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Messages - freischneider

Quote from: Frivold on March 08, 2021, 18:31:37
Quote from: Menion on March 08, 2021, 16:24:30


sorry, this is currently not possible. I'll see if more people will be interested in this feature, anyway generally I do not see any usage in rotating map when the map is not centered on the current GPS location.
The ZOOM OUT of the card does not turn off the card. But it stops briefly (for the time of Hold Map Center). Maybe the card is moved to zoom.

Turning card makes sense only to your location. I used to use it often often when moving. But I got used to it. I do not miss it anymore. And it's much better as it is now.

Well, i think it is a bit boring that the autorotation stops just because I zoom out the map.
Ich denke damit BT mehr braucht wie GPS. Empfang ist bei mir immer super. Habe es beim Fahrrad am Lenker und beim Wandern am Rucksack Gurt.
gehe auf Elevate und dort sind dann die verschiedenen Stile
What have you do you have a problem with the map? I can not see a problem in the pictures.
You have tasted to write what the problem is. If there is a problem with the content of the COMPAS card, you have to contact the Compas Publisher.
und dann behauptest du damit das die genauen Hm sind. Vieleicht sind ja deine Vergleich Hm auch falsch.
mit was wurden die genauen Hm gemessen.
an was machst du "tatsächlich " fest ?
Quote from: freischneider on February 26, 2021, 11:35:13
if I want to edit a track, it takes a long time. I click on the track at one point. Then I choose "Modify Track"
Then nothing happens for 5s. After that, the screen will go completely black. Only after 30s does it come on again and I can choose what I want to edit.
Does not go with the new version either. Have made a video.
Quote from: geoffmozz on March 04, 2021, 12:51:27
Just joining in on this....realistically how far off is the official release?

I've just been playing with the web-based planner and the auto-plotting/snap-to-path really doesn't work very well. Odd routes are chosen, bits of the route are invisible etc.  The manual plotting seems to work fine.

I can make a screen recording and link to a video if that's helpful?
Topic for web planners is here:
Habe im Helpdesk gesehen damit es bei manchen Geräten Probleme gibt. Einmal im Bereich Fragen und einmal im Bereich Probleme. Am besten da auch mal deinen Senf dazugeben und sagen mit welchem Gerät.
Die Höhe müsste vom GPS kommen oder wenn du bessere Daten willst, dann die Höhendaten des Gebietes runterladen. Je nach dem wo du bist gibt es sogar sehr genaue LIDAR Höhendaten. Schaue dir mal das Aufnahme Profil an.
wie sieht der Track aus. Hat er viele lange Striche ? Oder folgt er sauber den Kurven. Es könnte am Aufnahmeprofil liegen, damit dort eingestellt ist damit nur wenig Punkte aufgezeichnet werden. Oder das Telefon schaltet das GPS aus. Hast du den Bildschirm immer aus bei der Aufnahme oder immer wieder mal eingeschaltet.
I noticed that the loading of the map became significantly slower when moving.
Quote from: Menion on February 26, 2021, 15:34:04
this big delay in the display of the edit screen happen also for a very short track? And the detail of the track (the big screen with the chart, stats, etc) appears a lot faster?
I started the new beta and tried again. It's always been like that.
Then I wanted to make a video but it just doesn't happen anymore.
It was a 40km track. I will keep watching.
I started it from the main screen. Click on track, then there is a small popup with a small arrow on the right. Modify track was selected there.