no data after adding SRTM altidude

Started by jusc, November 04, 2012, 17:07:35

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After importing a track and adding the altitude with Google Elevation api  all seems to be correct.
But with offline data there are a lot of "zeros"?
Regards J.


hm works here on a testtrack.
can u upload your track to dropbox plz?


It seems to be in every recorded track. Please try this:
Export any track to save it. Than add offline (SRTM) altitude. Maybe you have to download a missing hgt file. After that go back to map and choose a second time the track you have added the SRTM altitude for information page and scroll down.
Regards J.


Quote from: "jusc"Export any track to save it.
:?:  :shock:
ähem - I should  export any track first.
then I should add altitude infos - to the same displayed track?
why should i export?


Yes, a recorded track seems to have different altitude data from data added from Google api or added from SRTM. So if you export your track first you are able to compare the tracks later.
Regards J.


ah. to compare, ok!
the problem is: i have no orig. tracks on my phone and i don't create a new one - its raining!   :D

so as i wrote - send me plz a test track


Hi gynta I found the problem.
The stored altitude is only shown if you mark the track before. If you tap on an unmarked track there are the zeros. But I´m not sure if it is wanted.
Regards J.


Quote from: "jusc"if you mark the track before.
make sense.
and Locus should NOT edit any unselected track! is here the bug?


Not to edit without marking is ok, but why are the data all as "zeros" shown. like in my first post of this thread? For me it´s a (small) bug.
Regards J.


hi guys (confused :) ) ...

sorry jusc, let me explain it. New system store in database statistics about track in separate columns. So when you tap on track, you may immediately get information screen with all statistics. But when you want to do something with this track, Locus need to load all track data (points) from database. After that, information screen is refreshed. Fact that bottom altitude values are missing is simply BUG, that is now fixed. That's all mystery :)
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