[APP] - version 2.18.X+ (updated 10.2.2014)

Started by Menion, January 03, 2014, 12:35:10

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anyone with a lot of free time and boring evening? In first post is version to play ;)

@franc: yes I also think, that a higher price is tax for paid map content. Anyway do not worry, IGN maps will be in Locus probably soon (within few months). Paid, but we hope not too expensive. Ah and also, price 10€ is quite cheap, their iOS versions costs double, 20€ ;) . On second side, all these prices for Locus, Gaia etc. are still very cheap (generally all software on Android platform). I think compare to other product you, as a people commonly buy in stone shop ... but this is another story :)

Enjoy weekend!
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what ever ;)

list of livetrackingservices:
needs refresh after new entry
-> see clip

Bucky Kid

Thanks for the new update, and I definitely like the waypoint dialog extensions. This made me to add some ideas I already had earlier about extending the waypoin's properties, maybe some come worth implementing:
- ability to assign to all types of waypoints a POI type (like parking, castle, shop, person etc.) along with related icon
- ability to enable full edit dialog for individual waypoints within track, in the same range as standalone waypoint (ie. name it, assign own icon etc.), this could give waypoints on route further usability as I describe in following point
- named waypoints or waypoints with set POI type (either inside a track or standalone) could be in guiding mode announced differently from generic waypoints (either they could have own notification sound or named points could be announced by TTS)
- finally (but I'm afraid it's not planned in near future) add ability to edit waypoint's (inside track) navigation command (or add/remove it), so that user can adjust navigation commands by human logic instead of machine logic which isnot always perfect, especially with guide on all tracks feature


Quote from: menion on January 31, 2014, 17:51:53
On second side, all these prices for Locus, Gaia etc. are still very cheap (generally all software on Android platform). I think compare to other product you, as a people commonly buy in stone shop ... but this is another story :)

Off topic:
That is true. Locus was the second app I bought on play. I was really thinking about it, because I am still a student, but buying a printed map costs a lot compared to it! With turistautak.hu (and now open maps) it is really cool to use in Hungary. Having an incorporated geocaching.com was another selling point. I couldn't imagine that all my needs would be incorporated in one application. Another killer feature of Locus is the support of menion (and yours guys :-)) . I have not seen anything that would come close to it. (Offering options for the users, improving software but never forcing the users to certain behaviour (eg. Microsoft removing start menu)
Recently I do not use geocaching.com anymore as it tends to be a 'cache in every bush game'. Instead of that I use geocaching.hu. The concept is similar, however you have to grab a password from the cache to prove that you have been there, better cache description, more attention to detail. And I can do that with Locus and a cell phone instead of a GPS! (I know in professional use it cannot replace an outdoor device, but hey there is a garmin monterra in the shops if someone needs it :-))

All in all: Locus is definitely reasonably priced in my opinion. Keeping maps separately available for pay is good for me as I won't really go to the US for example very often.


Quote from: menion on January 31, 2014, 17:51:53...IGN maps will be in Locus probably soon (within few months). Paid, but we hope not too expensive...
In the meantime I got the URL which is even working in locus. At least at the moment. Maybe they change their code sometimes, don't know about this cryptic link.
Quote from: menion on January 31, 2014, 17:51:53...all these prices for Locus, Gaia etc. are still very cheap (generally all software on Android platform)...
This is very right if you compare it with desktop computer software but it is not comparable.
Apps are mostly for playing (often not for productive work) on the phones and only few user would easily buy many apps if they would cost 20-50 dollar each.
The mass is the counting and only a few really successful apps (Tasker, Titanium, Locus etc.) are making good money ;)
I wouldn't pay 50$ for locus even that I know exactly that it is worth it, because I managed several hiking holidays with it :)
Quote from: menion on January 31, 2014, 17:51:53...
Enjoy weekend!
Thank you too!
Locus Pro - always the actual version on Xiaomi Mi A1 mit Android 9


I think we have a new/old problem with loading map tiles.
After zooming -> some tiles are missing. In actual screen.
scrolling map works -> no tiles missing.

Do it with different online maps..


in new testversion the "exit window" is changed.
The ability to "minimize" locus is a good idea,
for me it would be more understandabel to have 3 options to answer this question
Minimize I Yes I No

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


save navigation route -> add new folder -> failed

see clip...


@bucky kid:
- types of waypoint: do not agree. I think that should be handled by separating waypoint into folders
- full waypoints for points on track: agree, it's planned
- improved announcment for specific waypoints: agree, should be useful
- ability to define own navigation commands: also agree.

this all makes sense and I'm sure it should be useful. Unfortunately all these features needs a little more time to complete. I'm adding them to my todo list, so I won't forget on them and when time comes .. :)

@szebenyib: nice to hear that you have so wide usage for Locus, perfect :).

also for @franc: no matter what maps we add (as a paid content), I do not want to charge anyone for some extra money, when he will not want. So everything what we add will be optional. Increase price for app and insert some paid maps "for free" is not a way I want to go.

@0709: the text used for this is "Track lies %D on %N1 o'clock" - so what you hear is probably "Track lies ...". Do you really think it's not needed? I imagine you should have enabled not just navigation, but also some POI alert etc. so better notification that also say "on what it notify", should be useful, right?

@gynta: three precise bug reports (live tracking, refresh of tiles, add new folder) - thanks, I will check it today!

@balloni: hmm minimise button was also in previous versions, but only if you had any service running, like track record. Try it now with track record ;). I moved "cancel" to top panel as a small cross. You may also use "back" button on your device to close this dialog ...

also main reason: if you enable for example track record, then in this dialog will be "STOP & EXIT", not just "EXIT". And when also "Cancel" button was at bottom, it really do not look nice .. too much buttons and too much texts. So I decided for this step ...

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is the value (v=~) in newest version of Locus with themes for vector maps useable?
Regards J.


Quote from: menion on January 03, 2014, 12:35:10
17.1.2014 - Locus
- added support for Heart rate monitor BT 4.0

This is great news! Can I ask you, how the data from this monitors are stored and whether are exported to Strava?



2 visible lines would be nice.


@jusc: I rather asked Peter and yes, it should work correctly now

@xpj: welcome to Locus forum ;). And yes, it should be send to Strava also, anyway if you test it and confirm, it will be very nice. And how are stored - currently I use very simple system - every point on track you record and store to database, may also contain all possible information from sensors. So you should get only as much values, as you have recorded points.

@gynta: two previous problems solved. I'm anyway unable to reproduce problem with incorrectly loaded map tiles. I'll try it more deeply, because it should be really serious problem. And coordinates - I've changed this. Believe you agree. Previously there were only text "Coordinates" which do not make much sense. But I test it still just on Nexus 7, so thanks for notification on problem on smaller devices.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: menion on February 03, 2014, 15:59:18
. I'm anyway unable to reproduce problem with incorrectly loaded map tiles.

I see this quite often (with vector maps), sometimes after zooming and often when "jumping" around from one vector map to another - maybe this helps reproducing it...