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Messages - Graf Geo

Quote from: freischneider0.5 steps are completely sufficient. ...
You're right. I have a fairly stable walking speed of 4.3 km/h and would therefore have liked to adjust this, but now I will planning with 4.0 km/h and have a buffer. I can live with that.

I would also like to have this function for the cycling profile.
"parameter for LoRouter walking profiles that define base user speed"

Great, finally!!! Unfortunately, you can only select 0.5 km/h steps, but it's still a significant improvement for route planning. 👍

Can't this be set for external profiles (shortest)?
Nemusíte nic nastavovat ani vybírat. Pokud jsou keše viditelné na mapě prostřednictvím živé mapy, zapípá, když je aktivní upozornění na POI a vy se k nim blížíte. Stačí si to vyzkoušet.

You don't have to set up or select anything. If the caches are visible on the map via live map, it will beep when POI Alert is active and you are approaching. Just try it out.
Opět platí, že keše stahovat nemusíte. Zapněte živou mapu, jednou přesuňte/zvětšete mapu nad celou plánovanou trasu tak, aby se v oblasti zobrazily všechny keše. Ty zůstanou jako dočasné prvky a spustí upozornění na POI, i když je obrazovka vypnutá.  :) 

Teprve když dočasné prvky aktivně odstraníte (ikona oka) nebo zavřete Locus, opět zmizí.


Once again, you don't need to download the caches. Switch on the live map, move/zoom the map once over your entire planned route so that all caches are displayed in the area. These remain as temporary elements and trigger the POI alert, even if the screen is switched off.  :) 

Only when you actively remove the temporary elements (eye icon) or close Locus will they disappear again.
Thank you very much, interesting features. Just tried to earn my first photo LoCoin as a test ;) 
The option to (de)activate the notifications is well placed in the profiles.
Thanks, no problems, everything works fine. Locus is located in the Android/data private folder again. 

I remember that the apk could not be installed immediately after uninstalling. I first had to install the stable version from the Playstore and then updated with the beta Afa apk. That then worked.  :)
Quote from: Menion on May 28, 2024, 11:57:07... So, I've at least made these two notifications optional (settings in every profile), increased the time when the notification appears (to 5 minutes in case of pending recording and 3 minutes in case of invalid pause), and changed notification from "warning" (orange) to just "info" (green).

Thank you! Seems to be a good solution for now.

But if someone wants to use the function, the increased times for pending recording (5 min.) might be too long - After a stop, you have already ride/walked a good distance until the message appears. But it is difficult to find an optimal value for all users and usecases.
Hi Menion,

this happened a few weeks ago, I can't remember which backup file I used and whether it is still there (I do a complete auto-backup every 3 days, the last two are still there). From time to time I also do a complete manual backup.

In the latest backup zip both *.lb are included, in one from 7 May only the (strange).

I remember that I wanted to move Locus to the main Android/media directory because my gallery apps don't have access to the photo-folder. The move caused a problem (orange error message) and could not be completed. Then Locus could no longer be started and I had to completely reinstall it (apk beta or 1.4).

After importing the backup file, there were initially no tracks and points (but they were marked). So there were more problems with the backup. I then imported the same backup file again and then the tracks and points were there (uff;). Only later did I realise that the quick new points and audio coaches were missing. 

No idea what had happened there. 
Pokud je zapnutá živá mapa Goecaching a keše se na mapě zobrazují, upozornění na POI funguje bez problémů. Často to používám, abych byl během výletu upozorněn na všechny kešky na cestě.

English: If the Goecaching live map is switched on and caches appear on the map, the POI alert works without any problems. I often use this to be notified of any caches on the way during a hike.

Translated with
After I recently had to reinstall Locus, I realised that my audio coaches and quick new points were not included in the backup and I had to create them all again.

I only have a few audio coaches, so that was done quickly. But I have a lot of quick new points for various use cases, so it was a bit of a pain to create them all again.

EDIT: I have just seen in the backup settings that Audio Coach and Quick new points should be included in the backup. The option "Settings" was definitely activated and everything was activated when the backup was imported. However, my audio coaches and quick new points were not there afterwards (all other settings have been restored correctly).

Perhaps there is a problem with the backup function?
New function "Notification on invalid pause and pending recording states":

Hello Menion, even though I am not a friend of the new function, I would have a few suggestions for improvement if this function is to be included in the next stable version:

It would be good to have a settings menu similar to the point alert (see screenshot). There you can enable the function and also set the type of notification (sound, beep, text-to-speech).

I don't think the current visual notification (orange-coloured message box) is ideal because it usually indicates errors or problems. Perhaps it would be easiest to open the screen automatically and display the track recording panel, where the three large buttons "stop", "pause" and "add point" can be seen at the bottom. Then you can quickly press the desired button (screenshot 2).

But these are only suggestions.
Once again about the new function "Notification on invalid pause and pending recording states":

I tested it outside this morning and it's as annoying as I feared. I stop and after about a minute the announcement comes on. Do I now have to listen to it every time I have to wait a little longer at a traffic light, meet a friend on the road and want to have a quick chat, read an information board or need a quick wee? :)

Please NO! I urgently want to get rid of it or be able to deactivate it.
#13 nice update, thanks!

New setting "keep (or not) manual segments" works fine, and good that it is activated by default.  :)

Notification on invalid pause and pending recording states: fine and I understand that it might be useful for some users, but please let it be deactivatable in the settings. I don't need it and it bothers me. I don't like unwanted messages at all.  8)
Beta V

Share track to Google Earth: Track with only outline colour (fully transparent base line) cannot be displayed in Google Earth.

Share Image & stats creates two graphics. The first with the map and the second with a background image (standard photo with boots). I can change the background image, e.g. a single-colour background. But only the second graphic can be shared. Not the first one with the map. There is no share icon. See screenshots.
Beta V4.23.1.1

Bug #29 (problem with caption to a photo added to a LoPoint): solved. :)

New track overview (first impression): I am not (yet) convinced. The text (headline) seems too big to me, the map is pale and the resolution is poor. It's nice that you can hide the diagram and the statistics. It would be even better if the font size and colour could be configured.

I like the old overview better. I would be happy to offer both variants permanently.