[Theme] Hiking v0.6

Started by jurajs, May 01, 2012, 02:26:47

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hiking map theme

this theme is massively inspired by hiking maps from //http://www.freemap.sk and supposed to render in very similar way.
latest version: 0.6 (available here: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=1871#p12497)

main features:
- handy for outdoor activities like hiking, cycling, etc...
- supports maps with terrain contour lines  (http://forum.asamm.cz/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1839)
- some new patterns
- rendering order changed slighty (tunnels, military area, etc...)
- landuse rendering is more fancy (more colors)

- extract "hiking.zip" into ".../Locus/mapsVector/_themes/"
- activate theme in locus in "Settings / Map - advanced / Theme of the maps"

maps with terrain contour lines available here:

@menion - feel free to publish in locus shop


hiking map theme v0.2

what's changed:
- paths, footways and steps are wider and more visible
- mountain peaks are more visible now
- piste areas and tracks are still there but transparency is much higher
- fixed most of color mistakes
- some other bugs


one more fancy screenshot of high tatras map generated using hiking v2 theme and brotbuexe's "[MAP Overlay] Hikebikemap Hill shade" overlay.
the results are reeeealy HOT ! ;-)

EDIT: removed image due to forum quota exceeded .... SORRY


hiking map theme v0.3

what's changed:
- all the object types mentioned below are now defined to display at lower zoom levels according to this list.
bus_stop zoom-appear="15"
cafe zoom-appear="16"
drinking_water zoom-appear="15"
fast_food zoom-appear="16"
parking zoom-appear="16"
pharmacy zoom-appear="16"
place_of_worship zoom-appear="15"
pub zoom-appear="16"
restaurant zoom-appear="15"
supermarket zoom-appear="15"
halt zoom-appear="15"
tram_stop zoom-appear="15"
alpine_hut zoom-appear="14"
attraction zoom-appear="16"
hostel zoom-appear="15"
hotel zoom-appear="15"
information zoom-appear="15"
viewpoint zoom-appear="15"

maps that can be used with this theme you can find here: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1839&p=11684#p11684
please note that tag-mapping.xml just changed on 7th of May, therefore maps supporting these "features" will be issued after 8th of May.



hiking map theme v0.4

what's changed:
- national park boundaries
- added fancy pinky transparent administrative boundaries
- vineyard areas added (+pattern)
- minor fixes


hiking map theme v0.5

what's changed:
- motorways and trunks clearly visible also on lower zooms (e.g. <12)
- tunnels now overlaying some more areas (zoo, camp, parking, etc... )
- adjusted colors and fonts for highways
- fixed administrative boundaries
- changed military area pattern and added boundary lines
- some other bugs


hiking map theme v0.6

what's changed:
- another fix for administrative boundaries
- added symbols and rules: tower, power_tower, mini_roundabout, lighthouse
- highway/trunk thickness adjustment
- correct order of road types for better overlaping
- village/town/city captions are now visible on lower zooms (not perfect, but i tried to do my best)
- added rules for protected areas boundaries (but i guess this needs some more testing)


any ideas?


bad elevation data....
sorry about that, but thats not my fault...
blame nasa ;-)


Thanks, jurajs!
Very nice. Working well.

The village captions are now visible in most cases.  
(If you want to keep working on this and you need an example where it is still not working:
at N 49°26.703' E 06°57.895' "Thalexweiler" and "Schellenbach" disappear in level 14).

At the moment I can only see one thing that I might want to have improved or changed in your theme:
Small tracks or footpaths (I don't know the correct terminology) - the ones that are striped - are not easy to see at level 13. This is a bit of a pity, because these tracks are the most important ones for us hikers. At 14, their visibility is improved, but still they could be a bit easier to see. Maybe make their colour a bit stronger?
(Could be that my "problem" here is the high screen resolution of my Galaxy Note, on most other devices resolution is lower.)

Other than this small point, I am very happy with your work, can't wait to test it out for real soon (my hiking holidays start 1st June) - thanks a lot.


Hey jurajs,
thanks for your nice work. Is there a feature implemented which looks for the colour of the way and uses this for rendering?

There is a tagging sheme for  hiking ways: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:O ... ag_steuern

This tells to use a tag like this: osmc:symbol=red:white:red_bar:FW:gray.
In this the first part after the "=" describes the main colour (here red). Maybe the using of this for rendering could be possible in a next version.

I'm hoping for implementation :)

Edit: What I didn't thought about was that this tag is not in the way but in the relation. So I don't know how to realize this. Maybe you know better ;)


i am glad that you guys like it.
thanks for your hints, i will try to have a look soon.


for your info: maybe i found a (little) problem with this theme...

See attachments below:
with vector maps "germany" or "alps" (latest versions by "jurajs"), i see at zoom levels 12 and 13 some "crosses" on the map (i mean this are the borders of the tiles, right?). In lower or higher zoom levels, there are no "crosses" seen. Important: This "crosses" are only visible at aeras with contour lines, not at "flat regions".

Is that a problem within the theme, or the map, or the combination of both?

map: vector map "germany 2012-15-05" by jurajs
first picture: zoom level 12
second picture: zoom level 13
left side: theme "hiking_v06"
right side: theme "classic map"
best regards.


@ gynta: please try if the same issue is also on austria_switzerland map or it is only on alps ... ?
@ PeeKay: are you completely sure that you are using latest map of germany from 15th of May ? that one should be OK/much better. (not able to test it by myself right now) I have also say that this has nothing to do with theme itself, i still believe that it is a bug in mapsforge lib.


@ PeeKay: tested ! its OK. If you are still experiencing the "crosses" on the map, you should try to delete cache located here: Locuscachemapvector
