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Messages - zoumba

Thank you for this. I'll see what is possible and how it's possible if it's possible.
I was obliged to move to Android 13 (well Android 9 phone died).

I had the habit to use some html files that I used as companions to the data proposed by Locus for geocaches. I also linked some files/pics/... in these files. I then synced these files between my PC and the data/geocaching folder.

Needless to say that it's no more possible to do this now (cf and it's consequences).

I can't populate data/geocaching with my own data.

Is there any possibility to use this feature of loading "personal" html in Locus Classic ? Configuring an other folder (not written by Locus) ? I don't suppose (I didn't yet try) that puting my html in the maps folder will work ?

BTW : no possibility of SD card on that phone.
Yeepee  !!!

All is gone back to normal. Many thanks to all who participated.
Well GSAK is stalled for a long time now. The software hasn't changed in a long time, as the author stopped maintenance due to health problems. One day I'll have to change my habits and move to another database. But for now on, I'm reluctant to change.

As I said the "only" change is Locus on my side : phone, GSAK, GSAK database, GSAK addon are untouched.

I knew not of the GASK4Locus addon, but it seems I have an non compatible android version for that one and I can't test it.
Ok I thought bongo might have done so.

- you have to configure GSAK for Locus to use the database
- then load geocaches via the addon (need pics for how to use ?)

I made a small Praha database with some traditional geocache (I haven't found there ;-)).

The db centerpoint is 50.085344,14.424362.
The db is shared here =>
Got a hundred of caches in it.

I just saw the post of katarinahills.
I tried to downgrade by installing apk found in
For all 3 versions I have failure (not always the same) messages saying I can't install.
"Not installed. Problem arise" / "Can't install application on device" translated from french. I googled around and found no hint.

Should I :
- backup everything via locus backup system
- uninstall
- install
- load backup (will it be consistent with previous version ?)

The problem listed in the thread is a real pain for me.
I would like not to switch to version 4 I'm quite satisfied with 3 pro (paid twice androidpit/ google).
I have the same problem.
Only recent change : Locus upgraded to 3.68.2
GSAK databases are ok, GSAK for Locus unchanged. So I guess the "link" is broken somewhere.
In Locus the "dummy" log generated by GSAK for Locus is created though. It's only the database logs that are not loaded.
I'll notify this behaviour to GSAK for Locus as soon as I find where.