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Messages - TrulloF

Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] OS Style
March 09, 2018, 23:58:22
There's a mistake in your theme xml. bicycle_rental.png should be bicycle_rental.svg. Just check any bigger city (e. g. in Germany Berlin, Leipzig starting with zoom level 16).
Yes. I can confirm it works with routing data created with latest 0.10 RC1 (didn't test 0.11 nightly yet).
No, we are not talking about creating own plugins, but generating routing data for the Locus plugin with latest gH builds, which still share the same version number, but aren't compatible anymore since a few gH builds (graphhopper-web).
Anyway, I'm using brouter most of the time, as it's usually faster and not limited to just one country.
I can confirm, that newer graphhopper nightlies are not compatible with the Locus plugin (wrong version number of generated routing data) even though it's still the same graphhopper version (0.10-SNAPSHOT). I would really appreciate, if Menion could fix that.
Alternative routes, which are possible now with graphhopper, would be also nice, if they could be implemented into Locus (it's working mighty fine with cruiser on my desktop).
Route calculations on my desktop are near instant with cruiser, but the Locus plugin always took ages. Any idea why?
Hi, I get extremely slow map rendering with the newest version from Play Store. 
Any ideas, what might cause this slowness?
Xperia Z5 Compact, Stock Rom (7.1.1). Locus folder on external  SD, but rw enabled.

Btw. the issue with crashing after searching in internal POI db is gone.

Edit: Okay, it was a problem in my configuration and not Locus. Works like a charm now.
Interesse :-)
Quote from: erfi on October 16, 2016, 01:40:43
Ja, auch von mir nochmals vielen Dank, Frank! HiLo macht mir inzwischen immer mehr Spaß! :) Besonders die Ansichten in Stadt und Ortschaften sind klasse, sie gefallen mir oftmals besser als bei meinem vertrauten und geliebten Elevate.
Ich habe mir Dein neues Theme V8 wiederum leicht angepasst, da ich großen Wert auf die gute Erkennbarkeit der Fußwege lege. Genau das ist mir bei einem echten Wandertheme wichtig, da ein Smartphone-Display doch recht winzig ist. Unter anderem habe ich jetzt hierbei auch die Treppen und Leitern sichtbarer gestaltet. Gerade für Wanderfreunde in der Sächsischen Schweiz ist das sicherlich sinnvoll. Anbei wieder eine Vergleichs-Fotoreihe zur Ansicht. Bei Interesse lade ich auch gerne die .xml hoch.
I use the quick add point function, which stores "from" and "to" into a subfolder. It's pretty obvious, that this is a problem now, but it was working until the last stable version.
Quote from: jusc on October 15, 2016, 14:59:33
Quote from: TrulloF on October 14, 2016, 16:51:59
Here's a screen shot of the error, when using "to" and "from" points as start and target for navigation with brouter and recalculation is kicking in.
Do you have more than one folder of points? I had the same problem. After disabling one " to and from point set" in one of 8 folders, it works now.
If you use the brouter approach of naming the start and end points "from" and "to" and during navigation a recalculation of the route is necessary you get the shown error message and automatic recalculation is not possible anymore.
Maps / Re: New vector maps for Locus - feedback
October 14, 2016, 22:48:08
Hello, during my last vacation I noticed the following error in Locus vector map (Germany South). Please see the attached screenshots. 1st is Locus map (Germany South) and 2nd Openandromaps (Germany Mid). What's causing the erroneous display in Locus map? Thank you in advance.
Here's a screen shot of the error, when using "to" and "from" points as start and target for navigation with brouter and recalculation is kicking in.
Thanks for the tip with cursor. I must have changed that setting recently. Problem solved.
Regarding the java error, I'll try to make a screen shot tomorrow.
There are problems with the new version when brouter navigation needs to recalculate the route and there's already a point "to" used as target. The program tries to create another "to" point and gets confused. Result is that recalculation doesn't work at all (throws some java error or something, I can't remember). To recreate this behavior just use a point with the name "to" as target and force the program to recalculate by using a wrong turn.
2nd problem is that I get two cursors when starting a new navigation (see the attached screenshot). Any ideas what's causing this?
Thank you in advance for looking into it.
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Voluntary UK
August 22, 2016, 23:17:26
Hello, I downloaded your last version and it produces the error you can see in the attached screenshot.
I'm using Locus Pro version 3.18.6 and it doesn't matter if I use Lomaps or Openandromaps, both look the same.
Thank you in advance for looking into it.

Hatte die gleiche Problematik mit Marshmallow auf meinem Xperia Z5 Compact und habe das mit einem Xposed Modul gelöst bekommmen (XInternalSD, ist eigentllich für einen anderen Zweck programmiert, aber bietet die Möglichkeit Apps unter MM vollen Zugriff auf die externe SD zu gewähren, was vorher nur eingeschränkt möglich war). Funktioniert auch mit allen anderen Programmen, die da Probleme gemacht haben (z.B. TitaniumBackup). Man braucht allerdings Root, SuperUser-Zugriff und das Xposed-Framework.
Thank you for your efforts.
Where to start regarding my "dislike" for the new theme(s). Basically it's probably only preference and most things can be fixed/changed by fiddling with the settings. I usually use devices with smaller screens (Sony Xperia Z1, Z5 Compact). In the standard settings all the icons and labels are too small. That's not a huge issue as it could be changed easily in settings, BUT I usually switch between themes a lot and that's were the problems start.
Bigger problem for me is the general look of the theme, e.g. when using the Locus theme (doesn't matter which style) there's no difference between pedestrian path and normal street (I mean in color). Just use the given location from the screen-shot as example (look for Wismarplatz, but to be honest, this was also a problem of the old theme), but for my taste streets are too thin, especially, when you look at the car theme. I mean it's nearly ridiculous how thin the streets are drawn (it's only a thin grey line), but I use Locus very often in my car and visibility of streets is very important. Regarding labels and pois I prefer the look of Elevate for openandromaps, but I don't like their textures and colors either.
Mostly I use Jusc's Adlerauge theme, which is great, but is definitely more targeted to German audiences regarding coloring and such (I attached an image with the city style, which shows the differences pretty good).
I know, that it's definitely a matter of taste on one hand side, but to tell you the truth, the old Locus theme was one of the biggest reasons, why I switched from osmand+ to Locus Pro few years ago.