[APP] - version 2.15.X+ (updated 27.9.2013)

Started by Menion, September 04, 2013, 12:57:05

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Bucky Kid

I'm trying the personal maps shading now on test map without relief and can't get it to show.
Is the feature limited to certain zoom ranges only? Using mostly raster maps at zoom levels 15 and 16.
The same on vector maps, zooms 15 and above don't show shading. Is this because of technical limitation or high performance load?
Maybe the autogenerated relief is too coarse at high zoom levels? I can't say.


- new test version

- please, all (joeloc mainly) who had some problems with map loading, try this version

- @bucky kid: shading is enabled only till level 15 so please try it on this level or level above
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Thanks for new testversion V ;)
- improved list of geocache logs
- Poi clickable while using customscreen

Points of interest, after first click 5 mb data where downloaded, after that a window apeares "Don´t worry this feature is currently in develop...." But what data was loaded?

Menu/More/pencil, all buttons get blue and wobble after click the colour of the button change to red, what can i do with that option?

In german language one headline is not complete visible

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


thank you for testing ...

- "Points of interest" - it's this feature http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=3267.0 , 5 MB is library needed for correct handling of offline database

- "pencil button" - I'll not say what it do :). It's good test for me, that it's not clear on first sight. I'll have to improve it

- thanks for incorrect heading, I'll improve it
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote"pencil button" - I'll not say what it do :).
tricky, now i got it 8)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


hehe, fine :) now how to make it more obvious ... btw. this feature is substitution of "modules". They caused a lot of confusions and their main benefit was reducing number of items in main menu, so I hope this will be better solution. Time will show
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Thanks for the new test version. Here is what I've noticed.

- About new style function list:
  - Space for texts below icon is not enough for some long item names.
  - It may be nice to show the information of the item by long tapping the icon.

- On Galaxy Tab 7:
  - GPS view is shown in window but not in full screen. It's too small.
  - points/tracks/items view is shown as tablet style even in portrait. The width is not enough for texts.
    It should be smartphone style as it was.
  - export/altitude manager/parking/POI alert screens don't use full screen width in landscape mode.



thanks ta-ka. You have Android 2.X on your device?

what you see on "POI alert" is correct. Satellite screen (dialog) and altitude manager (black background) is quite weird, "Data manager" screen is in preparation. This old will be changed for a new, where will be used phone style in portrait as you suggest
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Hi, menion.

> You have Android 2.X on your device?
Android 4.2.2(CyanogenMod 10.1).  Sorry, I had to mention that.

> what you see on "POI alert" is correct.
OK. thanks. :)

> Satellite screen (dialog) and altitude manager (black background) is quite weird,
On LocusPro 2.15.1, they are shown in full screen. Hmm...

> "Data manager" screen is in preparation. This old will be changed for a new, where will be used phone style in portrait as you suggest
I see. good news! :)


Quote from: menion on September 13, 2013, 22:42:47
- please, all (joeloc mainly) who had some problems with map loading, try this version
Been trying for quite a while now and cant seem to reproduce the missing tile problem any longer. Neither on rmap nor on sqlite. Good job :-).


uff, perfect. I can have finally good dreams ;)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


I think the fonts on the GPS page are very small. It´s a bit hard to read and to distinguish the colours outdoor.

you should please update the heading to [APP] - version 2.15.X+ (updated 14.9.2013)
Regards J.


Menion: "Data manager screen is in preparation"

It should be ON ITS WAY TO HELL instead :). This is one of the super major user interface blunders in Locus since day one. How long will you consider your users to be database administrators? Hint: They are not!


Hi menion

if "POI" is selected the headline "Daten" is in portrait mod partially obscured.
It is the same in the official version
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Is this known bug?
When "Auto-load maps of same type (if exist), other type otherwise" is set,
a selected personal map disappears from the screen by enabling shading maps.

How to reproduce:
1. Download small map and large map below and copy them to Locus/maps folder.
2. Confirm [Map - advanced] > [Shading maps] > 'Personal maps' is checked.
3. Confirm [Map - advanced] > [Map auto-load] > "Auto-load maps of same type (if exist), other type otherwise" is set.
4. Display small map on the screen
5. Enable shading maps
6. Scroll out the small map then come back again -> small map disappears and large map appears
7. Disable shading maps -> small map appears