[MANUAL] - creating custom screen

Started by Menion, May 11, 2011, 12:32:04

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Hi menion,
thanks for your work!
I have installed the new version and changed my code, but i get a messages, see Screenshot

my code:
<!-- Kompass -->

locus:slideInfinite="[true]" />

Edit 2 times
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


remove ":" in lines

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many thanks menion,
i am blind !!! :oops:
now it works, great job!
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hi All,
Is there any way to make custom screen full screnn (removing the upper line)?
I hope I can share my own custom screen in a near future.


Quote from: "golgot"Is there any way to make custom screen full screnn (removing the upper line)?
AFAIK it can only be disabled interactively by the user, see e.g. the yellow bar on the upper right corner in "Minimal by Gynta".


Thanks, works perfectly


Is it possible to combine actionvisibility to various elements (simultaneously)
for example, I'd like to (un)mask both top panel and another button at the same time?

I've tried to put both :
locus:actionVisibility="@+id/locus_top_panel" />

but it doesn't work


I'm trying to make a custom screen for cycling...

Up to now, I'm able to provide a map screen including various infomations that I find useful for cycling, but this is not enough for me, and I'd like to add some interactivity to these screens. :)

For example, I'd like to change the screen appearance if the speed exceed a pre-defined limit (there is no use to display 10px characters a 50 km/h) :

In my dreams, i'd like to be able to :
 - change screen according to various parameters (speed>40) or conditions (e.g speed>currentmaxspeed)
 - turn LCD on and off.
 - play sounds
 - have some user parameters for my custom scren (threshold aso.)
 - display graphs (altitude, speed)
 - open various locus managers (data manager, map manager, GPS manager aso.)

I'm quite sure it's impossible to do such things with an xml file, so it will be necessary to redefine how custom screens are to be made...
But it can be really nice if we are able to provide a real customization to locus, so this generic application may fit for very specific needs.


Hi Golgot,
  firstly, it's possible to set only one item to react on visibility change

  second part is worst :). s you wrote, it's quite hard to do this with just xml file that define GUI. I was already thinking more then year before about some kind of scripting language that will be supported for custom screens, but wasn't really time for this. On custom screens is generally so many work to make them works perfectly. So I have to say sorry, no, for now. I really would like to create from this complex possibility for various interactive useful screens, but my priorities are clear and this unfortunately is not on top of them.
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Some time ago, I asked for some function (onboard map calibration), your reply was :
"But not all wishes may come true, and this is one that will not."
Now, there is a very useful function in Locus called "onboard map calibration".
So I'm quite confident if you say "but my priorities are clear and this unfortunately is not on top of them"


:) yes this is how my developing continue ... when I started work on Locus for a full time, around almost two years ago, some users wanted to create track recording in Locus. And I wrote, no, why, exists many other apps on this. And you see ...

because I'm not huge firm with precise work-list, but I do what I decide to do (at morning), everything is possible :) (btw. on-board calibrator have problems with huge images, also this is planned to improve)
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