Track recording stops after a break

Started by SanderNijdam, July 20, 2016, 11:34:32

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During my recent vacation I recorded all my moves. In this I found two problems:

  • The recording would often not continue after I had remained in one spot for some time (longer than 10 minutes). I have 'Record only when moving' on to limit track points, but it seems that after such a break in recording Locus often does not start to store track points again.This happened both with stops outside (with good GPS signal) and stops inside (with bad signal). My workaround was to press pause and record after any break to make sure that recording commenced again but I don't think this should be needed. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?
  • A second, less important point is that I would like a faster switch between recording profiles within Locus. Now I have to press on the recording tab, then on the wrench icon, then settings and finally on the new profile. When often switching from driving to walking this gets annoying. In the widget it can be done quickly, but I didn't find such option within Locus itself. Is it there?

Greetings, from an otherwise very satisfied Locus Pro user.


recording problem is solved in new locus version, so please update locus ;)

if you change recording settings from "bottom panel" to "side panel" you are able to change track profile inside tab with less clicks ;)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on July 20, 2016, 11:49:19
recording problem is solved in new locus version, so please update locus ;)

if you change recording settings from "bottom panel" to "side panel" you are able to change track profile inside tab with less clicks ;)
Great to here that the recording problem is solved. I have updated, but this was after my trip so didn't test yet.

I do use the side panel, but there I can only quickly switch before the recording starts. During recording this button is replaced by the stop, pause and add trackpoint buttons.


Good day Sander,
sorry for a troubles with recording. As balloni wrote, issue is already fixed in latest version.
About faster change of profiles - this was discussed here and I still believe that current solution if good enough for most of users and use cases. Thank you for understanding.
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