[Theme] Tapiola

Started by Tapio, June 26, 2023, 16:20:18

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Andrew Heard

@tapio - in comparing your & Karl Chicks (for example) latest themes, I notice an issue with yours with our local very long city bridge around https://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=19/-42.86549/147.33794, in which the cycle-and-foot-path on both sides of the bridge are not correctly rendered with your theme on the south side. It is correct on the north side - continuous blue. I can't see from the OSM editor why your theme stops the correct blue render and changes to a hollow render below:
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Karls (with cycle emphasis on):
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I will look at it. What I instantly see is, Karl draws two lines, left and right from roads. I draw one - hiking relations are drawn on the other.
I think it's this: depending how mappers draw the ways, the  relations sometimes interrupt and skip to the other side. So what we see may be a drawback from using an offset to only one side of the way. Sigh. If I draw it later it would appear on top of the main road. EDIT: which it usually does and should to. I will find it. A priority issue maybe.
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What do you think about the coloring of residential area town masses? Was all grey before. This way you can easily distinguish between residential areas (pink) and industrial (grey). Also note, I removed residential roads from ZL12.

Changed bridleways to ochre on transparent white.
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: Tapio on December 02, 2023, 08:06:36I will look at it. What I instantly see is, Karl draws two lines, left and right from roads
@Tapio - no, it's more complex for this bridge. Those are two completely separate/ individually mapped cycleways/ footpaths on each side of the bridge. Yes OSM has the provision/ shortcut for showing footpaths alongside a road, but this bridge is not mapped in OSM like that.

the URL I used in a previous post wasn't very helpful, try
north side https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/1136907812
south side https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/177421221

Quote from: Tapio on December 02, 2023, 13:24:23What do you think about the coloring of residential area town masses?
clever idea GOLD user ID:c7d47597a
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Quote from: Andrew Heard on December 03, 2023, 03:31:09north side https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/1136907812
south side https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/177421221
IDK how to get the position out of it. Easiest for me would be a decimal lat,lon tuple or a pluscode, thx. EDIT: OK, got the position now, my browser didn't refresh the map part..

Coloring of towns, I don't like that pink too much, I'll see.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Hi Tapio,

I am wondering how in your theme you get icons to appear in the stylemenu?

Attached is comparison of mine and all other themes vs your theme.

Would love to be able to use icons too...

UPDATE, I figured it out, you're using unicodes. So limited to what is built in...
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Just use Emojis. xml has to be saved as utf-8.
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Andrew Heard

Those icons are displayed correctly in my Windows text editor (Sublime Text) and even good ol' Notepad! You could just do a copy/paste between XML files. Must be unicode characters, so need to determine the alt code, or as @tapio says... GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


v1.3.6 (accidentally skipped 1.3.5 😂)

  • Fine tuning to city/suburb name sizes
  • Slight pink coloring for residential area town masses
  • No more residential roads in zoom level 12
  • Some fixes to width of mtb routes
  • Several small fixes

@AndrewHeard haven't yet looked to that cycle relations issue, but will do.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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  • Improvements in visibility of hiking/cycling relations in lowest zooms
  • Improvement in visibility primary..tertiary roads
  • Fixed a bug where borders of major roads were overpainted by minor paths asphalt layer. Resulting in reduced visibility because their black border wasn't visible.

The last one is a bit dangerous, I changed paint order for a bigger block, but lack overview on my smartphone. Need to look at the bigger code image on my computer at some point. All those tons of road/path code layers are hard to deal with on a small screen.
Still haven't touched the Andrew issue. 😩
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Thanks for the implementation of the SAC Scale colors.
Would it be possible to set the colors like the FzOAM Theme does?

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Quote from: Saturo on December 16, 2023, 15:10:37Would it be possible to set the colors like the FzOAM Theme does?
I will have a look.

There's some kind of green tint on the second screenshot, protected areas turned on? Looks like that semi-transparent layer should be painted below roads etc.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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@Saturo, Tapiola and FzOAM both use that german coding, I just mix colors to have a code for all 5 levels.

Tapiola: t1=blue (not used), t2=blue/red, t3=red, t4=red/black, t5=black

Fz: t1+t2=blue, t3=red, t4/t5 didn't look.

I think it's OK the way I do it. Why do you think it's not?
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QuoteI think it's OK the way I do it. Why do you think it's not?

I miss the orange paths shown on the screenshots.


Quote from: Saturo on December 16, 2023, 20:58:32I miss the orange paths shown on the screenshots.
Those are SAC1 and I remember now, I used a super thin line there, you see it in your screenshot. Reason: SAC1 is unfortunately used by mappers  in flat, even urban areas at times. There the underlying path is of higher interest.
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