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Messages - Tapio


Ist Android/Media sichtbar? Locus evtl. dies verwenden lassen.
Address on each shaping point in route planner: needs to be refreshed on shaping point move.
Quote from: Menion on March 14, 2024, 14:39:30Beta version MapGooglePlay_4.21.1.5 RC_1125_beta published!
Resolving of address for every point in route planner, resolve route direction, both beautiful.
Quote from: Menion on March 11, 2024, 22:23:29When using the "Navigate to" function, search is the most logical step from my point of view. If you want to use the screen center - long click on the screen center > bottom panel Navigate to!
Is the difference clear? In our team were votes for merging both start-methods into one, but I consider both as specific use-cases that should remain separated.
Difference clear.

I think we have different opinions because you're coming from a "navigate to an existing point" perspective.

I'm coming from the perspective where you click "navigate to" in the side bar. There is no point in this context. But there's the screen center as the most likely target. So coming from there, you could either a) instantly set screen center as target (I prefer) or b) ask via above screenshot.

So imo 3 use cases. Plain route planner, navigate in point screen, navigate in side panel.

BTW. "long click on the screen center"? Nothing happens and afaik there's the optional address display.
Ich halte es mit 0709: "Da die Speicherung der Bilder und der Datenbank unterschiedlich ist, besteht die Gefahr, dass sie irgendwann getrennt werden."

Bilder mit passenden Metadaten, in Locus "Geotagged photos" nutzen, das reicht doch normalerweise.
Quote from: Menion on March 11, 2024, 09:25:15@Tapio
Choose location > under this menu is quite a lot of options, so I would rather stick with the united system across the app. Anyway, what is unexpected on the "Navigate to" call?

The search is unexpected. I already know where I want to navigate to and don't need the search. Most of the time when I use "Navigate to" I want to nav from gps pos to screen center.

Wouldn't it be more logical if it came up with the screen as attached?
I like the route planner much more now, but that's probably because the new panel with the list can stay hidden now. I must admit I am not seeing its usefulness.

"Navigate to" starts with search, confusing.

Screenshot: Can't you put the "Choose location" options directly into the "..." menu? Opening that sub-window has always been a bit weird. So there the search should be placed.
GPS-Aufzeichnungen sind systembedingt sprunghaft. Die ermittelten Geschwindigkeit sind Ergebnis individueller Algorithmen mit Durchschnitten und Glättungen.

Nähme man die reinen Positionen und Zeiten zwischen ihnen für bare Münze, sähe man recht häufig extreme Werte.

Dann ist zu bedenken, dass Apps schon mal Geschwindigkeiten ins gpx schreiben (deren eigene Abschätzung). Weiß ich nicht genau, ob Locus beim Import selber neu berechnet, ich schätze ja.

Mach' Dir nichts aus ein paar km/h oder Nachkommastellen. Sind irrelevant.
There is some kind of bug, after a red triangle appeared (meaning?) I deleted all shaping points. But then every time I added a new one, the prior one got deleted. There was always only one shaping point, in red.
I'm wondering about the usability of a). A lot of space. Tapping an entry opens search - useful?

b) Longtap a point could toggle it to via/shaping points.

c) Showing segment details on top of the list screen makes it a bit confusing. (cannot add a second screenshot, may bw because of my browser)
Quote from: luetten30 on February 28, 2024, 20:12:48Wo genau finde ich das? Ich hab ja die Deutsche app.
Im Routenplaner und darin siehe Screenshot.
Auch nach 700 Inkarnationen von "ja, aber" wird Locus kein KFZ-Router.
Quote from: olliz on February 28, 2024, 09:39:42In der APP finde ich das mit "Richtung umkehren" nicht
Unter "Track kopieren"
Themes - Vector maps / Re: [Theme] Tapiola
February 26, 2024, 18:07:03
Quote from: Saturo on February 26, 2024, 17:20:05Mit der letzten Version wird mir nur ein weißer Bildschirm angezeigt.
Bitte nochmal herunterladen und Rückmeldung, danke! 👍