[APP] - version 4.5.+ ( 1. 12. 2021+ )

Started by Menion, December 01, 2021, 21:06:00

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PS: copying FOLDERS to ext. SD even works when they come from int. SD.
Once they have files inside, those fail, but the folder hierarchy is copied.

Another screw up on Google's part. Michal (from x-plore) should give them the whips.


Understand, but instead of poor backup over exported files, there exist two a lot better options!
1) sync system we offer under Gold subs
2) or good old automatic backup to SD card or any cloud service. "backup" is the only directory that may be placed anywhere, so use it!
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Hi, first, thanks a lot for hard work and nice App Locus!
I have installed the Beta-Version yesterday to test something. The data move works and i think the normal usage espacally with Geocaching seems good. But what i miss is the button within a Geocache for the Solver Dev App. I have installed both, the normal Solver App and also the Solver Dev App. The normal Solver App is linked within a Geocache "Calculate / Berechnen", but i miss the link to the parallel installed Solver DEV App. The Dev App hav some more small improvements, therefore i use it.
Can i do something or is this depend from the developer of the Solver App?   
Kind regards, Jens!


Hi Jens,
thanks, I think it will be a problem in the Locus Map app. I'll look at it!
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@Menion: after rereading carefully I understood that the backup folder can be outside of the private Android/data realms.
I tried and it worked.
From your earlier explanations I do not understand why such would work. And why not for all the other needs.
Can you pls enlighten me?
TXs and cheers


Quote from: michaelbechtold on December 04, 2021, 17:28:50
@Menion: after rereading carefully I understood that the backup folder can be outside of the private Android/data realms.
I tried and it worked.
From your earlier explanations I do not understand why such would work. And why not for all the other needs.
Can you pls enlighten me?
TXs and cheers
I think with this function only writing is allowed but not reading.
So it is only usable for backup.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Menion, on start, Locus creates empty MapsVector etc. in the internal storage even though those are configured to external storage.
It shouldn't do that, just to avoid confusion.
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Quote from: freischneider on December 04, 2021, 19:08:59
I think with this function only writing is allowed but not reading.
So it is only usable for backup.

Then exports can go there easily, too :-))) If Menion allows (would be an easy switch: option to combine exports with backup folder - done).
Imagine: you have a new track of 500K and back up 1 GB - instantly  to be safe. Cloud (Locus Gold or other) in the forests ?


I may even read from the picked directory. That's why the app may simply remove old backups and keep only last X files. I even discovered quite slow, but working, random access to files so quite test allowed to use SRTM data directly from any directory, but approx. 4x slower ...

So export is for sure doable - app export data locally and then copy result in the defined directory. It just needs a time, because it is not a task on one evening.

empty directories ... hmm, this is probable. Not sure if it is wrong behavior. In case, the custom directory is not available (for example ejected SD card), app needs to have access to valid default directory.
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Re. mapsVector on INT:
on my Tab device I first migrated to internal, with a number of subfolders in mapsVector.
Then I moved the mapsVector from INT to EXT private folder. And downloaded some stuff. But there is still stuff left on INT. No harm to me, though.


Re. 4min initializing time: I still believe that Locus needlessly analyzes all storage, even after migration.
Simplest way to check: just put a message into the start of this analysis that displays in that progress window.


Hello Menion,

Feedback about the "alternative version of the turn off method": In first (couch) test, this works on my phone (Android 7). Wow, really well done!
Two small issues:

– Normally I have Android screen off time set to 60 seconds.
– In locus, I have set a screen off time of 15s for navigation.
– After using Locus to navigate anywhere, the Android screen off time stays at 15s – I have to change it back to 60s manually in the android settings.

I guess this behaviour can't be changed, because it's not possible for locus to read the actual android screen off time before navigation and set it back after navigation, am I right?

– I have set "screen activation by gesture" in Locus.
– With the alternative method set, the screen can still be switched on by gesture but not switched off.
With alternative method *not* set, both is possible, switching on and off.

Best, Lucas


It is not for the first time I discuss with someone (not just you  :)) a slower starting time. I'll try to prepare some better logging mechanisms and let you know once it will be done.

it works! Perfect!
1. App should know system settings value so it should correctly restore this value after the screen is turned off. I'll look at it closely, thanks!

2. Hmm I tried it only by gesture and I had a feeling it does not work correctly at all. Thanks for info, so it seems I should spend on this a little more time, good to know. Thanks for the test!
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sqlitedb file offline map is too slow when loading from app
The tested smartphone is a Galaxy Note 20 Ultra with Android 11 (loaded from the Locus folder in the external memory)

For reference, there was no problem with the same updated Android 9 smartphone.


Android 9 - good subject.
Now, with the latest Locus updates (both, LM4 and LMP) the startup takes minutes, too. Not only in the screwed-by-Google Android 11.
What devastating change has happened inside Locus for the older Android versions, too?