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Messages - balloni55

Hello menion
when gps is off and i start "guide to" a POI locus FC :-[
Hello menion
QuoteXCover 4 is from my point of view, the most problematic device I know for now, sorry  :). I may only suggest attaching photos before writing logs...
that it still works well I will not buy a new one ;)

since I know the solution in this case I will do it this way, thanks for your effort

QuoteOpening a link > hope, you did not miss FTF because of this. Anyway, it works for me. Does it make a difference if Locus Map runs before you tap on this link?
no, don't worry, there is still the Livemap
It makes no difference whether locus is already running or has just been started via this link.

In the meantime I have noticed that the import with the "GC code" and the GCtools does not work either
open a geocache by link for import didn´t work
click link > locus open > GC tool window is visible for a short time > no listing window open :-\  only mapscreen
#33 confirm solved, thanks

#16 the label add/take photo is furthermore hidden behind the keyboard and if i scroll up the window the label disapeares
Troubles & Questions / Re: Set custom camera app
April 25, 2024, 18:56:38
@Marek Scholtz
thanks for your explanation, now it is clear why I did not find this setting
Troubles & Questions / Re: Set custom camera app
April 25, 2024, 09:50:52
please advice me where i can insert the pagage name of the camera app
Quote from: osramini on April 23, 2024, 22:26:13and I also have a problem with Geocaching, I have a web page which opens each time LocusMap is started, how can I block this access to the site each time it is started?
Thank you for your advice.
take a look in the side "Map screen content panel"
and deactivate "GC Live Map"
#16 no improvement :-[
Mit der Betaversion V4.23.1.1
wird wieder das Geocachefenster angezeigt ;)
Je nach mit Lab2gpx erstellter .gpx wird unter

"Mehr" Bilder, Text und Fragen
"Wegpunkte" die Wegpunkte mit Frage

OT Frage: wie kann ich gefundene LABs bei der Abfrage in Lab2gpx abstellen????
ich schaffe es nicht den Quelltext der Foundseite zu kopieren, Firefox friert ein ::)

EDIT: Mit Chrome konnte ich den kompletten Quelltext auswählen Strg+a und kopieren Strg+c

In Lab2gpx in das entsprechende Feld einfügen Strg+v, neue Abfrage starten :)
Jetzt sind nur noch nicht gefundene LABs in der .gpx 8)
Quote from: Menion on April 18, 2024, 10:57:01@balloni55
update of geocache > ah, I do not like these tasks as they are a little bit complicated. Please write me the code of the cache you were updating, so I can test it on an identical point. Thanks. I've just checked the code, just to be sure, and import over "search" and from "PQ" in the end use identical methods, so import also should be identical.

store coords like N 48°59.400  E 8°45.700
to final WP

the behavior has changed
"search for geocaches" > Mystery > overwrite is fine :)
"search by GC code" > + > overwrite, here the coordinates of the final WP are set to 0
das ist mir bei LM4 auch schon aufgefallen :(

Schilderst du bitte das "Problem" unter

Mit Verweis auf diesen Beitrag und als Anhang eine .gpx Datei als Beispiel

Gruß Wolfgang
While searching for a way to update geocaches with V4.23.1, I encountered a problem.

For example, I have entered and saved the coordinates for a mystery that has a final WP without coordinates in the original.
If I search with the Locus "Live Map" or Locus "Search for geocaches" with filter "Mystery" and import them with "overwrite" the coordinates in the Final WP are set to 0 again.
This does not happen when importing a PQ!
Quote from: flyingman_ch on April 12, 2024, 17:50:36
Quote from: Menion on April 12, 2024, 08:03:24@Diddi
update of geocaches > there were some updates of Geocaching4Locus and if I am correct, the last one fixed this.
Updating geocaches does not work with
4 23.1
Geocaching4Locus 3.0.11
confirm :-[

the only way to update a single cache is via the button at the top right of the listings window > Tools > Update geocache
it is important to tell me if the feature comes from Geocaching4Locus or internal Locus Map. If you are un-sure, from where you start not working feature?
I don't know whether this comes from LM4 or GC4L
please watch the video
and sorry the behavior is exactly the vice versa as I wrote it in my post
@Andrew Heard
what map and theme do you use?
which zoom range?
with map rotation?