[APP] - version 3.4.X+ (updated 7.11.2014)

Started by Menion, November 07, 2014, 18:01:38

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On SGS2 with Android 4.0.4 I saw at first only a few vector maps.
It seems the default is set to intelligent choice and not to "Provider". At first time a bit strange at least for me.  :)  Perhaps you should change "Provider" to "All (vector) maps"?
The same in online maps (menu), but there "all providers" should be correct.
Regards J.


Quote from: menion on November 28, 2014, 22:40:58
Quote from: ta-ka on November 27, 2014, 07:57:32
- I've set, Map - objects & style > Tap on track > Edit mode, but popup doesn't appear.
- Tapping the left/right button in edit mode, the focus to the track is lost quite often with the message 'No point is selected'.
@ta-ka: this one is hard. I've improved system a lot now, but seems it's still not perfect. Even in older versions it wasn't always perfect. With new options and popups, it became even a worst. Anyway .. next Beta will be hopefully better.
I've tested and confirmed in edit mode that popup appears and no more focus lost.
You said it's hard and worst but you've managed very well, even in short time. Amazing :)


QuoteI've tested
size of smilies in popup is ok, with "enabled sat" 4 are displayed, with "disabled sat" 5 are displayed on SGS2.

2 widgets are enough :D
first i have to remove existing widget and add it new, to get it work.
Furtermore i miss the blue circle arround "pause button" while recording is paused

No changelog. where can i find the anounced themes?

If i change trackprofil, on bottom of list each time is created "Add new profile", also if i try to remove it :-[
ok after restart of locus it disappear

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


menion, can i point to the last problem of time tag?

One more thing  8)
In same rare cases the new popup is partially out of display and the arrow is not touchable.
But... no worries.



@gynta: thanks, I though that problem is in real sizes. If issue is only then widget named 42 has size 4x1, then it's OK, it was only "working name". Little bit weird is size 2x1, but if even a 2x1 widget looks ok, then - why not.

@jusc: you are right, "All maps" or something like this sounds better.

@0709: ah thanks, I'll check 2.x devices on simulator. There anyway won't be any popup. Locus on these older devices only display a track screen.

@ta-ka: I know about some small side effects that are now little bit complicated to solve. Anyway if it works fine you, then I'm happy :)

@balloni55: yes, there was a small change so it was needed to re-add them to screen. Blue circle around pause is quite a problem now. Buttons in Locus are my own, and it is not possible to use same buttons also in widgets. So I have to solve it in other way. And thanks for duplicate "Add new profile" button - fixed.

@Christian: I'm worried, it will be little bit complicated, but I did a small change, so we will see.

About popups out of screen - I happen to me also when I tap too close to border. Minor issue that happen, because I do not want to scroll with tapped place too far away and I also do not know exact size of this popup in moment, scroll starts.
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QuoteSo I have to solve it in other way.
an idea, display "pause button" orange while recording is paused, otherwise gray
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: menion on December 01, 2014, 09:24:56
About popups out of screen - I happen to me also when I tap too close to border. Minor issue that happen, because I do not want to scroll with tapped place too far away and I also do not know exact size of this popup in moment, scroll starts.
Idea: instead of scrolling / moving map and track, let jump the popup. The white arrow of the popup on top can change its position to the left or right corner of the popup when the tapped place is in the outer quarters of the display.
Its only a beauty treatment.
If nobody has headache due to this you can ignore my objection.


@balloni55: thanks, you pointed me on one solution, done

@Christian: it will need some more work. Problem is that image on background is just an ... image. That has arrow "up" on defined place without ability to move it. So maybe later during any of next updates, I'll get some nice idea how to improve it ;)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


It appears that Locus is missing parts of some roads at zooms 10 & 11 for OpenAndroMaps maps (in this example SE of Ruthin, Wales). Christian reckons this is to do with the Locus renderer.

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Quotethanks, you pointed me on one solution, done
thank you for improvement 8)

after "save" or "delete" a recorded track with widget, the values "distance" and "time" are not reseted in widget. They are reset by next start of trackrecord.

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4



Locus/Test: "maps overlays" doesn't work.


Quote from: menion on December 01, 2014, 09:24:56
Little bit weird is size 2x1, but if even a 2x1 widget looks ok, then - why not.
hmm... it doesn't look ok :)


behavior in Test and Pro version
Maps/Settings/Available maps
if i check/uncheck maps and turn orientation of device landscape/portrait or vise versa, display jump back to "Settings" and the changes i have done are not recognized.
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: john_percy on December 02, 2014, 19:07:31
It appears that Locus is missing parts of some roads at zooms 10 & 11 for OpenAndroMaps maps (in this example SE of Ruthin, Wales). Christian reckons this is to do with the Locus renderer.

Unfortunately even after two hours of searching, I'm unable to find a reason, why this happen.

Is there possibility to test this map on some application that use older official V3 version of MapsForge library (so same as creates base of Locus)?
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


I just noticed that focus to track is lost when left/right button of the track edit mode is tapped after returning from track point's info screen.
Track edit mode > Track point's info (2nd button) > Back > Track point's left/right button

The focus lost doesn't happen after returning from track's info screen (1st button). So I optimistically think that it's easy to improve. Please confirm.