Manual on - v2 (published Q4 / 2015)

Started by Menion, April 29, 2015, 21:29:39

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Such error should never happen. Issue is on Petr side and needs to be fixed. Thanks for report!
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Hi Michal

please update

@point 2:
The path is "Discover > Live tracking"
not "Discover > Live tracking > Instructions" - because there is no "Instructions" option in the pull down menu.
"Instructions" is a part of "...Live tracking"

@point 3:
There is no "+" in the topbar


PR/support & UXW & copy, Locus team, Asamm Software, Prague


Hi Michal,
i think my knowledge using Locus and manual is reasonably well...
but sometimes i struggle to find description inside manual.

So e.g. i want to read description of Settings/Track recording
- but in table of content i can´t find "Settings" :-[
- ok, i open Tracks&Routes also can´t find Settings in this table of content :(
- next i open "Tracks Recording" and well hidden i find on bottom of page link to "Track Recording Settings"
- a view on "you are here" confuse me complete, no accordance to table of content !

I think new locus users give up in this situation

my suggestion:
- add User Guide/Settings in first table of content
- add "........Settings" in each sub table of content, similar "Maps"
- if so, "you are here" should be understandable


Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@ balloni
In the past i had similar xperience

but of course, i respect the new idea to have groups/themes now!

So the best (in most cases the only one) way to find any help is to use the "search" function.
8) ;)



I changed the "settings" structure in Manual to more "app-like" appearance. Hope you like it ;)
PR/support & UXW & copy, Locus team, Asamm Software, Prague


Quote from: Michal on March 02, 2016, 09:27:58Hope you like it ;)
I do!  ;D

small hiccup in Functions - weather icon position.


Hi Michal,
it looks fine  8)
as usual after first use some small notes .... ;)

- icon  Web Services is missing
- icon Geocaching is displayed larger than all others

- Settings > most folders open discription on top of page :)
                > all Map...folders open discription a little bit lower :-[
                > Guidance folder open discription at end of page ::)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


hiccup...fixed (needed a few ' ' because of differently rendered icon)

webservices - originally just a broken line - the link was common with addons and coapps. Anyway I divided it, looks better even if it leads to the same page

settings > folders - up, lower, bottom... I don't understand what's wrong?
PR/support & UXW & copy, Locus team, Asamm Software, Prague


Quotesettings > folders - up, lower, bottom... I don't understand what's wrong?
sorry Michal, it was my fault :-[
now i noticed that you jump always direct to "settings part" in description and not always to top of page
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Please adjust to same size.
Otherwise it will destroy the layout.



Hello Michal
during my problem with corrupted DB
i struggle a few times with infos from manual. In the meantime menion has improved this manual page, thanks :)

but i think it should be more improved/added for better understanding.
- the link in manual point to a page with several downloads, but on first view user can´t find "sqlite-shell" :-[
so it would be better in manual is written "sqlite-tools" (Win/Mac/Linux)

- please add also parts from menions screenshot to this manual
for better understandig., working with DOS/cmd isn´t daily doing ;)

- sentence in manual "Try to import the fixed database" is unintelligible for an ordinary Locus user !
some examples would be helpfull
- copy fixed tracks.db or waypoints.db to locus/data/database
so user can read in manual  HOWTO, if he get following screen

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4