Problem with animated GIF in GC listing

Started by balloni55, June 06, 2017, 13:49:21

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Hello menion
creating a new Mystery where a animated gif file is needed for solving, i struggle a little bit using different devices :-[
For tests i us one of my own Tradis
for now it work as expected on PC :)
Inside this listing you see on PC the animated GIF and a link "Ball", after click on this link this animated GIF works also :D

on my old SGS2 with CM 14
- the animated GIF work,
- with the dropbox link "Ball" only the first frame is visible ??? if i click "in der App öffnen" result > Website not available"

on my Moto G3 with MM 6.0.1
- the animated GIF didn´t work, only first frame is visible :-[
- the dropbox link "Ball" didn´t work :-[

the code i insert to my listing:
<a href="">Ball</a><br />
<br />
<a href=""><img alt="Testball" src="" border="0" height="720" width="1280" /></a><br />
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Viajero Perdido

I would be glad if animated GIFs never work in Locus.

On the PC I can turn that off in Firefox with an about:config setting.  If I knew how to turn it off in Android (especially the built-in browser some apps use), I would.


Hello balloni, Viajero,

not sure if I may help here. Whole listing in Locus Map is visible in Android component called "WebView". This component may differ on older devices ( on new since Android 5.0 with connection to internet is should always be the same ). And as I found, there should be no issues with display of animated GIF images. Anyway as balloni wrote, there is.


hmm, I'm trying it on own device and it also has some weird troubles to display it. Have to check it tomorrow ...
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balloni, I'm sorry, but I do not know. From what I was able to find, GIF images should correctly work in current system that is used in "listing" tab of caches. And I really do not know why it does not work, sorry.
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Don't know if this is relevant, but with my MotoG 2, the display of animated gifs in (for example) WhatsApp seems to depend on the memory free. I get variously the first frame only, the animation starting in situ on tapping the GIF, the animation playing straight away.

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