[ICONS] Best practices for creating an icon pack

Started by 413Michele, March 15, 2024, 12:36:01

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Hi all,

Some time ago I created a small icon pack to use for my outdoor activity, mainly for trekking and backcountry activity, using symbolic icons with a minimal style (see the screenshot). I made most of the icons borrowing and adapting from SVG Repo, which is a wonderful source for the style I had in mind and releases their icons with open licences.

In the future, if there is request, I'd like to make these icons available for use in Locus, either only here in the forum or in the Locus Store if there is interest. However, I'm not sure what to do about the licences of the source material: most of the icons I borrowed from had a CC-BY licence, so I need to add attribution. Where should I put it? In the XML info file in the pack? And what would be the best way to cite them all? As the number of icons grows, the number would become quit big...

Any help would be appreciated!


Hello Michele,
good question, thanks for it.

Currently, the best and only working solution is indeed info.xml file inside the pack. You probably know how it should look like, but for the sake of clarity:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<items version="1">
<def>Default name</def>
<creator>Icons creator(s)</creator>
<publisher>Your name</publisher>
<def>Here should be a long description together with some basic attributions.</def>
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