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Messages - Sonny

Some News:
Fixed Models: Italy v2b, Austria 0.5" v2
New Models: Cyprus v1, Switzerland 0.5" v2
The following users thanked this post: Tapio, Andrew Heard, lor74cas, RKnebel, Mick FU
Hallo Wole,

- "die über den Shop mit LoMaps gelieferten Höhendaten" sind glaube ich noch immer die alten SRTM-3" Dateien, (genaues müsste menion schreiben), die stellenweise wirklich gröbere Abweichungen aufweisen.

- am besten meine (Sonny) DTMs laden (1"-dateien sind detaillierter, aber auch größer als 3"). Allerdings gibt Niedersachsen bis dato seine Höhendaten noch nicht frei, daher gibts dort "etwas" ungenauere Nicht-Lidar-Daten. (daher wohl 17m statt 19m). Es können zwar solche Abweichungen technisch bedingt auch in sehr hügeligem Terrain vorkommen, dass ist aber bei dir wohl nicht der Fall ;-)

- Bitte keine Offsets in Locus eintragen. Dann stimmt zwar die Höhe deines Grundstücks ganz genau, aber an anderen Stellen werden ev. korrekte Höhen um diesen Betrag verfälscht. Die Abweichungen DTM zu Realität betragen ja nicht in ganz Niedersachsen genau 2m!

- In Locus im Höhenmanager "GPS ersetzen" auswählen, ansonsten würden auch noch die (schwankenden, weniger präzisen) GPS-Höhen zur Bestimmung verwendet.

=> Das ist derzeit das Optimum. Wenn du freundlich bei der Landesregierung anfragst ob sie nicht auch wie schon viele andere Bundesländer die Höhendaten als OpenData freigeben, dann löst sich das Problem bald von selbst ;-)
The following users thanked this post: T-mo, freischneider, JackRussel, Wole, kodela
Hi Menion,

- What elevation data exactaly are you using for your LoRouter online? And are these the same files which LM4 useres are downloading for using LoRouter offline?

- A very important advantage of Locus against its competitors has always been its offline skills. Very important when hiking/cycling where no Internet is available or being abroud where Internet is too expensive.

I personally use BRouter in LM3 offline all the time. It delivered the best elevation sums of all apps until about half year ago. Since then LM3 (and maybe also LM4 using Brouter, Graphhopper) changed something to the worse (see linked thread above) and we do not get good elevation sums anymore although we have installed the best elevation files available in Locus "SRTM"-folder (Sonny 1" DTMs).

So our request: please change this behaviour to how it worked in the past, namly on-the-fly use of precise elevation files within "SRTM"-folder to calculate elevation stats when using other route planers (e.g. BRouter) than LoRouter.
The following users thanked this post: Tapio, lor74cas
Maybe an interesting improvement for Locus user and developers: "DTM Czechia v2" has been released which is based completely on precise LiDAR data.
The following users thanked this post: Menion, michaelbechtold, spezl, Tapio, T-mo
Just an update:
Quite a few new DTMs have been released during the last months, especially in Middle- and Eastern Europe.
Have fun with them!
The following users thanked this post: Menion, Tapio, T-mo
During the last months I worked a lot to create new DTMs, now they are available:

Norway_Mainland v2, Norway_Svalbard v1, Norway_Jan Mayen v1, Denmark_Faroes v1, United Kingdom v2, Ireland v1, Portugal_Mainland v0, Portugal_Madeira v1, Portugal_Azores v1, EUROPE v18

Have fun!
The following users thanked this post: Menion, Andrew Heard
I created new DTMs of Germany and Luxembourg

For Germany I used new LiDAR source data of Hessen and Bayern. And the quality of Baden-Württemberg, Saarland, Niedersachsen, Bremen, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern got significantly improved, especially in wooden areas.
For Luxembourg I used finer LiDAR source data.

Have a good time!
The following users thanked this post: Tapio, Andrew Heard
I'm not sure if Locus is able to read or unzip .zip-Files.
But I can tell you a useful tip to bulk unzip files on a PC: I'm using software "WinRAR", mark all files I want to unzip, right mouse click and select "Extract Here" from the menu. Now all files are unzipped into the same directory
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Quote from: atoy40 on November 06, 2022, 10:50:38My Xiaomi Redmi Note 9s has just upgraded to android 11, but I'm now unable to connect to ant+ devices (it was working perfect on android 10). When I try to connect a device, Locus (4.12.1) tells ant+ is not available on the phone. I've already checked all ant+ related packages are installed

I'm using a Xiaomi phone myself, and as far as I know Xiaomi is no longer supporting Ant+ since Android 11. Ant+ in general is a dying out technology, even latest Samsung phones aren't suporting it any more.
The following users thanked this post: Menion
Information / Re: Update of the forum (2022/08)
August 30, 2022, 10:38:13
I regularly open the forum by its "unread posts"-link. With the updated forum I noticed that topic themes are not emphasized, but the poster starter of the thread is.
For a better readable layout I would recommend to emphasize the titles (e.g. by bolding and/or coloring in orange) and remove the bolding of the original thread starter.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
Bitte keine Google-Drive Links posten, diese können sich ändern, ich erhalte auch jetzt schon zuviele Anfragen, die bei Google Drive ins Leere laufen aufgrund von falschen Links die irgendwer ohne Zustimmung gepostet hat.

Solange das Portal noch aufgrund von Umzug offline ist, könnt ihr mich gerne per PM um bestimmte DTMs bitten. Wenn es Neuigkeiten dazu gibt, erfährt ihr das auf meinem Twitter-Kanal.

Weitere Fragen bitte direkt im Thread posten, danke
The following users thanked this post: Tapio
There's no GPX-standard, cause Groundspeaks' .gpx files always just contains the Header-coordinates or the corrected-Coordinates in its <wpt>-Tags. Groundspeak delivers both coordinates just via API (="Update caches" in Locus)

So you can define an additional tag on your own. GSAK for example (which Locus is able to import in a correct way) notes the Original coordinates following way:

<gsak:wptExtension xmlns:gsak="">

So Locus could for example create an additional:

<locus:OriginalCoordinates lat="48.123456" lon="14.123456" />

The following users thanked this post: Menion, Vinterblad
There's a new version (v2) of DTM Austria, my oldest DTM. Therefor I downloaded the latest LiDAR source data of Austria's federal states.

Additionally I created 2 models with finer resolutions (10m and 0.5"). These fine gridded models will kept limited to Austria.
The following users thanked this post: freischneider
By the way: There's one European country left which offers precise 1m-OpenData Lidar source data: Poland.

But it's not possible to download the enourmous data for the whole country due to the limitations in the download methods. I already contacted the Polish office (GUGiK), but they seem not willing to improve their download methods nor offering an alternativem less dense gridded DTM (e.g. 10m) for the whole country which would result in an ideal file size to download.

If somebody of you is interested in a Lidar-DTM of Poland, you could contact them too, to make them understand the request for a countrywide download of their elevtion data.

Info site is:
The following users thanked this post: Holger