no time to think of a workaround. Thank you for your workaround. I will take it over.

The changes I will no longer in the HiLo theme but only in the follow-up theme "active RT", if interested can download this on Github.


Hello Frank
thanks for your new "aktive_RT"  :)
in HiLo V11 you added - historic=boundary_stone :)
now in new aktive_RT the stones are not visible on map.

If i use theme "Locus Genaral" or "Elements" they are visible

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hello Wolfgang,

thanks for the hint, I just adapted it in the active RT as in HiLo. In active RT, a slightly different symbol is used, which is also slightly smaller.
The change has been uploaded to Github.


Thanks for quick solution
but symbol is tooooo slight..
do you find 4 boundary stones in screenshot
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Nice that the theme are still developed. Thank you LocusUser#1!
I installed it and noticed that i have to delete active RT4.xml and active RT5.xml to get the theme running in Locus. Am I wrong?
I'm very happy that the numbers of hiking ways are now displayed. Unfortunately depending on zoom level not all numbers are displayed simultaneously.


the active RT4 still needs some adjustments, but I'll wait and see how the new locus map core develops.

with the current version 3.37 only a single xml file may exist in the folder, so you had to delete the other two xml files.
The active RT is already created for the next locus version which is currently in beta test, from there may finally be several theme files in one folder.



thanks for the github-link!
Could you please shortly state what the differences between the RT3/RT4/RT5 themes are? I first assumed the are meant for v3/v4/v5 maps, respectively, but there seem to be more optical changes between for example RT4 and RT5.
So is RT5 simply the newer one to be used in the future (with new map core?)?


The numbers mean the used render theme version of Mapsforge, not the map version. This is separate from each other, each rendering theme version has changes to the instruction set. Unfortunately, Locus is given by the programming of the app which theme version is used in which map version.

The active RT3 Locus version works only with locus and maps of version 3 and earlier.

The active RT4 version works with all apps that use the Mapsforge Engine and that with all map versions, here is Locus unfortunately again special, there this version works only with maps of version 4 and higher.

The active RT5 version is older than the RT4 version and was only for testing which app works with version 5 rendering themes.

As it looks at the moment I will make a current active RT5 version of the current active RT4 version and then only maintain it, the active RT4 will be omitted and the active RT3 locus stay on this stand.
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Thank you for clarification!